A W EEK LY JO U R N A L DEVOTED TO T H E HISTORY, PHENOM ENA, PH ILO SO PH Y , AND TEACH IN *1:0 01' 8 [ r f .g P I R I T TJ A. L I S Ml. k t f .h e i i No. 151.—'VOL. IV .] as a n e w s pa pe r fo r t r a n s m is s io n in t iie u n it e d k in g d o m LONDON, FEBRUARY 21, 1873. A SPIRITUALIST’S REPLY TO A CHRISTIAN’S REMONSTRANCE. This is the explanation we oiler for writing the following* My partner in life and I returned home from New Zealand in 1867, my wife leaving behind, among other relations and friends attached to her, a religious mother and uncle. A year or more ago we became ac quainted with Spiritualism, through a copy of the M e d iu m exhibited in a shop-window, and purchased by me, which led on to investigation, resulting in the discovery of a gospel of glad tidings of great joy to us, as it consciously restored to our family circle loved ones whom we had long regarded as numbered with the never-to-return dead. My wife Hannah wrote to her friends frequently, telling them of our joyful discovery. Some of them seemed to like the idea very well (nature speaking), until erroneous religious teaching stepped in and brought forth the following letters from mother and uncle:— “ Uncle says he writes to Hannah specially relating to her declension in spiritual things, for her own words speak plainly the way she is going, and he is sorry to say it is the way hundreds have gone before. When persons tell us unasked that they do not earo much about going to the house of God, and can get more spiritual good by staying at home, we know that they are just about foundering on a quicksand which may engulf them for over; and to call those meetings as you have by the name of religion, I think is going too far. I find no religion apart from the Bible worth a straw, and if we are not ashamed of it why do we want another? If it is faulty, can wo improve it? Can we rectify, mend, or put right in any way, the Word of Almighty God? And when we seo the soul of a beloved one in danger, let us in love warn that soul, and if possible save it.” Mother writes: “ Uncle B----- gives you his mind on Spiritualism, and it is my mind too, Hannah. I havo never said anything about it before, but 1 feel I must say a little about it now. It lias been a source of great trouble to me, and more so since I received your last letter. I am afraid for your soul's safety : and I may add that your Christian friends out here are very much grieved and surprised at your being taken up with this Spiritualism. There is no one that I have said anything to about it thinks anything of it, and I can gather nothing satisfactory from the tracts and papers you sent. I put them in the fire, thinking that the best place for them.” In answer to the above letters, I sent tho following reply:— “ M y D e a r M r s . R ------.—I t is n o t often th a t you h e a r from me, as I generally leave it to H ----- to do the correspondence, she having more time than I ; but after a serious perusal of your last, together with that of Uncle B—-— ’s letter, I deem it incumbent on mo to send you both a few words of admonition before you again do despite to the conscientious convictions and tender feelings of those who take God to witness that they are in earnest, and endeavouring to follow out tho life and act up to their highest conceptions of Truth, so far as the light they possess enables them to do so. This is too broad a subject to be condensed in a short, or. even done justice to in a long letter; hut, in as brief a manner as time will permit, I will put before you for consideration the following information, which is the result of my own personal experience, and then leave you to form your own con clusions. I must confess that I feel for your position, because I know you are in complete ignorance of the glorious knowledge and light that God is throwing upon the world in what is called Modern Spiritualism. At tho commencement of those few remarks I will tell you that Spiritualism is no new thing, but is as old as the human race ; for what is Spiritualism ? It is communion between this mortal world and the world of spirits in its various phases—the angelic world and the demoniacal world. I cannot demonstrate that we hold converse with angels now, nor can I appeal to your knowledge of tlie fact, because you have not experienced i t ; but in all sincerity I tell you that it is a glorious fact, which we arc continually' proving in our daily lives, and 1 would think that our friends who believe in tho Bible would be the last of tho race who would attempt to deny or throw cold water upon such a practice. I am puzzled to seo what claim any one can have to and a br oa d .] [ P r ic e O neP en n y . that inspired volume who attempts to deny or repudiate the facts and principles with which it teems when applied to modern experience. The Bible sanctions and encourages communion with the angelic or spiritual world, but for till that you both know of that world there might as well be none, for not only do you not try to place yourselves c». rapport (that is, in union) with it, but you try to impede others, and charge mem with risking their souls’ eternal welfare in so doing; but. as I said before, ypur utter ignorance of the subject alone would justify the cutting remarks you havo made, paining the heart of your daughter and niece in so unjustifiable a manner. But it is entirely in her defence, and not in my own, that I write, for I am persuaded that the truth is mighty and will prevail, and does not need our tiny ell’orts to defend it (though we are advanced thereby), for it possesses inherent qualities, which will eventually assert themselves. I find by your letters that you and the friends of H----- generally are much grieved that she has taken up with this Spiritualism. Now before I go any further I will tell you what Spiritualism is, and then see if the practice of it would grieve you. “ 1st. Spiritualism is the union and communion of the spiritual world with this. Now this was practised by your great High Priest or. several occasions, and the fact that ho did it is held in great esteem by the Church to-day, and is put forth as an evidence of his superior and divine mission. Read over the account of his communing with angels on the mount, spirits who had once lived in the flesh ; read also his interview with angels in the garden, who came expressly to comfort him, and which is experienced now by us and Spiritualists of the present day, in one phase or another. “ 2nd. Spiritualism is healing tho sick under spirit-power, which is nouTpractised by our mediums, who have the gift of healing whenever they have the [opportunity, and people have faith to be healed, that is, when there is sympathy bet ween them and the healer ; but we now find that where the sick are opposed to Spiritualism, as you are, our healingmediutns cannot cure them, because the opposing influence prevents them from receiving the vital magnetic healing power which would make them whole. Now Jesus and his disciples practised this, and with the same results, for we read that ho could not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief, because they repelled instead of attracting the gracious power that would have blessed them. Moreover, this healing gift was to be one of the signs that would follow them that believed on Jesus, which promise 1ms never yet been cancelled (Mark xvi. 17, IS). “ 3rd. Spiritualism gives power to speak with wisdom that men cannot, gainsay or logically withstand, as well as to speak in foreign lan guages. I know one person, a medium, who, while under this spiritual power, can speak seven languages, who never learned one ot them, and in her natural slate is ignorant of those languages ; while under spiritcontrol I have held a conversation with her in the French language, which she spoke perfectly grammatically, while I afterwards observed that she did not speak in her normal state grammatical English—a thing which would puzzle more learned heads than mine, though true tor all that. “ I must heartily confess that T have no words of admiration to offer you' for the act of putting in the lire those tracts and papers about Spiri tualism we sent for your information. Such was the fate of your Bible when it fell into the hands of Catholic bigots, who, as you will admit, were not prominent for their Christian charity and toleration, though they wanted to palm upon the world that they were practising the reli gion of Jesus; but the world now knows better, and it will think more of Spiritualism when it knows more about it. If the 17th and lsth verses of the last chapter of Mark’s Gospel had to be now advanced as a test of discipleship to Jesus, T am sure it would be at once proved that Spiritualists are the only disciples of Jesus in the world, because they only have the gifts which lie bequeathed, or is said to have bequeathed, to his followers. Itt the First Epistle to Corinthians, 12th chapter, you will see enumerated the gifts of tho Spirit, all ol which I have personally witnessed in operation in my own house ; so you see we have a church after the primitive type, where the glorious practices of those early reformers are in full operation, bringing to those who I 'll r Mi l ' l l M I't Mill AItV V I, | fi’; 'i VND l> \ V1UC KA lv Oi\\\s liM".' • .1 halier v11\ mov ha' tUm the xxorld, and C\ v'U I ' XXl . ‘ .'*1 « i\ , > !.'! HXXOI's ot Ji'iU:' klXOXX i' I \\ «' »M.I two • •. >• 1 nt o.u ;nu:»* 'mm xx.vk, xxho hnx»' ill.' i*11( mi m \»rool o| tin**, u> 'hvvrii 'p r ,N , and u m h ij i I.' : •: |S n ' tab •' ; !.ui\ w h o Vi':',' \n :\\ th e miiio tune. olid « i h an e n u r e ^tnangor to b>',ly \ iM\ dr-.-rqxt ions g u r u lo h e r xx luoli c le ar lx ►at nuiod IUN n m d i hat tho sp ie d * oi Inn* ( n o d e a r 1it t lo c h i l d r e n a n d h u s b a n d \vv V \x p re s e n t, :vul a v n by th ose t w a n ii 'il um u, w h o were tnem l* .',, v u, x\1>.\i wo know o f thorn aro t r u t h f u l , loving .v, a n d n o i' vI i . . . r , (hov vvxdd, ti lth* xx »th a (hn\;i o( su oh w aned im p o r t . 1 h.vxo i i | ,v; now (»' gtxo \ o u m u c h m o re in fo r m a tio n , . i n i xx me volume's o f expom'iioo* x x i t h c r e , hnl I t. 'a 'e g h I ;!i: ha ve o :h o«. >' x x h v i dom ain) my a t t e n t i o n , a n d lo wluoh I mu»t g m * h e ed . r i |vu! ii:*. 1 wi!l six th a t I i m p l o r e y o u to o p e n th e XXUldoxx s o f \ OKI- i: \!!.i:i'ii, :o'v) t lllllk for xouivolx re. N oil Hood . she In* a h v a d x that light a n d knowlodi.o •v; e 11 wl'i.'li wili . ' i i ' i ' i n r J i ill hor fo r u>o{»dno*s .n th is w o rld a n d th a t w 'n .'h i? lo eo.uu. I: '«>.i oouUI hut h a w x o u r s p i r i t u a l exes iiponoi) ns ..*,i iixxo, a m i m* E o p d f s sorxaul liad, a n d Ixobold th o uluixond o. s s p i r i t u a l ivoiu ie s ot (ho unsee n w o r ld a r o u n d von, you w o u ld ho m o r e i: v l nod ro s w , * (dome oxe r a m i h e l p u s r a t hor t h a n , as (ho .lows nx d to dov.is, • Ho h . u h a devil .' N mi th in k wo m v o n t h e xvrong ro a d, w h i c h in p r i n c i p l e mo ans o o a m t th o mono t h i n g . I toll von f a ith f u lly t'o.at m u o ’.i v'f th o >amo s pir it o f por soouti on live* in xvliat is turn exiled :iio t ' h u t v h o r ' n n s i o.s oharuv tonsovl tho *!owa in h is dav , a n d it b e hoves a ll to e x am in e th e m s elv e s fa it hfull y, a n d see w h e t h e r (hoy hi' in f a ith o r no, so th a t t h e r e may he n o uonfwsiou o f face h e r e a f t e r \x lien t h e t r u t h will e o n f r o n t th e m . “ You max think it strange that the prolV.-sed Church of Christ does r.ot advance these great spiritual truths and realities. The tact is, she is in utter ignorance of them, like yourselves; she has seunew hut fallen from her noble mission of dem onstrating the m ortality of the human soul to the world, heme the small amount of success, comparatively sivaklr.g. which now attends her m inistrations. The census of all the churches in Kmgland for 1871, 1 am informed, showed a deereaso in the number of members, with an increasing population, and hundreds of thousands of ministers and local preachers in the land. It was not so in the early times, when the glorious gilts of the Spirit, were in full operation; a mere handful of noble ones was sufficient to bring thouKinds to a knowledge of the truth, and so it is to-day. It is but a year or so since we got a knowledge of the tru th in what is called S p iri tualism. for it is hut another name for the religion of Jesus, ami 1 believe that as the result of it there has been more led, under my own personal observation, to a know ledge of the tru th than 1 have witnessed in fourteen years’ experience in connection with the various Christian churches of \x liich 1have beer,a m em ber,and others which have come under my observation : and moreover we have mediums in various stages of development —xou may want to know* what developm ent or p repara tion means: I rele rv o u to the records; you will there find that, in a spiritual circle the disciples, acting under the previous instructions of Jesus, m t with one accord in harm ony in an tipper room for some time before spiritual manifestations commenced among them 1 say we have mediums in various stages of development, some far advanced by fol lowing out instructions sim ilar to tho above; they can preach to us with spiritual wisdom and power, which obviates the necessity of keeping a m inister doing little else but. preaching, and the money for the m inister goes to other good and useful purposes. You will plainly see, then, that our m inisterial brethren, while they are in ignorance, will oppose Spiritualism because they have vested interests in their occupation, as the Jewish priests had when Jesus was an unpaid minister, therefore they crucified h im ; and ignorance alone would crucify Spiritualism to-day; but it will live as long as T ru th will live, and if they put its physical body to death, it will coino back to the world as a spiritual being, clothed with the light and beauty of im m or tality, to bless and guide the world by impressions, intuitions, and direct inspiration, to th at glorious world of light wherein are many, many mansions. *• I herewith append instructions how to form a spiritual circle, and hope that you will prove all things, and hold fast that only which is good.—Yours faithfully, w Or. R. II. “ January 8, 1873.” MISS BLACKW ELLS LETTER TO T H E “ TIM ES.” AYe have been desired to give publicity to th is letter, and we regret th a t there has been so much delay in doing so. To the Editor o f the Times. S i r , —A friend, unmindful of the aphorism, “ W here ignorance is bliss, Ac., has just sent me a copy of the Times of the 20th ultimo, con taining an article headed “ Spiritualism and Science,” in the eighth para graph of which I find a mis-statement that I hasten to bring to your notice, trusting to your well-known love of fair play to allow me to rectify it in your columns. In the paper alluded to by your contributor, I designate the Creator &9 “ the Causal Being,” in contradistinction to what wo call “ tho Universe ’ regarded as the effect of the creative action which is its cause. Your contributor, misreading the words “ The Causal” as “ a Casual,” asserts that I “ call the Deity a Casual Being.” Surely the force of “ inaccuracy” could no farther go! In order, Sir, that you may judge whether the “ c isu a l” glances of your contributor have enabled him to give a correct account of the “ pro duction” of which lie disposes so summarily, I beg to state that the paper in question, which carries ontological hypothesis farther than has been done by Kant or Spinoza, claims to explain the so-called “ spiritual phenomena,” by propounding a theory of existence m which those “ phenomena” take their place as a normal result of human progress. And in order to show you that there is “ m ethod” in the “ m adness” which your contributor “ casually” ascribes to me, I beg to offer you tho following summary of the heads of the argument by which I endea vour to prove that view of the subject:— “ Necessity of interpreting facts by theory, and of testing theory by facts.—Impossibility of judging correctly of any class of phenomena otherwise than in connection with the other classes of phenomena with which they are connected, and consequent impossibility of judging cor- »■, »'ilx m ilit* > «• dl<- ll •► JIll'll uttt pIlUlH'MlIi'll.t, ollli l'X I h'lu xxii || (L •xul ol ix g»‘ux' i l l l»*'1 > (ii iIm lili> xxo iii i» living >iml i • *ho m m i . ( (<><i ■' i pi'iilxahilll x «•! mu li. iu, ,....i,,;:: wIm. i \\. iiiit I oin i-. l . . ol Il»i' lin in.Uhm i>i f Iill il IllriUV , (Hill! I11III MIC .1 It. w | , | |;.|1(l| , n.iu,," m b iriiu* ix M i l I Im ..i'|i*ll t ilk' il itti'tiX rl’n N ill lln' i | k \ nml 1 11'r11 ' ’I »xi i flu* 1 I U'iihm w-l i*.11till I i*I I In' I'Xinlriit'.i- mill n,||,(i, (|)*ii„. ...... it gradually mado knowi I '. U l * ll I »•' I I I 1,, M l l . ' M X I11I'»»«Ii*' I I ll*' ill*- <i\ I'l'l ,v* «i| pnril i».« rvn lie** : .ml, Im • \ |:,n \ mi ,ii | i * n | III i l l* ' I , ailiiol i«m ul I In* linn i' 1'f •IVl; *hn* iM.lur n .i. m |, \<*l mi I iiiiuiiU Ini il x ul mil urn I la" nl ,..I , i | ltll(| a n d It I .' n i ll x * I |*ImH'*l•*I' i I iI'k i’h| iii I m*huI inn nmlnml il. xidi'Xi-liiptin ln p m , nl ,.! '.,,,1 . Ill III Hull inn <if I In' hi 1.1|. .** »|| ill.' Ill im-I'll I, X. .'I I ill lie, till, | ll HI ll I.,1 ,, ■ K ill I mil vitlual'Nil lull **I *•*•»*11'* I h«' IIX.* p n lh -. I 11*• I'.l ■>111h i . ||i 1111*Ir.il am .1 IIm loi-iyming lIlHory I>> m i l " " H i lii.* a n d d»v.i i n \ . • pml ixi11mu m mix xx 11 I'xpri irin r a m i in llml of lily piTMiiml |rM iu(a No nun'll fiM* 1 111* (i.niti'nl’4 i>l I ho " lilly p a g in nl r ln n ' pi inl nl imii'cI x I'.Hiiuii'iilril n p * n I *x x m ir i*mil I’lhul n r , a liniil xxlmli I ilm,^ y nu xx ill ml iii i t , Nn*. In Ix«\ •* Im*«*U a nm inxv mu* I’m* I h r d i* rtr-- ina o| a (liv in , :i nl xx h i u' m in iiM in . - i n la ri , i»• • ••.--ilalnl l)i<- inip|ir< -.n ,,| I ho noiiM 111 tx’it-nl ilio iiiilie.ilnniH o r i g i n a l l y nppi iuh il In m-, p.i>M .,. mdu'.il mii.'i xxlxioh xx.ll ho ahnndanlly r il.nl in my I’orl heoiumj* I...I ,,mi (ho sum* ftiihjeot. Mix I h r alloxxid a lailh ri* p . n l i o n o f y o u r va lu a ble npum In irlil l|lfl| y o u r c Mil r i l m t o r i* hill p m l i u l l y a w a r o o f I ho p ro p o r tio n * nlmu|* all.Hill'd l*x (III* :«\!li*ni 111 " 11111*1 *: I (ll e " (I III I " h'f n*l (I el 11 ill ll, Vilmli |ir no r a r n r s l l v r a i l s u p o n iiirti ot hc im e o lo mvi • I ig ale ? To (lie Spirit ualif'lH of ICligluild and (ho 11n11 I Stal.eM (ulreiuly, k, r r i n a r k e d hv y o u r i*onl r i b u l o r , n ii n i h e r i n g niaiiv m illi o n s , p o ... hbh ^ pre r- ot tin'll* own, and jiuhli lung nearly a do/.eit perindie.iL| inunt |M added llieh o sld l their e.o-he Ilexers, xituniml y out iumled at. Ir<»iii «*ight to ten luillionti Huai tere<l overall tho rej»t of (lie globe*, xxIn*, iindrr ibn dislinet ive appell.-it ion ol Spirit inla, regard tin* writing!. •»I tin* late Alinn Ivardee as eoiut it ul ing tin* liaeih ^hut tin* Iuimh uiilv)ol lh"i»e\x re-1igoin^ synthesis they l.n.k for as the mailt of the - n ut Snirituuliutic niovriui-hi of our time. Tin* harder honk.*." have* been triin>lutiil into every Kuropeim tongue except ing our own. 'fhive hundred and fifty thom-mul eopn « of thn,, have been Mild in Franco alone ; making a total, inohinivc of the m|e (|f , the various translations in the countries to which they belong, nf over half n million of them now in eiieulntion, every m e of xxhicli in thr Centre ol a group ol firm believer.' in the fact ol spirit-eOiijiiniiiH'.ttioi And the demand for these works is still going oil, as an eminent nji|*(,. nent of Npiritualism sa\s of tho play of energies in the microscopic luur of a plant, “ without pause or sign of weakening.” These works,so widely disseminated elsewhere, being almost, unknown in England, I beg to quote tin* following passage from a letter reeenlly addressed lo me by a learned and liberal clergyman in the South of England (not a Spiritualist) in reference to the Jarre dr.. I'!.j>iif.<, xxliicb constitutes the first, ol the series: " I have read thin book with x«-rv great pleasure. It offers a rational and coherent explanation of life and duty which I should be glad to see presented to the English public; in an English dress. I should like to review il in one of our leading Quarterlies, giving copious extracts.” Another English clergyman, not personally known to me, in writing to thank me for what he term* my “ noble testimony” to tho subject which lias not yet “ pul on itn silver slippers,” thus expresses himself : In 18 , when travelling <>n flux Continent for the benefit of my health, which had given way under tli<* torture of doubts suggested by a course of theological study, I Impufiud to meet with Kardeo’s Livre d*s Exprits. To describe to you the light, the joy, the pence, which filled my mind on the perusal of this admirable book, would bo impossible. I t was truly a passing from night to iun* shine.” I enclose the names of these gentlemen confidentially, mid lor your own satisfaction only. The appearance of the work alluded to, in J8.r>8, was followed by the formation of Spiritist societies all over France and in nearly every other country; by tho production of an extensive Spiritist literature, com prising many erudite and valuable works; nml by the publication of forty-six periodicals,t all in full activity, ami most, of them of many years’ standing, besides a great number of little local sheets devoted to tho propagation of the same ideas. I t is evident, therefore, th at tho hold already taken place upon the mind of the world by the modern “ delusion” fully justifies the notice which you have accorded to it, and that those on whom lies the burden of disproof have no easy task before them. B ut why, let me nek, should it bo considered desirable to disprove the asserted communication with spirits, which would bo so conclusive a proof of our im mortality? T hat the assertion of such a possibility should be met with cautious reserve, as news too good to be. true, and that the phenomena claiming to have a spiritual origin should be sub jected to the most rigorous examination, would be reasonable and right. B ut why desire that the “ good news” should prove to ho lalou? That the Materialist should refuse to admit tlie possibility of fadi which upset bis theories may perhaps bo only natural; alt bough it might have been supposed that, the M aterialist would be, of all men, the most eager to obtain, if possible, the certainty thut wife and children, parents, friends, and self, aims, acquisitions, and aspirations, are not mere temporary results of chemical aggregation. But by those with whom it is not “ deemed incredible that (Jod should raise the dead," * I.r Livre lies /£*/trits, l.c Lu re ties Meihuni , h ( ill rt VEnfrr, lr Spinti-itnr, Jji ( ,‘<m 'ir ,!'■■ ,1a a n d two smaller xvork.t entitle*! re*i* * .ti u h (/, le Spiritisms f an*l !.<■Spiritism? « -W/.lu\ simple r/prr%\t<>n. • <, tjvt t Th us dis tributed In France, 2; liclgiuni, Holland, 2 ; Denmark, 1; Russia, 1 ; (icrinuu y, 1; Austria, "6; Uolu-inia, I : Spain, I-'.; Italy, *5 ; <;r,., j ; Eg y p t, 1 ; T u rkey, 1 ; Brazil, 2 ; U ru gua y, 1; La Plata, 2 ; iV iu , I , <.. , 1 ; v. ]»...r>, Mexico, 1. Among those most widely circulated are Ui lln m■ whose ye arly issue frequently goes throug h fwvcrul editions . I.r S/ *'• ... , j . . , ,lt’ \'.« lui.,: lr M rsiii/rr, Liege; !)"■ llin jru n d , Auisteidain ; U'i J.irht th ./■r. DU Spirituch^RaU tm alistiKhi '/-nt c h r\ftt Leipzig; R e n u (U ,!/<■.. . . . . y.. Spiritism o, Seville ; J(n\>ta E*piritista, llarci-luiia ; Ann>th dtl/,, Spirtfi ... Xuriu; i Lt Sulutr, Bologna; !ji V in tr, Alexandria ; /.it Jitru? il (/runt, snu m V; I ■ Ur nst t IL/jiritistu, Monte Video; / /.V/e» d rr-vnit.r, Bahia; ll h , | ( >, 1Janeiro; h i Illustnicton l-.'//iriti<tn, Mexico; /.7 >//i///V*ij , l.jm «. i Smtiago, Ac. There was a Spirit;-t Rcxic-.v in Jicuudor, Imt it h.i. ju-t 1 . - >,,j i pressed through tlie influence of tin* priests, who haw,* injur' d lie- '* xmmi.'ijI i t i seize and publicly burn all Spiritist Lr-ksand |*eriodicul-, and t ■p .m-,, t .. .r 1 owners with fines ami imprisonment. j-’cnftt’Aiiv 21, 1Hi T H K M K D II'.M A M ) DA YHH K A K. t<7 ’ I h a t til*- “ I** ini[ Mm* ftHncfm'l to U r lind'H ■my*. Mr. \: rd i* a a or!' *' ' f/ 1a 11, f»1,d a JV '; (I<•#■•1111*0 l,,r , dI * or * " * ,,WTl ,,,r(u 4, to t-tih r ml -I ‘ 1.«t W W t . _ ,1,0,.W IcaniiM a ol . ‘ .i • itw n i ' ■ !,.-!»»’"r i n e r ur r i n t i n r Io our o,v 1, h Iio u M i 1D " ."-, ■•in him , 1 I'"1 ' • '/ u O 'ilit., ;*/»'! Id 1hi-fi he a, f ■ f/' • 1' ' <<rui**1d, vhid ^ m »" rl nf ,,i I hi : nnr, m i d tliuuJd 11n**-, t IfeDglh ir, f*«t to ti„ f hi* n f * h< f H |" h • ,i pi i iiiioocuti/ig H111* Ihow- horn thi'y haw* • iUD ii. 1l< ii (i y* 1 ui.al to -h l'r ' t.hi wo. ii will h ■ wh'-n »1||P r ||,C I/I'/UiH <*f | nt In >■*/;h, tor r«‘acjji hut If >y ri 1• iv *•<1 n i<•.iiilm i ot hoi. ’•* it »l ' OlfjliiM a I ik ’Ii full valu* will he KiV‘ '■ ;,i 1 i. 'i h'* nt century * ■ ,ini u^In noi . ; ,i }: work j * *i" -" ''”' 1 •« 11 W j Wlmt are all o u r * lit die <1i-.c/ViTi' •• h u t tlo* c xI • M-IOII of 1it 1c ol thA. f1. t.ii a rH;'» A -in nun id.v ripi ,,, ,q kf<; _____ n" from th e nun, th e star*, tin* air. will hot Id- jiroc r ‘d »*«*o®ivin# * t (1 to M o V; l:■ i‘fl< r, n , l*«-on r* <**:i ; i i n t.ly \y ’ r.v 0l,r .♦*An and ^ * 1•*, I m the various chuiienl* and fnrr*-« maround i ■ Y.o.nfrom rf? ’ v . ,.11 of •tl»« * j,,iw nut i 1*Hririty itnelf, stood to ' in l)i** I'-irJv ( i i (,v< , Sh •j»ln rd i 1. *!»'•, Ii, •■ i, or to* M r. 1ior t.n, }f/4re not *" (M. . fir- formation of our planet? A im! ji-t t.iuxl lin t it <iiiori. Am a *1* '-il/IMI Ol JT l: rd'* intuit , /**; 1. u* • II- ll<i o r' j*» • an* I* com ing uhl* to r n e iv c from |] l<;ru tho iii'if Ii i>hu.K irc i n prt v.n same lhnt w . wh«»-r trrior i* - * rapidly changing th it »* 0)ilf me IfoMK, H im / l Hovf jnft'iJ'j.' bM our thong hf. Whir tn th' r r , then, n o univdural, u rirfimonhome of 1 hi: :.i ijf- ’ t ! aho'j ■ t.i f fi •: t* Jr, th« *,rr^ ;0t,. and contempt iM*-^III t h«* lllfit t h a t tllOtt** w h o h i'»'• Iovefl i h , Hplrii a t W in i ^ , f. • v fn *Hi Li.i '1 ‘Oil, „bl ill hvine may a Iso bo now rHjiiiiinK lore und l**h whom ;ill join <*-ir depart/rd, t j.r fJt ; tliun of ntrongt.ho ii«g ar.fl (1 Wo nb* ending u* “ im’hnag iwrr ol id proxim ity whic no In the ifiaf.Hior. the P4 , • the token* of th e ir cxi Horn#-, 1if,in< liOtnf:, pie ha* ever been entirely w t limit? nor p<K>l>' In the „ .i OOW :11' ->• !'/fi many of flu* !>*••» alt >r«»d fa •t.i of Strung^ '1 he *P,rl . . . t prevent •CH*nt appear «ip|>- i r to oout-ulerr, n rsK lcn depend upon it. Sir, th a t wh-i tie r01' ul,\!l hare come tor iiiM f'g the liiMory of this grand arlvanrv in T h e r e O u r ir.f i f!h a r e no* : • . •; ] o.-phv ot o u r ! an g ry re p u lffo n ®*cit '* b j - • In that warm gen;a 1 cl ro ;’ arrnoiinoeme/if will he ri/h flv judged to have been the strangest Surroo.oderl hy spier.dour .A > > a \ U . \ < : ! I.r. fhingabout it.— 1 am, Sir, your*. I * / i ’ v H d : > .'*ii f*hal| th j.lw.1 Ai*, Avenue d'K ylau, I'arie, Jnn. M h, 187J. Horn*-, hom e, <^c. 1 her* fresh seen*s of G a .ty v.ill • • . T 1IE K X PE R IE X C K O F a n IfO X K S T IA’V E S T IO A T O K . T o fill all o u r souls with e/.raj<f-.,«:<i -rK'liior. D'-ar >ir, 1 ji ' y < - i r nicinh r my w riting to M 'iiere the fi<-l<is are ail golden, and laV , -i Di-r-r,ibrr (n,v I ^ r , I:*I f*"! aj,|,.-ar in tlj •■ M yi.tl'st) *>n tl,*; In th e land of the angels, th e sp irits’ ■- wee', hom e. iub|,-ct of " S p 'ritu a lu m .” I b.'licvr I tlj. ri ot-itcd to you tliat for «om<; H o m e, hom e, Ac. S J j bad been i* ru aiu g the weekly and m o n th ly publication*, well T.o ! th e stream s clear as cry stal, th e I.- bosoms i... d oar-.-. as muipbl.t* and t.c.i'uiL' on tin* um tt'-r. U uriiig thifc tim e 1 , W ith th e ir life-giving w aters, for ever are er -. r' .‘i an.,LuIng w ind, came into my liurida against tlie d o ctrin e of F ro m th e th ro n e o ft.b e Jr.fir."o h ith e r ’ ,*■•, co-r.e. lie eoiniuumon of apiriie in 11,>■ if ■>,, and ,-jnrits wlio b a re left tlie flesh. ; A nd they flow th ro u g h th e c o u n try , to e so - v;.-.. home. I hart* car* telly rcu l the lin e r^ n n r U or, the subject, and the passing Horne, borne, Ac. cuti of the newspapers winch f happen to see h a re n o t been unnoticed br me. Jh e editor* of n en sp ap ers speak strongly against th e * 'n e w | Arid now , w eary p ilg rim of ea rth , raise th y lo a d . buiubtie, "bat, wbe<i ,po si iom-d, they have never given th e m a tte r art A nd look ju s t above thee : t.hy frien d s a re 'i.o t dead-. hour's serious thought n o r an h o u r’s investigation. I have h eard T hey live in th e m ansions, so n ear thee, above, teachers of religion deny all eii.stenee of any such phenom ena as sp iritu al, I n the hom e o f o u r F a th e r, p re p a re d by his love. y, t none of them would spend a tn fl ■ to ascertain th e know ledge. J Horne, home, Ac. Lave also r*ad works of certain m inisters of relig io n , men w ho at one time did not believe in spirit-m anifestations, an d who went where the spirits might convince, and v ho. on retu rn in g , w ere ho n est enough to J)R. SEXTON AND THE “ NATIONAL REFORMER.” let the public b are the len efi' of th e ir labours. B u t when they could To the Editor o f the Medium and Daybreak. not deny the fact of spirit u»l agenc.,, th e y could n o t th ro w aw ay old D e a r S i r , —In one of my lectures at Huddersfield, on Sunday, the notions and prejudices; so tliev, in th e ir “ wisdom ,” a ttrib u te d all to Sstanc influence. H ow was 1 to a c t? Some called S p iritu alists 2nd instant, I gave a brief but strictly truthful account of a private “ humbugs,'’ Ac. : others would refuse even to talk, read, o r inve-t.igate; seance held by the Davenport Brothers at the residence of Dr. Barker, whii" others would prove Satan to h- th e g re a t cause of these influences. at St. John’s Wood, about nine years since, at which Mr. Bradlaogh W eiC l read both sides of tin, question, a n d my conclusion was th a t th e j was present, and seemed to take a considerable interest, in the pro Spiritualists' assertion th a t sp irits in th e flesh, when co m plying w ith j ceedings, so much so that on Mr. Fay’s coa’ being taken off whilst his certain conditions, could eom m unicitt: w ith frie n d s a n d le a rn lessons of hands were fastened, Mr. Bradlaugh requested that his coat might be importance front good and advanced sp irits w ho have gone to sp irit- put upon the medium, which was immediately done, to the an parent land, was more likely tr u th th a n th a t th e tw enty m illio n s o f in te llig e n t satisfaction of all present. After this lecture some of Mr. Bradlaugh’s and upright men and women w ho so b*!ieve w ere im p o sto rs o r d u p es of* friends in Huddersfield seem to have communicated with him on "the impos.tton, or influenced only by Ins Satanic M ajesty. M y own m in d subject; but instead of reporting the statements that I had marie, they first nm-t be riciit in the m atter. I opened th e B ible, a n d c lea rly I saw drew largely upon their imaginations for facts, and wrote accordingly the id a of fpirit-couim uni ,n was i ot. condem ned, b u t, on th e co n tra ry , This was, perhaps, after all, the only course they could pursue, seeing taught. J ii every book in th e S crip tu re s th e d o c trin e sta n d s conspi- i that, it is tolerably clear some of them who wro'c had not heard euousiy in view. I came to th e conclusion th a t s p iritu a l p h en o m en a the lecture at all; for example, Mr. Reddalls, of Birmingham, carried were facts, and th at in M ie r in g so m y opinion o f th e S c rip tu re s was in on a correspondence on the subject—which he took the opportunity of no way changed. But ns yet, I s iw no m anifestations. T h is I m ade up reading at a lecture given by hirn on the following Sunday—he haring my mind to see. s o a few w .-K- ago I was in (Glasgow, w h ere I saw probably been miles away when my lecture was given. However, bo evidence sufficient t • convince any m., . in his o rd in a ry senses. M essrs. that as it may, one thing is certain, these correspondents of Mr. BradBowman, .Visbet, D uguid, Ur.*. S im m s a n d C lark (A m erican s), arid laugh put into rny rnouth statements that I not only :.‘-ver uttered, others, when know ,eg me to b<- an st in v estig ato r, did all th e y could but which never crossed even my imagination. One of these very to show in-' w int I ■.••anted. W o had knock-, o r rap s, tables tiltin g and truthful gentlemen is replied to in the correspondents’ column of the moving, perfumes, books rem oved from c o rn e r o f th e room to table Rational Reformer of the 9th instant as follows;— round wnicb we were sitting. quo.-r.:o.,i atisw- red in te llig e n tly , Ac., Ac. 1 “ J a me s B a r k e r .—So fat- as we are concerned, the statement, wh ere P erm jn some reader may a-K ii J m ule m yself c e rta in th a t th e re w as no it differs from our account in the Burns debate, is untrue. Dr. Car trickery. I searcle-d lit; r,.om , obs rs e d ( e e ta n d b a n d s e f s itt e r s , a n d 1 penter never attended a so-called spiritual seance with -,s. We have at;, p uitively certain th e-' th in g s were p erfo rm ed by som e in te llig e n t : repeatedly publicly given the same account of the Davenport seance power or powers not tisibie. .-since, J li n e sat by m y self a t th e table, which we gave in the debate with Mr. Burns. Dr. Carpenter never in •• ■<: rap s and re,-tire d in te llig e n t rep lies to q u estio n s, our presence, and that of the Davenports, looked under a table with a iiarn--s, Ac. X inlerid to p n ,c • d w ith my in v estig atio n s, a n d ain lighted candle. The statement made by Dr. Serton is so far pure tuoro ghiy corivir.ci'i J s ail re a p m ,y beiielil-, receiv ; m o re light, a n d invention. Dr. Carpenter is a gentleman whom we not the truth, be encouraged in m u p . a rd jo u r.v y, an d w ill be d e lig h te d w ith pleasure of knowing except by public repute; but we feel -ure iu- ha3 the fa/-; that, alth o u g h alone, .• ! a w...■, in th e p resen ce o f g o o d a n d given no authority for his name being so used. Every oonnjuring trick ids.- H o p in g y on will fine / r : • fo r fi.e-e f. w- rem rl:s in tiiis on that occasion a as performed by the Davenports in die dark. When w*'-k - d t;n i i m , ] am , la itln u ijy yours, T h o m a s G u a iia m . there was a light, nothing whatever was done. < nitiea for L'.’j". >. lo b. 17l 11. 181d. applying tests were refused. ’ As this is simply a most scandalous misrepresetCa.tion of anything said by me in the lecture, I wrote the following short letter to the XUE H IG IIK .l PIIESOM rlVA O r SPlRIXL'AEIriM. editor of the paper, in which in appeared—supposing, of course, that a There are hundreds of S|)irituai.-;.- and investigators who hare been man who so frequently and so loudly complains of a similar kind of ■■ gratifi d by tin- ob.-g.Y_' n eiiiws arid test-mediumship of misrepresentation, would at once do his best to put the mutter rig h t:— I ; V^rd, of Bruton. For years hinis'-if and Mrs. Bird have given To the Editor o f the Rational Reformer. nd to ■ go .d of the cause and the instruc- ’ J® public. The acknowledgments which Mr. Bird lias received 1 “ .Sin,—Your correspondent -James Barker —judging by your reply to '■ la.ien lar siiort of his real merits. Being of a sensitive and him— has evidently got his brain considerably m ddled in r area ) te retiring disposition, he It is found more pleasure in being of use than the statements made bv me at Huddersfield. He hu* jumbled up togi ther cting public attention. Of into his mediumehip has very much half a dozen matters that have no connection whatever with each other; ngerlj l,e fc,..;tl-e(.)y ,.y(;i. j,,.|S tovth. bu" a flood of ideas of a lofty and so much so, that it is difficult to believe that he can have personally ■ : arne'er possess his mil.d, and tur-se he can write out ori heard the lecture at all which he professes to s. n I you an account of. I papei li-.-ely and dearly. Being a mm almost devoid of education lie did not sav that Dr. Carpenter bad ever attended u s once at which you shT l,rM'*r'd to judge of tL- it- writ,tigs, but fortunately they were or I or Ihe Davenport Brothers were present; ind d, 1 am no! awaro ' •■F'. I- iz-Gi-raid. who at once urged the publication of one of that I once mentioned the name of Dr. Carpenter throughout the I'-cturc, litz 'r '! !'l<: subscription lis'. The productions from Mr. and several friends who were present say that I most certainly did not. ^ f " V*1'1 " pen which have appcar. fj in the Mr.ini; ji ttre full guarantee ! I spoke of William Carpenter ;i3 one of several literary men who wit 113 aui!l,y to iuriu an opinion, and indicate the high value to be ■nessed certain manifestations at the Athenian Club; but it could hardly ns THE M E D IU M AND D A Y B R EA K , F e b r u a r y 21, i&7. bo supposed Ibut 1 referred to I >;■. ( ’urpenter bv any one who was paying hand, and mark what seemed to bo a ring on it. Wo could mr „ , ' tbo slightest attention to what I \vn.< saving, because 1 was carol'ul to si and it. I I lion was made to grasp one of bis bumls, anil mill, « iu iv mentioning tho tmnio of William Carpenter, tbo words, ‘ at across the table to bis wile's lott baud, and do tbr suno on her j tbo tim,’ editor of tbo u/,iy 'I';.,i .’ ,\l .renter, I in no way spoke of “ 1 can’t understand,” said bo, ‘’ Nor 1 either,” 1 exclaim q ,! von tv> being pre-out. on this occasion, and this was tlie time when tbo 1. can,” said his wile; “ it’s all right." Now, sho had no weildin,, on, and I be facts of Ibo ease, ns she told us afterwards, were as fiillo*-[l ‘ oundles were nsi'd for looking nmlor tbo table, “ \\ bon 1 spoko of your bring presold with mo at tbo Davenport H er husband was out of em ploy; she, unknowingly to her I,,,.iiisniirjitntions I rofrrivd to the mooting at tbo bouse ut f'r. Marker, at raised money on tliis said ring, and did not like to toll him o : iSi. ,I olio's Wood, and ooidbiod mv observations strietly to ivlmt occurred b rr mother was present in the spirit, and did it for her, giving 1 on t bat occasion. Trust ing you will insert tliis ox plat ml ion, 1 ant, y ours, all of us a proof that 11Otto. Sext on ." Xow this letter was not very long, and would not, tboroforo, buv« occupied a groat amount of space in the piges of the journal IImi so loudli declaims against oilier papers for tbo unfairness 1bey display towards its editor. Nevertheless, it was refused insertion; not one line of it was allo w ed to appear in tbo sacred columns of this immaculate frcetltoU'dit p i jinblieation. In the " Answers to Correspondents,” bowover, a p p e a r e d the following:— xbc editor of tbo SjarHual Ma.raeine writes ns a letter, denying that be used in bis lecture ut Huddersfield any of tbo statements contra dicted I" ns in our last." .New , Sir, 1 am a little pit.’ded over this. W hat does it mean ? Has tbe editor of the N ’l i j d/u</,;.-: ,e also been lecturing at H udders field, and, like myself, fallen under the displeasure of this ed ito r: or, is this the concluding portion of the fiction in which the Huddersfield Secularist- have been engaging in the reports sent to the Aa/i'im l Jx\ •; One thing is clear, it is an attem pt to evade the question of tbo misrepresent;!'ions of which I have been made the \ iotim. H ad I been reallv t be*editor of tbo N. . M.u.-a.-i .r (and tlmt is the idea that is in tended to bo eonvevedl, yet, as 1 wrote in mv own name, 1 should, in common justice, have been replied to in th at name, especially as it had been introduced into the reply to Mr. Marker; but la m not tbo editor of the N . .. M,:. and have never w ritten a single lino in its columns, l'no statement therefore made by the editor of the Xti/iona! lleformer is just in keeping with the communications sent him by Ids Huddersfield correspondents. It is clear that accuracy of statement and common fair ness to opponents form no part of tbo creed of either.—Yours truly, L.'nJon, February la . Geo. S e x to s. T H E E X P E R IE N C E S O F A M E D IU M . To the E ditor.—Dear S ir.—After tbo extraordinary phenomena th at have been given to us through the columns of the M e h io m lately, any m inor accounts will seem small by comparison, and yet perhaps there it nothing but what is of some use; for, in rearing this huge edifice of Spiritualism, the small grains of sand that are used in tbo cement have their allotted parts, ns well as the massive blocks that do not require locking a: twice to be enabled to comprehend w hat they are—unless, perhaos, one is shortsighted, or wears dark glasses to keep out the light which is too strong for one's vision. 1 hope that I shall not be thought egotistical in writing about myself, but my object is chiefly to give my experience of the matter, as 1 find great pleasure in lea: ting th at of others. first Im m m praotioally acquainted w ith Spiritualism at a friend's house, where he had formed a circle to investigate the m atter, and while there, on more than one occasion I bad some good tests given me, and after a lapse of about three months I began to find my hand lifted up by some et range power and slapped on the table, generally correspond ing to the tilts. Uhvumstanees broke up the circle, and I began to sit alone at home or with my wife, and we got table-movements almost directly, and from that time the manifestations have increased in power and intelligence. My hands and arm s are automat ieally controlled, and at times very easily, so th.it- the controlling powers can do w hat they like with m e—even carry on a conversation by dumb signs—viz., by placing my hand on any of the phrenological organs, and then on some object, and I get a cine to th eir meaning almost directly ; for instance, at a Circle, if we are required to sing or pray, by placing my hand on the erg::i of tune or veneration and then on my mouth, or by uplifting wads, ,v.\. we gat their meaning—but not always, for I sometimes make mistakes, and I find that my spirit-friends will not do my thin k ing for me. 1 get the signs to give me a clue, and I have to work out the m si, or, in their own words, study all manifestations and their lessons. As an instance, I was one evening, about twelve months ago, sitting at a small oblong table that is ornamented with a border of squares on the top, inlaid in the other darker wood, and my hand was controlled and passed rapidly from one square to the other. I counted and counted, and 1 might have counted till now, but to no purpose: when just about giving i; up in despair, my friend M r. C------, sitting " ‘th me, was impressed that it was the alphabet they wanted, us:ng those squares for the letters; and so it was, and of course by that means I get a message in one-twentieth of the time. In the limited compass of a letter I cannot go much into what has transpired w uu lue these lust two years; sttlfiee it to say, that 1 have ............I have g i.v good teats of apirit-oomm wnioa; tl it 1 know I am attended by guardian spirits, and watched wben I little t : o ; it. 1 get reprim anded when 1 do wrong, and sometimes a pat of approval when fig..;. I often get some sign of spirit-presence v ..........g, or even when to a strange house on business; for instance, perhaps in waiting in the ball, the chair I sit upon will tilt three tunes, or it will slid, as if it were going to be pulled from under me ; or, if 1 go to lift a chair, it will be almost immovable, with just the same kind of sensation one has in removing iron from a magnet. I: 1 have been ou: all day, w ith no sign of any kind, 1 shall probably be told, by automatic signs, of all th at has transpired. In controlling me, if my spirit-friend wished to imitate a railway-train, or music, or distinct noises of any kind, they knock it out on the table with the backs of my hands and knuckles ; and there is no mistaking the prac tical meaning of it, for I am perfectly powerless in their grasp; but they never h u rt me, although I am used with great force and rapidity — a fore.- not my own, and also another intelligence than my own, because this intelligence used signs that my own conscious intelligence Las to reason upon to get ut th eir meaning. I will give Y..U one case in point. F our of ns were sitting one evening, and 1 was made to point to the fourth finger of a friend's “ Hrigliter eyes a re on us t h a n we b li nd cine . know. ’ Tliis is a lit t le bit of “ unconscious cerebral ion ” and ‘ muscular for some one to study, and if they can inform me by what other,,,, than spiritual Ibis force controls mo, and, by using intelligent could not at, first understand, bring to my consciousness sutu.. j , .1 1 was ignorant of before, it will oblige me greatly. Need I Bay th a t 1 am a happier man for this knowledge of Spirit;.’ ism, and, I hope, a wiser anil b e tte r'! and in finishing this lett r, 1 leave to use the words of “ M.A.,” in bis letter to the Mkjiii: ,, Sept. Ulth, 1872; “ W e have come to regard our spirit-!,, inmates of the house, partakers of our conversation, sharers joys and sorrows ; and no power that 1 can wield will give • . unacquainted with the m atter any idea of th eir love and t iul,a:; those they guard.” Spiritualism is making some progress in Kilburn, and I hope ••, I the services of Messrs. H erne and W illiams in a few days to girt .. lift.—I ain, Sir, yours truly, J . T. Ruoni., fit), Canterbury Hoad, Kilburn Par/:. l'.S .—Enclosed is Is. towards a shilling subscription fori, machine. Two thousand readers of the M e d iu m sending you a -k.k. each will get AllOO; try it. M aterialists get shilling subscript: their cause. [W e do not want to beg a machine, but simply to borrow ;. purchase one; at the same tim e we thank our correspond-; ' : goodness of heart, but we cannot submit to grind TIOO out muscles of the poor while the rich go free. There are ‘ • ■. read the Medium who, with their wines, their dinners, their d, -. their idle habits, scarcely know what to invent to kill tim . rid of money. Even poor fishes have to struggle at books, ami ; „• be shot, at arm ’s length, to afford sport ; ami yet those same go don’t spend as much on the cause as would pay for the pow worms they use in their refined and intellectual pastimes. No, v,. , . let Mammon do his share ; the working-man is already fhv. m field.— E d . M.] REMARKABLE PHENOMENA IN TIIE COUNTRY. A few weeks ago a gentleman called, in company with a t'r: : I .- , J.1... . . handed us an account of a seance cut. from the A - . lie was the au th o r o f the article, and the events transpired a: tl of Mrs. Abbott, of B raintree. W e give the chief portions. . . may observe th a t the most astounding phenomena occur in :k country, far away from professional mediums and proselytising >: -. tu a lists:— “ The circle comprised my friend M r. A— , his mother. :.... sister, the latter’s husband, and myself, the medium being th. a little maid of about eighteen years of age. who was called Jane. I: apartm ent in which the manifestations were looked for was a _ breakfast-parlour on the left of the front entrance to the building, vl : in the centre of this room stood a large heavy round table of n :. _-:having a strong centre support term inating in triple claws, at ’ seated ourselves, form ing a ra th e r closely-packed circle of seven pers:r.i Before the light was extinguished, our hands were placed up.:::.: table— my left hand resting upon the medium's rig h t—and the c was responded to instantaneously by an upw ard movement of : repeated again and again, the movement suggesting, by its ease lightness, the tossing of an india-rubber ball in the hands of a jo :_ child. One of the circle (Mrs. A—1 then put the question, light be p u t out : to which three upw ard movements of the table ...an affirmative response. The lig h t—a small hand-lam p—was ■ ingly blown our. and we sat in total darkness for about twenty a when we heard, proceeding from the centre over our heads, aw; sr:r :.' voice address us with a ‘ Good evening.’ The voice, I was ;:,:cru.. belonged to a spirit named ‘ Katey,’ who, after assuring us lira: seance would be a good one, informed me, in reply to a question. — she had been dead for 2d7 years. ‘ Katey ’ was soon joined by a: feminine spirit, who bade us ‘ Good evening’ in a clear, natural and forthw ith proceeded to sing the a ir known as ‘ Greenland's L? Mountains ’ in excellent melody and capital time. Tliis lady :: herself as • Mi»s Annie Lewis,’ a native of Scotland, who diex! " three years ago. The two were then joined by a th ird spirit. that v: 1 man named ‘ Jam es.’ . . . All this conversation was carried on in ordinary conventional tone of voice, that of • Jam es,’ however, iv ir; ; :> gularly clear and tranquil, apparently proceeding from a point a . i -,' at forehead, as if from some person leaning over and looking down at where I sat. The whisper of * K atey ’ was next heard, re q u e s t;::::: Jane, the medium, should be tied in her chair. The lamp was a .,. k::; lighted, and Jan e was escorted into the front kitchen, the deer ' which was exactly opposite, and about six foot distant from t'rat e the room in which we had been sitting. A strong chair was tfia-.x! about four feet from the open door, and, the medium lx ::.- stand..: leather belt was placed around her waist, and fastened with a . : the back of the chair. Cardboard gyves were placed upon ! and ankles, the fastenings being sealed with the seal of o::e ,-; ;kf company, and she was left seated in darkness, while we all t v ; ,1t, the breakfast-room, leaving both doors open. The light was :urv i -t out, and a song was commenced by the ladies—harmony, I was s an indispensable accompaniment of physical manifestations; b..: first line bad scarcely been uttered, and certainly not more titan tli:: seconds had elapsed, when the voice of the medium was heard re. a.Ting us to strike a light. When this was done, the medium was .' .1 seated in her chair, the chair transported from the kitchen to of the table in the parlour, the girl still bound and the seals .L F e b r u a r y 21, 1873. T H E M E D IU M A N D D A Y B R E A K . jfv and stillness with which this font was perform ed, when to'ether, refute tho suggestion o f oonfederaoy or uu ohanieal u^vjng Won employed to effect it. D uring a short ini.-real of "the darkness, 'l had been sm oking a cigarette, a n d ’when U lamp was extinguished I p’- 'ced the cigarette, still burning, upon the R seconds it was taken up, and the light from the ---- revealed the distinct outline of a sidei , end shone upo.. and the ‘ , | K, cigarette in the m outh, between th e edge and centre fep*’. t\v'lo the chin level with the surface of it. On my directing the Cf 11 ti ( t ilf, others to the face, it disappeared, and the cigarette was st l 1 nui the table. ‘ K atie,’ when asked if she would touch us ''' ■\ ‘.Y. r','i'li‘Hl that she would, and requested the gentlem en to place hands in the centre o f the table. M r hand was iim nediately 11' K “"j j.itid several times over my head; and on my re.piesting * ,n■« on to clasp the hand, it was immediately placed placet! iinr mine, and I'0'.," draw n gently upwards and away. The hand was soft and small, eJI-k> lurid, and, so far as I . ...Id judge, a woman’s.\ .-stations I must not omit to mention that six or eight ehrysanhem in'" ">-re professedly brought through closed doors from the Gardenat the back of tlie bouse and placed upon the table; the flowers y ;i „ ct with tho dew. and the end of the stalk pre- nting all the •noearwnces of having been just plucked from the parent stem. Lai me [include this account of a seance, held at a private bouse, with an amateur medium, and almost literally a family circle, by repeating the .n which heads my letter—What is it ? ”' 89 T his was reprated a second and th ird tim e. At t i c th ird tim e he said nothing, hut heard a hideous laughter, and a voice saying, “ I he m inister him self must now hearken to the d ev il!” jlc rode on w ithout any retu rn . In a littlo ho was called again by his name, which he did not notice, but rode on ; then the sp irit cried to him that he had better hearken to him , for he had a m atter that vary le-ar'.y concerned him to import. Mr. Campbell still rode on, not seeming to mind whet was said. The voioe oontinoed —“ Well, believe me or not, it a time I tell you, and you ought to take herd of it! \\ hen you ’ >home your wifo is expecting you to supper; and there is a In n r ns at i),0 lire for von ; but do not taste it, for it .s poisoned ID rode none-, mid when ■, ' i,o ivd Ins house iie saw a hen roasting. I. nee I in muobper plexity, and usk>-d his wife where she had the hen { She told him the beast was brought. in dead, though warm, and sold by a woman under a very ill lame for witchcraft. He wi .1 to prayer, ami a-, wl lighi from God. Ho was in a great strait, betwixt a just ear.: (or ids own health, I and taking a warning from an evil -pir:*. However, at .-upp r he cut up the hen, which looked well, and was no way disrolo r d. whu.ni made him inclined to eat her. Just at that inst til a lit ' d >g came into tho room, and it struck him in the mind to try an experimi. 1 on the dog; and he cast a piece of the hen to the dog, wlii'-h had no s j user eaten it but he swelled and died ! This cleared Us v.a . , h. .' ■none of the hen. “ There ore some evil spiriU,” very - gely says W'odrow, “ that, when permitted, seem to delight in fn-a! • ; a >1 uti* ‘■'•eins Ihis evil’spirit haa been foroed to tell Mr. Campbell bis hazard, at I ... d ss an instrument Dr preserving this good man. The fact is sufficiently vouched, and may be depended on." ’—-Not - in S ’at. .Ic-oinit. SPIRIT-INDIVIDUALITY AND SPIRIT-FACES, t few weeks ago, Mr. Clifford Smith favoured us with a lengthy A MEDICAL OPINION. narn ive of his experiences at a series of seances. This communication 5-.id over for want of space, and now wc give a few of the most T mf . Pharmaceutical Journal has a long article on “ Spiritualism and interesting portions:— Science,” thus concluding: “ Our opinion is simply this, that Die time .. phis time Messrs. Herne and Williams entered the cabinet, aeeom- has come for a thorough investigation of the subject, with the object of in ht .1 bv .Mrs. Guppy, who firmly grasped their hands to preclude the preventing unexplained ar.d misunderstood facts being misinterpreted iv'.siV'hity of either of them moving from their seats. The sliding-door and used to take advantage of credulous people. On this point we bad been closed but a very short time, when it was manifest that the cannot do better than quote the following words from a letter to the power was now very great. Hands appeared at the openings four or Times, written by Dr. Fenton Cameron, of Derby ;— iAe »r a time, whilst the Toices of ‘Peter’ and ‘Charlie’ kept the “ ‘ I am a man accustomed to close and careful examination of com;v'.tiy constantly amused by their witty sallies and vivacious dia- intricate matters. I studied Spiritualism lor about tv. years v ith lo;Yr. After this had gone on for a short time, a face appeared at one great care, and, I believe, with perfect coolness and impartiality of o: me openings, and called out to us in ‘ PeterV voice. The likeness mind. I saw it in almost ail its pbas'-i. I saw its mat.’.Dilations in :o Mo. Williams was so striking, being nothing more than a fac-simile private and public, in the light and in the dark ; and though there is c: his face, that I made a remark aloud upon the subject, to which much that is childish, though many of the believers are iiio f credulous, •Peter - immediately replied, in a sort of vexed tone, ‘ Oh, Mr. Clifford and would accept almost anything coming in the name of the “ Dear Smith. I se like Ted, is I ? I say, Lizzy (calling to Mrs. Guppy), have Spirits,” and in many of the dark seances there was abundant room for y o u got tight hold of Ted ? Now am I like him ?’ As quickly as these trick, if trick were necessary, I was yet compelled to believe that there words could be rapidly uttered the face was changed, and presented at was a power at work unknown to science, and which was not under the •he window a fac-simile tlrs time of Mr. Herne. This remarkable control of the so-called medium. change certainly is worthy of some consideration in tlie study of the “ ‘ I do not, for what seem to me good reasons, believe that the njanu acture of these spirit-faces." spirits of our departed fellow-creatures are the agents in all this, but I At Kingston-on-Thames the following jobenomena were observed :— , have no explanation of my own to offer. Faraday's unconscious muscular “ Mr. I\ illiams then entered the cabinet, was shut in ; we (five in action theory was quite unworthy such a mind as his. Dr. Car number) stood round outside in expectation, and were in due time penter’s unconscious cerebration may explain a few phenomena, as may rewarded by seeing ‘John King,’ who raised the curtain and showed also Serjeant Cox’s psychic force, but there is much, very much, in himself distinetlv. Presently ‘ John ’ called to me by name, and when Spiritualism that none of these explanations touch at a ll; and as the I went to the opening he asked me a question, which I was only too new faith has spread so widely, and has done so much mischief to many, pleased to answer in the affirmative : ‘ Would you like to see me mag the time has, I agree with your reporter in thinking, fully come when netise the medium?’ ‘Shall I open the window?’ said I. ‘No,’ was even our greatest scientists may, without loss of dignity, consent to the answer. Presently a hand raised the curtain, and I, being close to become a» little children, that they may learn something of this s'rar.se the aperture, looked in, and saw distinctly Mr. Williams sitting in his thing before they pronounce upon i t ; for many think with me that men chair.’and the fine form of ‘ John King,’ apparently perfectly material, . who have fairly won great names by scientific discovery rather detract standing over him, and making steady mesmeric passes over his head. from than add to their reputation by speaking dogmatically concerning The curtain dropped, but after a time Mr. Russell was called up and was that of which they are practically in utter ignorance.’-’ shown the same thing; thus we were able to corroborate each other.” We wonder what the “ much mischief to many ” is ! Perhaps other Then the narrative again refers to what transpired at Mr. Guppy’s ;— parties would take a very different view of the circumstances. “ After supper, Mrs. Guppy went with Mr. Herne into the cabinet, and the tying was dispensed with. Under any circumstances, it would A HAUNTED HOUSE. have been quite unnecessary; the reason will be seen presently. ‘ John King showed himself at the openings exactly as I have described his The inhabitants of the quiet and ancient village of Wistow, three appearance at the seance at Mr. Russell’s, when Mr. Williams was the miles from Selby, Yorkshire, have been somewhat startled by the medium, and in this instance also he was the same individual, bearing mysterious noises heard in an uninhabited house in the village near the no likeness to the medium (on this occasion, Mr. Herne), but bearing old church. It is situated in a row, and was formerly occupied by a man the ei ict likeness to the spirit I had seen under similar conditions named John Harper, a farm labourer. In the latter end of the summer through Mr. Williams, and also exactly the same as I have seen him of 1872, Harper's wife died, and a week afterwards Harper committed at their own rooms, wLen both mediums have been together. I lay suicide by banging himself to a book behind a door in the house. The particular stress upon this, as I consider it of much importance. I do house was then void for a short time, and was afterwards occupied by cot know whether anyone else has bad the same opportunity of noticing a newly-married couple named Johnson. It was then the noises were this distinctive feature of individuality exemplified. The principal : first heard, and were so startling and unaccountable that the tenants left feature of this seance has yet to be told, and upon it rests much. the house. Johnson says the noises were like a person running up and Whilst two persons only wore in the cabinet, and were holding each i down stairs with heavy boots on, and the throwing about of crockeryother's hands, no less than four fac s were seen at one time—two at ware over the floors. The same noises are continually heard to the ea;-b perture in the wall of the cabinet; one of these faces was noticed present day. Mr. G. Wilson, who lives next door, says that on the to be black.” night of Sunday, the 2nd of this month, he could get no rest, as tho The paper thus concludes:—“ Mr. Herne, who was of course far , noises continued the whole night. No one has courage to take the from bis home, took up his abode with me for the night, after we left house, which is the property of Mr. Liversidg , timber merchant, of Mr. Guppy’s. When we entered my bedroom—before I struck a light Selby. We would advise some of our "spiritualistic" readers to try —I was touched all over by spirit-bands, and addressed clearly and ar.d explain the mystery. They would have but little trouble to make distinctly i:i the audible voice by a dear friend in the spirit-world. converts in the locality.—Birmingham l)ci _V«i . This shows bow continuous are spirit-manifestations, given proper conditions.” In calling the attention of Spiritualists in the district to the forth coming concert of the Marylebone Association, at New Hall, .Alpha Road, St John's Wood, we would have them particularly observe that SPIRITUALISM IN SCOTLAND TWO HUNDRED Madame Sievc-rs is to take part in the vocal and instrumental music YEARS AGO. by performing some of her own compositions. Tins distinguished Tue . blowing extract is take-n fro m th e Ardrossan Htrctld o f Feb. 1st. lady delighted the vast audience at Mrs. Hardinge’s farewell soirit by It is a curious superstition that recognises all spirits as “ evil” who her charming accompaniment of a song, and many have since regretted would communicate with man :— that they could not be gratified by bearing more of her exquisite “ C K U G IE — W ITCHES AND SPIR ITS OF EV IL GENIUS. performance. This they may do by attending thi ning enter “ The following is a curious instance of the prevailing belief of the tainment, which is to bo patronised bv Mr. and Mrs. Jeooken. A period ' some years before the R estoration;;—‘ Mr. Campbell, the minis number of eminent vocalists will have places in the programme. ter. had frequently warned Die hearers from hearkening to or believing Mm W a l l a c e , missionary medium, is at present at Aork, and will ir, th-: local superstitions. He bad been abroad preaching, and when riding Louie alone to bis own bouse, be heard some one calling him by his proceed to Huddersfield on Monday next, for a short stay in that name on the highway ; and Mr. Campbell looked about, but saw nobody. I town. 90 t h e THE c ir c u l a t io n o f t h e m e d i u m m e d iu m , a n d s > a n d TERM S OF SUBSCRIPTION. this ■ th e Vv < t ' ' oiivuU t T » * ru b M sh er i- h " 11 Mr--; a ;m •, a n d su b m its th e foil VV.1 ^ >v.'< A •: . 7 .7 . ’• TS* ■c o n es „ iv\ l . „ I V lvVi. ,, 4v1. „ 1T$. 4<i. T h re e ,. F i H' r 4M . .. liK .. £1 KV1. i. Five % ..,1 , , ... J , V .... ^ . >vr wook ' .... N , , in or..' w y .y 'iv ". v-.'rt froo, !-i. t\\oh \x S .x cr re \ e -.t v A.virx'sstxi ■'.Ae "i '.’.is *V-.o V > v> - ' . \ C . : W A,;. - Oiirshv e. ■. i I -K. Pitman. *V Paternoster Row, London, E. C .' L CM kariw & w n , Strand. London, W.C.; John . MoiC-*.1.\. I ;.: ;; v, r ;, v. li.-.nv. uosirous of establishing agencies and dnpntfi for the . -. a : will . mmuaioUM U from - r-..- •' ■ - 0i •Uwr Progressive periodicals, tracts, and standard v .* .'5 tXA (X 'M '.'M S OK LAS V No. OF - TUK MEOIl MA p '■ . - - .M ■ .' . -r M ■ A - > 7. A : . - . 7 - . .. . 7 A- ' " /- : - > ' - ■r —Th ■R:r ; AS : : : . a s ., .x . . uringr. Mod;umship-The Adju........... *ok. a ' ' Mi S 7 ■-• 0 •: . "\ ' ■ - ■■A ; hold in Land • f i-f ■ \ \ . :■>?'.• ' . A■ A P an 1 . SrX vus \ ........ I ...... - - or..: ’ - toes—Angels' Visits ■: - f - .. -A - - S’ c- ' ’' ' ----- . -; . Ar .■ ' :> j-;:.v .:O N Vr > a: > ' - - rg A • - - A .-s. ’ - '' : A M A h ..’ ::u - .‘ . A V.....r.'.l ' - A ‘V - r ; - - s .'v ; a . » s . : a x k : •. - > . . A. a a : : 7 Aa the .- r AA A- . -' ‘ v r. A.,. .r. or. ” A ’.. ...r as .. Med .: u 77 1 :A’ U'.or. ’ V o s s a x , t e i u n Si, P r i m e &x>*l Meeting o f X ediem a, a t 7.M. - ' ■- A. . Mr : S o rfevk. Ainussioe. Ss. M. TTr a >" »- V v '• ■ A: .A. r .. A : : -? rr. A -. . • Aa - ss . is. Sa. 0 S.r.r .s ’.:: _ : 'r.. : A ’,* Sv Mr. Cr r ' r . s: 5. T'A'krts ■? • ' Ar • A. -. r vs rroy r : 77.i r a ’r.’-a? a :. TUK M E D IO AND DAYBREAK. rr.iDAr. it b h z\atr si. is:-'. MORE SU BSCRIBERS TO THE DIALECTICAL REPO RT. . a e ’.. .. -... t. S; rve t s ’ w a r - n a v e v-t h . f e r o t .. a r ; ’. :.io». a n d : r a t ro.ar.v n e w w o r k e r s th e h v '.i. S r v o .n l n a m e s h a v e i n c r e a s e d n u m b e i s w h ile : . -A tA n tta to so;' t h a t thev iid tlr.t - -— CAH - f . in th is w o r k . TV; w is h a ll w o u ld " h u r r y u p ," t h a t ibfe t o j u d g e as t o w h a t n u m b e r i t w o u ld b e s a —; :h . W i t h : h ; n n t n t e r a : p r e s e n t - sc rib e for, ’ t h e b :k excev-t a t a a s a a la n c e n u t n b e r is n e .e s c o - o i l n o r :s Soirv. to irs w h ic h t h e t-.’. k h a s b e e n offered, a t a -price u ttn.’. f : . . - tn n r s t r r y c : o u r i tt e r a t u t e . t e a : :: tir .c n t a t t a i n a . ; .. h a L'h; rc h n i n t h h a s b eets lo n e , y e t i t is nh; the mere t . cinnitic o: s u c h a w o r k . *• T r u t h P r o t u t e r " th o u g h ': we A c c h ; n .t c. to p re s s t il l ws h a v e -ICO s u b s c rib e rs . -V: ’. r e s e n t w e h.-.ve -sly a l i t t l e a . e v e 1 0 0 . but i f t h e w o r k c -es o n . t h e i ll 1 . . 1 in ' tim e A: p re s e t:: th e su b s c rip t! un a n .' a a r -: c :'-ikirL r s'-vYiir iu> : ; "y5 :— 6 K. H. c* W. H Swenstor.e. Esc. W. Tolciutan. Esqs H. D. Jenckeo. Esq. 8 Mr? Make; gall Gregory > X_omas G oa t. A.-.:. Enmore •' a s Esq. Mr. D. Richmond 2C> Mr. J. Mayrard- 'or Maryl, bone Association 1 Mr?. Kerry 1 Mo. : >..... S E. T. Bennett. iEsq. L eut.-Crt-aart 8 Rev. W. R. Tomlinson 5 Dr. Gully $ - Ml 16 Mr. J- F. Young 16 Mr. E. Redgmte, for . a hat ’- Ass A-t. or. •_v> Mr. E. F .;- Presttr ■s C. T. Hcos. Esc16 J.B . 16 Tn h Promoter -I . Mr. B. Bnukurv Mori y COVIES •J W. Kingdom, Esq. 1 ifr?. Green J Mr. Raich Foster. Parlivgton IB Mr. J. Lord. East ties IB J. hr. f - t. Esc.. Bel A.s: 1C* Mr. G. R. Hit.de, Darlington 40 Mr. T. Blyton, for Dalstor. Associafotl 71 Mr. John Chapman, Liverpool 6 Mrs. F. A. N 7;w t v 16 Mr. G. Heppleetoo, Huddera> Mr. T. T: elw.-ih Hull held 5 I . M. F :::k ss. Esq. ' . h . h ; Auckland > Mr. J. E-t.-dn.-.n. btamford ' Mr. J. L. July a-. Pet -rbv'ro* A Mr. \Y. A. Ftndlev. Barslem -.0 P. W. M eat herb.’ad. Esq. for Kt ior.lt'y Spiritualtsts 1 A. Kvd. Esc-. Baden 1 Miss'Pouglas S G N. 'a-., rid; .? M r. K. S - e tt.v r . I. v b a rn S Mr. J. Herod, N :tro-:Uan\. - Mr. W T e n ' C. 1. N ,f. M E ■ . Ko Vicrs. E?>i llich mvis. o. Esq. Kilb a rc . Esq Was ': - P ,,, t».%r 'j. V > Mr. R A. U I » . . K- ; Mr. r. 1M In . M .A -• r ■J s. Ho a .'-.o. i! .a i •. s r. > M > i'... t. Lou. W v v,b 1 s Hi\on. K; y s • Mr. D. iio. \ 4Cl M- i p'.. „ v\ |[ u; 8 th. Bir M M- j p0. , .u 1. J WO. M E. Canior ”. Mo. Mil s LX'rbv M - W. Fo:uon. M J. Hop M -. W. ' ..on Mi A f -is Ch F. Teta-Tson. Esq. s n . lii- reld, E^\. < N . 8 8 s s V s »> s i S ' S > ^ S m. U'.v -py - 0 Hudder M .1. Applebv Alnw'oV n • r ’• i ' "A. . h c c -j o h n . —. > > d a y b r e a k :i Mr. V . Mr. .!. 1'..Mr. J. II Mr. J. ' > Mr?. M A A. !>a M ■ I ] t . ..» t Dr. I. v l ’.U't U. 7 M ■. T. Fardon Mr J. II ps ; J ] . ^rr T. Wilson. A Mr. Pit. *rt. Ke-.t H . J. Webster Pot ! Us Mr. R. Pc..-C • As 6 ). J. Herfs 14 Mr. Brondbent. for Bri r S ' Mr ■ : . Mr. -A ,.AA B:r;'.::rcbani Mrs. lL.ttertiold Mr. A. r ...... A ■ W. Barns. Esq.. N. A.ehirs: Mr. J. Wani.N . Mr. A. Wwhirst, Ba.iev Mr?. W.. AA'. . . Mr. W.T. Wi’sor. oA / s Cress M -.H .J.H . a a .M Mr N. Cr’.,’c. .s..a-.:i ' Mr. Wilde. Ifif. . J lr \Vai:e. Esq.. Studwc'C. 10 Mr. T. Blir.k'uo r-rf\V Hal'. Kev. .1. A I'rir A S-e. - It? Mr. Ih As' W7- f. r ' ' . .-. Ilea:!:o r E. ton Millett s Upwards of l.l > ’ 0 A ' . o ih o m .U T.ev o f d i e lib ra rio s . w e h:«ve •._■ se k W i l l n o t o u r c o r re s p o n d e n ts g i v t is s n e t .. n u m b er? W e h o p e a l l w h o c a n u s e t h e m w ill a ; ” . ’ a s. . . - : s. . -s : . a . . . fu n d . • . SPIRIT-FACES UNDER TEST CON D ill A S 0 V" .A- s ' iv i ..... . ' . • .aVAr.ot a: Mrs. Hoaaus's. av.j a .-- Mr. T-.-V 's •.? : s heartorv.g. several feet from aperture, A s r.r: ■apr.’.s ; -enter rhoT , ro?? : _ t . .: and show itself to the compar.v .1 .a..’. t 7. s • . ahvar.. a to Mr. Bir.ohh voice, and disappeared in the same way as tt came. Me . presort cr. severs', co oastor. $ when Mr. r.ra M s. . 's o ’ ' with no ore it: the cabinet, not ever tae nteo.tv.ms. Now t..- s a: : s_ has beet: aciiieved when Mr. Holmes w.is ae..-. by Mr. J . above parth’..iars rave been coirtrarrc-r a by Mr. ..'array. . s' that ;■ spectators spoke to Mr. Blsc.oeura f r e f . i . y ■' ~ s t ^ iiis replies Vis v :?•/. .:v.. i - A - - ’ A h a d the s v ir it- ’ho;? o 'o re at perfect tor. e v e ftttg a : M r. Coa m a tfs. Partioa.ars v.sx: w.-. s. ■ 11’.'-' .’7. S.77.7. Sf 7. 777—' F A i f MrS field; S. ' Mr. J J. Morse: Sava Mar.v. J. Burns. a Mss H: 7 r.ow give three spirit- ico soar o;s; t , Mo: lay Wednesday, ar.a Thu -day vg?. Mr U fa a p :: star, s Holmes may h: . . . . r•• - 7. a s or. certain evenings. A • . . strrin discussion or. Spirttva.tsm :s avpoari: a •..s: r . : h th : . Will no: some of our readers who have 'a satv ... •a little light on the combatants, as they seem to be lost tr. a ' ..if of mere opinion? ' - ; * a m “ B n Oumn 11, . —if .; > When we published our obituary notice of Lord Lytt .-tt two days A it was stall a secret between himself and his publisher that - os : author of •• The Coming Race." the fancifal ar.a humorous lit: 1o ". ■ ■ ' i. - tol gl tod so .r ■ . .-. sards of readers str.o-o m • . • • a vear agA ar.d likewise that his was the po-n from ' a ; ’ »..s f; ; >y tmo th the bri.liar: s: y T e Parisivs. stt ’ v ; .. . A tfi ’aof : ’. and which iv hs all but c ..... ■' •.11 s ’ -r:ly appear, illustrated in obedience to Lord l.v.t.-r.'s o r - to. ? instructions. Mo. -J. Jut . . Birmingham, in allu.h'ng to a recout visit a lo-a." thus refers to one e xpe r i e nc e “ I did r.o: neglect the or;-: a ..... i 1 i ; a .Ac 1-Ass - il .• : a h W . ..- . ‘ . 1 frbj. o :ly, ar.d cannot but tilli11 1h ?: gMitleu ; their ocurtesy ar.d civility in aiVoru. i-*c -Hd evui'v rh.'i'.i ;v toe i... .g . ^f.. ' M .J. to S....S y me of the get-. '' - . " n\ I '• ''A \>Il’ich 1 need t ot repeat, as the co . vo - Mi J ■ x fU.> fivquer.t v graphically described l h*f111 ■saj. Jour. Ki-g's* h.o.rty greeting :o his tner.d *ILi a ku?.’ o:; Firiiiiv ■ .1 the pleasure of not on W rxw ivir ’ -\ o 'r.ii;.', IV> ' N. . 0 ... -\\t u . . uMs.J hand, but a good vifff of ‘. • - ? ■ with r. ■o's true aristcoratio dicr.itv Ui^nbo.ld i:\ii '1. l\ i W.*f’oism and repartee, adorxievi irnoh armsemert. *K i .f 7S-1.1 the r r-wers f -the boys' being ex' '.YUSlv' ' s- -** n .: shia v lirclv •Peter's’ tax or. their vitc.ii h'-. Altogether. : \L*h I .1 . r■ KmB9 ■g.it'.or. I nir.d:'. t: .A*, ir.r «hoi:Li r •*: b b ■■ a : .M. -• ssible. have loft a d.-eper i:...... ^ ***•' *a - b A. . .0.1 7. .7 A '7 7 lomer.a is a great t:V.,h. v; p d. tod but by too most wilful ly obt;•s-c intellect.' Fe br uar y 21, 1873. TH E M EDIUM AND D A Y D R E A K . D1 t h e q l t a r t a -c e n t e n a r y o f s p ir itu a lis m . MRS. BUTTERFIELD'S TOUR. To the Editor.—Sir,—On Monday, March 31st next, our movement Mrs. Butterfield concluded her arrangements in London at the lfall will bo just twenty-five years old, and thus have completed (lie lirst of Progress, Church Street, I'addington, on Friday evening. The quarter of a century of its useful mission amongst men. Is the subject meeting was got up by the Mirylebone Association, and though no not worthy of some suitable form ol commemoration ? 1 understand means of publicity were used, yet there was a satisfactory audience. that in America that “ natal d ay ” is duly celebrated every year, not The medium's address, on “ Light, Love, and Liberty,” was much only in one place, but amongst Spiritualists generally. I do not consider j appreciatedi was said to bo. superior to that given in the I- indeed, it myself competent, to suggest the general form in winch the approaching Cavendish Rooms. On Sunday evening the Lyceum at. Kingston-on term should bo observed, but for the special benefit of my own class I ’ Thames was well till' d, and l.lIn address was characterised as all fhd. venture to make otic proposal. In doing so .1 first ask, 'Where are the could he desired. Mrs. Ihille leld has made such a good impn s-ion good men and true—ay, and women too—who heralded the now light 11inI many siy she ought to hi invited to reel e in London i.hogether. as it flashed its rays upon us upwards of twenty years ago ? Many of Bite has muilu many friends, aiul no doubt will he with u lain toon, them have floated upwards, nearer to the source of light; some are Meanwhile our cuu'itrv friends should not. neglect the, pp a t unity still with us, it may be not able to do much to promote victory, yet which is presented to them. She left London on Wednesday to pen up ns keenly as ever watching the chances and changes of the fight. My the cause at Rochdale, than which there could not be finer soil in which t o heartfelt desire is that these venerable sires of our now nourishing sow tho seed of Spiritualism. On Sunday Mrs. Butterfield speaks at cause should be affectionately looked up, sought out, and invited lo be Liverpool, for the society there, and we hear that arrangements are in present at a suitable social gathering. This select union might, include progress for her to visit Morley, and other places in the West Riding. those who were in the field during tho first half of the quarter of a century now closing. What an assemblage of venerable heads there U n d e r Mr. Ganney’s careful superintendence the vocal music at the would be! Somo who had not met for years, and never thought Cavendish Rooms shows a steady and pleasing improvement. A little of meeting on the earth plane again. Others who may have worked choir is being formed, which already has a very decided effect upon the and fought shoulder to shoulder in spirit, but may have never general singing. Spiritualists with the ability to help would do a seen each other in the body. From the provinces somo worthy graceful act, in coming forward in aid of this praiseworthy effort. additions might be derived, and if possible a fund should be raised Op courso the Ayr Advertiser must, have his column on Spiritualism. to enable those to be present who are rich in spirit, but poor in the things of this world. There are, again, those who have been but. He clenches the impossibility of the thing by quoting tlie story of dimly visible in our ranks, but who may have all the more valiantly Lazarus and the reply: “ If they hear not Moses and the prophets, fought the good fight in their own peculiar way. Tho other day Mr. neither will they be persuaded though one rose from the dead.” Now, Hargrave Jennings informed me that he had practised spirit-com to our minds, the story proves all that Spiritualism demands; for how munion for ten years before the advent of the visible signs. Such men could the information be obtained as to what Lazarus and Abraham were would be a valuable addition to the host, of worthies. Lastly, have we I doing in the spirit-world,unless there weresome means of communication not with us the mother of us all, who obtained the first public response j therewith? Eh, old friend, whom we used to carry from neighbour from spirit-land—then little Kate Fox, now Mrs. Jencken? j to neighbour when a bairn, can you unriddle that matter for us? We A committee should be formed immediately, as there is no time to j fear our venerable contemporary and many more are the lineal deseendlose. The youngsters should undertake this labour on behalf of their j ants of the rich man’s five brethren, for in them we see the old opinion seniors. But I am quite at a loss to provide, for the thousands who j verified. In addition to Moses and the prophets, not only one. but would like just to put their heads ever such a little way over a gallery, ! thousands are raised from the dead, and yet these worldly-wise ones are and have a peep at such a happy family; that must be arranged by j not “ persuaded.” those who are more acquainted with such details. In cor.elusion, I j P r a c t i c a l C h r i s t i a n i t y .— To the E d ito r—Sir,—The Era has verv must apologise for not giving my name in public, as my friends would j much exaggerated the case of Mrs. Cook, and with your consent I will just laugh at me for thus pleading my own cause; hence I subscribe myself, make • one or two corrections. • — • true that ' ' a I t is Mrs. Cook did take London, February 17, 1873. Sen ex. stick out of the hedge, and was brought before three clergymen as magistrates, and was ordered to pay Id. damage, and 13s. fid. as fine A TREAT AT TH E CAVENDISH ROOMS. and costs, or in default go to prison for seven days : but there was one I t will be remembered that during a former season an address on the ! man in court who paid the money (or the poor old soul, by name Mr. “ Philosophy of Revelation ” was delivered at the Cavendish Rooms by Councillor Harwell, of Leicester, so you see she did not go to prison Mr. J. W. Farquhar. This essay was so well received that it was pub and die there, but she might have done but for the above-named gentle lished in Human Nature, and afterwerds in a separate form, Mr. Ridley man. One would have expected that, (hree of the exponents of Chris taking 1000 copies. We are pleased to learn that there is again an ; tianity would have thought, of the words of him they profess to follow, opportunity of hearing Mr. Farquhar, who will speak on Sunday even “ Let him who is without sin lirst east a stone at h e r; ” but with such ing at the Cavendish Rooms ; subject: “ Martin Luther, Medium and men as the above Christianity is only a name.—Yours truly, C h a r l e s Reformer.” The subject is one of great, interest, and those who object B u r d e t t . 83, Noble Street, Leicester, January 19th, 1873. [We regret to the novelty of the present phenomena should be induced to attend that this correction has been overlooked, also that our contemporary and learn that mediumistic manifestations were plentiful in the experience the Era should have exaggerated. We have just had our attention called to another instance of “ practical Christianity.” Dr. Hessel states of the Father of Protestantism. in his narrative that the minister of the gaol refused to shake hands with him. A person has only to be poor or unfortunate to become an NEXT SUNDAY IN LONDON. Sunday Services for Spiritualists, at Cavendish Rooms, Mortimer object of intense aversion to ihe modern saints.—Ei>. M.] I h e a r sweet murmurs lleeting by, Street, Wells Street, Oxford Street, at 7. Mr. J. W. Farquhar will Soft whispers from Eternity, deliver an address on “ Martin Luther as a Medium and Reformer. Telling of truths yet unrevealed, Charles Voysey. at St. George’s Hall, Langham Place, Regent St., at 11. And holy mysteries unsealed. Sunday Lecture Society, St. George's Hall, at 4. A. Balinnnno F ar from the deep, the mighty deep, Squire, Esq., M.B.. F.L.S., Surgeon to the British Hospital for Diseases Where ages, in embryo, sleep, of the Skin, on “ The Skin : its Structure and its Uses.” Uprising waves of light doth roll, Sunday Evenings for the People, St. George’s Hall, at 7. A lecture Wherein the poet's listening soul by Mrs. Ronniger, on “ The Position of Woman in the Present Day, Bathes in unpolluted streams, as contrasted with her Life and Status in former Ages,” followed by And revels in immortal dreams selections of sacred music. Of light and life and peace to come “ An Unfettered Pulpit,” South Place Chapel, Finsbury, at 11.15. In some Far fairer, purer home. M. D. Conway, on “ The History of a Religious—Torso.” Some will not hear, some will not see; Poor hapless soul! I pity thee: MR. MORSE' IN LONDON. I pity all who do not hear On Thursday last Mr. Morse gave a lecture in the trance at 7, Cor This silent, everlasting prayer; poration Ronq Clerkenwell. The audience was gratifying, and tho For ever breathing, ever sighing,— address—“ Who are the Angels ?”—much more so. From all that's living, all that’s dying— On Sunday the same speaker occupied the platform at the Cavendish Flowing upward, ceasing never, Rooms, and the general remark was that it was the best address Mr. Breathing gratitude for ever. S. Goss. Morse had ever given in that place. Now that this medium is in London, Spiritualists should see to it that he is kept steadily busy. There should Mu. IvKf.s.vi.L, of Manchester, complains of the intolerance of “ Chris be a few dozen associations scattered over all parts of London, to take advantage of speakers, and let tho inhabitants of tlic metropolis know tian brethren,” worshipping in Walter Street, who hare passed an edict that’anyone praying with him either in public or private will be that there are some Spiritualists in it. I cut off from all lurther communion and fellowship with them. A j young lady. Miss Teasdale, had been led to investigate, and has become “ B a f f l e d S c i e n c e s l o w R e t i r e s .” —Scene: Conversazione of iho J a most useful medium for spirit speaking and singing, producing tunes Therebvhangsatnilogical Society. Dr. F ossil; You observe, like the ! she has never heard of. She also has the seeing faculty, and described Os Calcis, there is a projection here of the----- ’ Lady Listener (eager a spirit who had passed from earth-life by the fall of a room at a tea with demonstration): “ That shows we cannot have been monkeys, Dr. meeting in Ordsall Lu e , on Christ mas-day. Her two “ Christian Fossil; because in real people that part is the funny bone.” Military brethren” say it is all tho Devil, but she says she is a happier and Escort (with evidently clear view of tho theory) : “ Very true. I think better woman. We would comfort our Manchester friends bv saying that it’s absurd, you know, to imagine that that—aw—fellah could ever have Sit is more honour to he expelled from such sects than to he connected with been a man—arm is much too long to hold a gun properly ; proves il I them. Wo are even of opinion that a little persecution would he good beyond a doubt—aw !” Exit Dr. Fossil, a sadder if not a wiser man. and wholesome for Spiritualists. It would cause them to think more of Mn. a n d M r s . E v e iu t t , of London, w ho are so widely known for the | one another, ami hand themselves together for strength and protection, wonderful phenomena which have for years occurred at their circles, j I t would also correct that sneaking regard for the old institutions and are at present on a visit to Mr. Everitt, Newgate Street, Bishop ! forms of thought, which are the natural enemies of spiritual enlighteuAuckland. Our friends in the district should make this good couple’s ; incut and liberty. How prone many of our friends are to pour this acquaintance, as they are never loth to help a struggling cause. Mrs. \ new wine into the. old bottles! Even Mr. Kolsall remarks that Miss Everitt has the most ri markablo phenomena occurring continually, and ! Teasdale “ is not cut. oil’ Irom the body of Jesus Christ.” This is a Mr. Everitt would be glad to give an address to any society or Hireling, J term which has to us no meaning, further than to signify that the mind embodying his vast experience as a Spiritualist. This is a ’chance v, hicli i is occupied with tho old forms of thought, rather than to let the soul havo a full view of the now light as it streams in from tho spirit-world. should not be neglected. TKK A1KDIUM AND DAVIIUKAK. (T'bc S p i r i t csscnacr. [A M'am-o ri liolcl p \ , m v Knilay I'w n in i;, at oVI.irk, <it »lu> ■ .1 nr ollior oiit lo iw o do not i<ul)ii‘ M k o iv m . By our i i'p n rti n| dor.-(> or .stand i r poll -iI di» tor tho tacts o r triu'llin ; • liy lint Spirits. O ur dosin' 0 , iu laiof. to ;i\i> a faithful ri'iuv.-olitaliot' of what (alo'~ jilnri', lot tliy> K 'l f t i l of fh .-o >v|to c.uinol all u l . I ' i .i i u u a i i A 21, 1873. M A N IF E S T A T IO N S AT MIL (II 1'1'A'S. Tullie Editor. Sir, I send ymi two ooimuuiiie'itioiis of ritlle novel olmrnrli'r, >i/.•, the report, ol I wo m'liiii'en by IIn- spirit liino-ii ,if at I asl purporting so In be. Them' repoil i nro subsl an Iially cor reel, anil, from lie aho nee ,,f tl„,. ilnvmlioiiH from tIm minpl" narrative of events, which I ii I.,|i| loo onen in h it (foiiimuniealions, will, I liope, he plia-ing In . renders. I uni. Sir, your obedient m-nutil, S\ n i.i. iliiir. Ol it l.ondon roadors will ho glad to know that MV. Moi'irn Im- j attain iv- iim-d his Friday ovt-ninu M-aiicv- at. t ho Spirit iml I nut it tit ion. Sin, W ill you allow me, through lie medium ol your .1uiiuia,t ’1 ho Inotids of Spiritualism otliiiot do lioltor than introduce Ihoiigldfill iu v i stitj.ilors to this circle. .Mr. Morse's guides a re heller aide immiln some ol I Im envuiunianees of a e* aie-,. InM ol Mr, II pg im • than at any tune hitherto to instruct those who lavoiir them with their I ml evening. \ » lie' semiee laid" was small, am! u lie- p> , . - pn Were nuiierOtiH (lilleeii or aivleen), .Air. (lo p p y projiood Unit tj, attendance, iiiediiiiiis only should nil nl the table, 'I lie nr •liuiiin w< r. 'll. ■ ( I ppy, .Mr. WilIiniiiH, , and M. .\. r« i ol tin* <•«> ij#;•)»'» ’1. . . , MRS, 111' LTKIi Kl ELD'S S l’l HI t i l l IDES. placed in various parts ol* the room, Tin* II•*»! 11*•»i•11* 1*'ion of Min* t,Mi:. 01 i v S«eincc, l-’ebrii:»rj I.'!. - Spirit Ifiidc, “ Marie Stuart. ) power niter (In* light w/ui ••>.{.itil'll ini i«*«| was our I> 111" -|i i Ai •! .»11ovtr At this t Inee the modiuinistie cleiuent was again strong, Mrs. witli powdered it in, which Mr. Guppy had bought tho day Ir for- •' .-I Ihittcrtie’d heing th chief contributor, " lla n ih o " h. a in, hut soon Mlurli ha IijkI pined «m n shell* n< nr IJi<* - iiic* i;11>!«•. I In* 1 gave place to “ Sunshine," who opened with a long coiiversation with festal lull \v:va one of u Mimiliir kind, hill instead ol r« t ■■>ur i» i • 1, two e -u: k ’nen about some valuable ini.-.-ing p ipers. She then went on which was t;\k«*n from the mine .-lull ns 11»»• n-in, vsni r-ib'V j to describe the spirits whom she e add see in the neighhourhooil ol Hie The spirit IIlf*11 ordemd all those who vvniv not hiI.1ii.;> >I t table \> >y, Hitlers. She desenhed several shinding m a r Mrs 1!u lterlield ; one inlo ouo corner of the room. TIiih ix in^ dour, Iher f!**fin<d i«# , tv*jw, dly. a doetor, with hold head and large la m l. Mrs. Itutb rlicld ilion m iho of power, for tin: lahl- wan lilt'd Inlly s ' f<<1. >n Hr at oiuv recognised this as 111• description of one ol her guides, hut loueliing tho ^n-nlier. To avoid any dan^'T whe ii im;»hf ir ' rur Ir slated theta' was vet another whom if "Sunshine could sec she would tho table hoin^ knocked against Ihe " i-ali- r, t h»* t dil«: .. .- r<moved • bo glad “ Sunshine” replied that if the apirit in ipestion would the wide of tho room farthest from the non-in*diums. II) 'h • ; i ;;materialise lien 'll' somewhat .-he would he aide to see and (h seribo her, ineiit Mr. Williams's book was placed a^uiiift u fable on v.<.. i vt but otncrw e ■ she could not. “ Dr. h’orbes followed, answered a some apples and a tumbler of shot.. Alter v.•• \k p- thu« )ilneiyj, ■, mmiWr of inquiries, gave some prescription*, and relieved by m anipu ilrst man ifestal ion that occurred wan our Ijein^/ pelted with ^ •:<!'. lation a In.ly -nth ring from severe beadaelie. broken into small pieces. Mr. Williams and Mr. d. f . (jut m . ‘: .- r • A ' s..o;i as the seance was over, Mrs. Ifutterfield was suddenly con blown in Iho eyes. The tumbler of slid also which v ; - b .-n /i Mr trolled by a spirit who said she was all Italian, and her name “ llell." Williams was thrown about tbe room. She Slated that the doctor described by “ Sunshino'' was " th e guide Such manifestations as these could not fail to ruffle the i- r.. who preached," and that she herself was the guide whom “ Suusbino pers of the persons present. M. A. wisely (?) took upon 1>>.t could not s c . " l le l l" was in great glee at having been able to show rate tbe spirits soundly, beeausi’ the man if' .’jta* ion * . <p -.ui .--i' : •: herself to her medium at a recent seance with Mrs. Holmes. In after , Soon after this the seance terminated. Many Spiritualists will -o conversation with Mrs. Uutterlleld, wo learned th at “ Sunshine's Mr. Oiippy*B house must l)e fr. .picuted by a very low on! r 0! desc. ipi ,:i of her guide, the doetor, corresponded with the description ! or else bow could such violent manifestation- -e-cur? My - . >. she had received from her own spirit-friends, nnd that “ Hell claimed that the spirits are not of a low ord *r, but ii,.n th • < ■'>’-id :o i ; ;/'■. to have gone to the spirit-w orld StKI years ago, which might account rnauilVsting last night were not good. I would r- all to fh mi for tin- extreme attenuation and resulting invisibility of tbe spirit. M. A. tho very inter<-^ting theological di- .-n ion h- h< l-l ;i >■>• THE CONTINUED REPRESENTATION OF SPIRITS. To the E ditor.—Sir,— I was a witness to the circumstances of which you gave an evict description in your number of the 1st instant. You have related nothing of my going alone into the dark chamber. I t is, perhaps, as well, because there 1 could not witness nor vouch for that alleged to have been observed by others. On the following Friday, five persons, including myself, formed the party at Madame Louise s. \Ye sat clot-' to tho improvised arrangem ent of curtains with an oval bole arranged by pins in tbe cloth. Sitting close to the curtain in the lighted room, faces a p p eared ; one an angellike face, such as 1 haTe never witnessed in the ideal paintings of tho b st a r -ient or modern masters. Then a grotesque and stingy-looking fac* came to the opening; after that n small boy's or girl's face, which was recognised bv one of the persons present. All this took place with every one in the lighted room—no person in tbe dark cliamber. Each appearance seemed to bring its own light in order to make itself p er ceptible beyond our light and in the darkness. Madame Louise then went into the dark chamber, and shortly after, in tbe distance, amid>t the obscurity, appeared an illuminated, very large, indefinite oval, beyond the aperture in the dark room. It glided to tbe hole in the curtain, and becoming smaller and more cone .'titrated, took tbe corrected form from the oval into that of n very natural resemblance to an august person lately passed away. I have seen him often here, and the personal resemblance s m m I m re pew it •to me than lus photographic portraits. He bowed benignly and pleasantly, and showed hinis"If completely, as far as the physiognomy was concerned, repeating the appearance three or n ,r times, and showing side and front face. AVe were so dose that we could iiave touched tbe apparition. Seeming to respond to a remark ot mine in reference to a friend who once fought side by side w ith him in early days ior independence from some of Italy’s feudal thraldom , his face lighted up. nnd shortly after he parted fr . ialleg'.d that Le made a remark orally to h e r in reply. I heard nothing, and can only testily to the app. arance. and feel some scruple on account of war.; of knowledge of the general laws governing these curious developments, ii --'.tig an opinion th at these SI s were any O'h'-r man an intention on tbe part of various spirits to avail themMWM of the wonderful creative powers relegated to them to lend sotnethu g t i our s uses as a representation of their presence, but not of their actually.— 1 am, yours faithfully, S. C iiix s e k y . 52, fins di Home, JJari?f Feb 12th, 1873* [Tbe august personage has been seen rvp since. More of this in a few days.—En. M. | At rite Spiritual Institution, on Tuesday evening, * rfore n full audu re was a fine succession of spirit-forms. Mr. and Airs. Holmes kindly attended, and added to the pow A recognised. “ th e old man, ’ who affirmed to having been taken in a i - B urnt that day at M r. il ; Mr-. ButterSi Id “ Mrs. M'.waU K e r im :' ••James Fhk,” looking dark and w retched; Mrs. Dickinson’s “ little boy" cann Bud re sponded many times ; and las; came “ Mary Queen of Scots." looking truly beautiful: “ Mrs. also look beautiful. The stance was altogether very satis'actory. A la d y w rites from Ja rro w : “ I could tell you many pleasing connected with our sittings." There i* a secret attraction in spirit-communion which none but tbe experienced can understand or appreciate. M r. A l h i a B aldw in, of Helper, lectures this . rening. at Milford, on tbe “ Human Temple and its Occupant." 3fr. Baldwin is not only a rising phrenologist, but a thoughtful .Spiritualist. things I weeks ago with the same spirit that manifest'-d last nitr.ht, \ v j r himself, Mr. Guppy, and J. C. w< re l good : but ai !be seance of last night flfre-n present, and who can t«dl what contrary inlluencf ^ were not i ... by one or more of them? That there was <oi;tra**y iml • ■ a.. self-evident from the fact of the spirit ordering those who w.-re r//. silting at the table into that corner of the room farthest from it. It is worthy of remark that the resin, birdseed, apples, a d tdt thrown by the spirits, were all in close proximity to ot mediums. This may be accounted for by the fact that all bodi do they can be moved by spirit-power must be charged with t i.’ netism given out by the medium or mediums. I am, A Thursday, Feb. 13th, 1873. D. Sir,—With Mr. Guppy's sanction, I forward you v. • seance held at his house la.*t niglit. The persons pres**at v. - Mr. Guppy, Miss M-----. Air. G. < . • ; Mr. J. C. For the ■ • ' ii • ■ . there being no less than four ditlVrei ' voi c v th-- oiliers in tone, &-C. The fire • ; Dibber/' He commoneed byatt mpt ng Orders Grey;" but as lie seemed to forget the exact word-. Air. ry held ’ u b ig high up in td This seemed ts assist MFather Dibber's ” memory, and ho saru verse is s powerful bass voice. He also chanted s -me Latin verses in a rerf pleasing manner. Tbe spirit •• Kat y welcomed all of us, especially Air. J{end' !!. t-» wli-^m . . . - • tiedariy attache d ; she also stroked a “ Katey " *>pok- in her usual small v<-;> • t-» Mr. G y • p" matters, and advised him concerning them ; aft-*r which -ne ] \ Our next visitor was one of wide renown, to wit, “ John King." He sp f gruff manner. He told us that be bad come “jurt to give us a look." but as Messrs. Herne and Williams were g iv z 3 again, and talked a little, and finally wished us _ <*d-nigh:. After supper *‘Father Dibber" had a r Mr. Guppy on a oertair subj< exactly coincide with ‘ Father Dibber's. td-» rever- 1 r : r t: v,H said to be • pupil of “ Father Dibber's/’ also mine in ?• r u -hare «.»♦ ! *<d:s;v* - ' ires itfully call him “ <hd J)d:b- r." \V heard " F Uh< r Dibber" cl aal ising “ Ja tubus; but before the conclusion of tin* seance vre had the ».»*>' •-'■ -;:l of knowing that the reverend father and his pupil had b c n:o :r.. / * li' - - - lie- spiri ’iie tsml i a set of Ws ‘ •' : ' ’ 1i. .1 ; -- t :also were frequent «nd numerous : and M r . '*uj»j»y. aa taken from him, and thrown aboutFebruary 18, 1873. -\ a - ■i [It would have been an additional s./: . ;h the -pirit furnished these reports had been d Li-. AI. T H E SPIR IT-FA G E*' \ T HOM i To tlie IM it or.— Dear Sir.-—3’estorday nr: rn« w i -cl • • interesting s ance at home with Madame J d i.« r s : . ^ 8 n t f-*r spirit-lac' ?, with a low fire and • - - one brother, and mysdf. I had never r- n ?>•.• .. > or-’ very iuick’y app. m d, I felt, at first, fr-gl.tv .d ji.d a?: - * • T H E M E D IU M AND DAY BREAK . K i :h i u / a k y 2 1 , in?:), MANfFKSTATIONS AT MR. GEITY'IS. To the Editor. Sir, I send you two communications of ratheru [A seance is hold ovary Friday evening, a t eight o’clock, at tho office of j novel character, v i t h o report of two seances by tin- .spirit liihimoIf, <,r tho M e d i u m . Hv our reports ot those or o th er circles wo do not on- j at least purporting so to he. These reports arc suhslanlially correct, and, from (lie ahwcico of t-lioso dorse or stand iospon.dhie tor tho facts or teachings givon by the spirits. Our desire i-, iu brief, to give a faithful representation of wlmt , deviations from the simple narrative of ovcnls, which I am told occur takes place, for the Km TH of those who cannot alt nd. too often in my communications, will, I hope, bo pleasing to your readers. —I am, Sir, your obedient servant, S a mu el (Jerry. Quit London readers will be glad to Know that Mr. Morse lias I again resumed Ids Friday evening seances at the Spiritual Institution, I Sir, W ill you allow me, through I lie medium of your colunmw, f,u The friends of Spiritualism cannot do better than introduce thought-, fill investigators to this circle. Mr. Morse’s guides are better able narrate some of tho circumstances of a seance held at Mr. Guppy'-Jioiifjo than at any time hitherto to instruct those who favour them with their lust evening. As the seance-table* was small, and ;i the persons piwj,!, were numerous (fifteen or sixteen), Mr. (flippy propos'd that the attendance. mediums only should sit at the table. The mediums were M il (hippy, Mr. Williams, J. and M. A. The rest of the company Mr. Guppy MBS. .HOTTER I*'1ELI VS Sl’I HIT-GHJIJ>ES. placed in various parts of the room. The first manifc-lafion o! iqimi(Mrs. Olive's seance, February L’L—Spirit-guide, “ Mari© Stuart.”) power after the light was extinguished was our being sprinkled all ovu At this seance the mediumietic elemenl was again strong, Mrs. i with powdered re .sin, which Mr. (hippy had bought the day bolero, and But ter Mold bong the chief contributor. “ Ham bo” began, but soon which ho had placed on a shelf near the seance-table. The n< M, mani gave place to “ Sunshine,” who opened with a long conversation with festation was one of a similar Kind, but Mislead of r«.sin j*oin<- birdsooj, two gentlemen about some valuable missing papers. She then went on which was taken from the same shelf as the resin, was tilled. to describe the spirits whom she could see in the neighbourhood of the Tho spirit then ordered all those who were not sitting at the lable to go sitters. She described several standing near Mrs. Butterfield; one into one corner of tho room. This being dime, there seemed to bo an especially, a doctor, with bald head and large beard. Mrs. Butterfield increase of power, for the table was lifted fully sir feet in th- air, at once recognised this as the description of one of her guides, but touching the gasalier. To avoid any danger which might accrue from stated there was yet another whom if “ Sunshine” oould see she would tho table being knocked against tho gasalier, 1he table was removed to be glad. “ Sunshine” replied that if tho spirit in question would! the side of the room farthest from the non-mediums. By this arrange materialise herself somewhat sho would bo able to see and describe her, * ment Mr. Williams’s back was placed against a table on which were but otherwise she could not. “ Dr. Forbes” followed, answered a | some apples and a tumbler of shot. After we were thus pieced, the number of inquiries, gave some prescriptions, and relieved by manipu- | first manifestation that occurred was our being pelted with the apple! lation a holy sidlering from severe headache. broken into small pieces. Mr. Williams and Air. J. C. got some hevere As soon as the seance was over, Mrs. Butterfield was suddenly con blows in the eyes. The tumbler of shot also which was behind Mr. trolled bv a spirit who said she was an Italian, and her name “ Bell.” j Williams was thrown about the room. She stated that the doctor described by “ Sunshine” was “ tho guide I Such manifestations as these could not fail to ruffle the tem who preached,” and that she herself was the guide whom “ Sunshine” | pers of the persons present. M. A. wisely (?) took upon himself to could not see. “ B ell” was in great glee at having been able to show rate the spirits soundly, because the manifestations were not satisfactory. herself to her medium at a recent seance with Mrs. Ilolmes. In after ‘ Soon after this the seance terminated. Many Spiritualists will say that conversation with Mrs. Butterfield, we learned that “ Sunshine’s ” Mr. Guppy’s house must be frequented by a very low order of spirits, description of her guide, the doctor, corresponded with the description or else how could such violent manifestations occur? My answer ig, she bad received from her own spirit-friends, and that “ B ell” claimed that the spirits are not of a low order, but that the conditions for their to have gone to the spirit-world 800 years ago, which might account manifesting la»t night were not good. I would recall to the mind of for the extreme attenuation and resulting invisibility of the spirit. M. A. the very interesting theological discussion ho held about three weeks ago with the same spirit that manifested last night, when only THE CONTINUED REPRESENTATION OF SPIRITS. himself, Mr. Guppy, and J. C. were present; the conditions were then To the Editor.—Sir,—I was a witness to the circumstances of which good ; but at the seance of last night fifteen or sixteen individuals were you gave an exact description in your number of the 1st instant. You present, and who can tell what contrary influences were not introduced have related nothing of my going alone into the dark chamber. I t is, by one or more of them? T hat there was contrary influence appears perhaps, as well, because there I could not witness nor vouch for that self-evident from the fact of the spirit ordering those who were not alleged to have been observed by others. sitting at the table into th at corner of the room farthest from it. On the following Friday, five persons, including myself, formed the I t is worthy of remark that the resin, birdseed, apples, and shot party at Madame Louise’s. We sat close to the improvised arrangement thrown by the spirits, were all in close proximity to one or other of the of curtains with an oval hole arranged by pins in the cloth. Sitting mediums. This may be accounted for by the fact that all bodies before close to the curtain in the lighted room, faces appeared ; one an angel they can be moved by spirit-power must bo charged with that mag like face, such as I have never witnessed in the ideal paintings of tho netism given out by the medium or mediums.-—I am, &c., best ancient or modern masters. Then a grotesque and stingy-looking Thursday, Feb. 13th, 1873. D. face came to the opening; after that a small boy’s or girl’s face, which was recognised by one of the persons present. All this took place with Sir,—W ith Mr. Guppy’s sanction, I forward you an account of a every one in the lighted room—no person in the dark chamber. Each seance held at his house last night. The persons present were Mr. appearance seemed to bring its own light in order to make itself per- i Guppy, Miss M------, Mr. G. Childs, Mr. Rendell, Mr. Swinburne, and ceptible beyond our light and in the darkness. Madame Louise then Mr. J. C. (medium). For the direct spirit-voices this was perhaps went into the dark chamber, and shortly after, in the distance, amidst the most satisfactory seance of any that I have ever been present at, the obscurity, appeared an illuminated, very large, indefinite oval, beyond there being no less than four different voices, each voice differing from the aperture in the dark room. It glided to the hole in the curtain, ! the others in tone, Ac. The first spirit that manifested was “ Father and becoming smaller and more concentrated, took the corrected form 1 from the oval into that of a very natural resemblance to an august person Dibber.” He commenced by attempting to sing, “ I am a Friar of lately passed away. I have seen him often here, and the personal | Orders G rey;” but as lie seemed to forget the exact words, Mr. Guppy held the song high up in the air, with the leaves open. This seemed ro resemblance seemed more precise to me than his photographic portraits. | assist “ Father Dibber's” memory, and he sang us one verse in a He bowed benignly and pleasantly, and showed himself completely, as i powerful bass voice. He also chanted some Latin verses in a very far as the physiognomy was concerned, repeating the appearance three pleasing manner. The spirit “ Katey ” next put in an appearance, and or four times, and showing side and front face. We were so close that I we could have touched the apparition. Seeming to respond to a remark welcomed all of us, especially Mr. Rendell. to whom she seems par ticularly attached; she also stroked and patted Mr. Swinburne's iac®. of mine in reference to a friend who once fought side by side with him “ K atey” spoke in her usual small voice to Mr. Guppy on private in early days for independence from some of Italy's feudal thraldom, 1 matters, and advised him concerning them ; after which she left. Our bis face lighted up. and shortly after he parted from us. Madame Louise . visitor was one of wide renown, to wit, “ John King.” He spoke alleged that he made a remark orally to her in reply. I heard nothing, j next in his usual quick, gruff manner, lie told us that lie bad come “jus: and can only testify to the appearance, and feel some scruple on account 1 of want of knowledge of the general laws governing these curious i to give ne a look,” but as Messrs. Herne and Williams were giving a developments, in expressing an opinion that these apparitions were any ! seance he could not stay. Late in the evening “ John King’’came again, and talked a little, and finally wished us good-night. other than an intention on the part of various spirits to avail them- ! After supper “ Father D ibber” had a rather warm discussion with selves of the wonderful creative powers relegated to them to lend some- ! Mr. Guppy on a certain subject; and as Mr. Guppy’s views did not thing to our senses as a representation of their presence, but not of their exactly coincide with “ Father Dibber’s,” the reverend father made S. Ciiinner y. actuality.— I am, yours faithfully, some rather strong remarks. A spirit named “ Jack,” said to be a 5A J\nc de Rome, Paris, Feb. 12th, 1873. pupil of “ Father Dibber’s,” also came in for a share of bis displeasure, [Ih e august personage has been seen repeatedly since. More of this for having disrespectfully call'd him “ Old Dibber.” We distinctly in a few days.—E d . M.] heard “ Father D ibber” chastising “ Ja c k ” with one of the speakingA t the Spiritual Institution, on Tuesday evening, before a full tubes ; but before the conclusion of the seance we had the satisfaction audience, there was a fine succession of spirit-forms. Mr. and Mrs. of knowing that the reverend father and bis pupil had become friends Holmes kindly attended, and added to the power. Various faces were again. Besides the spirit-voices, the tambourine and a set of bells recognised. “ The old man,” who affirmed to having been taken in a were played upon at intervals during the seance. The spirit-ligir.s photograph with Mrs. Burns that day at Mr. Hudson's; Mrs. Butter also were frequent and numerous; and Mr. Guppy, who had possession field s spirit, “ B e l l “ Mrs. Mo watt R i t c h i e “ James Fisk,” looking ' of the matches, had them forcibly taken from him, and thrown about. dark and wretched; Mrs. Dickinson’s “ little boy ” came and re- j February 18, 1873. I). sponded many times; and last came “ Mary Queen of Scots,” looking [It would have been an additional satisfaction if the means whereby truly beautiful; “ Mrs. Ritchie” also looked very beautiful. The the spirit furnished these reports hud been staled—E d . M,] seance was altogether very satisfactory. &I)C S p i r i t IH essencjn-. A l a d y w r i t e s from Jarrow: “ I could tell you many pleasing things connected with our sittings.*’ There is a secret attraction in spirit-communion which none but the experienced can understand or appreciate. Mi>. Aq c il a B a l d w in , of Belper, lectures this evening, at Milford, on the “ Human Temple and its Occupant.” Mr. Baldwin is not only a rising phrenologist, but a thoughttul Spiritualist. T H E SPIRIT-FA CES AT HOME. j j To the Editor.—-Dear Sir,—-Yesterday afternoon w- had a in .-: ; interesting seance at homo with Madame Louise and her sen. Wo nl first for spirit.faces, with a low fire and tin* shaded light of ore candle. 1 The only persons present besides the two mediums were my two sir-rs. . one brother, and myself. I had never seen the spirit-faces, and wL i one very quickly appeared, I felt, at first, frightened and astonished,be- F e b ru a ry 21, 1873 T H E M E D IU M AND DAYHHEAK. CAU80 I rt'COCli iflod il ns ri'sriiiblin^ I lit' fuco ol 11 wcll-lviiou 11 Irii'iwl. W cjvl! recognised this first lace, although tho light, was not. nt rong. T1 iis was voi’Y convincing. W e altorwurds saw luu.thpi* taco, w h i c h wo emihl iml quite identify, but if boro some resemblance to an oilier (lour spirit, and whispered iier name. Neither of these faces boro the slightest, reserablanco' to Madame Louise, \y1io sat entrauoed inside the ten)porarv cabinet arranged for the purpose. \Yo saw other faces, hut. not distinctly at all. Afterwards we had a dark seance, when Madamo Louise sat at the ta b le with us, and hor son sat in (ho cabinet. ILo was entranced, and spoke well and with much dignity as the Em peror Napoleon 111. T h is s p irit also spoke in a d e a r whisper, close to me, several sentences in French in answer to questions. Wo did not see him. but he says \m> shall another time. A guitar played an accompaniment, to a. song and floated over our heads, playing all the time. Bolls were rung and carried about. Altogether it was one of the best seances T over enjoyed E m m a D. P o n d e r . being present at.—Yours truly, 11, lluyter )~illas, Brivton Itisc, February 12, 1873. A SUCCESSFUL SEANCE W IT H MRS. HOLMES. To the Editor.—Dear Sir,—On last Sunday evening I had a seance at my house for spiritual manifestations ; there were twenty persons present, including the mediums, Mr. and Mrs. Holmes, of Quebec Street. Only a few of the party were wlmt might, he called Spiritualists, the others at best could only be considered inquirers ; yet such was the character of the manifestations and the power displayed on the occasion, that not one could dispute the all-engrossing fact that, the marvellous results only could be ascribed to an agency at once personal and spiritual, in conditions far superior to embodied humanity. As respects the integrity of the mediums, although tho company chiefly consisted of shrewd business men, who very carefully noted everything that occurred, thero was not a dissenting voice or doubt expressed. The usual phenomena—the voice, the musical instruments, the ring-test, and last, but not least, in an extemporised cabinet wo had four materialised spirit-faces most beautifully and clearly presented to us; in fact, tho seance was a great success.—Yours faithfully, W . N . A r .m f i e l d . Eden Villa, Cairn's lioad. New Wandsworth, Feb. 14th, 1S73. A SOFT IM PEA C H M EN T. To tlie Editor.— Sir,—Your “ Strolling Player ” is guilty of lying, and he has no right to do that to deceive either you or tho readers of the M e d iu m . He won't perhaps confess it, but lie is acting deceptively, I know, in pretending that he has never controlled any medium but Mr. Morse. W hy, sir, he lias been helped himself very much by my spirit-friends, and he lias written through me as characteristically as ever he spoke through Mr. Morse, and to talk of him “ thinking of certain mediums and the influence producing utterances,” &c., is all bosh. H e must either confess he has visited and communicated with other mediums, or the higher spirits will take his power from him, and give it to somebody that will speak the truth. You cannot be too particular with that “ Strolling Player,” for his previous life was not a school where morals and truths were taught as an accomplishment. He knows how to control a medium, but his previous propensity for deceiving the spectators has crept in upon him strongly in this case. I hope you will never entertain any spirits who have been professional conjurers, as suchlike men are not much generally to be trusted to do fairly at all times, as it gratifies their acquired taste to do a little trickery occasionally. Believe me, dear M r. Burns, spirits are to be corrected as well as mortals when they speak xvhat is false, thus stultifying the cause they profess to serve. I also entirely object to that spirit going about the country with that name, to the disgrace of Spiritualism. H e certainly imagines wo are the least respectable and the least intelligent portion of the community. Should he have another name, tell him to resume it at once, and let us have no more “ Strolling P la y ers” among the most progressive and religious people in the world. It is only because people arc apt to view spirits and their doings in a sort of an unnatural way that such a name has been so long tolerated.—Yours truly, A. G a r d n e r . [We hare always found the “ Strolling Player ” not only strictly truthful, but honourable. A player is not necessarily a trickster. There is one strong point in favour of the honesty of the spirit referred to, viz., that he was forced from the physical body by starvation. There are lots of decent people who would do many naughty things ere they came to that.—E d . M.] u n an ce, a p p ro a c h e d tb • It rilsid", looked u p o n lint in v a lid , und at once | i 't uliinii p r e p a r in g food, a n d w ith (In- g re a te s t c a re le d , itu n y d , an d , a tte n d e d to th o sick w om an till sh e was abb: to a ss ist h e rse lf. .Sin: has filially iv e tveri cl, a n d s la te s to 1110, in relat ing th e above, th a t .site ow es j h e r life to t l i o c i r e a n d a tte n d a n c e ol thus.' tw o m in is te rin g s p irits . I Slut also s ta le s l.lnit th e lo u d was so d e lic io u s th it it w.is n o t p o ssib le for J o h n L. B r a n d . , m o rta l h a n d s to p re p a r e its e q u a l.— to u t 's tr u ly , 12, New Kimy Street, Ilull, February lith, 1873. I I’ll Y-ioi.ooiu w. P 11001 s or Immortality.- fin .Sunday, the Nil It just., I) r. William Anderson delivered a bcl tire on the nhovn w>11t'p et, in lie; Cross 1l u ll , Glasgow, to a large audience. Ilelining pbysinlo..v in its widest sense as including lilo in all ils form1 ol manil'i oiion, bo showed 1hat all the physical and mental organs and functions i, d Held for Iheir employment ; that, no desires were implanted merely t ot . nlalise, or without a possibility of their being satisfied. Arguing analogically from this basis, lie concluded that the cerebral organ of spirituality in man clearly pointed out tlie probability, if not tho certainty, of the spiritual state of oxislonce which this organ instinctively led us to believe in. lie next alluded to the phenomena included under tho term somnambulism, both occurring spontaneously and induced by mesmeric manipulations, as affording conclusive evidence that man possessed a set of what be termed spiritual faculties analogous to, but independent of, those exhibited in the physical organism ; and, as there was no normal field for these powers in earth-life, it was reasonable to conclude that scope for t.lieir legitimate employment must exist some where. B ut the facts of modern Spiritualism, which was essentially a branch of physiological study, I10 affirmed, set aside all need for de pendence on analogy. These gave what might be termed a physical demonstration of tho fact that man was a spirit, had a set of spiritual faculties, and had abundant scope for their employment in the great future. The lecturer urged that these despised phenomena could not fail to have a powerful influence on many who would not accept the teachings of the Bible ; and ho had no doubt that to enable men to know, and merely to vaguely believe, that they were immortal, and that they would require to pay twenty shillings in the pound for all their moral debts, must act as a powerful deterrent against all forms of evil, and a strong incentive to a holy, useful life. D r e a m s . —Sir,—Having arrived in this northern district a day or (wo ago, from Glasgow, and having been there connected with the society of Spiritualists, I last night formed a circle in Mr. McLeod's house, a gentleman of great respect in this district. We had nothing xvorth ( noticing further than electrical sensations, which one or two felt in | various ways. We spent a happy evening, and in the course of it I : told the following, which occurred to me about two years ago. I had a : dream, and in it I saw, to all appearance, a spirit; it called iny atten tion to a ruin not far away; every part of it was distinctly shown me, j and my attention was called to a shilling which lay under a turf, the spirit holding the same. I went that day to the ruin, a place I had never been in before, and to my astonishment found the place in all ] respects just as I had seen it in my dream, went to the place where I j was to get the shilling, lifted the turf, found tho shilling, and left the j place wondering at this marvellous phenomenon. Another related the following. Two individuals were travelling together; they were wearied, and having come to a small stream they refreshed themselves, and ono of them fell asleep ; the other, looking on the stream, saw on the other side, to all appearance, his companion ; he stretched across his staff, and felt immediately more than its weight. He in haste awoko his companion, who all at once said, “ Oh, such a strange dream'. j I thought I was on the opposite bank of the stream, and you, seeing me, stretched your staff across, and I walked over upon it.” “ I have,” said his companion, “ ju st done that.” I will report to you any mani festations which our spirit-friends may favour us with.—I am, yours respectfully, F. D. G o r d o n , Arcan, XJrray, by Bcauly, February 8, 1873. A S u c c e s s f u l E x p e r i m e n t e r . —Dear Sir,—I have been induced to investigate Spiritualism lately, and have succeeded to the extent of getting the table to float about two feet from the floor without any visible assistance from the hands, and this with members of our own family only, consequently free from the common objection of trickery. I am therefore induced to accept your offer of information, and shall bo thankful for anything that will assist me in investigating this allim portant subject. I may add that the secular ideas I have cherished hitherto are beginning to totter. I enclose stamps for reply.—Yours respectfully, W . S h a f t o . 123, Great Dude Street, Strangeways, Man chester, February 7, 1873. [No information can be so useful in such a case as the personal help of those Yvho have had experience. We recommend all our Manchester friends to correspond with Mr. R. Fitton, 34, W alnut Street, Cheetham. A weekly conference should be at once established, as at Glasgow, Liverpool, Darlington, and oilier places, where experiences could be discussed and explained. Mr. Shafto’s family seem to be most valuablo mediums.—En. M.] MRS. DICK IN SO N ’S M E D IU M SIIIP . A recent letter received from Mrs. Makdougall Gregory contains some remarks on the mediumship of Mrs. Dickinson, which we think would interest our readers. Mrs. Gregory observes: “ I have had Mrs. Dickinson for a seance, and we were much astonished at her wonderful j T h e B i s h o p o f E x e t e r a n d t i i e R e v . G. P o r t e r .—A letter has powers in seeing at once anyone we asked her about, and describing ! been published from the Bishop of Exeter concerning the sermon their condition of health or symptoms of disease, as far as we could preached by the Rev. G. Porter on the Holy Communion, and respect judge, most accurately. I hope she may be persuaded to remain in ing which it was understood that legal proceedings would be taken. London, as I think she will be a great boon to us.” Mrs. Tebb has also Mr. P orter denied that there was any Scriptural proof that tho Lord's informed us that she consulted Mrs. Dickinson in respect to the health Supper must necessarily be administered by a priest in order to secure of one of her children. Tho resulls were so satisfactory that Mrs. Tebb its validity, and lie also denied that there was any exceeding mystery placed another of her children under Mrs. Dickinson’s treatment. attached to that sacrament. The bishop says that although, in his opinion, no court would hold that the passages quoted from the sermon A SICK WOMAN F E D BY SPIR ITS. contradicted the passages quoted from the formularies, yet, though thero D e a r M r. B u r n s , —Following in the steps of “ Alpha Beta,” will you was no contradiction in detail, still the general teaching of the sermon allow mo a small space in the. M e d iu m for the insertion of one of the diverged very far from the teaching of the Prayer-book. In bis desire most remarkable occurrences in Spiritualism that has ever been rccoi ded that the Lord’s Supper should not he over-valued, Mr. Porter had gone in modern days? W ithin two hundred yards of the address given , very far to the other extreme, and I10 regretted exceedingly that tho below resides an elderly couple. The husband’s occupation is so fur \ reverend gentleman should have uttered many things that he had in the from his residence as to compel him to take with him sufficient eatables ! beat of controversial argument. Still, the latitude given by the courts for the day. The ivife lay very ill in bed, without attendance, and not to clergymen was limited by preciso statements, and not by general able even to raise herself to her feet, sick and faint for want of a little demeanour or formularies. He did not think any court would hold nourishment, too weak to cull for help. W hat was to be done? (Be it that passages quoted from the sermon contravened those quoted from understood slio is a thorough-going Spiritualist.) A passing thought the formularies. He should not think it his duty to put any obstacles Higgested itself-—Can tho spirits help me? Instantly two female figures, in the way of any party proceeding against Mr. Porter at law.—[W hat a storm in a teapot.'— En. M. ] d ra p e d in a shadowy white, each with a pleasing smile on her counte 91 T il K M K D f l f M AND lil.SIIOP At.'CK I.A M ), On Sunday night Id t n Henrico wnn held at 1.1»<• hou».o, of Mr. I’. Everitl, Newgate S ired. Ihttlmp Aiink I i n fI, the i/i'dium being f.lrwell-known .Mr.-. Fverift, of London, IhrOneh vvI»f». •• inU ru?r»<*. i,t n.Iit y so many iuvo b-mi convinced of the fruili of Hpirit. emnmtinioM. 'I 'lie phenomena which were of (In* moM inlenM mg ehnraefer, nonsiMing of jqhrit-lighN, |*'M*fiiinf. rapping*, and tin- voic •" were mod hi ween ■ . fully evolved at, this 'uic<n " .\ip p v /’ the lilt.b* X 'gro boy, r; now much progiv MrJ, jn a mo-if pb M;.ng m »r»ti* r hi i <■ ;c nenc on earth and hi- nntranr . into i>>r it -1iI*•. .Si oh n from hi • parent.?, and carried to South fa ro lin a a a !’ ■•. h death can-a d b, severe b'-atieg from tin- “ boI'nr nin- very trivial fan It. lleMpc;,|. . mod. gratefully (if In- reception bv find and •-*vmji at lift ic on": into the, la, d of spirit. where he h now loved n: d <■.,r- I for. II'n F , thank-: -are due to Mr-. I'ive/iM. for li«-r df-d • i d in iF'ing for the benefit, and elevation of her fellows. We Jer-r tint Mr. Evruiff. m to he invited to give a public reading from hi--* wond^rf-d e-'perienc'-g both in HU town and also in Darlington. i'nwvw mo ■oknt, MARVDKBONK ASSOCIATION 01 s p ir u t a l is m I ' M I R KPS I F TO . A papain:- < ntertainmoot, in connection v. do 'he above. Son.My, will fake o! *e . at the V fbdl, Om -ga J'i.' Aipha Ro/j/J, St. ./ oho'-; . . --. Doom i i at b K-V. n, to f- , I I : -nee ,T : it Oelo-V-C. it. I). .Dmol.'en, K-q.. M .R .f., lift-, kindly ro:.s nted to occupy lie- chair. Madame •’veyer.-i. a pupil of It and whom • i. Famous in a ter charnel' rised a ;: **a gr'-at arti.-.t and a (id io a n i composer, po-jr nUng great fa Me and eh-gance,” ban kin i, / 2r;«, '-d - '■> r-'-xd-'*r -on.'; of' her ov/.o d ei.gl.U n{ com• ' ... ■ . Occupied ,; f.hr : nr fir of I ge . ■ Ia - eond Rowing gentlemen M . Cow- ............ - r-.n i i ' i j a . / - Rond: Mr. if vS-."-..n -To H enry Street, n‘. .Joh ... et, M anchester Sq - d . V ' ■_’d . u 7. W*a. :. C/-' .-' ! :*./roy S nn.rc ; Mr. M- na.-d, JOd, h •, -.o,n O r , r . df.n V /.d--. i i , L; if . e c,r.d ;..\ ‘ ho .I.Vogrec'-.i'/e • - .. . Hon, - 1. ■. I d red . Ton Lniids Por.d Aiaociadon of Spirituali-dc hr-g :/> acr.oo.oc'; the foilow 1r.g .0 r:■;? ■ : vh :—On Afn . i'-v. Fedmary i 7. a S 'd ro- by Mr. Go bs. Subject— V. On Monday, Febrnary -4. a .--n . c by Mr. Lftmo-crt, .ndo-r -pirit■ ■ . ch 3 v lecture Mr. C'■ cr. d dec. i; WLat i= L .c. On Monday, March 10, a stance by Mii> under ift.d-it-c*oL The r/> be held a-. 102. fia./i Por.d Road, Isiing'on. comer of King Henry's Walk. Admission free. Doors opened at eigh‘ o’clock each evening: meeting*, to co/onoenee at half-past eight.—J. WKfi-.TSfi, lion. Sec. D A L E N s p F .a :n :x s o f x p ib it -w lire.lhnui in toil, will y /,li r,o!. join ic-, it, )i<d;ad', / y,,l( ,, F rie n d ; of pi o'u e -,; a n d I n n . -m t /, v/i'l yoo t,f,\i ,, ' /.oridon a m o n g Ihn j>'»or I, >ft 111' ; udi ft n- a-,'' : 'J’he. F’/-/,; i ,i| Aqc.ne-y i ■h u p M- <J,<. | r , . to d o t.l)i . “ ■ It. i ■e/,fidu/'fcd on Hr i>rn;' r,l': t, , . I ado/ , /. tiorlli, principle*. 1'an t -**nc, lin.-.o a n d mo f. a d a p t ;d fo hc/e h • i ' poor / m y - ,, to ’ f'ank . ,.n‘o i n.poi to Alre;L/| y i 1 ; t>u ifiC ' W iil you not. h e l p if to q. n n H O U ftS O f F,f •;/' f, .ft Mo.-<■/>/. . , fro m h a.in, t,o V p.ru • f do. do I 'i o n A { . ' ' ^ 'I : r. .ft A7 0 . . VVi.nor d a /-; do. OM , i 7 *•;'/,* -/ ''' ( T /n .‘. HoOnf.y, f,.n r > n ,,n v ;/ ft-, /,,•!, y , I'ro vi dorr:, a n d F'o-op r;d . ye. ftF,,, , 1; / • , , , ! r / 0 i^, ' ' large, b.n ..r. on 1. Ur ; Oo-oj/-., d <-/n ; ft nrc . of ft .• . ' '* of I'/fifMa.f.dj v/hir.U ' t of t - , ere ..n o f:,Ming / Oy I ’T 'i /> '' 1 •' r r it ix o OT a l ' ! l O lftt.i f t E X l KA , v. , a , ; •/. 1 ■\v.aff/v: /:> //MM/Oft' •<; cffg /V- . F;;ffy«. /, r . n m n / M, So ft - Uaftoo y4. eg ', ftoo /ft f t . , . -fta/ofo/C 1 . .. , • ... of Ml ■::/■' iftn ft/i/, f t g , , / . , y .- , •: . , . '. H vi 1. fcn>. /'. in..';;: a .; / 2 ^ i'.m/ioc ;,y :,F ,'rn. /•' toG. n- , ft,, . /..ft-.,,, w,,. . '.' c-n.’-n/. 7, Y . 2 ft -ft. Mr Fog.-.v-,ft-, ..g •/- of.-y ' b, ' 'a t 7 o'clock, , 1/r ' '• og Fifo’oo e. Mo n ’ /, -' ' - Fog;;,;,.. Muc f, 'j ■. f.-/..,-:, <n ' ,'/..... . F at Sea.,ra: r.r •., H-. r/! V 2--n OF ^ (><;,(/-a' s Ao; Forrt A ftooiet: on '■t hr, . i-'a. .h-.-o ho' - > , f ih iftFoo- /. 0 y y y --. / '• d , ' •:-',n .. 4 o ,v. •. Vi ' (Itft**.day, arrt F. I'i -. ; r f t.,. •> -2., g - car; • 7 2M ft . ; -ft ACrn i o. lor. F T/f r;. :,.o''/, . Oft;.-; ./ft,' 27, Da 1;;V,r. A-ft'ft 0':'-; hear./ . 'ft. ro , >F ‘n., -''/ ft., t f t f t a . - - . V> a/)ro ";y ' h e . , , r./, ;-ftO. Oft. OF, ■(. T :'ip.. . " . -s . F 7. Fo/.ft, h ■. ., /. . 5 : I-f /; rft. OF r>.rn. Fr' 1. ft; -F Aft oi, O-rr '■/: ft/ .VfC-; -r / f 'ren (• '}t.'i ft o'er■ft;,-:. ACroT^.or 1 . hftAMFdH r.'V V.o’n ftFOVgoft v-. .ft-;;.;- % . n / 7 ft y . - ; o : ; /. Oft,. 2. •>'• % n v / . W PE . THE PUBLIC C 0 -0 PE I; A T I V E A G E X C Y MURIl. / / b - / / .y. '•> !(t ih? Si'.QTCtUTj . -,0 ..ft'. . f'O'knnr:-: O, ft. e-.r. 1/ i f ' t i • ’/, '..'ftftr:,. n o y g ft ... ■.• ... .. i-. no.-g a1 ft.'. *V . . . ... : ■' •• •,Oa.r/j, >.r.'-ft'-"1- ¥ . ...-. -../ft., r. Mr. 'ft-. KI. •g r . n.ft. '■ h r ■/, . ft,.ft j ..... . ; v .... . .ft. ,vr M.n I.. :. gv/01 ., do o, -'ftn.'.d- ft..'.'-v.'- d..rncftr,g ftno.'o, 2.ftft <.. , .ft"a , ,M.' n anft o X A T C li E / r - itin & r K'mh.jf'n, a.rn, and 2 p,m. O W E N , . • . :a. '.:.j in ;; I I U M A X Mom/ilv, price #d., po*t-(. Tlirue. urn in l,ngh».n' 1 a n d .'Holland i !!'U, : , , v fiic.nihcr e of <f ■-< opera.(i '/<'■Smhefde ., d e -em d . U , 7 'Vvf)'y, '-I / bed f ap/f T h e i r '-uli < c.d Cl ’.Ji’rlJi1)) u. y 1 T h e i r 1ft 1 I! o- '/I r ,,, X p e r cf nf . onl , ( e nd t hey ' dt,e.n di vide, t/i n r . . . . . . ] , r.L'5fty>./ , f ..n A CT()}tIO(rR.\ f'H V O r RF.AD T H E R O B E R T DAVHFKAK nox - ft' . . . - - ... o n no.ft soon;i y. .vr.n ' ft - -t ft' . . e ." €o :r. --fta. - /.-ft t. t >,> '■ vim: • ’f re. ■. ■' Febr uar y 1 V ol., 3 5 0 p a g e s , la rg e 8 v o . TO BE u.j T H E M E D IU M AND D A Y BR E A K . 21, 1873. H a n d s o m e ly B o u n d . BY S U B S C R I P T I O N , P U B LIS H E D CHEAP IM M E D IA T E LY . EDITION OK THE B Y TILE COMMITTEE OE T1IE LONDON DIALECTICAL SOCIETY. Subscription for EIGHT COPIES, Twenty Shillings (BEING ONLY HALF-A-CKOWN A COPY); SINGLE COPIES, 5s . EACH (Originally Published at Fifteen Shillings). This Edition (printed from the Original Plates, by special arrangement with the Publishing Com mittee,) will he of limited number, and will contain the following items W I T H O U T A B R I D G M E N T . I. Xhe names in full of the Clergymen, Barristers, Solicitors, Physicians, Surgeons, Editors, Litterati, Scientists, Merchants, and others fomiing the Investigating Committee. II. The Report in full, as presented by this body to tlxe Society, after an investigation extending over many months, during which oral and written testimony was obtained from NEARLY ONE HUNDRED PERSONS. III. The whole of the test-experiments made by the investigators in six sxxb-committees, WITHOUT PROFESSIONAL The minutes and reports of the six sub-committees in full. MEDIUMS. IV. V. The names of the witnesses; and the whole of the evidence given nncler cross-examination b}r persons of known credibility, in every grade of society, being a record of extraordinary spiritual phenomena, directly attested— Apparitions—Levitations of heavy bodies, animate and inanimate— Spirit-voices and Music— Spirit-telegraphy, Messages, Writing, Drawing and Painting— Spii'it-healings—Visions in Crystals—Trance-speaking—Prophecies— Speaking in Unknown Tongues—The Handling of red-hot Coals, &c., &c. VI. The whole of the cori’espondence as originally printed, being the letters, opinions, and experiences of many public and professional men of high repute; to which is added ORIGINAL PAPERS AND NOTES OF SEANCES. YH. A list of ancient and modern works on Spiritualism and kindred subjects;—and a copious Index. To the above will be added a resum e of the Press critiques— An original paper, analysing the arguments of the reviewers—Rules for the guidance of investigators—and a Digest of useful modern works on the subject of Spiritualism and its phenomena, for the information of inquirers. This handsome volum e w ill thus he the m ost complete, u seful, a n d the cheapest luorJc ever p u b lish e d on the subject o f S p i r i tualism. I t should be obtained by every in q u ire r, investigator, a n d S p ir itu a lis t, a n d be p la c e d in every lib ra ry i n the K in g d o m , for which purpose it is offered by subscription a t h a lf-p rice, v iz .— EIGHT COPIES FOR TWENTY SHILLINGS. Subscriptions should be sent immediately to J. BURNS, 15, SOUTHAMPTON ROW, HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C. POST-OFFICE ORDERS TO BE .WADE PAYABLE AT H IG H HOLBORN, W.C. *** As a heavy outlay w ill be incurred in printing this Edition, friends w ill greatly assist by promptly Staining Subscribers for this celebrated R eport—Printed Collecting Forms w ill be supplied on application to the Publisher. t h e me t :rM : av d a y br e a k . i - G~l t - 'AGNETINE. M DARLOW’S NEWLY-IMPROVED PATENT MAGNETIC = < Jr _ SKE U AS MA A P P L IA N C E S . - If ^ Z £ = ?* -• •— sc > £ £ 2 £ s r - E? TW Ma iN E T IX : fu M i ci : - • -.' - : i 5--? &: § O X.- & » - » 53 " « = Z © i i. •. .•. .. - •: ' . • . . • . •• . . . - •• • with the .- • W e b a y t t . *a. . ■ • ■ .■ . —i . .d u b e f l a a i i a e f t w e « c » t ^ yoariheM m i. r t u a a e f a l trill ia H ■-oerorfemoe atf I hire **ch gEStthasax: . . .• - . _■ I t o l « e S y h < * f B e « # a f ri* |t t o )»< piof f t e c e n t i w a a t o c: i.-.A th a e o h g - t: = S $5 2. E - : 5! ** •*■* - ■ i--.v. I a a i in r ilin g lj m t a d b e e e l t d e t e s f e u o f i < - “ r ® f t* ; ra -e ~ —Z ' > ~ • 3 y e a r b e e a a h r thne e n d e . I kmefeeemmured 10perfect ^1-------- ~*~r*i T a m mrii— refc it it h n hrra p ria d -{ k i r u i e e wi S. I «&ei] w l t»L e e U z t a n ; ;v r ;z . : r s : v ~ z r ----: ; : ? y e f t t e s p e n a a ty . if c i t p e e l m ms c: 1. ■> ' |H m h g j h e y a a a t th e ta s I a ^ fir, ^ e i the ia i e ecc' « Xhela«e )of See araadr. —■I ” V. I <MS s —-»r*rL — ■- ns zi the rcdy. in r _s : ~X ' ye. m 4 is M f c op into articles aim ed to the t u v x u tifa ie a b . They <aa be a m m iia te a ,ie > e ;te a « r i( tk jr ] H u lp k r- = — 3*?.R dsBeste invalid can wear them a a l m a i h t t b g h e a j a c a n f a u e m . T hey are a t e e a i d j l e s e a m M by the H ediral p reteaam , s a d eaed ie Baspetal peecaoe, uttimtiim " -r~rinfTTffj- rallriln thn 1 ««t»-— O C — — i- •c » -= --'-ta r. r 2 * ' C z c. — — - . Z, — z 0 * _ -- - ~ - C -f - " _ -: : f F W IX .-: T . L-c ■eatioo, w ithout charge o f i n r kind, and un d er i » d r n i 3 i : i " s : w ” • : . i ' ‘ - .r : v - B: E ia r , C. i i i m x , K J ) . . . ' " T : = C - a I I \ T> J > i r i> e - i a i Co. E ~ _ I - re-ftmmen i the use :: A r i: - me 2 *> - . 6 : J DARLOW and CO.. Inventors, Patentees, and Sole Manufacturers, 63, NORTH W O O L W IC H E L L U S T R A IK D PSY254.C HMO^PA- T H IC tt ROAD, P .O tP H U ffT S IN S T IT U T IO N , for the Core of Diseases. Ro a d . JOSEPH ASHMAN,PriircipaL LONDON, E. P O S T -F R E E . A rZ S S R S . H E R N E and W IL L IA M S , SpiB n-M xornu. PRIVATE ‘SEANCES 1 t ?~ 'i i l~<i:ck~n>:n^till*5 -m .‘ 1 L A L IO N N E . L.D.. T r a n c e , P h y s ic a l , Ac.. M edium . holds ; open t: receive enrsjrementi i t r Prtva:e Seances in the 1- - Bi-weekly SEANCES a; 13, Mount S tssz t. New Road, E. Sunday, v . 6 3 0 p m . ; W e d a e - l a y , a t 8 p .m . b y a p p . Lnuner.t- A d m issio n . Is. Cir-;-.ss a t t e u i - d either i th r m e :: at the r-eiien*^ : mve-trrrat'rs —Aiireei. Conduit Street, Founding. W.C. hm: A f R . A N D H R S . H O LM ES wiE hold putlic seances nM i T A 3 JE S Y. M A N S F IE L D , Tesr-Mediurc. Answers Sealed -H- Tree hay. Wednesday, and Thursdav. a; Einht -; 'J Letters, at 361. Sixth Avenue, Ne^- York, U.S.A. Terms. One . Private se-ar.ces can. he had :n the abeve days at'Four oY.xs. aGmnea. Letters may be left with J. £rs>-s, 15, Southamptm B,ew. 1 rooms, by previous arrangement, 16, Old Quebec Street, Marbfe Arth*with 6d- for postage. R S. J. B. D IC K IN SO N . M k d ic a i l .tr. RIXTON.—Persona wishing to INQUIRE into Spiritualiam c a n b e i n a tr n c te i in its p r in u p f e a a n d t o t a i n s i m e o f i t , l i t e r a t u r e o f M r. Jo a > - B o c a e , t ; . B r a m a h R o a d , M a s ty n B o a d , B r ix to n . I n t r o d u c to r y S e a n c e s h e i r o n M o n d a y , W e d n e s d a y , a n l F r i i a v . a t E ig h t o’clock- Admission, 1?. M M M a t-y tst;: H d u tz e .. m th e U nite i S tates . . Diseaeee. ta rn is h e s h e r : a i 1 • . rem ain h it t T erm s. . . — A ddress. - B1 toms bury Square. W.C. Office hours, :r:m One t: Six : : a LS. A Y R E S , Q u a l i f i e d M id w ife , H e a l i n g a n d M lg -I f A D A M E L O U IS E (from New Y o r k . M ed ica l Vn: ' hr.ds a l i r ’.- — d d v: Yi>-r. . 5ZTHTKG Mxnnrx, 16, Moturr S tre e t, New Road, E. York Meiio-al C h e : ; and Women's H:si 1:0.' . aT IE N I S ihL .-h -; SESIER’S ASTHMA REMEDY NEVER EAIIS. C O L D wholeeale by Newbery and Sons, 37, N ew gate S treet. D l»ndcm ; and Kaimes, Bianshards, and Co., Leith Walk, Edinburgh! G e n e :A g e n t for Great Britain, M. J. Sutherland, Bumlev, Lancashire, wn a on re t of 2s. &d_ wifi send a box prepaid. Sole proprietor. Alfred {Jenifer, Pharmacist, Mazotnanie, Wie., United States. e c tu re r on s p ir itu a lis m and k in d re d SUBIEhTo. Terms Moderate. A. I). W i l s o n , 13, Baker Street, Pelior; Lar.e, Ua.iiax. L - . . : : ::.u- 1 l:;: next v eek. . -. . I f l S S HUD SO N . N o r n l y l . C l a i r t o t a n t . a n t Pr. r?. J l M e d iu m , R E C E IV E S V is ito rs d a ily ^ S u n d a y s e x : : ; ' T w e lv e til l S ix o 'c lo c k , a t h e r re s id e n c e . IT . C a stle S tre e t. W : s J h rd S t S h illin g s e a c h V is ito r - -b y L e t t e r ; te rm s , O n e G u in e a . M R S. OLIA’E . A D D IN G TO N H A L L O F P R O G R E S S , 00, O ld C h u r c h S tr e e t, E d o w are Roat>, W.—Next S u n d a y , February 23rd, A TEA PARTY and VOCAL ENTERTAINMENT.—S u n d a y , March 2nd, Mr. MLR' if vt—“ Does Spiritualism solve the Problem of Death Open at 6-30. Admission, Id. and 3d. P “ Q.TJIS CUSTODLET IPSO S CU3TODES ? ” No. I.—A Nineteenth Century Adaptation of Old Inventions to the i - -h New Thoughts and Personal Liberty. Being the report of a ca.se of incarceration in lunatic asylums on account of Spiritualism. Price 6dN 1. II.—Gagging in Madhouses, as Practised by Government Serv ant-: in a Letter to toe People, by “ One of the Gagged.” Price 2d. No. III.—How an Old Woman obtained Passive Writing, and the Outcome Thereof. Price 2d. London: J. B u r n s , 15, Southampton Row, W.C. T r a n c e M e d iu m f o r T e s t C o m m u n i-"1-fro m S p irit R e la tiv e s a n d F r i e n d s ; a ls o fo r t h e C u re cf U .1. D ise a se s b y S p irit-M a g n e tis m a n d P r e s c r ip tio n s .— ls>. B e lm ii: C h a lk F a r m R> :.d, L o n d o n , N .W . R . COGMAN. E l e c t r o - M a g n e t i c H e a l f .r . 15. St. U' ;: Road, Mile End Road, gives Lessons in Medical O.U'v.v - ' Pyscliol gy. Sun lay Evening SEANCES at Seven o'clock: eri: y ; voluntary. DEVELOPING C IR C L E on Monday Evenir.cs. I ' o’clock ; 4s. per month, paid in advance. Lessons given in P.-yc: ■ '" j Science, One Guinea. M Y T IS S G O D F R E Y , C u r a t iv e M e s m e r is t a n d : J i Clairvoyant Examination and complete Diagnosis. 21- ■ .. meri.-ing and Rubbing, One Guinea per Week and Travelling I'M' 'U—Miss G o d f r e y may be seen by appointment only, at 101 Ha.uU ' I Road, N.W. LONDON : Printed and Published by JAMES BURNS, 15, Southampton Row, Holbom, W.C.
© Copyright 2025