Boo Coo News Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 Mount Clemens, Michigan MARCH 2015 WELCOME HOME! VETERANS SUPPORT CENTER 18025 E. 15 MILE ROAD CLINTON TOWNSHIP MI 48035-2403 586-776-9810 PHONE 586-776-9683 FAX MONDAY - FRIDAY 10 A.M. - 4 P.M. EVERYONE IS WELCOME. STOP BY. HANG OUT & HELP OUT. *** GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS 7 P.M. SECOND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH AT AMERICAN LEGION POST 4, 401 N. GROESBECK HIGHWAY SOUTH OF ELIZABETH ROAD *** BOO COO NEWS DEADLINE: PREVIOUS MONTH’S MEETING TO SUBMIT ITEMS, PHOTOS, AD COPY: MAIL, FAX OR DELIVER TO THE VETERANS SUPPORT CENTER 1,636 AMERICANS STILL MISSING IN SOUTHEAST ASIA 49 FROM MICHIGAN Fraser VFW Presentation FW Fraser Post Quartermaster John Gammiccia (right) and life member Mike Sand (left) present a welcome letter and certificate of appreciation on behalf of post commander John Murphy and post members to VVA Chapter 154 president, Brian Bobek (center). VVA 154 moved to their new 15 Mile Road location. The Fraser Post has had a long-standing positive relationship with VVA, and many Vietnam vets belong to both organizations. Chapter 154 has provided support services and community involvement throughout Macomb County and beyond for over 30 years. The VFW Corp. Neil W. Reid Post that closed its building on Gratiot Avenue in Roseville has merged with the Fraser VFW Post. The merged post is now known as Corp. Neil W. Reid-Fraser Post 6691. V Scholarship Program he annual program for the Jack Boyd Thomas Memorial Scholarship Award is continuing. Up to four $1,000 scholarships will be awarded to deserving seniors who are graduating from high school this next year. To be considered, an applicant must submit a transcript of grades, rank in class, SAT results plus a personal dissertation stating the applicant’s goals, extracurricular activities, achievements, and any offices and/or leadership positions held while in high school. Eligibility is limited to sons and daughters, stepchildren, legally adopted children and grandchildren. They must be dependent on the chapter member for their care. Chapter members must be current on their dues. This program also extends to the same categories of children shown above of Associate members. The deadline for submission of applications is April 1. As always, completed applications should be submitted to Woody Horne. Selection will be made on or about May 1. Typically, people delay submitting their applications until the last minute, making the work of the selection committee tougher, so please make every effort to get your applications in by the deadline of April 1. Further information is contained in information packets that are available at the vet center or by contacting Woody Horne. T 2015 Chapter Golf Outing his is advance notice for the 2015 golf outing. It will again be held at Hickory Hollow Golf Course, North Avenue at 22 Mile Road. The date is confirmed for August 29 with a 9 a.m. shotgun start. We need golfers, hole sponsors, and donations of items for the raffle. Forms will be available soon to allow you to solicit for individual and business support. Contact Dave Schoenherr or Mike Schneider for more info. T President’s Message ow, another whirlwind month for Chapter 154. We made the big move the last week of January from the old vet center to our new facility. We had a “member’s move day” where our members came in and helped move all the small stuff that we could manage. Then on January 30, the movers came in and moved the bigger items that we didn’t want to deal with. The move went off flawlessly and we got everything moved in with some semblance of order to allow us to officially open our doors on February 2. Of course, there is still a great deal of clutter to deal with over the next few months but we have two excellent guys, well versed in “housecleaning”, those being Gary Purcell and Gary Stephens. We caution everyone not to stand too close to the door leading to the Dumpster for fear of getting trampled. It appears that people are finding us without any difficulties, as the food bank and the service officers are seeing a steady line of traffic. We got the new sign up on the front lawn and no one will have an excuse for not being able to find us. At night you can see the sign from Kelly Road! If you haven’t been by the new building yet, I encourage you to do so. Everyone who has been by has been very impressed with the layout and is certainly a huge step up from our previous facilities. As we look forward to spring and summer, the calendar is already getting filled in. The folks at Clinton Township are sponsoring bringing back “The Wall That Heals,” the scaled-down replica of the national wall that was here five years ago, over the Memorial Day weekend. I am gratified that the township has asked Chapter 154 to have a significant role in the planning of the details. I can only assume that, as the newest addition to veterans organizations in the township, coupled with our reputation, we were selected with this honor. Details will be forthcoming after some of the initial planning meetings are held. Also, I was approached by the township on behalf of Congressman Sander Levin for another honor. Congressman Levin is going to have a U.S. flag flown over the Capitol Building in Washington, DC on a day of our choosing. This flag will then be presented to Chapter 154 as part of the ceremony to be held in conjunction with “The Wall That Heals” event over Memorial Day. We were asked to designate a day that was significant to our chapter as the day to have it flown over the capitol. After polling our board of directors, and coming to the conclusion that most of “our significant” dates were later in the year, we selected April 30 as the date. This coincides with the conclusion of U.S. involvement with Vietnam. The last event staring us in the face will be the dedication of our new building. We have selected Saturday, April 25 for this ceremony. Clinton Township is definitely interested in participating, and more details will be forthcoming as we get closer to the date. Mark it on your calendar and plan on attending as I assume this will be the last time we’ll be doing something like this. Keep your fingers crossed for good weather. Please realize YOUR role in having our chapter recognized in these events. It wouldn’t be happening if it weren’t for the hard work over these past 30 years that all of you in this chapter have put forth to raise awareness of who we are, and what we do for veterans and the community alike. These events will be a testimonial to YOU, so join us in receiving your just accolades. Lastly, I cannot adequately thank all those people, members and non-members alike, who supported us during the building renovations and move. It made a tough job a whole lot easier, and I was impressed by the energy exhibited by everyone. We need to keep that enthusiasm moving forward. I hope to have a listing of everyone who helped out in the next newsletter. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Brian Bobek 20th Engineering Brigade (Combat) Vietnam, 1967-68 W TRUSTEES Fred Warner (2015), Mike Gardner (2016), Gary Sox (2017) VVA CHAPTER 154 OFFICERS President Brian Bobek 1st VP Gary Purcell 2nd VP Steve Bago Secretary Mike Schneider Treasurer Mike Jacobi 586-524-3806 586-243-6293 586-419-2212 586-567-0731 586-504-0781 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mike Gardner (2015) Larry May (2015) Chris Scalise (2015) Donn Sinclair (2015) Gary Stephens (2015) Greg Bowman (2016) Gil Claunch (2016) Ron Drdul (2016) Dave Schoenherr (2016) Jim Watts (2016) 586-615-1509 586-790-0008 810-278-1907 586-243-0222 586-747-8149 586-850-1800 586-854-7842 586-899-7112 586-940-2568 586-524-9705 Boo Coo News Publisher The Board of Directors Boo Coo News Editor Brian Bobek Typesetting ~ Linda May Thank you! to all of our advertisers, and to the dedicated volunteers who provide copy and photos, those who act as printer, proofreaders, mailing crew, facilitators & advisers for Boo Coo News. 2011-2012 STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRS Community Service Constitution/By-Laws ETABO Finance Government Affairs Membership Minority Affairs Nominating Committee Public Affairs Veterans Affairs Veterans Benefits Women Veterans POW/MIA Agent Orange/Dioxin Incarcerated Veterans Veteran’s Health Care State Delegates Mike Gardner Donn Sinclair Chris Scalise Mike Jacobi Ron Drdul Larry May Steve Bago Gary Sox, Bob Steward, Mike Bilyk Brian Bobek Gary Stephens Brian Bobek Jim Watts Tom Duff George Sawyer Dave Schoenherr Gil Claunch Mike Gardner, Brian Bobek, Mike Schneider SPECIAL & AD HOC COMMITTEES AVVA Rep Patrick Bozzi Color Guard Jim Watts Food Bank Gil Claunch Hospitalized Vets Tom Duff Lottery Jim Auito Merchandise Tim Ignash Michigan Memorial Dave Schoenherr Scholarship Woody Horne Speakers Bureau Ed Zysk Webmaster Larry Sauger Welcome Home Mitch Argyris Operation Christmas Gary Purcell chairman; Ron Drdul dance; Gil Claunch food; Peggy&Terri toys Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News MARCH 2015 - Page 2 # HONOR GUARD REPORT- Jim Watts, Commander ince my last report out on January 14, the color guard has conducted the following services: S Total of 7 funerals 2 Army, 3 Navy, 1 USMC, 1 Air Force 2 Vietnam, 2 pre-Vietnam, 2 WWII, 1 Middle East era Walter Kulczycki Joan Kurrie Anthony Bertoni Albert Johnson Harold Denby Roy Slankster Gary Nowaczyk Army USAF Navy Army Navy USMC Navy Vietnam Middle East Era WWII pre-Vietnam WWII Vietnam pre-Vietnam Other Details & Functions Honor Guard also participated in: • • • Flag detail for Alumni II ribbon cutting for Innovation Acceleration for U.S. Navy Presentation of colors at Detroit Athletic Club Flag detail Valentines for Veterans at Beck Elementary School Honor Guard Installation of Officers # Submitted by Jim Watts n Sunday, January 18, the installation of color guard officers took place at Gino's Surf in Harrison Township. This had to be one of the warmest installation ceremonies we've been involved with in recent years. As warm as it was, the lake still had a lot of crazy people out there ice fishing. O The 2015 officers were sworn in by President Brian Bobek. While the majority of the slate looked an awful lot like prior years, we did install a new assistant chaplain. The results of the election are as follows: Jim Watts Steve Bago John Mohan Gary Stephens Ted Szymanski Ron Drdul Glen Cash Commander Vice Commander Treasurer Armorer Armorer and Property Officer Chaplain Assistant Chaplain We look forward to another busy and gratifying year for the color guard with the leadership of the new officer group. Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News MARCH 2015 - Page 3 VETERANS SUPPORT CENTER 18025 E. 15 MILE ROAD CLINTON TOWNSHIP MI 48035-2403 FREE SERVICES 10 A.M. TO 4 P.M. MONDAY - FRIDAY ! 586-776-9810 MACOMB COUNTY VETERANS AFFAIRS OFFICE SERVICE OFFICERS (FILE CLAIMS AND ANSWER QUESTIONS) MARY BARRETTE ~ TUESDAYS ~ FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED BASIS CAROL ANN TURNER ~ THURSDAYS ~ APPOINTMENTS ONLY HELP WANTED: VOLUNTEERS TO STAFF THE VET CENTER AND WORK ON THE FOOD BANK. ***** SICK CALL & CONDOLENCES Contact Ron Drdul or 586-899-7112 If you know of a death or illness of a chapter member or their family, please notify Ron Drdul so that we may get the information in the Boo Coo News in a timely manner. All of the kind thoughts and prayers offered up by our membership are truly appreciated by these folks, and apparently are working to help them through their tough times. Keep ‘em coming. Sick Call • • • • • Chapter member Greg “Guido” Bowman has left the hospital and is home recovering from a respiratory issue. He is on medication and is expected to make a full recovery. He'll be on “light duty” for a while. Chapter member and website administrator Larry Sauger had a recent heart problem. He was in a coma for four days. They have determined he had congestive heart failure resulting from a complication with a blood transfusion he received as part of his MDS treatment. He is starting in-patient physical therapy now. Chapter and color guard member Roger Krzeminski is undergoing aggressive treatment for cancer. Chapter member Jerry Clara continues with his chemotherapy. Associate member Pam Charbeneau, wife of Chuck Charbeneau, has received good news in her ongoing struggles with cancer. Latest test results show a dramatic improvement in her condition. Hospital Report Submitted by Tom Duff O n February 11, Bob Steward, Carol Gernand, Pete Gernand, Joe Spencer, Gil Claunch, Judy Haag, John Hages, Carlene Cremin, Don Cremin, John Vierheilig, Linda Baisden, Joan Bassett and I went to the VA hospital. We went to wards A-4 north and A-3 north, the substance abuse ward and the dialysis ward. We visited with 54 vets. We passed out personal items bags, magazines, crossword puzzle books and Boo Coo Newsletters, scarves, blankets, lap robes, bananas, pretzels, Little Debbie and Hostess products, Snickers candy bars. We passed out valentine cards made and donated by school children. We had a great time and most of all we let at least 54 vets know that we care and they are not forgotten. The next hospital visit will be on March 11, leaving the new vet center at 8 a.m. Taps • • • Life member Tony LaFata drowned while scuba diving in Hawaii. Chapter and color guard member, John Mohan, lost his mother Marion at the age of 93 years of age. Gary Geister has died and the honor guard did a ritual for him. These folks all require your thoughts, prayers and support. Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News MARCH 2015 - Page 4 ASSOCIATES OF VIETNAM VETERANS OF AMERICA The Mission and Vision of the Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. is to advance the work of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. through cooperative projects and/or programs, to facilitate, enhance and improve communication with our members and the general public and to continue legislative efforts to ensure the rights of and benefits for all veterans and their families. Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc., are dedicated to the aggressive advancement of realistic goals with integrity and in the spirit of unity that reflects our commitment of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc., all veterans, their families and communities. JOIN THE ASSOCIATES! We meet on the third Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. AT THE VET CENTER Minutes of February 18, 2015 AVVA Meeting M eeting opened at 7 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. Phyllis was once again chaired the meeting in the absence of Boz, who is home recuperating from surgery. American House and Hospice of Michigan macaroni and cheese cook-off to be held on February 27 was discussed. Mary Squires added her name to the people making it. Marge, Carlene, Karen Mack, Vicky Armes and Mary will represent the associates in the cook-off. Mike Jacobi from the chapter will also join in. Phyllis encouraged people to come and participate by tasting the wares. All proceeds will be returned to the chapter. Good Help – Gary Cake and coffee will be served at the March 11 chapter meeting. Members of the associates were Purcell says that “good invited to come and help serve. help is hard to find, April 25 will be the open house of the new vet center. At this time we do not know what the chapter and/or Brian would like from us. It will be discussed further when we have an idea of how regardless of the cost!” we can help. The Wall That Heals will be at the Clinton Township library the weekend of Memorial Day. Marge said that the chapter will be manning a hospitality tent and our help may be needed. Again this was tabled until we know what may need doing. The Memorial Day BBQ (if there will be one) will be discussed at future meetings. It was announced that associate members who may have a grandchild, child, etc. graduating from high school are eligible to apply for the chapter scholarships. Time is of the essence so if you are applying get an application from the front office of the vet center. Marge reported that she has been in touch with a master gardener program and she will meet with a volunteer from there to walk the grounds and get help designing some landscape for the building. There is no charge for the help, however the chapter would purchase the flowers, shrubs, etc. and the woman would help by showing us how to plant. The woman is also interested in helping in other ways, so Marge will give her a tour of the building and talk about the associates. Golf outing was announced for August 29. This is being chaired by chapter members. Second round of nominations were held, no new names were submitted. Fundraiser for the Michigan Coalition of Homeless will be held on Thursday, February 26 at Bath City Bistro in Mount Clemens. A flyer is needed, Phyllis will email the flyer to members. Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Marge Schoenherr, Acting Secretary Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News MARCH 2015 - Page 5 Minutes of General Membership Meeting 2/11/15 ~ Submitted by Mike Schneider eeting called to order by President Brian Bobek at 1900 hours. Pledge of Allegiance recited and moment of silence observed. New members introduced, Charlie Gabelsberger, Army, Vietnam 69-70, Charles White, Air Force, Vietnam 65-66, 67-68, John Talarico, Army, Vietnam 67-68. Welcome home guys and welcome to the chapter. Motion made by Ben E, seconded by Mitch M to accept minutes as published in the Boo Coo News. Treasurer's report given by Mike Jacobi showing that major expenses for new building have been paid and all accounts are good. Motion by Terry D, seconded by Larry M to accept report, which was audited. M COMMITTEES: OLD BUSINESS: POW/MIA, hospital and honor guard to follow. No Speakers Bureau, Merchandise, State Council or Membership reports this month. Jim C stated that airport security at Metro informed him of the Freedom Center for vets. Dave Porter said that the center is three years old and has hosted many vets who pass through the airport. Many of the vendors at the terminal have donated items and you can also purchase items from them to give. The center is at gate A43 of the McNamara Terminal. The Agent Orange Town Hall Meeting is scheduled for April 18 at American House. Speakers are being lined up. The Senate and House have introduced new bills to help offspring of those exposed to Agent Orange. The new vet center is finally getting in shape thanks to many of our members who have worked tirelessly to make the transition. The Wall That Heals will be at the Clinton Macomb Public Library for the Memorial Day weekend; plans are underway for the event and Chapter 154 has been asked to participate. More information will follow. There was still a very limited participation at the last MCCVO meeting but they will continue on for now. Scholarship Ten applications have been handed out so far and they are still available at the vet center or through Woody Horne. If you have any questions, you may contact Woody through the vet center. Food Bank In January there were 60 families and a total of 150 people who were taken care of. Gil thanked all who helped and especially Ron Squires for the work table that he made. Monthly Raffle This is a selling month and Jim thanked all the sellers and John S. & Terry D. for their help. Agent Orange New forms for comp & pension claims must be used when filing. They are mandatory on 3/15/15 or your claim will not be processed. Currently many foods do not have labels that state that GMOs were used in growing the products. Check labels for contents. NEW BUSINESS: There will be a golf outing August 29 at Hickory Hollow. More information will follow. Gary P thanked all the bowlers and contributors at the fundraiser sponsored by Autumn Woods Health Care Facility. Dave Schoenherr's granddaughter, Sophie, bowled with us and she was a hit with all. Thank you all at Autumn Woods, we had a fun evening. Thanks to the gentleman who gave us the contact at General Dynamics for the toy donation. Thanks to all who helped move from the old center to the new one. Larry Sauger, our webmaster is recovering from illness. Larry has sponsored our website and updated it. Thanks a million Larry; be well. We are having computer problems at the vet center which will be rectified. Brian filed for personal property tax exemption for contents of vet center. Light fixtures will need to be replaced as bulbs become obsolete. State Council meeting will be in Flint this month. The board of directors okayed the hosting of the May 2015 meeting of the State Council at our new center. Sander Levin wishes to fly a flag over the Capitol building to present to the chapter. We chose April 30, the final evacuation of Saigon, as the day of choice. Dedication of the new vet center is scheduled for April 25. Brian met with our old landlord and he approved the repairs that we made and we turned over all keys. 50/50 ticket #884161 won by Greg Bowman. Motion to adjourn by Dave S, seconded by Leo M. Results of nominations and acceptances, second round: Traveling Memorial We were at the Bruce Post VFW for their welcome home celebration, thank you one and all for hosting this event. We will start getting busy almost weekly from now on. Associates Their meeting was on the 18th, second round of nominations for officers and they will have cake and coffee for us at the next chapter meeting for a welcome home. Thanks Associates. President: 1st Vice-president: 2nd Vice-president Secretary: Treasurer: Board of Directors: Trustees: Nominating Committee: State Delegates: Brian Bobek Gary Purcell Steve Bago Woody Horne Ron Drdul Thomas Budzynski (Stone) Mike Schneider Mike Jacobi Gary Stephens, Terry Dickinson, Leo Miller, Donn Sinclair, Bob Steward, Ron Squires, Larry May, Joe Spencer, George Chicklas, Leo Lalonde John Hages, Tim Ignash Mike Bilyk, Gary Sox Brian Bobek, Mike Schneider, Chris Franklin Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News MARCH 2015 - Page 6 POW/MIA Welcome Home! 1,636 Missing 49 Michigan “I was prepared to be wounded --- prepared to be captured --- even prepared to be killed. I was not prepared to be abandoned by my country.” Former POW U.S. Navy Captain Eugene “Red” McDaniel Support your POW/MIAs. Fly your POW/MIA flag. Display a POW/MIA decal. If you need a POW/MIA decal for your car, truck or bike, or certificate of appreciation for flying a flag, see Tom Duff. If a company or homeowner is flying a POW/MIA flag, let Tom Duff know so we can give them a certificate. A man is not dead until he is forgotten. We will never forget. Welcome Home! “When one member of the armed forces is not worth the effort to be found, then we have lost our honor.” ~~ VVNW POW/MIA Reports Submitted by Tom Duff REMEMBER THE MICHIGAN POW/MIAS FOR MARCH YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN! HARRY BECKWITH FLINT, MIA 3/24/71, SOUTH VIETNAM, ARMY CRAIG DIX LIVONIA, MIA 3/17/71, CAMBODIA, ARMY LARRY GREEN MT. MORRIS, MIA 3/26/68, SOUTH VIETNAM MARINES MICHAEL MAY VASSAR, MIA 3/2/69, CAMBODIA, ARMY RICHARD ROBERTS LANSING, MIA 3/25/69, SOUTH VIETNAM, ARMY DONALD WOLOSZYK ALPENA, MIA 3/1/66, NORTH VIETNAM, NAVY * Memories of Lance Cpl. kept alive since 1967 By Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency Public Affairs | December 31, 2014 s the propellers of the CH-46A Sea Knight helicopter cut across the sky, the peace of that June 30, 1967, night belied the danger inherent in the mission to the men on board. Tasked with inserting a Marine reconnaissance team into Thua Thien-Hue Province, Vietnam, they realized the danger as the aircraft came upon the landing zone and received enemy fire. In an instant, the crack and boom of enemy guns brought the moment to a crisis, and the helicopter was forced to crash land, claiming the lives of U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Merlin Allen and four others. “It was devastating,” said Marilyn Neff, Allen’s older sister, upon hearing the news that her brother was killed but not recovered from the crash-site. Remembering Allen as a fun-loving, patriotic young man with a contagious smile, it was difficult for her to face the prospects of him never returning from Vietnam. “We were never the same.” For nearly 46 years, Neff and her family dealt with that devastation of knowing that their “Merle,” as they affectionately called him, was not coming home to Wisconsin. For 46 years, they only had their memories of him hunting and fishing and dancing to keep his image firmly planted in their lives. Recently, after all those years without a physical connection to their beloved son and brother, Allen’s family received the information that Merle was A finally coming home from Vietnam. Allen’s remains were discovered by the accounting community’s recovery operations in Thua Thien-Hue Province in 2012. Working diligently to connect Allen to the remains discovered at the helicopter’s crash-site, scientists at the Central Identification Laboratory in Hawaii were able to positively make identification in June 2013. “I was in shock,” said Neff, speaking about her reaction to the news her brother was recovered. “We as a family never forgot [Merle], so it was nice to know that his country never forgot him as well.” Now buried beside his mother and father in his home state, Allen’s return to his family has brought peace and closure, said Neff, appreciative of the effort and consideration taken by Allen’s country to continue its search for him years after his death. “He would have done the same thing for someone else,” she said. Now 69, Neff still thinks fondly of how her brother could light up a room when he entered, and how he always made people feel special when they spoke with him. And though he lives only in her memories, knowing that he rests beside those who he loved and likewise loved him brings her a comfort that eluded her for the nearly 46 years. Bowling Fundraiser A Huge Success ur friends at Autumn Woods Health Facility recently held a bowling fundraiser, with the proceeds going to Chapter 154. The event was held at Sterling Lanes and was well attended by members and non-members alike. A few days after the event, 1st Vice President Gary Purcell attended an event where Autumn Woods presented the chapter with a sizeable check. Pictured is Gary and Moses Coleman from Autumn Woods. We extend our thanks to all the folks at Autumn Woods for thinking of Chapter 154, and we appreciate their generosity. O Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News MARCH 2015 - Page 7 Chapter Reaches Out to WWII Vet ecently, some of the chapter members have been going over to visit with “Joe,” a 93-year-old veteran of WWII, at a senior living facility in Warren. Joe does not get many visitors and his family asked our chapter if some of our members would be willing to go over and spend a few minutes with him, cheer him up and just let him know that someone cares about him. Chapter members George Chicklas, Bobby Steward and Joe Spencer have stopped in, as have several of the color guard members. Joe is also blind, which makes any visit very meaningful to him. R Submitted by feature writer Leo Lalonde hicago-born Dave Porter met his future wife, Nancy, when he was in Thailand. He wasn't writing home as he should have, so Dave's mom asked Nancy's mom if she would write to Dave. Well, the rest is history. They married in 1972 and, even though he’s a Vietnam vet, they’re still married today. They have three children; one boy and two girls, and also have two grandchildren. Dave proposed while he was in Thailand, but Nancy accepted only when he agreed to tolerate her cooking. Porter enlisted in the Army in 1969. He did basic training at Fort Bragg, NC and AIT at Fort Leonard Wood, MO. His MOS was Combat Engineer, specializing in heavy construction. He was stationed in Thailand after AIT for 12 months (44th Engineer Group, 538th Engineer Battalion), followed by a 3½ month tour in Germany. He then volunteered for Vietnam, serving with the 18th Engineer Brigade, 815th Engrs., C&D companies as a 20-M scraper operator. He spent nine months in country, was wounded, and was medivaced in 1971, spending eight months at a Fort Knox, KY hospital for his injuries. He discharged from active duty in 1972. After his military service, Porter worked for the Chrysler Corporation Huber Foundry for seven years. He graduated from gunsmith school at Colorado School of Trades after 14 months of training. He went back to manufacturing for another 18 years, while continuing his gunsmith activities. He worked for C.S. Ohm-Ag Simpson Manufacturing in Quality Control, retiring in 2001. When asked what Chapter 154 means to him, Porter's one word answer was, “brotherhood.” “We all remember how we were treated after we were discharged,” Porter said. “It's all about helping others. There is unity in what we do.” He has been a chapter member for over 25 years. Porter also assists the chapter in maintaining the grounds at Freedom Hill. “It is my honor to do this for my brothers who have died,” Porter said. He volunteers every Tuesday morning delivering food from Costco to our vet center food bank. Since 2012 Dave also regularly volunteers at the Freedom Center at Detroit Metropolitan Airport, McNamara Terminal, gate A-43, greeting troops returning home from overseas duty. Thank you Dave for all you do for your fellow veterans and Chapter 154. C Facility Update from Brian Bobek e had a “member’s moving day” to get all the small stuff moved from the old vet center to our new facility. I wish to extend my thanks to everyone who helped out/ You made the job easy. Everyone involved put their shoulder to the wheel and were justly rewarded with FOOD as payment for their efforts. Nothing brings out the guys like a free feast! Moving day went off without a hitch. Thanks to Arnie Stefani and his moving company, Rose Moving; the move was accomplished in a little over 2½ hours. Furniture got placed as well as we can for now, but I'm certain that we'll be moving stuff around for months until we get it properly situated. There is more information in the "President's Message" article as well. Here are some pictures taken during the two move events. Gary Stephens has put together a very nice display area adjacent to the conference room. It's amazing to see how many artifacts we hadn't seen before because of the space limitations we had in the old building. In fact, Gary has room for more items so, if you have something you'd like to donate or loan to the chapter for the display area, give Gary a call. Anything you put on display will have your name attached to it if you wish. It will eventually be a little "mini-museum" of member artifacts, something we can take pride in. W Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News MARCH 2015 - Page 8 Member(s) of the Year Nominations Because of the move to the new facility, we are late in getting this program out to the membership. The annual Member of the Year nominations are now underway. A form is enclosed in this newsletter, and additional copies may be picked up at the Vet Center. This is an opportunity for members to nominate someone who consistently goes beyond the call of duty in some facet of service to this chapter. Persons previously receiving this award are not eligible to be nominated again. It has been decided to, once again, make awards to more than one Chapter member. The MOTY Committee cites advancing age as a necessity for making multiple awards. If you feel strongly that someone deserves this recognition, please fill out an application and drop/mail it back to the Vet Center to the attention of Gary Stephens. Note that you have until April 15 to get the application back. Your nominee will be reviewed by the committee, and the awardees will be named at the May general membership meeting. Time is getting short, so act quickly. We apologize again for the delay in getting this out. VVA CHAPTER 154 MEMBER OF THE YEAR NOMINATING FORM Nominating forms must be turned in by April 15, 2015 Member of the Year will be announced at the May general membership meeting Nominee’s Name: _________________________________ I believe this person should be selected as Member of the Year because: (add additional sheets if necessary) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Completed forms should be submitted to: Gary Stephens c/o Veterans Support Center 18025 15 Mile Road, Clinton Twp., MI 48035 (mail) Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. (drop off) Thank you for your help and support Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News MARCH 2015 - Page 9 21184 Cass Ave. Clinton Twp. Buy Direct • Quality Granite & Bronze Cemetery Monuments • War & Civic Memorials • Rock Engraving & Cremation Urns • Free Local Delivery Company of Macomb County 586-463-9551 Re/Max Suburban Inc. “Since 1987" Residential & Commercial Real Estate Private Sales – Short Sales – Bank-Owned - HUD ! Ray Nadolski Realtor and Chapter 154 member •Office 586-262-2000 • Cell 248-705-3794 Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 - Boo Coo News MARCH 2015 - Page 10 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday March 2015 1 2 3 Service Officer Pointman Ministries 8 9 10 Service Officer Honor guard meeting 4 Board Meeting 5 Service Officer Al Anon 6 7 11 12 Service Officer Al Anon 13 United Military Families 14 21 Hospital visit Chapter meeting final round of nominations 15 16 17 Service officer 18 Associates Meeting 7pm final nominations 19 Service Officer Al Anon 20 22 23 24 Service Officer 25 26 Service Officer Al Anon 27 31 Service Officer looking ahead: April 3-4 memorial at Laingsburg looking ahead: April 8 elections April 18 Agent Orange Town Hall at American House looking ahead April 25 dedication of new vet center 29 30 Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans at Native American vet center 2pm-? 28 memorial at Bruce Post Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans 3-7pm looking ahead April 29 memorial at John Glenn HS Westland RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 154 18025 E. 15 Mile Road Clinton Township MI 48035-2403 OPEN to read the GOOD NEWS about Chapter 154 WWW.VVA154.COM a VVA CHAPTER OF THE YEAR! MARCH 2015 issue of BOO COO NEWS Veterans Support Center 18025 E. 15 MILE ROAD ~ CLINTON TOWNSHIP MI 48035-2403 (586) 776-9810 ~ (586) 776-9683 fax Hours of Operation Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. All Volunteer-Run Chapter Business Center Veterans Food Bank Employment Assistance Veterans Benefits Service Officer Free Counseling Information Camaraderie Drop In & Hang Out & Help Out 1,636 still unaccounted for; 49 from Michigan
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