J AN U ARY / F EBRU ARY 2015 January/February FUN Facts! The Village News Annual Member’s Association Meeting Scheduled February 19 Once again, it is time for the Annual Meeting of The Village at High Meadow. This year, the Annual Meeting of the members will be held on Thursday, February 19, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at The Ranch House located at 37300 Golf Club Trail. The main purpose of this meeting will be to elect 3 new Board Members and to transact any other properly presented business. January is National “THANK YOU” Month January 27 is Squirrel Appreciation Day January is the coldest month of the year within most of the Northern Hemisphere February registers 423 million hits on Google. The misspelt Febuary registers 310 million February ends on the same day of the week as October every year. Three Village residents, Bud Irving, Andra Heitzman and Pat Kennedy, are running for the open Board positions on the 2015 Homeowner’s Board. The following are the “biographies” given by each candidate to the HOA Board and their photo: Thurman A Irving, Jr Pat Kennedy Andra Heitzman ( Bud Irving) I have been a Board member for the past 2 years as well as Director of Security, Coordinator of our Neighborhood Watch Program, coordinator of the High Meadow monthly Stargazing Party, and chairman of the Recreation Center Expansion Committee. My wife Lynn and I have lived in The Village for 4 years. We are retired and may often be seen walking our dogs. We own 2 lots in The Village and enjoy gardening. We are still working on deer-proofing our landscaping. Our mailbox won first prize in this year's mailbox decorating contest. I enjoy golf when I can and Lynn is active in several ladies groups. I wish to serve on our board because I care about The Village. I want to serve as a board member to serve my neighbors. I will not bore you with my education and professional background because it does not add value making a good public servant. I have previously served as an alternate to the board, and took over a position that was vacated by another public servant for personal reasons. I served as the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) chair while I was on the board, and I am currently on the ACC. I have a Libertarian point of view as it pertains to the community and have no ulterior motives. Ever since moving to The Village in 2005, I have been active in the “social development” of The Village. Over the years I have served as the Chairman of the Activity Committee as well as serving with the Welcoming Committee, organizing and publishing the first “bound” Village Directory (and subsequent directories), and editing The Village Newsletter. This past year I served as Secretary for the Board of Directors. I have watched our tiny neighborhood as it has grown from 12 houses to over 100 homes. I have lived in neighborhoods where the Homeowner’s Association did not keep pace with the growing population of a neighborhood, which ultimately hurt the overall development. I love this neighborhood, and want to see it continue to grow and develop. Issues such as security, community development and community facilities top my list of concerns, which is why I have decided to seek a position on The Village Community Association Board. 2014 HOA Goals and Accomplishments 2014 Goals (set by Board in March 2013) and Status: 1) Implement Capital Reserve Study After much feed-back from the community and current Board, it was voted to reject study approved by prior Board. A Volunteer committee has been established to revisit Capital Reserve Strategy, and will report to 2015 Board. 2) Draft By-Laws and present to community for comment No progress at this time. The 2015 Board will attempt to complete this goal. 3) Progress the Recreation Center expansion study After preparing plans, the architect found site unsuitable for building. Committee recommended new building in different location. Due to lack of information, the Board voted to delay community vote until later in 2015 4) Evaluate fill station and/or hydrant options (contingent upon 2014 completion of well station #3 by Johnston Utilities) Well station #3 not completed at this time (completion expected in 1Q 2015). Due to lack of information, the Board voted to delay community vote until later in 2015. Other Board Activities in 2014: 5) Switched Property Management Company from CKM to Spectrum 6) Approved policy banning bow and arrow and crossbow hunting in Village (firearm use already banned in DR’s) 2014 Committee Reports ACC/Melissa Boland The community has seen a large amount of growth this year due to in part the efforts of the ACC committee. The committee, whose members include Steve Heitzman, Pat Kennedy, Liz Glass, Gay Lewis, and chair Melissa Boland have worked very hard to give the committee a fresh start. The committee met after the election and decided to revamp the entire ACC process, starting with Page 2 the dismissal of service by CKM in April of last year. Communication delays had caused some issues with homeowners and builders alike, the ACC committee decided this was not the first impression we wanted for our community. By doing so we got back to the basics. The committee understood that the first point of contact for our future neighbors is likely to be the contact with the ACC in the building process. We chose to take a more personal approach with dealing with builders and homeowners alike. The ACC became more accessible by email and telephone. The chair made certain that her personal cell phone and the ACC new general email was given to each and every builder and homeowner in the building process. To cut down on the large amounts of theft in the community the ACC along with Security Advisor Bud Irving, partnered with the constables office to provide more attentive service to construction sites. Volume 1, Issue 1 2014 Committee Reports (continued) ACC/Melissa Boland (continued) The ACC also changed the builder’s packet to include stricter guidelines for contractor’s onsite by requiring vehicles either be marked externally or to display work permits. The ACC committee also met as soon as a builder’s packet was received. This cut down the wait time and sometimes meant the committee met as many as 3 times a month. This ensured turn around times were under 10 days. This is reflected in the amount of revenue that the ACC has generated this year, closing the year with nearly $30,000 in revenue. With as many as 18 homes under construction at one point the ACC decided to hire a contractor to assist in their duties. The ACC sought help from our sister community High Meadow Ranch, and hired their administrative assistant Colleen King who has worked with their committee for 9 years. She has become a wealth of knowledge for the community and is in the process of digitizing every aspect of the ACC process. All records by 2015-year end will be in a digital database. This ensures that all revenue and records can be easily accessible at all times. This is something that has never been offered to the ACC and is a welcome change. All reporting databases are now in spreadsheet form and will be delivered to the board going forward in this manner. With 2015 upon us the ACC continues to see a rise in new home applications. We expect the next year to be just a busy as 2014 and are very excited about the growth that our community is witnessing. With the change in our community the growth is a great thing for not only the community but also homeowners alike. Without the sacrifice and accessibility of the committee members to meet on such a routine basis, none of this would be possible. As chair, I would like to thank each of my committee members for their service this past year and I look forward to another great year in 2015. The Village News Activities/Andra Heitzman Maintenance/Darrel Weidner 2014 was an active year in The Village: •New Pool Furniture purchases – 4 Tables, 16 Chairs, 2 Adirondack Chairs and 5 Chase Lounge Chairs – Product includes a 20 Year Warranty (old furniture was donated to SOS) March 1 was the annual Village Clean Up. April 19 The Village and High Meadow Ranch joined forces to hold the annual Easter Egg Hunt at The Village Recreation Center. An estimated 79 children hunted over 500 eggs stuffed with sweets and surprises. An appearance by the Easter Bunny made the event extra special. October 5 was our annual Village Family Picnic, and it was attended by a record crowd. Once again, the HOA provided the main course and drinks, and neighbors brought a dish to share. An auction of donated items was held, and $1778 was raised for the Magnolia Volunteer Fire Department. New this year were carnival-style games and a “bouncy house” for the kids with prizes for all. October 31 was Trunk or Treat in the parking lot of The Village Recreation Center. Trick or Treaters from the Ranch and Village went “trunk to trunk” collecting sweets from many Village residents. One car was designated to collect canned goods for the Food Bank of Society of St Vincent de Paul at St Matthias Catholic Church in Magnolia. For the first time, HMR and The Village joined together for a “Complete Neighborhood Christmas Gathering” on December 6 at the Balmorhea Events Center in Pinehurst. The Village ended the year with Breakfast With Santa on December 13. Once again, we collected toys from those participating and donated toys to St. Vincent de Paul at St. Mattias Catholic Church in Magnolia. Other on-going activities in The Village included BINGO night once a month from April thru August, and Star Gazing held once a month. The Activity Committee is planning another fun-packed year in 2015. To get involved, please email Andra Heitzman (ajheitzman@gmail.com) •Annual Flag Placement was moved up in the year to be done prior to Memorial Day •Bi-Annual Color and mulch for our entrance and rec center monuments was implemented •Maintenance Assessment for ROW Ditch Mowing was re-assessed and the assessment is now in line with the cost incurred. *A regular cleaning service is now being performed at the rec center bathrooms to be done once per week in the off season and twice per week in the peak season. •Septic Service Maintenance Contract was re-negotiated to include the regular addition of chlorine to the system (this was not being done before) •Various Maintenance Items – Electrical Repairs to the rec center to include outdoor plugs, after hours security lighting, evening lighting (column lights). Gate repairs to each of the operable gates at the rec center and tennis courts to include new gate closure mechanisms and gate stops as well as a decorative header on the main gate to prevent sporadic operation of the key fob system. Repair of the rec center AC Heat Pump. (Committee Reports continue on page 4) “Without volunteers, nothing would ever be accomplished!” Page 3 2014 Committee Reports (continued) Recreation Center Expansion / Bud Irving The Recreation Center Expansion Committee is pursuing 2 projects, a new Activity Center and a Splash Pad. The two projects will require extensive presentation and discussion, more than is appropriate for the annual meeting. The Expansion Committee will request a special meeting to discuss Capital Improvement Projects, including these 2 projects and the Fire Hydrant issue to be held after the 2015 annual meeting. The Activity Center project has reached a temporary impasse due to the difficulty of locating a second, handicapped enabled emergency exit at the rear of the building as the rear of the building abuts the drainage ditch. The Expansion Committee will present options for going forward at the Capital Improvements meeting. Last year at the 2014 annual meeting, you approved a budget of $6000 for the Expansion Committee to pursue the design of the Activity Center. To date we have spent $5950 as listed below: •Architect $2800 •Soil Boring $ 750 •Survey $1500 •Foundation Engineering $900 Total $5950 Security and Neighborhood Watch /Bud Irving Our evening patrol has been effective this year. The Deputies continue to patrol our neighborhood many mornings and evenings. We have seen a significant reduction in traffic violations and in construction site theft. There have been reports of poaching in The Village and in High Meadow Ranch. In one instance poachers Page 4 were apprehended and are being prosecuted. We wish to revitalize our neighborhood watch program in 2015. We are looking for block captains in most sections of The Village. Inquire at the welcoming table at our annual meeting if you are interested or just curious. Website/Cindy Hendrix The website for the Village has continued to be filled with news, Homeowner Reports and calendar events. With help from Vickie Simon, the Meeting Minutes and Financial Reports were put in a more uniform order of reference. These reports are available to all homeowners and property owners under the “What’s Happening” tab. There is still more organizational work to be done as each day brings new things to be posted and updated. We are getting several hits each week, so people are definitely looking at our neighborhood with interest. If you have something to post or ideas for the site, please contact Cindy Hendrix at hendrixr@sbcglobal.net. Welcoming Committee/ Chris Ziegler In 2014, welcomed to the neighborhood and gave Name Rocks to the following: Art & Lisa Castro Greg & Kelly Steranko Chick & Shari Chiczewski Dana & LaVonna Butters Scott & Leslie Wilson Brad & Amy Wilson Jeff & Debbie Perrin Cliff & Amy Cornell Greg & Amie Lucas Carey & Sylvia White. Chris & Michelle Johnson Paul & Mandy Gonzales Jake & Samantha Hammond Jeff & Jodie Levers Mike & Carolyn Roberts Kirk & Amanda Hopkins Jeff & Mandy Lauderdale Billy & Erin Parks Mike & Anita Trapnell Every family was excited to receive such a meaningful, personal Welcome Gift. Met and chatted with several lot owners and potential owners re their plans for building., exuded good will to all! “A successful team is a group of many hands but of one mind “ Bill Bethel Emergency Action Plan Update! High Meadow Ranch and The Village at High Meadow have jointly entered into an Emergency Action Plan to be implemented in case of a general emergency. The Plan was reviewed with the Montgomery County Office of Emergency Management and has been given to the leadership of the emergency responders for our area. Copies of the Plan can be viewed on the Residents Only section of the High Meadow Ranch website (www.hmrca.org). A summary of the Plan is also contained in the front of the High Meadow Ranch directory., and will soon be available on The Village Website. the first 48 hours of a general emergency - until local emergency providers can respond. The major items of the Plan are: This Plan was developed with the knowledge that High Meadow needs to be prepared to fend for ourselves during Over the next few months, the Plan will be rolled out to The Village residents. The Village The identification of and plans to abate emergency events that could negatively impact a large number of High Meadow residents, The need for an alternative emergency only (911) exit for High Meadow, The purchase and prepositioning of emergency supplies, and The development of a High Meadow administered emergency alert notification system using your telephone emergency contact information. residents’ emergency contact information will be placed into a digital database. This information will then be used for a test of the emergency notification system to all of High Meadow in early June 2015. (The actual date and time of the test will be announced as we get closer to the test date.) Negotiations are continuing on developing the alternative emergency only (911) exit. More information on this exit will be published as soon as possible. Be Prepared... the Please contact Glen Pankonien at gpankonien@gmail.com or Bud Irving at budirving@gmail.com if you have any questions or comments about the Plan. meaning of the motto is that one must prepare himself by previous thinking out and practicing how to act on any accident or emergency so that he is never taken by surprise. ID Your Pets! Just a simple plea for dog owners to put collars/ID tags on their dogs! In the past 45 days I have taken in 3 lost dogs…..all wearing Invisible fence collars. None of these dogs had another collar with and ID. Of the two I took to a vet…..none with microchips. Folks….electric fences never keep your dogs in 100% of the time…..and if your male dog is not neutered, his escapes will be frequent! Please…..put an ID on your dog so if he is lost he can be immediately returned. Get your dog micro chipped. It is usually about $35……and I The Village News By Elsie English believe that Abandoned Animal Rescue of Tomball still and Montgomery Counties only to end up for sale on Craig's List! Even if you see your missing animal advertised….without a microchip ID you cannot prove it is yours! This has already happened once in the Ranch…..thanks to a microchip this responsible owner was able to successfully recover their dog. Give your pet the best ever gift!!!.....positive identification! offers this service for $25. Hundreds of pets are stolen every week in Harris Page 5 A Year In Pictures The VILLAGE 2014 Passing out 2014 Directories at Annual Meeting New Fawns arrive! Spring Fun at Village Ladies Lunch Bunch! Bingo fun March—August Easter Egg Hunt...Village Style! Community Garage Sale….SOLD! Neighbors enjoying new pool furniture! NINE Village kids started Kindergarten in 2014! Village Family Fun at the Annual Village Family Picnic! SMASH the Police Horse & friend Bouncy House... Neighbors helping Neighbors in the Community! Trunk or Treat Fun... old & young alike! TWINS! Yes….there IS a Santa Claus (and a Mrs. Santa too!) FIRST PLACE goes to Bud & Lynn Irving in Mailbox Contest!! Village & High Meadow Ranch Neighbors joined together to celebrate Christmas! It Takes a Village As most of you know the Boland Family grew by 4 tiny little feet on October 28, 2014. We were so excited but a little scared as the twins were making an earlier than expected arrival date. We hoped for the best but secretly prepared for the worst. What we were not prepared for was the outpouring of love that our neighborhood showed us as a family. Each night someone showed up at our door with a warm meal or a plate of cookies or brownies. Not to mention the countless flowers and cards. We are truly humbled at the amazing neighborhood that we live in and blessed to call each and every one of you not only neighbors but friends. Thank you to everyone who has stopped by and checked on the twins and us. We are so very thankful for each of you. Save the Date - February 20th Hearts of Gold Dinner and Barn Dance (benefiting TOMAGWA) It has been several years since a group from The Village organized to raise money for TOMAGWA, a local organization who provides healthcare to those in the surrounding communities (TOmball, MAGnolia,WAller). We hope you will consider joining us in our efforts to support TOMAGWA as we have an evening of fun and fellowship on February 20th. The event will start at 6:00 p.m. with a silent auctiion. Dinner will be served at 7:00 p.m. The Hearts of Gold Dinner and Barn Dance will be held at Moffitt Oaks (off of 2920), 20125 Cedar Lane, Tomball, TX. The Shay Domann Band will provide entertainment. For ticket or table information, contact Paula Scianna (281-259-2588) or Lenora Price (281-259-9635). Sponsorships (Gold, Silver and Bronze Levels) are available. Silent Auction Donations are gratefully accepted. Please contact Lenora Price or Thumper Jenkins (281-252-0225) on sponsorships or auction donations. Randy, Melissa, Major, Hawkins, Duke, & Cy Boland Each season, Girl Scouts sell over 200 million boxes of cookies! Two of those cookies are in America’s top 5 most sold cookies each year. At $4 per box, you think you must be getting a great cookie. You are. Each cookie is filled with opportunities for girls to raise money to support their everyday activities, campouts, saving for big trips, service projects, Bronze/ Silver/Gold Award projects, and money that is put back into Girl Scout programs and facilities for them to participate in. Each cookie is also filled with girls learning public speaking, goal setting, business and customer service skills, dedication and sacrifice of time. And on top of that, they taste great! If we miss you at your door, please email us at ccornell2@comcast.net or call/text 281-923-0546. We can either come to your door or send you a link to order right from the comfort of your computer, tablet or phone. Cookie sales starts Saturday, January 10 and initial order taking lasts through almost 3 weeks so we can start delivering right around middle of February. And if they are gone in the first week and you realized you didn’t order enough (they freeze well!), give us a shout and we’ll see what we can do to help you out. Diabetic, dieting or just feeling generous? Support our military troops and buy cookies through our Cookie Share program that will be sent to them. Trust me when I say, our family knows when that bit of home can make a difference to our soldiers. Thanks! The Cornell Family off Quiet Way (281-923-0546) Charitymiles.org has a free app for both Android and Apple. Earn 25 cents for every mile you log. Select an organization from a list of 30 and the app will track your distance and donate money for you. A GREAT IDEA!! Activity Committee Notice!! The 2015 Activity Committee is looking for volunteers! If you would like to meet your neighbors, get involved in Village Activities, and enjoy a good time, then this committee is for you! Please attend the “Kick Off” Activity Meeting of 2015 on Monday, January 26 at 10 AM. The meeting will be held at the home of Andra Heitzman 29322 Champions Drive. Please attend!!! For more information, please call (281-252-3264) or email (ajheitzman@gmail.com). January/February Calendar January 26 (Monday) 2015 Village Activities Committee Meeting 10AM We need volunteers! Contact Andra Heitzman (ajheitzman@gmail.com) for additional information. January 29 (Thursday) Village Ladies Lunch Bunch Heitzman Home (29322 Champions Dr) 11:30AM Bring a dish to share and meet your neighbors! February 2 (Monday) Village Ladies Bible Study 9AM Contact Paula Scianna (psjsscianna@aol.com) for more information. February 14 (Saturday) VALENTINE’S DAY February 16 (Monday) Village Ladies Bible Study 9AM Contact Paula Scianna (psjsscianna@aol.com) for more information. February 19 (Thursday) ANNUAL VILLAGE HOMEOWNER’S MEETING 7PM at HMR Ranch House Coffee and dessert will be served. Please attend! February 26 (Thursday) Village Ladies Lunch Bunch (time and place to be announced!)
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