Thorax The Journal of the Thoracic Society (President Editors: R. ABBEY SMITH) BENJAMIN B. MILSTEIN and ANTHONY SEATON February 1978 Contents Editorial .......... ........................ page 1 Asthma contrasts in care ........................... page 1 Wessex cardiac surgery follow-up survey: the quality of life after operation J. K. ROSS, A. E. DIWELL, J. MARSH, J. L. MONRO, and D. J. P. BARKER ......... page 3 The thorax in history. 1. From ancient times to Aristotle R. K. FRENCH ................................. page 10 Polyvinyl chloride pneumoconiosis A. ARNAUD, P. POMMIER DE SANTI, L. GARBE, H. PAYAN, and J. CHARPIN ................................................ page 19 Malignant mesothelioma of the pleura in Barrow-inFurness J. R. FDGE and S. L. CHOUDHURY ......... page 26 Evagination of smooth muscle cells in the hypoxic pulmonary trunk PAUL SMITH, DONALD HEATH, and FABRIZIO PADULA ......................................... page 31 Endocrine-like cells in the terminal bronchioles and saccules of human fetal lung: an ultrastructural study JENNIFER MCDOUGALL ............................ page 43 Ventilatory effects of aerosol gentamicin M. B. DALLY, Vol. 33 No. Chronic cor pulmonale in pulmonary sarcoidosis J. P. BATTESTI, R. GEORGES, F. BASSET, and G. SAUMON page 76 Interpretation of lung function tests in the sickle-cell haemoglobinopathies G. J. MILLER, G. R. SERJEANT, M. J. SAUNDERS, C. RICHARDSON, and R. J. C. GILSON page 85 Cyclophosphamide A. pneumonitis GENE J. MARK, LEHIMGAR-ZADEH, and BRUCE D. RAGSDALE 89 Tuberculous pericarditis in Birmingham H. C. GOOI and J. MORRISON SMITH ...................................... page 94 Depression of central respiratory drive by nitrazepam MICHAEL RUDOLF, D. M. GEDDES, J. A. MCM. TURNER, and K. B. SAUNDERS 97 Familial combined cellular and humoral immune defect with multisystem granulomata w. H. PERKS and IAN S. PETHERAM ....................................... page 101 Unexpected longevity in patients with severe kyphoscoliosis WILLIAM N. ROM and ALBERT MILLER 106 S. KURRLE, and A. B. X. BRESLIN ..................... page 54 Calcification of glutaraldehyde-fixed porcine xenograft Airflow in unilateral vocal cord paralysis before and after Teflon injection Y. CORMIER, H. KASHIMA, ALAN G. ROSE, ROBERT FORMAN, and ROBERT M. BOWEN page 111 W. SUMMER, and H. MENKES ........................... page 57 A late complication of a diagnostic mediastinoscopy Total body and exchangeable potassium in chronic airways obstruction: a controversial area? KEITH H. F. W. HOITSMA, E. T. T. TJHO, and M. A. CUESTA page BODDY, D. L. DAVIES, A. D. HOWIE, M. MONIR MADKOUR, MAUREEN E. MAHAFFY, and A. I. PACK ............... page 62 Tuberculosis and mediastinoscopy E. W. J. CAMERON page 117 Neurofibroma of the trachea: a case report A. THIJS- Management of pulmonary artery sling (anomalous left pulmonary artery arising from right pulmonary artery): a conservative approach P. D. PHELAN and A. W. VENABLES .......................................... page 67 115 VAN NIES, B. VAN DE BREKEL, H. J. BUYTENDIJK, and F. MAESEN ......... page 121 Acute pleurisy in sarcoidosis I. T. GARDINER and Ductus arteriosus sling: Report of a newly recognised anomaly and its surgical correction J. P. BINET, J. S. UFF ......... J. F. CONSO, J. LOSAY, Ph. NARCY, E. J. RAYNAUD, Fr. BEAUFILS, C. DOR, and J. BRUNIAUX ............ page 72 Proceedings of The Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland page 128 ASTM CODEN: THORA 7 33 (1) 1-136 1978 .. Printed in Great Britain by Bradleys, Reading & London page 124 ISSN 0040-6376 CONTENTS PAGE No 1 FEBRUARY, 1978 Editorial ................................................................................. 1 1 ............................................................. Asthma-contrasts in care .................... Wessex cardiac surgery follow-up survey: the quality of life after operation J K ROSS, A E DIWELL, J MARSH, 3 ................................................................ J L MONRO, and D J P BARKER ............................. .................................. 10 The thorax in history. 1 From ancient times to Aristotle R K FRENCH ........... Polyvinyl chloride pneumoconiosis A ARNAUD, P POMMIER DE SANTI, L GARBE, H PAYAN, and J CHARPIN ...... 19 ............ 26 Malignant mesothelioma of the pleura in Barrow-in-Fumess J R EDGE and S L CHOUDHURY ...... Evagination of smooth muscle cells in the hypoxic pulmonary trunk PAUL SMITH, DONALD HEATH, and FABRIZIO PADULA ............................................................................................................ 31 Endocrine-like cells in the terminal bronchioles and saccules of human fetal lung: an ultrastructural study JENNIFER MCDOUGALL . ...................................................................................................... 43 54 ...................... Ventilatory effects of aerosol gentamicin M B DALLY, S KURRLE, and A B X BRESLIN ........ Airflow in unilateral vocal cord paralysis before and after Teflon injection Y CORMIER, H KASHIMA, W 57 SUMMER, and H MENKES . .................................................................................................. Total body and exchangeable potassium in chronic airways obstruction: a controversial area? KEITH BODDY, D L DAVIES, A D HOWIE, M MONIR MADKOUR, MAUREEN E MAHAFFY, and A I PACK ...... ............... 62 Management of pulmonary artery sling (anomalous left pulmonary artery arising from right pulmonary artery): a conservative approach P D PHELAN and A W VENABLES ................................................ 67 Ductus arteriosus sling: Report of a newly recognised anomaly and its surgical correction J P BINET, J F CONSO, J LOSAY, Ph NARCY, E J RAYNAUD, Fr BEAUFILS, C DOR, and J BRUNIAUX ................................. 72 Chronic cor pulmonale in pulmonary sarcoidosis J P BATTESTI, R GEORGES, F BASSET, and G SAUMON ......... 76 Interpretation of lung function tests in the sickle-cell haemoglobinopathies G J MILLER, G R SERJEANT, M J SAUNDERS, C RICHARDSON, Cyclophosphamide pneumonitis and R J C GILSON ..................................................................... 85 GENE J MARK, A LEHIMGAR-ZADEH, and BRUCE D RAGSDALE .................. 89 94 ................................ Tuberculosis pericarditis in Birmingham H C GOOI and J MORRISON SMITH .......... Depression of central respiratory drive by nitrazepam MICHAEL RUDOLF, D M GEDDES, J A MCM TURNER, and K B SAUNDERS ............................................................................................................... 97 Familial combined cellular and humoral immune defect with multisystem granulomata W H PERKS and IAN S PETHERAM ............................................................................................................. 101 Unexpected longevity in patients with severe kyphoscoliosis WILLIAM N ROM and ALBERT MILLER ............ 106 Calcification of glutaraldehyde-fixed porcine xenograft ALAN G ROSE, ROBERT FORMAN, and ROBERT M BOWEN ............................................................................................................111.l A late complication of a diagnostic mediastinoscopy H F W HOITSMA, E T T TJHO, and M A CUESTA ............ 115 Tuberculosis and mediastinoscopy E W J CAMERON . .................................................................... 117 Neurofibroma of the trachea: a case report A THIJSVAN NIES, B VAN DE BREKEL, H J BUYTENDIJK, and F MAESEN 121 Acute pleurisy in sarcoidosis I T GARDINER and i S UFF .................................................................. 124 Proceedings of The Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland ......... 128 No 2 APRIL, 1978 Editorial: High-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein, and coronary heart disease G J MILLER ...... Primary lymphoproliferative conditions of lung A R GIBBS and R M E SEAL .......................................... The thorax in history 2 Hellenistic experiment and human dissection R K FRENCH .............................. Pulmonary noradrenergic innervation of rat and monkey: a comparative study AL-WALID I EL-BERMANI ... Lung injury following a 50-metre fall into water H T ROBERTSON, S LAKSHMINARAYAN, and L D HUDSON ...... An outbreak of pleural mesothelioma and chronic fibrosing pleurisy in the village of Karain/Urgiip in Anatolia Y I BARIS, A A SAHIN, M OZESMI, I KERSE, E OZEN, B KOLACAN, M ALTINORS, and A GOKTEPELI... Peripheral pooling of bronchographic contrast material: evidence of its relationship to smoking and emphysema 137 140 153 167 175 181 A W MUSK, B GANDEVIA, and F J PALMER .................................................................. 193 Carboxyhaemoglobin levels and inhaling habits in cigarette smokers N WALD, MARIANNE IDLE, and A BAILEY 201 Unilateral pulmonary collapse in asthmatics J A C HOPKIRK and J E STARK .......................................... 207 Bronchial responsiveness to inhaled histamine and isoprenaline in patients with airway obstruction M K BENSON ................................... .................................................................... 211 A comparison of oral and inhaled steroids in patients with chronic airways obstruction: features determining ........................................................... 214 response S M HARDING and S FREEDMAN ................... Pulmonary and hepatic granulomatous disorders due to the inhalation of cement and mica dusts J CORTEZ .......................................................... 219 PIMENTEL and A PEIXOTO MENEZES ............................. Bronchial carcinoma and long-term survival G FRElSE, A GABLER, and S LIEBIG .228 CONTENTS No 2 APRIL, 1978 continued PAGE ........................... 235 Pus, deoxyribonucleic acid, and sputum viscosity R PICOT, I DAS, and L REID ......... Pulmonary function studies in healthy Pakistani adults D E WILLIAMS, R D MILLER, and W F TAYLOR ......... 243 Use of BCG as an immunostimulant in the surgical treatment of carcinoma of lung: a five-year follow-up .......................................................... 250 report F RONALD EDWARDS and F WHrrWELL .............. Blood flow and pressure measurements of right coronary artery to left ventricle fistula I KISO, T ITOH, M MORISHITA, K KATo, and Y ISEIKURA .................. ............................................................... 253 Comparison of reports on lung function tests made by chest physicians with those made by a simple computer program D M GEDDES, M GREEN, and P A EMERSON .................................................................. 257 Tumour production of alkaline phosphatase in a patient with giant-cell carcinoma of bronchus J M PFEFFER and P G I STOVIN ............................................................................................................... 261 Anomalous origin of the right pulmonary artery from the ascending aorta associated with aortopulmonary window G GULA, C CHEW, ROSEMARY RADLEY-SMITH, and M YACOUB ............................................. 265 A new method of disinfection of the flexible fibre-bronchoscope A GARCIA DE CABO, P L MARTINEZ LARRIBA, J CHECA PINILLA, and F GUERRA SANZ .................... ................................................................ 270 No 3 JUNE, 1978 Editorial: Dissecting the dissecting aneurysm .............................................................................. 273 Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (surgical technique, early and late results) GIUSEPPE DI 275 .................... EUSANIO, FRANCIS A SANDRASAGRA, RAYMUND 1 DONNELLY, and DAVID I HAMILTON ....... Double outlet right ventricle: clinical and anatomical spectrum E K WEIR, H S JOFFE, C N BARNARD, and W BECK . ................................................................................................................ Protrusion of the lung apex through Sibson's fascia in infancy MICHAEL GRUN BAUM and N THORNE GRISCOM The thorax in history 3 Beginning of the Middle Ages R K FRENCH ..........(.................................... Aetiology of unresolved pneumonia S R BULMER, D LAMB, R J M MCCORMACK, and P R WALBAUM ............... Mechanical properties of the lung in extrinsic allergic alveolitis C P W WARREN, K S TSE, and R M CHERNIACK Spirometry in healthy men: a correlation with smoking and with mild symptoms F PRIETO, M J ENGLISH, G M .............................................................. COCHRAM, T J H CLARK, and B G RIGDEN ................ Prevalence of chronic bronchitis in Rhodesian Africans J B COOKSON and G MATAKA ........ ................... Structural basis for the changing physical properties of human pulmonary vessels with age E H MACKAY, J BANKS, B SYKES, and G DE J LEE ......................... ................................................................. Breath sounds in the clinical assessment of airflow obstruction ABRAHAM B BOHADANA, RENE PESLIN, and HUBERT UFFHOLTZ ............................................................................................................ 283 290 295 307 315 322 328 335 345 An ultrasonic analysis of the comparative efficiency of various cardiotomy reservoirs and micropore blood filters D T PEARSON, B G WATSON, and P s WATERHOUSE ............................................................ 352 Intrathoracic neural tumours K G DAVIDSON, P R WALBAUM, and R J M MCCORMACK .............................. 359 Collagen diseases as a cause of constrictive pericarditis D K c COOPER, W P CLELAND, and H H BENTALL ...... 368 Lung cancer in Japanese chromate workers YUTAKA OHSAKI, SHOSAKU ABE, KIYONOBU KIMURA, YASUHIRO TSUNETA, HIROSHI MIKAMI, and MAKOTO MURAO ........................................................................ 372 Cardiac involvement and superior vena caval obstruction in Behget's disease N ROGUIN, S HAIM, R RESHEF, E PELEG, and E RISS ............................................................................................................ 375 Resection of thyroid carcinoma infiltrating the trachea T ISHIHARA, K KIKUCHI, T IKEDA, H INOUE, S FUKAI, K rro, and T MIMURA .......................................................................................................... 378 Results of treating primary tumours of the trachea by irradiation A Y ROSTOM and R L MORGAN ............... 387 Acute changes of lung volumes and lung mechanics in asthma and in normal subjects P W HOLMES, A H CAMPBELL, and C E BARTER .................................... ............................................................ 394 Variation in airways resistance when defined over different ranges of airflows P w LORD and J M EDWARDS 401 Large intercostal arteriovenous aneurysm: successful surgical correction MICHAEL SWANK, DERWARD LEPLEY, JUN, DONALD C MULLEN, ROBERT J FLEMMA, and LAWRENCE I BONCHEK ................................. 406 No 4 AUGUST, 1978 Editorial: A question of morality ......................... ..................................................... 409 Direct myocardial revascularisation: experience with 9364 operations DENTON A COOLEY, DON C WUKASCH, FELICE BRUNO, GEORGE J REUL, JUN, FRANK M SANDIFORD, SHERRI L ZILLGIT, AND ROBERT J HALL ......... 411 Anatomy of the coronary arteries in transposition of the great arteries and methods for their transfer in anatomical correction MAGDI H YACOUB and ROSEMARY RADLEY-SMITH ........... ............................ 418 Is bird fancier's lung associated with coeliac disease? D J HENDRICK, JENNIFER A FAUX, B ANAND, i PIRIs, and R MARSHALL .................................................................................................................. 425 CONTENTS No 4 AUGUST, 1978 continued PAGE Adjuvant immunotherapy with BCG in squamous-cell bronchial carcinoma. Immune-reactivity in relation to immunostimulation (preliminary results in a controlled trial) -H M JANSEN, T H THE, G C DE GAST, M T 429 ESSELINK, A M VAN DER WAL, and N G M ORIE .................... The thorax in history 4 Human dissection and anatomical progress R K FRENCH . 439 The cardiorespiratory response to exercise in thoracic scoliosis J M SHNEERSON . 457 Hypercalcaemia and hypokalaemia in tuberculosis G W BRADLEY and G M STERLING . 464 Resolution of pulmonary hypertension and other features induced by chronic hypoxia in rats during complete and intermittent normoxia J HERGET, A J SUGGETr, ENID LEACH, and GWENDA R BARER . 468 Management of penetrating stab wounds of the chest: an assessment of the indications for early operation F A SANDRASAGRA .. 474 Bronchodilatation after inhalation of the antihistamine clemastine S G NOGRADY, J P R HARTLEY, P D J HANDSLIP, and N P HURST .. 479 Diaphragm and body weight in emphysema WILLIAM M THURLBECK . Closing volume during normal pregnancy G S GARRARD, W A LITTLER, and C W G REDMAN . Pulmonary and systemic aneurysms in a case of widespread arteritis J P R HARTLEY, J S DINNEN, and A SEATON Mitral stenosis in Whipple's disease ALAN G ROSE . Prolonged circulatory support with the intra-aortic balloon pump after myocardial infarction P B DISLER, 483 488 493 500 R N SCOTT MILLAR, and I W P OBEL .. A method of managing cervicomediastinal tracheal strictures NATALINO GUERNELLI, ROBERTO VECCHI, ANTONIO BRICCOLI, and ROMANO B BRAGAGLIA .. Staged bilateral lobectomy for synchronous bilateral squamous cell carcinoma of lung AJAIB S SOORAE . Adjunct treatment with yoga in chronic severe aiiways obstruction M K TANDON . Excision of tricuspid valve with later replacement in endocarditis of drug addiction J S WRIGHT and J S 504 508 511 514 GLENNIE .. 518 520 Giant fibromyxoma of the parietal pleura D C NWAFO and F C ADI ... Short reports: Infected intralobar sequestrated lung as a cause of bacterial endocarditis C ALBERTS and A E BECKER .. 524 526 G DEN OTTER and J STAM . An original technique for surgical stabilisation of traumatic flail chest V BELTRAMI, G MARTINELLI, P Aneurysm of internal mammary artery GIANSANTE, and K GENTILE .. 528 Proceedings of The Thoracic Society . 530 544 Correspondence . No 5 OCTOBER, 1978 Editorial: Sputum elasticity: A frog in the throat . Longitudinal respiratory studies in older people J S MILNE . The thorax in history 5 Discovery of the pulmonary transit R K FRENCH . Cholesterol in the lungs of heavy cigarette smokers B CORRIN and SALAH SOUROUR SOLIMAN . The anti-reflux mechanism after cardiomyotomy R LOBELLO, D A W EDWARDS, J W P GUMMER, and M STEKELMAN .. Lower oesophageal sphincter tone in patients with peptic stricture R LOBELLO, M STEKELMAN, and D A W EDWARDS .. The electron microscopy of "fibrinoid necrosis" in pulmonary arteries DONALD HEATH and PAUL SMITH ... Multicentric tracheobronchial and oesophageal granular cell myoblastoma DENIS J O'CONNELL, HEBER MacMAHON, and THOMAS R DE MEESTER .. Pulmonary manifestations of hypogammaglobulinaemia RUSSELL J DUKES, EDWARD C ROSENOW III, and PAUL E HERMANS .. Valve replacement for rheumatic aortic incompetence in adolescents E K WEIR, R E MATISONN, A S MITHA, 545 547 555 565 569 574 579 596 603 B T LE ROUX, N M ROGERS, and E CHESLER .. 608 Aortic valve replacement in rheumatoid aortic incompetence A B DEVLIN, P GOLDSTRAW, and P K CAVES... 612 Destructive aortic valve endocarditis from Brucella abortus: survival with emergency aortic valve replace- ment JOSEPH C CLEVELAND, RAYMOND J SUCHOR, and JOHN DAGUE .. 616 Single primitive ventricle with normally related great arteries and atresia of the left A-V valve E OTERO COTO, 619 J M CAFFARENA RAGGIO, P MALO, C SAINZ, R APARISI, and J M GOMEZ-ULLATE .. Open-heart palliative surgery for pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect and hypoplastic pulmonary arteries GIANCARLO CRUPI, GIUSEPPE LOCATELLI, MASSIMO VILLANI, ROBERTO TIRABOSCHI, and LUCIO PARENZAN ............................................... Pulmonary haemodynamics and function BARDIN, PETER M TAFT, 625 immediately after canine left lower lobe preservation JOSHUA A and NICHOLAS A HALASZ .629 CONTENTS PAGE No 5 OCTOBER, 1978 continued Reversibility of airways obstruction in bronchiectasis S G NOGRADY, W V EVANS, and B H DAVIES ..... ....... 635 Storage of heart valve allografts in glycerol with subsequent antibiotic sterilisation R PARKER, R RANDEV, W H WAIN, and D N ROSS 638 Correction of type C atrioventricular canal associated with tetralogy of Fallot P BASTOS, M DE LEVAL, F MACARTNEY, and J STARK ................. 646 Aneurysm of the main stem of the left coronary artery associated with aortic insufficiency and aneurysm of the ascending aorta. Report of a case with successful surgical repair A LEGUERRIER, M BERCOT, and A PIWNICA ................. 649 ........................ 653 Long-term follow-up of two cases of pulmonary varicosity TAKAYUKI SHIRAKUSA ...... ........................................ 657 Mediastinal cryptococcoma P SINHA, K G NAIK, and G P BHAGWAT ........... ............... 660 Short reports: Invasion of a bronchial carcinoma by Aspergillus fumigatus R D H MONIE ...... Recurrent symptomatic pulmonary embolism caused by an infected Pudenz cerebrospinal fluid shunt device ................................................ 662 R T N GIBNEY, F DONOVAN, and M X FITZGERALD ..................... Asthma relieved by aspirin and by other cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors A SZCZEKLIK, R J GRYGLEWSKI, and E ................................................................ 664 NIZANKOWSKA ..................... ................................................................................. 666 Proceedings of the Thoracic Society . No 6 DECEMBER, 1978 EDITORIAL Breath sounds ................................................................................. 681 ORIGINAL ARTICLES Chronic hypercapnia and radiological changes in the pituitary fossa D A G NEWTON, I BONE, and G BONSOR 684 Aerosol salbutamol administration by IPPB: lowest effective dose R E RUFFIN, G OBMINSKI, and M T NEWHOUSE .................................................................................... 689 Sodium cromoglycate and ipratropium bromide in exercise-induced asthma N C THOMSON, K R PATEL, and J W KERR .................................................................................... 694 Inhaled antihistamines-bronchodilatation and effects on histamine- and methacholine-induced bronchoconstriction S G NOGRADY and C BEVAN ............................................................................... 700 Reproducibility and comparison of responses to inhaled histamine and methacholine E F JUNIPER, P A FRITH, C DUNNETT, D W COCKCROFT, and F E HARGREAVE ............................................................ 705 The effect of aerosol ipratropium bromide and salbutamol on exercise tolerance in chronic bronchitis A G LEITCH, J M HOPKIN, D A ELLIS, SYLVIA MERCHANT, and G J R MCHARDY ......... ................................. 711 ......................................... 714 The thorax in history 6 Circulation of the blood R K FRENCH ............. Interpretation of increases in the transfer coefficient for carbon monoxide (TLCO/VA or KCO) D J LIPSCOMB, KANTA PATEL, and J M B HUGHES .................................................................................... 728 Potassium studies in chronic obstructive airways disease P d'A SEMPLE, W S WATSON, R HUME, and G R SUTHERLAND .................................................................................... 734 .................... 740 Passive expiration as a test of lung function KUMAR ASHUTOSH and JOHN F KEIGHLEY ....... Pulmonary artery pressure in thoracic scoliosis during and after exercise while breathing air and pure oxygen J M SHNEERSON .................................................................................... 747 The primary immune response of patients with different stages of squamous-cell bronchial carcinoma H M JANSEN, T H THE, G C DE GAST, M T ESSELINK, G PASTOOR, and N G M ORIE .................................... 755 .............. 761 Deep vein thrombosis after thoracotomy F R JACKAMAN, B J PERRY, and HAROLD SIDDONS ....... Pulmonary function in coal workers with Caplan's syndrome and non-rheumatoid complicated pneumo- coniosis KIMON CONSTANTINIDIS, A W MUSK, J P R JENKINS, and G BERRY ....................................... 764 Solitary rheumatoid nodule of the pleura and rheumatoid pleural effusion A TSERKEZOGLOU, S METAKIDIS, H PAPASTAMATIOUTSIMARA, and M ZOITOPOULOS ........................................................................ 769 Respiratory function measurements in a cohort of medical students: a ten-year follow-up P J LAWTHER, A G F BROOKS, and R E WALLER .................................................................................... The applicability of the gland/wall ratio (Reid-Index) to clinicopathological correlation studies M OBERHOLZER, P DALQUEN, M WYSS, and H P ROHR ........................ ............................................. 773 779 Lung volumes and distensibility, and maximum respiratory pressures in thyroid disease before and after ................................................... 785 treatment s FREEDMAN ................................. Late presentation of primary pulmonary lymphangiectasis SJ SC WAGENAAR, J SWIERENGA, and C A WAGENVOORT .................................................................................... 791 ......................................... 796 An unusual mucous cyst of the lung F J SAMBROOK GOWAR ................... ......................................... 800 Mediastinal thoracic duct cyst F J SAMBROOK GOWAR ......................... .................................... 803 Diagnosis of a thoracic inlet tumour by transbronchial biopsy DAVID S PRATT. "Blue bodies" in a case of cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis (desquamative type)-an ultra-structural study I T GARDINER and J S UFF ................................ .................................................... 806 No 6 DECEMBER, 1978 continued PAGE SHORT REPORTS Airways obstruction in a case of disseminated lupus erythematosus J KALLENBACH, S ZWI, and H I GOLDMAN Tuberculous pericarditis in South-west London: an increasing problem I P WILLIAMS and M R HETZEL ...... Thoracic actinomycosis presenting with peripheral skin lesions A K WEBB, R HOWELL, and J A HICKMAN ... Persistent hyponatraemia complicating fibrosing alveolitis N J C SNELL and H L COYSH ........................... Pleural fibrosis after practolol therapy D R HALL, J B MORRISON, and F R EDWARDS ........ ...................... 814 816 818 820 822 CORRESPONDENCE ............................................................................................................ 825 Index to volume 33 ........................................................................... 827
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