Spokane Linwood Seventh-day Adventist Church February 21, 2015 The Comforter Welcome Visitors and Members! We are delighted to have you worshiping with us today! If you are looking for a church home, we invite you to become a part of the love and warmth of our… Linwood Church Family! Locations for Sabbath School Classes - All Are Welcome! Join one of our classes below - there’s one for all ages...newborns to adults. Pastor’s Class—Pastor’s Study Visitors and New Members Welcome! Junior Class (Ages 11 - 15) Junior Room Adult Class - Sanctuary Roger Rudd Primary Class (Ages 6 - 10) Room on Southwest end of hallway Adult SS /Outreach Class - Chapel Jane Williams Kindergarten Class (Ages 2 - 5) Between Primary and Cradle Room Adult Class - Bottom of back stairs Bob Oster Cradle Roll Class (Ages birth - 2) Room on Southeast end of hallway Youth Class (Ages 16+) - Upper Room Joshua and Brittany Ramirez Important Contact Information ************************************************** Linwood Seventh-day Adventist Church 6525 N. Monroe * PO Box 48273 Spokane, WA 99228 Pastor Volody Nesteruk 844-7370 Associate Pastor Gregory Arutyunyan 413-2217 Better Living Center Ruth Sheidler, Director 25 E North Foothills Dr PO Box 48124 Spokane, WA 99228 www.betterlivingcenter.org 325-1258 KHBA (Monday—Thursday, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM) 622-4780 Sunset Tonight: 5:19 February 21, 2015 509-327-4400 email@linwoodsda.org www.linwoodsda.org Head Elder Roger Rudd 466-6851 Palisades Christian Academy Dan Wister, Principal Kathy Stratte, Administrative Assistant 1115 N. Government Way Spokane, WA 99224 325-1985 | www.pcasda.org Like Us On Facebook PCA Learning Center Director: Pat Wister 327-8387 Sunset Next Friday: 5:30 Page 2 Linwood Seventh-day Adventist Church February 21, 2015 Sabbath School ~ 9:30 - 10:30 AM Lesson Study Sanctuary and Classrooms Church Worship Service ~ 10:45 AM Prelude Welcome / Announcements Larry Belknap We Praise Kenny Applewhaite Elder’s Prayer Larry Belknap Children’s Offering Worthy Student Fund Children Kids Connection Darla Webber We Give Our Gifts to God Congregation Today’s Offering: Local Church Budget ***TO GIVE TO LINWOOD, PLEASE SPECIFY IT ON YOUR TITHE ENVELOPES*** All loose offering will not automatically go towards Linwood’s Church Budget Altar of Prayer Congregation Special Music Veronica and Michael Belknap Sermon Pastor Kevin Wilfley ”Hanging Out and Hanging On” Benediction Greeters: Cliff Milburn, Joan Ruble: Camera 1: Maria Ladd; Camera 2:Spencer Ladd Sound: Jason Lennon; PowerPoint: Vonny Rudy; Video Controller: Mark Grinwis **Please silence your cell phone during the Worship Service.** If you can’t be with us in person, you can watch online at www.linwoodsda.org. The sermons are also posted on Linwood’s website in the “Sermon Library” section. February 21, 2015 Page 3 THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE (**See announcement) TODAY, February 21, 2015 ▪ 9:30 AM - Sabbath School in Classes ▪ 10:45 AM - Worship Service ▪ 11:15 AM - Sermon - Pastor Volody ▪ 12:30 PM - Visitors’ Meal SUNDAY, February 22, 2015 ▪ 1:00 PM - Caring Hearts Luncheon** MONDAY, February 23, 2015 ▪ 6:00 PM - Sounds of Praise Singers Practice in Linwood Chapel TUESDAY, February 24, 2015 ▪ 9:00 AM—12:30 PM - Pastor’s Church Office Hours ▪ 5:00 PM - Pathfinders WEDNESDAY, February 25, 2015 ▪ 9:00 AM—12:30 PM - Pastor’s Church Office Hours ▪ 12:00 PM - Bible Study - Church Chapel with Alan Williams ▪ 7:00 PM - Wednesday Night Bible FRIDAY, February 27, 2015 ▪ 6:00 PM - West Side Bible Study ▪ 6:30 PM - Youth Vespers at Ramirez Place NEXT SABBATH, February 28, 2015 ▪ 9:30 AM - Sabbath School in Classes ▪ 11:15 AM - Sermon - Pastor Volody ▪ 12:30 PM – Fellowship Meal** ▪ 6:00 PM – PCA’s 15th Annual Auction** Linwood’s Outreach & Various Evangelism for the LORD Linwood e-mails news weekly that includes information happening at Linwood and various evangelism from Palisades Christian Academy, Upper Columbia Academy, and around the Upper Columbia Conference. If you are not currently getting e-mails from Linwood, and would like to, please send us your name and e-mail at email@linwoodsda.org or 509-327-4400. February 21, 2015 Fellowship Meal Today All our visitors and members are welcome to attend today’s visitors’ meal in honor of Pastor Kevin and Dolly Wilfley. Join us downstairs in the Fellowship Room following today’s service. Visitors’ Meal FEBRUARY 28 Next Week's Visitors' Meal will be hosted by Rudy Team. If you are not a member of the team but you want to participate in the meal, Please call Vonny Rudy 362-8417. Visitors’ Meal Schedule Below are the team leaders for each Sabbath. If you would like to participate in one of the Sabbaths and you are not a team member, please contact the team leader. February 21: All Church February 28: Rudy Team March 7: Roger Rudd's Class March 14:Moseanko Team March 21: Harral Team March 28: Williams Team April 4 - Lance Team April 11 - Searson Team April 18 - Rudy Team April 25 - Griffin Team The schedules are also available on Linwood’s website: Connect/Ministries/Caring Hearts Network/Visitor Meals Page 4 **Please provide bulletin announcements, PowerPoints, videos, or any other special needs for the upcoming Worship Service by Wednesday at 5:00 p.m.** LINWOOD NEWS Change in Sabbath School and Worship Service MARCH 7 To add a spiritual blessing to Linwood’s Sabbath School and Worship Service time, Linwood’s elders have prayerfully reviewed a change in the schedule which was voted by the church board to start on Better Living Center News a trial basis: Volunteers Needed: People needed to 9:30—10:25 a.m.—Sabbath School pick up Grocery Rescue at the E FootClass for all ages hills Drive store between 6:00—10:00 10:25—10:35 a.m.—Break a.m. Monday, Wednesday—Friday: 10:35—10:50 a.m.—Special Feature Need a clean vehicle interior (must pass (Mission Spotlight, Church Life, Ministry inspection) and a food handlers card Highlights, and other programs) ($10, acquire at We pray this will spiritually enlighten evewww.foodworkercard.wa.gov). Directorryone coming to Linwood. If there are any blc@yahoo.com or 325-1258. concerns or suggestions, please contact Community Garden: The Better Living the church office. Thank you for your conCenter Community Garden is an idea tinued prayers and support. waiting to happen! It will result in fresh produce and plants as well as satisfying Riley Creek Campout labor, neighborhood improvement, AUGUST 13-15 sense of community and connection to Linwood has a group campsite for 75 peothe environment. Bring friends to share ple reserved for tent campers. We are in the prep fun! It all starts when the also working on reserving an area with snow melts! Need a master gardener power by the location we have already and/or coordinator for Linwood. Please reserved. Come one or more nights or see insert and add your name to the Saturday only. sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. Questions, call 509-494-9184. Transfer Pastor’s Class Joining Linwood Family—1st Reading Ardeth Eastvold from Provo SDA Church, Provo UT If you are visiting today or are a new member, we invite you to join this class happening in the Pastor’s Study. February 21, 2015 Page 5 Weekly Bible Study/Prayer Groups Caring Hearts Ministry There is a Bible study happening near you: There are several ways to be a part of this WEDNESDAYS, 12:00 PM—Linwood—A ministry. If you are interested in knowing group meets in the Chapel and studies more about one of the areas listed below, “The Compelling Love of God.” It’s a sign up on the sheet in the foyer or contact beautiful study of Jesus’ love for us. Joyce at 466-4860: WEDNESDAYS, 7:00 PM—Williams’ Personal Ministries: Outreach to encourPlace—Anyone interested in Bible study age and support missing members and and prayer are welcome! If there are any shut-ins questions, call 701-3319 Baptized Members—Welcome meal FRIDAYS, 6:00 PM—West Side Bible Welcome Card Ministry: New members, Study has been moved back to Friday transfers, birthdays, illness, bereaveevenings due to many requests. We will ment, encouragement be studying Isaiah 6. Soup and Bread will Book Exchange be served at 6pm. Study will be soon Blanket Ministry after. Please call 509-720-1010 Sunshine Band Singing and Instrument FRIDAYS, 6:30 PM—Youth Vespers at Participation: Blessing senior centers or Ramirez’ place. Come for music and an disabled once month inspirational study. For more information, contact 768-8898 or 768-6080. Room Needed .A 57 year old SDA male looking to share a residence with another SDA male or elderly person/couple. Certified Home. are Aide and has been a live-in caregiver for an elderly gentleman who just passed away. Need of room to rent or be a live-in caregiver in lieu of rent.. Please call 509- Morning Prayer Ministry MARCH 7 447-4980 and talk to Richard Sanchez .If Anyone who wants to come and spend time no answer (no voicemail), please call 877- in prayer at 9:15 a.m. in the Chapel are en867-7616 and leave a message. couraged to join this spiritual time. Linwood Has A Sermon Library Announcements for Linwood Bulletin Sermons are available online Linwood’s website at linwoodsda.org. For your convenience, you can watch one at a time or enjoy many and watch consecutively. Keep watching. And watching. And watching. Information for Linwood’s bulletin should be provided by 5:00 PM Wednesdays via several methods: E-mail: email@linwoodsda.org Phone: 509-327-4400 Mail: PO Box 48273, Spokane, 99228 February 21, 2015 Page 6 Fun Facts About Linwood’s Married Couples In Valentine Presentation Some of you might have guessed the fun facts from last Sabbath after seeing the presentation of the 43 pictures. The answers are provided (hope you didn’t lose any sleep trying to figure it out!). NOTE: The time period calculated was based on the wedding date through Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2015. Married the longest 1. Birchell—64 years (September will be 65) 2. Child—56 years 3. King—54 years (August will be 55) 4. Hardin—51 years 5. Solomon—51 Years 6. Pond—49 Year (August will be 50) Shortest Perez 34 Days (Hailey Perez is Gale Griffin’s daughter) Two couples share an anniversary: Gary and Ruth Sheidler Andrew and Crystal Norman Prayer Requests If you have a prayer request, you are encouraged to let us know by filling out a Green Card and put it in offering. Cori Prouty and Family Velma Herman John and Michelle Solomon Peter Coleman Stage 4 Throat Cancer February 21, 2015 Month of the Most Marriages June: 8 weddings September: 6 weddings August: 6 weddings No weddings in February Day of the week with most weddings Sunday - 22 Monday - 3 Tuesday - 1 Wednesday - 0 Thursday - 3 Friday - 3 Saturday - 11 Day of the month 12th day: 4 weddings CORRECTION: Based on the pictures provided, there were TWO couples who were married on the most popular day of the week, in the most popular month, and on the most popular day of the month: Gary and Ruth Sheidler Andrew and Crystal Norman Linwood Has Green Cards If you have an update on your contact information, new to the area, interested in Bible Studies, want to serve in a ministry, or want to transfer your membership, we invite you to fill out a green card available in any pew. Page 7 1115 N Government Way | Spokane, WA 99224 | 509-325-1985 | www.pcasda.org PCA’s 15th Annual Auction FEBRUARY 28 * 6:00 PM (doors open) Dinner served at 6:30 PM Upper Columbia Conference 3715 S Grove Rd Tickets are only $15 PCA's annual auction is fast approaching and the auction committee has been working hard to come up with fabulous stuff!! Please come to this event and support the school! You could be the lucky winner of these and other wonderful items. Autographed Russell Wilson football Lake Chelan home for a week (accommodates 14) date night (includes a stay at the Davenport, dinner at The Melting Pot and tickets to the Spokane Symphony) a three day weekend at a beautiful Pend Orielle River home, golf at Circling Raven, pool parties, Oregon Coast trip (includes stay, whale and sea life marine tour, plus admission to the Oregon Coast Aquarium) 3-night stay at a beautiful mountain dessert home at Eagle Crest Resort in Redmond, Oregon (for all you golfers and outdoor enthusiasts) and much, much more... February 21, 2015 Recycle Your Empty Water Bottles Please save your empty water bottles for a project for our Art classes. They can be left in the foyer at Linwood or stop by PCA and put in a box in the cafeteria. Quart-Sized Canning Jars The auction committee is asking for canning jars to use for decorating at the school auction. You can bring them by the school office. Thank you! Farm Fresh Eggs There are 2 dozen eggs in the school fridge for only $3/dozen. There are 5 dozen that are a little fresher for $5/dozen or $8/2 dozen. A jar is in the fridge for your convenience. All donations will go toward Katie and Kyle Koberstine’s mission trips next year. Please remember our clothing and textiles fundraiser as you clean out your homes of things you no longer need. Get rid of shoes, purses, bedding, towels, stuffed animals, etc. that are no longer usable. Thank you! Show Your Support PCA is selling 24” x 18” signs. Contact the school for cost and more information. Page 8 We would love to have you there, but know it may not be possible. In that case, you can still help support PCA. The following is a list of suggestions for "fund an item": Electronic reader board / school sign - approx. $13,500 While our current school sign is aesthetically pleasing, it is difficult to read from the road. Not only would an electronic reader board sign be more visible, but it would be a good marketing tool. Open Houses, school programs, athletic events, etc. could be advertised. Special features (markers) of the school, music, academic excellence, athletics, etc. could also be promoted. The current sign would be set up in front of the school or by the flag pole. Commercial grade riding lawn mower - $5,000 - $7,000 Our current lawn mower is an old Craftsman which is in constant need of repair. With the amount of lawn that needs mowed, a larger, heavy duty, commercial grade mower is needed. Commercial vacuum cleaners, 8-10 needed - approx. $300 each Ten student workers share about three old vacuums cleaners. These vacuums are held together with duct tape and are in constant need of repair. Softball Field Upgrades - $6,000 The infield is full of rocks and holes. An upgrade would consist of removing the infield grass, leveling it, and putting down a layer of regular ball field dirt. Holes in the outfield would also be filled. Text books - $7,000+ The new NAD science series for grades 1-8 is off the presses. Our old series is about 20 years old. We are also looking to upgrade our math books. If you would like to fund any part of these items, please contact PCA. February 21, 2015 Page 9 UPPER COLUMBIA CONFERENCE NEWS A Change of Plans Due to a scheduling conflict, we have a new speaker for Friday night and Sabbath at camp meeting. We're pleased to announce that Derek Morris will be sharing with us this year for the Upper Columbia Conference camp meeting, coming June 17-20, 2015. For more information about camp meeting and to register for lodging go to:uccsda.org/ home/cm-registration. Pray for Pend Oreille Valley Adventist School This is the second year since Pend Oreille Valley Adventist School reopened and God has been doing awesome things there. The school has grown tremendously since the start of this school year and we praise God for that. Almost half of the students are from the community – what an awesome outreach. Please pray the school will be a light to the students and families they serve . “Notes of Encouragement” Cards Whether someone needs encouragement, dealing with difficult times, needs friendship, an expression of appreciation, or something different, you are welcome fill out a “Note of Encouragement” card in any of the pews. If you don’t know the address, leave it at the church office and we will mail it for you. February 21, 2015 UCC Members Give Hope for Humanity Ingathering, now known as Hope for Humanity, continues in the Upper Columbia Conference. For 2014, $14,397 was donated and/or solicited from our church members with $1,295 reverted back to the churches surpassing their 2014 goals. Hope for Humanity materials can be ordered (most are for shipping cost only) fromwww.adventsource.org search “Hope for Humanity.” For more information about the humanitarian efforts Hope for Humanity is doing visit their website at www.hope4.com. Children’s Ministries Plus+ You’ve probably heard the expression, “Time flies when you are having fun,” and we are looking forward to a fun time at the Children’s Ministries/VBS Training event scheduled for March 1 at the conference office. Don’t let the time fly, though, and miss the early bird discount (before February 18). Encourage your fellow children’s ministries leaders to join you for this inspiring time. If interested, contact Linwood’s church office. Information also online at www.uccsda.org/vbstraining2015. Worship Under the Big Top Have you made plans yet to attend this year's camp meeting? It's a wonderful time to gather and be encouraged for greater service for Christ. The Upper Columbia Conference camp meeting is coming June 17-20, 2015. There are still camp meeting sites and rooms available. Be sure to reserve yours to guarantee a spot. For more information about camp meeting and to register go to: .uccsda.org/home/cmregistration. Page 10 Guatemala Mission Trip Assistance The Youth Dept. needs the following for their trip: 20 carry-on suitcases, beanie babies, tooth brushes, bars of soap, wash cloths, some new tools and equipment for our ongoing mission trips, and financial assistance for some students. We welcome your support through donations either delivered or mailed to Upper Columbia Conference, Youth Dept. at 3715 S Grove Road, Spokane, WA 99224, or make donations online at www.uccsda.org/Youth/GoMission. Any questions, contact Denise at 509-2420506 or denisek@uccsda.org. Please have all donations in by March 5, 2015. Riding for Jesus Are you a biker? The Adventist Motorcycle Ministry is dedicated to bringing the Word of God to motorcycle clubs of nonChristian origin. Ride on scheduled events with other Christian Motorcycle Clubs and have fun sharing your love for Jesus. The Washington state chapter is seeking people interested in serving as officers. Contact Gerry Landry at (509) 720-3993 and/or more information at www.adventistmotorcycleministry.org. An Old Fashioned Love Story Coming to Spokane February 20, "Old Fashioned" is a faith-based love story about Clay, a reformed frat boy whose relationship with Christ impacts the way he looks at life and relationships; and Amber, a free-spirited woman who has felt the pain of dating relationships. Together, they attempt the impossible: an old-fashioned courtship in contemporary America! This refreshing love story was released February 14 and will be showing in Spokane starting February 20. Read about this indie film, share it on social media, find church resources and more at www.oldfashionedmovie.com Roller Skating Social Everyone is Invited on Saturday night, March 7 at 6:30 p.m.! Bring your friends & family to Roller Valley (9415 E 4th Ave. Spokane Valley) to enjoy Christian fellowship and we chose the music. The cost is $7.00 /person and that includes the roller skates, we have a special deal – if your kids are skating then Dad & Mom skate FREE! Any questions contact Spokane Valley Adventist Church at 509-926-5866. More information on page 15. SonBridge Job Opening SonBridge Community Center has an immediate opening for a Development/ Communication Coordinator. This is a fulltime position with benefits. Visit CHAT For Jesus www.sonbridge.org for more information. Learn how to effectively follow Jesus To apply, please email your resume to Christ’s example and help people gain a admin@sonbridge.org. Successful candibetter life by becoming a Certified Comdate will be a member in good standing of munity Health Advocate Trainer (CHAT). Find out more about this intensive training the SDA Church. Come join the SonBridge team as we seek to connect lives coming to Spokane, visit www.uccsda.org/News/News2015-02-10. and empower change! February 21, 2015 Page 11 February 21, 2015 Page 12 February 21, 2015 Page 13 February 21 Bulletin Items U I R T D V E X M F N M B R E W Y B O T 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. R Y C O H E H G J V X A N F A E U M F F N K R E L R N P D R R O T T W H X G C F T E D T H L H O R I G P E J U X S N S F N V V I S C E U I N R R Y D C P Y T V M R I I A M I J R I H B B M X E O R Y Q P Belknap Caring Hearts Church Budget Evangelism Hanging On Hanging Out Kenny Applewhaite February 21, 2015 F N V H N K N G S O S S N C H A O G U T B A P W Q G N I T K B A I O E P T Z G E S N C E L A E T M E A A F H S E S M Y G C D H L H L L L L R L T G D W N E U P D B D W P U E P K I F E N I U L D V U W U I O F P S M N Y E S I Y N N H O O I G B A L L A K A I A T R M Q A E G R L R Q H 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Kevin and Dolly Love Story Old Fashioned Pend Oreille Prayer Ministry Riding for Jesus Roller Skating K L T Y P Z T A A M M X L R J E G P Z C Z Y G N U U E C V M Y E U O P I I D U R 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. L E X N R X S P O K A N E V A L L E Y U E W A E H A N G I N G O U T M L X B N H L G M K K O V A D D I P F O Q E B K R C H S U S E J R O F G N I D I R X J A H O R E T R O F M O C E H T M A E T Y D U R Rudy Team SonBridge Special Feature Spokane Valley The Comforter Water Bottles Page 14 February 21, 2015 Page 15 We Believe . . . 1. That the Bible is the final authority for all belief and practice for the Christian (2 Timothy 3:16-17). 2. That there is one God revealed in three persons—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit (Matthew 3:16-17: Genesis 1:26). 3. That we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone (John 3:16, 1 John 5:12-13 & Ephesians 2:8-9). 4. That Christians who have been redeemed by Jesus will live in obedience to all of His commandments (John 14:15). 5. That Jesus will come again very soon (John 14:1-3). 6. That the requirements of the Ten Commandments are still binding on all people today, including the seventh-day Sabbath of the fourth commandment (Matthew 5:17, Exodus 20:8-11). 7. That the judgment which will decide the eternal destiny of all people is now taking place in heaven (Daniel 8:14, 9:25-27). 8. That when a person dies one does not go immediately to heaven or hell, but rests in the grave as one who is asleep awaiting the resurrection (Ecclesiastes 9:5-6, John 5:28-29, 11:11-14). 9. That after Jesus comes again, the people of God will judge the world with Jesus, following which fire will fall from heaven to completely devour the wicked and purify the earth (1 Corinthians 6:2-3, Revelation 20:4-9, 2 Peter 3:10-13). 10. That God, as a loving Father, wants us to live healthful lives avoiding foods and substances He has declared unfit, and actively pursuing positive lifestyle habits (Leviticus 11, Proverbs 20:1, Daniel 1:8, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20). 11. That the followers of Jesus will live pure and honorable lives making sure their business, recreation and relationships meet the Bible standard (Philippians 4:8). 12. That God gives spiritual gifts to His people for the purpose of ministry. Given by the agency of the Holy Spirit gifts provide the abilities and ministries such as faith, healing, prophecy, proclamation, teaching, administration, reconciliation, compassion, charity and other gifts. (1 Corinthians 12; Rom. 12:4-8; 1 Peter 4:10, 11). 13. That the Seventh-day Adventist Church fills a special role in the world today to prepare people for the 2nd coming of Jesus (Rev. 14:6-13). 14. That we will grow as we spend time with God in prayer, as we feed on His word and share His love through witnessing.(2 Timothy 2:15; Ephesians 6:18; Galatians 5:22-25) 15. That the Bible teaches that all who have accepted Jesus as their Savior/Lord, and who intend to obey all the teachings of the Bible should be baptized by immersion (John 3:5; Mark 16:16 & Matthew 28:19-20).
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