No. 1,53.— V o l . IV .] L O N D O N , M A K ('H SPIRITUALISM IN GLASGOW. 1)1!. s e x t o n 's LECTURES.--- PKOGIIKSS OF THE ASSOCIATION. We have had quite an awakening amongst nil classes of the com munity here to the fact that Spiritualism is not yet dead. The news paper editors here have so often announced to their credulous readers that its life was fairly extinct, and that it was at last decently buried, that it must have been a matter of no small astonishment to many to find a few days ago all the dead walls of the city placarded with flaming posters, announcing a series of three lectures by Dr. George Sexton, of London, to be delivered in the City Hall Saloon, under the auspices of the Glasgow Association of Spiritualists.” Amongst the Secularists especially must the announcement have created not a little interest. The Secularist Association in Glasgow is strong both in numbers and intelligence. Dr. Sexton has hitherto been their great champion, and until his recent conversion to Spiritualism was held in high respect by them. The anticipation, therefore, that they would turn out in numbers to hear the Doctor in his first lecture giving his reasons for the great change he has made, was not belied. On the first night, Wednesday, the 19th ult., the hall was very respectably filled by a most attentive audience. The manly vigour of the Doctor’s address drew forth frequent bursts of applause, and no one, with a spark of charity in his nature, could listen to him without being impressed with the thorough honesty, sincerity, and genuine enthusiasm which he manifested throughout its delivery. He explained the gradual process of development which had been going on in his mind with regard to the phenomena of Spiritualism, and how, for a long series of years, while violently rejecting the spiritual hypothesis, lie had held the phenomena to be genuine and unaccountable, n e gave an account in detail of that much-misrepresented seance with the Davenport Brothers, and emphatically contradicted the version given of it by Mr. Bradlaugh, who, he said, had openly declared at the time that the phenomena quite surpassed his comprehension, and were not clue to trickery on the part of the mediums. He claimed for Spiritualism the fullest exami nation, as it was a matter-of-fact subject, above more speculation, and could be demonstrated to the satisfaction of all who would put them selves to the trouble, as he had done. At the conclusion of the lecture an opportunity was offered, and greedily accepted on the part of the Secularists, of putting questions to the Doctor. They were, howover, for the most part, of the silliest description, and elicited no small amount of amusement at the expense of the “ hecklers,” amongst whom, I may mention, was an ex-member of our Town Council. On Saturday evening, February 22, the second lecture was delivered, the subject being, “ The Theories invented to account for tho Pheno mena of Spiritualism.” The topic was handled in the most masterly manner, and showed on the part of the lecturer a very wide and ex tensive course of reading and study. On this occasion the Secularists turned out again very numerously, and evinced, by tho earnestness of their attention and the questions at the close, that they had got some thing worth taking home with them to digest at their leisure. Sunday evening, however, was the great culminating night. The hall was filled in every part, many not being able to find seats. The Wednesday evening lecture had beeu very fully reported in the daily papers, and thereby a considerable amount of interest had been awakened in the public mind. The novelty of allowing questions had also added much to the effect, but as this licence was likely to be looked upon as a right, and was calculated to merge into somewhat of a stormy debate, the Association very prudently determined that this privilege should not be given on the Sunday evening, more especially as the hall had been let by the authorities on the distinct under standing that discussion would not be carried on there. The services were therefore conducted after the ordinary religious style, with praise and prayer. Thereafter Dr. Sexton delivered himself of his most masterly effort, discoursing for a full hour upon “ Tho Existence of God and the Immortality of the Soul demonstrated by Modern Spiri tualism.” This was, to my thinking, the most logical of his lectures. He was especially severe upon the Atheistic school of philosophers, 7, 1 8 7 3 . [ P r i c e O ne P lx n v . and demolished, in the most unmerciful manner, tho sophi.-try ar.d irrationalism of those who maintained that, matter e,aid in w originate intelligence. Modern ISpii ituaii.-m li • ch imed to b • tlie philosophicil necessity of the ago. It was the compb-ui :.t of ail tho physical sciences, and that which solved the most nn sterious problems relative to mind and matter. Its teachings, be asserted, were of the most sublime character; and referred to the great doctrine of universal progression as being in harmony with nature, reason, and true religion. M hen the Doctor sat down, amid great applause, the chairman, Mr. IS'isbet, rose, and in a few words referred to the great pleasure all must have had in listening to the lectures just then concluded. He trusted that before long they would have Dr. Sexton back again, and in a much larger hall, when he hoped the charge which had been made for admission (fid.) would be reduced, so that greater facility would be given for all to come and bo benefited by the intellectual treat the Doctor could so well supply. He invited all desirous of further information on the subject of Spiritualism to come to the rooms of the Association, when it would be given freely to all. At this stage, when he was about to give out the closing hymn, simultaneously about half-adozen persons started to their 1'ect in different parts of the hall, and a scene ensued which altogether bailies description. The logic of the Doctor had apparently been too much for many of Lis opponents, for Secularists and Christians in the most fraternal manner poured out their volleys of thunder upon him in the form of questions, curses, and confessions of faith. In vain the chairman protested against thendisorderly conduct, and stated that ample opportunity would be given at the rooms of the Association to satisfy their demands. Or.e gentle man (?) in the body of the hall, high above the tumult of the other voices and with most energetic gesticulations, declared that lie believed in the Lord Jesus Christ. Had he not told us so, it would have been difficult for any one to have believed it from the exhibition he made of himself. Another denounced the Spiritualists ns cowards, and the lecturer a renegade. One very demonstrative individual, a well-known “ stoop ” of one of the Baptist churches here, thundered out the “ Anathema, maranatha ” of the Apostle Paul against us and all who differed from his doctrine. Now, as disturbers of the peace He whole pack of these obstreperous “ bc-lievet-3 ” and “ infidels ” should have been committed to prison, there to fraternise and expend their nlfectionate compliments upon each other till they had learnt the first lesson in good behaviour, and been “ converted '' into some ordinary resem blance to the genus homo. Yet nevertheless is it the fact that these same “ regenerated ” and “ unwashed ’’ did utterly foil every attempt to silence them, and the meeting had ultimately to be dispersed in great confusion, without the chairman being able to have the parting hymn sung or benediction pronounced. This is the second assault of the Holy Alliance of tho “ saints” and tlie “ Secularists” we have had in this city upon the Spiritual movement. That movement, however, will not be retarded by any such attempt. Since the first attack, made at one of Mrs. Hardinge’s meetings about five years ago, our glorious movement has been spreading wide and deep in this great city, and it still advances. We shall have Dr. Sexton soon again, if possible; meanwhile he has done not a little at the present time, by his hold and able advocacy, to stir up that spirit of healthy inquiry which is the sure precursor of great results. There is no spiritual association in the country which should not make an effort to securo him and keep him at the good work. You may be interested to know how the meetings of the Association keep up. At present there is more vigour amongst us than at any previous time. Our hall is crowded every Sunday, and the week-night meetings aro better patronised than ever. This is due, no doubt, to the fact that wo have begun a series of public seances, which are conducted by our American visitor, Dr. Clark. The novelty of tho proceedings has drawn many out., and of course the anxiety to witness manifesta tions is very great. The sittings are held in total darkness, and as tnanv a3 sixty and seventy persons aro often present, composed in great part of strangers. I am not certain that much practical good will be effected in this way, but the members generally are hopeful. 110 THE MEDIUM AND DAYBREAK An effort is being made at Iho present time to get up a children’s lyceuni by several members of the Association, Ilie Association as such not undertaking (ho responsibility, but having granted the uso of the rooms for the purpose to those who feel inclined to carry out the project for themselves, '.t here aro no great start ling manifestations taking place hero at present, or at least, il such is the case, they are not open for examination by the great inquiring public. The clamour here is still for good test mediums, and now more than ever ; these lectures of Dr. Sexton having whetted to a most extraordinary dogroo the desire to witness Iho phenomena which wore so powerful as to con vince him. .1 trust something will ho done soon to moot this demand. W o have no lack of mediums, but they will not come before the public. No doubt tin) spirits will take their own time and bring about matters all right. We must remember there aro more Ilian one at Iho making of such arrangements. 1 have to apologise for the length of the epistle, but trusting you will find space for it,—Believe me, yours over sincerely, Jos. B iio iv n , 1<•>:.!, Hospital Hired, Glasgow. Corresponding Sec. SP1 KIT-TIC AC III NOS THROUGH DARK SEANCES. 'To the lulitor o f the Medium and Dayhrealx. Dr.vit S r;,—“ Jack Sprat,” the pickpocket, “ Rush," the murderer, “ Captain Rollick,” tlio “ Strolling Player,” and a low more of the same batch of mental and educational powers, have, suddenly become great men. Because they have come out. of the. llesli, and are now ghosts, we find they are lauded and magnified as teachers of divine knowledge — as infallible guides in morals, in theology. Though they have only been sustaining for a very few years Ilie character of ghosts, they pro fess to be experts in theology, to know all that happened thousands of years before they were born, and to be superior to the prophetic and miracle teachers of past times. They talk us if God had chosen them for his cabinet ministers. Tho noble and tho inspired of past ages are to play second fiddle to strolling players, pickpockets, murderers, and others of like activities. Some Spiritualists seem to make them their counsellors and family advisers; allow them to bo the phenomena-I workers, without thought of selection; they freely take all fish that, swim into the inlet, whether they bo fit for human food or not. Only a few weeks ago, having a kindly invitation to the house of a dreadnought Spiritualist, who a very years ago was a dreadnought Atheist, 1 went, and some five mediums sat in circle, the visitors out side, to secure spiritual manifestations. A well-filled punch-bowl was passed round for all to take a drop, and when the eas was put out the ghosts were invited to finish up what remained of the liquor; they did so, if the sound of swallowing were to bs taken ns evidence. When all were thus “ made jolly,” rough play was tho result. Powdered resiu was flung at the sitters behind the mediums; and yet again, a shower of hemp and cinary seed in the same way ; then a cardboard tube was fl ing so as to upset an ink-bottle on the mantelpiece, and spill its contents on the dress of a lady sitting neir me. This horse-play phenomena, it is true, coaid easily have in the dense darkness been done by one of the mediums, but as they laid the work on the sinews of the ghosts, those ghosts must liave the credit. So great has been tho convulsion of mind from rank Materialism to Spiritualism, from a fixed belief of “ no future” to a fixed belief of “ a future,” that some persons have, like the pendulum, swung from one extreme to the other; and being dreadnoughts, and meaning no evil, are willing to rollick with any kind of disembodied humanities, so as To show to all around What a dear human devil they have found. I have r.o fault to find with those who wish to invite embodied and disembodied nobles and ignobles to tbeir residences, neither to their giving narratives of the incidents that happened at the seances, but I protest against the ceaseless attacks on the teacher of so pure a code of morals as (—against the only teacher who stands out from the crowd as the euunciutor of mans immortality under the phrase "eternal !ile. ’ That teacher's code has driven out of India the burning of widows and impaling of devotees. Ilis code has elevated woman to a level with man—made her the companion, and not the mere animal for man’s use and abuse. Surely amongst the great, the noble in science natural and super natural, who have passed out of the flesh, there are those who would gladly help us, i f our aspirations were for those who could, through signs and wonders, instruct us, while wo are working the work of the earth-duties of everyday life, which duties are fitting us for Hades; those who we could feel were “ ministering spirits,” blending them selves with us, and, by the superior use of the invisible forces of nature, guide us homewards. I would rather hear one sentence in a language I understood, than ten in a language 1 did not understand; so, also, would I rather have one phenomenon clear to my eyesight, than ten incidents in pitch dark, which incidents, however true, would of ne cessity be surrounded by the possibilities of rascalities, and leave on the mind that conviction conveyed by the word dissatisfaction. Personally having seen so much in the light of day, in dusk, in gas light, and in the quiet of my own home, 1 know that almost all the phenomena worth having can be had in the light, with this additional advantage, that as a rule tho spiritual influence is pleasurable, the phenomena interesting, the messages instructive. L';t Spiritualists cultivate converse with the wise and the good ghosts, who can and are willing to help us along the rugged roads of practical life. L a our aspirations, our confidence be in the Creator of creation, and lie will Feml down Ills heavenlv powers March 7, 1873. to say I went gladly, because I have a great respect for “ Kuley" q, spirit; sho lias done, and is still doing, a great work, and I rl<--,ired t? thank her, and to put two questions, but unfortunately she did ,lr‘, conic, hut instead, some of those navvies of spiritualistic plii-Mow^' The last sentence on giving up the circle was, “ I am miserable,” uH<r,,j by one of them. Lot us take Paul, Philip, Timothy, John, and noblo mirnclo workers, as our guides. Their' code was, “ Ik, Il|!( olliers as you would they should do to you” a glorious condition fv. domestic quiotudo and happiness, and as a preparation for joy v,|„.t’ wo commence our othoreal state of life as gliosis. J. )■;. j [There is much to excite thought in our correspondent's letter,an,i while many might no doubt improve the tone of their inlcrcourse ..j;, spirits, yet the graver criticisms, wo arc happy to say, apply hut to circles of Spiritualists. We scarcely feel in sympathy with the sam,. ing discredit thrown on spirils who may lw foreigners, or not “ rr- j,-,■ aide.” Indeed, Spiritualism, as a'prinoiple of fraternity, breaks <!•*. such distinctions, enabling us to receive man as a brother, hovsev,., distant, his native spot or deep-dyed his soul. Many of the Du,., class have been much benefited by being permitted to cominnnioateat the circle. We do not understand the allusion to Jesus Christ, nor have we ever hoard the moral teachings attributed to him q'-iestioncil by any spirit. We have found Chinese, Indians, and tin; “ Strolling Player’’ in close harmony with these teachings, and cmnot allow di>! credit, to be thrown on their names without taking exception theruo. — E d. M.] AN INQUIRY FROM EGYPT. To the Editor.—Dear Sir,—I would advise “ Inquirer” to" believe not every spirit,” whether in the flesh or out of it. In his letter published in l a s t week’s M e d i u m , he gives four sentences purporting to be communications from spirits, and then adds, “ Now, these senleiicet to us are quite new : we never remember to have seen them in our reading, and I for one firmly believe they originated with our spirit, friend 1Sarah.’ ” I refer him to “ Life Thoughts,” by Henry Ward Beecher ; on page 111, he will see the sentence, “ Of all earthly mu-ie, that which reaches the furt heat into heaven is the heating of a loving heart,” is evidently the original; and on page 70 J also find, “ The mu who throws his plans into the current of Divine Providence will never want room to float his hull.” The slight alteration made in these sentences at the seance (whether by those in the flesh or out of it, I know not) is of small moment, although I think no improvement upon the original. I liave no time to hunt up the remaining tw o sentence, but I almost “ firmly believe” they too are extracted from the rime book. Perhaps this may throw some light upon “ Inquirer's” diS. cullies ; at any rate make him a little more careful in believing every spirit so “ firmly,” whether in the flesh or out of it.—I am, d ar .Sir, yours truly, R. W il l ia m s . [We do not gather from the letter from Egypt that the sentencs given at tho circle were intended by the spirits to be considered original. At Mrs. Everitt's circles quotations used to be given in direct-writing. (See Unman Nature, Vol. IY.) In No. 8 of the M e d iu m are fac similes of direct spirit-writing obtained through Mrs. Everitt's mediumship, and a message quoted irom a Times correspondent’s letter. Yet we would not venture to siy that in any of these cases the fpiritwere misleading the sitters. The curious lact remains that matters have thus been communicated quite foreign to the knowledge of the sitters. “ An Inquirer,” in stating that he believed (lie sentences “ originated with the spirit “ Sarah,” might be correct in one sense, namely, that she gave expression to them in the circle ; and not knowing of the exister.c? of such sentences previously, “ An Inquirer” might infer or “ believe that the spirit was the author of them. Our correspondent, then, diJ not believe the spirit, nor lias any charge of falsehood been made out against the spirit, but “ An Inquirer,” oil his own responsibility, assumed that the spirit was tho author of the sentences—a very different matter from the view taken by Dr. Williams. While we thank mil-correspondent for pointing out a book in which the sentences may be found, it might be asked whether even II. W. Beecher originated them ; and tho question slill remains as to the cause of the suspension of spirit-communion at that circle. Wo have received an answer from Mr. Morse's guide, but refrain from publishing it til! "e have heard from other circles.—E d . M.] SPIRITUALISM AMONGST BRISTOL SECULARISTS. Last week we quoted from the National Reformer the report of M'Beattie’s lecture on “ Modern Spiritualism,” delivered before the Brbtvl Secular Society. The discussion on the lecture was adjourned to the : following week, a report of which has been furnished by a corre spondent :— “ On Sunday evening, tho 23rd ult., (lie discussion was resumed by Mr. Rogers, and followed by several members of tlio Secular Society, most of whom brought forward tho stale and oft-refuted objections usually urged by the opponents of Spiritualism, viz., hallucination; imposition on tho part of tho mediums; undignified mode of action by a spirit ; supposing it to be true, what is the use of it ? if I were a spirit, and could communicate, instead of rapping on tables and playing violins, I would prevent the miner from opening his Davey lamp, lessen human suffering, Ac., &c. “ Mr. Beattie then replied to the several objections which had boon advanced, and summed up in a clear and impressive manner, showing the good which Spiritualism has accomplished ; also that it is no now manifestation, but is an element which runs through all civilised To cany us onward and upward. history, and is interwoven with the traditions of nearly all savage Let Spiritualists ask for, and not re3t till they have, daylight pheno races. “ Mr. Beatties remarks were listened to with the most respectful mena. Chase away dark seances, except, for devilry. Let us not, be so free and c.i-V in giving up the teacher, Jesus the Christ, merely because attention, and he evidently had tlio majority of the audience with him, we arc fold by murderers, pickpockets, strolling players, Chinese, as was testified by tlio repeated tokens ot approval. “ The room on tlioso two occasions was well filled, and as the average f .rest, Indians, lind others, who give out of their ignoranoes through tranee-niediunis, many of whom, from their imperfect powers, do not attendance is not more than a score or two, it is evident the subject attracted a large number who are not present on ordinary occasions, Ihe clearly receive the utterances of their ghost-guides. result of which will doubtless he that many will be led to look into the • J . E x mo iik J o n e s . I’ S-—Since writing the foregoing I have read an account of the matter and investigate for themselves, and this is the most satisfactory seance I was at, narrated by one of the spirits who signs “ 1>.” I desire method of getting at the truth.” M a r c h 7, 1 8 7 3 t he m e d iu m a n d d a y br e a k MATTER, SPIRIT, AND FORCE. I feel su re t h a t t h e E d i t o r o f tlio M e d iu m w ill a llo w m o t o correct b e in g th e p r e a c h e r , w h e n s o e v e r th e s p i r i t c a m e u p o n h irn ; w h ic h to o k h im ly k t h e f itts o f a n a g u e , s o rn ty m s tw ise , so rn e ty m s t h r y s e in a d a y .’ a misquotation. Mr. Beattie quotes me as saying, “ Wlint is called — Gordon's Britain's Distemper, p. 212.” spirit is merely an essence, or rare and subtle condition ol matter ; and , Cromwell’s conduct greatly puzzled the clergymen of the .Scotch kirk force is simply the special potential ability, or the substance having such j of that day, and I am curious to know whether Buckle, two centuries potential ability,” leaving out the concluding words “ in action ”—“ po later, lmd any better insight into the peculiar character of that detertential ability in action,” it should have been -and the omission shows I mined man? You said that Buckle, lacking a certain kind of knowMr. Beattie's inability to comprehend the question, the whole force of ; ledge, was unfit to write the “ History of Civilization.” While he was the definition resting in the word “ action,” ns tho potential ability 1 penning the passage quoted above, I. am thinking he would be sadly dynamically considered. Nor do I see that the supposition of a “ will troubled what meaning to attach to it.—Yours respectfully, f . S : t :: s t o n e , power" could alter the case in tho least. If the ability were a special 5, Klbotn Street, lliyh Street, Munch' ter, Feb. 27, I *7‘>. condition of the gunpowder to explode, for instance, or of Mr. Beattie’s abilities to explode when duly excited, tboso abilities ns by a spark are SAGACITY OF CANARY BIRDS. brought into action. Now surely Mr. U. did not suppose that I meant that the gunpowder possessed the power of spontaneous combustion; Iu (he month of October, ]H7I, spirit “ King, at a seance 7, v. .L nor can “ will-power ” possess spontaneity, but must art and be acted Mrs. Perrin «u-> medium, handed to a lady pr' .-. -uf. a live f„. . canary, upon just liKe all other powers, and just as tho sjvirit. having the will with peremptory injunctions that it should be l iken to ■ v I c.v. or ability must net niter the manner of its special naturo and the “ John King's” desire was complied with, and Jitrle Kafe\ (toe name --ion. On arriv particular laws concerned, whatever tlie difference be—Just, for instance, which I have given to the canary) is now in my as tho laws relating to air or ether are very different from those ing at Niiph s ,ve immediately introduced her to a ren aiv.ablv flr.e ur During p ,- r, relating to water. But I have no wish to dispute with Air. B. further who, having no name, we baptised him .John. concerning either his fancies or bis fallacies. But if Mr. Beattie fancies Katey gave us seven broods of the most lovely and sig that Professor lyndall by tbo term “ energy” means to imply “ will in birds, which, owing to their mother's lia-ie in maki: o j,. ne-.'-. -L action.’ he is in error, since Tyndall plainly affirms that the phenomena ; pecked savagely whenever we approached the cage, to show us . of mind and will tire tli - concomitants of material action, and that ive unwillingness lo take any further care of them, and thus eo , -Win2 .-, iron, have no ability or faculty fitted for tho discernment of tho primal i ten days or a fortnight after their being hatched, to take to efficient cause in nature ; and if will and intelligence be t.he property | and to bring them up by band. Let me now relate a few of the tricks of these dear li -Jo canaries, ot spirit, the spirit must be the basis and primary source ol power, and of the sense of heat and light induced by the ethereal external action which, in my opinion, surpass all records of sagacity I know or’ in through the senses on tho brain, primarily set up by the explosion of i winged tribes. Baby, one of the youngest of the stock, resides in a do . le cage, on the gunpowder in the instance referred to. II. Or. A. 1 the other half of which lives his father. Baby is often ind .iged v. i-h 1a crumb of savoy-biscuit, a delicacy we think is not good : the old bird; but bis offspring thinks differently, therefore he v. . Id take a WAS JOHN THE BAPTIST A REINCARNATION OF E L IJA H ? little morsel of the goody near the partition of the cage, to which his -. re may have access : then he perches himself on the highest perch, as If To the Editor o f the M edium and Daybreak. he had forgotten all about it; but no sooner does the old bird put bis head Deab Snt,—In taking upon me to give an opinion on, in answer to, between the bars of the division to get at the crumb, than the play'd the question of your correspondent “ B. P .” in the M e d i u m o f February -'th, “ If a spirit has various reincarnations, partaking of various little thing, quick as an arrow, rushes to the spot and sna’ch -s the g away. He then, as if repenting the too great liberty he ;a- taken, (earth) lives, by which name should the spirit be known ?” I do so returns to the partition with the crumb in his beak, and flipping Lis under a deep sense of the great importance of the subject, and as wings, offers it in propria persona to his parent, who accepts - e.. -rregards what would be the logical result of any real conclusion on this fully, acknowledging the gift with outspread wings. The same little weighty point, on which spirits are as much at loggerheads as men. j bird, baby, is also fond of another game. When we give him a piece of The question is asked in especial reference to Elijah and John the thread or twine, he invariably goes to the partition, offering his father Baptist, and it is true “ B. P .” gives us the only argument that has, I one end of i t ; and when the old bird has taken hold of the rbread, thev think, the least force in the direction of his views, viz. that the Baptist both pull at the two ends, making a kind of see-saw, w h ic h seen'.: to was not a reincarnation of Elijah, because “ after his decease, the spirit afford them great amusement. of Elias (not John) appears with Moses on the mount to Jesus.” Another instance of their sagacity. Tip, one of the f o r m e r b r o o d , But had the Transfiguration occurred during his earth-life, the Baptist is very fond of lettuce and endive leaves. Sometimes in e a tin g the could not then have been so well identified with Elias, except by his verdure it will fall to the bottom of the cage and become s o ile d double; yet after his death he might well be identified and recognised the sand. He will then come down, take up the leaf, place it d e lib e ra te ly by the Apostles, under the resumption of his ancient title, as they had in his water-glass, give it a regular good s h a k e in t h e w a te r , a n d t h e n been told to do. return to the perch to enjoy his favourite food. The Apostles had been plainly told by one in whom they fully Their mother Ivatey, however, is by far the most clever o f th e b ir d s . relied, even while John the Baptist was in the flesh (Matt. xi. 4), “ this I could give many instances of her sagacity. Being very lbnd of t h e is E l i a s a n d that which is still more forcible, after his death, and ; yolk of a hard-boiled egg, when we a p p r o a c h her a n d s h e w ish e s u s to directly subsequent to the Transfiguration itself, even “ as they came give her some, she will peck that part of th e cage w h e r e we u s u a lly p l a t e down from the mountain ” where Elias had appeared, as detailed it—a most expressive way of showing us her desire. Her s k i.1 i:i m a k i: g Matt, xvii., Jesus gave Peter, James, and John an explanation con- | a nest is very great, but it is most striking to observe her w id e n it with cerning Elias that seems to have led them to a decided conclusion upon her feet and wings, according to the growth of her little o n e s in number this important point; and it was even at this very time, after just and size. having seen Elias, that they seem fully to have “ understood that he We are wont to ascribe the sagacity of animals to sheer in s tin c t, and spake unto them of John the Baptist.” They must, I think, have . no doubt, as in the case of building a nest, the theory may s t a n d good; recognised him. What can be more probable, then, that after this but in many other of their performances demanding pram the there should be no longer any doubt or hesitation on the subject, but exercise of the three faculties constituting reason—namely, memory, that the disciples should speak and write of John the Baptist by the intellect, and imagination—becomes apparent. I f so, at the d isso lu tio n , name taught them by their Master ? This belief has been held in the of animals do these faculties perish, or are they destined to unfold by most orthodox days. If I turn to the prophecy of the reincarnation successive stages of animal life, until they merge into the human? A of Elijah, in the last verses of the prophet Malachi, I find the notes bold query may this seem to many, but the contradictory answers that of D'Oyly and Mant’s Bible saying, “ Our Saviour has interpreted this we receive on the subject from the spirit-world only show that the Elias to be John the Baptist.” And again, in a note to Matt. xi. 14, invisibles know as little on the subject as we do ; therefore it is reason “ It was a general tradition in the Jewish nation that Elias or Elijah able for us to suspend our judgment on a subject which may remain still the lishbite was to come in person.” an open question longlastingly alter man has reached the superior s:at It is a remarkable fact that the two prominent persons in the New ; Naples, Feb. 23rd, 1373. G. D a m i a n i . e. Testament are alleged to be, one an incarnation and the other a reincar nation. Elijah was probably the most powerful medium of the Old : CLEVER CONJURERS AND DOUBTING SPIRITUALISTS. Testament; he had long inhabited the spheres, and probably would We apologise to a well-known anatomieer of Spiritualistic shams still retain his old title there after the death of John the Baptist, j “ There is not a greater prophet than John the B aptist; but he that is for the delay which has befallen the following letter from Lis pen :— “ Sir,—As an eye-witness of two entertainments given by Messrs. least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.” But again, “ This is Elias which was to come.” Great must have been the cause which Maskelyne and Cook at the Crystal Palace some time ago, allow me to correct an error as to the examination of the cabinets they perform made Elijah but a “ messenger ” ! John the Baptist “ did no miracle,” to quote the learned Dr. Yalpey's with. On these occasions two cabinets were used, one of which I was notes to the Greek Testament—that same Dr. Valpey upon whom allowed to examine. The other contained the reflectors referred to by Canon Calloway was lately so hard because the doctor believed he saw another of your correspondents. The cabinet I examined contained a the spirit of his wife. F or those who are convinced that John the movable floor over two hollow square blocks of wood (about five or Baptist was a reincarnation of Elijah, and also that the laws of Nature six inches square), which rested on tresseis. Into the blocks were packed some wearing apparel. The said wearing apparel was sub are general laws, there can, I opine, be but one further conclusion. sequently used in their entertainment. That the Messrs. Maskelyne W . R. T o m l i n s o n . [It is rather a wild goose chase to try to establish facts in Nature and Cook never professed to be other than conjurers is well known. from theological myths, the real im port of which it is difficult to O ye Spiritualists, why will you doubt a man when he tells you he determine. Modern interpretations are generally found to be false: is conjuring, any more than you doubt mediums when they teli you they are not tricking ? I have seen a large billiard table rise up on for instance, the dogmas of the Christian church, one and all.—En. M.] end while a gas was burning brilliantly over head, and the party OLIVER CROM W ELL A M EDIUM . To the Editor.—Dear Sir,—A week or two ago you had a short notice of Henry Thomas Buckle, author of “ Civilization in England," in the second vol. of which, page .'{.'14, we have the following:—“ A writer of that time informs us that, even in 1648, when Cromwell was in Edinburgh, ‘ he went not to their churches; but it is constantle reported that ewerie day he had sermons in his oune ludgingc, himself through whose mediuinship this was accomplished assures me that the force has no spiritual or supernatural origin. Will you doubt th s also ? “ I , for the p r e s e n t , feci much i n c l i n e d t o a c c e p t th e s p i r i t u a l t h e o r y a s a n e x p la n a t i o n of s o m e p h a s e s I d o n o t c o m p r e h e n d . On se c o n d thought, no ; I a m n o t, a s y e t, I n f a l l ib l e . We were present when our correspondent made the discovery in the cabinet referred to ; but his exposition thereof does not solve tlie chief mystery of the Maskelyne and Cook performance, which ;s the getting 1112 T H E M ED IU M AND DAV BREA K . M a p.i h 7, 1S73. Coer o k F ir s t L e t t e r . in :v ■1 out of a locked, corded, and canvassed box or cask. The secret cavith $ enabled tliein to oomo out of tlie cabinet dressed as gorilla and Stit,—Since vour experience has made you aware of the delusion- . woman, whereas they went in as men. “ Ye Spiritualists ’ do not impostures incident to (so-called) spirit-manifestations, I am sotuenfiv. belu ve that these performers are mediums, nor do they care a couple surprised that you should ask inc, a perfect stranger to yourself, to tafci of straws whether they are or not. The question is not W hat is the i the trouble of examining as truthful into that which you know -r, 1, character of these tricks? bat W hat is the nature and origin of the false, and more especially into a matter which belongs to the trite-; V • spo'pnal phenomena? Another strange confusion ot ideas into which ! silliest form in which are exhibited the phenomena of confused though. our correspondent falls is his accepting the declaration that certain ! pictures obtruding themselves on the “ broken m irror " of crazy br... ; are done bv conjuring as tantamount to an explanation ol how I —Yours trulv, Lmw, such results are effected. The newspapers base, in numerous instances ; March lt\"lH7'J. lately, been rapturous over the ‘‘ candour ’ ot certain prestidigitators Corv o k S e c o n d L e t t e r . who most heartily avowed that their performance was entirely live from Silt,— I must beg you to accept my apologies if I replied w. '. , t a", ' spiritual humbug." Kow we all know that it is the chief business ; Hail you said that the lady of a conjurer to mislead his dupes, not to enlighten them ; and why want of courtesy to your letter. such a process should not be "d o u b ted ” no one but an ass would question was your wile, I should of course have couched my r-thtt.k u; questioning. F or any mans declaration to be deemed ' different terms. But I have been much pestered by letters fr., ev.d:d or creditable, it ought to be clearly and incontrovertibly strangers on questions connected with spirit-manif-cations, or in--; • d .: . : strated, so that the hearer could judge for himself. Have Maske- ; clairvoyance, as if I were a believer in the superstitions with *1 Ivr.e and Cook done so? What have they given ‘‘ Spiritualists” to subjects interesting to accurate scientific examiners are revered bv , U u w e a s'o theirplan ? Absolutely nothing, and pis; ns little to ‘‘do u b t; set of ignorant enthusiasts, and despised by another set of' igv,- far is quite news to us to know that Spiritualists either believe or sceptics. L decline to enter further into a question which nee- - ... doubt in the matter. And after all, what is there absurd in the idea of , the greatest caution on the part of a rational and unprejuii; q a co’ purer being a medium, and, to a certain extent, the tool of spirits? inquirer. But I may frankly say thi3 much :—Firstly, as to V ... I r rits can help the author in his study, the scientist in his laboratory, voyance. The most honest and genuine clairvoyant; are so frequt the poet at his desk, the orator on the rostrum, the musician in his mistaken that I consider it dangerous to rely on them. Secor/i.-,- 1 to spirit-manifestations. That, granting the physical phenomena ■■. . r. i'o. i\s, the actor on the stage, and the philanthropist in his labour of lv ve, whv not the conjurer? Is there any cause to suppose that this limes produced, and which no conjurer can effect under the class of men are exceptional in their relationship to the spirit-world? conditions, the theory that the spirits of the dead are in anv I g:‘..ins. cleverness, is another name for susceptibility to impressions, mixed up with them lias invariably (according to my expert -_ or.Y: oilier words, a certain form of mediumship, why should we not j broken down when submitted to such close cross-examinavo.-i ex v; to and it in such adepts as jugglers? They are generally men of living claimant to an acre of another man's property, on -be li.: nervous temperament, and can accomplish much more than they that he was heir to it, would be subjected to. I Bay, with Y Cx dd at uuv price impart to one in a thousand. Not that we are to “ bon Jingo Hyi-otheset" and though I am disposed to ii: prr s. se :aat they are mediums in disguise, and dishonestly falsifying j things, I accept as true nothing that does not satisfy the 1 _• tit'- fact. They may think they do it all, yet it would be difficult, i process to which a practical mind would subject it.—Yours, Torquay, March 15, 1870. Lv:: v. Tjer'japs, for them to enable you to comprehend how. Seers constantly w; :.;ss the theatre, or on the lecture platform, spirits inspiring a. and speaker when they are quite unconscious of the fact. This CONDITION'S A FFEC T IN G T H E SPIRIT-FACIA. g pail relationship of the sp rit-world is too much ignored in all these A n A p p e a l t o t h e Sc i e n t i s t . in w-i* gut ions. It is true that many conjurers' tricks are such barefaced D ear E d ito r,—I ask space in your paper in order th 1 sLaa.s that no great dexterity is necessary to practise them, while a . . more profound degree of ingenuity and manipulation are neces- ! lenge the “ scientis's" and “ medical stall'" of the country to ■-.1 sv. y to originate and perform others; so that the same degree of genius I is the reason by which—always assuming genuine spirit-forum "j . attested fact, as they are indisputably to my mind and observe-.-, a aptitude is not necessary in all cases. 0 ; the statement respecting the billiard-table it is impossible to judge through one medium we have them intensely ethereal -Y, the, .. while the means used are r.ot fully described ; however, vve cannot help another medium they appear of a colossal type, v-.-t r-vui-.g all -. observing that our correspondent or the force-user, or both, fall into I vraisemblance of the departed human. W ith a third medium th • a .i ther pit of their own digging. I t is stated that “ the force has no are neither too ethereal to bring back the mortal undeniably to t! --: ' . .spiritual or supernatural origin.” We never yet heard of a “ super memory that recognises the mortal through the immortal, natural force,” and know not how to distinguish between spiritual and colossal as the second class alluded to ; but life lik e in form, =z-, a: other forces. When anyone will kindly tell us what force is, then we ; colour—quite independent of that appearance that speaks painfully shall be in such a state of enlightenment as to be able to listen with profit a risin g from the grave, but simply natural. Tell me, ye scl to dissertations respecting it. We think that spirit is the most natural alias ye followers of Esculapius, by what law in nature, th; • • • agency in the world, and cannot conceive of a world without i t ; and : psychical, or otherwise, comes this difference of ajgjtaring: I: y:unless our correspondent thoroughly understands the cause or causes of say it arises from the different constitutional elements brought to &-•*• ph c-nomer.a, it will be at all times difficult for him to decide as to the pecu ! then you do not deny that this valuable class of manifestation ishr: liar agencies employed in producing them or any of them. Yes, we about by emanation from the physical body acting in harmony v o doubt," but for the life of us we cannot say what. The last sentence we, spirit-force. I venture to state that I have had in my own Lyase in despair, leave for the present. If the critics of and objectors to Spiri tunities of closely studying these beautiful phenomena. I have s- -tualism would leave that subject alone till they knew- whether they beloved fathc-r, in the etherealised presentation, as plainly as ever I . - understood themselves or not, clean paper would fall in price. him in the ties;;. O f those in the colossal class, I met one who, thin years ago, I was as intimate as with rny own soul, whose every a; ..; me wards was fraught with that rare friendship which a selfish V - - ; MASICELYNE AND COOK, AAD SPIRITU ALISM . To the Editor.—Dear Sir,—In the interest of Spiritualism and the too frequently to appreciate. I have stood before her in the ma: g :::l faith of mediums, I would most respectfully draw vour atten- spirit-form, eye to eye, mind to mind: have grasped her "i . a :o Messrs. Mr.skelyne ar.d Cook at the Crystal Palace, who profess in the days gone by: and was so completely over t ■■expose Spiritualism as a fraud and a delusion. Could you not send unexpected presence in our midst once more, that the joy u~-: them a challenge ? Such powerful mediums as Mrs. Holmes and Mr. paralysed me for a moment. Through the third valuable eh :. ■■■ Williams could, I think, set them a task. This could be done by a mediumship I have seen Napoleon in a manner so .unuistak.... :c,<- subscriptions. I would gladly give 10s., and, like myself, there the idea of doubt never entered the beholders, and there; ve c. ~ - ' are many investigators that would take an interest in a movement cl go out from them- To you who, like the Sal v ' fit 1 -7 this kind. If you will kindly insert this in the next issue of the Spiritualism, the 1. )ly cause of myself and femily I ■ -. th i t “ it » Mntuu'i. it may be the means of further action in the matter.—I am, j becoming one of the bores of society,” look well to the n v o : you presume to condemn what you have taken no trouble to invcF dear Sir. yours respectfully, S a m u e l P r e n t ic e . I claim entire ignorance of the science of life, cf though-, •' 7. Ti l ;..> I? v , Clap/iam Hoad, London, March T, IS70. laws that govern my physical frame; but am I to say th-ref.:. The r, wspapers notice the performances of these gentlemen at the is no science at all? God forbid iny lips should ever -’ Crystal 1‘ • as exposing “ th- whole imposture of the Davenport ’ pen pen, such foolishness; rather let rny want of educa::;.: s:v—; E • titers," whereas not or.e of the phenomena produced in the ] as well as n.atc-rial, lead me with childlike simplicity p by s: 1 p. of the brothe-s is imitated by these performers. P art of the j the ladder of learning and truth, where in due course, here ur.- ■ ertair.uient :s a mock spirit-seance—a burlesque of matters that } after, I shall discover that Solomon was near the truth when ht be esteemed in juite .. different fashion. In feet the whole j of wisdom, “ H er ways are ways of p l e a s a n t a n d all her pa: 2 is a disgusting outrage. Mr. Maskelyne said he would not peace." Light and wisdom the world yearns for. :.n order :: -I ■up r. the merits or demerits of Spiritualism, which seems, never- the culmin:.::::g distress that overhangs earth's cl-hdren h ' -r. ess. tv have sufficient merit to help a public entertainer to a : -• - .. .— Yc rs faithfully, A e l a i i Sl a t I i- . There is not the remotest resemblance betxx-een their tme Park, W., London, tr.rits at. "he phenomena of Spiritualism. The conditions under March o, 1&i d. tvu :u mediums are placed are not the mechanical contrivances of a [Our ■ rresj indent raises a very interesting q •nrer's -‘age, and the results are equally different. Spiritualists : r - r.ot invite these gentlemen to a contest. They will not accept the we were on the point of writing. bYe Lave observ- d that th ra - ..:--. -the spirit-::.--s is ante: .1 r; ■t only by th ..i i g-. Neither do they app--ur to profess to expose Spiritual- by her nuitions. On or. T ae;I :y :v-:h: _■ r. - . - nun tu.- r.ewsnaper reporters are stupid enough to sav so.— tution, the company was largely composed of ladies. N . .rly — ' E . M.l ' sat at the table In front of the aperture were of the fetal-::::: - :- ; several other ladies were in the rows behind. On that .. a;h ’LETTERS ON SPIRITUALISM BY THE LATE LORD -■ irit-: tr-as were D i:e a: . finely this 11 tt J . , r .sc . LYITO X. who had a brownish appearance)—in fact, highly ideal, yet . , The - li owing letters from Lord Lytton wire received in answer io 1: substantial. On a subsequent evening only two indies we.-s ; ' r : V-j _ ; .n:u .ui.‘- . t i - :.... ressed tt bin. at th" instance o: a stvirit-trier.d ar.d th-’y did r.ot sit at the table, all in that position but z . - -were re masL-line in aq_ -t.rt-tI .-sir b tt iu_ bis - ugh the tusui • • ; ;-f Tue "... eli-kr.own trance-medium, Mrs. Olive, hhe opinions so clearly more cf a reddish masculine tinge, the features w-.-re I . a* , d- _ . J in the second letter seem to indicate that the distinguished cheekbones more prominent. In short, the fig.res Lad . . .-at 3 'q a . lo r ceased his investigations much too soon. The original autograph c h a r a c t e r i s o f ta t mase-line sex. while on the pret. -. - ' i-u ers ore for sale, and terms can be ascertained by addressing Mrs. were as obviously feminine. 'We have seen “ Mary through the meiii-u-ehip of the person (3 mn.e .n pr 01 ve, 4J, Belmont Street, Chalk Farm Road, X.W. Ma r ch 7, 1873. THE MEDIUM AND DAYBREAK. whom the colossal figures are observed. The spirit wore the l'orm characteristic of her, but the face was large and of a brown tinge. Wo caw the same spirit through the medium number three in our corre spondent's letter, and then “ Mary Queen of Scots ” appeared of a fair complexion, and with fine features, very beautiful and highly feminine. We have also sat with the medium number one, who is said to have the etherealised forms. In private and select circles wo have observed the spirit-faces finely detailed in every feature, even to the colour of the eves, a hair, or a wrinkle. At other times, more particularly in promiscuous seances, the faces have been more or less indistinct or “ etherealised.” Here we have an interesting physiological problem, and we may ask, What constitutes the various temperaments in human life? Is it not the preponderance of certain elements or portions of the organism affecting the general appearance of the individual? If so. why should not the emanations from certain temperaments produce spirit-structure characteristic of the temperaments from which the phy sical elementis derived ? We shall probably find that this is a law which runs through all manifestations of life and mind, and that intellectual phenomena are equally amenable to it, as the phrenologist already well knows. These are questions for the Dianoctical Society when it gets to work. See some remarks on this question in Human Nature for March.—Ed. M.] LA N C E T SCRATCHES. Though the dogma may never have been decreed by an oecumenical council, that unfathomable deep, the “ general public,” have some men, journals, and institutions, whose every utterance is as “ infallible” to them as is a Pope’s Bull to a true papist, or the assertion of a father to liis young child. And doubtless, in the present state of education, it is best that it should be so. That the Lancet is thus treated in matters medical there is little doubt. Crowds will drink the vilest spa-water, or change their dinner-wine, according to the whim of the reigning editor or chief contributors. Though we are far from con sidering the opinions of our medical contemporary as infallible, we nevertheless take considerable interest in its utterances, as represen tative of a large and powerful section of society. Physiology is a branch of knowledge that specially comes within the Lancet’s domains, and consequently its opinions should carry weight on all questions involved in that science. Physiology, as commonly defined, is the science of life, and should therefore, we think, include all the varied phenomena known to Spiritualists. They are certainly related to life in its most essential phase—intelligence. Well, then, the Lancet has again “ pronounced ” on the subject of Spiritualism and allied phenomena; and we feel bound to “ mark, learn, and inwardly digest ” what it has to tell us ex cathedra, as it were. Dr. T. L. Nichols, of Malvern, must be well known to many of our readers. He has written the “ Biography of the Davenport Brothers,” and many other works of an interesting and useful nature. Quito recently he published a most valuable work, entitled, “ Human Physi ology the Basis of Sanitary and Social Science.” In this singularly able volume he uses his knowledge of Spiritualism, mesmerism, and kindred topics to illustrate his subject. The other week the Lancet reviewed the work at considerable length, and in a more amiable spirit than we expected. The reviewer says:—“ The greater part is written in a singularly clear and unpretending manner, giving the impression that the writer is a thoroughly well-informed man, who has used his eyes and ears to some purpose in passing through the w orld; whilst every now and then we meet with passages that almost make one’s hair stand on end by their cool assumption.” In justification, the critic refers his readers to Dr. Nichols’s chapter on “ Human Life and Immortality,” in which arguments are based on the facts of Spiri tualism, clairvoyance, mesmerism, &c. After quoting an interesting paragraph on the condition of mail when freed from the fleshly envelope, and the statement that human beings have sometimes the power of seeing clearly what is going on hundreds or thousands of miles away, the reviewer says, “ If Dr. Nichols had said ‘ guess ing’ instead of ‘seeing,’ he would in our judgment have been nearer the mark. Surely he must have been attending some of Mr. Home’s seances, and been converted by Serjeant Cox. This is not science; and it is a pity that such observations, unsupported as they for the most part are by any evidence, or capable of easy explanation where they receive such support, should have been introduced into a work which has otherwise many claims to attention.” After noticing other departments of the volume, the critic advises Dr. Nichole “ to discard Spiritualism, ct hoc genus omne, and we shall then be prepared to recommend it as the best appendix to the ordinary treatises on physiology with which we are acquainted.” Were we believers in the Lancet’s infallibility in physiological matters, we should give up the pursuit of knowledge as worse than a wild-goose chase. Only to think that the “ most p a r t” of the millions of spiritual phenomena are unsupported by any evidence; and where evidence is forthcoming, to find that we have gone so far astray in interpreting their meaning. The reviewer does not enlighten his readers as to the nature of the “ easy explanation ” he has at hand. Doubtless it would be like the old-fashioned prescriptions, a curious medley of humbug, imposture, expectant attention, unconscious muscular and cerebral action, and so forth. How painful to think, that in the same city where Professor Elliotson lived and was martyred for teaching mesmerism, where Doctors Asliburner, Engledue, and many others laboured so heroically in defence of its reality av.d usefulness, the stall' of the Lancet should be oblivious to facts so simple in their production, that their coachmen or druggists’ lads might evoke them alter a week’s training. The mysteries of the microscope are as nothing compared to the mental phenomena evinced by certain professional men. In the February number of Hainan Nature we noticed Dr. Nichols’s volumcat some length ; and vvhiie in some respects our opinion theregiven coincides with thatof the Lancet's reviewer, we drew attention and quoted as noteworthy those very portions which our contemporary condemns so strongly. \Vc still think it one of the strong points in favour of Dr. Nichols's work, that while possessing nil the ordinary physiological knowledge necessary for such a task, he brings to bear on it a species of information nowhere else to be found. Man is essentially a spirit, and in ignore this fact-is to lay ourselves open to grave fallacies in studying physiology. 113 We trust Spiritualists as a body have sufficient esprit dc corps to rally round anyone likely to suffer, pecuniarily or otherwise, for assert ing the truth of the facts of Spiritualism. They arc morally bound to share such burden. Every Spiritualist should be acquainted with !be construction and functions of the “ body wo wear,” and wc know of no singlo volume where such a knowledge can bo obtained in a more plain, pleasant, and practical form, than in that of Dr. Nichols’s. To slightly alter the Lancet's words—“ Because of ils Spiritualism, ct hoc genus omne, wo are prepared to recommend it as the best appendix to the ordinary treatises on physiology with which we are acquainted.” W m. A n d e r s o n , 375, Duke Street, Glasgow. Physician and Surgeon. SPIRITUALISM IN PIM LICO. I wrote you on the subject of Spiritualism in Pimlico, I am happy to say that I have obtained the names of half a dozen personswho would be. willing to join an association in this neighbourhood, and if it could only be started, I am certain that the number on the roll would soon be increased to at least twenty or twenty-five members, as several of those who have given their names have promised to introduce at least four friends each, and 1 could obtain at least five or six myself, besides those whose names I have already. After bearing that the prospect is so good, no doubt you will think it strange that it is not commenced at once; but there is one thing that keeps it back, and this is the most material—a suitable place for meeting is required, and I at present know of nobody who could accommodate with one. Therefore I ask, Is there a Spiritualist in this neighbourhood who has a suitable room to spare once or twice a week, and who has a desire to spread the cause and prove the truths of Spiritualism ? Let him step forward and offer the same, and he would confer a boon on a large number of earnest investigators of this neighbourhood. No doubt, when the association is firmly started, asuitablesum would be granted for rent, gas, &e. One of those whose names I have is a very good physical medium, and has already obtained direct spirit-writing, and is still under rapid development. Offers and suggestions will be thankfully recoived by yours truly, W . R ic h a r d s . 7, Tachhrook Street, Pimlico, S. IF., Feb. 27, 1873. [We hope this communication will meet with a hearty resoonse.— E d . M.] D e a r E d i t o r , —Since SPIRITUALISM AT T H E HALL OF PROGRESS. Mr. C. B. Mersh made another exhibition of his folly on Sunday night by lecturing against Spiritualism. “ Does Spiritualism solve the problem, of Death ? ” was the title of a discourse which, for arrogant assumptions and unmitigated impudence, has never been surpassed even on a Secular platform. The major part of the time was occupied by the repetition of well-worn platitudes concerning the laws of nature and the experience of mankind, a knowledge of which he assumed that he possessed a limitless and inexhaustible store; but the climax of assurance was reached when he coolly told his audience that the -whole body of Spiritualists who have testified and are daily testifying to the higher phenomena of this stupendous fact are, to a man, the victims of delusion and hallucination, and in imminent danger of becoming lunatics by the undue exercise of certain faculties of the mind. He unhesitatingly stated that the hearing of spirit-voices, the seeing and handling of materialised spirit-forms, is a delusion, the result of long-continued indulgence in a morbid fancy, the end of which is to plunge mankind into the grossest superstition. I t was no use telling him that any sceptic could satisfy himself of the reality of the phenomena by devoting a few shillings and hours to the study of th e m ; that it resolves itself into a question of honesty on the p art of the mediums. This question he does not raise, but contents himself by treating our testimony as worthless on the ground already stated. And what think you are his qualifications for passing this verdict? Listen, ye Yarleys, and Gullys, and Wallaces, and the host of investigators who have made these studies your specialty for years ; hide your diminished heads, and hearken to the oracle. Mr. C. B. Mersh has spoken it. He has never attended a seance at which the alleged phe nomena occurred; he has not time at his disposal; so he amuses him self occasionally by “ o rating” on a subject of which he knows as much as his sapient auditors. There was a rather sharp discussion, in which two Spiritualists and a Materialist took part. On leaving the hall I was accostod by several of the old hands, and questioned as to the best means of practically investigating the matter. Some of them seem to be heartily sick of these eternal negations, and are sighing for a piece of solid ground on which to rest their weary feet. To all such 1 say. Don’t pay any man to do your thinking, “ but come, drink of the water of life (truth) freely ; yea, buy wine and milk without money and with J. H ocker . out price.” Henri/ Street, St. John's Wood. [Our Secularist friends are doing invaluable work in disgusting the thoughtful with their nonsense. We feel sorry our correspondent, once one of them, should speak so hard o f such valuable servants.— E d . A t.] The Thunderbolt, a rather tame imitation of Jupiter's implements, notices the M e d iu m as “ well printed, and, what is more amazing, well written,” and that it is more funny than Punch or Fun. Our atmospheric contemporary has taken the hint, and boldly leads the way to success in “ a clairvoyant story,” with a miserably poor plot. The hero is coming up from Plymouth in the mail train. When near Bristol he finds a lady, whom he had not noticed before, in the carriage with him. She beckons him out, and he follows her into the streets of Bristol, when she disappears ; and when lie returns to the station't h e train is just gone—luckily for him, for the train got, smashed on its way to London. The only funny thing in this silly fable is that our soft headed woman-follower says he read the Pall M all Gacetic in the train, whereas the year in which the incident is said to have occurred is several years in advance of that paper’s establishment. Perhaps it was only the ghost, of flu? forthcoming but uncontemplated paper he was reading. As the story is to be continued, we anxiously await, the solution of this psychological mysterv. Miss K f . e v e s will lecture under spirit-control on Monday evening, at half-past eight, at 1(J2, Ball’s Pond Road. Admission free. Ill T ltlC M E D IU M A M ) DAYBREAK. M Alii || *H7:i . 10 M r Ik Ri'dgatc, for Netting- ■20 Ik W. \\ i'll! ItlM'ht'Hil |.’ , THE CIRCULATION OF THE MEDIUM. AN1) li "iglili’j SpirituulisiH '' ham Association TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 1 ' Eyil. L-i|. ttinL'ii 20 Mr. K, Foster, Frost on i V k i'unliidier is instituting Iho greatest laeilitios for I'uvulating tliis 1 Miss Douglas 8 ('. T, 1look. Esq. pa per, and submits Iho tallowing soulti el' Subscriptions: 8 t L N. 8i nni bridge, Ik,. 10 .1, It. H Mr. I'- SlM'iieer, 1ayhurn One o. >py. 1'Osi. lVoo, Wivkl v. U.t.; per annum, its. Hd. Iti Truth Promoter Two i‘i'JMOS »> 8 Mr. •E 111'l’oil, Ni’iliin»|. „ 10s. 10il. 8 8. Hooking, Esq. yy l 111VO „ 1,1. „ 17s. •Id. H Mr. W - Vermin, rtt,iXl.|„r ", 8 Mr. I!. Hriullmry, Murky Four „ IDs. Oil. yy »» •lid. 12 Mr. 11i'iiry \\ liill iagluii 8 I'. Koimrrs, Esq, Fi\ o „ ill 3s. lOd. yy m 6{it. 8 T. H irlm nlson, Esq. 24 Mr. It. 11a.lilies, 1tirmiiic,).. Six copies anil upw ards, in one w rapper, post tree, hi. each per week 8 Mr. t '<inm-i 1lur ||mi,,I,, 1,1 8 N. K ilburn, Esq. or Is. Id. per vear. 8 ,1. Wilson, Esq. 11udclcrsflolil All sue)) o rd e rs, a n d e o n u n u n ie a lions for th e 1C. 1it or, sh o u ld bo a d d re sse d 12 Mr. <'hainjM'rnow in8 Al iss l’omlor to Ja m k - b i iixs, ( b ’iei o f I n n M k iu im , 1,3, Southampton lime, Uloamshury 8 Mr. .1. 1frown, (1I.t ' <.\v I It. Beamish, Esq. i S * . , Hot'.orn, Loidon, II .('. 8 Mr. .1. 1III), <1l:i 1 Mr. ,1. Appleby Alnwick W holesale Agents F. P itm an, 20, I'u tern o ster How, London, K .F : 8 Mr. .1 tin iulmnif 8 IN Derby, Esq., Northampton C urtieo and Co., Id, C atherine S treet, Slrund, London, W .C .; Jo h n 8 Mrs., M. •s It. A. Wainwriglit,, Esq. L td wood. M anelioster; Jam es M 'lieaehv, SO, Union S treet, (1 las one . 82 M r. F. Fit toil, M anchester 8 N. 1\ l)aw, IOhcj, Tlie t'ublislier is desirous of establishing agoncics and depots for the 8 ( 'apt!. ( \>n|uwl 11\vjl it«•, M.ji, 8 Mr. 8. Ilo w artb , lim ld erslield sale of other Progressive periodieals. traets, and stan d ard w orks, and will 8 Air. >1. IjLllUml, 1<1\TT]|i,(|| 8 D r. 8. T. Speer be i; Iad to receive com m unications from such a= feel disposed to e n ter 8 Dr. I/' K'kllMl t Koht'l'l 8011 8 M r. J . B ent, L oughboro’ this tield of usefulness. 8 W. Tebb, Esq. 8 Mr. T. 1'union, jutl., Mu', Atom* 8 8. Dixon, Esq,, Southampton CONTEXTS OF LAST No. OF “ T H E MEDIUM.” 8 M r. •1. 1 27 Mr. IMake, Newcastle 8 T. 1 M artin L uther, Medium and R eform er — The C hurch Militant 8 Mr. J. Bland, Hull A C riticism —S piritualism and 1‘nhtie Opinion l’ro givssof the Dialectical ■S .1. 1!. SitiM*"-, K «| , lilndl,.,* 8 Mr. N. Smith, Birmingham R e p o rt—M artin L u th e r- The New Printing' M achine- W anted, R ecruits 8 Mr. .1. Pearson, Lye 8 M r. T. \\ ilstMi, AyIcsburv —T he Iju avta-C entenarv of S p iritu alism —Next Sunday in London , 8 .1. W. G. 8 Mr. l)i\«»i\. Kfill id. Town Dr. Sexton's App dn tm euts —The Spirit A lessenger--A Seance w ith | 8 Mr. E. Cameron, Loyburn 8 Mr. •). \\ I’bilur, for l^jjS p iritu alists only - -T ests- E x trao rd in ary M anifestations at. Mr. Faw eitt.’s 8 Mr. Nl i11is, Derby I’on il A'-oocinl ion Cr.vie, Bishop A uckland- More E x tra o rd in a ry Phenom ena - F r u it M am 8 Mr. W. Fenton, Bailey 20 Air. It. 1‘I’Jiruu. iui* SI, ,|, ie- .pious at N ewcastle -Spirit Faces at Mrs, Hassell's Seance A Few 8 Mr. ,). Hopkins, Bridgwater .AmsucimIion, < Irrlicnwo!' Lines b ’ H. it. A. on •• Fancies a n d Fallacies a b o u t S p irit and F o rc o "-2 Mr, W. Sodon 8 ,i. .i . 11iTlsl , 1Ilf 1I.TgUf Fas) l.o:)don S p iritu alists'A sso ciatio n An In q u iry from E gypt, Ac. 8 Mr. E. Stocks, Clmrvvell 14 Mr. 1IroiidbuMl, for Snv.i ] 2 F. Tennyson, Esq. 1 Socii l \ s p e c ia l n o t ic e s . j 8 II. liielfeld, Esq. 8 Air. .1. Davies, Swintuv. A list f J/i cfiir.’s mi I Shtnrts at the Spiritual Institution, in Lemtnn 10 Mr. (!. Tommy. Iln-tul I Mr. .). ,1udd, Birmingham a ’ tie- I ’ ns, may hr fount! on page IIS. 8 Mrs. Butterfield 8 Mr. ,1. Ward, NorthnmiitA l :s f o f . t o - , ,its I- the “ Medium ” and S p iritual Jdtercetlire appears on 8 W. Burns, Esq., Nell,lohirsl. 8 Al rs. NVuddidl, Dortobell., 8 Mr. 11. .1. II uy'lie ,l.'aeii'iri,, p. .•-.•■ lli). L i formation respecting the non emeiit in th e ir particultir distriet | 12 Mr. A. Dewhirst, Hatley 8 Mr. W.T. Wilson, King’s ( Voss 10 Air. .1, W ilde, II:i;:r l.'un III ■ of-taiued front most o f these Ayrats. to Mr. T. ltlinkborn, Walsall I 10 Mr. N. Crick, Rusbdon 8 J. Wliito, Esq., Sliudwell Hull 20 Mr. li. \s|)wortli, llalilie ! 8 Rev. ,|. A. Brinkwori.h, Shop8 Air. .1. 11rat hciu'li, Jhit , 8 1metIs ton Mallett 1 Miss Dowdney, ])a\vli-li 8 Mr. T. Hutchins, do. I Mrs. Barrett, London 8 Mr. Lowe F R I D A Y , M A R C H 7, 187:3, 8 Major Owen 24 Air. ,1. AfcRuer, for O'. 8 Mr. J. Sutherland, Burnley AisBOcint.ion TH E R E PO R T SU B SC R IPTIO N LIST. 8 Air. R. Brown, York i) Mr. M. Armitage, Bailey I t gives us pleasure to be still able to announce th at the interest 12 Nit-. T. Onstnan, Stoke 8 J. Culpan, I5sq., 1lalifat 8 Mr. A. Baldwin, Bel]»T iu this cheap edition has not subsided, but that subscriptions come 8 A. Glendinning, Esq. 8 Mr. W. Whitley 8 Mr. G. I!. Clark, for lie in from old and new subscribers. Some have been deterred from 8 Mr. J. Ashman b u r g li P sy ch o l'^ .! further action on the supposition th at the list was closed. We 8 Mr. W. Clarkson, Selby Society shall keep the list open till the last moment possible, for the 8 Dr. Willing 8 Mr. Allwood, Phrenologi?' work cannot be said to he accomplished till every person in the 8 1 Mr. A. Fountain, Wisbech Mr. ,T. ,1. Walker country has been solicited to take a copy. If the endeavour were 8 Air. J. Johnson, Walworth 1 Mr. J. Ridgway, llarewood gone about in a thorough and systematic manner, many thousands 8 Air. E. Hallam, Lincoln Square. of copies would no doubt be required. This is evident from the I Mrs. Cowpor, Bournemouth 8 Air. J. MeMnldrow, Kirkcutlsuccess which attends the efforts of some of our friends. Mr. I Major Monars, Bath bi•ight John Lord is a commercial traveller, and he turns his commercial 8 Mr. J. Hiscocks, Tisbury 8 Dr. 11m ite r , O o h il Park capabilities to account in this matter, and in increasing his order I 8 W. N. Armfield, Esq. 8 Alisii Derby, Northampton to twenty-four copies, he remarks: “ I obtained eight names ! 8 Dr. Dobson, Barrow last evening among my Lancashire friends. I have obtained three | In all 1,421 eopies. names on Manchester Exchange for three of my first sixteen ' copies.” A CURIOUS CHAPTER OF ACCIDENTS. I f Mr. Lord’s tactics were generally followed, Spiritualism would In the Mkdium, No. I-H, Dr. Sexton published some corres he better understood. The various associations are continuing their , pondence and comments, showing that tho editor of the M h f efforts. Our Manchester friends, per Mr. Dan by, increase their num ber to thirty-tw o copies, and we are desired to make the Reformer had groundlessly regarded him ns editor of tlie Spiritm: announcement in the name of the secretary, Mr. II. Fitton, 84, Magazine, and refused to insert Dr. Sexton’s contradiction, fit A W alnut Street, Cheetham. Mr. Pearce, on behalf of the Clerken- Spiritual Magazine for March, the editor quotes tins answer w well Association, desires his number to be put down at twenty correspondent from the National Reformer, of which Dr. S-xua copies, and he thinks he may probably require more. We are glad complained, and remarks, “ The editor of the Spiritual Mnga:ui to observe that one young lady lias taken the field—Miss Derby, i has never lectured in Huddersfield, and has never written to tli of Northampton, having obtained eight subscribers. W e net'll j Rational Reformer.1’ Again, in Ilie National Heformer id let not name all who have distinguished themselves in this work, but week the following extraordinary utterance appears: " J would recommend prompt action, as we shall go to press soon, when Huddersfield.—Mr. Burns, of the Medium, is tho authority Dr our the list must lie closed. A lacly has been so good as to interest statem ent as to tho editorship of the Spiritual Magazine. It \«herself in the new printing-machine question, and it is possible that printed in the report of his speech.” Wo turn to tin' renorl of her kind interposition may enable us to give an order tor one very the debate, not indeed to find a corroboration of Mr. Bradlaiiirli? statement, and there find in his last speech on the second cveniiishortly. it is reported th at Mr. Burns, in recounting bis spiritualistic L i s t o f P a t h o n S u b s c k i i s k u s :— friends who had once been Secularists, makes use of the expression: COPIES iCOPIES “ and I have tho editor of tho Spirit,tied Magazine, who used t" 8 R. II. 2 W. Kingdom, Esq. stand upon the Secular platform.” How Mr. Bradlaugh could 8 W. II. Swepstone, Esq. I I Mrs. Green 8 W. Volckman, Esq. i 8 Mr. Ralph Foster, Darlington couple such a simplo phrase with tho name of Dr. Sexton is» 8 IT. D. Jencken, Esq. psychological enigma which avo tire quite unable to fathom 1 Poor 24 Mr. J. Lord, Rastriok j 10 John Scott, Esq., Belfast 8 Mrs. Makdougall Gregory Mr. Bradlaugh ! There must he something wrong wit It the con 8 Thomas Grant, Esq. I 10 Mr. G. R. Ilinde, Darlington tents of his cranium. Mr. Burns in the debate thought it a bad -JO Mr. T. Blyton, for Dalston omen th at Maudsley and mad doctors should bo so intimately Ill Entnore Jones, Esq. Association 8 Mr. D. Richmond associated w ith tho distinguished Secularist’s menial exercise?. 20 Mr. J. Maynard, for Maryle- 75 Mr. John Chapman, Liverpool Nor is this tortuosity respecting the editorship of the Sjiiritmil 8 Mrs. F. A. Nos worthy bone Association Magazine, the only trick ovhicli our Reformer’s double con 82 Mr. G. Ileppleston, Hudders1 Mrs. Kerby sciousness has served his moral character. Dr. Sexton is ready 8 Mr. T. Thelwall, Hull [field 1 Mr. Fusedale to adduce proof th at tlie liberator of tho people and the scandalise? 20 T. M. Simkiss, Esq. 8 E. T. Bennett, Esq. 8 S. S. Lingl’ord, Esq., Bishop of kings is in the habit of misrepresenting simple mutters of fact in 8 Lieut.-Colonel Steuart respect to w hat occurred at a seance with tho Davenports. What Auckland 8 Rev. W. R. Tomlinson an unlucky witchery this Spiritualism is, to he sure! It reduce? 12 Mr. J. Reedtnan, Stamford 8 Dr. Gully tho “ one-substance” philosophy to such contemptible folly that it 8 Mr. J. L. July an, Peterboro’ 8 Sir Charles Isbam is even beneath ridicule; but w hat of the man, that priceless ytu, 8 Mr. W. A. Findley,j Burslem 10 Mr. J. F. Young .Ma r c h <» 1873. THE MEDIUM AND DAYBREAK 115 , attributes ought to be mado of move sterling stuff than ^hardness, brittleness,” nml the miserable fudge with which ! lorous organisms in the human form divine sink far below the I mt'l of true manhood, id llradlaugh ! "tak a thocht an mend : leave alone the rusty and time-worn aristocracy, and polish up to passibility the new patent instrument with which you intend to boatitV society, but which leaves its user, in an intellectual and moral sense, a spectacle at which simple, sound-hearted, honest men may weep. _____ SA T U R D A Y E V E N IN G S E A N C E S . Mr. Herne commenced a series of seances, under the direction of Mrs. Berry, tit the S piritual Institution, on S atu rd ay evening. The conditions were no t good. The power was carefully collected during the dark seance for a new m anifestation. T his was the exhibition of the spirit-light in candlelight. A spirit-band ap peared twice at the aperture, holding an object about th e size of a sixpence, w hich em itted brilliant scintillations of pure lig h t, as if it had been a diamond. On the second occasion it was of larger size than on the first. “ Deter,” “ K atey,” and “ John K ing,” M ADA M E L O U IS E ’S S E A N C E S . spoke a little, b u t they were too intent on the new m anifestation to Dear Mr. Burns,—Can you spare me space to record m y testi- do much else. G reat success is expected in future sittings. On the same evening Mr. W illiam s had a m ost successful dark jjj0Uv to the marvellous beauty of Madame Louise’s seances? I luu e often said. W h a t would 1 not give to see, face to face, once and light seance, w hich was well attended. The manifestations more the forms of those I have known and loved on ea rth ! This in the dark were highly satisfactory, and the appearance of “ John wish was gratified last evening a t the Progressive L ibrary w hen I, K in g ” in the light was all th a t could be desired. Mr. and Mrs. Ilolm es also announced a seance for .Saturday in company with my wife, distinctly recognised her sister, m other, and father. There can be no m istake in th e m a tte r; w hen the evening, bu t as it was the first tim e, they forgot the arrangem ent, sister appeared at th e aperture you rem em ber someone exclaimed, and w ent out, thus disappointing a considerable num ber of visitors. ‘•Is that you, Sarah Jackson ? ” it turned its saintly face to m e These S aturday evening seances will be continued. and bowed assen t; the same w ith Mr. and Mrs. French, whom I addressed by name w ith th e same results. I have attended scores NEXT SUNDAY IN LONDON. of seances, domestic and professional, but last 'Tuesday evening’s Sunday Services for Spiritualists, at Cavendish Booms, Mortimer experience surpasses all. Street, Wells Street, Oxford Street, at 7. Rev. Guy Bryan on “ The 1 was glad to see th e room full of such respectable and intelli Prevention and Cure of Disease in reference to Spiritualism.” gent-looking persons; they w ere all, save three or four, entire Charles Yoysey, at St. George’s Hall, Langham Place, Regent Street, strangers to me, and they can all testify to the facts here related, at 11. at least, I presume as much. I w onder w hether we w ere all Sunday Evenings for the People, St. George’s Hall, at 7. A lecture dreaming ? I daresay we had worked our heated im aginations up to by G. L. Banks, on “ Robert Burns, bis Life and Lyre,” followed bv such a pitch th a t th e w hole affair was a delusion from beginning Rossini's “ Stabat Mater.” to end: perhaps we saw no faces at a ll: perhaps we w ere not at “ An Unfettered P ulpit,” South Place Chapel, Finsbury, at 11.15. Southampton Row. W ho knows, we m ay probably all have been M. D. Conway, on “ Dilettantism in Religion.” dreaming or drunk. L e t us go and ask some secular lecturer— Mr. ■ New H all of Science, Old Street. C. Bradlaugh, on “ The New Testa C. I!. Mersh. for in stan ce: he is the m an to decide the question, \ ment Record.” because he teas not there. H enry Street, St. John's Wood. J. H o o k e r . A CLERGYMAN AT T H E CAVENDISH ROOMS. [The seance alluded to above was th e best th e m edium has yet It gives us great pleasure to announce that on Sunday evening the given. The first face was a t once recognised by a lady as her son : Rev. Guy Bryan will deliver an address on “ The Prevention and Cure Jam es Fisk, juu., then came, and was recognised by those who had of Disease in reference to Spiritualism.” The rev. gentleman is one of seen him m anifest on previous occasions, as w ell as by Am erican the few who are so constituted as to be able to go out of the beaten track gentlemen who had known him in the flesh. “ M ary Queen of Scots" because of truth. Until recently h? held a position in the Church, which made a very effective m anifestation. One face was scarcely visible be has relinquished on account of the fact that the doctrines required of at all. and was not identified. The whole seance was of a m ost him were not compatible with bis conscience. We hope M r. Bryan satisfactory description, and th e utm ost harm ony pervaded the will be greeted by a full audience. On Sunday week Mr. Shorter, an old favourite, will speak on “ Some crowded room. Mr. H ocker’s performance on the E nglish concertina Lessons from the W ars of the Nineteenth Century.” aided m uch in preserving proper conditions.— E d. M .] M R. B U R N S A T IIE C K M O X D W IK E . W e have been desired to announce th a t tw o sermons w ill be delivered at Ileekm ondw ike on Sunday afternoon and evening, M arch 10th. by Mr. Burns, of the S piritual In stitu tio n , London. F ull particulars will be given next week. M eanwhile th e com m ittee desire us to request th a t all Spiritualists in the d istrict make their arrangem ents to do w h at th e y can to render th e meetings successful. M r . M o r s e ’s seance at the S piritual In stitu tio n w ill not take place this evening because of his absence from tow n. M r . M o r s e will speak in the A ssem bly Rooms. Islington, Liverpool, on Sunday next, as M r. B urns cannot visit th a t tow n till Sunday the 23rd. W e much regret that communications respecting Mrs. Butterfield’s tour have been mislaid. We hope to find them in time for our next issue. Dr. J. B. C o c k e r , late of Leeds, has passed o n to the higher life. Through his quiet but intelligent advocacy of Spiritualism he intro duced the subject to thoughtful minds, who have in their various spheres done very much to promote a knowledge of spirit-communion. I t i i a s b e e n reported in the M e d i u m repeatedly that the Em peror Napoleon III. has appeared frequently in the materialised form at Madame Louise’s seances. A lady reports one of these manifestations, which occurred at a private seance on Monday evening. The Emperor's face appeared at the aperture with great distinctness and intensity of expression. A lady present asked him if he would be pleased to manifest himself before the Empress. The face was radiated with a smile, and he nodded assent. One or two persons present thought they heard the whisper, “ Yes." He was asked, “ Were you a Spiri tualist while you lived on earth ?" “ Yes,” by movement of the head. “ Did you sit with Mr. Home ?" “ Yes." “ Do you esteem him a true and honest m e d i u m “ Yes." On another occasion the Em peror was heard to pronounce a word in French. W e no not intend to take any part in forming Spiritualists into a secret organisation. There is much to say against such a scheme, and as far as we see there is really no need of it. All who have any talent t >help Spiritualism, and the desire to do so, have ample opportunity to occupy themselves. There are many members of society who are much more pleased with ceremony ami circumstance than the plain labour and teaching the truth. To all such, lodges and secret orders are - • •able playthings. There is no secret in Spiritualism, nor need there be any. When Spiritualism organises it must be in some form peculiar to its lucid truths, and not in the garb of mystery, which is tir bulge of ignorance and superstition. That a man should be the fit subject for association with his fellows or intercourse with spirits •'■mp'.y became be can pronounce a meaningless word or squeeze your hvid in a certain way, is surely too childish l’or Spiritualists to notice. L 't o p e n o u ts p o k e n n e s s and bold activity for the tru th and humanity be tb- t. s: o f brotherhood, and not some patent means of making the find bis way into the seat of the laudable. This must be our “’ p re s e t'! to v a r io u s c o r r e s p o n d e n t s . M r . H a r p e r o f Birmingham will address the meeting at Mr. Cogman’s Institution on Sunday evening, at 15, St. Peter's Road, Mile End. Time, seven o’clock. T h e Broad Churchman has opened its columns to the discussion of Spiritualism. James Thornton Hoskins opens with a good letter, and promises a series of articles on the subject in the autumn recess. Mr. T. H. Noyes follows with a very judicious letter. B i s h o p A u c k l a n d .-—Mr. E veritt’s lecture on Wednesday evening was i a great success. The Mechanics’ H all was filled by an attentive audience, who heartily appreciated the lecturer's treatment of the subject. At the close a great number of questions were answered. Altogether, the occasion was calculated to promote the cause. The c o m A f a s t i x c . girl has been found at Turville in Bucks. missioner of the Baih/ Tdegragh has described the whole case at great length. She has lain in a state of insensibility for twenty-two months, and her only nourishment is a little wine and milk poured in between her locked teeth. Mesmerism and electricity would benefit her. W ho dare bold his life as worthless ? Though at present blind and dumb, Coiled up in each bosom lies The history of a world to come. Yours the now ; the race’s future Is ever built on present deed. Take heed you fix a sure foundation— Prop not the plant, but guard the seed. H. C. TiiOKr. has sent a reply to the “ Strolling Player," but we do not see the propriety of publishing it. Indeed, we rather regret that we inserted the first letter. Some people are awfully fond of lashing around them right and left, calling all who excite their censure liars and desperadoes of various shades. We have no sympathy with such conduct. Let us have argument, and if it turns in the direction of inculpating anyone, let him have it hot and strong, but not otherwise. If it be assumed that the “ Strolling Player ” is a liar for saying through Mr. Morse that he does not control any other medium, is it not also likely that the spirits who say they are the “ Strolling P lay er" are also liars ? Let the matter be discussed in a scientific spirit, and get rid of opprobrious epithets. L i t e r a r y N o t i c e s . —A new edition of Mr. Newton Crosknd's essay on “ A pparitions” has just been published by Triibner and Co., price 2s. fid. •• The Anti-Vaccinator and Public Health Journal " is pu b lished fortnightly, price Id. We recommend it heartily to the attention of our readers. “ A Budget ot Paradoxes” is the title of a post humous work by the late Professor de Morgan. It was edited by Mrs. de Morgan. Mr. Conway is said to be engaged on a work giving extracts from the Bibles of the world. Dr. Nichols. author of "L ives of the Davenport Brothers.” “ Human Physiology,” Ac.. lias issued the specimen No. of a new monthly, to commence in Mar, entitled “ Nichols's Journal of Sanitary and Social Science." Copies may be obtained on application to Dr. Nichols, Malvern. M r. Ga r dn er 116 THE MEDIUM AND DAYBREAK March 7 , 18 that occasion ; and if they are not what they are claimed anti MR. AXD MRS. HOLMES'S SEAXCE3. To the Editor.—Dear Sir,—It was my privilege on Thursday evening, sented to be, it is entirely beyond my limited attainments in the ‘20th ult.. to be present at a seance given by those distinguished psychic force to explain either the nature or manner of their n V, mediums, Mr. ar.d Mr-. Holmes, at their place of residence, ltl, Old ance.—Very respectfully yours, Lond-n, February 2*1, 1373. Q ,ebec Street. There were present from twenty-five to thirty persons. [On the following evening a light was s‘ruck by some porsor. u W e were at firs: cL.-ely seated in a circle which ext.-nd 1 entirely around three sides of the room. Mr. Holmes sat at one end of the and as a considerable disturbance was the result, we have heard e circle: Mrs. Holmes was seated about midway or. the remaining side of ing accounts of what was observed. One gentleman affirm. the room, facing the circle. A: her side stood a table, upon which saw the guitar descending from the ceiling. We attended the were a guitar, an iron ring, two wooden rings or bands, bells, and oti Monday evening, and the arrangements were of the mos sir ■ art des. After all things were in reaeh. U, 1. - B I .. I ex test character. A committee searched the whole suite of ro:m plained bristly ti e conditions nee s-ury to be complied with in order sealed the doors and windows with wax. Dr. Hamilton he’. to receive satishetorv manttesiations, and stated that at their public Holmes, and a friend of his tied Mrs. Holmes. A number of s\seances, when chore were so many persons present, they must insist were present, and the most decided satisfaction was produced. Th upon each one complying strictly with the required conditions, as the test was given to four individuals. The seance for the fat s -,r attempt to satisfy the particular requirements of each one would create successful. No phenomena could be obtained while there was : so much contusion that nothing could be done to the satisfaction of in the cabinet. Mr. Holmes went in, accompanied by Mr. Herr anvbodv. but at any other time they were prepared to give private was present—his first visit. Soon the voices of “ Peter’’ arid •■] seances." ar.d submit to any reus -liable and proper conditions that might were heard, and white forms were seen at the aperture, but t be required of them. A: her request her hands were then tied with a distinct to be recognised. “ John Xing-’ took part in the dark ; rope to a chair : each one in the circle joined hands with his neighbour, and responded by sounds to inquiries addressed to him.—E d . 2-1. that no one might move without the knowledge of others. The light being extinguished, a movement was almost immediately heard among SPIRITUALISM IX PUBLIC OPIXIOX. the articles upon the table, the strings of the guitar Tibrating as if The correspondence becomes more interesting and decidedly spi touched by mortal fingers, and from the sound it appeared to be f .ting around the room, and over our heads ; it was once laid in my istic. The opening letter last week is by an “ Inquirer," who wr and again touched my hand. Several others testified to being ' the tone of a doubter. He says :— “ I have, during temporary sojoumings in London, listened to a touched wita it. At the same time a bell was ringing, and the other articles were scattered about the room promiscuously. A light was spirit-voices in the house of that upright, excellent, and leading struck, and order restored, when Mr. Holmes, at the request of a nent of the doctrines, Mr. Burns (Southampton Row ,, and I hav gentleman, took a sea: in the centre of the circle, that he might be with deep interest much spiritualistic literature, but I scrro m ire strictly guarded. The light being again extinguished, the mani confess that, notwithstanding these and other experiences, it uus festations commenced instantly, quite similar to those already described, yet been my lot to obtain what I consider fair and reliable eviden. ar.d continued for several minutes, when Mrs. Holmes was controlled by the spirits of departed friends do or can communicate by me a spirit said to be that of an Indian girl. A request was made that some inanimate objects with the denizens of earth." Mr. Xoyes concludes a letter with the following:— gentleman should come forward, ar.d sit in front of the medium for what is called the ring-test. He was instructed to pass his hands over the “ I have the honour of knowing a very able clergyman, medium’s arms, that he might know there were no rings upon them, high University appointment, who is a trance-medium of the _ and thru to hold both her Lands firmly in his. He was then requested class, and I have been privileged to take down trance commur..: to ascertain that the rings were ail upon the table by touching them from his lips, which are indeed worthy of the high source from without letting go the medium's hands. This done, they sat quietly they are asserted to come. The spirit who inspires him, thou for a moment, when a rattling was heard upon the table, and a light claims to be a missionary of the Most High, sets up no claim to : called for. when it was found that one of the wooden rings encircled bility, but bids us test the value of all communications by the the gentleman's arm. He stated that he had not let go the medium's the reason which God has given us. He foretells a rapid deve.p hands from the first, and could not tell how the ring came upon his of this great spiritual movement, to the great benefit and enlighten arm. Alter this, the iron ring was put upon the arm of a gentleman, of the world. Spiritualism is now in its infancy. That wh:e_ ar.d the other wooden ring upon a lady's arm in a similar manner. dark may ere long be made light, to the confusion of the old Tne rings were all thoroughly tested to ascertain their weak points, but orthodox persuasions." none were found, Mr. Holmes saving that if we doubted the rings we The next letter we quote entire. V e should be glad if the same ~ were at liberty to provide rings for ourselves. Having gone through would favour our own columns :— with the dark seance, preparations were made for the manifestation of "S:::.—Kindly allow me to supnly a chair, in your e i-respon what are called spirit-faces. One of the folding-doors between the room we occupied and an adjoining room was set open, and we were requested on Spiritualism by briefly endeavouring to reply to queries v.-_i: to examine this room that we might know what it contained. Among have allowed other correspondents to put. It is not necessa others I carefully examined every part of the room and furniture, and suppose that the moving of the table when •• Medium, but not a Ee-i sealed the door leading into the hall. There was a fire burning in the puts his hand on it, was the work of spirits a: all. Davis. :ue grate, and a rug hung from the mantelpiece over it to shade the light. American clairvoyant and writer on Spiritualism, estimates, I concluded by this that there was no one in the chimner. In the clairvoyant observation, that only forty per cent, of the phenome doorway between these two rooms a frame covered with cloth was America are produced by spirits. I: is well known that sitter; placed, having an aperture in the upper part of it twelve or fifteen circle can cause the table to move at will. Spiritualists are not -ir.eues square. The table was placed in front of this door, the mediums in attributing these phenomena to spirits, but demand tue sitting one on each side, and it was my good fortune to sit next to the stringent tests. A medium is a person who emits a magnetic : tao.e, directly in i ront of tlie aperture, and mv face not more than four sphere, through means of which objects can be operated tip; or five feet from it, ail others present being seated or standing as near volition, and without mechanical means. A spirit is underside as possible. A lamp was burning brightly in the room. Within two a human being clothed in a magnetic, not a physical body: or. in or three minutes from the time the arrangements were completed, a words, a man whose most external envelope is the nerve aura xv face appeared a: the opening, apparently that of a man sixty years of age, communicates the will to the physical organisation. The spirit-' wi:n rather small and regular features, which were very perfect, as well and the medium, then, furnish instrumentalities through which as the hair and whiskers. The :ace came partly through the aperture, spirit's magnetism can operate by the spirit-volition upon a tat and ute head turned each way that it might be distinctly seen. This was other physical object, and thus make telegraphic signals. iallowed almost immediately by another, resembling somewhat the first spirit to be able to do so successfully, it is necessary that ce in age and appearance, but there was a markc-d difference in the features. harmonious conditions exist in the magnetic atmospheres of the 5His mutlled shirt-front was very conspicuous, and from his general and that no willing or strong desire of any kind prevail. Spirit v appearance was evidently a gentleman of “ ye olden time. ’ A remark- recognise a process called ‘development,’ by which this fit coinao:y beautiful face of a lady tber. appeared, followed by an individual of the atmosphere is brought about. This development is ser-e who bowed in acknowledgment of the name of James Fisk, jun. The effected by sitting in the circle round a table, by which the pe"; lady who inquired said she recogni*'-1 i,m by his photograph. Three magnetisms become assimilated. This explains why spirits i-e or lour otuer interesting faces m■,<.« luetr appearance, both of male and telegraphic mode of communication rather than direct language female, each very natural in expression, and all as varied in form and is easier to produce an electric rap, or move an object, than to feature as so many different individuals would ordinarily be. How struct an organic apparatus by which vocal sounds can be promany more would have paid their respects to us had they been respect in our atmosphere. Any thoughtful person xvili at once see the re* fully received by a.i present, is quite uncertain ; but, unfortunately for ableness of this explanation, which meets the case of several : . the greater part of our number, there were present three or four gentle I correspondents. At the same time I could state several pl-u’T men—at least they evidently regarded themselves as gentlemen—who, London in which the spirits have the power of materialising then-' from the commencement to the close of the seance, indulged freely in and speaking and acting for the time like ordinary human beingsd•e r ungentlcmanly remarks, insulting to the mediums and disrespectful to they do by absorbing into their ordinary organisms elements ail present. And when the faces appeared, the comments and criticisms ; from the medium, or other congenial persons present. I could !1 of these persons were of such a character, that sensitive spirits, the places where such phenomena are to be seen nightly : but I -1’ out of the body or in it, would very naturally have retired wish to appear as an advertiser. As to the phenomena, most ot ‘ from their presence, particularly if the remarks had a personal appli | can be studied in the light, including the spirit-forms such .'•= • cation. As it was very evident these persons were not there for described in the Daily Telegraph some time ajo. Only a small p o the purpose of honest investigation, and ditiicult to perceive how they tion of the manifestations are obtained through the agency ot ! could have obtained flve-shillingsworth of amusement in the indulgence mediums, of which there are but few in the whole country, while ti of tbeir low wit, the conclusion was readily arrived at that their object are thousands of private mediums. There are five mediums in n'.J was to disturb and distract the mediums, and thus cause a failure in the family, and we can have all the phenomena at any time by observing manifestations through inharmonious conditions. But in this they sig I simple conditions. I desist, as the subject is too vast for reason Si-mnr.U-i-1' nally failed, for the manifestations, so far as given, were complete and demands on your space.—I am, truly yours, perfect in tbeir character, particularly the representation of the faces, “ H.” gives his experiences in table-turning, and concludes:— which were the more satisfactory from the fact that neither of the “ I would say, let persons who have moral courage and cool. s’r mediums entered the room used as a cabinet, but sat in the presence of heads take this matter of Spiritualism in hand, and examine and the audience. A careful examination of this cabinet room, immediately well the facts connected with it, and then give their opinion. In. after the close of the seance, found everything as at first, and the seal busy age of money getting and spending, I think there is no fear ot of the door unbroken. It has never been my privilege to witness what superstition spreading to any alarming extent. Men are too m»te is claimed to be- spirit-faces under so satisfactory test conditions as on j at the present time to care much for such matters.” MARCH 1873. THE M EDIUM AND DAYBREAK. In replv to tlie “ buffoonery and ridicule of a Galway priest, “ A. uiiirest" thus argues:— . ,, , would not have attempted, or indeed been permitted, to ‘ rush II but for the statement that my deceased relative, whose into ‘int’supposed to be in the room, was a Roman Catholic bishop, •-jt lM was « “ hi, fact totally upsets the Roman Catholic doctrine ot masses for j 0!U{. If all the ‘ Avo Marias’ which are said for the repose of coal of a bishop are of no avail, surely the few which are said (and '' hieh must be paid for) for tl 10 rest of a layman's spirit are utterly " ^-tliless, and if this matter of Spiritualism is correct, of course ‘ his "l-upation's gone’—I mean the Galway priest’s.” Cm- friends should write short letters if they want them inserted. Respecting th is c o n tro v e rs y w e h a v o re c e iv e d th e fo llo w in g le t t e r from it-4 o rig in a to r 117 psychical labours havo indelibly written her name on tho records of Spiritualism. Mrs. Berry and oilier mediums honoured tho meeting with their presence. To enter into tho merits of tho performance is scarcely within the province of this notice, although to close it without some remarks on the artistes would ho ungenerous, considering tho amount of gratuitous ability displayed. The programme opened, in j l ’arts I and 11, with pianoforte duets by the Misses Bailey ana Cluxton, j which were both ably rendered. Miss Bailey acquitted herself with j skill and grace. The Messrs. Griffiths, who appeared several times j during the evening, received well-merited applause; their songs were evidently highly appreciated by the audience. Miss Malvina C’laxton on her apponrnnoe received n welcome greeting. Her scientific expres sion of “ Esmeralda,” which was twice in demand, was vociferously encored. Less cannot ho said for her meritorious-style in Bleckley's famous ballad “ Yesterday.” On some future occasion this Society would do well to enlist the services of this talented young lady. But wo must not omit to mention tho names of Messrs. Hockor, Cluxton, and Tiiulal, who are ever willing to assist, the cause of Spiritualism. Mr. Ganney’s ability as a tenor is so well known and appreciated that ho requires no eulogy in this report. Suffice it to say that ho was never heard to better effect : than on this occasion. His rendering of “ Tom Bowling” was evidently | the result of assiduous application to tho art which ho so well adorns. But. the undoubted “ star” of tho evening was Madame de Sievers, a pupil of the famous Rossini. This genius of song, although suffering from indisposition, delighted (lie audience with her charming manipu lation. Her graceful, and peculiarly delicate “ touch” was characteristic of the loftiest musical ability. The interval was occupied by Mr. G. Beaton, whose recitation of “ Mary Queen of Scots” formed a pleasing variation to tho programme. The general satisfaction which the enter tainment afforded, augurs well for Spiritualism. Already a cloud, big as a man s hand, is seen on the offing. We await the spiritual storm. To the Editor o f the Medium mid Daybreak. g1I;i__As the originator of the now famous debate on “ Science and Spiritualism ” in Public Opinion, I beg space for a brief comment thereon in this journal; espeeiallv as hundreds of your readers may be unacquainted with the lengthy discussion introduced by me into the influential cosmopolitan issue. When, as an earnest student of psychology, I brought the question of “ Spiritualism ’’ before the militant scribes who contribute the orignal cpitres to Public Opinion, I fully expected to be enlightened by the experienced savuns to whom preter natural communion is a conscientious fact. Thus much the subject demanded from competent pens interested in the propaganda of a clear but widely-questioned phase of scientific belief. Yet, upon the whole, bow feebly the friends of Spiritualism have hastened to the rescue of well-affirmed but severely-contested so-called “ Psychic ” phenomena, upon which millions build a solemn theological platform, peculiar, poetical, and in most points praiseworthy,—humane, philosophical, and heterodox to a fault. Still I venture to think that more able letters than H is t o r ic c s . have appeared have been contributed to Public Opinion favouring the unpopular but not less worthy side of the question. LIVERPOOL. I have introduced the fascinating subject to many thousands of late, A P r e s e n t a t i o n t o M r. J. J. M o r s e . through various organs of the Press. My motive for so doing has been On Sunday Inst, Mr. Morso gave two beautiful addresses under spirittwofold. Having myself contracted a stronger and more intelligent faith in the immortal continuity of being, through witnessing certain influence in the Islington Assembly Rooms to crowded audiences, the unmistakable “ phenomena,” as feasible to my understanding, and as doors having in the evening to he closed to prevent overcrowding. The well attested as the miracles of Scripture, I could not be selfish in the subject in the afternoon was “ Jesus Considered a Man, Medium, and enjoyment of such non-professional revelations, and therefore wished j Spiritualist;” in the evening the subject was upon the “ Philosophy of the crowd to share at least the refrain of my song, if not the results of j Death.” This was a masterpiece, and surpassed all that I ever heard my •' spiritualistic” experience. Moreover, I knew the weight—and for breadth of thought and profundity of knowledge. This address, and in a measure, not unjustly so—of public prejudice against a belief another entitled “ What of the Dead,” have been taken verbatim, and are resting less upon faith than fact; and which prejudice I felt, and do intended to be printed; and I have no doubt will be read with greater feel, conscience-bound to help to remove. But stay! the majority of interest than anything yet published upon the subject of Spiritualism. men cannot, until educated by moral affection, properly appreciate They will do good. Anyone who 1ms heard Mr. Morse will await with researches into the immateriality of human existence. Into the domain anxious expectation the event of their publication. Every control of of Spiritualism, ordinary money-loving mortals should hesitate to Mr. Morse appears to be an improvement upon the last one. The enter, seeing that the piety- evolved from its higher phenomena is pre energy of Mr. Morse was never more marked than on Sunday evening eminently poetical, playful, and free of pathos; refined through an | last. On Monday Mr. Morse again addressed the Society and others, affection, but slightly secretive; contagious by force of humanitarian at the Stafford Street Rooms, under spirit-influence. The first control iutuition; and sweetly tolerant of all forms of creation by virtue of discoursed upon “ Man and his Relations,” after which the “ Strolling Player,” in his usual humorous style, gave a disquisition upon a parish privileged visions. Such being the case, we marvel not at the vulgar opposition of the j “ Overseer,” with its m oral; after which a presentation of a leather unsympathetic multitude—those who ignorantly assail a philosophy j trunk and travelling-rug were made to Mr. Morse by the Liverpool too far removed from ilesh-and-blood propositions to bear violent j Psychological Society. The Vice-President (Mr. J. Lamont) said that antagonistic inspection. In this particular Spiritualists err grievously, j Mr. Morse’s spirit-guides had given fifty-five addresses through him in and to their own cost. In the hurry of some to make converts, they j this town, all different in their character, but all upon Spiritualism. enlist harsh, mechanical temperaments, not at all susceptible to unearthly j He knew the hardships and insults which Mr. Morse had had to under “ experiments ” with matters half hid and slow of solution. Having go as a medium ; it required a man with a face of brass to withstand it an eye for the substance only of things hoped for, the average of mankind i all, but, for a little encouragement, the Spiritualists and Psychological may well ignore or refuse the ministry of angels ; and the bones in the Society, and those who were investigating, had considered to present graveyard, or stray fragments of brokon coffins, witness only tears that these as a small token of esteem for his character—morally and spiri come of infidelity, and suggest a despair that is everlasting. I infer tually. Mr. Chapman said the thought, first struck him when travelling with this, and much more, from the half-facetious but eloquent impeachment of Spiritualism by the misinformed Secular Press. The Times made J Mr. Morse through one of the streets of Liverpool on the top of a "bus. itself merry at the expense of front-class Spiritualist private families ; | When he saw that Mr. Morse had but a small, little box to travel with, and the tone of certain recent letters in Public Opinion betray a similar j which Mr. Meredith was ashamed to carry through the street, and when disrespect to calm judgment, polite manners, and the patience that j he contrasted the sumptuous way in which bishops of the land were favours truth.—Yours truly, Jons T. M arkley. j decorated and travelled with that of Mr. Morse, through whom’some of the brightest inhabitants of the spirit-world spake words of life and had Crowland, Peterborough, March 5th, 1875. chosen as an instrument through which they were elevating mankind and dispelling darkness and superstition from the hearts and souls of ENTERTAINMENT AT MARYLEBONE. men, he thought any comfort that could be given to Mr. Morse by those The Marylebone Association of Inquirers into Spiritualism may con who were benefiting through his medimuship should bo forthcoming at gratulate themselves on the success of their entertainment at the New all times. He believed Mr. Morse bad a great work to do in enlighten Hall, Omega Place, Alpha Road, on the 28th ult., presided over by ing the world of mankind; and to this end the Society wished to regard H. D. Jencken, Esq., M.R.I., barrister-at-law, whose estimable labours his every comfort in life, a motive in which the spirit who controlled in connection with Spiritualism so well qualified him to discharge him heartily joined. with tact and dignity the duties of chairman of the evening. Miss Shepherd, a young lady who had been lately developed as a The high-class programme and “ full house” exceeded the most medium, under control rose up and spoke in very appropriate language. sanguine anticipations, .though, possessing an intimate acquaintance of Addressing Mr. Morse, she said, “ I present you another token of our the enterprising “ sp irit” which marks this association, a failure was regard as spirits who control this medium, for it was through vour not anticipated. mediumship that this, our medium, was convinced of Spiritualism. It has, undoubtedly, amidst its ranks, persons of that varied class of We have impressed her mind to purchase for you this writing-ease, ability who are peculiarly capacitated to advance tho interests of a which we saw you needed.” The writing-case was a very beautiful cause in some respects radically unpopular. one, mounted with gold. I do not mean even to assert that this entertainment was used as a Mr. Morse then returned thanks to the Liverpool Psychological means of propagandism; the evidently studied secular character of the Society for their kind consideration towards him. They had, from his proceedings at once disarmed such an idea, although one cannot dismiss first visit, uniformly treated him with marked kindness. Tho presents, the fact of its collateral importance as a missionary effort in favour of he said, were what lie really stood in need of. He had long journeys to take, and sometimes suffered much from the cold. He had given Spiritualism. Considering the unorthodox proclivities of many of its members, i himself up to t he work of Spiritualism entirely, although he could have and of the principles in general, the numerous difficulties which must earned more in his daily avocation. Ho intended, as long as his angelhave existed in the organisation of such a performance must have been guides chose to work through him, to lay himself at their feet. V lieu legion; the committee, therefore, should be the more highly compli he looked at the useful presents before him, all that he felt he could do was to sit down and weep. Mr. Morse sat down under strong emotions mented on the result of their efforts. It did not. requiro a veteran Spiritualist to understand that the arising from his grateful heart. utmost harmony prevailed in tho assembly, and that this Society is Mrs. Nosworthy, presented a largo and beautiful bouquet of flowers held in much esteem. On glancing around tho hall we discovered in the beginning of the evening, which the first control caused the several representatives of the “ new force.” Every Spiritualist felt | medium to hold in both hands, and in the invocation made beautiful proud of the presence of Mrs. Jencken (Miss lvato Fox), whose J allusion to them ; as also he did on the Sunday evening when tho THE M l-PITM AXP PAYBREAK. MARCH r. ^ I-Uv p ’. ^ v; v.xvn th * table itt f«w.; of th e au-Gv.-.-.a a sim ilar A : ; . o i v m :uch ■* ' ' > v .o .-j: . n o r ,-.,>0 vo,ao.o ail :o a p jw o sa to d th e a t u d whveh fownd ^ I m s u p s io •' . ’ •• ••;' \-'-'.v ■ o a > - 1- v.-.r o.'.sar.d ■■. ■■• ,-\ - . >■. ' ' - stewerj ; ho o f doroo: > v iri:-w ri:ir do. four la'*.— v • X.ty.-v for March, price <U. ‘ Mr. Duct-dd '.• I .v<e o r . . . X : ' - ar e d r - Y a p p re c ia te d . - 1 d elig h tfu l >•• • - '' • — r .':••;■•■ . r l liwrtnnllnnmnnn y -u '\: 11- * V p.\l> lM N O T O X H.V1.L 01- PROGRESS, s \\ O t i T T w ' I < v i\ I A . E W T iu K o ii), 1 . • 0*001'* VTWS V'KOM :IA '. . 'A S \ S m u t, and Experience O w n .u xi'ANC! ' AN A ' .-.NOS ' " N. IN ATI 11 flON, l.\ S IT U O il’ .'N M. Adiiv v •■■■■. " - •• ’ or n o • ■. Id. ' . A. •" <.. O . 1 N M. ..1s t . M .- • . . X ob avv 'or-. at I o,. v i Z W . \* ;y-< >' ' ' --n S ; orctc. r v. > v 0 n : tiro. av. 0. - ”.v : v . r . r .- o " : ........ r all o o rY — rdo. i f . ' M iss K ' o .'.',: C Lrsu-t'wU l or. Thv.vsco.y las*. . . or. r . ... r * S : o. r or'o so a A :o o A r :vr.” .-s sinking o: th e > ' - - : ' wo..' t o : o.-s'.r.o-arr.aroo. a : ..ror M r. . r.'" .s o r. a: _r.s sea-tee. tea? due s:oa :~"-S 0 " ' so. r ,\ 0 .r 0. ' av O A - so ■ rsoiis 7>: h er :h e association to.M -;. 7 777 s : . 0 St ••• X ,r:l'.t’fcr " L *aLI . ;_ . .».A er vr.i:;r. ar.d . 7.0 ?.. -. 7 77.z . .. ar.d ’ S p iritu alist “ o r:'s- r o o a o. r. r; . Z. or. a — lioovdor a - do.r S " rd o rl a s s o a o a :; A.'.so: .. .ore 'f r.o ..".'dr: :h a : too Is a t a l l . .led to is a verv aeeep tm g a d o c trin e opposed to o u r experience. I f th e d o ctrin e is drlo advocate. — Mass A'"o:o a o ro so", o: o — ssio n .— : o: o r . .0 . ..7 . ' '.; deer. -'" -..-'.I a: I r.Z y tor the - week. H e r e fo rts a . o s r s . a '.o.or. or b e '- 31 ss -AATo s. a a n d T aried . s a W h e n e n tra n c e d , h e r o ra tio n s a r e o f a h ig h o r d e r o f o-ouorcsitter.: e ; r s d ark r . l i s t s a r e r.o.v t’ooo. Iv lie v ers. .'.a ct r.o com m on o rd e r : h e r jitbs a re m any .. ts r odr.o.l to be elocuen: : h e r m u siral pow ers be iiearvi la e v e ry ia r life. She has eivrr. soveral tv;:a -. . --Nr_~T____.... et . .r . . ..r se v e ra l c f th e a u d ie n ce s. T o p a rtic u la ris e th e too m u c h o f v tr .r sro.oe. W e can re co m m e n d , .......’jr.V..* T>1*a!*'-‘111.— A-.".. A. ..-—I.. _ ......: r........ * 1 .. g iH O L k P im c MEi>rr>£s:-:::. \— T o th e E , r .— t avatle c : :b e mTAlusble medloai s e r r ; ^ c : i l r s . J . B. D .kttti.-n. wi; v 0asv i m aim on: s7.o usua.. t r escribes, a z i a: a :£nie wiien th e o ro .:ra ? \ *mocicAl : a oihry 00 nsiderexi w a. ■011 nrust nave boon re i bv : - - <ia .1 t s <Y7 T:dx-5 . I n*.j v'.urv :o publio.v ics;i;V th ereto, in the itooe - - A- .' .A rt t .LI .7. 75 C.»T 7v 7. .V.17 : .1 tO 57dm Her 7-17. 1 7-.SO 1'7. ' 7.rl 1TO tO t l l i -7..7X. ’T.. . j.‘ " 7 7." rt.Y T7 717. 35 tile rc'rvxit 01 H}.17..\11\1. V> '.t7. 17. 7.r die to : - r . a ".7. 17.e _t. .'7. s i'im e *«vno omoiAtc tu ro u cA ite r. lino. ?— '" 7 7 7 in n ; Sn rittnvl m ovem ent w h ich is to. as its sir c th e w o rld . 1 to .'t.t: y o u rs fa ith fu lly . S. 11..::. r . . o l d id " ' ." S t' ? ' 0 .. M , ' Auir.Sv'ior. - . . . . r . jS A N O r? IN LON : do a t'o. ■ ■■ • to' z. "v • - • •->i of M ■. S■ S. t. 5 l>L'iT. xt •. . t , '.V 0 . -bur's A.-.u:. Mi;.. at . 0 o.o.m. X.-S-NiT, ' l ' # T -0 xt > y ; ■ . < Zt'.Z'.. Mr. William^, Mrs. Holmes - 1 1‘ • 'I' 1i s 1'. i ." Kosid. Islington. A.imissioi A.iuiissi;ii :rsu C.-unmu. v M >> \ F i u x .y n . ou Mr. <• . tix • ; ; . : . a-r'. tts?AY. xt s vH a . Li roe a Ad:au*:. .-. Fw*. : M't.Zv.-,10 Louise. Mrs. r HT USCAY. M m 7 11 If. Dalste: 1 Association -a : thei: -.sir rooms. 7 . 7: z ; 1 - ii tiouiars *s :•' a.imission c f vi s •-s' rs 0■1 ; ' ' ■. Ccr vc v:: 17v. E vw. Ch M. .7 ", S AS .ss.vmrion ot e....; - • <' pan. x ree essrs. H er 0 m i ' illiams .vim.isa on • s - ' v -r - : r ■ ilia 7: AyCi? SrtrTAT. Mi .Au LEOVIXC7.S riTuiy m l a v W* .uni. .' 11 .1. -u-.u y.r.u Messrs, s i.u .. and W-i c :i:. urn s. f e u s Fr-vcress : u cc c . :u:u. and c nun. r 7 w 7A?Y Bu 1OOF. a: Mr. VO. Fccuis n ?. dnusv-v-u.d- Ke.uu Criu Lwevun. M .urn. and 2 p.m. Pub ho Moetinu. h h p.m, Iraau-hh Wood. F n - 'o u t . T.Mho Meclives, 1C.?0 sun.. i'. :0 and r ..'o *0 nu T' Medium, Mr. IUingwoetb. Bowm.yo, Soiiu.u.o.sts' Meeting Koom, 7. .;7 sued r Hsh. Is sr.d r Bov'Uixuu ir. h. '.v: ey s Yard, haih-v-.n- S:s:i;u. W shefthi . M jl Xc h e s t u s, ITnion Clu S: . M. ..:.: S: a: 7 Cow m s . at Geciu H a OvCs L o o : E s c . r auau and r p.m. Xranoe-Mo.ii ans. Mrs. h and Mrs. R, Hudson. Ga'” v1: 7 s o ", ry im u a h srs’ Meeting F.z0 ra . 7 .7 and c r.m . Mis : ■ $witd, IVs: and Hea.iv.g M edium. M o s u u y , Mr. h . Baines's. Town F r i. H a ULF.’CC. at Mr. Wood's. Hanson Lane. Qaeon's Koad io ;: z' . - ' Connevtion School', 2.5C and (5.S0. Mr. Biaoai o.rn and Mr. y o c y ix o m o i. a: Mr. Gihoin's Rooms. Long Row. C v-hirea s I;- a O ssa nr Co-Mtt.'v. W a e u f i k l p . a: Mr. John Crane's, at 7 si.i r. Healing and Trance-sixahiug M edium. Mr. Jo a n Crane. B:smc'c A rc s : cnv. a: Mr. Fawcett's, W.vidron Street, at 7 0 ch c'< -NM ;3v0 a.srcci-o>-Ty> c. a: Freemasons' Old H ah. Fell's Cora:. Street, a: r p.m. d ' :> d’ — 17o due Zoit -r.—Sir. — • " o to ; - a s : . ok G l a s g o w Asscv atlcr. of Spiritualists, Public Meeting at r T r have ha 1 a visit from Air. W .... the m issionary m edium , who te r s 1“ 7n 7.7,7s t.em tht7 7. ........stro.otec. ns ir. sp irttu ai tru tii. rmn B ir m in g h a m , a: Mr. P o ’-vn's. -PI. Aston Read. Trance v ' in dev-iojino: sr.d train in g m edium s for the purpose o: term in g a > c c.ccx. A .so cu .ay an 0. I.m rsuay Fver.iiigs. at > c . .. •*. LiwInIUV: . Public Meetings at the I>1 v.gtov. Asserv.l'.y rhvvas. -S o ir.tu n l s .cietv in th is eitv. W e h^ve hud singing- vvirdi aecompcittiand 7 p.m. Trouace-racdiums :rm . ah you is c:' England, do. m ents on th ; ooneertinA. the table heating tim e to the m isio. and som e B a t l v y . a: Mr. Farh nson's. Xavier Street, a: 7 7 a:ui S *\m. ' tim es t i n : : : 77 tiltin g in ar.sw -r to num berless questions each evening : Hltsv-u and Dew hirst. Mediums. ' s .; airtim vrere mat m ental.v, and the answ ers genenv-ly M o n t a y . Mo.noh 17. H y u l , s .7. year King Street, a; 7.77. . 7.:: qcuestiens u.s m ::.m ess th a n i Gestations finished w ith an eloquent Tt s s t a t . M a u i : I I , K e i g h l e y , at 7.77 r u n . . at the Ivceum . 1“ v r: v :-z. >u: is fro: rv . TLiiaddress d iv e 7. a . re ss bv M r. W allace in the trance-state. One ot Mediums. Mrs. Lucas cud Messrs. M right and rim e d ,: u. th e irar.c:- syocohos was 1 p*on *'The S pirit-Spheres, or the H abitations So w e r b y B s i i Vt E, a: Mr. W. Kobir.sou's, Causeway Ken i. 5 y ‘ Spirits, w ith a D escription o f th eir Li:e and WRpyESiNAY, M a v c u 17. Bo w l in g , Spiritualists' Meeting Kcom. r p.m. 0: .Lr a me nee.: r .u _____ w ___ H a GG S L o re E n c . a: 7.M' p.m . Trance-Me-dturns. Mrs. y ■ SiAi:. hich w.ts very instructive. In th e low er spheres, th e in Mrs. R. Hudson. h ab itan ts o r: ta r below the b ru its, and the higher are angels, gorgeouslv M c r l e y . Mr. Emmanuel Baines's. Town End. at 7.77, for d. m' b eau tifu l in th e ir forms. T he sp irits jo in ed in th e conversation of the O s ssrr Co m m o n , at Mr. John Crane's, ac 7-^7. Heaoug euui - •*' - -*mbers of the circle—til:ir e the table in answ ering ves o r no. as m edium. Mr. Joim Crane. 0-union on the subject we were conversing upon, showing they were v.-. l_n s A s s o c .... on ct Spirltua .>:> v, .c\l'- Co 1 * jnteres*oa in it : they cave three thuair^s w-:h the tao.e-:ov>t tor a: I d . Trv.igate. Circlo-roo.n even to mem Vers' and inquirers. • ' on other even Cogs. . -.' A ro d a th u r d e r in r ch on the door for “ * Many 7; us go: Ha -a. •u\: .i.uv z ; ; . >. Ccnn.vtion So'-ooh . ' ' - a n d -ood advice from our de-ad relatives, but when we spoke Queen's Read, at >. Mr. 'N'.vd and Mr. F.aei.ou:n. Ir.'.na -M ; • ' jd'M.*dd dt-ad th ere came a trem endous len d knock on the door, to Th y ia v a y , Ma r c h 17. Bo w l in g , Hall Lar.e. 1.30 p.m . G aw vuosp". Spiritualists' Meeting Room, a Developing Circle. H W est Ha s t l c f o o l . Stmuce a: Mr. Hull's. Adelaide Street. F is h on Av o a i -a v o . at Mr. Fawcett’s. MHhircn Strxet. a: 7 o VI.o 'n . > is required from strangers. H 1 C' -.s 11 " ' R- 7 1 > O l a E-.c. i-'.V'Cv.s’ H a l l, Foh's Ocv : >• ' Street. Seance at 7.70. F u i Pa T. MAlton l a L’.v r r f w i . W.v V.v CcnHi • n \\ a: M r. F. "* dcuu.u .md IViuyorauce U ouh 7 Streen at r p.m. Ma r ch THE MEDIUM AND DAYBREAK 7, 1873. BOOKS OF SONG FOR SPIRITUALISTS, Suitable for the Family, the Circle, Public Meetings, or Religious Services. M 119 G N E E. T DARLOW’S NEWLY-IMPROVED PATENT THE SPIR IT U A L L Y R E . A Collection of 150 Songs for MA G N E T I C S K E U A S M A A I> I> L I A N C E S , (lie use of Spiritualists, l’rico Gel., cloth Is. For Spinal and Liver Complaints, Nervous, Bronchial, and Rheumatic THE rSA LM S OF L IF E . A Compilation of Psalm s, Hym ns, Affections, and the Prevention of Sea-Sickness, Small pox, Cholera, and Chants, Anthems, dco., embodying too Spiritual, Progressive, nnd Fever. Reformatory Sentiments o f tlio present ago. Jiy J o h n S. A d a m s . DARLOW AND CO., INVENTORS AND PATENTEES, This work contains suitable Music to tbe Words. Wrappers 3s., Manufactory—N o r t h Wo o l w ic h Ro a d , Lo ndo n -, E. cloth 4s. 435, West Strand, London, W.C. THE SPIR IT U A L H A R P . A Collection of Vocal Music for (Nearly opposite Charing Cross Railway Station). the Choir, Congregation, and Social Circle. Uy J. M. Pk k iii .e s and j, o. Ba r r e t t . A large and handsome work, l’rico 8s., abridged Illustrated Pamphlets post-free. edition 4s. Gd. “ A SOWER W ENT FORTH TO SOW.” 6BED COHN-: a New Series of Tracts on Spiritualism. Xo, 1.—Ma t h e m a t ic a l S p i r i t u a l i s m . 4 p p . ; is. p e r 100. Xo. 2.—S p i r i t u a l i s m a s p t h e G o s p e l o f J e s u s . B y J . B u r n s ; show ing the parallel between the life am i teachings o f Jesus, a n d th e principles of Spiritualism. 4 p p .; Is. p e r 100. X'o. 8.—Th e P r i n c i p l e s o f M o d e r n S p i r i t u a l i s m . By A. E . N ew ton. 4 p p .; Is. per 100. No. 4.—Wh a t i s Sp i r i t u a l i s m ? E x p la in in g th e philosophy o f th e phenom ena, rules and conditions for th e spirit-circle j a n d am ple inform ation for investi gators desirious of obtaining th e m anifestations. 4 p p .; Is. p e r 100. No. 8.—T h e C r e e d o k t h e S p i r i t s . The Ten S p iritu al C om m andm ents and the Ten Laws o f B ight, given th ro u g h E m m a H ardinge. 4 p p . ; Is. p e r 100. No. H.—D r . Se x t o n ’s C o n v e r s io n t o S p i r i t u a l i s m . 4 p p . ; Is. p e r 100. No. 7.—F a c t s Co n c e r n in g S p i r i t u a l i s m . 4 p p . ; Is. per 100. Bu r n s, R. AN D M RS. H O L M E S wilL hold public seances 011 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, at Eight o’clock. Fee, 5s. Private seances can be had on the above days at Four o’clock, at their rooms, by previous arrangement, 16, Old Quebec Street, Marble Arch. W. On Saturday evenings a Special Seance for Spiritualists only, for the evolution of extraordinary phenomena. M M R S. J . B . D IC K IN S O N , M e d i c a l 15, Southampton Row, W. C. TI1E HIGHER PHENOMENA OF SPIRITUALISM. T ilR E C T S P IR IT -W R IT IN G , obtained at Mr. and Mrs. U H o lm es’s Circle, carefully reproduced by Lithography, appears as an Illustration in Human Nature for January, price Gd. This writing was obtained by banding a slate and pencil up to the aperture of the cabinet; a spirit-liand was seen to take them in, and the sound of writing was heard. In a few minutes the slate was banded out, covered with writing on both sides. In the lithographed copies the semblance to the slate is accurately carried oir, as the writing is printed in white letters on a grey ground. DIRECT SPIRIT -WRITING, Through the Mediutnship of Mrs. J e n c k e n (Miss Kate Fox), is given as an Illustration to Human Nature for February, price Gd. Three speci mens of writing are given, all by the same spirit and in the same hand, but the different styles are very significant as demonstrating tbe great influence of conditions over the phenomena. These beautiful specimens of the higher phenomena should be in the hands of every Spiritualist, as well-established facts to lay before investigators. These specimens themselves are worth more than the price of the numbers in which they appear. London: J. Bu r n s , 15, Southampton Row, W.C. AGENTS F O R T H E “ M ED IU M ,” A N D A L L W O R K S ON S P IR IT U A L IS M AN D P R O G R E S S . ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE—M is s E . T a y l o r , 45, M ill L ane. BALLEY—M i l e s A r m i t a g k , Bookseller. BIKMINGHAM—J . G u e s t , B ookseller, B ull Street. „ J . F o l e y , N ew sagent, Icknield 8treet. West. „ N. Sm i t h , 2, M arket Place, Aston Road. BRADFORD—H . S m i t h , 12, G arn ett S treet, L eeds Road. BRISTOL—G e o r g e T o m m y , 7, U n ity S treet. CARDIFF—J o s e p h H . C o r i n , B ookseller, 18, St. M a ry S treet. DARLINGTON—J o h n H o d g e , Eclectic Physician, 7, Prospect Place. J o s e p h D ix o n . New M arket Place (on Saturday Evenings). DOW'LAIS—J o s e p h H. Co r i n , Bookseller, 25, Church Street. EDINBURGH—P e t e r La u r i e , Stationer, 38, Clerk Street. GLASGOW—J . M c G k a c u y , 89, U nion S tre et. HALIFAX—A s h w o r t h , 6, N orth Street. IICDDEliSFIELD—Co w g i l l , P rin te r and Stationer, 21, Kirlcgate. „ G. H k p p l k s t o n , General Dealer, K ing Street. HULL—J o h n L. B l a n d , 42, Now K ing Street. KEIGHLEY—J . T il l o t s o n , M ary Street, Greengate. KINGSTON-ON-THAMES—Brydon, Bookseller, A pplem arkct. LEEDS—Great Northern Railway Bookstall. O. W. B o o t h , N orth Street. Cl a ir v o y a n t e and from the United States (CURES all Curable Diseases, furnishes her own Medicines), will remain but a short time longer in England. Terms, One Guinea.—Address, 23. Duke Street, Manchester Square, W. Office hours, from One to Six o’clock. Ma g n e t ic H e a l Other numbers in preparation. London : J. il. C H A R L E S E. W IL L IA M S , M edium, is a t hom e daily, to give Private Seances, from 12 to 5 p.m. Private Seances attended at the houses of inve-tigators. Public Seances at. Cl, Lamb’s Conduit Street, on Monday evenings, admission 2.-. Cd.; Thursday evenings, 5s.; and Saturday evenings, for Spiritualists only, os. Address as above. M M ADAME v o y a nt er, L O U IS E , and He a l in g (from N ew Y ork ), M e d i c a l , C l a i r Me d i u m (holds a Diploma from the New York Medical College and Women’s Hospital), ATTENDS PATIENTS and GIVES SEANCES at the Residences of Patients, or at her Recep tion Rooms, 14, Charlotte St., Tottenham CourtRoad.—A DEVELOPING CIRCLE for the Spirit-Faces on Wednesday and Friday Evenings. Admis.-ion 2s. Cd. M IS S H U D SO N , N o r m a l , C l a ir v o y a n t , a n d P r o ph e t ic Me d i u m , RECEIVES Visitors daily (Sundays excepted), from Twelve till Six o’clock, at her residence, 17, Castle Street, Wells Street, Oxford Street. Terms, Five Shillings each Visitor. Questions answered by Letter; terms, One Guinea. I F R S . O L IV E , T r a n c e M e d i u m for T est Com m unications J L from Spirit Relatives and Friends; also for tbe Cure of various Diseases by Spirit-Magnetism and Prescriptions.—49, Belmont Street, Chalk Farm Road, London, N.W. M il. C O GM AN’S Q U A R T E R L Y T E A M E E T IN G w ill take place at 15, St. Peter’s Road, Mile End, on SUNDAY EVENING, MARCH 16. Tea on table at 5 o’clock. Tickets Is. each, to be obtained at the above address, and at the Spiritual Institution, 15, Southampton Row, Holborn, W.C. M IS S G O D F R E Y , Cu r a t iv e Me s m e r is t a n d R u b b e r . Clairvoyant Examination and complete Diagnosis, 21s.; Me^meri.-ing and Rubbing, One Guinea per Week and Travelling Expenses. —-Miss Go d f r e y may be seen by appointment only, at 161, Hampstead Road, N.W. A W E L L -E D U C A T E D Y O U N G M A N , a S piritualist, of l x business habits and address (whose wife is a clairvoyante, ece. , desires Employment in, or south of, London. Good references.— Address N. B., care of Mr. G. Tommy, 7, Unity Street, Wrist il. P S Y254,C IIO P A T H IC Ma r yl kuone IN S T IT U T IO N , for th e Cure oi Diseases, a d . JOSEPH ASHMAN, Principal. Ro R 3 . A Y R E S , Q u a l i f i e d M id w ife , H e a l i n g a n d netising Medium, 16, Mount S tr e e t, New Road, E. M ag LEICESTER—M r. H k w e t t , G ranby S treet. ,, M r . B e n t , C arts Lane, H ig h S treet. LIVERPOOL—M r s . L e i g h t o n , 39, West D erby Road. „ M r s . T h o m a s , 105, Brownlow H ill. Pul , 71, B runsw ick R oad, a n d 3B C astle S treet. Mr. M S i n x o t t , In, Hayworth Street, Everton. LONDON—B e r m o n d b e y —M r s . P a r k , Bookseller, Jam aica Road. ,, l en WII lull Low, Bookseller, 201, Jam aica Road. D a l s t o x —T h o m a s W i i .k s , C irculating Library, Dalston Lane. K il b u r n —Sa u n d e r s , Chichester Road, K ilburn P ark. M i l e E n d R o a d , 212—J F. H a i n e s , Bookseller and P rin ter. P a d d i n g t o n —T. W h i t t i n g i i a m , 60, Church Street, Edgw are Road. P i m l i c o —W. R i c h a r d s , Newsagent, 7, Tachbrook Street, W h i t e c h a p e l R o a d (219)—Mr. E a d k s , Newsagent. LOUGHBOROUGH—J . B e n t , 80, Pinfold Gate. MANCHESTER—J o h n H k y w o o d , 143, D eansgate. ,, J o n e s , Bookseller, IB, Stretford Road, Ilultno. MARYLEBONE—T. W h i t t i x g h a m , 27, W arren Street, F itzroy Square. MIDDLES HO HO'—N ic h o l a s P a t t e r s o n , Bookseller, Ac., 1, Cannon Street. MuRLEY—T. W i l k i n s o n , Bookseller a n d Newsagent. NEU'CASTLE-ON-TYNE—E. J . B l a k e , G rainger Street. XOilfHAMPTON—J o h n B a t e s , N ew sagent, Ac., IB, D ra p ery . ,, J. W a r d , 9, St. E dm und's Terrace. N O T T IN G H A M — J . H itc h c o c k , 64, M nrple S treet. , .. J . S w e e t , Bookseller, Stoney Street. O'-LUaM—T. Ho y l e , Newsagent, Victoria M arket. I'Ol.ThMOUTll—F. Fooku, Bookseller, 16, Charlotte Street, M ount Pleasant. ■. 1 1 „ mi - 1m»s. 1.................. ----- ' La’ll A M I’TON—It. No r t o n . Bookseller. D arlington Street. 1 1•y * Lit - Mr. G. Mo r g a n , Newsagent, L ittle Angel Street. Ihm il'R , llookscller, H o p e S treet. ” I-’i m p m a , Bookseller, Mlckh-gate. cet. Q O L D wholesale by N ew bery and Sons, 37, N ew gate S treet, O London ; and Eaimes, Blanshards, and Co., Leith Walk, Edinburgh. General Agent for Great Britain, M. J. Sutherland, Burnley, Lancashire, w ho on receipt of 2s. 9d. will send a box prepaid. Sole proprietor. Allred Senier, Pharmacist, Ma/.omanie, Wis., United States. T E C T U R E Il ON S P I R I T U A L I S M A N D K IN D R E D I j SUBJECTS. Terms Moderate. A. D. W i l s o n , 13, Baker Street, lYl’.on Lane, Halifax. P S Y C H O L O G Y (C urative and R ecreative) T au g h t in a few lessons. Advertiser magnetites patients for healing, or .-itter.? for Spiritualistic development. Instruction also given to Speakers and Students in Diatopies, for improvement of memory, and Pitm ans Shorthand (the latter gratuitously, by pisl). Address T. A., Mr. Norton’s, Bookseller, Darlington Street, Wolverhampton. READ THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF R O B E R T D A L E O W E N , Now appearing in “ II U M A N N A T U R E Monthly, price 6d., post-free 7d. —The same Numbers c m-aia Sl'liCJJH'INU OF D IR E C T SP IR IT - i n i / T l N ’, And other matter.-, of great interest. London: J. Bu r n s , 15, Southampton Row, \\ C. t : ' I'M " M ED IU M 1 Yo!.f SoO pcxes. large Svo. TO BE PU BLISH ED BY V v- A N D U A Y ’F I F -K. H andsom ely Bound. SUBSCRIPTION. CHEAP :: —■ V IM MEDIATE EDITION REPORT 0NSPIRITUALISM COM M l UTKF 0 LONDON DIALECTICAL SOCIETY • Subscription for E IG H T B E IN G ONLY SINGLE C O P I E S . Twenty ShiU ^ 5 H A 1 F -A -C K O W > ’ A C O F Y > : COPIES, 5 s. EACH .Origin-ally Published at Fifteen Shilling? l i n e E d in .A n p r i n t e d fr o n t t h e x V g F m l F i n e s , i y s p e c i l l tir r .n .ig e tn e n : w*.: .1 : to 1 -■ • m l t t e e i w i l l b e or l i n h n i n u m b e r , a n d w i l l e e r m u n t . i e t e u o w m g ‘ t e n ' W I T H O U T A B R I D G M E N T . , l ■ :’.i” t i e C ?rg..... n burr - : ~s ' trs and others t i m i n g th e In v estig a tin g C om m ittee. - S IIKenort iill k m h ' k : : lire Soekt , after an which, oral and w ritten testim on y was obtained from NEARLY ONE - ^ ye ?................ ... >»t3 es n.g ■" ;v ... nr. ............ HUNDRED PERSONS. in . - - who>i 0 : tlir t.'st-exyerir.m its made by t i e investigators in six sub-ccntre litres. W I T H O U T P R O F E S S I O N A L _ MEDIUMS. IV. m inutes an a rem rrs :: the six sub-com m ittees in i l l V. nam es of th e w itn.esses: and the whole w hole o f the evidence given under cress-e\ .tr.r.:• a t t o - ' I V- ' . esses: an d tii.' e - k ir n o .iner. credibility. iu eTerv a y ggrade U socie 3 being a re< 1 I of - raoruiti&r? suit tual rhs........era ■' g A rraritren s— Irvitati* - _________ _____ >f bodies, ^ anim ate_____ a ____________r in a ...... ate ______ Spirit ______ voices and M usie U ' i v y X..: M essages, IV i ing, D raw in g an d P ain tin g Spirit-healings V isions n Crystals Speaking in U n k n ow n T ongues— T in U au.ikng r f red-ke: Coals. A ; . do. V I. ■ . . . .... .... ■■■_■■■■ ■ rriginak printed, being he nr-:tess:; m en o f U gh r e p u t e : to u kick is a.ido.i ORIGINAL P A P E R S AND M.- t ; - ; v . t "1 Mfid ers op NOTES * m s, and experiences ot OF S E A N C E S . V II. -V ;it 1 • :: modern works ou Spiritualism an d kindred $ubje< - and a copious Index, m : ■ . . wii! be abided a ■ o f the Press critiques I n original paper, analysing the arg-’o vers— Ru - 0 te guidance of ini stigators -and a Digest o f useful loderti » orks on the subject e and its phenom ena, for th e inform ation o f inquirers. a Us • ’- • • • :; : < 0 - : 1 ■: tw ilism . It should be obtained by erery imqt'i ■; ' ’: it is og'kvd 'g s: x EIGHT t i COPIES . 1. U -r, . , ' 1 .: ■ k o' \ : > \ .Vs .. ■-kv. • FOR hU h ■ . - . ‘ h - ' ' '' — TWENTY SHILLINGS. S u b s c r ip tio n s s h o u ld b o s e n t im m e d ia te ly to J. BURNS, 15, S O U T H A M P T O N ROW. H O L B O R N . LONDON. POST-OFFICE ORDERS TO BK MAD" FAX’ ARl K AT HU! It UOUVKJi. W.C. W .C . ,% A s a h e a v y o u tla y w ill be incurred in p rin tin g this E d ition , friends w ill g rea tly assist by y • o b ta in in g Subscribers for t h i s . celeb rated R eport. 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