Sunday Announcements - Church of the Redeemer

The Fourth Sunday in Lent (Yr B RCL)
15 March 2015
The Church of the Redeemer is delighted to have you with us
today to share in our mission to know, love, worship and obey our Lord
Jesus Christ.
Whether this is your first, second, or third visit, please help us welcome you by wearing a visitor name tag found inside the parish brochure
in the pew racks in front of you. We also invite you to join us for coffee
and Christian fellowship after the services on the veranda (weather permitting) or inside Gillespie Hall. Look for the Welcome Table in Gillespie
Hall. As you exit the front of the church, simply follow the pathway to
your right, past our Rose Garden, and around to the veranda and Gillespie
If you would like to receive more information about our services,
ministries, and mission, or to be placed on our mailing list, please fill out
the Visitor Card attached to the visitor name tag, and place it in the offering plate, or hand it to an usher, and be sure to come to the Welcome Table
in Gillespie Hall. We hope you will choose to return to the Church of the
Redeemer and invite you to call on us at any time (955.4263) or visit our
website (
Today . . .
At the Rector’s Class we will hear a presentation about Day Of
Hope, to be held at Redeemer on 1 August.
Bridge to the Word, a small group adult Sunday School class,
meets today in Room 207 above Gillespie Hall, 10:10–10:40 AM.
Baptism Preparation meets today at 10:15 AM in the Halton
First Communion Classes meet today for children K and up in
the Kindergarten classroom during Sunday School time.
Today, the 4th Sunday in Lent, is known as “Refreshment Sunday” and “Mothering Sunday.” We are now more than halfway
through Lent, and on this day there is a lightening of the penitential mood in Lent – hence the name “Refreshment.” In England it
is known as “Mothering Sunday” because people typically return
to their home parishes. The flowers in the sanctuary reflect this
mid-Lent Sunday.
Solemn Evensong will be sung today at 5:15 in the church. The
Service is Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in F Major by George Dyson, and the anthem is Vinea Electa, No. II, of Motets for the Season of Lent by Francis Poulenc.
The deadline for Easter flowers has been changed. Tomorrow,
Monday, 16 March, is the deadline for donations for Easter flowers. Envelopes are available in the narthex. Make checks payable
to “Church of the Redeemer” marked “Easter Altar Flowers.”
Parish Office (941.955.4263) 222 South Palm Ave.
Sarasota, FL 34236
Sunday School meets today – 2 & 3 yr olds through 12th grade, 10:10AM.
Need directions to your classroom? Ask an usher, or check the "Sunday
School Map" in the narthex. Teachers and students receive commu
first, and head right to class.
This week . . .
Would you like to help make palm crosses for Palm Sunday?
Pick up some palm branches in the parish hall this morning, and
learn how to make the crosses. The finished crosses should be
returned to the church, counted, and stored in plastic baggies
with moist paper towels to keep the crosses from drying out. Mark
the count on each bag. We need many hands!
The recitalists for the Lenten Organ Recitals Series on
Wednesdays, 12:10 – 12:40 PM, are as follows:
18 March
25 March
1 April
Cynthia Roberts-Greene
Ann Stephenson-Moe & Daniel Mendelow, Trumpet
Nancy Siebecker
Stations of the Cross are walked in the church every Wednesday during Lent. We have Evening Prayer at 5:15 PM, followed by
Stations of the Cross.
Wednesday Evenings in Lent are on as usual again, and we
have something for everyone in our Lenten programs:
4:30-6:00 PM – Youth Confirmation
4:45-6:00 PM – Westminster Choir
6:00-6:25 PM – Supper, $5 per person, $20 for families of
four or more—Please sign up for supper on the website
under "Signups"
6:00 PM – Junior EYC – Upper Room
6:15-7:30 PM – Nursery open for parents taking classes
6:30 PM – Children K-5th: art, choir, and homework –
church school wing
6:30 PM – Mike Hartenstine's adult class, "Pascal's
Pensees” – Gillespie Hall
6:30 PM – Father Wilson's class, “The Benedictine Life for
Busy Parents” – 1st & 3rd grade rooms
We are having a St. Patrick’s Day Celebration! Please join us
this Saturday night, 21 March, for the 5:30 PM Contemporary
Mass, Potluck Dinner, and Concert following. The evening begins
with mass, then come to experience Gillespie Hall magically transformed into an Irish Pub, complete with Irish music performed by
Dan Cartlidge. RSVP with your name, number of attendees, and
the dish you are planning to bring on the website link or to Patti
Donnelly, 921.4945, or
Mastersingers USA will appear in concert on Saturday, 21
March, at 7:30 PM under the direction of Bruce G. McInnes. This
internationally acclaimed chorus, made up of doctors, lawyers,
clergy, and a host of other professions, was winner of the 2003
Llanggollen International Competition, a music festival which
takes place every year during the second week of July in Llanggollen, Wales. Ticket donation is $20.
tion in preparation for Holy Week. The day will begin in Gillespie
Hall on Saturday, 28 March 2015, with registration at 8:30 AM
and conclude after lunch. The retreat will be conducted by The
Rev. Sharon Lewis of Amazing Love Healing Ministry. You are
asked to bring a “brown bag” lunch. Contact is Elaine Hedrick,
DOK President, or 966.8462.
Future events . . .
The schedule of Holy Week and Easter liturgies
is printed on the last page of your service bulletin.
On Palm Sunday, 13 April, the schedule of services is different.
Services are at 7:00 AM, 8:45 AM, 11:00 AM, and 1:00 PM
On Easter Day, 20 April, the service schedule
is 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM.
Good Friday, 3 April, begins with Stations of the Cross, a walk
down Main Street starting at 7:30 AM. Arrive at Hollywood 20 by
7:15 AM. Bus transportation is provided from Redeemer to Hollywood 20 beginning at 6:30 AM. Morning Prayer will follow in the
church at 8:30 AM. Contact Jeff Kern for details, 356.9516, or
Needs . . .
Meals on Wheels of Sarasota delivers hot meals to needy persons
in Sarasota County who cannot prepare meals for themselves. We
have an urgent need for drivers to deliver meals. To learn more or
volunteer, please call Judy Johnston, driver coordinator,
Day Of Hope, Redeemer's ministry providing homeless and atrisk children with school supplies and back to school medical
exams at no charge, will be on 1 August 2015. Last year we invited 150 guests. This year we will invite 250 guests. Sponsorship of
one guest is $100, and sponsorship checks may be made out to
Church of the Redeemer, memo: Day Of Hope. For more information, please contact Charly or Susie Shugg, Don Longueuil, or
the DOH webpage at Please pray about
your involvement this year.
Contributions to our Caritas Food Pantry are always welcome
and very much needed by people in our community. Thank you to
all who so faithfully contribute to that ministry. There is a large
box in the narthex for pantry items. Especially needed are cereal,
peanut butter, beef stew, and canned fruit.
Episcopal Thrift House . . .
Ahoy! Your Episcopal Thrift House, riding the crest of the wave
of a very busy season, has successfully sold a great deal of inventory. Once again, we ask you for your wares; we can't operate
without them! Please sail over to the corner of Second and Lemon
in beautiful downtown Sarasota with your castoffs to keep us
Next week . . .
“Becoming Like Him” (Philippians 3:10) is the topic for a Quiet
Day, sponsored by Redeemer’s Daughters of the King. Everyone in
the parish is invited to come to this day of respite and contempla-
The parish family extends its sympathy to Paul and Nicola Caragiulo and their
family in the death of Paul’s father, Anthony Caragiulo, who departed this life on
5 March 2015. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the
mercy of God, rest in peace, and may light perpetual shine upon them.
† WEEK OF 15 MARCH 2015 †
Sundays, Nursery: infants & toddlers, during 9 & 11 AM, 1 PM masses
Children’s Chapel and Sunday School K-12th during 9 AM mass
Daily Morning Prayer – 8:30 AM (except Sunday)
Daily Evening Prayer – 5:15 PM (except Saturday & Sunday)
EUCHARIST– 7:30, 9:00, & 11:00 AM; 1 PM (Spanish)
4 Lent
Rector’s Class, 10:15 AM, Gillespie Hall
Baptism Preparation, 10:15 AM, Halton Chapel
First Communion Class, 10:15 AM, Kindergarten Room
Gift Shoppe open after the 9 and 11 AM Masses
Bridge to the Word, 10:15 AM, Room 207
Solemn Evensong, 5:15 PM
Senior EYC youth (gr 9-12), 6:30 PM, Upper Room
AA, 7 PM, Sunday School Wing
NA, 7:30 AM, Noon, & 7 PM, Sunday School Wing
11 AM Adult Choir, 3:00-5:00 PM
Canterbury Choir, 5:30-6:45 PM
Brownie/Daisy/Girl Scout Troop 440, 6:30 PM, 1st Grade Room
Cub Scout Pack 24, 6:30 PM, Upper Room
Patrick, Bishop and Missionary of Ireland, 461
NA, 7:30 AM & Noon, Sunday School Wing
Lectionary Bible Study, Noon, Room 205
ALPHA, 6:00 PM, Gillespie Hall
Inquirers’ Class, 6:30 PM, Rooms 202-204
NA, 7 PM, Sunday School Wing
Wednesday Cyril, Bishop of Jerusalem, 386
EUCHARIST – 7:30 & 10:00 AM
Men’s Christian Leadership Concepts, 6-8 AM, Eva Pope Room
NA, 7:30 AM & Noon, Sunday School Wing
Gift Shoppe open 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Organ Recital, 12:10 PM
Youth Confirmation, 4:30 PM, Turner Dabney Room (206)
Stations of the Cross, 5:30 PM
Family Dinner, 6-6:25 PM, Gillespie Hall
Junior EYC youth, 6:00 PM, Upper Room
Redeemer Players, 4:45-6:00 PM, Gillespie Hall
Westminster Choir, 6:30-7:30 PM, Music Room
“Benedictine Life,” 6:30-7:30 PM, 1st & 3rd Grade Rooms
Pascal’s Pensées, 6:30-7:30 PM, Gillespie Hall
Children K-5, 6:30-7:30, Church School Wing
Nursery Care, 6:30-7:30 PM, 2 & 3 year old nursery
EUCHARIST – 10:00 AM & 5:30 PM
Men’s “Stepping Up,”7:00 AM, Gillespie hall
NA, 7:30 AM & Noon, Sunday School Wing
Needlepoint Group, 10:00 AM, Eva Pope Room
Dr. Prall’s Class, 10:30 AM & 6:30 PM, Gillespie Hall
Finance Committee, 4:30 PM, Rooms 202-204
Diabetes Revolution, 7:00 PM, Church School Wing
9 AM Adult Choir Rehearsal, 7-9 PM, Music Room
Cuthbert, Bishop of Lindisfarne, 687
EUCHARIST with Anointing For Healing – 10 AM
NA, 7:30 AM & Noon, Sunday School Wing
Youth Bible Studies, 6:15 AM, various locations
Men’s Prayer Breakfast, 7:15 AM
Order of St. Luke, 9:00 AM, Eva Pope Room
Thomas Ken, Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1711
EUCHARIST with anointing for Healing – 10:00 AM
Men’s Prayer Group, 7:30 AM, Eva Pope Room
Confessions, 11 AM, High Altar (Father Cheney)
EUCHARIST with anointing for Healing – 5:30 PM
St. Patrick’s Day celebration after mass in Gillespie Hall
Mastersingers USA concert, 7:30 PM
EUCHARIST– 7:30, 9:00, & 11:00 AM; 1 PM (Spanish)
22 March
Rector’s Class, 10:15 AM, Gillespie Hall
Bridge to the Word, 10:15 AM, Room 207
Baptism Preparation, 10:15 AM, Halton Chapel
First Communion, 10:15 AM, Kindergarten Room
Gift Shoppe open after the 9 and 11 AM Masses
St. Michael’s meeting, 10:45 AM, Rooms 202-204
Senior EYC youth (gr 9-12), 6:30 PM, Upper Room
EYC . . .
EYC IS MORE THAN A YOUTH GROUP! It’s a way to explore your faith
as a student here at Redeemer. We’re having an incredible time building
a piece of the Kingdom together here in SRQ! Invite your friends so they
don’t miss out on things like Left Shark Rescue and Thuriball!
EYC MISSION TRIPS are filling up fast! If you haven’t already given your
deposit for the Senior trip to the DR (June 5-12) or to the Junior trip to
Atlanta (June 20-27), please speak to Fr. David IMMEDIATELY. Both
trips require a $100 deposit; please reserve your spot today! The deadline is April 1st!
ST. MICHAEL’S CONFERENCE has been a part of the Church of the
Redeemer’s ministry to youth for the past 19 years. The 56th session of
the conference will meet 2-8 August. There will be spots open this summer to new students. All current 8th graders and above are welcome and
encouraged to apply for the conference. A mandatory informational meeting for parents and students will be held next Sunday, 22 March, at 10:45
AM in Rooms 202-204. All 11 AM acolytes please talk to Father David.
Father Robinson is the Assistant Director of the conference. Father David
is a faculty member.
SR EYC MEETS 3 DAYS AGO TONIGHT! Wait what? Did you miss it?
Well, time travel backwards is apparently impossible according to Neil
DeGrasse Tyson so you’re out of luck. But, you should totally come tonight for Compline, food, and hangage. See you from 6:30PM to 8:00PM!
Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Missouri Synod V, The Episcopal Church,
The Rt. Rev. Wayne Smith
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: St. Mary Magdalene, Bradenton; St.
Mary's, Bonita Springs; St. Mary's, Dade City; St. Mary's, Palmetto;
St. Mary's, Tampa; St. Matthew's, St. Petersburg
Missions: our companion diocese of the Dominican Republic, Bishop
Julio Holguin
Those celebrating their birthdays today: Elizabeth Cooper, Sam
Papalia, Barbara Petrecca, Jon Sams, Jack Vega, Carta Robison, Vose
Thanksgiving: for the birth of a son, Parker Joseph, to Mackenzie
and Don Longueuil on 9 March 2015.
Repose of the soul for: Lt. Col. Marvene A. Gordon, Anthony
Caragiulo, Lewis Cooke, Philip Petty, Gay Varga, Elaine Warren, Henry Moser, Muriel Arlt, Gertrude Garrison, Kenneth Kokowicz, Mary
Shipley, Irene Phillips, Gerald White
Safe travel: Mae Smith Miller
The Sanctuary Candle is given to the glory of God in loving memory
of Carolyn Turner Dabney.
The Altar Flowers are given to the glory of God in loving memory of
Craig Menke and Reg Dunlap.
COFFEE AND COMMUNITY continues to work through C.S. Lewis’s The
Screwtape Letters! High Schoolers and recent grads, come join anytime.
We’d love to have you and hear your thoughts! Let Fr. David know if
you’d like a copy of the book! See you at 4:00 PM on Tuesday at Pastry
Art on Main St!
The BMO Harris Bank parking garage is available for church parking on Sundays
until 1:00 PM. The garage is locked at that time, and any cars left inside will be
locked in.
JR EYC MEETS ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT! We’re continuing with our
Lenten Compline this week! And guess what? The Sun is out longer now
(Thanks, Benjamin Franklin, for Daylight Saving?) so we can play some
of our favorite games outside! Who is up for Noodle Hockey? Sprout
Ball? Thuriball? See you from 6:00PM to 7:30PM!
The nursery for infants
infants and toddlers is available during the 9 and 11 AM and 1 PM
masses every Sunday.
out with the best people ever. At 6:15 AM on Fridays, we’re reading
Scripture together and having the best breakfasts in town. We’ll get you
out the door in time for school! Sounds crazy but it’s awesome. Talk to
Fr. David ASAP if you haven’t made it out to see us yet!
Other important dates for EYC:
☻3/20 Lightning Game in Tampa
If you have fami
family members in the active military please call the parish office to
have them put on our prayer list.
Students! Ever have a question about church stuff and then forgot to
ask when you got to EYC? Ask away with #eycsupwith to our
twitter@redeemereyc or Instagram redeemereyc!
A CD recording
recording of today’s service may be ordered through the parish office,
Complimentary Valet Parking is available every Sunday at the covered entrance to
Gillespie Hall on Palm Avenue from 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM.
Those persons who find it difficult to come to the altar to receive Holy Communion
are asked to inform one of the ushers, who will then see that Communion is
brought to your pew.
Listening devices for the hearinghearing-impaired may be obtained from an usher. The
Hard of Hearing Assistance System operates on a frequency of 72.9 for those whose
hearing aids have the capability to pick it up. For those who have a T-Coil receiver
in their hearing aid, Redeemer has an Induction Loop system installed. Personal
earbuds may be purchased in the parish office.
GlutenGluten-free communion wafers are available: Sundays, 7:30 AM Mass – high altar;
9:00 and 11:00 AM Masses – chapel altar. Indicate your need to the priest administering the host.
Visit our bulletin board inside Gillespie Hall on the wall outside the kitchen for
information about your parish family, upcoming events, and volunteer opportunities. Contact Carolyn Peet,, or 955.4263 if you have
something you think belongs on our bulletin board.
We welcome the newest members of our parish family:
Maya Clara Likar, Robert (Rob) Davis, Jr.
Check out our website,, to learn all the latest news and information you need to be connected to your parish. Look for the parish calendar for
details on current events.