| IIIMII-NTKIIKD No. 166. -V o l. IV.] AS A N H W S I M I ’R K KOH I'll A NNMISHION LONDON, .MINK S P IR IT THNTH W H S U S HCJICPTIG-THKTS. \ various chapter m ight bo w ritten on tests of the reality of spiritual in.’inifoAlnt ion*. There m u very lVi*cim*iit. seeking am ongst those who are •o fir in ndvuneo of tho limes hm lo he just opening t.lioir oyes to the r.'.ililiin of Spiritualism for supcrlhious and illusory tests. Even if tlum be obtained, no advance is m ade; bill, the attem pt t.o obtain them n!ii i) lewis lo absolute fail urn in other respects. I liuvo hoiiioI itnoH observed, loo, I hut the ofi’eot. of no otherwise satisfactory lest Iiiih boon marred by a counter-test a suspicious inoidonl op failure, in no w ay connected wilband not. necessarily a concom itant of the fell, but., ns if would appear, devised by, under favourable oondit ions, inalovolotif. spirifcni; n«’y, for tlio express purpose of m ystifying or disgusting I lie si’epl.ie. jlie reason of Him is a law whieli spirits themselves oanuof contravene. Our higher liieull ies and alllnifies cannot. lie satisfied w hilst our lower ones arc not ire ; the grandest tru th s of eternity cannot bo verified w hilst \r, ire striving lo delect a vulgar or an impossible trick. The law in that of receptive Illness, hinted at in tho injunction, "S eek , and yo shall find.'" In “ crying after knowledge and lifting up our voice for understanding,” wo must sometimes raise ourselves nhnvo the elmraoter of n detective. Wo iiuist not ever he suspecting falsehood if we wish to obtain the liighesl truth. N either will a sp irit often subm it to ho tested by means analogous to those we might, wish to use in testing his medium or a questionable half-crown. Unequivocal mid rational test conditions an sometimes very in....ssury, to Spiritualists as well as to sceptics; hut the best tests are those which come spontaneously—spirit-tests rat her than sceptic-teats. The lattor should not gratuitously he allowed to interfere with (be former. To sit in your own room with a medium you have every reason to believe honest, t.o bold one of bis bands w hilst your mother, wife, or particular friend ludds tlio other, to he louohnd and caressed under these condil ions liy hands hclonging to no possible mortal, to hear these hands winding up a musical-box, which is subsequently floated nil round the room, and transporting heavy and fragile draw ing room ornniuonfs, which are gently rested upon your head nrior to their being deposited upon the table, to see w onderful lights and to hear unaccountable voices in every direction excepting th a t of tho medium, and then to insist upon eurefiilly lying him with ropes or tapes in uconitrained position to his chair, with a view to obtaining in a “ c a b in e t” Semico even more marvellous evidences of spirit-pow er, seems to me lOlnewhat irrational as well as detrim ental to the object in view. Tim "1**1 appears, in foot, to he ns purely vexatious and illusory as that, of tlm Hibernian who, objecting to l.lio medium's partial freedom, wanted to “ liandciilT his feet., h'or, if we adm it (lie m edium to ho clover enough to produce these phenom ena with his foot or his eyelids (for xve must reject the hypothesis of a small hoy carried about in liiw coat pocket), vve should adm it that, he may bo clover enough to slip out. of the ropes mid tie him self up again. When the higher phenom ena are aimed at, under circum stances and surroundings which of themselves eonsl.il ill o reasonable I csl, oondit ions, I mu convinced that greater progress will he made in the direction of accurate and logical conclusions, ns well ns in the higher convictions whieli should be based upon them, by seeking for spirit,-tests, rath e r than by lowering the tone of the circle by suggesting suspicion and devising sceptic-lcsls. Advanced Spiritualists, at. least, should generally, I think, abstain from troubling themselves about any hypothetical deceptions, mid sim ply leave tin - to expose Ilieuisoives. Given a circle in wliioh there lire a few good observers, including one scientific man, they are tolerably oerlain to do so, eithi'i' by positive or by negative evidence. Thun I here are l.lie “ friends mi tin’ other side ” belonging to tlm private family circle to appeal to ; ami though they may seldom accuse and never condemn, their ret icence in often significant enough. One use, by tho way, of the “ scientific man" (helmed not bo an I1'. li.S) is to remove some of the grounds of irrational scepticism by clearly pointing o u t w hat it would he possible and vvhut it would lie impossible to eflocl. by means of known scientific appliances, many persons being in a condition of utterly mystified credulity and incredulity upon this point, 1 may observe th a t the p rin ciple I him now advocating is th a t which is adopted by our friend Nlul.er ■the oldest and one of the most, experienced and advanced Spiritualists IN (!, TIIK UNITBD 1K73. KINIIDOM AND A lllto A D . [P rice One Penny. I know of whom it may be said that he never RHHpcclx, but, l*v sole' means perhaps invariably i l n l n r t t , any deception when ■| exislx. Mr Russell luo, who has obtained even more marvellous phenomena I baa we Imre, ami spirit-testa whieli, like ours, are absolutely conclimivl without, any aid from seeptie-tests, adopts the same plan. I have been led t.o these remarks by tho rnsulls wo obtained at soaneo held oil the 2HI,|| ult... at, I It. (,'ambridge SI reel, 11 | i|e I’ark. T hen were present Mrs. l''ily,gorahl, Mr. Pcrcivul, Mis* Murray, M in It , Miss l‘ , Mr. ( /Milford Siiiil.h, Mr. (J. ID. W illiam s(iiieiiiuin), my wife, and inysslf. W hilst wo were taking ten, raps were heard upon the table, our spirit-friends being im patient to inform us of their presence and lo announce that, although “ Kal.ey” ooiild not make herself visible, " J o h n K in g ” would appear, w hilst “ Katey," “ Peter," and other spirits would lie with us. In fill) daylight, a small spirit..-hand was observed by one of I lie company to rest for a moment upon the edge of I lie table. <)n proceeding to I.lie dm,wing-rooms, wliioh had been previously darkened, we perceived that, daylight, entered somewhat freely through the spares between th e shutters. This wo feared would interfere with the embodi ments, hut shortly after wo had joined hands round the table, it. was moved by a powerful force into the darkest corner of the room, and it became evident th a t bauds were being busily employed about the windowcurtains. P artly by ad just ing these, and partly, as was apparent to all present, by other less explicable moans, the room was sson perfectly darkened by tho spirits. " Kal.ey " then informed us of her presence by gentle touches with h er embodied hand, wound up a largo heavy musical-box which was upon the table, moved it about, set it playing and limn stopped it, and passed her fingers over tlio oouili. She then look some (lowers from my m other, and presented them to several of the sifters, A hand-boll was then taken from tho table, violently rung, and carried up Lo the ceiling, a spirit-light; accompanying if in its gyrations. “ Peter ” then came in full pow erful voice, and shook bunds with each of us, raising our hands high up into the air as far as wo could reach without, disjoining hands. A heavy photograph-album was then taken from a table in l.lie corner of the room and placed upon the table round which we were sittin g ; the form er table wiih tlion moved from ils place and turn ed upside down ; w hilst a fan, which was also upon it., was used by “ Kutoy ” to fan us, a delicious porfumo a t the same lim e pervading tho room. “ P eter,” a lte r am using him self with the lire-irons, now entered into a prolonged iniil hum orous conversation, principally with my m other. All this time, I need scarcely observe, every hand " on our sid e " could be accounted for. Now came a spirit-test. At my m o th ers request, " P e te r ” gave alm ost word for word the details of the conver sation which took place at. the “ seance w ithout a m edium ," reported in your Inst issue. None of those present, save " P e te r ” and my mother, knmv of this conversation, " P e te r ” now bccamoquilo one of ourselves, and seemed lo enjoy himself immensely. Passing over tho various phenom ena w ith which lie favoured us, and the various funny tilings lie said, I may mention th a t lie offered to repeat, his feat of floating tho musical-box round the room and bringing file china and the clock from the m antelshelf an oiler which we declined, ns we wished to economise tho power for the cabinet, seance. A t length he announced, “ More oolites my ‘ I toss,' hut I'm n o t going to clear o u t because lies coino !” " Jo h n K in g ” then greeted iis all by name, and shook hands with each of us in tu rn , his hand being perfectly materialised. IK’ told us th a t he would he able to show himself, and advised a break for the cabinet, seance, which advice we imm ediately acted upon. We decided now to dispense, for the first, time, with every form "I sceptic-test; and, tho bock drawing-room doing du ty for a “ cabinet,” we invited the medium to malic him self com fortable upon a couch close by the curtains separating the two rooms. The curtains were then draw n, and we took our seals in a semi-circle f r o n t i n g them, joined hands, extinguished the lights, and commenced singing. Soon " P e te r” spoke again, telling us to “ look out. for his boss's grand test." Then a bright, light was seen in the hack room, and “ Jo h n King’s" face and form were seen through l.lie partly-opened curtains. Suddenly tho latter were draw n right hack at one extremity of the semicircle, and the sitters at tlmt, extrem ity had presented to their gaze a tableau, forming 242 THE MEDIUM AND DAYBREAK. the grandest spirit-test that in my experience lias ever been given. Standing over the couch and illuminating from head to foot with his “ spirit-lam p'’ the unconscious medium reclining upon it, was the finely-draped and majestic figure of “ John King," himself illumined by the same light. Addressing himself to me, he asked if I could sec the medium quite distinctly, again passing the “ spirit-lam p” over him from head to foot. When I told him I was satisfied and grateful, lie closed the curtain at our end of the semicircle, and drew back that at the other end, that all of us might distinctly see that glorious sight, that crowning test of the spirit and the medium both clearly visible at the same time. This test was repeated several times, and then “ John K ing” came forth amongst us, with his lump—apparently octagonal in form, and like condensed moonlight—in his left hand, and went up to my mother, whose hand bo took within his right hand, holding it for some time, whilst ho congratulated her upon that, which God lias wrought for man in these days. Lighting up Ins face and turban, ho then placed some of his draperv’within her hands, and patting her upon the shoulder, passed on to the next sitter, lie shook hands and chatted for a few minutes with each in turn. To me he said, “ Desmond, you must bear witness to this. I have done my best for you.” After this he returned to the cabinet, and in a few minutes came amongst us again with a new light like a crystallised mineral specimen, rough and bard, but very brilliant. At the request of Mr. C. Smith, be struck this several times upon the table to show its hardness. This lamp apparently does not require to be so carefully handled and manipulated as the former one—it is like nothing I know of in science. In answer to my questions, “ John K ing” said that he brought with him part of the material from which the lamp is produced ; the remainder he took from the medium, to whom it, was necessary that he should restore it. During a considerable period of this time the curtain was left partly open, so that the sitters were not, as usual, separated from the medium. I noticed that, at the conclusion oi the seance Mr. Williams did not appear to be fatigued or distressed, as he generally is with an equal expenditure of power when the condi tions are less perfect and the circle less harmonious than they were on this occasion. D es mo n d G. F it z -G e r a l d , M.S.Tel.E. •Il Nl: is 187: short, it is ourselves. It will soon be twenty v, sines a investigations into Spiritualism eomniemvd ; , p it/.” dm, far back? Meantime, 1 hear him no ill will I.h- j ,1,, Of Ills neotion with “ the souls of infidels going direct, to lu ll ami11, Spiritualism.” 1 was a Spiritualist through ami thn ugh Ion before Spiritualism was dreamed of in this land, anil it, e lliuilift' of it by mediums only cnino to confirm what I u , . ah in my own spirit, la m emphatic on this point, bee geoond time 1 have had to deny the statement that I m materialistic beliefs; it is entirely without foundation. lour .1, M [Everybody " ill be glad to bine the opportunity of I, of Dr. Gully's experience in religious and spiritual ma be highly instructive if the inner life-work of |>r— ■ sophical minds were more plentifully given. Though ! O', l i e have expressed his views repeatedly, yet the diliiruli \ ,,i of all that transpires in these respects iimM have led ' as he did, and not from any desire to misrepresent in respondent,, who has the hearty respect of uli who ! i nv in report.—Eo. M. | MRS. BUTTER FIELD AT LIVERPOOL. To tho Editor.— Dear Sir, -Mrs. Butterfh'ld’g four demmi-l* thing moro tlmn a passing notice in your )>:ije-r, but th- I i : i -, at your disposal this week will keep mo within 1lm bound- -if.. , outline. Let me, thon, say that Mrs. Butterfield has dnnny , of sixteen days delivered twelve addri ssos in the 1 mefthem of a highly moral and intellectual character, and v.ril .{.. and received, if I. except one partial failure, viz., tho ;t*1«!»«- ■ Birkenhead, when tho medium was in a very rxitaunted cm.Mil the influence unfavourable. On tho evening of May 22nd, Mrs. Butterfield kindly jdi-. I services at the disposal of the committee for tin* benefit. »>i our subject of the adarcss to lie. chosen by the audience. I V,. • submitted, viz., 1. Tho teaching of the spirits <»n tin* nut ,,| of prayer; 2. Plenary inspiration; o. The advantage <-! an ;! under control over one in the normal statu; ]h>n*ilthe land; 5. The mediumsliip of Jesus and Ids Apodk*. J ME. H E E X E AT MES. B E R E T S . subject being chosen by show of hands by a largo mVe-iVy. ' V To the Editor.—Dear Sir.—I write to give you a brief account of a immediately, and without liesitation, went methodic,n!', nmi • seance held at Mrs. Berry’s on Saturday last, May 31st. There wero into the nature of the glorious gifts conferred on Hr- V. .V. only Mrs. Berry, myself, and Mr. ITerne (medium) present. We had Christian Church, insisting that those gifts w< re Ii- r<diinc, i p. a banjo, a zither, and table-gong placed in the room. Mr. Ilerno took to be in full exercise at the present day, the p ro m i.-o f J ■ Ji his seat behind an easel covered with baize, we sitting in front about being to the effect that all who believed should do tin work*. vd three feet from it. X'o sooner were the lights extinguished than we did. The audience, which was a large and r< f-pfct ibV u;. , were welcomed by “ Peter,” who always now knocks at the door before highly delighted, and an opportunity Id -ing given h; he enters. After a little chat he took up the zither, and was charmed spirits for questions to be asked, several gentlemen :• .• <1 ' with that “ pretty little instrument,” as he called it. After striking the bearing on the subject of the address, which wer* i! chords he gave us a sort of programme of what he would do; first was the matter being of such magnitude, the spiri aid b the village bells, then the London bells, then the congregation to come the subject; of his remarks on the next Sunday evening v.V to church, then the morning hymn. At last he tried to imitate, as with good effect. accurately as he could a young lady's singing in the church, then “ big But last Sunday’s address was perhaps the m- ’ Ben.” “ and now,” he said, “ i ’ll give you great ‘big B en ’ in a foggy instructire of tbe wboh o< ur : day. Again he expressed his delight at the zither, and asked if he the form of a question, viz., “ Which i- tin- B • I, t:i<- ' ex.; might take it to spout-land: to this Mrs. Berry consented, but I did S piritual?” The arguments advanc* d were of the meat phev .. not „:ke my zither goi: tr away, so I made a condition that if he took it 'character, and far above the medium’s capacity. A l t . ' he was to bring gain, and he then requested an arrangement assured that Mrs. Butterfield’s visit to Liverpool \\i 1i i pr^d it was always to be put on the table at the much good, and I trust the friends of liberty througho .t the- > ■ w c . Pa■ the banjo as well as the gong had been used : will avail themselves oi Airs. Buii.erlJ'dd', medium^ nj'. ;A';ie •ve a-ked him be aid hold them, but he said he did not hold in mind one fact, viz., that partial failures, a-* in all .-piritw-.I : hem. but that th 1, upon which he made them float towards us festations, will occur, but. these only go to i.rovo the geiuunei:' rhile they were ing j ipon. H e a o v a ilt -s. Berry to let reality of the communications given and rev ived. aim tiK» nee vy and. like a dancing master to his pupil, called The good judgment and ta-te of the friend,-- iu Ll;n <i;y • *. ■’at, “ XV-v. Mr. Boot, mind you keep time with my music,” and the by tij'-ir desire to ret.ain Mr. Mor.-e- foi- ari<;’b.-r Sm e.v, :.:.d • • aoot did keep w exactly as if someone was dancing on one foot. fact ion of bearing A! The medium aii bad not spoken, and I asked “ P eter” what the additional satisfaction of knowing that friend Morse i- to he was doing : L-t a .-wereci, “ He is fast asleep,” upon which, to satisfy , And now a word of counsel to our friends in W. i • . J. ' ; • us, he oeat time with the banjo upon bis bead, which woke him, and it in the l)*ack by inviting Mrs. Butterfield, and J venture to ’ appear'd he oat, not o' anything from tlie time we commenced. thank us for the suggestion. “ Peter now bt th r i m open t ... folding-door am i must conch bj •- ing Ibi 1 . e are foil 1 1 U in Dive* as we thought, to departure; but another spirit coining in, he selection of our medium-, lor 1 have not the f uM, idi-u returned, and an a r d in a great passion, desiring him to leave others wlio have rendered us good service, and whom we hope t<, instantly. This s -,t is u Frenchman, and “ P ete r” appears to have a amongst us; and I may say that we look forward with ]>■ • liiar great antipat hr t arcs min, so much so that the little room which to the visit of our esteemed friend Mi>s Barlow, who v ..- •1mwas arranged for 1 to bold seances “ P eter” will not enter, it being there in these services, and who deservedly secured tie- Jove /. all uk tfcat ‘w ret e first came and gave directions for preparing her for a new mani u.'oon. A few evenings ago this was done us spread of truth and more light from the world of c n 1m follows:—“ Peter ■a-.g the bell, and upon being asked way be bad done in this work. J. La : ‘' so, as it woo! hr r.g toe servant. unnecessarily up, he answered he fTh" way in which the JJverpooI friends utiii.-< ! Mr . Ji wa5 “ not ge.ihg to newhaw- tv.s Frenchman interfering with him,” and ■ field indicates the true function of or-m k- .■i-,:., 'M . u when in answer tme bei •- servant came, “ Peter,” in a strong, firm Ed. M.J wed . te gentleman out. Mrs. Berry thinks that Mr. H em es pr wer . ' stronger than ever. MThanj • d cb, writes a frit 1, 1 r ,» ■ - .- ;7>b. E. Baitin’. ai.o *t • -- A ■ • weeks Mk d iim . J rave elten bald that if now among t u- they would fare mph-mantly at tiie Ji.aun-- <' able religionists. Indeed liie world do* s not wa ' . , d r . g u l : S ON RELIGIOUS PHILOSOPHY. To tbe Ebitoi ,—I think that the verdict of Fritz,” in »-ot. a form of belief, but a form of action. As ApiriLnnims a y .' ir i ■.s*„tt „■: i. n. who Drn:;fid the an ti-sp iritu al article iu not base our efforts on the recognit ion of any one !'aH such room r o fa<te, but* umw pi r ■if • • im l ded, d,-fv.'> But *• Fritz hh j j A know more of me he for he t'r s t a t e m e n t ar’’- i lie s]»in . o.‘ a! i to mgs. On .any o' h< r y t ‘iSxt 1 b.' :/ a co : . ■/ ' ;n be lurt.uer from s ire to h come a t'o&s!] ised beet. J^-t,\ 1»,-•I \y i.'.o-.n ' the fact: b j ‘ r 'i" n d the me.4erialietic fipiritualiijlh tliat their motto is 4the diseov. rv of truih, • ••• o. i I sever con i external to us. W hilst trutii, and the applicuUon of truth to tl ic vvi-jfar*; *>; hninanity. OI tub _ ___ . v. ’';; r, v•_: a voul: I abandoned t he orthodox v.e of Ch.'h-lianiiy, in which rJ iik Loom of the fourth estate fjr.d- fit : JJ!’eSSlOM U1 I lit 1 ; . e |i- W lit-ft. the jEiragiaje •i voj co u • i ai ria - 01 t:.e .\orthf /■// JjoVi/ i red, been C0 ' Lz COHO' *. ej-Hek. ng of God and b o lin m an o were symbolised reasons Spiritual it-ui —“ t ..... t 1- *rand o! iii'/O*-rn ■ ' ny eon.Ov. no; ‘1 ai, and deriving forms. No' long aft> .rwards existenc br'.lLllne (Spiritu .i.-ll ;.av< diseov’ red os.** or Ino • \ I foond 'n W’.ei*' •g *. iCi’i: g- the spl ritual itw h ic h J w.:« S'ire was on.- it ioni. And iio there i no JN/ya Mn.‘ or if oj J. -!v ia: toe ooliom b\ tb ■; reRgion ; and J did time very poM-ib-y before a forger' hut lift.;: i found. Sjyiritunit ■' fc guard against impostnf j .'.ever did. a.ud; I never can believe tiiat matter •same wav as the Govern//.unit take s •‘‘pa to pr* 11- th* r '/ ** Fritz ” e.r - iteelf, or t:.o ;t >ng more than a pne.oome.non ; spirit, coin. JBut t he 1• Novoca-ilriun js such a tool t :. fai.*- and be th at he \enturi;* to pu?- ’ e' *-r ■ ■. . t s to 6 be cs ; r«d con- aide to 1) 1 , ■ d bo impicrtineut eark.og in p • -• Y. and O'Jts;de Of o a e ’,i'et; in ing deciit ion b fro m out ol ins litlie <■ . ’id of «i”i1-r~:n. serratior. A all Ju n e 6, 1873. T H E M E D IU M AND D A Y BREA K . 243 A FRIENDLY INTRODUCTION TO “ JO H N KING.” light, ora block of luminous ice, if such things existed, than anything On entering the Spiritual Institution one afternoon last week we with which we are acquainted. John's features and hands were dis observed an elderly gentleman busy conning over the various publica tinctly'visible. He talked to us and walked into the circle, and some tions. That was nothing new. In a short time he stepped into the what on to the table—at least the rim of the table did not impede his office and informed us that he was from America. Even that was not a progress, so that it is presumable that the lower pn-ts of his body' were matter of special interest, for we meet with American visitors almost not materialised, and thus tho table offered no re-i.-uneo to his advance. dflilv. During the courso of conversation the name of Joseph Bormond This manifestation was repeated several times. On Inn first appearance dropped from his lips, and then wo found common ground on which wo the spirit was not at all distinct, indeed lie appeared almost us clearly oonld become further acquainted. Our visitor proved to be Mr. David in the early part of tho evening, for an instant floating near to Mr. Jackson, a philanthropist of Middlesboro’ a quarter of a century ago, Jackson. On his third nppearanoo at the cabinet-door lie was much an’apostle of temperance, a pattern of industry and perseverance, and of improved. Mr. Jackson leaned forward nnd asked the spirit to ap old time anexperimental mesmerist, both in its psychological and hygienic proach him. This ho did till Mr. Jackson’s face and that of “ John aspects. Of late years Mr. Jackson has been sojourning on the other K ing” were within twelve inches of each other. The spirit turned his side of the Atlantic,—first amongst tho thrifty Scotch Canadians, and head in various attitudes, so that Mr. Jackson could see him with great latterly at Greensboro’, North Carolina. Our friend we found to be a distinctness, as tho spirit held his light in a favourable position all the good, straightforward, blunt Yorkshireman of tho old school, with the while. Mr. Jackson then asked for a shake of the hand. In preparing addition of a vast experience, gained by a long, successful, and well- to do so the spirit showed his arm to tho elbow from his loose sleeve, conducted life, but which had not warped the native openness and and also moved his fingers in a rapid manner to show that ho had full simplicity of his mind, or stilted him up above the level of human use of his organic powers. The spirit then grasped Air. Jackson by the hand, and gave him two hearty shakes, as an old friend would who had sympathy ' Of course Spiritualism came up for discussion, and wo soon found that not met him for a number of years. Various other phenomena took though our new friend had not seen much of the phenomena, yet he was place, but those must for the present suffice. When we publish the prepared to accept any kind of demonstratable truth, and to any amount-. portrait of “ John K ing” wo shall give full details of these wondrous Jo prejudice, no foregone conclusions; but having had tho good fortune manifestations. The seance was a good one, as the conditions were tolearn much in life that was foreign to his past experience, he was favourable, and wo were pleased to find that what, took place created quite ready and willing to repeat the process. We appointed to visit tho liveliest satisfaction in the mind of our new-found friend. We llr. Williams's public sennco on Thursday evening of last week. On parted, but Air. Jackson carried North with him a series of facts entering tho seance room we were pleased to meet Mr, McCormick, from which unite us very closely in mind and purpose, though physically we '•the States,” a thorough gentleman and a Spiritualist of high intelli may be many miles apart. Such, indeed, is but a specimen of tho genceand great experience. He has for a long time taken a deep interest work in which we aro daily engaged, and which is making Spiritualism inMrs. Andrews, the celebrated medium for materialisations, of Moravia, the great fact of tho age. Jew York State. From a gentleman of such experience it is pleasing to hear most favourable opinions of the high quality of mediumship at L IFE AND DEATH. present being exercised by Mr. Herne, Mr. Williams, and other London Bichat and other eminent physiologists regard life as being the pro mediums. We soon found that Mr. Jackson and this gentleman had duct of organism, acted on by physical stimuli from tho world with been over the same regions, and a very agreeable conversation preceded out. Schultz and other Gorman writors of tho same school regard '.heseance. Our company round the table was most harmonious and life as a regular evolution created by opposing powers in the universe propitious for phenomena. Mr. Jackson was placed on the right and of existence, from the lowest forms of tho vital functions to tho highest llr. McCormick on the left of the medium, and hands were firmly held spheres of thought and activity. all the time of the proceedings. In this way it was impossible for the Physical life consists in the tension of the lower powers of nature; medium or any one present to impose on the others or simulate tho mental life in its higher powers. Carus, prompted by Schelling’s philo phenomena in any way. Our circle exactly filled tho table all round, so sophy, seized the ideal sido of nature as well as tho real, united them that we formed a living ring, all holding hands, and, in tho strictest together in his theory of the genesis of tho soul, and thus connected manner, guarding against the possibility of deception either on our the whole dynamics of nature with their divine original. selves or on others. The origin of life is a problem which has never yet been solved ; The Jigbt having been extinguished, we had not to wait long for the manifestation of the spirits. “ John King ” and “ Peter ” were at their theory after theory has been brought before the world, but theories are posts, and did their work to the satisfaction of all. W hile Mr. not certainties. There aro two kinds of life—the vegetable and the McCormick grasped Mr. Williams’s hand tightly, a solid iron ring was animal— which produce beauty and intelligence. And we have every reason to suppose that there is a spiritual life, totally different in its passed on to his arm. The matter of the ring must have been dissolved nature from the life we observe on earth. All tilings in life and nature toadmit of this taking place. Tho spirits talked in an audible voice, like any other human being ; and besides the vocal organs, they materialised require order ; without order all would bo a chaotic mass. And this oilier parts of their bodies, 60 as to touch us all and movo objects about. order indicates tho exigence of a great controlling intelligence in nature, Aheavy musical-box, playing six tunes, was a special favourite with which is the Pantheistic God. Alan is a portion of the infinite; for if God be universal, then all in them. They lyound it up, started it, stopped it, and carried it all about tho telligence in nature is God, for wo find that intelligence permeates the roomwhile it played. In the tunc of “ Home, sweet home,” as played bvthe box, there is a cadenco or run of rapid notes inserted in a pause, i whole universe. The greater the moral principle and intelligence in lliis gave the spirits an opportunity of producing a very pretty musical ! man, tho more godliko ho is. It was that which elevated tho whole elect, for us the run of notes was being played they would take tho box | nature of Christ, and caused him to say, “ I and my Father are one.” .p and rush with it to tho farther corner of the room, so that tho I It is tho goodness and greatness of a man’s soul t hat constitutes his iiunds as they ascended in the scale also appeared to como from a great divinity. As man’s soul lias an eternal existence—an unlimited existdistance. This beautiful effect was repeated several times. “ John K ing” ! enee—ho must therefore of courso bo a part of infinity, bound for a time in a finito creature. “ Infinity within, infinity without, belies creas_;o shook hands with the sitters and touched them plentifully, but Mr. ifestations^' indiTedk’iU tm ost | tio"’” ^jrs SheHoy ; but infinity as a w n i^ io r t is true of life and Jackson received the great bulk of tho manifestations : JLho true spiritual Pantheist feels himself a portion of (lie ippf-ared as if the seance were held on his special account. When 1 nature. requested to do so by Mr. Jackson, “ John King ” touched various parts infinite life ; be contemplates the infinite spirit of the universe, which of bis face, and slapped and rubbed his head vigorously. The spirits is life and death, phenomenal and substantial, of which lie is a part. were able to approach Mr. Jackson thus freely because of his peculiar Death, annihilation, destruction, can no more bo applied, truthfully, to magnetic sphere, which also enabled him to be a successful mesmeriser. show the discontinuity of our spiritual existence, than it can to show the discontinuity of matter. lie musical-box was twico placed upon his head, playing the whole "D eathI there is no cleat.li; Tis hut.a birth, ■ae. Soon a heavy stuffed armchair was heard to movo behind part of A rising heavenward IVoin the earth." the circle. It was pressed against Mr. Jackson’s side as he sat holding tie medium, and immediately it was hoisted by tho spirits over his head Death, in fact, is but a crisis in our being—a change from an imperfect onto the table. The musical-box was then placed upon it, where it life to a perfect one. Many—alas! too many—look upon death with played away till the circle broke up. To enumerate all that took place terror and dismay. To tho true Spiritualist death lias no terror, mthat brief half-hour would be tedious, but what lias been already said neither lias tho grave any victory. There are, without a doubt, various gives a truthful indication of tho kind of phenomena experienced. things in life and nature which aro placed beyond the province of re The light being again struck, the first part of the seance terminated. search. There is in every thinking individual a longing to penetrate Mr. Jackson had previously, in daylight, thoroughly examined fho the mysteries of existence ; and what can bo more mysterious and im rooms, particularly tho cabinet in the back room, and was perfectly portant than tho phenomena of life and death ? Lifo and death aro otiiiied that there were no springs, machinery, or panel doors lor the only phenomenal; we know them only by their appearances. Life application of unfair means. To prepare for tho cabinet seance Air. destructible, and matter indestructible! Never. .Mind, which is a Jatkion was commissioned to tie Air. Williams to fho seat. The quality of life, subject to annihilation, and matter not subject to an The thing is inconsistent. The atheist is generally a Cabinet may bo described as a wardrobe with three doors or panels. nihilation. 'Jin:centre one is fixed, but tho two end ones open on hinges. In each philosophical character, but when ho denies the continuity ol our Gro is an aperture about twelve inches square, against which is | existence aftor wlmt is called death, ho then becomes unpliilosopliioul. ‘'opr-nded from within a small curtain. There is a scat fixed in each I Atheists assert that death is tho cessation of all consciousness. Wo * 'l with holes in them for the purpose of securing tho medium. Mr Spiritualists deny that, and maintain that death so culled is only tho (noli Ur, bis position ori the left-hand scat. Mr. Jackson tied cessation of consciousness as connected with our material organism. *cwl round each wrist as tightly us it could bo borne ; then lie passed >St. Haul says, “ Thero is a natural body, anil there is a spiritual body.” ,'1'"Hs of the cord through the holes in the seat and secured them At death “ mortality is swallowed up in immortality.” Were im^Hi peculiar knots below. It was thus impossible for Mr. Williams to rnorlality a delusion, I would cling to it for no other purposo than the 'I'* '; himself and if lie had done so, the altered condition of the knots pleasure which I derived from tho thought. The cold and cheerless doctrines of atheism may suit the kosmo’•'"ild have betrayed tho fact. The door at the other end of the cabinet lift open; a table was pushed forward to near tho Iront of the theist, whoso soul is riveted to tho world ; but it suits not the psycho•‘■'""bund we sat round this table in the form of a horse-shoe. We theist, whose mind is raised above tho gross and sensual things of life. There is indeed but little chanoo of mankind rising t o a state of ^ hands so that no one could assist the medium, nnd the light lu"iw: ls-en extinguished, wo sang a few melodics. Soon rays of light perfectibility; thousands of years have rolled by, and still evils exist rt ni-n jialljrig from the cabinet, and in duo course “ John King ” was ill tho world. No sooner is one evil abolished than another springs up. ft is apparent Hint this■ is hot a temporary stale of existence, tor as ^'•binding in cabinet. On his _ head he wore ”a" I I I the l i f t ' open door of the V W W ili-.w , J » . K\, , i,n,l wan clothed in loose flowing robes; in his hand ho held I man modifies his iialuro by culture, and arrives at. some degree of ‘ "nunio„i. object., which is difficult to describe; it did not burn or j lelligenoo, then his time of departure is nigh. 'The future life awaits __ r.,y, - of light, and yet it was intensely luminous itself, j him, where ho can rise to perfection, whioli it is evident cannot be atvinjhlc the objects w n r i f ; it was more like condensed moon- tained here. 244 T H E M E D IU M AND PAVRKEAK. JCNK (i, 187, h is indeed pleasant to notice the moral and intellectual progress of , well : likely this -,iwas Ins primary object. \ ,,i Mlill.4 l.i,. i) 1 * , , a portion of mankind. Our future life, or the happiness pertaining to I ot prediction?? will unable anyone to dulva tin- ,jUl ^ ^ it. un d o u b ted I v depends upon a well-spent life here. It Would he both , of the plain truth? la he a deeoiver—utii: wb,, teaches unreasonable and unjust to punish a man for his belief. A person may I time proves to be downright lies? '**k not i i .ee in the personality of God, or the divinity or sonshtp of Now that the Kmpsror has passed quietli into iVChrist, anil yet be the kindest and best of souls. His moral nature tuny : without allowing himself to be Antichrist, what do tin- l : , ' . ..." have been so cultured and constituted tliat he feels disposed, if he had , They gave dates and events, ami if short of .irtmin.-M1' the power, to destroy all the evils of life. I make a noise about the lying nature of Spiritualism, | (,... The thoughtful individual cannot but observe in human life a strong Mr. Baxter acknowledge a life of years of Iviue - i selfishness, which is injurious to the mental and moral development of ' monthly is now tilled with opinions of hi- friends s ,. Selfishness is at enmity with a good state of society, and it ; Antichrist will bo some future master of France, other, - .vi \ ' would indeed be well if the community would follow Christ's example Bonaparte, others say. in order that tie- pro.'i-amimear,-. ,| in that respect, instead of trusting too much to belief, Belief will 'dead Napoleon must come in iLsli and bones imm, fi ,/,.|v neither create a God or a future state of existence, nor destroy it if it Baxter, with others, must, get out of the difficult'.' 11,■ ..... exists, unless our future existence be merely ideal—ideal ns regards our one of the family will yet go through this inan-ariwtiged conceptions and ideas of things here, which we may carry with us Well done, Mr. Baxter ; your “ heart ” has gone. <uur p... ,k throw i death. If that be so, then an eternal notliingne-s awaits the Word gave vou no footing for sour plans. It, for, you a, atlieis " L e t us extend our gaze, and we shall behold eternal fellow creatures with being instruments in Satan’s hand:, sprite n eternal transformation through death," says Edward Halt. or. lie*, telling falsehoods and deceiving men, in future arrai„> I'll* : 'ie’1- Greeks represented elo.rt11 as a beautiful youth, or angel, dates for your own safety; keep to the tru th ; if vou l i . n ,, who v th loving efforts rehased the dying, holding a torch upwards at simple and honest to communicate, don't intro hi, ■ )e birth, and reversed at death. Modern Christians, who regard death as make your errors appear as somethin^ els ■. the "w ages of sin," picture death as a hideous skeleton, and surround I intended touching another point or two on “ Spirit', U-, it with terrors to frighten men. i'liis death which is the wagi s of sin no .Satanism," but cannot now. T ins letter is long r t i. doubt means eternal death. To be east into outer darkness, and have Faithfully yours, Thomas fi:.: ,,, no enjoyment of spirit-life, must surely be a death indeed. Now, that Belfast, May 17, 1873. mode of punistimem ;s not s o repugnant as that of eternal torments. The old belief in the resurrection of the body is both unscriptural and A VOICE FROM OUT OF A FOG. unphih sophieal. t here is a temporal body, and there is a spiritual body ; and no doubt whatever, as soon as vitality ceases and conscious To the Editor,—Sir,—It is only recently that 1 huv !. ness leaves this piece of animated clay, a spiritual body is developed, investigator of your so-called Modern Spiritualism, win ■'... and there is no need for the resurrection of that temporal body upset my equilibrium, and placed me in a fog. Would yon t: •,■ w ith all its imperfections. Death is swallowed up in life, and kindly insert this letter in the Medium, which, I have ; • do.:. mortality pints on immortality. It is glorious to contemplate our elicit a reply from some of your numerous correspondents, or [ . . . future existence, and mentally realise the grand idea that “ there is no from yourself ? death." I may state that I am a Spiritualist ( I ), if a belief in s hv A The Spiritualistic philosopher believes that what is called death is course makes one such: but I am a believer in such Spirit'.,.d ; . , only the portal to infinite knowledge. A belief in immortality stimu haunted houses, where the spirit appears without requiring l :.. . lates mail's moral and intellectual nature, while materialism paralyses shut up in a cupboard with a hole for it to peer through. 1 si.irl his m oral growth. 1 he psyeho-theist, in scanning the mighty universe, appear elsewhere without these suspicious appliances t which th y l recognises in nature mind acting and operating upon all matter. Life know for a fact), why not at your seances? (2) 1 am. i11; -a results from the accumulation of vital torces, which we might term the believer in what I should term Astrological Spiritual-a., th.it . spiritual part of man's nature. Death is the releasing of those vital spiritual intercourse as practised by astrologers, which ini re . and imprisoned forces, and the result is that the material pa’rt of our the-bye, dates back thousands of years before the commencement < .■: Mi •. J o h n St u b b s . nature decays. Life is eternal. Spiritualism ; and 1 have wondered that, amongst, the many I , ; i.\- . that I have heard on Spiritualism, I have never heard astrology , ; appendages mentioned. (3) N ow it is this Spiritualism that 1 . PR O PH EC Y AND SPIRITUA LISM . To the E ditor.—Dear Sir,—I see Rev. Mr. Baxter's “ Signs of Our make agree with yours. 1 have nothing to say about the u, .:::: - .. Times . .-konaliy. It is published in London monthly. Alwavs in tions, because I have not investigated an y ; but it is the d. ; : r, it there is something touching on Spiritualism—of course saying the you teach (I may state that chiefly what I have li, ard and seen huv-' it duence is Satanic. I always read carefully what he gives on this at St. John’s Association of Spiritualists, Clerkenwell). I s .bjeet. The first time I saw Spiritualism referred to was in his great acknowledge that there seem to be far more reason and justice hi v : look. "Napoleon, the Destined Monarch of the W orld,” about ten doctrines than in those taught in our churches; and if your Spin: '. ars ago. In this book of extraordinary battles he fearlessly asserted could bo proved, if the doctrines you teach were indeed true. :at the phenomena of Spiritualism were the working of the devil’s I say it would be ihe greatest blessing ever bestowed o:i tuts _.ower, which was prophesied to take place in the latter times, Amongst the many evils it would eradicate there is the IVar ;1 ... immediately preceding Christ's advent. W ith your permission I will two grim monsters, Death and Hell. But I can neither male your v ; briefly give my opinion of Mr. Duster as far as I can ascertain from “ cog” with the Bible nor Astrological Spiritualism. (4) You draw,. parallel between your teachings and those of Jesus Christ; 1 ea perusal of his writings and collections. F irst, I would just say that in bis writings he asserts that Spiritualism although I have tried. You want to make your mediums equal w,. is a manifestation of Satan, deceiving men. even good Christians, to Jesus Christ, (5) and your manifestations equal with his mind-:. believe lies. This is a bold assertion ; it shows the kind of mind from How can this be? He did not work his miracles in the dark, or o which it emanated. H e has no Scripture for such assertions. If he five shillings admittance to his seances, or his guineas for his heal ;. quotes any passage, or rather part of passage, in the W ord, Rev. xxii. 19 His manifestations occurred usually in the open air before erox.:strongly applies to his case. In my opinion fact* are as strong a yours it seems must be in the dark, before a chosen few. which you . ..! class of proofs as I know of. I f Christians who don't believe in spirit- '• proper conditions.” (fi) I am a lover of truth, and I do not communion read Laxter's lists of facts about to be accomplished some this in a spirit of antagonism or disbelief of your manifestations, b :' eight years ago, there would be no difficulty in judging as to what class is the denial of the divinity of Jesus Christ. (7) How is it the s o :1 of men were deceivers, teaching the doctrine of lies, Ac. I said I read who communicate with astrologers do not deny the divinity a: 1 his narrative of'events years ago, when I was very young. I read it saviourhood of him. while those with whom you communicate do? ' carefully more than once. There was something curious, attractive, My theory is this, and it seems to be the view of others, that there a a about the book. On its first page was a picture of Napoleon (late spirit-world, and an angelic world: that the modern Spiritual:-: lux.:; Em peror) on four feet, with seven heads and seven horns, representing intercourse with the spirit-world, which consists of persons who re.' the beast Antichrist, his feet covering the old Roman Empire (including dwelt on this earth ; and the astrologer, or, as sometimes termed, ,w ' England, Ac.). I t was divided into chapters, giving events, with dates, philosopher, with the angelic world, which consists of such angels at commencing with a private seven-years covenant the future “ beast” are mentioned in the Bible, viz., Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. 1 was to make with the Jews to restore them to their land, give them have no doubt you are aware there have been as great wonders wrou. " their ancient religion, Ac. From this time they were to gather to by astrologers as by your mediums. (9) W hat do your spirits siv ■ their home from nil parts. All their desires were to be realised. the science of astrology? Are the spirit-crystals used bv Spiritual’* Satan was to cause an understanding between his friend Napoleon and of the same description as those used by astrologers? (10) Allow meui the Pope to exist. Satan enables Napoleon to work miracles; his image conclusion to state there are several things advocated by Spirituals is put in the Jews’ Temple ; all must worship him ; all not having his and the Medium with which I entirely concur: for instance, u" ■ mark on their foreheads will be destroyed. Satanic Spiritualism is now vaccination (I know too well what a curse vaccination is), democr.i.x the proclaimed religfon of the world, over which the " b e a s t” lias views, sympathy with the plebeian, the degraded, the trodden-on . “I sway. The great battle of Armageddon is (o be fought, at which all tho over-worked. In the latter I have lmd my share of experiencenations will be represented. The Pope and Napoleon and Satan aro to One thing I have particularly noticed, for which there seems to be v.o remedy. There are many with organisations only suitable to wield s be swallowed by the earth, Ac. Now, Sir, these and scores of other startling events wero to take quill, but who have, instead, to wield a seven-pound axe or sledge F red eric W.Shr.uusiu place within seven years of the covenant. This covenant was men hammer, and vice-versa. tioned as not later than '03. By this time the seven years are long R e m a r k s o n t h e F o r e g o in g L e t t e r . past, and the very first act in this drama is still untouched. I am n ot saying a word against Scripture: God forbid. Better let men Our correspondent confesses his general iinaequaintanee with Spirillum be liars than God's truth be questioned. I am as firm a believer in ism, and lienee it may be said why publish his letter, which must God's W ord as Mr. Baxter, or any of his pre-millenarian friends ; but, therefore be more or less a tissue of misconceptions ? But we must ubc Sir, I do throw his string of scattered sentences, which lie bestows on us, recollect that he is “ in a fog,” and us our mission is to place people inti' back to himself, and say they apply most suitably to him and his like. the fog and then help them out, wo devote a few lines to a consilient :>m H e takes upon him to say, in his unchristian, bigoted ignorance, that of his remarks. belief in “ communion of saints” had its origin with the “ lather of (1) A “ Spiritualist” is not n person who Mi,-tvs, but one who Ua -*• lies.” Does not the past tell us that he has been lecturing, writing, He is a man of facts, not of theories ; yet he does not pretend to know and deceiving even good Christians? Not only this, but he has brought all, or that his facts as at present estimated cover the whole ground t the Bible to support his theories of untruth—thus making it appear hence he is ever willing to learn more, and is rather tentative in that the God of T ruth could teuch doctrines which we now know had decisions. (2) We might answer this question in the proverbial Scotch fashion no foundation. H is book must have had an extraordinary sale, and his present regular writings must have a great circulation. They pay him by asking another, Why do spirits appear in haunted houses mid m'1 J u n k (>, 1873. T H E M E D IU M AND DAYBREAK. 245 in other houses? The answer is to bo found in a consideration of what t Above the earth, borne up by loving arms. constitutes a medium, or what it. is that relates the spirit-world to the j A mild and gentle radiance fills my brain, physical world. This we need not repeat here, but would recommend A light which holds within itself the warmth aU imi'drers to read Mr. Burns's speeches in his debate with Mr. BradOf love, its sweetness, and its purity. Within this light I read pure angel-thoughts. laugh. . . (3) We know that many nstrologers are Spiritualists, and tliat The tender breathings of that life divine Spiritualists are prone to the study of “ occult science.” The purpose With which their souls harmonious vibrato e’er, of Spiritualists, however, is to seek for the elements of science upon tho As harps iEolian vibrate to the wind,— basis of experimental facts, which may bo repeated any number of times. The God-life flowing through them free, uncheck'd. By this means tho conditions of spirit-communion are being determined, Their gentle faces, lit with joyous smiles, and to some extent it may bo explained why certain houses aro haunted j Beam forth the very essence of pure love; and why astrologers can elicit certain phenomena. : Their robes are glist'ning from the light each one (4) Seeing that our correspondent has not investigated the matter, it | Sheds forth from his divine, interior life; seems rather hasty to determine that the teachings of Spiritualism may ] The higher emanations of their souls not be true, or that the subject does not agree with this or that. As j Surround them with pure, lucid atmospheres, Spiritualists, we examine the phenomena on their own merits, without ! Bright beaming with the various colour'd lights any reference to other notions or theories, and hence (5) we do not i Which indicate the different grades of love, make any parallels between mediums and Jesus, except in so far as that J All interblendeil, one harmonious whole,— when the general laws of such phenomena aro understood, all special 1 Tho holy mingling of translucent spheres cases will be capable of explanation. In this way the science of Of angel-being. A gentle rapture fills And bears me up, and with them I inhale Spiritualism is bringing miracles so-called within the grasp of rational Celestial air, a brief and blessed space. conception, and we cannot see the least credit or advantage in believing And now within a tiny boat I lie, that which is contrary to fact and reason. This brings us (6) to our Soft gliding on a sunny streamlet’s breast; correspondent’s conceptions of tho Judean Spiritualist. He also A shining sheet of golden light its waves, required “ conditions.” In one placo he could do no mighty works Calm flowing ’twixt its flower-cover’d banks. because of their unbelief. The healing of the sick is performed by Lilies perfumed dip down their snowy heads, mediums in the present day in the light, just as it is recorded in the And kiss the glist’ning wavelets as they pass; gospels. Prophesying in the trance, clairvoyance, speaking in tongues, &o., The concentrated sweetness of all flow’rs are witnessed to-day just as they were in Judea eighteen hundred years I ’ve loved within my native forests dear ago. When the more demonstrative manifestations were attempted Is breathed abroad upon the dancing air. as described.in the Old Testament, then “ clouds and thick darkness” Reclining calmly in the boat I lie, were necessary adjuncts. If our correspondent means communism, and And watch the changing flower-cushion’d banks, will work at shoemaking, tailoring, and farming, year in and year out, And note that if in thought I sink to earth without demanding wages, then he may also expect public mediums to The boatlet rocks and quivers, and the wave3 work for nothing. It is proper to observe, however, that only a small Are crisp’d and greyer grow, and all the flow’rs proportion of the mediumship is done by paid mediums, and every man Are ting’d with sadder hues, and droop their heads. is at liberty to form his own circle and investigate for himself. He is So quick I turn me to the higher themes not, however, at liberty to force another person to devote his time Of angel-thoughts my friends would give to m e: and strength to gratify his whims without recompense. Once more the wavelets gleam, the flowers lift (7) If we knew what our correspondent meant by the term here Their beauteous blooms, and beaven shines around. employed, a direct answer would be more practicable. Perhaps his Ob, could I thus be borne for ever on, notion of what is implied by the term “ Jesus Christ,” is very far from Upon the golden stream of life above! being in accordance with that held by the framers of that term. If so, But down again to earth I shortly pass, what propriety would there be clipping affirmations or denials to suit Far better for the vision and the prayer: an erroneous notion ? The Church has given a meaning to the term, The lesson learned, that man himself can raise and denies man the right of revising that decision. We say that By prayer and by close watching o’er his thoughts, “ Jesus ” was the name of a man who exercised wonderful spiritual That nought of evil nor of sordid care peculiarities because he was anointed by a beneficent spirit-power from above; hence the term “ Christ,” which literally signifies, Anointed. Shall send discordant thrills athwart the harp We may also ask, What is meant by “ divinity” ? Is it not comprised Melodious of his mind attuned with God’s. in the above explanation ? L o n d o n , May lGth, 1873. — (8) “ Christ,” or the anointing with good spirit-influences, is indeed NOTTINGHAM LYCEUM. the saviour of man ; but the Church, ignorant of the meaning of the I believe we have at length found a resting-place for our public terms it employs, jumbles them together in chaotic confusion, and makes meetings and the Lyceum. It is, in my opinion, the best room we have the man Jesus, the medium, the saviour instead of the spirit Christ. (9) Many wonders have been wrought by persons who did not know had; it is higher, lighter, and more convenient than any of our previous how or why they did so. We never have met with any demonstration meeting-places. There is one drawback, and that is, we are sub-tenants, of the existence of an angelic world or of such angels as those quoted. but I think we shall rest for awhile where we are. \Ye have had a We know, however, that the ideas thus stated are derived from eastern deal of removing lately, but I am sure we are bettered by our last move. mythology, which is the dead carcase of a Spiritualism that was in The Good Templars are the tenants of the premises, and we have rented it from them for two days in the week, viz., Sunday and Friday. vogue “ before Adam was a boy ”—according to modern superstition. (10) If we were asked for an* opinion of astrology, we should be We opened our lyceum in the new room last Sunday week, and I feel guided by our experience, and not by the opinions of spirits. The pleased to mention here that all the officers and leaders on the opening crystals are the same in both cases, but a glass of water has been found of the lyceum were members of the I.O.G.T. We are in the midst of sects, &c.; there is a church within thirty yards of us in one direction, equally useful. The only remedy for the evils named in our correspondent’s con the Millennial Baptists within ten yards, and the Independents within fifty yards. We are not in tho front, but we shall have a board painted clusion is more knowledge and its application to the affairs of life. and placed at the side of the front door. The neighbourhood is well known, and will be easily found by visitors from the country, as it is A PRAYER, AYE VISION. close to the principal thoroughfare into the town. Our meetings are (Given by Anna Cora Mowatt, through Catherine Woodforde, medium.) very well attended. We have decided to have a picnic this summer Oh, angel-friends, before us gone, not passed on the last Monday in June, and the anniversary on the last Sunday Beyond our call, but ling’ring fondly near, in June. And I tako this opportunity to give a general invitation to To catch each faintest whisper, ev’ry thought, all Spiritualists and their friends, hoping all will endeavour to make it Or shadow of a thought, turned up to those a pleasure to attend, and I am sure it will be a great pleasure to the Bright realms of bliss wherein ye elustev e’e r :— friends here to make all who attend comfortable during their stay. Dear ones ! who bend above our skies like bows We intend to make it public this year by placarding the town. I will Of promise newly given ; who strive to reach send further particulars next week. In the meantime, I hope a greatOur hearts each day with some device of love number of friends to the lyceum movement will decide to attend if To raise us to a higher state of bliss:— possible. All communications should be addressed to Dear, blessed ones! who thronging come to us J o h n B. H e r o d , With gifts of brightest beauty from on high, 19, R o b in H o o d T e rra c e , R o b in H o o d S tr e e t, N o ttin g h a m . Gifts shining from a spiritual light, as shine Our gorgeous things of earth, but purer far, M r. F itto n , Manchester, writes :—“ I am delighted to find by your And with interior heavenly meanings filled:— remarks in tkiB week’s M e d iu m that you have had such a demand for in Ye seraphs, clothed with light eternal, born formation from here. The first-letter inserted in the E x a m in e r a n d T im e s Of Infinite Wisdom,—gather closer now ! was written by a young man just out of his teens, and who thinks he knows Your angel-auras blend with ours of earth ; quite enough of Spiritualism by attending one seance (at which I hap Let your diviner emanations fill pened to be present) to crush this science by a few strokes of the Our souls, t’ uplift them from the grosser sense pen. We are, however, very much indebted to him for this act, as Of t!i is material plane whereon we live. much more good will como of it than we can at present imagine.’ May we breathe in the sweetest efiluonoe of H a l if a x .—Mr. A. D. Wilson gave two discourses in the Hall of Your higher soul-lives! may our-hearts be thrilled Freedom on Sunday. First—“ On tho Progressive Element in Spiri With love supernal for our fellow-man ; tualism ;’’ and, in the evening, on “ Arguments showing the value of That love more pure than earthly altars e’er Spiritualism as an Evidence of Man’s Immortality.” The treatment of Before were lighted w ith; the angel-love these subjects was characterised by a degree of ability which would not That brings you down to lift us up ; that bears. have disgraced any platform. The causo would be benefited by Mr. With ever-growing sweetness, all our weak, Wilson being oftener heard in connection with its advocacy. The pro Infirm, and earthly tlnvartings of your work. cession on W hit Monday walked through the principal streets, headed Oli, friends! metbinks I hear tho rustlings of by Mr. Bottomley, Mr. Wood, and others, numbering in all 70 Your heavenly garments; that my soul is bathed children of tho Lyceum, 25 boys aud 35 girls. As the ground was In perfumes of your higher spheres; the breaths damp, the idea of out-door sports was abandoned, and the party re Of Paradisaic blooms refresh my life, I lie soft, delicious ecstasy of love paired to the hall, where, after reoroation, Mr, Wood was controlled Thrills through my very being, and I float and delivered addresses. 2-16 T H E M E D IU M AND DAYBREAK. •Ju n k 6. machine is on the move, we are grateful. , . We fear our ^ ''v,'v u u, ! us to reveal their names and the various nm. XitK P ublisher is in stitu tin g th e greatest facilities for circulating this j donated, but in most c ts a a advanced to assist u ■ 11 payer, and subm its th e following Scale of Subscriptions:— 1 position in this 'Work. This kind of co-opovatioVi, ' ,i One copy, p o st free, w eekly, l i d . ; per annum , Cs. Cd. \ ' ' 1, ! that which would he literally impo-dble wit I n , , , ' ' ' Tw o copies „ 2Ad. „ 10s. lOd. J have £ 5 or £ l(M o spate fora few months ailhrd Spiri,'.^’ ■ T hree „ „ „ 4d. „ 17s. 4d. ! use of it, thus forwarding great results without t.-n Four „ „ „ 4^1. „ 19s. (id. F iv e „ „ „ 5kl. „ £1 3s. lOd. ! povorishing any one. To take part in this mode ,T Six copies an d upw ard s, in one w rapper, post free, Id. each per week i our object, we earnestly solicit those who can nt:'.,r< rd| or 4s. 4d. pier year. Let them think how nW,.,i in thr. ow they tuey would like to he ]>lace« All such orders, an d com m unications for the Editor, should be addressed of a movement making such heavy demands and not a p... to J awes Burxs, O ffi c e o/T hb Medium, 15, S o u t h a m p t o n R o w , B l o o m s b u r y j their pocket. O f old the apostles d arte d u.t with i ig i , 1 . S q u a r e , H o l b o r n , Lro. n dio n r , J Je'.C . and no purse ; hut in these days their succe ">rj, though j,;*', W ho'-'sale Agents—F. P itm an, 20, P aternoster Row, London, E .C .;'* i the same position as to property, have to undertale a, very djjjj C urrie an d Co., 13, C atherine Street, Strand, London, W .C .; John Heyw> I. M anchester; Jam es M 'Geachv, S9, Union Street. Glasgow. 1 kind of responsibilities. The old-time apostle- fi und it nec I to provide themselves with their daily material-win-,t-.sit), T he ublisher is desirous of establishing agencies and depots for the sale ot tlier Progressive periodicals, tracts, and standard works, and will |j so do we. Experiencing the ardour with which we d-v , be gla to receive com m unications from such as feel disposed to enter,! 1 whole strength to this work, wo have oftentimes I -c so few are actuated by the same feeling, and that there ar» * th is fieid of usefulness. more candidates for a placo amongst our helpers. A, j j. increase, and we aro glad to say there are not a f.-w CONTENTS OF LAST No. OF “ THE MEDIUM.” w ith some degree of satisfaction on the fact that they ha..' o Rifts in the Clouds— C h a m b e r s ' Jo r n a l on Spiritualism—A L etter something to sustain the Spiritual Institution and it front Ju d g e E dm onds—D istrict O rganisation—The X a t i o n a l R e f o r m e r on THE CIRCULATION OF THE MEDIUM. AND TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. j kindly and helpful interest. th e H eckm ondw ike D ebate—Mesmerism a t Birm ingham —Manifestations a t Stock-well—T he G reat D emand for Inform ation—The “ John K ing” TH E “ JOHN KING" NUMBER. N u m b er—Close of th e Subscription List for the Dialectical Report— T h e D ialectical Report in L ibraries—Dr. Sexton at the Cavendish The Dialectical Report not being yet out o f hand it ha, Room s ag ain —Stoke-on-T rent Psychological Society—Mrs. Butterfield found quite impracticable to think of com m encing the -pia t L iverpool—Beyond—F riday Evening at th e S piritual In stitu tio n — number of the Medium containing the portrait o f “ JohnKit.,A Seance at Cavendish Rooms— A Seance w ithout a Medium— A New W e find that the claims of the physical side o f existence cas; Class of Phenom ena—Mr. Morse in Dorsetshire—F uneral of the late W illiam W hite— A Specimen of Ancient Spirit-M anifestations—Imitations he denied, and so we are forced to submit to this inevitable ^ ponement. The literary matter is in a forward state of readier? of Progress. S P E C IA L A lis t o f M e e tin g s a n d X O T IC E . S e a n c e s a t th e S p i r i t u a l I n s t i t u t i o n , in L o n d o n , a n d in th e P r o v i n c e s , m a y be f o u n d o n p a g e 251. THE MEDIUM AND DAYBREAK F R ID A Y , JU N E 6, 1873. O THE N E W M A C H IN E ,—T H E S P IR IT U A L IN STIT U T IO N . and includes contributions from a great many sources, cover; all aspects of the question, of value and interest to the u n knowing little or nothing of the movement. The importance : document having such an immense circulation as this number v attain to demands proper time for consideration, and corn preparation. Whitsuntide has also caused a disturbing is:, ruption in mechanical operations, which could not he set ri; W e have only to remark that no time has yet been lost, a; ev; day’s delay allows some worker to send in his order for ccp; This might he done to a greater extent than lias yet been act. plished. Everybody who reads the M e d iu m should endear ;: put a shilling's worth into circulation. We hope tk> will he : work of many during the coming week. L is t o r S u b s c r ib e r s . The foundation is built in, and the parts of the machine are 1000 Sir Charles Isbam, Bart. 100 Mr. Bielfield,London < .mplete at the works, ready to he conveyed to their destination • 20 Mrs. Gribble, Brighton 100 “ C.” 40 Mr. Gray, Birmingham : .d fitted to g eth er; so in about tw o weeks we shall have £500 ' 2 0 ----------- , Bacup 6 Mr. Kilbraith, Newry - orth of new machinery engaged in helping the spirits and' 100 Mr. Richmond, Darlington 40 Mr. Fry, Portsmouth 40 Mr. Swinburne, London Spiritualists to sow broadcast over the land the grandest facts of 10(3 Mr. Foster, Darlington 20 Rev Guy Bryan I 50 Mr. Bennett, Betckworfa th e age. That this advanced stage in the working progress of 150 Churwell Societyj 50 Mr. Cogman, London 20 Mr. Raper, Jarrow our movement is view ed with enthusiasm and generous sympathy | 100 Mr. Russell, Kingston 20 Mr. Crane, Ossett w e gratefully acknowledge. It is now seen by many that the effort 220 Mr. Ashworth, Halifax 1000 Mr. Chapman, Liverpool made at the Spiritual Institution is loyal and hearty, and the longer I 20 Mr. Crick, Rushden 20 Mr. Hunt, St. Helen's i 20 Mr. Ashbr. Hevtord 100 Mr. Blinkhorn, Walsall it is in operation the truer is the aim w ith which every act points j 20 Mr. Kyd, Baden at the public advancement of the truths of Spiritualism. It is 200 Mr. Spencer, Leyburn | 20 Colonel S. 50 Mr. Reedman, Stamford also remembered that all this work and progress have been effected 20 Mr. E. Lloyd, Frith Street 4000 Mr. Simkiss, Wolverhamp' j 20 Mr. Brien, Halifax b y the most unlikely means. The human instrument of it has 50 Mr. Tarry, Bugbrook I 20 Mr. Thomas Atkins 200 Mr. Howard, Bury been a friendless and penniless stranger, w ith nothing to sustain • SO Mr. Richards, Pimlico 20 T. B. him hut a disinterested love of human progress and the angel help ■ 20 Mr. Tink | 100 31. A. w hich such a moral position is always certain to command. I 100 Mrs. Butterfield 40 Mr. Wilson. Caledonian So W ithou t means nr position this small nucleus has, like the grain I 20 Hull 20 Fritz of mustard seed, become a great tree, hearing good fruits for the I 20 Mrs. Abbott. Braintree 20 Mr. Clarkson, Selby progress of Spiritualism— a widely ramified organisation has sprung 220 Mr. Faucitt, Bishop Auckland 10 3Ir. Lister, York 60 Mr. W. Avery, Rochdale up, w ith a central Institution to minister to the growing require 100 Mr. J . F . Young, Llanelly 50 Mr. Templeton, Hampton 80 3Ir. Summers, Saltburn m ents of the m ovement. The ten years in which this has been 100 Mrs. Bullock, Kingston 20 3Ir. J. Bent, Loughborough accomplished have been a period of continual struggle and severe 100 Mr. Hopkins, Bridgwater hardship. In that tim e thousands of pounds have been turned 250 Mr. Foster, Preston 100 Mr. P. Derby, Northampton 100 Mr. H. Swire, Bowling over, but instead of a percentage o f profit, there has been a steady20 Mr. G. Smith. King's Cress 25 S., Southampton loss of several hundred pounds per annum during the last few 100 3Ir. J. Sutherland, Burnley 40 Mr. J. Wilde, Hagg's Lane years. This had to be found, but the man at the nucleus had 50 Major Owen, Brixton 20 Mr. M. Martin, Waterhouse it not. Such being the case, there must he a distribution of the 20 Mrs. Phillips. Wilmslow 60 Mrs. Parker, Dundee acknowledgm ents for w hat has been done. Generous souls 20 Mr. Forthead 20 Mrs. H. cast their bread upon the waters, and they do not regret it 400 Mr. Daw, London 40 Mr. Harrison, Burslem now. Orily a minor proportion of what has been spent by the 20 Mr. Kingdom, Farnboro’ 20 Mr. Johnson. Walworth Spiritual Institution Las come out of the pocket of the general 100 Mr. Ousman, Stoke 40 3Ir. Flint, Coventry body of Spiritualists— those to do whose public work the Insti 150 Mr. Morgan, Worcester 30 3Ir. Hawkes, Birmingham 20 Mr. Jones, Brecon tution exists. Hence heavy responsibilities have been undertaken. 100 3Ir. Lord, Rastrick 40 Mr. Tommy, Bristol 100 Mr. Stones. Blackburn These facts are all essential parts of the “ history of Spiritualism,’’ 1 2 Mr. H. Noyes, Cumberland 100 Mr. B. and looked at as “ phenomena ’’ are as remarkable manifestations 100 3Ir. Tillotson, Keighley of a power behind the throne as any which the various forms of 100 Mr. Grant, Maidstone 40 Mr. Armfield, Pimlico 1000 3fancbester Association mediumship present. I t is an illustration of spiritual organisation, 40 Mr. Thelwall, Hull and ha> it not conferred freedom and fraternity, been a help to all 500 Dalston Association 100 3Ir. Wilson, Aylesbury 40 Mr. Miller, Birmingham and a hindrance to none ? It has been based upon principles, not 20 3Ir. Fasson, Dunfermline 20 Mr. Truman, Yentnor expediences: the end has been sought rather than the accumulation 100 Mr. J. Ward, Northampton 20 Mr. Stripe, Soutbsea o f means. B ut these essential requisites have also been forth 50 3fr. Goss, Stepney 100 Mr. Smith, Bradford com ing. W hen the premises in Southampton Row were taken 260 Mr. Maynard, Marylebone 20 3Ir. Chambers, Faversham £ 2 0 0 were advanced in less than a week. These claims have all 40 Mr. McNab, Greenock Association 40 3Ir. Warder, Reading 100 Mr. Blake, Newcastle been liquidated and arranged for long ago. W e name this that 20 3Ir. Huskisson, Birmingham 60 Mr. Hitchcock, Nottingham it rnav be recorded that though we have had stern difficulties they 1000 Mr. Kershaw. Oldham 20 Dr. Blunt, Northampton have 'not been insurmountable, thanks to the kind friends who 20 3Ir. Rhodes, Kilburn 40 Mr, Pearson, Briefly Hill have afforded the means for overcoming them. Now that this J u n e 6, 1873. 50 Mr. Foley, Birmingham 12 Miss Prior, Bath 20 Mr. IIall, Brorasgrovo 100 Mr. Hocking, Camborne 10 Mr. Jennison, Wapping 20 Mr. Appleyard, Brigbouse 20 Mr. R. Green, Ashton 20 Mr. 20avis, Hornsey Riso 20 Dr. Dixon, Great Ormond St. ]2 Signor Daminni, Naples 100 Mr. Cooper, Eastbourne 20 Mr. Hackett, Colney Hatch In all 12, T H E M E D IU M AND D A Y BR EA K . 20 Mrs. Wiseman, Bayswator 12 Mr. Partridge, Ilillesley 20 Mr. Young, Fort William 20 Mr. Fountain, Wisbech 20 Mr. Penman, Broughton 12 Mrs. Birley, Malvern 20 Mr. .T. Robinson, Bocston 20 Mr. 'I'. Brown, Ilowdon 40 Mr. J. Blastow, Aylesbury 40 Mr. T. Gough, Aylesbury 40 Mr. Joseph Parker, Aylesbury 20 Mr. Hawkins, Aylesbury ) copies. nO W DR, SEXTON BECAME A SPIRITUALIST. There is nothing so instructive as personal experience. It is like a road through a desert—a path to guide the wayfarer. If the narrator has hnd an exceptional experience, traversing the gulf between two opposite poles of thought, then his journey is all the more suggestive. Again, if the traveller 1ms been engaged on an important mission, or has unusual capacities for observation, the circumstances attending his career increase in importance. To Spiritualists and inquirers, then, Dr. Sexton's address at the Cavendish Rooms, on Sunday evening first, must oiler a special attraction. H e has travelled the whole way, from the camp of the Secularist to the plains of Spiritualism; and as a scientific mau, and endowed with superior natural abilities, the occasion becomes surrounded with many attractions. W e hope to see a full audience. The tickets—reserved seats Is., and body of the hall 6d.—are now ready at the Spiritual Institution. NATIONAL CONFERENCE. To the Editor.—Dear Sir,— I send you a copy of the minutes of a special meeting of the Liverpool Society, held on the 29th o! May at tne Islington Hall, thirty persons being present:— “ The Vice-President, Mr. John Lamont, introduced the subject of the next National Conference; and it was proposed by Mr. Meredith, seconded by Mr. Gay, and unanimously carried—That arrangements be made for the next National Conference to be held in this town (Liverpool). Proposed by Mr. Archibald Lamont and seconded by Mr. Dean, and also carried unanimously—That three days be devoted to the holding of the Conference, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, otb, 6th, and 7th of August. Agreed, that a Special Committee of Management be appointed to carry out all arrangements connected therewith. The following persons were appointed as the Committee of Management:—Messrs. Gay, Meredith, Chatham, Brogden, Chapman, Higginson, and J. Lam ont; Mr. David B. Ramsey, 16, South Castle Street, Corresponding and Recording Secretary. “It was further agreed that the Secretary be instructed to send the report of the above meeting to be published in the M e d iu m and S p i r i tu alist; and to request Mr. Burns to correspond with the Secretary upon the future programme, &c. “The chairman pressed upon the newly-formed committee the necessity of entering fully and heartily into their work, and he hoped all other societies would co-operate by sending their representatives and contributions to carry out the grand objects contemplated.”—Yours fraternally, J. C h a p m a n , H o n . S e c r e t a r y . 247 IS SPIRITUALISM RELIGION OR SCIENCE? A correspondent desires to know whether Spiritualism is a science or a religion. Science is knowledge ; and us Spiritualism is a knowledge of the condition of nmn ns a spiritual being, it is, necessarily, science. But wlmt is religion? It is, “ Love your neighbour,” “ Do ns you would bo done by.” In short, religion is the practical application of science, or living up to the knowledge we possess. If, then, wo pot iri practice Ihoso livings which (lie requirements of our spiritual nature demand, wo make Spiritualism a religion. There is no other religion needed than to love mercy, do justly, and walk uprightly. Priests have inculcated the belief in various superstitions, hut these have always been the bane of religion. There is only one religion, and that is doing what wo know lo bo good and right. So, then, Spiritualism is both science and religion, and so are all other branches of knowledge. Physiology is a science; but the practice of temperance, cleanliness, Ac., which are explained and inculcated by physiological knowledge, is just as much religion as aught else—indeed, is the basis of all religion. For a full exposition of the religion of science we refer every reader to Hudson Tuttle’s new and able w’ork, “ The Career of Religious Ideas,” showing that when perfected they culminate in that religion of science which we have briefly referred to. It is published at 2s. (id., but is sold to the purchasers of H u m a n M a tu r e for May for Is. (id. By send ing 2s. 2d. in stamps, both H u m a n N a tu r e and the book will be sent, post free, to any address. The book has just been published, and is being bought up with great avidity. It settles for ever this religious difficulty. £lxc Sfiirttiuil “ GOD AND IMMORTALITY: W h a t h a s S ith itu a m s m t o s a y ox t u e S u b j e c t ? ” By Dr. Sexton. London: J. Burns. Price fid. We observe with pleasure that Dr. Sexton’s Glasgow discourse lias been reprinted from H u m a n N a t u r e in a separate form. It occupies a unique place in our literature, us a convenient and popular work on the subject had long been wanted. The facts of Spiritualism render the existence of the Deity a necessity, and the arguments sustaining this important position are ably presented in the work before us. It is thus not only a valuable adjunct to Spiritualism, but to the cause of religion, in whatever form. In this way it may be made specially useful to Spiritualism ; for, by being placed in the hands of the religious, it will show them that Spiritualism is really the best string they have to their bow, and they will naturally think better of the system. We can heartily recommend the friends of the movement to procure this dis course, and discover its uses for themselves. P o w e r f u l physical manifestations are being obtained at a circle in Bristol. B a l l ’s P o n d A s s o c ia t io n . — On Monday evening Mr. Webster was controlled by “ Zoud ” and other spirits, and gave some good tests. T i i e B i s h o p A u c lc la n d C h r o n ic le of May 29, contains a long report of Mr. Mulford’s lecture on “ The use and abuse of Spiritualism in America,” delivered in the Mechanics’ Hall of that town. M r . M u l f o r d has returned from his trip, and is well pleased with the friends he has met with. We hope he may be again prevailed on to visit a few more places in the north. A s e r i e s of lectures on Spiritualism will be opened at Mr. Cogman’s Institution, 15, Peter’s Street, Mile End, by Mr. Burns on Tuesday MR. BURNS’S V ISIT TO STOKE-ON-TRENT. evening ; subject: “ The A B C of Spiritualism.” Other speakers will On Sunday, June 15, Mr. Burns will visit Stoke-on-Trent Psycho continue the course on successive Tuesday evenings. logical Society as an honorary deputation from the Spiritual Institution, D e m o n W o r s i h f i n E n g l a n d , is the subject on which Mr. Conway and preach two sermons in the Court Room, Stoke. is announced to speak at South Place Chapel, Finsbury, on Sunday The morning service will commence at eleven o’clock. morning. We do not know how the subject will be handled, but have Subject: “ Concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you no doubt it will be interesting to Spiritualists. Indeed, all Mr. Con ignorant.” Syllabus: W hat are spiritual gifts? How can we gain way’s efforts are Interesting, and suggestive of deep thought. a knowledge of them? How can we exercise them? What Mit. J. S t e p h e n s informs us that a Mr. Thurlow will lecture on relations do these gifts bear to religion ? The promises of Jesus Spiritualism on Sunday evening at Perseverance Hall, Goldsmith Row, and the message of the Gospel exemplified in what is called Modern Hackney. It would seem that the lecturer is going to oppose Spiritual Spiritualism. ism, for Mr. Stephens says: “ I shall attend, but I would like some The evening service w ill commence at half-past six. other Spiritualists to be present also.” Whatever be the nature of the Subject: “ If a man die shall he live again ? ” Syllabus : The doctrine proceedings, we hope Mr. Stephens will bo supported. of immortality an essential element of religion. The difficulty of T h e Birmingham Psychological Association held a general meeting obtaining demonstrable proofs of immortality. Have we any at the Priory Rooms, on Thursday, May 15, when the chairman (Mr. knowledge that the dead do exist? The philosophy of spirit- T. F. Proctor) delivered a very interesting address on “ Psychology-in communion, tests of spirit-identity, proofs of man’s continued relation to Spiritualism.” That the paper was listened to with much existence after death. attention was proved by the appropriate remarks made by Messrs. Voluntary offerings will be received towards defraying expenses. All Simkiss (Wolverhampton), Judd, Franklin, Hawkes, and others. A classes are earnestly invited to attend whether of Christian or Secularist resolution to the effect that the paper should be printed was proposed and seconded, and carried unanimously. The proceedings terminated with tendencies. In the afternoon, at half-past two o’clock, a conference will meet at a vote of thanks to the chairman. the house of Mr. Ousman, South Street, Mount Pleasant, Stoke, to K e i g h l e y .—The Spiritual Brotherhood Lyceum. East Parade, will receive the deputation from the Spiritual Institution. Mr. Burns hold their annual festival on June 22nd, when mediums are expected to hopes to see a good muster of the Spiritualists of the district, that they attend from the surrounding district. Mrs. Scattergo id is expected to be may aid and encourage each other in the great work in which they are present, though at the time of writing, her answer has not been received. engaged. Mr. Shackleton ir. communicating these facts on behalf ot the com mittee, says: “ Spiritualism is doing its work in this locality. We have first-class communications and attentive bearers, and enjoy every comfort Mr . Ashman’s H e a l i n g C la s s opens on Tuesday evening at lo , S o u th ampton Row. Tickets, 5s. each, for three lessons, on successive Tuesday that Spiritualism can afford in our humble wav. The sick are healed, evenings, at eight o’clock, are now ready; indeed a considerablenumber are the lame are relieved, and pains are removed instantly. S o u t h s e a .—I am pleased to inform you Spiritualism is making sold. Those who think of attending should apply at once. A ll have healing powers more or le ss; but they do not, in many instances, know how progress here, and many are inquiring, although they do not like to to exercise it. Mr. Ashman has had much experience, which he will acknowledge it for fear of being ridiculed by the orthodox portion of place unreservedly at the disposal of his pupils. H e has no profes- their friends. I have a meeting at my house every Sunday evening, at lional secrets of any kind. I t would tend much to the advancement of which we have from fourteen to twenty. W e have a verv good tranceSpiritualism and the welfare of mankind if this beneficial form of nie- medium who stands up, when he is entranced, one hour and a quarter, and delivers an address from any passage of Scripture that, may be diumship was more cultivated. mentioned. My house is open to all investigators, and I should be Mr. M o r b b ’h address for next week, care of J. B. Stones, Esq., pleased to see more, as 1 could make room for double tho number. Pleasington, Blackburn. If you please you may insert it in the M e d iu m . We commence at. The Waterbary D a i l y A m e r ic a n announces the arrival of Mies Lottie 6.30 p.m., in broad daylight. I could say much more on the subject fowler at Wuterbury, Conn. ; had I time and space.— W i l l i a m II. S t r i f e , 51, M i d d l e S tr e e t. HAS t h e MF.Pir-M AND DAYBREAK. J u n e 6, ', s - - of years. In China, in India, ar.d in Egypt, forms of inter A SPIRIT ON Till' BIBLE AND KKUGUH'S IDEAS. . evening the plat:'. rn; cn Cavendish Roo ms was occupied the spirit-world had travelled through various civil; On transmitted by the Hebrews to Palestine. These n bv Mr. W a ’. : .'.tv. ss: coy vied mm. who delivered an address in the that peculiar people to strike terror into the inhabit.-, lira', a we give an out! A 0! W Oicl; tr*r.o» no: be -.eve a., that suirn:s aiv. for they speak from their indi- countries. If you will be my God, said Abraham. I v :.; .A s:a:niy•oir.t. What stru . > to one is not so to another, and what ■ r m k Hove was a human being actually selling himsell ■J. ; . :o-da v nay not V-c estee ■cod - to-morrow, and why ? because ing spirit, so wicked that he scrupled not to arrogate t< vw Experience makes the man. for he airs of Deity. He told his devotees to steal when c a >.:cd more ki:owlAg WJkV. to murder when obnoxious persons were in the wav: and , > ore than the res.:.: of his exjvriencc from birth to dear:.. All Ik iV-rc di Heron: ov.vrn-r. e. then, teach acivrdingly. and in this made the Jewish people the most filthy and accursed rue: w*.;. bo roprvxiuccd a? the earth ; and all in the name of God. but not God ti e I wav o; >y:r :: i'ulux '..1 Well Aa * ooo ;i projro^ivo n i:d 1. sc that Spiritualists will liavo enough ital ic signifies spirit. Lord means master—an a::e:.l. prompt men to act good or bad. Jehovah was not G 1 . fee to discr m j 'tween, that which is true and raise. b :: u ambitious spirit attac ted : - u g:u edv se.iis . pc.,pie. of books, as -f it were the only one is called tne 1'o'x Tin True inspiration is when the gp medium are a wore h V 0'. ' - oil des'g-cala n. ana none equal to it. It is also called the blended that the spirit can sec physical tilings with Ho'.v Iv'die. There is much in. it which is true, for all re'fig vis are *> l"d t\i on t he immortality ot man. The revision and correction of medium as the medium himsel: sets them, and tin: u the spirit is t ible were spoken of: but ::' it wore a revelation from God. how spiritual things with the puaepti an blv rec.uire correct: on, and millions of persons to explain them himself. This explained clairvoyance, in which :be ti tViild :: r ;wo of whom could agree. Ar first i: »a? written in hiero the spirit was so intimate that the clairvoyant tu . gi: glyphics, but the kev to : - interpretation being lost, the original belonged to himself. It is tile privilege of every human being to bo p -ss.ssc 1 .. ■ m m h a w not retained a k n m n R n k o b were rendered into words recce a tom-otcd to restore this lost meaning by supposing that ledge as wild lead him to health and happiness, and to .. c. •• Ad signified " Church." sad “ Cain and Abel ’ “ faith and charity." of the future that awaits him. This also brings its restand tit.-.: the on? killed the other. But what good would there be in its disadvantages, for no man can see his fellow-creatures ; therefore considering that man would be eared br faith in the blood happv in himself. While every man should be in a p. s.t: : Inn o: a slaughtered man : For all must sore themselves b r fear and his own interests, he should also feel that he dm trembling—they must fear to do wrong and tremble at the oonse- alone but for all. and that the blessings he enjoyed were : .tnettccs. If a r t f ' s acts are such as to render him peaceful and happy, pa ted in by all. tier. is he saved. If he lores virtue, and follows it for its own sake as •Tes.-.s did. then does Jesus become his guide and saviour. This need of MRS. OLIVE'S SEANCES a virtu.■'•.:< life is preached along with faith br all religions. Men do (Spirit-guide, Marie Stuart.'1 so: tract:se virtue ns far as sheir conscience prompts, hence the mind Ott Wednesday evening. May firth, Mrs. Olive ne.u net ns A. t tuns: become a: war with itself, and unhappiness is the result. The Though nr: i: remedy is for man to weigh well the consequences, learn all he can, put seance at the Spiritual Institution. attended as on the previous Wednesday evening, tue ci.-r.e was u ■ :: in :' practice, ar.d wait for still more light. The drs: time a man violates the mandates of his conscience, that is harmonious one. and the spirits were able, under sum g. :a rr a -. his original sin. This first imprudent act is a warning and guide for to give many highly satisfactory tests to most o: :n:s; Hambo " was the first to assume the control, and he a: :r.t; future conduct. AH pain and sorrow thus produced teach man to stri fe for the opposite. Original sin. as otherwise explained, has been some tests, amongst others informing a lady—an ir.vestiga:rr—mir: a glorious thing in the present state of society, for millions have profession was, and warning her not to overwork hers;.:. rr: fattened on it. Then as to etersal punishment: -it will las: as long as much merriment by his saarp retorts and good-natured ' :n ... the earth will Lis:, for man comes into physical life in an undeveloped having held personal conversation with all it: turn, gave place:: mstate, and void of experience, and hence he must commit error and shine." who outdid herself in giving tests, two .a..:;s present tear necessarily pass into a state of punishment in Hades, in which he can particularly fortunate in getting repeated tests of sum a mum:::: tut have these errors rectified. But though the place is eternal, man does they expressed themselves extremely pleased and gm: urn. m: not remain there eternally, but goes when he is cured, and others take mud: arrangements for some friends to meet u: Huds : - to at his place. As matt desires deration, so will he advance. While evil spirit-photographs, and after a somewhat length:::;.: c::m;r-i::: arts remain unatotted for. man cannot be free and happy, hence the retired. “ Hr. Forbes " then introduced himself w ttj kmc. words:: s strangers whose acquaintance he had net previous.'’ maae. ...... cm u necessity for a life of virtue. a Ir. the Bible reference is made to those who have the power of bless himself as usual to his much-loved work or giving m em - am :as:‘ ing ar.d of cursing. Jacob blessed his children. Dan was a swift was very successful in accurately diagnosing ciairvoyattt-y rider, but a serpent should bite the horses's foot and the rider would two or three gentlemen whose state of health was tue cause . . :... till', backward. This h'eroglyphio portrayed the er.d of selfish ambition : anxiety to their friends. the matt who would ride over the interests of others in business trans actions. those whom he wronged would retaliate and that part nearest MR. HERNE'S MEDIUMS HEP. to.- earth—filthy lucre— would suffer, the foot of bis horse would be To the Editor.—Sir,—I send you a short account of tue M:m lasted, and the rider would tumble from his lofty position. Many myths had been associated with the account of Noah's flood, evening seance held on Whit Monday at 15, Southampton ... whirl: was described by some as a flood of moral evil which put an end medium Mr. Herne. Present, Mrs. Burns, a clergyman, a ger.t.:to civilised society. But Noah reformed the church—that is, he took from America, Mr. Ivemy. and myself. '■Peter " was in excellent cue throughout the evening, and g;r: tuto the ark and preserved all clean beasts that is. those ideas of good ness an., truth which prompt to a life of virtue), and also unclean all laughing with his smart and frequently saucy sayings, ana ;c . : : beasts, which represented idolatrous worship ar.d religious ceremonies some excellent tests. He told the American that he intend. .. a cottage on his return. He was questioned as to the source c: re which defile and pervert religion. Ic e cases o: spiritual interference recorded in the Bible corresponded formation, ar.d in reply said. "T he three spirits that nave c.m m ' with toe spiritual manifestations of to-day. I f the latter can. be proved with you tell me so." He ther. described mem. atm tue get :.;: to be true, then the former may be assumed as true also. They stand recognised the spirit of his son and two other friends, and toic. as: or together. Spirit-communion might result in good or evil : a he contemplated purchasing a cottage or. his return to America. . • ' man should be a law unto himself, ar.d not be led bv spirits. It is the satisfied, from wh.it "P e te r" sate, and end. teat tc.o spirit o: am privilege of every mortal to commune with the spirit-world, and know was in the room. The clergyman, while holding the hard wintrier ue is bound : but do not give up your reason either to man or Herne, had a chair slipped over his arm. " Peter " asked to spirits. It is only by walking in the "light of your own moral and would like to have the cuair-test: I said, "Yes. if you pleas; into..actual consciousness that communion with the spirit-world can in a few seconds two chairs back to back were slipped ot: to rco while I held the medium fast by his hand. He then tc.d to .. . » el:h r be sate or profitable. Iu c idea of God requiring sacrifice originated in the early experi springs it: the chairs. We did not understand this allusun: to sc: f ences of humanity. They regarded the spirits of their departed friends until Mrs. Burns told us that a gentleman had called lately .: as .itt.e geds, and they gave them presents to appease their anger, for. Institution, and examined the chairs for springs in their bar.:; said these early races, if we can avert the anger of these little gods, we would permit of their being opened and placed on the area as a brace need no: fear the one great God. for He is good and will not bur: us. fastened on the wrist. The guitar was also played upon. ar.d. so:::: c. Images were made to represent the little gods or spirits to such as had furniture was moved about the room. During the scarce a.. ■' ■’ not spmit-sight, and offerings to these images were carried away by the were linked round the table. As this seance interested me much, I thought perhaps the slier: > priests: and thus the idea grew till men became so fanatical that they readily ofiered the most virtuous and beautiful of their daughters at count of it that I send might be interesting to some of your trader Jossru Swiss:'.:>*• the command of a dogma. Moses modified the matter and introduced Faithfully yours, the sacrifice of beasts. Jesus taught men not to shed blood, but to ’hie? their worldly position and sensual indulgences, to go down and SEANCE AT MRS. BERRYS heip their fellow-creatures up from the gutter: to sacrifice health, On Tuesday eTenirg. June the ord. a sitting was held a: Mrs strength, means, everything for the welfare of humanity. But the assumed followers of jesr.s did not do so. They might be seen riding residence in Connaught Square, which was in many respects behind six horses, ar.d living in the most sumptuous manner, while not only in the amount o: physical power displayed, but a so their brethren rotted in hunger around them. Instead of sacrificing character of the intelligence. There were present, besides Mrs their own superfluities, they sacrificed Jesus and supposed that God and her niece. Mrs. Fito-Gerald and Miss Emily Murray. M ss k :: could be cut iuto three pieces and one of them killed to appease the Povntu. Miss Godfrey, and Dr. Davies. The medium. Mr. H er" wrath of the other two. Priestcraft rendered mankind so vile in this placed behind an extempore screen, made out of an easel cc»;r;a " age that they were ot a mind to nail the very God of the universe to a a simple piece of hairc. No sooner was tne light extir.g.usr.v. tree that they might not sutler the just consequences of their depravity •• Teter " put in an appearance, ar.d discoursed sweet :u::s:o or.s and banjo, which were laid on a table ready lor lus use. I" .. and selfish indulgences. To the man who will strive, Jesus promised the spirit of truth as a toueued the sitters freely, knotted suawls into turbans ■' ■ ' guide and a comforter to help him over the beeetments of life. »o open decorated them in other fashions, besides removing Dr. Davies's r Hj.. up to him the sublime tacts of spirit-life, so that even death might be knotting it tightly in a lady's handkerchiel. He accent paweu .; j . ■ robbed of its terrors, and be a change into a more happy state of life. formanoes with sundry cat.sue remarks, especially The disciples were called Christians because they practised a mode of with preaching hcll-nrc—an imputation which was emphr. oa. y y . divination, which had been designated by a similar term for thousands •• Peter" then suggested two sermons and texts for the toUov.r.g THE MEDIUM AND DAYBREAK. subject prescribed “ T he Cron* a* the Symbol of 0 * f r ^ je T e n in g one. •'W hat i» K cligthe portion# W ' t>:ng fi*. John xiv., and th e E pistle of St. Ja m ?1. 'J l.'re ;or* K^refore a serious elem ent in th e communication*, though ihc 4 r ( « u T e r r much th e reverse. 'Die d i m u of ii,'- gr< when Ibis particularly lively sp irit removed Mr*, iie rrv ? irt* bffkd shoe, and, engaging a lady to play on the zither for him , footles. sboc a w u t e n l on th<- table. “ Jo h n i s’*? .T err few words in Lis fam iliar and most unmistakable acc< n ti, **; ■'Ks’.er " g»v<? one o r two whisper*, laying her hand freely in those »r“ . -ters. Light* were *een frequently by those gifted with spirityid occasionally by all, wliilc the power was not confined to the t-?~ r,jjm , but followed the fitte rs when they o -p< r?<:d to r re in -h yaking a large dining room table tilt when only a few hand* **j*id on it, and a chair come from th e oth er p art of the room and *'•' -j w»v to Mr. H erne's side. T h ere could be no question as to *"bninur.t of power present, and th e intelligence, gn w ithal of a ’■* • »rd sluiest grotesque character, was exceedingly quick in the way \ pointed repartee. • jj w*.aid perhaps have been scarcely th e seance for a sceptic, who •j not hare been “ educated up ” to its reception ; but to the it was very interesting, a n a showed M r. H i n * I ..: ' ^.. or. of his greatest m edium istic powers. A t the end o f the r ” . , circle was formed, in w hich M r. H ern e joined, his hands being ■ . . .si i1? H erry was then call' d to th e eitrem'* end of ■ m, and repeatedly touched by w hat she described as a “ very band and arm .” .Spirit-faces and form s have been of late alm ost /uj.Trly sought after, and th e supply has been fully com m ensurate c -be demand ; but for a good old-fashioned genuine physical seance t0 be questioned w hether a m ore successful one could be wished , ,bir; that of Tuesday evening. T he above was alm ost a rep etitio n ...hat took place a t th e same lady's residence on Sunday evening, the same medium. M . 1). 210 •MR. MORSES ARKANOEICEHTB AT AfANCHIlSTMft. Mr. Bum*.- Dear Sir, k ou will oblige by i;i4er‘.rig in ‘he • < and following i** .<- of • e A lum u tb<- follow’,ng a n n o o n c i : : >: :lt on Sunday, Ju n e JSth, tiro - '.♦» will be held in th e Grosveoor '! • r/iperano H a ll.o t ' in (}.<• morning at 10 f>), and tb'- oth er ,n *i.r. .-..ii be <:<;,■./ red d m Igfa M r .J. Morse, the subject for each discourse at present not known ; al*o In the w ;;; q, jJ( ;,j afternoon of ti.<- same day, a’ a me* ting of >},e fr . for m utual edification and pleasure, aft'-r wbif-b tea w.j, b‘- prov u«*d nT for all who choose to rem ain; this arrangem ent u more ji.tenu*'<i for 'be .o of >*; -) g< rs from »i , ’.......... • f MB Mq by -Mr. Alorte to state that be will be at l;twire rtv to bold private seances in the evenings of th< sam>- week e,. Tuesday, Wedni-day, and Thursday e.eninge, termri o:.<,.a j opj,or • . v would i'rongly urge our jrie ,ds t o make g'xxl n*e of for getting a rich intellectual treat by listening to elevating effusions of his spirit-guide “ 1 ien-Kien-Tie, ’ and the w e r remarks of the • .Strolling Play r,“ who are f .:lv comp' ’• : • to com;; lj the atte;.5ion of all pr*-r. t.t for a wi.ole evening wi’n g,-ta*. prof? Sfd s deligli*. J snail v? glari to make 'be t.ec< —arv i,rr gej.-.e.-'-. o, end for Mr. Morse, whose stay in Manchester will be in proportion to the demand for ? c s. whicii I' . to be bon d .) o:/.brace Vor<tban if.'- l.u.l’ d 1 me of o .<■ *eek ..a mi* la.-re e ’ v. 34, W alnut Street, C htethan, Alay 31, I f 73. R k i: • , • ' • KING'S c r o s s ; p s y c h o l o g i c a l s o c i e t y . To the Editor.— Dear Sir,—You will be pleased - that we little band of Spiritual - ? srbo meet weekly at Mr. Wh-.o: - ; . ..' 103, Caledonian Road, King’s Cross, have bad Air.-. O.ive at o?.r* two seances. A delightful time we have bad >, con- pai.v witn th<- , -*• ' through her mediums}..;, two hours well sp*-: tests given, with much instruction to each of “S . •. ... evening wished me to write to you, and -ay that strar.ge.-s a d fri*-ids will be welcomed on the next two Tuesday evenings, at '-ight o . ... ” HE THAT HATH EARS TO HEAR, LET HIM HEAR.” fee, 2s. 0d. each, the proceeds to be given to Mr. WiNor. for ■ 0 these Spiritualist?, how they love one another.' more particularly sny one will not adopt the nickname by which a small section rooms, Slc. Some may be glad of this opport . ity of siting this Y , to designate themselves. Air. A. Watson’s remarks in the very interesting and useful public medi m, through whom -• S p ir it''d ir * o n Mr. Burns’s visit to Manchester suggests this that is interesting is given in a little time well sp'-x.t— Yo,r‘ •• r. . ■' slant- We are not aware of any cause or reason why such unseemly E eU jw are H o a d , June 4th, IS73. should present themselves Cither than the old sore of C -jraaism. Let us adhere to the facts and reason therefrom, and O b i t v a k v . — One of our most eminent Spiritualists, the Baron Lo v,-. be no difference amongst us, and instead of acrimony there }■■■■ y j - j be love, instead of weakness, strength. I f the inferences from Gulder.stubbe, departed this life on the 27th Alay, at bis t yjd o not agree with sectarian ideas, then so much the worse for 20, Rue de Trevise, Paris, in his 53rd year. The Baron wa? .,r;: '.,j ~ p* deas, for facts interpreted by reason are the voice of God, pally known by his studies and researches in tfc<* science of positive and , .jsas the dogmas, what are they ? In most instances, inferences from experimental Pneumatology, to which he contributed several valuable ,,j -jy. •„ key to which we have lost; and so the dogma-holder is in most works and considerations, amongst which may be especial] v : •.?.<! pnliir.g one way and the facts the other. How, then. si.all bis contribution upon direct spirit-writing, “ La R.'a'IG o‘4 ll-olrl - >• ,. 'tie erring dogmas ? By going back to the facts. W e answer le Phenom*lrne Alerveille x de leur Ecriture Directe,” obtai: "I b- • .pv-h ■ry r y - '.o n raised by Mr. Watson. He desires to know—and he n-k- it the mediumship of himself and his sister, the Barone;* G .. a i^r . ng but a fraternal spirit—-why Air. Bum s on his recent visit These experiments rendered him very notorious bo Paris at one uerivl. gatlnn’o; Winchester styled himself an “ honorary deputation from the and the police are alleged to iiave inter:cred, at tiie a ■>:• .ii Institution.” Simply because be was so. The term honorary, Jesuit-, to stay the results he obtained from the sepulchral mor. ■J . •:.* cutr, vitiation “ honorary secretary,” means a man who acts ns of the city. Of Swedish origin, Baron Guldens*oV-N b In-. 'l • , -.n secretary without compensation; and as Mr. Burns received no fee for ancient Scandinavian family of great historical renown, l.v o o: ms ;.is lit/.rs at Manchester, they were therefore “ honorary.” Then he ancestors. Knights of the Order of the Grand Templars, and of -ntne ms i isputation from the Spiritual Institution, and visited Manches'er name, were burnt alive in 1309, in company with Jacques de Melay, by ;,v or. •: of that Institution, so that the term was perfectly order of Pope Clement the Fifth. The pedigree of the fa .iiv si ,- i v. : sr.d what is more to the purpose, the good friends witij illustrious alliances. The Baron Guldens*ubb-' lived a verv re ired and »}. Le acted that day quite understood it and appreciated it, Air. sober life, associating with none but sympathisers o: hi- s-udies. He will ever be affectionately remembered for bis noble, gentle, and urbane Wits'-;:'s difficulty of comprehension notwithstanding. nature; for his numerous liberal and unassuming charit es. He wa; unmarried, but found a dear companion and aid in the person of ii SPIRITUALISAI TO ORDER. accomplished and erudite sister, the Baroness G lde.ns'.uhb-. The V. .kb s cutting from a newspaper reporting the tricks of Herr Dobler Baron will be interred at the family vault at Heidelberg. nave received the following note:— “ I would fain believe in SpiriDei'abtkd for the higher life, on June 1st, Mr. Thomas Din son, of -i. fu, and I should have greater faith if others could be invoked the Psychological Society, Stoke. After a brief but painful illr.- a oev.de* ‘Peter,’ ‘ The Strolling Player,’ the eternal ‘ Katey/ and one Airs. Edmiston, of Beckenham, was removed to the tx-fer world abo o.t.en, I wish also less ■i l l y things were done with tambourines two weeks ago. She was a devoted supporter of the spiritual m o v e iu t . '*t'i -..Like.—I).’- What is wanted in this representative case (of U m i a i t i l v , Airs. Woodforde was in such bad health on Friday if cej is knowledge, not faith ; experience, not belief. It is certa;niv tt'-.tirig to hear it supposed that no spirits can be “ invoked” except evening that she could not be used by her spirit-friends, and the very ' named above. .Spiritualism, as representing the science and art respectable company who met to be present at her seance wou'd iiave •’ rit-ccimmunion, expresses a universal law applicable in all pur- been altogether disappointed had not Air.?. Olive been preset:-., and ’-create*. Tyndall, Huxley, Spurgeon, the Archbishop of Cant'-r- kindly allowed herself to be controlled. Air-. Woodforde ha- since iaia *>7> Gladstone, the Queen, are person* whose names are frequently in a dangerous state, and the sprained ankle is much swollen and in Unboned in connection with certain subjects, but all the rest of man- flamed. As her late privations have very much deteriorated her 1 ■- ire not ignored on that account. The spirits quoted can do a strength, it is feared that the swelling may turn to erysipelas. Crider development, such a person very much requires the comfort? r : a ''■'it work, and have facilities for so doing which “ D .’s ” spirit-relatives home. Alone in a lodging-house, and not affluent, is not an enviable "''i.a be quite incapable of unless they have a little more commondestiny. It would be a credit to our cause if some of our friends with ’*"*■ '.nan he seems to possess. Hence be must argue, I would have fine houses could apportion a spare nook to one who bus seen a? good fater faith in science but for T yn d all; I would be a Baptist w<-re days as they themselves now enjoy. ■' rot for the “ eternal” Spurgeon; and a British subject but that Alas. B k o w .v , B e l f a s t ,—W e are always glad to publish, and reply ' -'I'oria jj continually named u s Queen. I f “ D .” has the abilities ''pportunities, he is quite at liberty to get at the truths of Spiri- to, the objections and queries of Spiritualists and others : b\:' wi- do lt“ without the help of “ Peter,” to know science without applying not care to involve ourselves in personal squabbles with Religionists. o Huxley, and to on. AVhat “ silly things ” are done with tambourines Calling names and making insinuations is not argument. It we Lave '7 tpirits ? What are tambourines for? To beat with and be beat'-n, appeared to attack you, it was only with logical deductions from your that it j-.it how spirits use them. And after all is said, who can be own words. If you cannot bear the consequences, it would be well to *'Yr ^d at disembodied spirits doing “ silly th in gs’’ when one in ihe think twice before you rush into print with sharp criticisms on other.1. *t!j .t *o distinguished in the attributes of intelligence that he can find We must have money, of course, us we can’t find any who are willing ’ possible to write a note so very stupid as the one which we now to supply us w ith labour and material for nothing. We cannot, how pinner.t upon. For goodness’ sake, “ D .,” do not, we pray you, ever, adopt a time-serving policy and a trimming of the truth to make >..eve in .Spiritualism/’ It is far more credit to the thing to have this educational work a commercial success. \ \ e would mucu rather beg in rags for truth than ride in a gilded chariot with error, even if ’'■’ll k* an opponent. all the good Christian ladies in tbe universe were bv our sid?-. So we can afford to receive both s.ueers and the moderate c o - o p e r a t i o n of our U r n .: - 4■,;i continue to corne from the Manchester district in friends. :.>m »/, (be announcement to w hich we alluded last week, that Kuies Cliff any of our friends in the district help a circle at North Shields? 'i»*. Sp.ri?-circle might be obtained on application at the Spiritual f‘•tii'ition. It our friend* would embrace every opportunity to rep'-a' They have met for some time, but have obtained no phenomena. If ' 4a announcement in other papers it would promote the cause very some medium would '-all and give them a few sittings, the act wo .Id Le *n*b, duly appreciated. We can furnish the addres?. 'I'll K M K D I U M 2.)0 a n d d a y h k k a k on V'nili ll. I ’djicr, Im/nl 0,011f 1 / linnoil} jo i, r in ::;ii o Oo ’u u t • i o v s .—Tho A SERIES OF L E C T U R E S KNTH : phenomena runnot ho mice***)-fully clfolfeA Wliat in Evil ? 1'' ]. I-, in « 11<nw .M, ayIi" n 11Mlli<I*t foe I 1' " b In in/r f r,»l ( *Ji:i rlty Jbivi-rtv : its Evih rind il l Missbui. Thr Divinity Hi «l Divc IImin Man. Tb*’ Church «»f t In1 I' nl lire. “ HtJiud up! I myself ;il •*» mu a Man.” 'I he )’*ii h "f UighbV'iiiin • ■ Ti nsi in (bid. Hi ll -Trusf. \\ Iml is f Hiri htin ji Itv ? Th \ Kingd'im Com>•! What /a Man ? The "mic thing” ihnired hy the Bsnliulst. ; -i. Tii i iii.iint.iiin tho peculiar magnetic ooDditlona necessary to tlio •(. !i . I the phenomena. A developing circle exhausts power, or uses It up. I . * 1 I"1'!1', III/ the An!ho of “ALPHA." A Ai/rwji:<11 o f llm fn/iii •/ mm/ .<• obbtinedfm: ■„< m •. 'I1 l «iI ..i prevail, when tlio atmo^pliern Is very moist, or win n tli'TO in o f wind. A warm, dry tttmoMplioro 1h best, a* it prnu nU 1- : 11 - i n m . < th •11 m l> i iv ji all ex trench, ami fl;,'- « with tlio liarmonlon# Htftto ol mnn'i <' i * i* .i wlii' li i'i piopor for the munilcd atiun o f npiiItual phenomena. A ■ii ; 1 11••! 11 o; 11 nl. a i •; increases the power am I fael 111at* vi control. I, • r. (•,.■, 11 iov,w. —Tim room tn which ft olrclo Is field for development or ln\ ;..i| old I>o wet ftpftit for that purpose. Ib should be comfortably h ■ -r i .mil v<-iii iI ucd. but 111 m.'dits or currents o f air should ho avoided. Thono I . , . - i. • in-* th -ciie!,- • h nld meet in tins room about an hour before the i. t., ;i■; t lie ';\m< alter* should attend cadi Urno, and occupy tlio II r>, 1 H 7 : j T H E R E L I H I O N OF H f E AH KXKMri.lITKli ItV Till-; MAN Jl. i :, rm ’ R U L E S AND C O N D IT IO N S FO R T H E s r in iT - C I R C L E . m o s i »h NK .///•;/ jmblnhrdt Willi a Inumlij'iil. E m j r n o f fjir lilRMiN»iii.\>i So<*n;n. Mr. IVorlor'i opening |mPm' )B niiiii Io <pir<! i"ii lit*1 Hpiritiml origin nf llm plinnoNiriia. Hj»irit*iu)i»lr» will |,o all tlm mow nnximiH U» s«m ji. Mr. ./uim-mlia*« •■wic©n*iuJ mi ablo pip*M* allowing Ibat Spiritualism m iiuD'cmluiit I" ,,,ir prewcnt religious idea* Unquoted pidnnmera placing Spirit uulifni in itw various aspect?* thousandi ol yearn before our era. At Jl p I i ! | Ibiri- I{<1igioil, I'hihcophy. 'I hr l Inldh'/'.d of U4 Ib h,''Kiiri bihiTty, lih cf.ion and (ii m o ! Tiim*. I•*’-v t li< |f< y>n» r:h/M . | 'I ho I, " t. ./inl/imi'iit. | Cod ik not MoH'cd, 'I he Ibj'-hi i’.l id.m (d/ti.r url/T of | Ki’ligimi Con i»i 'm A'-Lion, i 'I'li*- Millcnniimi, and how v> olu;-, i o.odicM. Conpitionm. —Tlio phenomena ar© produced by a vihil force r fiotn tho Bittern, which tho spirits mo M ft connecting link between London : J. I5i unk, 15, Southampton 10,v;, W i*i 1 . and object ). (V ilaia t' inpei.uiicntB givo oflFthis pow er; others em it i : • ,* to intiu* ceo. i f tlio oirclc iscomponed o f persons with auitable temperam- ;• u. i lit' ) , will ttih'.j place read ily; if til© contrary bo the cate, much ' in f o r m a t io n f o r in v e s t ig a t o r s . lry to produce n ulta. I f both kinds o f temperament ; n nf,ih . ) nil• to be anm igcd as to produce harmony In tin* psychical I W h a t ih De a t h ? By Judge Edmonds. Id. Also bis work in *wo vols., Jih, st i\ t fi -in th**in. The ph\ ne.il maniflotations especially depend j T iik PlIIi.OHOEHY OK D i. a tji . JJy A. J . Davi *. 2d. This c vivjlli?nt llUI»; piiV-i in > nt. I f a ( ircle dot s not ».tcr . (yi, oimnges should o© inado in tl»# oution contains a full li«t of this writer's works. *;;d • t :r Mi" proper conditions arc supplied. M e ,*tat, C on iu tion s.—All forms o f men; 1 oxcifrnient. nro detrimental to I Mw h u mm a n p MisnJUMsmr*. An oxhauHtivo nnn.n'r.r of the difficn!ti'.s h.y St ICC’ ■. Tfmso with strong and opp ite m i t-n iliould not -it together: beset investigator*,and how to avoid them. By Thomas Ua/ard. 2d. o] in'minted, d "."untie, arid p it iv<* ; «• «).(•: a. • t-v mi? nl’ IIi • c ii'lc and mom, W iiat o f t h k Dkap? An Addrevadel ivered in tin- Trance, by J -J. Man.'. ].<j, I ’. -li'-s between whom there are f«* liner* of envy, Into, contempt, or other A Hcik'ixriFiO Vj i .w o f Mol; ich* HriJiiTUAhi -iv, by T. Crant. Od. in <i :: m niom pciitirnciit should not Bit at the ramc circle. The • i'-ions and orudo sh "dd be excluded from all such experiments. The mind >o f the • itiers should HI'IIUt u a m ; m: t i i k Wo h k o k D k mo x h , by JO:v. Jolm Join s. fJd. be in a passive rather than an active state, pn1" civd hy th** love o f truth und of Thk Plajxohkttu Mv.n i.iir ; being a candid inmiiry into the nature, orljrio, mankind. Ono harmonious and fully-developed individual iy invaluable in tlio import, and tendencies of Modern Bignx and Woii'h-ia*. New York, I". formation ol a circle. L ig h t ig aan. Yallj-.v, by Andrew GIciuliniiing, sbould b c :'n f f/mW v.-la,), T h e Ci r c l e should consist o f from three to ten persons o f both sexes, and bo*’n rec»•ntly Hepa rated from friends by d'hatli. 4 j>|».; J . r f f;crlO'i. Fit round an oval, oblong, or Bfjuare table. Can' h >ti<<m I chairs or tlio ;e with F a c t s akic BTCunomc Tnixoa. By Robert Cooper. ' pp.: 2s. Od. per 101. woo«len scats are prof"ruble to stoned chairs. Mediums and Hcnsntives should Thk Cohim.i, a np Himhitha u b h : Showing bow both rc-.f. on the arric f'emi’.never sit on stuffed chairs, cushions, or sofas i;-*d hy ottur persons, cm the tioji. By a Clergyman of the Clmreli of England, id .; 2s. jicr 100. influences which accumulate in the cushions oft* n rdhet the rie diiii'isunpl'--' uiMy. ; -; 11mj d u k, th e ru . • tale and fe naf©, H k a v k * Opkitisi;; on, Mkhhagkh t o t h j c B k h ic a tk o fj'.om th k i : : Lvrjry should be seated alternately. If them is a medium p;* --«-n»., he or she should Onkh jx G lo k t. Through the Mediumship of Y. J. 'J'. Barts I, and U.( . -'upy tlm end o f the table with the back to ttr* nortli. A mellow mediumistte Od. canb ; in cloth, 9d. each. {* r--*n should be placed on cacti side o f tho m edium, and those m ost positive G um i’Hia OF A Bkioh i kh La xd. A Series of Spirit-Mew ages through tk* • ■old bou t the opposite corners. N o person should be placed behind the Mediurnship of a Lady. 2s. Od. m edium . A circle m ay represent a horseshoe inagnet, with the medium placed j Does B piritualibm D k ma x h I w t k h j roATion? By William Carpenter. 24. between the poles. Conduct a t t h e CrncLP.—Tho sitters should p lv - ;hr :- hando on the tabic, fable. Agreeable conand endeavour to make each other f»»d easy and c \ •r«ition, singing, rea*Ung, or invocation may !.■>• en • n n ; y : l i ng that •*11 t'-nd to harmonise the minds of those p ro nt. nd luiitc tb'-m in o:.«; purpovc. iri order. By engaging in such exercis a tig *b •' ■may b • mad*- very p*-.«fi»a.blo apart from tue manifV^Utions. Sitter:, should not *1* ire anything iri particular, but unite in being pleased to receive that which ii. Ic 't for all. Tho director >>i i!ic circle should sit opposite the medium, and put all 'i'" ' '"iv, to tlie spirit, and keep order. A recorder should toko notes of tho cniiditionT nnd proceedingH. Manifestations may take place in a few minutes, or the eb'clo may .it rnnny tiuics l.'eforo any result occurs. Under these cb<:n:,•11n* *-a it i'i well to cbaiige the positions of the sitters, or introduce now el omen: . ’ill currey . i : achieved. When ' a: table begins U) tilt, or xvlien raps occur, do n 1 ' o pi-* :iri:• ’i'cit tog* tanswers t i que-tions. When tho table can answer qoc , ;'-im by ci . > three tip-- or raps f<r “ Y es,” and one for “ N o,” it may assist in pi ug tli-m prop rly. The «p;rlt30T intelligence a xvb'-cb produco the pb*:: a :• na be treated with the •Time courtesy and ‘ !• tion as you would h for yom-sclvc;, if you were introduced into t,y- *■ ny of strangers for Mu-ir j k " i i il tr lit. At the name time, the sitters ?:h' r l imton any account allow their .judgment to be warped or th< ir good sense imp . 1 upon by spirits, wh ib ver tbei/ professions may be. Kcason with them kindly, firmly, and eori><i<le.:ttvly. Ir.Trrn.coURfiE w i t h S p irits is carried on by varionM mrnnu. The simplest is three tij'S o f the table or raps for “ Yea,” and <me for '* No.” By this means the •spirits oan answer in the aflirmutlvc or ir gitiv", By *■djiir- over the alphabet i bf sf»:rit-3 will rap at tbo proper letter-1, to •■mcihif am o -. Bometiiricn the hand of a sitter is shaken, then a ]»''nci) «lioubl b - pi ic I in tin-hand, when tlio i p i its may write by It automatically. Other sitb*: m iy become entranced, and tlie rfirits use the vocal organs f»f such nediiims to speak. The spirits com'times impress mediums, while other are clairvoyant., and " • the spirits, and messages from thorn written »ri lm riin -u l‘;tb-r . in Mic .atiiu^pliere. Home, tim e 'th e table and other objects are Jifi-d, »r*••.•*-»! froiri pl;vc to place, nnd even through cIo-« d doors. Patiently an I kindly • k for 1e ;ls of ideu1ity from loved ones in the spirit-world, and exercise caution r- • r* cting'pirita who rnuk" extrava gant pretensions of any kind. BepObe proceeding with their invcdig.atioiri, inqub'er; into KpiritualiHm should corre pond *.•■jtIi Mr. P.iirna, Propr'a-'i..- <f 1 11 • rtnnl Tintifution, )•% Bouthnmpton Row, T/uidon, W .C., wlio -v:11 ": <•S d a i -.ek'd, o f piiblicat i o n i u d useful in forma tion gratis Htuii • n leas* be enclosed for return pOKtag*-. l)ep'.it itiona *>f m edium s * v \ 1 m r i ; in iy arraugol for U> r isit a n y locality where public m eetings or ceaucen can be instituted. O I7y M P I A CO LO N N iA : A TALK OF MKDI.TIVAI. MAOIC. J!r M i <k . .T. W. J a c k s o n . Ajip-'vir- in IIV M A X for September, October, November, and December, V i l'J . P rice, poet free, 2s. 2d. X A lU ltE Co n t e n t s : CHAP. CHAP. J.—Tlic I’rin'-'- J’ianca. 18.—Bai-intf the Dead. 19.—The Marrjui de Montrerrat. 2.—The Shall',w*. —Traitor-.. Hi).—Clairvoyance. 21.—The I’lajjue. 4 . —Count Crbino. 22.—Kvil for Good. 5 . —Olympia Colonnu. 22.—Father and ilaughter. (I, —’I ’li'; Ma^ie Mirror. 24.— Arrr-I of t h e Sorcerer. 7 .—J’lan __ -j jj,. Confe o.ional. 20.—'ili*- IiujuiMition. 20.— The Hermit by tho Kivor. •»._The betrothal, 27.— Two Alte m a t ivex. 10.—' / ’),< Hidden Foe. 28.— The Ordeal. Jl. __ T li e P r o ] i h '" . v Fulfilled. 2()._-The Auto-da l-'e of Dr. Co j 2 , _Friend- and Foe'*. ] ;j . j y^d tV. dding-Day. lon na'a llonex. 1 4 . — An Apparition. 30.—Flight. 31.—Shah Abas. 15,—Waking. 32.— Ixjiulian. ]i; 'l l). Council Chamber. 17.—Tie Kadi. p-‘, i j.ritij,-. hiory, full of incident, arid iUustriitim,' iri every pay'! w o n O't i iul j..'i‘-M'imena of man’s inner nature, i well worth lire the rmmbiTB in wliich it appear,;, in addition to which the iii'i1'1 jj:, ;l variety of other iiilerediiu' matter. i-lia London: J. licic- , V>, Boutbamplou How, W.C. Thk Axomalikm ; penter. 2d. of S f i h i t u a l i b u —Coon ano E v i l S fib ijs, by William 0tr. . S pi r i t u a l i s m r. Ha t a m s h . A reply to the Rev. John Join--s. With Holes for tho Spirit-Circle. Jd. Useful. Thk JlrnoKT o f t h k H rri i-.'f •>itu a k in s'l ng--* and nation . By Wjl Howitt. Two volf., i "': . wltli H u m a n N a tu r e to r I 70, which cost 7 . • ' Mr. Howitt s work may be bad a a premium volume for 7a. Od., , r 0/.3 works for 15s. London: J. Bu ic n h , 15, Boutliumpton Row, W.C. AGENTS FOR THE “ MEDIUM,” AND ALE WORKS ON SPIRITUALISM AND PROGRESS. AHI ITON -U NDER-LY N E - Mi a E. Ta y l o r , 45, Mill Lane. BATLEY—Mil l s A r m it a g k . Book idler. BIRMINGHAM J. C ij i « t , Bookseller, Bull Htrcct. j ,, J. J’o l k y , NewHugent, Ickni*’)'! Street We t. J >( N. Sm it h , 2, Market Place, Aston Road. ,, J. C. A.- i'o Newsagnnt, Ac., ‘AW, Binullbrook St. BRADEURD—H. Sm it h , 12, Carnett Street., Leeds Road. BRISTOL—Gk o r g h To m my , 7, Unity Street. CARDIFF—Josi'.RJi II. Co k i .'L Bookfi'dli-r, \ u, St. Mary Street-. DARLINGTON J o j i .n Jlom.'., Ecdeciie Physician, 7, BroHpeci Place. DEWHBbRY—Abjjm, Bookbinding Ofliw, Bradloi d Road. DOWLAIS- J o h k r h JI. Cold Bookseller, 25, Church Street. EDIN BURCH -P k ti;k Lauiuk, Stationer, AB, Clerk Street. GILDERSOME IB Br o o k k , .’C -.v agent. GLASGOW—J. MeCKAKifY, Union Street.. HALIFAX—Ab j iw o r t j j , North Street; T. Bi:u i r ev. J5, Cm'-sbills. 11IXJK MOND WIRE E l f .ik , Arcouut Book Maker, HI i I'u.iir t , Ac . HUDDERSFIELD—Co v v g jl l , Printer and Stationer, 21, Kirk gate. ,, G. Hi.i’Jd ro’b General Dealer, King Street. HULL—Jo h n L. Bl a n p , 42, New King Street. iJ YDJi —Mjk > P k a k s o n , Booki-ellcr, Clarendon Place. KEIGHLEY—J. '1 j l l o t k o n , >Iary Street, Greerigate. KIN G STO N-ON-TH A M ES —Brylon, Book) eller, Applerriarket. LEEDS—(frrat Norlliern Railway Bookstall. „ O. W. B oom , North Street. LEICESTER--M r . H i .w j . i t , Granby Street. Mr . B i n t , Carpi Lam-, High Street. LIVERPOOL—Mrh. Lj io h to n , AW, Went Derby Road. ,, M b s . 'Tjjo ma h , 105, Brown low Hill. ,, P ii l m .n , 71, Brunuwiek Road, and J0 Cantlc Street. ,, Mr. M. Si Norr, la, Hayworth Htrc-t, Evi rton. LON DON—B i. RMo n rh J. v Mi::-;. Pajcj., Bookselb-r, Jamaica Road. ,, W ni‘ j il o w , Bookseller, 201, Jamaica Road. D a 1-■t o n —'J ifo.ma h VYi i .k h , Circulating Library, Dahton Lane. K il ih r .- - S/M'.NhJ.RN, Cldclii'Hti*i* Road, Kilbnni Park. M i l k E.m > JCo a l , 212—J F. Haim s , Bookseller and Printer. I'am jjnoj on - T. W h ittin g ham, 60, Church r tree t, Ed gware Road Pim lico—W. R h u a rj,,, NewHagent, 7, Taelibrook Street. W illn « HAI'KL Ro a jj (2BD—Mr. E a u i -.h , Ni-v.fag« n t. LOUGHBOROUGH J. Bi n t , bO, Pinfold Gate. MANCHESTER—J o h k H k y w o o d , 143, Deauagate. »» ^ J o m , Book "Her, Stretford Road, Hulme. MARYLEBONE 'I . WJin i i .v o iia m , 27, Warren Stm t, Fitrroy Bquore. MIDDLESBORO—B l a c k Hi'r n . Bookseller, Ac , I, Cannon Str«-ct, MORLEY -fJ’. W il k in h o .n , Bookftwller and Newsagent. NI n U CAS'J Ij E-ON-TYNE E. J , JBl a k k , Gruing* r Str* *1. NORTHAMPTON- J o h n Ba t k h , Newsagent, Ac., jrt, Drapi-ry. n J- W ahl, 9, St. Edinuud MTerrace. NOTTINGHAM—J. Hncjieo* K, 04, Marple Street. »» J. Hw k i .t , Bookneller, Stouey Street. OLDHAM- T. Ro y i .k , .New agent, \ ictoria Market. PORTSMOUTH- -F. Fooitu, Book.veller, 10, Charlotte Street. PKEHTON —Wa h l , Bookseller, A*-., 140, Trim-gate. ROCHDALE - W. Av j .r y , JjookM'llcr, 2m, Pinfold, Drak*: Stre* t R O llll/ltllA M —Ca r r , Jb/okKellcr, tb* Bridge. STOKE ON’-'J RENT T. O l b ma n , Bia<-«l*»im*frr, South Strt^*t, Mount Pl«a^int SWANSEA J oh i,j*ii J|. Co r in ', Bookt'dler, 7, Cj ! tie B Street. WALSALL T. Bi,in i ; h o r n , AD dieuI Botaim t, I<*. Georg'* Street. WEST HARTLEPOOL T iio h . H u l l , Auciionrer, 11, Adelaide Street. WOLVERHAMPTON—B. No r t o n , Bookseller, Darlington Street. WORCES'i ER .Mr. G. Mo r *. \ N * w , I.it»D* Ai.gel Street. WREXHAM—J . RooKiiri, Bookseller, Hope Street. YORK -E. Ciia j ' m a .n , Bookseller, Miekb gute. THE MEDIUM AXD DAYBREAK. 1873. TH U K r Gb l M A L T B Y , a n d h a b i t riRK fR m a k e r “ ( J O B , rL A C E , ROAD, R E G E N T S PARK. E stablished 1S33. cull'd on tile shortest notice. Workmanship and Fit 5, I M M O R T A L I T Y : r~ G E O R G E S E X T O X, HfJJAX N a t" ;.:-:/ LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH. S.t N- m e e t i n g s D U R m e w e e k . AT TH E SPIR IT U A L T s dlT 'irCr X I O hN' . 15. SOU TH AM PTO N ROW. HOLBORN. i i s>C- ■ & tW r iO L- ' i -r \-i cavendish Rooms, a t I o’clock. D r. s- x:. - ^ T> J O - ' o f how he becam e a S p iritu al:-:. :C . ^ - S ^ n c e b y M r. H ern e. M edium lo r P hysical P henom ena, at ^,jT, .'O '- VixVrsion, 2s. <xl. S eeadrert:> em enr. Afternoon Seance at 3 o'clock, by M r. Herr.e. A irxisC . -V>*• 1* _ .1 IV . ..K '.ncl!.. <Vi. ■ C.. .if ly Mr. C - r : i. I l k a C :-. ; : .. - A N D W H a t HAS SPIR ITU A L ISM t o s a y ON T H E SU B JE C T A Dtscour.se delivered in the Ci*y H-.i. Sa. -. G 'a -g on S u r.-i.tEve-r.i ^ exec . 251 6?- - / ' " V .... a ran •• • : .C. .. \ :: . . . y \ ' ^ ' s r . 12. D ark Seaacc by M r. H em e, at S. A dm ission, 2 s. <5d. a>sv, L L .I'. M .A., ■ M- . T his Discourse is also published in a M pm t* form, pric 1- n..'on: J. Bck> . 17. | y o w liectl y ace. . .am pton Row, Bloom sbury W .C. 4 . 7 . Edi i n, d o :I, , BM T H E U '- '.o .. r ib ; A L P H A ; OR, T H E F IR S T P R I N C IP L E O F T H E H U M A N M E N D . a RWrtLAT:•'>*, t v t no i:v te .y. w ;t.: - : .:t . a l a; r STEEL FOE7EAIT OF THE ACTIIOE. E. X. I>E *** T he cordial aid of th e friend? of ed u catio n in te lle c tu a l p r o e m s . • ' liar: ■- lie r : r i- r: . y . V. ' x:<i> .. So «t . • ' . 1 .. • . • c 5 EANCES IN LO ND O N D U R IN G TH E W E E K . Ti-vE 5. South London Association o f Progressive S p iritu alists, 24. Dower 4 Srreet, BU oktriars, a t 7 p.m . V isitors to w rite to F. M . T aivar, sjiral y - . “ if Mr. Weeks, as above. j r x* 7. M r. W illiam*. Ser a d rt. j i t :*?-1 . s. »t Mr. Ccgm an's, 15, St. P ete r's Road, Mile E n d R oad, r.t 7 5rsriT J,’chv'Ktee-are a: Temperance H a.’., Tysscn S treet, B ethnal G reen R oad, at 7. _ t .-v - : . Developing Circle, at M r. Cogm an's, 15, St. P eter's R oan, j C ^ 'y - d 'E n a R. ad, at S o'clock. U tV:'.'.aims. See advertisement. rV ; pond Association o f In q u irer? into S piritualism , 112, Bull's P an i i f . Islington, a t S. A dm ission Free. smxtox, at Mr. Rouse’s, 48, Brsunah R oad, M ostvn Road, cr. IT. .. Jay . Wednesday, and F rid ay , at S. ' ' jj _ _ _ - - ■ 1 . S i - m t i a t ".h r T e n : - n u n e? H a h . T v e s t - u S u e g . B e t h n . h G r e e n s’- f' - - r r . T , J v t e 12, D alston A sscciaricn o f In q u ire rs in to S p iritu alism . ?ear.re a: their rooms, 74, N avarino Road, D alston, E . , a t S p.m . Purrg -'.Hrs ss to adm ission o f visitors on application to th e Secretary. 5a John's Association o f S piritu alists, 7, C orporation Bow, Clerkem-rHl. To commence at S.30 p .m . Free. Mr. w ihiam s. Se? advertisem ent. LNCZS DT T B Z PP.OVTNCES DUBENG T H E WEEK:. 'T.’taT. g>g '. j . g c - z : z v , 10.30 a .m . an d 5.30 p .m . M essrs. Shack'.et n r.". I Wright, Trance-M edium s. C A ld ren 's Progressive L vceum at 0 i.u :. and “ J 2" p.m. o .m . 3T E h u v g e , a t M r. W . BcbinsDn’s, Causew ay H ead, C hild ? 1. 1 l ' 2 -TT1 A T I T Y I tEm,i: u a .a n d 2 p jn . h h ' ,r P r S i ic I r i n /r fk,T n —ri v-a n A a . \ f . 7. Public Meeting, 6.30 p.m. TIrance-Mediu:-., . „ n •? for ex tensive circulation. T h ev ’ have been variety of form s to su it the m eans of all classes of rea . L o n d o n : J . B u r n s . 1 -1 . > 1 • . .. R . C H A R L E S E . W I L L I A M S , M ed iu m , is a t h o m e doily to give P rivate Sear.ces. from 12 to 5 p.m. P r;v a-e Seance? Y, a tte n d e d at th e houses of in v e stig a to r P ublic aC onduit S treet. r.n M onday evenings,” a im i;Vi m 2-. 6 1 : T h u r i i a r evenings, es.; ar.d S a tu rd a r evening;, for SniriroalD t? :n '~ ? o'clock each evening. A ddress as above. * * - M }:i Z- ■ ATE. F. H ERNE. Me , r iv e s P u b lic d iu m SEA N C ES a* -h * ilL S piritual In stitu tio n . 15. S outham pton R -w . I .t n c 'n . a; rtl' - V — * £ , E ve° m ? ’ ** E ight o'clock ; on V . a:;e m n. at T hree o c lo c k ; a n d on u n u rsday Evening, a t E ight k. A im issitn 'I '.'- X " ’ “ f • -’- r - r - z : ; ' h - ' e g v - g u g r . t . : . : . . .: Address, lo. S outham pton Row. London. W.C. ” RS. M A R S H A L L . M P ro p h e tic a l and C la irv o y a n t M edu.at. S E C 'E R r.S at h e r residence, 21. S hir a n d R ai. ' r Hill, W .—P riv a te Seances, lC*s. a n d 5s. each. • by L e tte r: term s. One G uinea. Y p R S . OLIY'E. T b.unce M ed ttm t» l for Test C .......... from S pirit R elatives and F rie n d s : also for the D iseases b y Spirit-Matrnetism and Preterit:liens' i ure '. - e . i i n t Chalk F arm R ead. London. N.W. v. o t r e e : . gHSiKLKT, P ublic M eetings, 10.30 a.m., 2.30 an d 6.30 p .m . T r a n c e ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------V r. r Illin T5 1i ng.T -Vvor.rth r f Vi. —« r - T C ? O /~» C \ TV T—n r—« t cs •« r n, M w • 'i . ^— T>—- - - - ; 7 wmc-. S p iritu alists' M eeting Boom , 2.30 an d 6 p .m . H a ll L.r.--, 2 P iu ' rlf . *215.: V - : m u 6 p.m. I T ;;., Z en : rE 5f.5. - - v u g s , m H artley 's Y u ri, n ea r R ail w a r Station, W aked eld B : . d, at UT.q*i- i ,:u- g - ^ 1 :1.---------- -- ana 6 o'clock. R o a i N.W. d~" is z s tn n , U nioa C ham bers, 15, D ickenson S t., M ount St., at 2.:*. '—Tks, at George H o la ro y d ’s, at 6 p.m . pSY j YCCHHOOPPda T H I C I N S T I T U T I O N . f : r th e C ure o: H e G G . U ’i / - l w E n d . :• a.m . en d 6 p .m . T rance-M edium s, M rs. X . V.'i. e iBONB R o a d . JO S E P H ASHMAN, P rincipal. -'- Mrs. R. H udson. f i '.; 2 b s p s . S p iritu alists’ M eeting Boom , 2.S0 an d 6 p .m . M rs. S. A. M ESM ERISM AND CLAIRVOYANCE. " -•> xest an a H ealing M edium . P R O F E S S O R A D O L P H E DIDLER US Yeats estNT.sTU. E’ Mr . E . B aires's, Tow n E n d . .. a > l 'i‘g Ha l iv L ATTENDS PA TIEN TS an d give; his C ;n;vdt:t:i r.; t — ...r..: d aily , from T hree till Five o’clock^—19, F ittr : v Stre .t. P i; . - S g.a:;. . -*ewc a s — t TN = . _ ... „ „ s-s>tt, a.';'? ' * at - :'eeai”s-:is 0 ‘d Hau, Bed s Court, Newgate —"-tr.?<-0 T p ..K1. , r . . _ ,. , _ ‘ ‘ ^biic Mc-e.:nss at the Islington Assemblv Rooms, at 2.: 0 - m ' Trance-mediums from ail p a m of England,' xc. ELECTRO -BIO LU G Y T H E BASIS OF SPIRITUALISM . K A Y E S _is Obeli ________ _r __ „ E N G A G E M E N T ; JL E x p erim e n ta l L eectures c tu re s:: r.iso also to :e. 'euFh Fsvo'-o! «w S -u -Recreativi purp rs es. Patient uitTAtorf of S rirituulis: h elp give: Circles. A P ractical In stru c tio n Book, en title d “ ErECTao-BioLXGr E x p la in e d ; o b ,T k e P r i n c i p l e s o p P sy ch ic C c x tx o l ix Hv n - ■. v-> dDis bv is ee aa ssee,." m av be h ad b v those un: u n a b le to tak e P riv ate Lessons.—-Address, t '-.-.... c -.'.-j t;-p ob, bLssec b a c e t. G .ecnvi ic h, b.E. A il 7 ' T U ? r T - = : -n s o - T a y l o r Street, a t 2.30 and 6 n .m . M essrs. U a 1111 D ew hirst, .......................... Dew4 rst» M edium s. F r .g V jitf ^ .^ P ^ u .u lis t A ssociation, Club Room , Mechanics* In stitu te . 5. .. ~ ^ p.m . M rs. J . A. B u ttern eld , In sp iratio n al M ed iu m . * 0c®t»iiE* F-1 "" ' H ' “r '■ Y I " R 3 . M . A . ' W I L S O N M E D ru M . D i a g n o s e s a n d P r e s c r i b e ? f o r D ise a se s u n d e r S p irit In rlu e r.e e . S ite h a s p .v s e ib e d : r m e d ic a l v r ' le ss:o n w :th c t'e a t snevMss fo r m a n v v e e rs . *. r.r ; s e v e r v . i.o f P a r a ly s is . S h r u n k L i i b ;. C h ro n ic R h e u m a tis m , a n d B r a in A ffect: - J g U <r : "',t-^ox> U i K E n u o , : : M r. -John Crane's, a t 2 a n d 6, p.m p.7d’~s '-'-‘d T rance-speaking M edium , M r. Jo h n Crane. •J l f G f 1c k l a t o , a t M r. F au citt's, W aldron Street, a t 6 o'clock. N oti v W rr:m strangers. - y i. .: Biackbume will give trance-addresses a t '■ , H u l l , m . r ,e - 1;U ' ~ ‘ ~ T O S P I R I T U A L 'S - h i : - : : . Y d :-g 'm .i ?hi-k: u. T rance-M edium s, B h iu g e , a t i i r . w . E o b in so n ’s, Causew ay H ead, S p a n . " i'1, B ovnaxG , S p iritu alists’ M eeting Boom , S p.m . jai'd-f. “ XD. a t 7.30 p .m . T rance-M edium s, M rs. N . W ilJe au-i ^ 021^ . u u 27' E m m anuel Baines's, Town E n d , a t 7.30, for developm ent. t*. o n m odeirate term s.—103, C aledonian R oad, K ing's Cross. Sueet, at 7.M. U r d N i ■- - S H n n v , a: 7.30 p .m ., a t th e L vceum . ■ lug « M r. Jo h n Crane's, ut 7-30. H ea lin g a n d TrancvD a b -TT’ -ir - John Cran4. >r '**-*NGTCi V C * • rjr». J. . i o p in tn a h s t A ssociation. Developing C ircle at i . r ' . p i n . *• 4 . Davel . - pi ng Me :d::u. h r g v to the S .,-.:.: . . . -*e' B right Street. ‘ ' ® ° w lix g . H all L in e . 7.30 p.m . ^ P h itu a lists- M eeting Room , a D eveloping Circle, a: 7.t Btssop f f i’ L:' ' >ool* Seance a t M r. H u ll’s, A delaide S treet. rv, ;;,i f v'-Uaxd, a t M r. F a u c itt's, W u liro u Street, at S o'clock. > BkWr-.U - —* W» ’” *A*5^' ’ - ‘,<im stranosel-s. Old Freem asons’ H all, B e ll’s C ourt New gate U ^ : . V T' '- * " y x e . U v K:.... ^ .aac« at 7.30. £ ” * * * fo r P hysical M anifestations. M r. E g erto n , mt A dm ission bv ticket only, w hich m ay ■'“ " h if.j 1 'wre^t, a t 5 -P . U !,.'t n ; ! ‘^ :.!:i o o l . W eekly Conference and Trance-speaking- -i{ m biy Rooms, at s p .m . The C om m ittee m eet at • A A i0 £ 1 0 0 < J C an OTHERS. p ro fita b ly I N V I T E D O n l e t 1 1. * V v v “ P a rtn e rsh ip A m endm ent Act * in establishing a B ARDIN a a d HYDROPATHIC ESTABLISHM ENT at E ast u rn :. ::i c>nnec:.on w ith a G entlem an who has had tw en ty years’ experience in g iv i:_ treatm en t." A Lady o r G entlem an, or both, who are co m petent t o th e dom estic d e p a rtm e n t w ill be tre a te d w ith .—Andress, Mr. J . u x a BXXETT, h y d r o p a tm M . E a s t r r u r u e . __________________________________ _ TN 7> jA » W OR R TTLLEEYY (the ’l - k un ra o wv u M i u u P ,. U ER. ( th e w ce .I-x Mee d::u:u I ND i ‘hE .RR TT A. \ K Z p r o v id e s S r?ciV ; F u r.ev ais : r S . iritu a lis ts :r motto rate term s. Telegrams all wed for. l auy f tid c n . 27, V icto ria I SENIKE’S ASTHMA REMEDY NEVER FAILS. Ga-jr x i i r j l ' a H O LD wholesale by Newbury and Sons, 87, Newgate " . O L e n d >n ; u r.d iL.in'.e.-. i . i:u s , a n d C >.. r i.h k. E G eneial A g e n tfn r Great id :;.: r.. 'I. s ; e. who on receipt o: 2s. v,;.. send • •. s ■. Ah’re a Senior. Vliarmecist, Mai m anie, W is., U nited Sta T H E “ I N T E R N A T I O N ix lH E R A L D T L -a * , ^ 7' - ..T l~ adrocatiiMf -L tb e rty in K g h t—E quality in Law—K ra tem itv In te re s t” “ T he m«6t alarm in g - . -7 ever ’•Veekly, One Penny.— L-uni-m.: E auua::, 2S2. S:.v. i. ’ ,C. TH E M EDIUM AND DAYBREAK. TIIE BEST BOOK FOR INQUIRERS. THE LATEST PHENOMENA. Where are the Dead? or, Spiritualism Explained, A« Account of the abounding Phencanena of Spiritualism, affording podtfve Proof by undoniaMa Pad i that tboc» We DEAD ARE STILL ALIVE, And can communicate with us: that Spiritualism ia. ianctioned by Scripture aod camuteat with ideaee and . Specimens of 0 >mmunica&ms receiv.-'l: Extracts from its Literature; Advice to Investigators; Ad drew.--, of Medi j), u-ef:d information, by F r it z . P r ic e T h r e e S h illin g s . C 0 X T Future State—Th< I.'ii reasonable i UJ'JUMUJM.-S til the Dr. St ollcltAlit y Mr. W. Ji! G r * v - C o i i c l i i .11 i.n tjm n T r«i iu^\ ile t\ eii .m<i H'-il, uni it > Ine •/.viu g Light oi Future Lite of _‘iIan land, regutr ling Hp an 1 the .Vature and Er. -Ciutr; afU: . Death iii'i- i remain I Item !—Com* not ■ —Ex;irnp!<'» <>!f IB n sim ilar V> i'll*b;'l by F nil-—Unr Pi ' >;nril ili*m—.Adhii.Vvii and John* uiiit —M die aiistn ling Apjiarit oils— the .Seventeenth and £ijhte< um Cei.tur e -Si. Paul and the Spiritual Body—Dr Nichol s Opinion Spirits—1* . Lawful? p«ur I I I : Origin of Modern Spirit-m ppiug in America—A Haunted House of a Murdered Man » >inniunioau-s by Kajw—Discovery of Medium—H ie dip- -\V u> ar«- M* ::n* and \\ fiat is Med! .imiliip —Dr. Ander-. >n on “ Nerve *—T.v? F*ct«! f Mesmerism--The Connecting Link between Mind and Am M -it r—How S p irit car; u*i» the Nerve Aura of the Medium -Personal AtmoMiner »—Mutual Likes and Dislikes—L ore—Spirit-rapping Explained —How - :• Moved by 8j Mesmeric E xperim ent—1Trance* 1 urn) Med irn-hip eorupar.: ; w .th Mesmerism. C. <or *r IV: Progr*.-** of Spiritualism in E ngland—A List of Names of Believers V re Ob ling Hi' -His li -A: :is f >■: Believing in Spiritual Dm. C hip: . V: Me im m suip requires Developing—Patience in Sitting—The Differ r j P-» - * of t ie Min:? .‘Stations hitherto Witue-sed —Example of an E xtra, a : . . _■ Dark S ; i:rjS o irit-v o ic e s , F urniture Movements, Ac., under Test M u Guppy's T ransportation—A L ily Carried Three C in li::-j . — A ::^ iu : -Miles O', So .-its —Who the Spirits “ Jo h n King ’ an 1 “ Katey ' a~e—!t .-marks on STiture f the Manifestation* -Their Utility . : their Cause Bxjda!:, i —I ■; o : ->f E .a 1 a d m mde 1 by S rq /.ic ' - rc •. i Massey’s Opinions La. . . . i : :* ' . • • . Tun.:".' E xp r/!e:ic-s at a D irk Sou ice - A "Dark Seauec a . /I - B > Dir v. y 1 by a Barrister—A D a r/ Sem .•: at Mrs. Holmes's — - o r -.: Li rac-7, and Suo v s'irn s-.lr.s in tiii L'gh*: -'tcoognition i.: - o . - F a ‘-s by i t •/.■'/ r} pr.-j'HiL—A S cilice D rS ;r:b;l by the D i.'.j 7V/e; y; . . b / a ai s-.<.; :.o —;' . / a S en a:i 1 To tc 1 ; I in the L g ilt—A S .-ance at M r : •/. i W.d *"ii - > It >>[m—Spirit a -rns an I Hands seen in t u L ig h t—A a r. j.r -s C ; s L):?; i b 1 in the Sa^i/il Hi ac- c —Fa ;;« Sh ,wn hi the L:ght —A i •: ' S ; me * f . M ss Cork’s D escnb- i by a B irrlstcr —Faces S-.-ea in the L 'g r —■V.-.l ;:g by : i : Spi.ut-.bands—Another Seance at Herne an i W illiam s’s D :-; . H i by a M i; iL - ■—As: ouu ling P .'i;:i/n ;:i'i-A 'i,::i;.- SU rthng Seance ’.vice ! j ; -V; ' , . i A H i : - ! i; D ;c ; ised W, ie oi a G e n !'rc u u a p p ;irs , and C >.iv-;:-v:s I):* tw .-nt/ m ' i :iv:s —T ie prubable F uture Development of the foreg / : . / ]* ■/H 'u a —II >.v «f'; v:c Face** pro luced by the Spirits?—The Philosophy of 1 1 .- : »/•' - DiscusF-d. Co i /. V I; S o , m .-:i of Direct Splrit- w rd 'u g —A Comm m :ctt:on from Newt ill, b / a i l B /./•/; t o an Lie Spirt’ cal a ril Nat t v . Worlds --So :ct-Photog" ip is —In Ao- o t u o: ’.u d r O rigl/i—The First Taken in E ngland—Excitem ent a i i Snap don —T ct.j t u . leave been Tried to Deter- Im o aslu re—L-eli ;r from a G.r ; v i i o F.d.c i a Photog -v /i of the Spirit of iiD D rceised Wife -M r. W.iiin-r; M ovitts T.-v./n ,.uy—The Spud is of iii.s Deceived Sons Photographe I— id ., i! d ty Person* who hare obtained Spirit-photograph* o f Deceased Eelai . v'-e-. - eondmeut- by o. r.-r P.hotographers—Mr. Shaw—Mr. Beattie—Mis Letter to the H i . b.. fi Journal , / Pictography . C ain V II: Tran :e- Me il'.rm lrp Explained — Mr. Morse — The Value of T /.u . ; cp : vk ng —M . M y s ds Spirit-guide, “ Ticn-Sieu-Ti'’—A Chinese Philo* •-v.o.’ier —Di-.c >•irsea by “ T:c:i-S cri-Ti' on the Locality of the Spirit-W orld—On P y o n ii/ T u -j.o g y —Du id : K-sligiou of S p irits—W hat is S p irit? —Clothing of •Sp ri -., Cl A :.—Day and N-ghl in the Sph ;re s—Principle of F uture Jic•Va ■i s - S d f* :m pr>/eTie:p -C reeds in Sp rit-life — War —Parentage— Health — I i :.e Sta*.; i:i ru b .’euce t i Prem ature Death an 1 Suicide, an l to Idiots—The . ■ • - ige o Doug L ite—Deforms Bodle an Spirit*—The Sea«e« of S pirits— T ic Philo-, oohy of Ma •/!age—Mesmerism and Me liurnshiji—Passing Solid SubMan; ;s tor /igii Lach other—C/iancc and Luck—Communicating .Spirits—E arthly ENTS /mg Spirits —Their Locality Prop Animal For lin k The Spiritual and the . Bo -ilo far Spirits ; in Spirit-life- The Art • y, Soul, at Hou.se* Iiauntings. rath Exp i 1 !. Cliapb: VII/.; An Exn ior ! L .ry Book A Bui V.upuy of t it" 1 by i l/nedu'uo 1 Gobbi* A,opren». '-e whkrt in v •. “ • induced by Mesmerism—Andrew Jackson Davis P . , B Od Ion W -An ) of ttie W . B . Mysterie-s E xplained—Adam and Eve—Origin of E .d —The F . Prophecy—Tnc Prophets of in Bible -Pa-/, ite/* . a m , t tally anil M rteri illy ?—1 he Elements of the Sou Be D e sc rie d —First Entrance of trie Spirit into the Next Worm of Spirits—The Future Life, Scenery, and Occupation', Desc Sphere-* round the E arth—Future State of Eternal Pro gresv* -The of Spirits in each Sphere—The Future of Infant- and Dube Devil Im possibilities—'“ A Voice to Mankind —The Defect!/e Society—-J lie Prevalence of Sectarianism—Acti-m not Prayer • Iceme’i y Required—Practical Sugge-lions, Co-opc/at: m. Wal . .X ■ Spirit Guides—The Future State of a D runkard—An! m . !;. - ■/.;. ;/ of E lectricity—Origin of Knowledge—Ini!ueri'y; of Ev!: through a W riting Medium from trie Spirit of a Vo,mg M na - - j Harris's “ Lyrie of a Golden A ge”—A Grand Poem Dictatei y a Trance Medium, with Extract- upon Poets and P r y / . - lie. : and the T.uirst for Knowledge—Prop.heey of Englaa j - Do *• / . Byron and Poliok, fcc.—Other Books—A Poem by the So it . upon Theology and Creeds. C iapter.Y: Mediums used for Painting by the Spirits of D: Account of David Duguid, of Glasgow—A Co; temporary o E xtraordinary Narrative of an Unrecorded !n</.d"ji: In Cbri->:* L f> Mr. Duguid’.s M cdium ship—Another Painting Mo l!n:n, Cririv:1$Wd2 , O f b u ry —Paintings by the Spirits of Turner, Eau lake, aad o:h :ra. Trie Spirici n t ‘ Chapter X I: Mr*. Olive, T /auee-M eiium —Til; fMirir “ S r John Forbes,” - Dr. Mesrner ’— A L r * ■ i : ) l\ a L'a J " iA’i-. ';. • Artillery Describhig a S:t:!:ig with Mrs. Oii a —A I 1' ;j i n 11 ; lr ■ “ John Knox, ’ “ J o in of Are, ’ “ Dr. Forbes,' “ I 1;;ii E ■ i, ill j’.i'w A L m Ion Spirit Visits a Patient in Austral i —Jisi Hui^aa . : Letters from Invoitigitors —Miss Fowler's Oh irv /.'an ;; —L.-::;ri fronr.a- j gatrirs—Clair Audience—Hearing Spirit-voices -A Madia hi C m ::a i a'„. _ —Mrs. Dickinson's M ediuinshtp. Chapter X f.t: Remark* m 3p ito a h sm an Ob;; ;:’ hi- A:i•;.v; ii I» ful?—Clerical Opposition—The Rev. H. R. H v -:Is /i Sair!: r , :i 5i :: “ Sp rit Ii >:n I ■' . Opinion* — The Rev. John Jones's Pam phlet: Dem aih ’—!£D Conclusions R efute!—The lat ; D r. Eliio:sou T d. •; M aterialism by Spiritualism —Other Converts- -Dr. S.-xir/i'-; Lr Ckristi'vi * Opinion on Spiritualist*—JD it Wron ;:ig?—Gvral i .da to its Value. Chapter X III: Another Clerical Objection — U ncertainty of the Ca~ t /:: tions and the Means of Testing tu eir Truthfulness—T.he Danger . C redulity—Mr. Coleman's Opinion on Believing S pirits—The Caav.- o ff:/ Communications—Specimen of a Lying Message—Contradict >ry M-jssag:-::. .. various Mediums from the Spirit of Edward N. D -uuys, the au:'i z .: • —The Cause of these Contradiction* Explain* i—Creels in Spirit L'fe-T.-I. logical Aspect of Spiritualism —Reincarnation—Valuable Rem irk? up h i Mediums and Me-liurns/iip, by the E ditor of the Spi.rLtwi.ist—U:. Vr. C.E., F.R.S., on the Conditions of Spirit M inifestations. Chapter X IV : The Principles of Modern Spiritualism — Rule3 ::r :.:~ a Spirit Circle—Gerald Massey o.u Modern Sci'*:iti!ic Tneori-.-s, a:i i tb.-Fc r: fo ra New Revelation—The Daily Telegraph on tiie Religious Wauti .: t .ra. A Criticism by the Illustrated fjmdaa News, with a Reply there:a ly ?: Mane*—On the Utility of Spiritu ilisin—Th-,- Answer to those wh/<■:■;.••• :i:/ -The Periodical L iterature of Spiritualism —Addresses of Meliutns-b. Photographers, Ac. A FEW QUESTIONS FOE THE ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN. Hare you lost a wife, father, sister, or child? and do you not care to know what has become of them; whether they are happy miserable? Do you think they w e r e really so pure as to be fit for heaven ? If wot, do you believe they are in hell? Are you content with a blind faith in a life hereafter, without caring to verify your belief by FACTS ? Would it be no satisfaction to you to know that your departed relatives ARE STILL ALIVE, and can visit you, and (under /."Vcondi tions j can communicate with you, and guide and cheer you in your journey through life ? Lastly, have you never lost a relative whose errors or follies were sufficiently evident to render impossible his immediate admif;;::. the orthodox heaven, and who was yet not so bad as to bo justly deserving of eternal punishment in everlasting torment? Would it satisfaction to know that the next life is a state of eternal progression, and even after death there is hope for such an one. Ma nchest er Answer: T R Y SPIRITU ALISM ! : A, IR ELA N D & Co. L o n d o n : J. BURNS, lo, Southampton Row, W.C. BOOKS OF SONG FOR SPIRITUALISTS, Suitable for the Family, the Circle, Public Meetings,or Religious Services. T H E S P IR IT U A L L Y R E . the u>:e of Spiritualists. A Collection of LOO Songs for Price Cd., cloth Is. T IIE PSALMS OF L IF E . A Compilation of Psalms, Hymns, Chants, Anthems, &c\, embodying tne Spiritual, Progressive, and Reformatory Sentiments of the present age. By Jo h n S. Adams. This work contains suitable Music to the Words. Wrappers 3s., cteth As. T ilE S P IR IT U A L HARP. A Collection of Vocal Music for the Choir, Congregation, and Social Circle. By J. M. Pebju.us and j . (J. B a u r b t t . A large and handsome work. Price 8s., abridged edition 4i». 0d. London : J. Bo h n s , 15, Southampton Jtow, W.C. ar*.’* - “ A SOWER WENT FORTH TO SOW.” Hk h d C oaw : a New Series of Tracts on Spiritualism. No. 1.—M a t h e m a t i c a l S p i b i t u a l i s m . \ p p . ; is. per 100. No. 2.—SpiBiri/ALlSM AMD t i i e G o s p e l o f J i ius. By J. Burns; parallel between the life and teachings of Jesus, and the prindp-4 Spiritualism. 4 pp.; Is. per 100. No. 3.—Tun P r i n c i p l e s o f Modbux S p i b i t u a l i s m . By A. E. Newton. *f> ' Is. per 100. No. 4.—W h a t i s S p i b i t u a l i s m ? Explaining the philosophy of the p h a u c^ rules and conditions for the spirit-circle; and ample information for fo’*'' gators desirioua of obtaining tiie manifestations. 4 p p .; Is. per 100. No. 6.—T h e Ch e e p o f t h e S p i h i t s . Th* Ton Spiritual Commandment* - ' the Ten Laws of ltight, given through Em m a Hardinge. 4 pp.; Is. pet1" No. 0.—Du. 8 f . x t o » ’b Co u v e k s io x t o Sp i r i t u a l i s m . 4 pip.; Is. per 100. No. 7.—Pact's CoacEBKixo S p i b i t u a l i s m . 4 p p .; Is. per 100. Olhtr numbers in jrreparaturn. *■.' ' LONDON Printed and Published by JAMLS BURNS, 15, Southampton Row, Holborn, W.C.
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