Sunday Announcements - Church of the Redeemer

The First Sunday in Lent (Yr B RCL)
22 February 2015
The Church of the Redeemer is delighted to have you with us
today to share in our mission to know, love, worship and obey our Lord
Jesus Christ.
Whether this is your first, second, or third visit, please help us welcome you by wearing a visitor name tag found inside the parish brochure
in the pew racks in front of you. We also invite you to join us for coffee
and Christian fellowship after the services on the veranda (weather permitting) or inside Gillespie Hall. Look for the Welcome Table in Gillespie
Hall. As you exit the front of the church, simply follow the pathway to
your right, past our Rose Garden, and around to the veranda and Gillespie
If you would like to receive more information about our services,
ministries, and mission, or to be placed on our mailing list, please fill out
the Visitor Card attached to the visitor name tag, and place it in the offering plate, or hand it to an usher, and be sure to come to the Welcome Table
in Gillespie Hall. We hope you will choose to return to the Church of the
Redeemer and invite you to call on us at any time (955.4263) or visit our
website (
Today . . .
At the Rector's Class today, at 10:15 in Gillespie Hall, Father
Robinson will continue our essential Bible story: “Meeting the
Devil in the Wilderness with Jesus.”
Bridge to the Word small group adult Sunday School class meets
after communion in Room 207 above Gillespie Hall. Please join
us. All adults welcome.
First Communion Classes begin today for children K and up in
the Kindergarten classroom during Sunday School time. For more
information, contact Jacki Boedecker, 320.7550.
Redeemer’s Girl Scout Troop 440 is selling cookies on the veranda after the 9 AM mass today, and the next two Sundays.
Check out the book shop table in Gillespie Hall where you'll
find books recommended by your clergy for your winter reading.
Fathers Robinson, Marsden, Wilson, and Bumsted have chosen
three books each, and they will be available in stock or by special
order. Don't miss this opportunity to read something from your
clergies' bookshelves! Added to the clergies’ selections are their
recommended Lenten books.
You are invited to take advantage of our complimentary valet
parking, every Sunday on Palm Avenue at the covered entrance to
Gillespie Hall from 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM.
Parish Office (941.955.4263) 222 South Palm Ave.
Sarasota, FL 34236
Sunday School meets weekly – 2 & 3 yr olds through 12th grade, 10:10AM.
Need directions to your classroom? Ask an usher, or check the "Sunday
School Map" in the narthex. Teachers and students receive commu
first, and head right to class.
This week . . .
Daughters of the King will meet tomorrow, 23 February. The
meeting begins with mass at 10 AM. All ladies of the parish are
invited to attend.
Inquirers’ classes continue this Tuesday. It is not too late to
join us. Classes meet on Tuesday evenings, 6:30-8:00 PM through
31 March.
The recitalists for the Lenten Organ Recitals Series on
Wednesdays, 12:10 – 12:40 PM, are as follows:
25 February
4 March
11 March
18 March
25 March
1 April
Greg Chestnut
Linda Petersen
Julane Rodgers, Harpsichordist
Cynthia Roberts-Greene
Ann Stephenson-Moe & Daniel Mendelow, Trumpet
Nancy Siebecker
Stations of the Cross are walked in the church every Wednesday during Lent. We have Evening Prayer at 5:15 PM, followed by
Stations of the Cross.
There will be a concert at Redeemer this Friday, 27 February,
7:30 PM with Charles Chocallo, Concert Pianist and A Night Of
Opera and Arias. Charles Chocallo, a recent graduate of the Cleveland Institute of Music, will play Rachmaninoff and Chopin
Etudes along with the QOL Opera Quartet. Our own Redeemer
Tenor, Adam Bielamowicz, will be featured. Pick up a Great Music
Concert Series brochure in the narthex or the parish office for
more information.
Next week . . .
Easter Vigil baptism preparation – The four-week baptism preparation classes for those being baptized on 4 April at the Great
Vigil of Easter, will be held on Sundays, 1, 8, 15, and 22 March,
during the Christian Education time (10:15-10:40 AM) in the
Halton Chapel. Adults who are to be baptized, and parents and
godparents of children to be baptized, must attend these four
sessions. Nursery care is available during this time. Those being
baptized please register by calling the parish office, 955.4263. For
more information, please contact Father Marsden in the parish
Heart to Heart Women’s Book Club will meet Monday, 2 March,
at 9:00 AM in Gillespie Hall. We will be discussing What Happened to Sophie Wilder by Christopher Beha. All women are welcome.
The men’s book group, “Books and Beyond,” will meet next on
Monday evening, 2 March, to discuss the current reading selection, Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World, by Jack
Weatherford. Come and find out why the common assumptions
regarding the impact on civilization of the great conqueror are
very nearly the opposite of the truth. The meeting will commence
at 7:15 PM in the Upper Room with light refreshments and informal conversation and will conclude by 9:00 PM. All are welcome.
For information, contact John Mathis,
Pub Theology is a great way for you to meet some awesome
folks, enjoy a beverage, and talk about theology, spirituality, and
other meaningful topics. Come join Father David and our young
adults on Tuesday, 24 February, at 7:30 PM at Shakespeare’s
Pub! Contact:
Episcopal Church Women (ECW) Manasota Deanery’s Annual
Gathering will be at the Church of the Annunciation, Anna Maria
Island, on Thursday, 5 March. Registration will begin with coffee
at 9:00 AM and lunch ($7) will be served at noon. The speaker will
be The Rev. Bruce Gillies, topic: "Celtic Spirituality.” Deadline to
register is 2 March. To carpool, contact Gay Swain, 923.2939 or
Mary Hills 343.3866
Lenten offerings . . .
Wednesday nights at Redeemer have plenty to offer children,
youth, and adults! The Lenten program begins this week on 25
February. Dinner is available from 6 – 6:25 PM in Gillespie Hall
for a $5.00 donation (family-$20), prepared by Mary Hills and
crew. The courses and activities are from 6:30-7:30 PM. Two
courses are offered for adults. For 6th – 8th graders, Junior EYC
will meet with Father Bumsted. K-5th graders have art and homework options, and 2nd – 5th graders have choir. Nurseries will be
open for PreK and younger. Note: childcare is for Wednesday classes only.
“The Benedictine Life for Busy Parents,” a new class being led
by Father Charleston, uses St. Benedict’s Rule to teach how
moms and dads can lead more spiritual, God-centered lives in the
midst of their busy days of work, children, and a million other
things. The class will meet on Wednesdays, 25 February –18
March, in the 1st and 3rd grade rooms, 6:30-7:30 PM.
Pascal’s Pensées will be presented on Wednesdays, 25 February–
18 March, at 6:30 PM in Gillespie Hall. The Pensées (literally
"thoughts") represented a defense of the Christian religion by
Blaise Pascal, the renowned 17th century philosopher and mathematician. Pascal's religious conversion led him into a life of asceticism and the Pensées was in many ways his life's work. Mike
Hartenstine will lead a 4-week discussion of this work.
“One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church: Rome, Constantinople, & Canterbury” will be offered by Dr. Stuart Prall on Thursdays, 26 February – 19 March, 10:30 AM-12:00 Noon or 6:308:00 PM in Gillespie Hall. The class will look at the Church as it
involves the relationship between Rome, Constantinople, and
Canterbury. Dr. Prall will discuss the Church and its development
from the Apostles, through the early periods, the division of the
Roman Empire, Charlemagne, the Ottoman period, to the modern
contemporary period.
Future events . . .
Men's 5th Annual pilgrimage to the Holy Land is 26 April – 7
May 7 2015, led by Jay Crouse. Couples Pilgrimage to the Holy
Land is 7-18 June 7 - 18, led by Father Fred & Linda Robinson
and Laura & Jay Crouse. Please contact Jay Crouse,
941.320.0271, or for further information.
There will be two fine concerts in early March. On Sunday, 8
March, at 5:00 PM, Mark Dwyer, Organist Choirmaster, Church of
the Advent, Boston, will appear in concert at Redeemer. On Monday, 9 March, at 7:00 PM, we will host the St. Thomas Fifth Avenue Choir of Boys, who are on their spring tour. Save the dates.
We welcome the newest members of our parish family:
Richard & Christine Sporrer
† WEEK OF 22 FEBRUARY 2015 †
Sundays, Nursery: infants & toddlers, during 9 & 11 AM, 1 PM masses
Children’s Chapel and Sunday School K-12th during 9 AM mass
Daily Morning Prayer – 8:30 AM (except Sunday)
Daily Evening Prayer – 5:15 PM (except Saturday & Sunday)
1 Lent
EUCHARIST– 7:30, 9:00, & 11:00 AM; 1 PM (Spanish)
Rector’s Class, 10:15 AM, Gillespie Hall
Gift Shoppe open after the 9 and 11 AM Masses
Senior EYC youth (gr 9-12), 6:30 PM, Gillespie Hall
Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr of Smyrna, 156
NA, 7:30 AM, Noon, & 7 PM, Sunday School Wing
Daughters of the King, begin with Mass at 10:00 AM
11 AM Adult Choir rehearsal, 3-5 PM, Music Room
Canterbury Choir, 5:30-6:45 PM, Music Room
Saint Matthias the Apostle
NA, 7:30 AM & Noon, Sunday School Wing
Lectionary Bible Study, Noon, Room 205
ALPHA, 6:00 PM, Gillespie Hall
Inquirers’ Class, 6:30 PM, Rooms 202-204
Women’s NA, 7:00 PM, Sunday School Wing
EUCHARIST – 7:30 & 10:00 AM
Men’s Christian Leadership Concepts, 6-8 AM, Eva Pope Room
NA, 7:30 AM & Noon, Sunday School Wing
Gift Shoppe open 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Ministerial Association Lunch, Noon, Gillespie Hall
Organ Recital, 12:10 PM, Church
Youth Confirmation, 4:30 PM, Upper Room
Stations of the Cross, 5:30 PM
Family Dinner, 6-6:25 PM, Gillespie Hall
Junior EYC, 6:00 PM, Eva Pope Room
Westminster Choir, 6:30-7:30 PM, Music Room
“Benedictine Life,” 6:30-7:30 PM, 1st & 3rd Grade Rooms
Pascal’s Pensees, 6:30-7:30 PM, Gillespie Hall
Children K-5, 6:30-7:30 PM, Church School Wing
Nursery Care, 6:30-7:30 PM, 2 & 3 year old nursery
1 March
EUCHARIST – 10:00 AM & 5:30 PM
Men’s “Stepping Up,” 7:00 AM, Gillespie Hall
NA, 7:30 AM & Noon, Sunday School Wing
Needlepoint Group, 10:00 AM, Eva Pope Room
Alzheimer’s Support Group, 10:00 AM, Room 208
9 AM Choir Rehearsal, 7:00 PM, Music Room
George Herbert, Priest, 1633
EUCHARIST with Anointing For Healing – 10 AM
NA, 7:30 AM & Noon, Sunday School Wing
Youth Bible Studies, 6:15 AM, Various Locations
Men’s Prayer Breakfast, 7:15 AM
Order of St. Luke, 9:00 AM, Eva Pope Room
Requiem for Walter Wisniewski, 1:30 PM
Vestry Retreat 6:00 PM, DaySpring
Concert, 7:30 PM, Church
EUCHARIST with Anointing For Healing – 10 AM
Vestry Retreat, DaySpring
Men’s Prayer Group, 7:30 AM, Eva Pope Room
Pinewood Derby, 9:00 AM-1:00 PM, Gillespie Hall
Confessions, 11 AM, High Altar (Father Cheney)
EUCHARIST with Anointing For Healing – 5:30 PM
EUCHARIST– 7:30, 9:00, & 11:00 AM; 1 PM (Spanish)
Rector’s Class, 10:15 AM, Gillespie Hall
Baptism Preparation, 10:15 AM, Halton Chapel
First Communion Class, 10:15 AM, Kindergarten Room
Gift Shoppe open after the 9 and 11 AM Masses
Bridge to the Word, 10:15 AM, Room 207
Senior EYC youth (gr 9-12), 6:30 PM
Redeemer EYC . . .
EYC IS MORE THAN A YOUTH GROUP! It’s a way to explore your faith
as a student here at Redeemer. We’re having an incredible time building
a piece of the Kingdom together here in SRQ! Invite your friends so they
don’t miss out on things like Problems and Solutions and Thuriball!
EYC MISSION TRIPS are filling up fast! If you haven’t already given your
deposit for the Senior trip to the DR (June 5-12) or to the Junior trip to
Atlanta (June 20-27), please speak to Fr. David IMMEDIATELY. Both
trips require a $100 deposit; please reserve your spot today!
SR EYC MEETS TONIGHT! Lent has begun which means we’ve got
some special stuff planned for you guys for the next few Sundays. Join
us for dinner as usual, then we’ll start our observance of Compline right
after. And of course, we’ll have the best Sunday night hangage in SRQ.
See you from 6:30PM to 8:00PM!
COFFEE AND COMMUNITY continues to work through C.S. Lewis’s The Screwtape Letters! High Schoolers and recent grads, come join
anytime. We’d love to have you and hear your thoughts! Let Fr. David
know if you’d like a copy of the book! See you at 4:00 PM on Tuesday at
Pastry Art on Main St!
JR EYC RETURNS! We’re back in action this Wednesday night from
6:00PM to 7:30PM! Lent has started and we’ll be talking about what it
means to have a Lenten Rule. And of course, we’ll have to figure out
some solutions to our Lenten problems. That’s right, it’s the return of Fr.
David’s favorite game, Problems and Solutions! Don’t miss it!
out with the best people ever. At 6:15 AM on Fridays, we’re reading
Scripture together and having the best breakfasts in town. We’ll get you
out the door in time for school! Sounds crazy but it’s awesome. Talk to
Fr. David ASAP if you haven’t made it out to see us yet!
Other important dates for EYC:
☻2/27 Roller skating with St. Boniface youth
☻2/28 Beach Cleanup
☻3/20 Lightning Game in Tampa
Students! Ever have a question about church stuff and then forgot to
ask when you got to EYC? Ask away with #eycsupwith to our
twitter@redeemereyc or Instagram redeemereyc!
Needs . . .
Church of the Redeemer’s Girl Scout Troop 440 is completing
the third year as a troop and would love to continue representing
the Girl Scouts of our parish. The troop leaders, Hosana and
Shirley Fieber, are looking for an interested mother or woman in
the parish whom they will train to take over the leader role, with
their help. If you enjoy working with girls in grades of K-5, this
may be just the place for you. Please contact Hosana Fieber at or Shirley Fieber at
Episcopal Thrift House . . .
Is your Lenten rule to curb your shopping expenses? To give
up retail shopping? Perhaps you are getting organized, clearing
clutter, or deciding to do more for others. Maybe you've given up
chocolate, but you still want to have some fun. The Episcopal
Thrift House can help! Drop by our full-time ministry on the corner of 2nd and Lemon in beautiful downtown Sarasota 10 AM-4
PM Monday-Friday and 10 AN-1 PM Saturdays to donate, shop
our marvelous wares, or visit with our volunteer staff. We look
forward to helping you this Lenten season and we thank you for
helping us help others.
Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Maseno North, Kenya, The Rt. Rev. Simon
Oketch; Maseno South, Kenya, The Rt. Rev. Francis Abiero
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: St. George's, Bradenton; St. Giles's, Pinellas Park; St. Hilary's, Fort Myers; St. James's, Port Charlotte; St.
James's House of Prayer, Tampa
Missions: that the Gospel may reach the hearts of the people of
Uganda through the missionary efforts of Hope Seeds and Dr. Ruge
Those celebrating their birthdays today: Bob Harris, Keegan Moncelli
Those celebrating their wedding anniversaries today: Roland &
Carolynne Shumate
Repose of the soul for: Jerome Webster Meachen, Joan Edmunds, J.
Richard Hudome, Davis Gammage, Henry Beneke
Safe travel: Nevin & Dora Thomas
The Sanctuary Candle is given to the glory of God in loving memory
of Frieda Cockcroft, Thomas Lyons, and Louise Hryhor.
I publish the Banns of Marriage between Elizabeth Margaret Lindsay of Dallas,
Texas, and Nicholas Bobrinskoy Shepherd of Dallas, Texas . If any of you know just
cause why they may not be joined together in Holy Matrimony, you are bidden to
declare it. This is the third time of asking.
The parish family extends its sympathy to Patricia Hudome and her family in
the death of her husband, J. Richard Hudome, who departed this life on 14 February 2015; May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the
mercy of God, rest in peace, and may light perpetual shine upon them.
The BMO Harris Bank parking garage is available for church parking on Sundays
until 1:00 PM. The garage is locked at that time, and any cars left inside will be
locked in.
The nursery for infants and toddlers
toddlers is available during the 9 and 11 AM and 1 PM
masses every Sunday.
Those persons who find it difficult to come to the altar to receive Holy Communion
are asked to inform one of the ushers, who will then see that Communion is
brought to your pew.
If you have fami
amily members in the active military please call the parish office to
have them put on our prayer list.
Listening devices for the hearinghearing-impaired may be obtained from an usher. The
Hard of Hearing Assistance System operates on a frequency of 72.9 for those whose
hearing aids have the capability to pick it up. For those who have a T-Coil receiver
in their hearing aid, Redeemer has an Induction Loop system installed. Personal
earbuds may be purchased in the parish office.
A CD recording of today’s service may be ordered through the parish office,
GlutenGluten-free communion wafers are available: Sundays, 7:30 AM Mass – high altar;
9:00 and 11:00 AM Masses – chapel altar. Indicate your need to the priest administering the host.
Visit our bulletin board inside Gillespie Hall on the wall outside the kitchen for
information about your parish family, upcoming events, and volunteer opportunities. Contact Carolyn Peet,, or 955.4263 if you have
something you think belongs on our bulletin board.
Check out our website,, to learn all the latest news and information you need to be connected to your parish. Look for the parish calendar for
details on current events.