WEEDON BEC PARISH COUNCIL Chairman: Ms Sue Butler 01327 341680 / suebutler@hotmail.com Vice Chairman: Mr Ian Dunkley Councillors: Mr Neil Anthony Mr Stephen Corson Mr Keith Crouch Mr Steve Edwards Mrs Louise Haynes Mr Stuart Jacks Mrs Sarah Johnstone Mr James Mantz Mrs Carolyn Matthews Mr Barry Pilkington Mrs Ann Ranshaw All Councillors are contactable through the Clerk Clerk: FEBRUARY 2015 Mrs Susan Halkett, 16, St Mary’s Way, Weedon, NN7 4QL Tel: 01327 341057 Email: weedonbecpc@btinternet.com www.weedonbec-village.co.uk LARGE PRINT If anyone wishes a lar ge pr int copy of the newsletter please call Sue Halkett on 01327 341057 If anyone has an item that might be of general interest please let Sue Halkett know and, if appropriate, it could be published in future edition/editions of Weedon News. WEEDON BEC NEWS If anyone wishes to place an article for their group’s activities please give the Parish Clerk, Sue Halkett, a ring on 01327 341057 or email weedonbecpc@btinternet.com. Business rates for advertising are £25 per quarter page advert. Space is limited and will be given on a first come first served basis. The next newsletter will be distributed in April 2015. Deadline for copy: 15th March, 2015. Published by Weedon Bec Parish Council, contact Sue Halkett 01327 341057 for more information. The inclusion of advertisements does not imply any form of endorsement by the Parish Council and any views expressed in the newsletter are not necessarily those of the Parish Council Weedon Juniors FC RACE NIGHT Saturday 28th February 7pm at the Village Hall, Weedon Tickets £5 each which includes food Contact: Danny Chapman on 07840842841 for more information and tickets Women’s Institute continued November 19th 2015 – Malaysian Cookery A demonstration of Malaysian Cookery (followed by an optional, small meal for a very reasonable cost). December 17th 2015 – ‘We Three’ - An Evening of Musical Entertainment A performance by a group of 3 seasoned entertainers with a wide repertoire including comic songs, monologues, songs from shows and singalong medleys, not forgetting the traditional mince pies and mulled wine! The Co-op, Church Street The Society is very grateful to a resident of Church Street who helped us to acquire this postcard. It is our latest addition to the Photo Archives. The image appears to date from the first quarter of the 20th century. Known as the Co-op, the sign over the shop says Industrial and Provident Society’s Stores Ltd No 3. However, according to Kelly’s Directory dated 1928, the business is listed as the Harpole Industrial and Provident Society Ltd. The card had not been posted so there is no stamp with its price to help date it more precisely, the cost of postage having changed from ½d to 1d in 1918. Some time after the Co-op ceased trading in 1967, the premises were converted into the private houses, now 40 to 42 Church Street. Weedon Bec History Society You are invited to a FRIENDS of WEEDON GARRISON COFFEE MORNING at the URC Chapel Schoolroom on FEBRUARY 28th, 10am thru to 12 noon, and again on 11th APRIL, same venue and time. Cakes, tea, coffee, produce, tombola, raffle Members of the Friends will be there should you have any questions or comments you wish to make with regard to this year's events at The Depot. All proceeds to support the events at the Depot for local charities. Please call Jenny for further information on 01327 437251 2 LUNCH CLUB Other Age UK activities at The Heart of England Art Club A friendly, relaxed Club open to beginners and competent artists. We meet every Thursday morning during term time, 10.00am/12.00noon. £4.20 PAYG. 2015: January: Monday 26th February: Monday 23rd March: Monday 30th April: Monday 27th 2-for-1 main course (2 x roast, plus desserts for £15.00) There may also be a chance for a game of Bingo after lunch For further details or to book your place please call Kate Kingston or Jason Williams on 01604 629595 or visit www.acnorthants.org.uk Bridge Club A friendly, non-competitive club open to beginners and improvers. We meet every Tuesday morning 10.00 am/12.00 noon. £2.50 PAYG. Photography Club This is a fun, relaxed club suitable for beginners and experienced residents. We meet on the last Wednesday of the month from 10.00am to 12.00 noon. £2.50 PAYG We are also planning a Scrabble Club All classes are held at 31 Billing Road, Northampton. For full details contact Age UK Northamptonshire on 01604 629595. 23 WEEDON WOMEN’S INSTITUTE The Ladies of Weedon Women’s Institute meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7.30pm in the Chapel Schoolroom, New Street, Weedon. We are a friendly group who actively welcome new members. Membership rules apply, although guests are very welcome at £2 per meeting. For further information please ring Jennifer Morris (President) on 01327 843010 or Gill Bryan (Secretary) on 01327 340191. We have a varied and interesting programme for 2015, which includes: Neighbourhood Planning Light at the end of the tunnel? The Steering Group started 2015 with a lot of hard work pulling the draft plan together. The Call for Sites exercise has been completed. The Steering Group will be reviewing it in January and making recommendations to the Parish Council. A survey of Open and Green spaces in the parish has also been completed as has a survey of Community Hall space. Recommendations from both of these will feed into policies in the draft plan and copies of them will be included to be read as evidence in support of the eventual plan. February 19 2015 – Lace making A demonstration of how to make lace, with an opportunity for some hands on practice. We are aiming to present the draft plan to the Parish Council in March and start the formal Public Consultation period in April. This will be for a minimum of 6 weeks although we will keep you informed of exact dates. It will be your chance to read the full plan and comment on its contents. Copies will be available on the Parish Council and neighbourhood planning websites with some paper copies in public places. March 19th 2015 – Tasty Starters and Snacks Demonstrations of some of our members’ favourite recipes; followed by a tasting session. Members of the public are welcome at all Steering Group meetings which, during 2015, will be held in the Village Hall Annexe. Meeting start at 7.30 and for the first few months of the year dates are as follows: th April 16th 2015 – Milton Keynes Theatre A look at what goes on behind the scenes at Milton Keynes Theatre. May 21st 2015 – Pointless Challenge A quiz evening, based on the popular TV show of the same name, with prizes for the winning team. June 18th 2015 – ‘Mind Your Language’ A fascinating insight into the background and development of popular English sayings. July 16th 2015 – Summer Buffet (Bring and Share - 7:00 pm start) A delicious sharing buffet on the lawn outside the Chapel schoolroom. (weather permitting; otherwise the buffet will go ahead in the dry inside!) August 20th 2015 – Birds of Prey A Holdenby Falconer talks about the mysteries of his craft. With an opportunity to see some birds of prey up close. September 17th 2015 – Members’ Evening An opportunity for our members to take over the running of the evening and do whatever they want! October 15th 2015 – AGM and Harvest Supper (7:00pm start) Our Annual General Meeting; followed by a hot, home-cooked Harvest Supper. 22 Tuesday 10th February Thursday 12th March th Tuesday 14 April Thursday 14th May th Tuesday 16 June At the 10th February meeting, Kirkwells, the planning consultants who have been helping us draw up the plan, are coming along to give a presentation. They will tell us about the legal timetable and what we need to do to get the plan through process of independent examination and approval by the planning inspector. You are welcome to come to hear what they have to say. We are very pleased that the Parish Council continues to back our efforts and, although we will be trying for more grant funding from April 2015, we are reassured that the council can ensure, through its precept, that money is available to finish the job. To have this support gives us confidence to complete the task. On behalf of the Royal British Legion I would like to thank the people of Weedon for their generosity during the Poppy Appeal in 2014. The sum raised in the village was £1130.23 Thank you. Barry Pilkington 3 WEEDON BEC PARISH COUNCIL— Notes from recent meetings Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month in the Village Hall Annexe, starting at 7.30 pm unless otherwise stated on the agenda which is published on the Parish notice board outside the Post Office. DECEMBER Environment Council agreed to repair the wooden bench at the top of the Whettles and remove the rotten slats on the seat at the New Street end of New Croft. A new bin will be installed on the High Street, near the bus shelter on the west bound side. COFFEE MORNINGS - Senior Citizens Here are the dates for this year's Coffee Mornings to raise funds towards the Senior Citizen's Christmas Party: 7th March 18th April 30th May 11th July 22nd August 3rd October 14th November Everyone is welcome to come along. The Coffee Mornings are held at Riverside Court commencing at 10.30 am and it is a very enjoyable way to meet new and old friends over a cuppa. There is always a raffle, cakes and bric-a-brac stalls. Playing Fields Mound—separate update on page 11. Cemetery The Spoil compound will be emptied. Allotments Waste compounds at Riverside Drive and Church Street will be emptied and the one at Church Street would have its side repaired. Planning Planning decisions from the District Council DA/2014/0586 Land at Pine Reach, Church Street. Construction of detached Dwelling - GRANTED DA/2014/0754 Barns at Weedon Lodge, Everdon Road. Conversion of barn to dwelling including demolition of existing modern agricultural buildings - GRANTED DA/2014/0842 Land adj 4 Croft Way. Construction of detached dwelling and garage and new garage for existing dwelling - REFUSED DA/2014/0866 15 Holm Close. Two storey side extension - GRANTED Finance and General Purpose A new litter picker was appointed to help Peter with the litter around the village. Extraordinary meeting January—Daventry Development Link / Bypass The Council held a meeting to comment on the bypass. The Council are in favour although there were concerns expressed, primarily comments after the bypass is built, these included signage, the High Street, access points onto the A45 from the Everdon Road junction which is hard at the best of times and other issues. The full minutes of this are on the website and available at the Post Office. JANUARY General Village Matters Parking under the two viaducts on Church Street. This is still being progressed with Network Rail and once any agreement is reached we will inform everyone of the proposals. Planning Land off New Street (Gladman) has gone to appeal. There will be a Public meeting Continued over 4 If any one has unwanted Christmas presents that they can donate to the raffle or, indeed, any bric-a-brac for the stall, we would be delighted to receive them. Just call John on 341050 to arrange collection if necessary. DON’T MISS OUT ON YOUR NHS HEALTH CHECK Feeling okay? Keep it that way with a NHS Health Check – that’s the message from public health experts at Northamptonshire County Council. Everyone is at risk of developing heart disease, stroke, diabetes, kidney disease and some forms of dementia - the good news is that these conditions can often be prevented. The NHS Health Check is available to most people aged 40 to 74 and is a chance to make sure they are better prepared for the future and able to take steps to maintain or improve their health. It’s like a midlife MOT. Having a health check only takes about 20 to 30 minutes and includes blood pressure, cholesterol and BMI checks. After the health check, personalised advice is given about how to lower any risks that have been identified and stay healthy. To book a health check people can contact their GP or visit www.northamptonshire.gov.uk/healthchecks to find out about clinics taking place near you and check their eligibility for a free health check. ALLOTMENTS There are allotment plots available in the village. Please call Sue Halkett on 341057 if you need some space to grow your own vegetables and fruit this year. 21 URGENT HELP NEED Weedon Scout Group News Weedon Scout Group has had a very successful 2014. The Beaver Colony (aged 6 to 8 years) and Cub Pack (aged 8 to 10 years) are both full and running with a small waiting list. Scouts (aged 10 to 14 years) are doing well and In September we started an Explorers unit (aged 14 to 18years). The Group has expanded very quickly over the last four years and desperately needs adult helpers and Leaders to be able to keep all this going. It would involve around one to two hours per week, depending of the age of the children. Please think carefully as to whether you could help us in any way. It would be such a shame to have to close down some of the sections through lack of adult help and lose another youth facility for Weedon village. If you can help please call or email me: George Bushell, Weedon Group Scout Leader. Mobile: 07860 169284, landline: 01327 342528 or email: george.bushell@sky.com Your community needs You! A few years ago, a large number of residents pledged their support for Weedon Bec to join the Community Speedwatch programme. Since then a small team of residents has undergone training with Northamptonshire Police and carried out speed checks around the village during our allocated weeks. A number of our original volunteers have, for various reasons, had to step down and therefore, in order to continue with the Community Speedwatch programme, we need more volunteers to help cover future schedules. Full training will be given by Northamptonshire Police. We need a minimum of three volunteers for each slot. The more volunteers we get, the more effective our team will be and the more areas we can cover. It may interest you to know that monitoring equipment installed on Bridge Street prior to our last Speedwatch period, identified 517 motorists exceeding the 30mph limit with 54 of those travelling at speeds between 35 and 48mph. We are a friendly little group of volunteers – so if you think you might be interested in joining us please do not hesitate to contact: Sue Halkett on 01327 341057 or Ginette Pilkington on 01327 340268. Go on – do it now! whereby the Council and Weedon Action Group will inform people what information they can submit, should they wish to. (for info this was held on the 25th January) NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN This is moving along at a good pace. Many thanks to all members of the Steering Group helping to make this happen. See the NP update on page 3. FINANCE & GENERAL PURPOSE Councillor Ian Dunkley was elected as Vice-Chairman. Two new members were co-opted to the Council, Mr Steve Edwards and Mrs Louise Haynes. Budget & Precept for 2015/16 Items earmarked for 2015/16 which need a budget include: Creating a parking area underneath the Viaducts near the Allotments. Placing bollards on Ellands Lane to stop vehicles destroying the verge near the Cemetery Ongoing maintenance for the pitch on Jubilee Field Proposed footpath across Croft Way playing field (Whettles to Village Hall) Erecting the Fields in Trust plaque in Jubilee Field Adding new inscriptions to the Weedon memorial Legal fees to cover investigative work on the Jubilee Field mound Budget: The Council agreed to set the budget for the financial year 2015/16 at: Allotments: £ 2,115 Cemetery: £ 6,900 Community Liaison: £ 200 Environment: £27,400 Finance/General (Admin) £37,537 Playing fields: £16,785 Planning: £ 2,750 Total £93,687 Precept: Councillors agreed to increase the precept. The Precept (money from the District Council to run the village) will be £88,695 (this will be a 9% rise in precept although only a 7% rise in payments. The tax base has fallen therefore the amount will be shared by more properties this year. The rise for a band D property will show on paper a rise of £5.77 per Band D property. Councillors agreed to do this as next year the amount is likely to be capped. The extra £5,500 has been added to the budget/precept to cover legal fees in respect of the Jubilee Field mound. We realise that we cannot cover the cost of capping or removal but we do need to take professional advice. WEEDON BEC PARISH COUNCIL You can now keep up to date with the latest news and information from Weedon Bec Parish Council via Facebook. www.facebook.com/weedonbecpc 20 The Parish Council will purchase a new notice board to go near the car park footpath to Jubilee Field. This will replace the one near the Post Office. Consents need to be received first. 5 St Peter & St Paul’s Church Due to Canon John being away, as a Churchwarden I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a peaceful new year and hope you all had a joyful Christmas. Looking forward to 2015 we are hoping for a favourable outcome, following our application to the Heritage Lottery Fund which will enable us to help repair our Church roof. This doesn’t mean that we can sit back and wait for hand-outs, we have to think of ways that we can raise money to support this worthwhile project. We need to make the Church a building that people can enjoy in comfort. A waterproof roof, a warm and well lit Church with interesting features of the Church highlighted eg organ, stained glass windows, bells and tower, commemoratives to remind us of past members. The recent Christmas Tree Festival was a lovely event and a lot of individuals, organisations and trades people were involved and helped to make it a magical and very well attended event. It wasn’t without a lot of hard work and planning, but it was well worth it. An event where the whole village participated in! We raised approx £1,400 for the Roof Fund - a big thank you to everyone for your support. The winner of the public vote for the best decorated tree was the Weedon 19141919 group’s tree with the Women’s Institute coming second. We do hope to hold more fund raising events in 2015. However, being a small ageing group of regular and dedicated worshippers, we need as much help as is possible in organising and putting on these events. If you would like to help in any way please contact one of the Churchwardens or members of the PCC; we would be most grateful to receive assistance. A new scheme for 2015: The PCC is planning to operate an “Unlocked Church”. Hopefully starting on Tuesday 3rd February, St Werburgh’s Day, Weedon’s very own Saint. There will be leaflets about her life - come and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere in the Church and the snowdrops in the churchyard. Of course there will be welcome refreshments in the Chapter House where you can browse through books and cards for sale. Hope to see you then. Watch out for posters of future events. From your Churchwardens: Betty Harris 01327 349228 and Sheila Troath 01327 341642 Bird Notes continued EARLY JANUARY RARITIES Three White-fronted Geese at Pitsford Reservoir on 2nd, a Brent Goose at Clifford Hill GP on 1st and 2nd, a Ring-necked Duck at Billing gravel pits on from 1st to 5th, a Slavonian Grebe at Pitsford Reservoir from 1st to 5th, a Black-necked Grebe at Clifford Hill gravel pits on 1st and 2nd, a Rough-legged Buzzard between Woodford Halse and Eydon on 5th, a Short-eared Owl in the Maidwell Vale on 1st Jan and a Great Grey Shrike near Deenethorpe from 1st to 5th. Chris Coe 01327 340493 101 The number for all non-emergencies and enquiries KEY FOUND At Jubilee Field (December) Call Sue Halkett (341057) if you think it is yours. YATES LANDSCAPES Local family business since 1975 PATIOS • FENCING • TURFING HEDGE TRIMMING • PATHS GRASS CUTTING TREE PRUNING GARDEN CONSTRUCTION GENERAL GARDEN Urgently needed An organist for St Peter & St Paul’s Church, Weedon. If you can help, or know anybody who may be able to, please contact the Churchwardens Betty Harris 01327 349228 or Sheila Troath 01327 341642 6 MAINTENANCE HOLLY HOUSE CROFT WAY, WEEDON NORTHANTS, NN7 4QX Tel: 01327 342599 Mob: 07762 053857 FOR FREE ESTIMATES 19 BIRD NOTES WEEDON This is the time of year when some family parties of Mute Swans break up and the cygnets are obliged to disperse and make their own way in the world. Many subsequently get into difficulties and this in November last was the fate of members of the local family of swans. One juvenile was found with a damaged wing sitting on a patch of grass at the junction of Newcroft and New Street and this was picked up by a passing motorist who intended to seek the advice of a vet and then to tend it until it recovered. The assumption was that it had flown into overhead wires. Several days later another youngster was seen in identical circumstances, this time within the enclosure surrounding the notorious hump on the Jubilee Playing Field. It was possible that it had collided with the overhead railway gantries nearby. In this situation it would be difficult to get to the bird to assess the extent of its injuries and in any case what to do with it afterwards would have been difficult. Therefore the RSPCA were notified, but despite promises they did not turn up that evening before dark. Next morning a representative of the RSPCA did appear but by this time all that was left within the enclosure was a headless corpse. Presumably a Fox had managed to wriggle under the fencing overnight. Not very much else was noted in the village, but Fieldfares were noticeable particularly feeding on fallen apples, especially when the weather became cold and frosty. At least two Little Egrets were again along the river valley throughout the period. A Tawny Owl was heard calling from the South Street area on 25th November and a female Blackcap visited my garden feeders at least twice from 30th December onwards. NEARBY Kingfishers seem to be regular along the stretch of river crossed by the footpath between Weedon and Flore. Peregrines were noted over Badby and Cold Higham in November and 32 Fieldfares were trapped and ringed in an orchard at Nether Heyford on 13th December with 58 on 4th January and a male Blackcap was visiting a garden feeder in the same village. DAVENTRY COUNTRY PARK The female Scaup was last seen on 18th November and a Caspian Gull was present on 27th November, two Ravens flew over on 16th December and the flock of Goosanders had built up to 10 birds by 28th December. There was a Great White Egret present on 5th January. DECEMBER COUNTY RARITIES At Pitsford Reservoir, up to 3 Great White Egrets remained all month with another at Earls Barton gravel pits all month, up to two at Ditchford gravel pits between 12th and 30th, singles at Thrapston on 4th and 31st, at Stanwick gravel pits on 4th and two at Thorpe Malsor Reservoir on 31st. A male Hen Harrier visited Maidwell Vale on 4th. Single Brent Geese were at Stanford Reservoir on 6th and at Clifford Hill gravel pits from 30th. A female Ring-necked Duck was relocated at Billing gravel pits on 24th and visited nearby Clifford Hill on 30th and 31st. A Great Northern Diver spent 4 days at Pitsford Reservoir from 13th and rare passerines included a male Lapland Bunting at Stanford Reservoir on 28th and a Twite at Ditchford gravel pits on 30th. continued 18 St Peter & St Paul’s Church February Services Sunday 1st 9.30 am Thursday 5th 9.30 am Sunday 8th 9.30 am Sunday 15th 8.30 am Wednesday 18th 7.30 pm Sunday 22nd 10.30 am March Services Sunday 1st Thursday 5th Sunday 8th Sunday 15th Sunday 22nd Sunday 29th Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion Morning Praise (lay led) “Imposition of Ashes” Benefice service at Everdon 9.30 am 9.30 am 9.30 am 9.30 am 9.30 am 10.30 am Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion Morning Praise (lay led) Mothering Sunday Holy Communion Benefice service at Weedon - Palm Sunday Palm Cross Procession followed by Cafe Church After each Sunday service there is an opportunity to stay for coffee and biscuits in the Chapter House; please come along and join us. Book of Revelation Bible Study: Every Thursday in February and March (alternate session each week) 12.00 - 3.00 pm - lunch included / 7.00 pm- 10.00 pm - supper included. For further details contact the churchwardens or Canon John Knight. Shrove Tuesday 27th February at St Peter & St Paul’s Church - pancake feast time to be arranged. MESSY CHURCH; 2nd Saturday in the month from 10.00 am– noon. Messy Church is a good opportunity for children to come with mum or dad or a grandparent {or everybody if you wish}. The theme for February 14th is Adam & Eve and for March 14th, Noah’s Ark. The craft and activities are all based around a different worship theme each month. Refreshments as you come in and lunch before you go is all included. Come and have a great time. Men’s Breakfast - last Saturday of each month in the Chapter House 8.30 am start, a hearty breakfast for only £5.00. Mothers’ Union (held in the Chapter House) - 2nd Tuesday in every month at 2.30 pm. For further information contact Betty Harris 01327 349228. New members always welcome. Like-minded Ladies (held in the Chapter House) - 2nd Thursday in every month. Do come and join us. For further details contact Isabella 01327 342141 Craft Evenings (held in the Chapter House) 4th Thursday in every month , 7.30 9.30 pm. Bring along your craft work, and do it whilst we chat and have a drink. For further information, please contact Isabella on 01327 342141. Bell ringing practice, Wednesday at 8 pm We are very keen to welcome new ringers - just come along and see if you would like to join the team or just find out a bit more about it. Brian Foley on 01327 341215. 7 WEEDON 1914-1919 COFFEE MORNING Saturday 21 March from 10 am until 12 noon At the United Reformed Church Schoolroom Tea, coffee, cakes, tombola, bric a brac, books and raffle If you have any unwanted items you can donate to our fundraising, please contact Jenny on 07530 069238. We are very grateful for your support. RURAL ROADSHOW The District Council will be in the Parish either Easter or Summer providing such as bouncy castles, face painting, balloon modelling, sports club tasters, and under 5s activities. More information will be available in the next Weedon News ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Continued CALL IN FOR A CHARITY COFFEE MORNING at Yewtree Cottage, 48 High Street, Flore, Wednesday February 4th 10 - 12 noon and Wednesday March 4th same time and venue. The Charity for February will be the Nene Valley Christian Family Refuge, and March to be announced. Thank-you for enabling these coffee mornings to be so successful throughout 2014, a total of £2041 was raised. We look forward to seeing you in 2015, pop in for a few minutes and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea. Date for 50+ will be Friday 24th April, please put it in your diaries. The schedule will be in the next edition of Village News If you need to speak to someone from our Church do not hesitate to ring our Minister Revd Jay Phelps 01327 340282 / Mobile: 07436 811514 / email: jjp57@btinternet.com or our Secretary Mrs Margaret Hooper Tel: 01327 340524. Please ring Mrs Margaret Hooper if you want to hire our Chapel Schoolroom. BINGO FOR FUN – RIVERSIDE COURT Bingo sessions are held every Tuesday afternoon at Riverside Court, Riverside Drive from 2.30 pm. There is a small entrance fee and refreshments are available. A fun, social afternoon for anyone who likes to play bingo with a variety of prizes for the winners - but no cash prizes. St Augustine, 28 London Road, Daventry Open to all who would like to come along and join in. Just turn up, you will be made very welcome Parish Priest: Mgr Sean Healy Tel: 01327 300248 BEE BEAUTIFUL Local, mobile therapist with 14 years experience Treatments include Spray tanning - approved professional * Swedish massage Facials * Hopi ear candles * Pedicures * Manicures Advance waxing Hollywood and Brazilian Leg wax * Minx toes Times of Mass Monday to Friday 9.15 am, Saturday 5.00 pm, Sunday 10.30 am Holy Days: 9.15 am to 8.00 pm With great value prices that won't break the bank !! Holy Hour in Damien Chapel: Tuesdays 7.30 pm Call Belinda on 07894 747657 for more information or an appointment 8 17 Weedon Bec History Society 2015 Programme Church Street (just past the Post Office) The following are our services and activities for February and March. We would love to welcome you, so come and join with us at any or all of these services and events. FEBRUARY Sunday 1st Thursday 5th Sunday 8th Sunday 15th Sunday 22nd 11.00 am 7.30 pm 11.00 am 11.00 am 11.00 am Service Celebration Praise Service with Communion Service Service 30 March Ian Nunnery: The Northamptonshire Regiment Historian from Wellingborough Museum, Ian’s talk is about the Northamptonshire Regiment formed from the 48th Regiment of Foot (which was often stationed at Weedon Barracks) and the 58th Rutlandshire Regiment of Foot. 27 April Nigel Crowe: Conserving the Waterways Heritage Head of Heritage and leader of the Canal and River Trust’s team of regional heritage advisors for England and Wales. He has written numerous articles and is author of the English Heritage Book of Canals. His talk covers the history and how the Trust conserves its heritage assets. 28 September Roy Smart: The Last Naval Hero Roy describes his talk as the briskly told illustrated tale of the greatest “hero” of the Great War, his central part in two of the most remarkable events in maritime history and his colourful and difficult life, much of it lived locally. MARCH Sunday 1st Thursday 5th Sunday 8th Sunday 15th Sunday 22nd Sunday 29th 11.00 am 7.30 pm 11.00 am 11.00 am 11.00 am 11.00 am Service Celebration Praise Service Service Service Service Palm Sunday APRIL Thursday 2nd Sunday 5th 7.30 pm 11.00 am Maundy Thursday Communion Service Easter Day Service We would like to extend our grateful thanks to all who gave toys and toiletries for the Nene Valley Christian Family Refuge. The families at the Refuge were over the moon with the amount of toys, they also wished everyone a Happy New Year. Your generosity did not stop there. CHRISTIAN AID received generous donations for their continued work. We as a Church are extremely thankful for the generosity shown to these charitable organisations in these austere times, thank you to all. We hold a drop-in for coffee / tea and a chat every Thursday. Coffee/tea and cake served in the Schoolroom 10 -11.15 am so come and join us for refreshment and a chat with old and new friends. Celebration Praise is held on the 1st Thursday of each month at the URC Schoolroom, New Street at 7:30 pm. The next meetings will be February 5th. and March 5th. The service in March will be led by Mr Martin Buckby If you need an hour out of a hectic week, why not come along and join us and share the love of Christ. You will be most welcome. Light refreshments will be served after these services. 26 October Chris Salaman: Livery Men A Red Badge Guide for the City of London, Chris’s talk is about the origin of Liverymen, their purpose and achievements, the role they play in today’s City and the resulting effect they have had over the past 500 years. 30 November Angela Malin: Researching Your Family History Angela is a member of the Northamptonshire Family History Society and with examples from her family’s Weedon connections will show us how to find out more about the background, scandals and quarrels that make family and local history much more interesting than just a collection of names. HIGHWAYS WARDEN If you spot any pot holes or any problems with footpaths, verges or roads email Jeremy Palmer who is the Highways Warden for Weedon Bec. weedonroads@hotmail.com Continued over 16 9 FRIENDS of WEEDON GARRISON Village Networks: coming soon to Weedon The owners of Weedon Depot have given their permission for the Friends to hold another multi-period event on the 9th AUGUST 2015. Please put this date on your calendar or in your diary. We are not inviting Bertha again!! This year is the 200th Anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo, the 76th Anniversary of the start of WWII, the 75th Anniversary of the Home Guard and the First World War 100th Anniversary of the failed invasion of Gallipoli. All these periods of time in our Nation's great history will be represented on this day including a battle re-enactment with a troop of German soldiers. Further details to follow. The Village Networks drop-in outreach vehicle is planning to visit Weedon in a schedule of monthly visits over April to July. The vehicle is full of information with expert and free advice on: Welfare Benefits Debt Health Better deals for gas, electricity and heating oil: bring your statement along Computer lessons Volunteering opportunities We have a 1940s dance planned for Saturday 8th AUGUST taking place in the Village Hall. The fabulous Miss Lola Lamour will be singing the tunes of the 40s and 50s with Mick from the Skylark Club playing the tunes of the era. Tickets will be available at the end of January, will cost £18 each and include supper with a bar available. Vintage dress encouraged. Further details and tickets, please call 01327 437251. The aims of the Friends are diverse. Our aim in holding these events is to raise funds for local charities, whether they have a connection with the village or in a previous life with the military and the Depot. We envisage holding at least two events through the year. Another aim is to work with all those involved to enable a Heritage element within the Depot. Whether it be a military or a social museum, either or both reflecting the entwined histories of Weedon, its inhabitants and the Depot. This is a long term aim however, and always on the agenda. We are currently looking for two people who will be interested in joining our committee. We are in desperate need of a minute secretary and a secretary for our month to month needs. We hold a monthly planning meeting at the Depot, every 2nd Tuesday of the month from 7.30 pm. Our next meeting will be held on 10th February. If anyone would like to come along and meet the committee, has any constructive, positive suggestions, or is interested in joining us, please contact Dave on 07450 906980 or Neil on 07889 808486 in the first instance. We are also looking to recruit a small band of volunteers to help with getting the Depot ready for the events and to take down again following the events. If you do not wish to be involved in planning but are interested in volunteering in this way, again please give Dave a call. Finally, we have a new Forum to which you are invited to join. This Forum is to enable people to keep up with the news from the Friends, post their own ideas, views, comments or suggestions. Dave is the administrator and will be online daily. The address to join the site is www.friendsofweedongarrison.co.uk. Any problems, please contact Dave on 07450 906980. 10 Further information will follow in the next newsletter and leaflets and posters will be put around the village. If you want to know more information at this stage, or make an appointment, please contact Nick King on 01327 358264 or nick@snvb.org.uk or see www.snvb.org.uk SNVB Registered Charity 1104848 Company Limited by Guarantee 5068116 OPENING TIMES OF HOUSEHOLD WASTE RECYCLING CENTRES FROM 1ST FEBRUARY 2015 T = trade waste service available Monday to Friday Daventry O = Open (10am-6pm all year round) C = Closed Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su O O C C O O O Sixfields (T) C O O C O O O Towcester O C C O O O O 15 WEEDON ART GROUP Weedon Art Group runs classes throughout the year with the purpose of providing art lessons for all at an affordable cost as the classes are subsidised by funding from a number of different sources. The classes are suitable for beginners and improvers but are open to anyone who would like to come along, learn a new skill, meet others and just have a fun, relaxing time. They are held on a Saturday in the Scout Hut, New Street, Weedon and the main tutor is Beccy Roberts who is a great teacher and will encourage you to achieve great results. For 2015 there are a variety of classes throughout the year covering different subjects and mediums such as oil, acrylic and watercolour painting, drawing animals and figurative drawing , pen & wash, pastels, abstract and a special weekend workshop with visiting artist Paul James. If you would like a list of classes for the year, are interested in coming along, or would like further information, please contact Libby Hart on 01327 341816 or e-mail weedonart@btinternet.com. Classes until April are: DRAWING ANIMALS – 7th & 21st February All drawing is fun but it's even more enjoyable to focus on one aspect for a change. Drawing animals is a great way to build up your drawing skills and maybe tackle a pet portrait or two! We will start with some basic drawing techniques - how to achieve the correct proportions, light and shade etc - and then progress onto the different methods you can use to draw fur and feathers. We will be working with pencil and charcoal. 2 Sessions - £30.00 ABSTRACT PAINTING – 14th March Giving your creative urges free reign is often the hardest thing to do, but with inspiration from a variety of sources, plenty of encouragement and a light hearted approach, you will find your abstract alter ego is just raring to go! A great introduction to painting for beginners and fun for all. 1 Session - £15.00 FUN WITH OILS – 11th, 25th April & 9th May Renowned for their richness, depth of colour and wonderful transparent glazes, oil based paints are a wonderful medium for painters of all persuasions. These three sessions are perfect for total beginners & improvers - we will focus on building confidence using step by step exercises and demonstrations – starting with basic techniques of colour mixing and blending and progressing to applying glazes and using different mediums to work with the oils. 3 Sessions - £45.00 14 HOUSING SURVEY You should have received a letter from the District Council offering a housing survey. Please, please complete this, if only the first part which is open for all. It is not just for those of you who are looking to downsize or have someone living with them who needs their own accommodation The first part asks for general information on what type of property you own but also what you feel the village needs. You only need to complete the second half if you are in need. Information gathered from this will be incorporated into the Neighbourhood Plan and could helps us out over the next few years. It is an on-line survey, valid from 12th January to 6th February. You will need your number on your letter to access it. If you are having problems accessing this link, go onto the website www.daventrydc.gov.uk and in the top right hand corner (search area) type in Weedon Housing survey. It should come up and you can access the survey this way. Paper copies are available for those with no on-line access. Please either collect from the Post Office or call Sue Halkett on 341057. JUBILEE FIELD MOUND Since the latest communications on the mound, we have received a response from the District Council, which is detailed below along with a brief background. As you may be aware, the Jubilee Field was purchased from the Ministry of Defence in 1977. This deal was facilitated through the District Council and their engineers oversaw the transformation to the current playing field. In the survey report, hazardous substances, primarily asbestos were reported. Levels have not changed from when they were put there by the MoD prior to 1977 but legislation has, hence the need to address and undertake remedial action. The District Council has been assessing their liability and has now stated that they have none but that the MoD as the initial party causing the contaminant, may have. As such, the Parish Council therefore will have to pursue this avenue. The four options for the mound currently open to us are: 1. removal of the current play equipment and permanent isolation of the northeastern corner of the site by the use of fences and signage; 2. installation of an engineered cover system for the entire area of the northeastern mound and its immediate surroundings; 3. installation of an engineered cover system in parts of the mound that require access and permanently isolate all unnecessary areas; or 4. removal of all asbestos impacted soils from the site to a suitable waste facility. The Parish Council will be exploring all available options, seeking independent and expert advice before progression to the next stage, always working towards your best interests. Members of the Council will be meeting with the District Council and other relevant bodies in the near future and will keep you updated as we move towards agreeing a resolution. 11 NORDIC WALKS SOCIAL EVENTS Monday 23rd Feb @ 2pm Draycote Reservoir Walk Meet: Draycote Visitor‘s Centre Monday 9th March @ 2pm Meet: Brixworth Church Brampton Way Walk Monday 23rd March @ 2pm Meet: Jubilee Field car park Weedon Walk Monday 13th April @ 2pm Meet: Tesco Car Park Borough Hill Walk Monday 27th April @ 2pm Meet Fawsley Church area Fawsley Walk SKITTLES DAY TRIP Wednesday evenings Camden Town (London) The Old Sun, Nether Heyford, Saturday 21st March Cost: £20 Meet: 9am at Sixfields, Northampton Time: 7.00 pm Supper: £2.00 Dates: 21st January 18th February 18th March Depart London: 4.30 pm approx MONTHLY MEETINGS Leader for all walks - Viv Crouch Walks approx. 5.5—6.5 miles WALKS 3rd Feb Meet: Daventry Country Park (Grade D) Queen of Hearts car park 17th Feb Meet: Harlestone Walk (Grade B) Harlestone Village Church car park 3rd Mar Meet: Borough Hill, Daventry (Grade D) Borough Hill car park 17th Mar Meet: Long Buckby Walk (Grade B) Library, Long Buckby 7th Apr No walk HAPPY EASTER Evening Walk 21st Apr Weedon Walk (Grade C) Meet: Jubilee Field car park 12 Day time walks on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month commencing at 10.30 am Evening walks commence at 6 pm Leader for all walks Viv Crouch Walk Grades Grade A Steep hills and/or stiles Grade B Moderate hills and/or stiles Grade C Gentle hill, no stiles Grade D Flat ground, no stiles are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month (excluding August) at the Village Hall, West Street, commencing at 7.30 pm. £2.00 donation per person 14 Jan - Kevin Thompson - Home Security 11th Feb - Short Mat/Table Tennis 11th Mar - What Direction L!! AGM 8th Apr - Our 7th Birthday, Fish & Chips/Beetle Drive Everyone is welcome to come along, even if you just want to come for a walk. For further information please contact Viv Crouch on 01327 341193 or email: kvc.crouch@btinternet.com Affiliated to the British Heart Foundation 13
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