Volume XxIi, Number 44 • Red River, New Mexico • Thursday, February 19, 2015 • 50 Cents
Bits & Pieces����������������������� 2
Bizbits��������������������������������� 3
Crazyfoxx��������������������������� 3
Chamber Chat��������������������� 4
Editorial������������������������������� 4
Food for Thought ��������������� 5
Headin’ West����������������������� 5
This Week��������������������������� 6
MG Winners����������������������� 7
Home Country��������������������� 8
Check It Out����������������������� 9
Sudoku ������������������������������� 9
Bulletin Board������������������� 10
Out of the Past ����������������� 11
Chinese New Year:
Is this the year
of the fainting goat?
(See Page 13)
Snow Report
Snow and azure skies
in the forecast.
Flowers In Your Hair - Happy hippy couple Davia and Randy celebrated Peace Love & Mardi Gras at the Conference Center and swept
the Grand Ball Costume Contest in the process. Other Mardi Gras winners are listed on Page 2 and more photos appear on Page 7.
Morton Beeheffler
The Red River Miner
February 19, 2015
Thank You
The family of Hank Mutz would
like to express our heartfelt gratitude for all of the beautiful cars of
sympathy and condolence. Thank you for your visits and kind
words, flowers and food.
We thank everyone for your
prayers, love and support.
Hank’s family - Johnnie,
Jan, June, Jeannine and Joe
Contest Winners
(More Winner photos on page 7)
Most Thematic Float - Peace Train (above) - Krewe de Rouge
Most Humorous Float - Shag Wagon - Party Krewe
Best Walking - Peace & Lov-ato - Lov-ato Krewe
Best Out-of-Town - Kowboys - Kowboy Krewe
Best Decorated - In Memory of Al Berard - Michaela Weathers, Mikayla & Anjelica Chavez
Grand Costume Ball
Men - Randy Richard
Women - Davia Jarrett
Couple - Randy & Davia
Kid - Girl in pink with BIG heart
sunglasses (If you know her
name, let the Miner know)
Drink- making Contest
Krewe de Rouge
Decorating Contest
Best Interior - Bull O’ the Woods
Best Exterior - Motherlode
Best Decorated Lodge - Ponderosa
(Courtesy RR Chamber of Commerce)
Mardi Gras In The Snow
The Facebook article found on
Curbed.Ski is entitled “The Top
Five Ski Towns to Have an Epic
Mardi Gras Party” and Mardi Gras
in the Mountains is on the list.
Dated Thursday, February 12,
2015, it can also be found at www., The site recommends ski country for a great Fat
Tuesday time.
The article focuses on the weeklong Red River celebration, and in
particular, the burning of the Wild
Tchoupitoula. It mentions krewes
and how to join or start one.
The lists also recommends celebrating Fat Tuesday at the Colorado towns of Snowmass, Steamboat Springs and Breckenridge, as
well as California’s Northstar and
Squaw Valley.
200 E. Main • Red River
Got Fudge?
300 West Main Street, Red River
open DAILY
7:30 AM - 8 PM
Ski pants
& Jackets
Buy One,
Get One Free
Two more competitive events
will be on the snow in the coming
The Red River Ski Area will be
hosting the annual USASA Red
River Rampage Slopestyle on
February 28. The event will be a
qualifier for Nationals.
The USASA Snowboard Slalom
& GS will be held March 3, and
will contest Slalom 1 and 2 and GS
1 and 2 Snowboard race events
The USASA (United States of
America Snowboard/Skier Association) is “a grassroots organization that promotes safe, fair
and fun events for snowboarders
and skiers while fostering a competitive spirit. Every year riders
compete in slalom, giant slalom,
slopestyle, boarder/skier cross and
halfpipe events at the regional level. Skiers can be involved in the
slopestyle, skiercross and halfpipe
events. Riders accumulate points
to qualify for Nationals. The goal
is to promote fun lifelong activities for snowboarders and skier of
all ages.”
- (Courtesy USASA)
TZ Is Coming!
Fans of the legendary T.Z.
Wright, one of Red Rivers longtime favorites, should head for Yesterday’s Diner on Saturday, February 21, to help him celebrate his
birthday. He’ll be performing two
shows: Noon-2 pm, and 6-8 pm.
In addition to doing the songs
his Red River fans have come to
know, he will be performing from
his latest CD, Oklahoma & You.
Did You Know?
Two-hour Snowshoe Discovery
Tours at Red River’s Enchanted
Forest Cross Country Ski and Snowshoe Area are regularly scheduled on
Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays but
are available by advance request on
other days! All-Day Tours and a la
carte tours are available by advance
reservation only.
Don’t forget the annual Just
Desserts featuring yummy eats
prepared by the area restaurants
and pastry chefs will be at the
EFXC on February 28. Make your
reservations now!
February 19, 2015
The Red River Miner
New Jobs Requires Focus
And Every Day Vigilance
A native of North Hollywood, California, Brenda Sloan moved to
Questa NM in 1979. Her father was an underground construction miner.
She has called Red River home since 1994. Like many people
in Red River she wears more than one hat. She is the new Planning and
Zoning Administrator for the Town of Red River.
“I will go out around town to make sure people are complying with
ordinances. A focus right now is on signage. I need to make sure that
permits have been submitted. Also, building permits. I will be the liaison
between people who are coming in wanting to rezone.”
She points out that Planning and Zoning is a Commission, not a citizens advisory committee. P & Z has some legal authority for the town.
She wears her second hat while working as a Lab Technician at the
Town’s Advanced Waste Water Treatment Plant (AWWT).
“I test water samples that people bring in, drinking water samples
from around the Circle. We test for total coliform and E. coli bacterias.
“We have monthly tests that have to comply with our State permit.”
The job also requires daily calibration of PH meters to test the plant’s
PH levels of effluent (water returning to the river.) Once a month she
tests water coming into the plant and compares it to the effluent to see
what percentage is cleaned to comply with regs.
Brenda says that the Town monitors the water wells on a regular basis. The Town crew also takes random samples.
She is aware that the town is working to procure funding for upgrading the plant, as well as for sewer and water infrastructure.
She had not done any lab work since high school. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Related Systems. The state will require she
eventually become certified in Testing.
Drum roll, Maestro!
Peace, Love and Mardi Gras was
a blast! If you missed it... then, you
probably missed the ‘60s, too!
The six-day celebration of fun,
food and frivolity has done its
job for another year. I’ll have difficulty finding any trace of Cabin
Fever lingering in the shadows of
the Red River Valley.
I have been left with a mush
mind, too mushy to write anything
of any length that would maintain
a focus or a theme. I’m going to
jot down a few observations on
2015 Mardi Gras in the Mountains
while they’re still fresh.
First I take a deep breath and....
Here goes!
For the 6th time since Red River began celebrating Mardi Gras,
it, Valentine’s Day and Presidents’
Day all had a cosmic convergence!
That happens every 3-4-5 years or
so and the result is a lot of people
in town having fun. 2018 and 2021
are the next time it will happen.
If my calculations are correct,
Mardi Gras in the Mountains in
2016 will be February 4 through
February 9. Fat Tuesday 2017 will
be February 28, so in Red River
the fun will start on February 23.
The Mardi Gras weather was
pretty mild, with nice days but a
few cold nights. Such conditions
made acquiring beads less risky
than usual, although the time-honored custom is seldom seen in Red
River. That’s because the natives
are willing to give away beads just
to be friendly. That’s how we roll.
A Traditional Baptist Church
Sunday Worship Services
8:15 & 10:30 am
For Information please call 575-754-2882
Courtney Henderson, 2015
Rex, King of The Mardi Gras, was
a member of the Party Krewe and
he served admirably in the capacity of Rex. I must confess, the sight
of Dr. Evil and Mini Me was a bit
disarming at first glance, especially when surrounded by Number 1
and Austin Powers.
Courtney is now a member of
a unique part of Red River Mardi
Gras History. I’ve lost count but I
think approximately 12 or 13 Red
River citizens/Mardi Gras Revelers have served as Rex since 2003
when Rex Brown did the honors
and led the parade, tossing beads
from his throne, a snowmobile on
a trailer!
By the time you read this, the
2016 Rex, King of Mardi Gras
in the Mountains, will have been
elected to the dubious honor.
It was amazing to have Forest
Huval and the band from the heart
Invites You to Worship with Us This Sunday
103 High Cost Trail - West End of Town
Let’s hear a loud cheer for all
the Krewes who were in fine form
this year!
I particularly must give a resounding pat on the back to the
Party Krewe who were in the middle of the fun and usually making
the most noise! They lived up to
their name.
Represent, Represent! (Whatever that means these days.)
From the Tchoupitoula parade
and the kick-off ball at the ‘Lode,
to the Drink Contest and the Main
Street Parade, the Party Krewe had
an abundance of creativity and a
great eye for detail.
The First Baptist Church of Red River
Vacation Dress Expected
High St. & Copper King
5-9 PM
of Acadiana back in the midst of
Fat Tuesday merrymaking.
The presence of our lost Brother Al Berard was definitely on
stage at every performance. The
big banner with a picture of Al
smiling and playing the fiddle did
move me to tears on more than
one occasion.
It’s only been a year since he
left us but his energy and love
were with us in grand fashion.
Thanks to the ladies and gentlemen from La Louisiane for
keeping the love that is the music which speaks directly to our
hearts and souls, without translation or explanation.
I have trouble every year when
it comes time to put the beads in
storage. I don’t want to do it.
My psych/shrink friends would
possibly attribute my reluctance
to a fear that I may never see
them again and that Mardi Gras
will somehow vanish before my
I think it is more likely that
the beads are fun and I’m not
ready for Ash Wednesday. Not
just yet.
Mountain Getaways Begin Here
Sales, Rentals & Management
of Red River’s
Finest Mountain Properties
Info: 575-754-2459
420 E. Main St. • P.O. Box 570
Red River, New Mexico 87558
The Red River Miner
Information Highway
Cluttered, Very Scenic
After recently checking Facebook sites for any Mardi Gras in the
Mountains info that might give me a broader view of the event, I decided
to log on to my email address with CenturyLink.
To get to my “mail,” I have to navigate a page that is the equivalent of
a time-honored carnival, complete with midway rides which amuse me,
scare me and distract me, all with the purpose of setting me up for the
joints and flat stores which revel in separating me from my cash.
For instance, upon hitting the email link at the top of the page, a page
shows up with brightly colored pictures that grab my eye, mostly of people
I may or may not know. Some of the people are movie stars and politicians, others just people in the news receiving their 15 minutes of fame.
On this particular day, Bill Cosby and Barbara Bush are easy to recognize: I’ve been seeing their images for years.
Other faces... I don’t have a clue. Who is Jamie Dorman and why is he
fleeing the country? And who is Kesha and what has she done to warrant
a picture on this page, the page on the way to my email?
There are also ads and petitions and real estate offers, opinion polls,
games, movie listings and stock market reports. I failed to mention recipes and TV listings.
If I look hard, I can find my way to the email: Upper right hand corner.
Log In.
I can log in without much difficulty, but there are times when things
get lost in the shuffle and I don’t find an email until days later. My apologies.
There are times, also, when I’ve been told an email was sent. The
question, therefore, becomes: where was it sent and where is it. Somewhere with my lost socks, perhaps in Cyberspace?
Log out and head back the way I came: that’s my motto. It is then that
I can take a look at the scenic “information.” I usually pass most of it by
unless there is a picture of a cute puppy or a kitty or Jessica Alba.
So, is this “stuff” worth the effort? Check back in a hundred years.
Published weekly by Shepherd Studio
Contributing Writers
Barbara Calhoun
Ann Huskinson
Alyce Lindberg Densow
Slim Randles
Carrie Wendorf
Ristorante Italiano
open Daily
Dinner 5 pm
Lunch Weekends
Gluten-Free Pizza
Riverside Dining
on our Deck
On Red River
110 Pioneer Rd.
Open for dinner
Appetizers, Soups,
Salads, Steaks,
Seafood, Burgers
& Sandwiches
Kids Menu
Full Service Bar
402 West Main Street
Yearly Subscription Rates
$25 - Picked Up
$60 - Mailed
$20 - Online
©2015 Red River Miner
— Chamber Chat —
The 2015 Mardi Gras in the
Mountains was celebrated in true
Red River style! The parades, music, food, balls, crowds and fun
were amazing! Thanks to everyone for participating during this
event. This truly was six days of
great partying.
Haven’t had
enough Mardi Gras? Thursday,
February 19, 6:00 pm, Timbers
Restaurant, is the Mardi Gras
Awards Ceremony and Cajun buffet. Come and enjoy one more
night of Mardi Gras. The 2016
King Rex will be “unmasked”.
As I sit here looking out the
window and contemplating the
remainder of this week’s column,
the view is breathtaking and quite
a distraction from writing. Then I
realize I need to try to put into
words the beauty of the mountains
this particular morning. Of course,
everyone who has visited or lives
in Red River is already aware of
the majestic beauty but sometimes
a person just has to close their
eyes and visualize the splendor.
The sky is clear and the color of
robin egg blue which is an official
Crayola color named in the early
1900s. The only break in the blue
skies is the dissipating trail of a
passing jet.
The trees are slightly waving in
the wind as the sun comes over the
mountains and casts shadows on
the snow. The pieces of sunshine,
shade, and variations of green
throughout the trees create a
patchwork effect equal in beauty
to any quilt created by grandma’s
Of course, then there is the
snow sparkling with bits of diamonds and glitter! The diamonds
and glitter say it all . . . what adult
doesn’t like diamonds and what
child doesn’t like glitter? The
more, the better and the snow is
covered with an abundance of
Now, close your eyes and visualize you and your family in Red
River. Add the sounds of the gurgling river, the quacking ducks,
elk bugling, fireworks from the
torchlight parade, or the excitement of a child’s first-caught fish.
Listen for the crackling of wood
fireplaces, swish of skis, laughter
as a snowball hits its target or the
silent summer rain.
When you open your eyes, pick
up the phone and call the Red
River Chamber of Commerce,
575-754-2366, or the Visitor Center, 575-754-3030, for lodging
availability in Red River. Winter,
summer, spring or fall - each season is perfect for visiting Red
Check out the Chamber of
Commerce sponsored events at
w w w. r e d r i v e r c h a m b e r. c o m .
Make plans to come to Red River
and enjoy the mountains as well
as the events offered by the
Upcoming events include:
May 16 – Half Marathon and
May 21-25 – Memorial Day Bike
June 5-7 – 20th Annual Classic
Car Show
June 13 – River and Brews Music Festival – featuring Claudette
King – “The Bluz Queen” and
daughter of legendary B. B. King
June 19-21 – Art & Wine Festival
The blue skies now are covered
with fluffy cotton balls . . .
Barbara Calhoun
Event/Membership Coordinator
RED RIVER MINER - Send it to me now!
Send all correspondence and address changes to:
The Editor
P.O. Box 735
Red River NM 87558
(575) 754-2742
February 19, 2015
Yearly Subscription Rates: $25 - You pick it up/ $60 - We mail it
Name ____________________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________
Town __________________________________ State _____ Zip ___________
Send to: Red River Miner, P.O. Box 735, Red River NM 87558
February 19, 2015
The Red River Miner
6-8 meaty beef short ribs, trimmed of excess fat
2 Tbsp olive oil
1 large red onion, chopped
4 garlic cloves, smashed and peeled
2 Tbsp tomato paste
½ cup Balsamic vinegar
3 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
2 bottles beer (24 oz)
1 can chicken stock
1 can beef stock
Season ribs with salt and pepper.
Heat a large Dutch oven over high heat and add oil, when it
shimmers brown ribs on all sides.
Remove ribs to a plate
Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
Add onions to pot and cook until they just begin to brown.
Add garlic and cook another two or three minutes
Add tomato paste and stir till mixture thickens.
Add vinegar, W sauce and beer, scraping up any brown bits.
Return ribs to pot. If you don’t have enough room to lay all of
them flat, stand them on their sides
Add can of beef stock.
Only add enough chicken stock to make sure ribs are covered.
You may not need any.
Cover pot tightly with heavy foil… IMPORTANT! and then
put lid on.
Bake for three hours.
You could skim the fat and serve, but, they will be uberyummy if you do this. Remove the ribs into a bowl, pour the
braising liquid into a large, shallow baking dish and put into
the fridge. Let the fat rise and set for easy removal. Then
put ribs back into the liquid. Let sit in the fridge till ready to
serve. Just reheat in a 300 degree oven for about an hour…
Next… the recipe called for dark beer… I didn’t have it!
And they were wonderful.
Serve with mashed potatoes or, even better, pureed parsnips. Just peel, chop, boil till tender and drain. Put in a food
processor with some butter, heavy cream, salt and horseradish! Oh, my!!!!!
Any questions? Contact me at:
By Alyce Lindberg Densow
“The political parties that I
would call great are those which
cling more to principles than to
consequences; to general, and
not to special cases; to ideas, and
not to men. Such parties are usually distinguished by a nobler
character, more generous passions, more genuine convictions,
and a more bold and open conduct than others.” –Alexis De
“I don’t think it does any harm
just once in a while to acknowledge that the whole country isn’t
in flames, that there are people in
the country besides politicians,
entertainers, and criminals.”
–Charles Kuralt
“The high destiny of the individual is to serve rather than to
rule.” –Albert Einstein
“To sit by in silence, when
they should protest, makes cowards of men.” –Abraham Lincoln
This Presidents’ Day column,
I want to bring you some of what
I feel are the most pithy of quotes
from our country’s presidents,
from Washington to Kennedy. I
am impressed by statements from
the past that speak to today’s
problems, and I think you will
be, too. These statements show
the depth of past presidents’ feelings, spirituality, humor, intelligence.
For instance, Theodore
Roosevelt said, “He has been
called a mediocre man, but this
is unwarranted flattery. He was a
politician of monumental littleness.” What a line! Feel free to
use it.
George Washington: “Labor
to keep alive in your breast that
little spark of celestial fire – conscience.” The study of Washington’s life shows he was one of
the most spiritual and gentlemanly of them all.
Regarding our Constitution,
Thomas Jefferson (another true
gentleman) said, “The Constitution ... is unquestionably the wisest ever yet presented to men.”
And Calvin Coolidge said, “To
live under the American Constitution is the greatest political
privilege that was ever accorded
to the human race.”
Presidents had many things to
say about faith and the Bible. I
think Woodrow Wilson summed
it up when he said, “When you
have read the Bible, you will
know it is the Word of God, because you will have found it the
key to your own heart, your own
happiness, and your own duty.”
And of our Bill of Rights,
Herbert Hoover said, “It does not
require a lawyer to interpret the
provisions of the Bill of Rights.
They are as clear as the Ten
Presidents showed their faith
in the people, such as the statement by Dwight Eisenhower:
“There is nothing wrong with
America that the faith, love of
freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure.”
We ought never to forget that.
Adlai Stevenson, who should
have been a president (a great
statesman and gentleman) said,
“...Trust the people. Trust their
good sense, their decency, their
fortitude, their faith. Trust them
with the facts. Trust them with
the great decisions.” He saw a
society where “no American is
held down by race or color, by
worldly condition or social status ... as a human being and a
child of God.” I can see why he
lost twice. The man was a threat
to men in high places, the moneyed men.
They had plenty to say on national debt. Jefferson summed it
up: “... banking establishments
are more dangerous than standing
armies, and that the principle of
spending money to be paid by
posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a
large scale.” And Franklin Delano
Roosevelt said, “If the nation is
living within its income, its credit
is good. If in some crisis it lives
beyond its income for a year or
two, it can usually borrow temporarily on reasonable terms. If, like
the spendthrift, it throws discretion to the winds, is willing to
make no sacrifice at all in spending, extends its taxing to the limit
of the people’s power to pay, and
continues to pile up deficits, it is
on the road to bankruptcy. (I
shudder what FDR would say today.)
What is required of a president? John F. Kennedy said, “Of
those to whom much is given,
much is required... our success or
failure, whatever office we may
hold, will be measured by the
answers to four questions: Were
we truly men of courage? Were
we truly men of judgment? Were
we truly men of integrity? Were
we truly men of dedication?”
And Lincoln summed it up
when he said, “Nearly all men can
stand adversity, but if you want to
test a man’s character, give him
power.” He also showed his true
humility, saying, “I have been
driven many times to my knees by
the overwhelming conviction that
I had nowhere else to go. My own
wisdom and that of all about me
seemed insufficient for the day.”
Of all the presidents, Lincoln
is quoted the most. Unbelievable,
the mind and heart of this man!
After studying all of the quotations I could find, I am overwhelmed. I only wish I could
bring you more. And the thing
that gives me pride is the faith
those first presidents had in the
people, their constituents, citizens, the every day man and
woman. You and me.
Till Next Time
The Red River Miner
February 19, 2015
open for winter season
Smoked Brisket, Ribs, Sausage & Pork
Beer & Wine
Largest Selection of Draft Beer in Red River
Entertainment Weekends
In Black Mountain Playhouse
305 Pioneer Rd. • 754-9950
T. Z. Wright
Designer Builder
Serving the Enchanted Circle since 1987
Chris Peterson • GB 98 #57877 • 418 HIgh St. • Red River
Photo by Vicki Farmer
Thursday 2/19
12 pm - 5 pm Community Usage Open - Red River Conference Center
11 am - 2 pm Town Challenge Race Series - Race Shack at Red River Ski & Summer Area
4:15 pm Winter Snow Tubing - Red River Ski & Summer Area
5:30 pm Town Challenge Race Series Awards Ceremony - Black Diamond Grill
5:30 pm Live Music with Mike Addington and Friends - Lost Love Saloon
6 pm Mardi Gras Awards Ceremony & Cajun Buffet - Timbers Restaurant
7 pm Live Music with Jeff Fagan - Black Diamond Grill
7 pm Dance Party - Motherlode Saloon
Friday 2/20
Massage & Spa Therapy
Located In Miners’ Mall
Variety of Spa Treatments Offered
Essential Oils • Massage Oils
soaps • Sombra • Soy Candles
Darcy L. Banks
Lic# 4758
Visa • Mastercard • DIScover
8 am - 5 pm Community Usage Open - Red River Conference Center
4:15 pm Winter Snow Tubing - Red River Ski & Summer Area
5:30 pm Live Music with Mike Addington and Friends - Lost Love Saloon
9 pm Live Music with Two Dollar Horse - Motherlode Saloon
9 pm Live Music with Playa Lake - Bull O’ the Woods Saloon
Saturday 2/21
8 am - 5 pm Community Usage Open - Red River Conference Center
12-2 pmLive music with TZ Wright at Yesterday’s Diner
4:15 pm Winter Snow Tubing - Red River Ski & Summer Area
5:30 pm Live Music with Mike Addington and Friends - Lost Love Saloon
6-8 pmLive music with TZ Wright at Yesterday’s Diner
7 pm Torchlight Parade & Fireworks - Red River Ski & Summer Area “The Face”
9 pm Live Music with Two Dollar Horse - Motherlode Saloon
9 pm Live Music with Playa Lake - Bull o’ the Woods Saloon
Sunday 2/22
8 am - 5 pm Community Usage Open - Red River Conference Center
4:15 pm Winter Snow Tubing - Red River Ski & Summer Area
All Events Subject To Change Without Notice
For more information:
February 19, 2015
The Red River Miner
Mardi Gras Winners 2015 
300 E. Main St.  Red River NM  575-754-2320
FISHING tackle & licenses
Most Humorous Float - Shag Wagon - Party Krewe
From Beginner to the
Most Serious Fly Fisherman
Largest Selection of Flies
in Northern New Mexico
Free Internet &Wi-Fi
at the Library
Available outside - 24/7
We Have Wireless Internet Available
drink-making contest - Krewe de Rouge
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Each condominium offers:
Kitchen • Fireplace • Cable TV • Phone • Free Wi-Fi
Outdoor Heated Pool • Guest Computer Available in Office
Underground Parking • Non-Smoking Condos Available
Meeting Rooms • Shopping Mall • Fine Restaurant
Next to Brandenburg Park, Playground & Conference Center
201 West Main Street
Red River NM 87558
800-221-1859 • 575-754-2778 •
Best Exterior Decoration - Motherlode Saloon
The Red River Miner
Linda Calhoun
Qualifying Broker
at Lifts West
Warm, Cozy
Land • Homes • Commercial Property
575-754-2953 • 301 W. Main (Next to Der Markt)
Associate Brokers
Beau McDowell & Katy Pierce
Antiques &
Rustic & Unique
Home Accessories
321 E. Main St. Red River
Discounts for Locals
& Homeowners
Regional Foods
Open Daily
for lunch
& Dinner
Black Angus
Prime Rib
Every Night
This Winter!
Fresh seafood
specials daily
Cold Beer &
Fine Wines
201 W. Main St.
Red River
home country
By Slim Randles
It might have been the winter
doldrums that did it. You can never be sure of these things. It’s just
that … well, Doc is one of those
guys who can’t stand to see anyone bored. He claims it’s bad for
their inner chemistry, and since he
has more initials after his name
than anyone else in town, we tend
to listen to him.
When it happened, we in the inner
circle of the World Dilemma Think
Tank down at the Mule Barn truck
stop thought back on what Doc had
said a year ago when the temperature dropped, along with everyone’s
“In weather like this,” Doc pronounced, stirring sugar into his cup,
“a real American would come up
with a great hoax.”
Those of us sitting at the philosophy counter that morning just nodded, even though we didn’t have a
clue. No one wanted to admit it, you
When the Valley Weekly Miracle
hit the street yesterday, we bought
one to see how much the editor
dared to print, as always, but there
in the classifieds was this:
“LOST – One gray squirrel,
fluffy tail, two years old. Answers
to “Chipper.” $5.25 reward. Call
The paper was passed down the
counter and we all looked at Doc
after we read it. He was smirking as
only Doc can smirk.
“Doc,” Steve said, tentatively,
Deli, Coffee Bar, Fine Art & Jewelry
Homemade Soups, Pastries, Breads & Salads
“Long gone is the boring side salad! Check out
our new salad menu with 15 wonderful, fresh &
substantial main course salads! Varied flavors
that will keep you interested in your greens.
Lower prices on many of the sandwiches.
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7 Last Quarter Trail
Red River NM 87558
O 575.754.6614
C 575.779.2866
OPEN daily
121 E. Main at Independence Trail
Owners: Jonathan & Jenny Hawkes
Brought to you by Saddle Up: A
Cowboy Guide to Writing by Slim
Randles. Now available as a Kindle
book on
Mountain Treasures
20 Years of Vacation Rentals & Property Management
312 W. Main St.
PO Box 593
Red River, NM
“would this be the same imaginary
squirrel that was kidnapped and
held for ransom last year?”
“The very same,” Doc said. “I
named him Chipper.”
“But he’s imaginary, right?”
“The very best kind.”
“Imaginary squirrels don’t bite,
don’t have to be fed, and you never
have to clean up after them,” he
said. “And a real squirrel will eat
the leg off a coffee table.”
He grinned. “Besides, I’ve always
wanted an imaginary squirrel.”
After we laughed, Dud said, “And
what if someone finds a squirrel and
brings him to you?”
“Dudley,” he said, “I figure it’s
worth $5.25 to get a squirrel, which
would be hibernating this time of
year, of course, and then to turn
it loose. Besides, I’ll make more
money than that just stitching up the
squirrel catcher’s hand.”
Selling Red River Since 1962!
February 19, 2015
The Red River Miner
February 19, 2015
check it out - Recent Arrivals at the Red River Library
The Lost Key
Catherine Coulter
Freshly minted FBI agent Nicholas Drummond is barely out of
his Quantico training when he and
his partner, Mike Caine, are called
to investigate a stabbing on Wall
Their investigation, however,
yields more questions than answers. It quickly becomes clear
that the victim, John Pearce, was
more than the naval historian and
antiquities dealer he appeared to
be. What Drummond doesn’t
know is that buying and selling
rare books was Pearce’s cover, and
that he had devoted his life to discovering the whereabouts of a
missing World War I U-boat concealing a stash of gold bullion, and
an unexpected surprise that only
raises more questions. When
Drummond and Caine find both of
Pearce’s adult children have disappeared, the case assumes a new
sense of urgency. The FBI agents
know their best lead lies in the
victim’s cryptic final words—
“The key is in the lock.” But what
key? What lock?
The search for Adam and Sophia Pearce takes them on an international manhunt, which threatens to run them afoul of an eccentric billionaire industrialist with
his own plans not only for the lost
gold, but the creation of a weapon
unlike anything the world has ever
Miners’ transit
7:30 am -5 pm
It’s FREE!
Call 770-5959
Somewhere Safe with
Somebody Good
Jan Karon
After five hectic years of retirement from Lord’s Chapel, Father
Tim Kavanagh returns with his
wife, Cynthia, from a so-called
pleasure trip to the land of his Irish
While glad to be at home in Mitford, something is definitely missing: a pulpit. But when he’s offered
one, he decides he doesn’t want it.
Maybe he’s lost his passion.
His adopted son, Dooley, wrestles with his own passion—for the
beautiful and gifted Lace Turner,
and his vision to become a successful country vet. Dooley’s
brother, Sammy, still enraged by
his mother’s abandonment, destroys one of Father Tim’s prized
possessions. And Hope Murphy,
owner of Happy Endings bookstore, struggles with the potential
loss of her unborn child and her
hard-won business.
All this as Wanda’s Feel Good
Café opens, a romance catches fire
through an Internet word game,
their former mayor hatches a reelection campaign to throw the
bums out, and the weekly Muse
poses a probing inquiry: Does
Mitford still take care of its own?
The Peripheral
William Gibson
Where Flynne and her brother,
Burton, live, jobs outside the drug
business are rare. Fortunately,
Burton has his veteran’s benefits,
for neural damage he suffered
from implants during his time in
the USMC’s elite Haptic Recon
force. Then one night Burton has
to go out, but there’s a job he’s
supposed to do—a job Flynne
didn’t know he had. Beta-testing
part of a new game, he tells her.
The job seems to be simple: work
a perimeter around the image of a
tower building. Little buglike
things turn up. He’s supposed to
get in their way, edge them back.
That’s all there is to it. He’s offering Flynne a good price to take
over for him. What she sees,
though, isn’t what Burton told her
to expect. It might be a game, but
it might also be murder.
8 1
6 9 4
4 2 3 8
7 1 2 8
Caroline Kepnes
When a beautiful, aspiring writer strides into the East Village
bookstore where Joe Goldberg
works, he does what anyone would
do: he Googles the name on her
credit card.
There is only one Guinevere
Beck in New York City. She has a
public Facebook account and
Tweets incessantly, telling Joe everything he needs to know: she is
simply Beck to her friends, she
went to Brown University, she lives
on Bank Street, and she’ll be at a
bar in Brooklyn tonight—the perfect place for a “chance” meeting.
As Joe invisibly and obsessively takes control of Beck’s life, he
orchestrates a series of events to
ensure Beck finds herself in his
waiting arms. Moving from stalker
to boyfriend, Joe transforms himself into Beck’s perfect man, all
while quietly removing the obstacles that stand in their way—even
if it means murder.
(Synopsis courtesy
book sale
2 7 6
7 5
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At The Library
Fill A BAG - $5
Books, Audios
Videos & More
Great Selection!
winter services
Snow Removal & Snow Plowing
Home Interior Painting
February 19, 2015
The Red River Miner
bulletin board
Worship Services
Faith Mountain Fellowship Church
We at The Way Coffee’
would like to invite you
to a Bible Study thru The
Book of Romans verse by
verse, chapter by chapter
Corner of River St. & Copper King Trail
Wednesday Potluck 6 pm - Classes 6:45 pm
Sunday Worship Service - 10:30 am & 6 pm
Pastor Ed Hampton - 754-6653
First Baptist Church of Red River
103 High Cost Trail
Sunday School - 9:30 am
Sunday Contemporary Worship - 8:15 am
Sunday Worship - 10:30 am
Wednesday - Kids’ Program - 5:30-7:30 pm
Pastor: Joe Phillips - 754-2882
St. Edwin’s Catholic Church
North End of Silver Bell Trail
Sunday Obligation Mass
Saturday 6 pm (Confession preceding or by appt.)
Rev. Andrew Ifele - 586-0470
St. James Episcopal Church
St.Edwin’s at north end of Silver Bell Trail
Worship: 2nd & 4th Wednesdays - 5:30 PM
All are Welcome - Info: 575 758-2790
Fellowship of the Parks
One mile north of stoplight in Questa
Worship - 11 am - Pastor - Shon Diaz
Questa Church of Christ
Two miles north of stoplight on 522
Worship Services - 11 am
St. Mel’s Catholic Church
200 N. Willow Creek Dr., Eagle Nest
Sunday Obligation Mass on Saturday 4:00 pm
Support the Red River
Historical Society!
For only $10 a year you can be a member
and help us preserve the history of our town
and maintain our museum.
Your contribution will also enable you to attend special members-only events like the
Black Copper gathering at sites usually closed
to the public. Don’t miss out!
Join now by mailing your dues to Red River
Historical Society at P.O. Box 384, Red River
NM 87558
Tuesdays at 6 pm at
The Way Coffee’.
Recycling Bins located in
the Municipal Parking Lot
east of Brandenburg Park
are clearly labeled. Please
place items accordingly.
Long-Term Monthly Rentals
Pioneer Lodge
Utilities Included
Need References
300 West Main Street
Two Room Kitchenette
Cabin For Sale
References and security
deposit required
Prime Location-Upper
Valley-Older Cabin
now hiring
Cook, Dishwasher &
Server (19 or older)
Apply in person at Timbers
One year lease minimum
Call Dirk at
Call 575-779-9812
for more info.
to the Miner online
$20 a year.
Includes access to archives,
audios, videos, photos
Go to:
for all the details.
$5 for first 10 words
.10 each additional word
(5 lines max)
A&B Automotive
• Locked Vehicle Entry
• Interstate Batteries
• Windshield Rock Chip Repairs
113 Bunker Hill Tr. • 754-2433
K&G Services
computer Sales
Visit old Red River
Search “Red River, NM”
on Ebay thru 11/2
for Snappy’s tees,
cards & posters
in the red
river MineR
You Saw This Ad,
Others Will Too!
Mon, Tues & Fri
10:00-12:30 &
Thursday Night
6:00 - 9:00 pm
10:-12:00 1-5:00
Wed & Sunday
The Red River Miner
February 19, 2015
Winnie and mabel oldham
Photo courtesy Winnie Oldham Hamilton collection
out of the past - 1910