קהילת תפארת ישראל - Congregation Tiferes Yisroel

‫קהילת תפארת ישראל‬
Welcome to Congregation Tiferes Yisroel
Parshas Terumah
Rabbi Menachem Goldberger
‫הרב מנחם ראובן הלוי גולדברגר‬
‫שליטא מרא דאתרא‬
Pushka total: $2,469.09 (see p. 3)
Celebrating our 29th year
Candle Lighting:
5:31 pm
5:35 pm
Shabbos Day
Shabbos is over after:
8:30 am
5:00 pm
6:45 pm
7:02 pm
8:00 am
5:40 pm
6:30 am
Mincha/Maariv followed by Malchus
Shlomo with Rabbi Goldberger: 5:40 pm
Next Shabbos – Parshas Tetzaveh
Candle Lighting:
5:38 pm
Friday Mincha:
5:40 pm
This Shabbos
 10-11:30 am. Camp Shabbos.
 8-9 pm. Father/Son Learning.
Congregation Tiferes Yisroel is pleased to
announce our 29th Anniversary Banquet on
March 22. Our honorees are Yaakov Jon and
Batsheva Goldman, and the Jewish Leadership Award will be presented to The Shmira
Project, Pairing IDF Soldiers with People
You can send in your reservations and your
ad in honor of the Goldmans, The Shmira
Project, or in appreciation of Rabbi and
Rebbetzin Goldberger. You can register for
the dinner and/or create an ad and pay for it
register/banquet with PayPal or your own
credit or debit card.
You can also send your ad to
banquet@tiferesyisroel.org or mail it along
with your check to the shul — Congregation
Tiferes Yisroel, 6201 Park Heights Avenue,
Baltimore, MD 21215.
Camp Shabbos
Join us today for Camp Shabbos in the
downstairs Simcha Hall. Camp Shabbos is for
children up to age 7. Healthy snacks and
drinks are provided. To sponsor snacks or to
volunteer, please contact Adriana Steinberg at
abpeljovich@yahoo.com or 202-641-6677.
2 Adar 5775/February 21, 2015
minutes before shkia; check the seasonal
davening schedule or the Lev Echad for exact
Come on — be a minyanaire! If Yisrael
Bethea can do it, you can do it!
Purim Shiur with Rabbi
Rabbi Goldberger will be giving a shiur for
the Bais Medrash program this Wednesday
night, February 25, on “Purim, the Hidden
Revelation” from 8 to 8:45. All men are
Project Chavrusa
The idea is simple: we are filled with
understanding and sometimes even inspiration
for the good that we should do. But the
strength to independently act on our
knowledge is very difficult indeed. Behold!
Project Chavrusa! Based on the wisdom of
Chazal, the solution to unfulfilled dreams is
here. Simply arrange a chavrusa for any
amount of time on Monday and/or Wednesday
nights in our Bais Medrash and that commitment will, G-d willing, compel us to bring our
ambitions to fruition. We can do this together.
To keep things sweet, if you let Shuki Nissan
know that you’ve arranged a chavrusa before
February 23, you’ll be entered into a raffle for
$100 to a local Jewish book store and $100 to
a local eatery. There will be two separate
winners. Text Shuki at 347-706-5620 or email
Want to Be a “Minyanaire”?!
Want to impress your Creator? Looking for
a way to increase your “spiritual equity”?
Come join the TY minyan. We are looking
for a few (10+) good men ages 13-120 to join
our daily minyan. Shacharis is at 6:30 am
during the week, 8:30 am on Shabbos, and 8
am on Sundays. Mincha/Maariv begins 10
This week’s Lev Echad is in honor of the:
Tiferes Yisroel Minyanaires
Mazel Tov to
 Rabbi Yaakov and Shifra Novograd on the
engagement of their daughter, Aliza, to
Chaim Yoel Zabare. May they be zoche to
build a bayis ne’eman b’Yisroel. Aliza is the
granddaughter of Alan a”h and Shirley
Novograd, who were members of our shul
for many years, and Rabbi and Mrs. Shmuel
 Howard and Esther Feinberg of New Jersey,
members of TY in the early days, on the
birth of a grandson to Zev and Denise
Feinberg. May they be zoche l’hachniso
bivriso shel Avraham Avinu bizmano
ul’gadlo l’Torah l’chupah ul’maasim tovim.
Father/Son Learning
Join us for Father/Son Learning this Motzei
Shabbos, from 8 to 9. It’s a wonderful way to
hold onto the Kedusha from Shabbos as you
and your son(s)/grandsons share this special
time together.
Pizza and refreshments will be available at
the end of learning, from 8:30 to 9, along with
stories of our holy Tzaddikim. We will meet
upstairs in our beautiful Bais Medrash.
Visit us at tiferesyisroel.org
The Weekly Parsha
Midei Shabbos Beshabbato
by HaRav Eliezer Chrysler
“And you shall make a Menorah of pure
gold, beaten it shall be made …” (25:31).
Citing the Medrash Tanchuma, which
compares the construction of the Mishkan
with the creation of the world, the Oznayim
la’Torah explains how the order of the major
vessels, as Betzalel constructed them and as
they appear in the Torah, follows the order of
the creation.
First, the Torah discusses the Aron — corresponding to the Torah, which preceded the
world. Then comes the Shulchan, with the
Lechem ha’Panim, which symbolizes sustaining the world — corresponding to the creation
of the vegetation and the fruit-bearing trees,
which were created on the third day; and that
is followed by the Menorah, which
illuminated the Mishkan — corresponding to
the creation of the sun and moon, which were
created on the fourth day.
This article is provided as part of Shema Yisrael Torah Network.
Permission is granted to redistribute electronically or on paper,
provided that this notice is included intact.
Graphic courtesy of Chinuch.org.
Know Your Shul Members —
Weingot Family
Parshas Terumah
being part of a family. Sara gives workshops
in the parenting methodology developed by
Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish, called “How
to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So
Kids Will Talk.” She sums up the essence of
the teaching as putting a strong emphasis on
listening to one’s children.
“We value the principle of chanoch l’naar
al pi darcho, educating according to the
child’s own way. But what does it mean?
Every child is so different. How do we know
what their way is? To instill strength,
dedication, and yiras shamayim, we need to
know what their way is. We do this by paying
attention and trying to understand their
perspective, their passion, their interests, their
individual way.”
The parents also follow their own paths, as
independent businesspeople. Itchy studied
business in school and has worked in the cell
phone industry, in home improvement, and as
a wholesaler of personal electronics. He found
his focus wholesaling telephone accessories,
and he really likes being an entrepreneur,
especially the flexibility and the freedom to
make his own decisions. His first job was as a
cook, but now he leaves that to the expert.
Sara’s business is Challah by Sara. She
feels grateful to have work that allows her to
be home, focused on her household and
family, and that produces something used in a
mitzvah. She also feels proud that what she
does makes life easier for other people. In
addition to challah, Sara bakes babkas, cakes,
cookies, and cinnamon buns, and she hopes to
set up a Pesach kitchen in her basement
shortly to begin baking pesachdik kugels.
Sara had Rabbi Goldberger as a teacher in
seminary, and when the family moved to the
neighborhood 7 years ago, they came to
Tiferes Yisroel. Itchy appreciates the Rabbi’s
warmth, positivity, and simchas hachaim. A
favorite aspect of Yiddishkeit, which he tries
to emulate, is one he sees embodied in the
shul: welcoming new people and strangers,
making people feel at home, and giving
comfort to people who need it.
Free Banquet Ticket
Sara and Yitzchok (Itchy) Weingot are the
parents of Ephraim, 9, who is in 4th grade at
Talmudical Academy (TA) and enjoys sports;
Frayda, 8, a third-grader at Bnos Yisroel and
her mother’s right-hand girl; Moshe, 7, an
easygoing, flexible person with a big smile
who is in 1st grade at TA; Elchanon, 6, in pre1A at TA, a stand-up comic who keeps the
family on their toes; Chaya Zeesa, 4, who is in
a rotating playgroup and loves hosting her
friends; and Dena, 11 months, who is teething
and enjoys trying new foods.
The oldest in a large family himself, Itchy
tries to make each of his children feel as if he
or she is almost an only child, even while
We are looking for volunteers to do
photography and videography at the banquet
so that we can have that as a memento for the
honorees. The volunteers will be our guests
for dinner at the banquet. If you know of
anyone, please have them contact Caryn Blum
at carynblum@icloud.com.
Volunteer Opportunities
1. Someone to help bring a sefer Torah and
seforim to someone who is sitting shiva.
Together with Nathan Franco you would be
responsible to deliver and pick up the Torah,
aron and siddurim.
2. Someone to help publicize TY events in
the community. You would coordinate with
the person who designs the poster to receive
the flyer via email; email the poster to the
printer; contact the person in the community
who hangs up posters around town and pay
them with a shul check; and contact shuls and
other community listings of events via email.
To volunteer for these or anything else you
can think of, please contact Dov Pear at
Men’s Bais Medrash
Our Bais Medrash Program for men is on
Monday and Wednesday nights from 8 to 9,
followed by maariv. There are different
learning opportunities of varying lengths to
make it possible for everyone to participate.
As an added incentive, there will be freshly
brewed coffee and refreshments.
 Monday
 8-8:35, Reb Shlomo Goldberger, Mishna
 8-9, Jay Taffel, Rambam Hilchos Tzitzis
 8:45-9, Shuki Nissan, Chovos Hatalmidim
 Wednesday
 8-8:35, Reb Shlomo Goldberger, the
Weekly Parsha
 8:45-9, Shuki Nissan, Chovos Hatalmidim
Thank You from the Ezras
We would like to thank the shul and the
kehilla and the sponsors for the wonderful
kiddush this past Shabbos. Thank you for
welcoming us with open arms. Joining the
shul was the best move we ever made.
Reb Elimelech Film
Tiferes Yisroel proudly presents Rabbi
Hanoch Teller screening his new film, “Reb
Elimelech and the Chassidic Legacy of
Brotherhood,” March 8, at 8 pm at the shul.
Rabbi Teller will provide the introduction
and participate in a question and answer
session on this feature-length film tracing the
birth of the Chassidic movement.
The cost is $10 for an individual, $18 for a
husband and wife, and $25 for a family.
There is limited seating. To reserve your
spot, go to tiferesyisroel.org/donate.html
where you can use PayPal or your own credit
card (after clicking on the PayPal button).
Select “other” from the drop down, and fill in
“Film Hanoch Teller.”
Refuah Shalaimah to
 Raizy Cohen, Raiselle bas Sarah
 Hillel Zeitlin, Hillel Mordechai ben Miriam
 Risha Saperstein, Risha Yonah bas Masha
 Sima Cooperman, Sima bas Sarah
 Emunah Friedman, Emunah L’Ori bas
Daven with us at 6201 Park Heights Avenue
Parshas Terumah
You’re Invited!
Message from the Prez
Holy Kehilla,
Wishing everyone a wonderful Shabbos. Here are some more of the
results of the survey question — What would make our shul even
 Getting to know each other better.  More fun events.  People
being attuned respectfully to each other and getting on that same good page
together more often, especially during davening and krias HaTorah.  Preteen/teen programming.  The men being more aware of their out-loud
talking before people have finished Shemona Esrei. Same thing for talking
during the Torah reading and Haftorah.  More members. We’d be able to
do more things and be in better financial shape.  Handicapped accessible.
 Knowing which page number you’re on during davening.  All-night
(not just 2 hours) learning for women on Shavuos. 
Have an awesome Shabbos.
Focus on Chesed
(You’ll be Glad You Did)
Dov and Suzanne
Sign up by emailing shlomhuva@aol.com.
The pushka challenge is to put whatever
amount of money one is able into a pushka
every day or as often as possible. The
recommended amount is only 36 cents a day.
When your pushka is full, please empty it
into a ziplock bag marked with your name,
and drop it into our locked mailbox at 3310
W. Strathmore Avenue. If it is difficult for
you to drop it off, please contact Shlomo and
Ahuva Goldberger at 410-358-4456 to
arrange a pickup. If you need a shul pushka,
you may take one from the shul window sill,
and they will be replenished as needed.
Latest contributors:
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Goldberger
Running total: $2,469.09
Rabbi and Rebbetzin
Shlomo and Ahuva
Yisroel and Yaffa Addess
Dvora Balaban
Esther Barak
Mordechai Beleck
Ze’ev Beleck
Mayer and Atarah Berman
Samira Bethea
Yisrael and Rina Bethea
Jon and Ila Bierer
Ken and Chana Birnbaum
Nisan and Meira Blaxberg
Chaim and Rivka Bluestein
Ari and Caryn Blum
Moshe and Shelly Cohen
Saul and Raizy Cohen
Sima Cooperman
Moshe and Joyce Dreyfuss
Jared and Stephanie Ezra
Louis and Gail Feinstein
Sarah Friedman
Ken and Yocheved Gelula
Ida Goldberger
Keely and Jillian Goldberger
Yaakov and Batsheva
Dov and Tayna Goldstein
Rabbi Howard and Felicia
Yaakov and Ester Gur
Shulamis Heldoorn
Kenneth Hendon and Aliza
Yosef and Aliza Hertzmark
Betzalel and Esther Huff
Nisan and Marietta Jaffee
Rabbi Chaim Tzvi and
Libbi Kakon
Efraim Katz and Judy
Suzanne Kayne
Ben Kristall-Weiss
Rafi Kristall-Weiss
Zvi and Rochelle Kushner
Barbara Landsman
Ed and Mesa Leventhal
Elie and Esther Levi
Fred and Rena Levi
Gregg Levitan
Binny Margolese
Mo and Shaina Margolese
Mordecai Zev and Aviva
Aryeh Leib and Simy
Hillorie Morrison
Saul and Toby Passe
Dov and Karen Pear
Binyomin and Elisheva
Fred Petersen and Alisa
Jonathan and Talia Raun
Rabbi Goldberger’s Navi Shiur
for Women on Sunday Nights
Join us for our women’s shiur with Rabbi
Goldberger on Sunday evenings. We are
learning Navi, “Shmuel,” about Dovid
HaMelech both prior to his becoming king
and during his reign. Please bring a Sefer
Shmuel with Rashi. The shiur is held from 8
to 9 pm in the Nancy Taffel Annex.
Coming Up
Because some key funny people will not be available, we really need
your help with this year’s Purim shpiel. Meaning, it’s not going to
happen without your input. If you have fully developed scripts, send
them to me ASAP. If you have half-baked ideas, let me know. If you
have dormant ideas and would like to brainstorm, talk to me. If you are
not funny, and have no ideas, don’t contact me. Otherwise, everyone,
please send your funny thoughts to dovpear@gmail.com. And if your
funny ideas are better suited for the written word, please send them to
Suzanne at levechad@tiferesyisroel.org.
Really, we need all the help we can get. Have you seen what we’ve
done in the past?
We cordially invite the entire kehilla to join
us March 14, Shabbos Mevorchim, for a
kiddush welcoming our new members: Yosef
David and Ruth Berman; Paltiel and Brooke
Brodsky; Eli and Lena Fleminger; Shaina
Gleiberman; Baruch and Rus Jankowitz; Ilan
Roth; and Yocheved Schechter.
If you would like to help sponsor this
kiddush, please contact Caryn Blum at 410358-5478 or carynblum@icloud.com.
Howard and Dvora Sora
Victor Reznick
Jerry and Eileen
Bob Rosenfelt
Lev Avraham and Rachel
Lenny and Glenna Ross
Rottman family
Tehilla Rottman
Tim Ryan
Yosef and Tova
Aaron and Shoshana
Ann Stiller
Morty and Beth
Steven and Shari Rosen
Elie and Esther Weiner
Itchy and Sara Weingot
Nosson and Aviva
Avrum Weiss and Joan
Zussman family
 March 7: Bar Mitzvah of Moshe Passe.
Kiddush following davening sponsored by
his parents, Saul and Toby Passe.
 March 8: Screening of Reb Elimelech.
 March 14: Shabbos Mevorchim kiddush.
 March 22: Banquet.
Used Book Sale
New arrivals include:
 The World of Prayer, by Rabbi Eli Munk
 The Maggid Speaks
 Artscroll Pirkei Avos Treasury
 Vision of the Fathers, by Rabbi Twerski
Most titles are still $5 or less. Our used
book sale is located upstairs outside the Bais
Medresh. All proceeds go to the shul.
For more information or to donate gently
used Jewish books, please contact Steve
Schwarz at simchamelech@aol.com or call
Thank you for supporting your shul.
Big Brothers/Big Sisters
Right now, there are young people in our
community who need a mentor and a friend.
Become a Big Brother or Big Sister and find
out how rewarding this volunteer experience
can be. For more information, contact Mrs.
Bracha Goetz at Jewish Community Services,
410-843-7453 or bgoetz.@jcsbaltimore.org.
Grape Juice Campaign
Wondering what to do with all your extra
grape juice you received from shalach manos?
Donate them to Bikur Cholim to be used for
patients and the pantries in the various
hospitals. There will be a box in shul for you
to drop off sealed bottles of any size.
Download our phone app
Giving tzedakah in the name of the departed has
the power to elevate their soul. When you give
charity on behalf of your loved one, consider giving
to Tiferes Yisroel. And may the soul of your loved
one be bound in the bond of life, together with the
souls of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov; Sarah,
Rivka, Rachel and Leah; and together with the other
righteous men and women in Gan Eden.
Leon Bartz a”h, 2 Adar, grandfather of Louis
Flora Singer, Fromet bas Dovid a”h, 3 Adar, mother
of Mark Singer
Avraham Elbaz a”h, 3 Adar, father of Simy
Nama Schaab a” h, 4 Adar
Abraham Berkman, Avraham ben Aharon HaLevi
a”h, 4 Adar, father of Dr. Aron Berkman
Isaac Jacobs, Yitzchok ben Aryeh Lev a”h, 5 Adar,
father of Susan Sonenthal
Rubin Sklar, Reuven a”h, 6 Adar, grandfather of
Hinda Blum
Fanny Havelock, Faga Baila bas Fivish a”h, 7 Adar,
grandmother of Emily R. Lipsitz
Isador Havelock, Yitzchak ben Avrum a”h, 7 Adar,
grandfather of Emily R. Lipsitz
H. Albert Korn, Chaim Gamliel ben Shlomo a”h, 7
Adar, father of Mark Korn
Sarah Hanowitz, Chaya Sorah bas Eliezer Yoshua
HaLevi a”h, 8 Adar, grandmother of Harold
Lipsitz a”h
 February 21: Women’s shiur in memory of
Chaya Malka Barkai and Esther Nechama
Margolese. Sefer HaChinnuch, led by Dr. Dovid
Clay. Home of Joyce Dreyfuss, 3820 Menlo
Drive, each Shabbos at 3:30 pm. All women and
high school girls are invited.
February 21: Seven Famous Jewish Historians.
Rabbi Dovid Katz. 8:30 pm, Shomrei.
February 22: Jewish Genealogy Society of
Maryland presents, “The Jews of Eastern Europe
in the Age of Mass Migration, 1881-1914.” Free
for paid members, $5 for non-members (applied
to membership fee when a visitor joins JGSMD)
after their first meeting. Refreshments will be
available. Please check our website at
www.jgsmd.org for late updates and for the time,
location and program of future meetings. 1:30
pm, Pikesville Library meeting room.
February 24: National Cupcake Day.
February 26: Violin recital by Yonatan
Grinberg, featuring works by Mozart, Franck and
Ravel. Free, 8 pm, Peabody Institute, Griswold
March 1: Matanot Shelanu 10th Annual Skating
Production, CHANNIE On Ice. All proceeds will
be donated to the Jewish Caring Network. Show
begins promptly at 12:45 pm. Mt. Pleasant Ice
Arena, 61010 Hillen Road, Towson. $15 in
advance, $18 at the door. For women and girls
only. Dress warmly. For tickets: 443-388-2105 or
March 4: Etz Chaim’s Annual Purim Party.
Maariv at 6:40 pm, followed by Megillah reading
at 7 pm. Dairy buffet dinner, raffle prize
drawings, musical kumsitz. $10 per person.
Joblink. Joblink provides job seekers, recruiters
and employers with valuable information regarding
employment opportunities and career information.
Parshas Terumah
If you are looking for a job or know of one at
your office, please contact our shul liaison, David
Sawilowsky at davidsaw@comcast.net, or Marthe
Vidaver at Joblink, 410-602-8700, marthe@joblink
Rebbetzin’s Soup Gmach. To enjoy, when
unfortunately necessary, please contact Rebbetzin
Goldberger for pick-up at 410-542-9656.
Shul Rentals. To reserve the use of the shul’s
simcha hall or Nancy Taffel Annex, please contact
Eileen Rosenbaum at 410-764-8443 or eileen@
tiferesyisroel.org. There is no fee to reserve the
date. For availability, go to www.tiferesyisroel.org,
and click on the “Calendar” button on the left. This
online calendar is kept up-to-date continuously.
No Peanuts! The shul is peanut-free. In
consideration of our members with peanut allergies,
please refrain from bringing peanut products into
the shul.
Sponsorships. To arrange your sponsorship,
email levechad@tiferesyisroel.org or go to
www.tiferesyisroel.org and click donate. Please
send your donation to Congregation Tiferes Yisroel,
6201 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215.
To sponsor Shemen Lamaor for a month or the
Lev Echad or Camp Shabbos for a week, the
donation is $36. To sponsor Father/Son Learning
for a week, the donation is $90. Half-sponsorships
are also available for $45.
For the following, please contact Nisan Blaxberg
at 443-527-1726 or inn8doc@aol.com.
Siddur $50
Chumash $75
Yahrzeit Plaque $300
Other seforim may be dedicated as well.
TY Shiurim Schedule
 9:30-10:15 am: Men’s Gemara Megilla shiur
given by the Rabbi. Rashi, selected Tosfos and
Maharsha following Shacharis.
 10-10:45 am: Women’s Tehillim gathering for
cholim (Nancy Taffel Annex).
 8-9 pm: Shmuel, given by Rabbi Goldberger. For
women. Nancy Taffel Annex.
 8-9 pm: Rambam Mishnah Torah, Hilchos
Tzitzis, given by Jay Taffel. Upstairs Beis
 8-9 pm: Gemara Horayos, given by Jay Taffel.
Upstairs Beis Midrash.
Daily (Monday-Friday):
 Every morning following davening — a chabura
for strengthening Hebrew reading with Nesivos
Shalom. With fresh hot coffee!
 Monday through Thursday between mincha and
maariv: Rabbi Goldberger, 5 minutes of Mesillas
Yesharim by the Ramchal.
 Sunday through Thursday evening after mincha/
maariv for 15 minutes — Rabbi Goldberger shiur
for men. Malchus Shlomo.
 8-9 pm: Men’s bais medrash. Monday and
 8-8:30 am: Mishnayos Chabura. Nezikin.
 President Dov Pear 410-358-9825
 VP Programming Saul Passe 410-585-0182
 VP Membership Lev Avraham Rosenstock 443255-4343 louis@tiferesyisroel.org,
lrosenstockphoto@ yahoo.com
 Secretary Louis Feinstein 410-764-2532
 Treasurer Yaakov Gur 410-358-2005
 Bais Medrash Reb Shuki Nissan 347-706-5620
 Calendar Eileen Rosenbaum 410-764-8443
 Camp Shabbos Adriana Steinberg 202-641-6677
 Candyman Ari Blum
 Chesed Committee Chana Birnbaum (shiva) 410358-7736; Ester Gur (births) 410-358-2005; Raizy
Cohen (cholim) 410-764-8852
 Davening Schedule Jay Taffel 410-358-9029
 Father/Son Learning Dov Pear 410-358-9825
 Gabbai Rishon Jay Taffel 410-358-9029
 Gabbai Sheni Hillel Zeitlin 410-358-7316
 Gabbai Tzedakah Nathan Franco 240-472-3815
 Hospitality Gail Feinstein 410-456-4306
 Kitchen Coordinator Batsheva Goldman
 Lev Echad
Editor Suzanne Kayne levechad@tiferesyisroel.
Know Your Shul Members Talia Raun
 Mitzvah Cards Glenna Ross 410-358-1687
 Seforim
Purchase Nisan Blaxberg 443-527-1726
Repair Mark Hart
 Shalosh Seudos Coordinator Hinda Blum 410764-2279
 Simcha Hall Reserve Eileen Rosenbaum 410-7648443 eileen@tiferesyisroel.org
 Sisterhood Batsheva Goldman 410-358-3768
jenbgold@gmail.com; Elka Rottman 410-3585427 elkarottman@gmail.com; Devorah Taffel
410-358-9029 jtaffel@yahoo.com
 Supplies Ordering Shulamis Heldoorn 410-6641212 pheldoorn@verizon.net
 Tzeischem L’Shalom Coordinator Mordechai Beleck 443-570-3850 mordechaibeleck@yahoo.com
 Webmaster Tzadik Vanderhoof 443-722-7330
 Yahrzeit Plaques Nisan Blaxberg 443-527-1726
 Yahrzeit Records Alisa Mandel 410-963-2977
 Shul Business admin@tiferesyisroel.org
Lev Echad Deadline:
Wednesday, 6:13 pm
Good Shabbos!
Rabbi Goldberger’s Shul
Congregation Tiferes Yisroel
6201 Park Heights Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21215