Official Publication of the Department of Oregon Veterans Foreign2015 Wars Januaryof - February VFW NEWS 1 The Oregon VFW NEWS Volume 46 January - February 2015 STATE COMMANDER Service to Our Veterans Richard Eubank We are in the New Year and I would like to thank those Posts and Districts that achieved their membership goal at 100% plus. We have 22 Posts and three Districts at 100% plus and I know it took dedicated work on the behalf of our Veterans. Without you staying on the battlefield and not giving up ground we can continue to fight for our Veterans. We cannot afford to take our packs off or take our duties lightly and assume that others will fight the fight. I know with all my belief none of you would ever abandon the battlefield in a combat zone and I know you will stand shoulder to shoulder in defense of our Veterans today. Funding for our service department is based on the membership total as well as the claims filed during the year. If we cannot fund the service office, then the amount of claims filed for our Veterans also falls in numbers. As you can see, this would affect our ability to perform the service we were founded on in 1899 and that is “Service to our Veterans.” Number 4 District 16 Holds Awards Banquet at Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum By Alex Simshaw In an effort to get back to the basics of what the VFW encompasses, District 16 has focused on contestants of the Voice of Democracy, Patriots Pen and the Smart/Maher National Citizenship Education Teacher Award. This event was held at the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum to showcase the event. We had more requests for tickets than we had seats. We gave away $2,400 in prize money to our contestants. All of the prize money was raised through donations and individual prizes sponsorship from the community prior to the event. Congratulations to our winners! Voice of Democracy Winners: 1st Place Rebekah McKinley, Newberg Post 4015 2nd Place Shelby Byerly, Dayton Post 10626 3rd Place Kristine Taylor, Hillsboro Post 2666. Patriots Pen Winners: 1st Place Kyle Reimer, Dayton Post 10626 2nd Place Sara Sloan, Hillsboro Post 2666 3rd Place Madelyn Stellingwerf, Beaverton Post 4617. Smart/Maher National Citizenship Education Teacher Award Winners: 1st Place - Charlotte Smail - McMinnville High School from Dayton Post 10626 2nd Place - Geary Linhart - Veritas Classical Christian School from Newberg Post 4015 3rd Place - Magan Hills - Veritas Classical Christian School from Hillsboro Post 2666. Next year we are planning to hold this event at the Grand Ronde where we will have more space. We have to remember this is a contest and need to treat it as such. Making this a big event every year brings out the competition and quality of the contestants. This is what we do as an organization. I am deeply proud of your commitment to serve this great Organization and the Veterans of Oregon. Yours in Comradeship, Richard Eubank Past Commander-in-Chief to attend Oregon Mid-Winter Thomas A. Pouliot was elected VFW Commanderin-Chief on September 4, 1998, at the organization’s 99th National Convention in San Antonio, Texas. Pouliot served in the United States Navy from January 1962 through May 1966. During that time, he was assigned to an aviation wing and saw duty on Thomas A. Pouliot three aircraft carriers: the USS Independence, Commander-in-Chief the USS Midway and the 1998-1999 USS Coral Sea. He was United States VFW aboard the Coral Sea when it conducted operations against North Vietnam from the Gulf of Tonkin. He was awarded the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, the National Defense Service Medal and several Navy Unit Commendations. Patriots Pen winner Kyle Reimer and award-winning McMinneville teacher Charlotte Smail, with VFW officials. Following military service, Pouliot joined the VFW in 1977 at Post 1116, Helena, Montana, where he maintains his Gold Legacy Life Membership. Since then, he has held several elected and appointed positions in the organization, including National Judge Advocate General. He was an All-American Department Commander in 1990-1991. Pouliot received his law degree from the University Of Montana School Of Law. He has a private law practice and has served as a city judge in East Helena, Montana. He belongs to the Montana Lawyers Association, the Montana Magistrates Association, the American Legion, and is a Life Member of the VFW Cooties. He and his wife Shirley reside in Helena. Winners of the District 16 Voice of Democray, Patriot Pen and Smart/Maher National Citizenship Education Teacher Awards, with VFW officials. 2 VFW NEWS January - February 2015 Updates SENIOR VICE COMMANDER JUNIOR VICE COMMANDER Communication is Success JUAN PALACIOS I hope and pray that you and your families are safe, content and had a very happy Merry Christmas. I was sad to hear of Linda Kelly’s resignation as Junior Vice Commander. We have to do what is most important for our health. We need to stay healthy. I was reading the last issue of our Department newsletter and got thinking about how many people read the newsletter since we went electronic. I would like people to send me an e-mail or letter stating what they want to see more of… I was thinking along the line of having a District Commander Corner where each District Commander writes about what is going on in their district. The article has to be fairly short but informative. I know that several Posts and Districts sponsor a lot of events and nobody hears about it. I think that we need to change this and let everybody know what they are doing. By doing this, it could help others Posts with ideas and a contact point as to how the event was done. This is known as helping each other. If an event fails, so be it — but look at why it failed. Do not quit and say “Oh well,” or “I knew it would fail.” Look at the positive side because it may have gotten some members involved. This will cause more work for the District Commander but it will show how all the districts are doing even if it is one event or planning on an event. WE ARE COMMUNICATING! The programs for Patriot’s Pen, Voice of Democracy and Teachers Aware are almost completed. I hope that every Post was able to submit a contestant for each program. I feel that they are very important programs that will help our organization. It shows that we care about our youths and their teachers, and not only our veterans. All contestants should be recognized for their efforts of hard work. This will make them feel good and proud. Remember: COMMUNUICATION IS SUCCESS. Take care, God Bless and Semper Fi. Juan M. Palacios DEPARTMENT SURGEON Building Comradship I hope all your Christmas and New Years were filled with joy and good tidings. We’ve had a great summer and fall of recruiting and retention. I’d like to offer a special welcome to all KEN KRAFT our new members throughout Oregon and a thank you to all members who have paid their annual dues or even upgraded to life or legacy life memberships. If you go online to you can start a personal account where you can update information, pay yearly dues, begin life or legacy life installments and learn more about our Veterans of Foreign Wars programs. Retention is the lifeblood of our Posts, Districts and State. Posts should be actively reaching out to their membership and trying to update contact information and providing members information on post activities. Visitations and phone calls to membership is also a great way to determine if a member is in need or has special needs that can be helped through our post service officers, chaplain, etc. New members need to engage with their Posts to learn the Veterans of Foreign Wars programs and discuss ways to make our posts a place that all members can come serve, build comradeship or have a meal, etc. It’s also time to thank all the Districts and Posts who have met the 100% and 85% retention—it says a lot about your leadership and hard work from your membership. Many more posts and districts are very close and will reach the goal just keep up the hard work and teamwork. Help Keep the Ship Afloat It’s hard to believe we are already halfway through the year. How exciting is that! By the time you read this article most of you will have heard that due to medical LINDA KELLY reasons I have had to resign from my position as Junior Vice Commander for the State of Oregon. It has been with great pleasure that I have been able to serve with the elite. I want to thank each and everyone in the State of Oregon for their total support and hard work during my short tenure. I challenge each Commander to clean house. If you have a canteen that is a dark and gloomy place that war stories are told and our younger troops don’t want to venture into, clean it up! and get them involved. They may have different issues than we did when we came home but the issues to them today are family and that’s what we should be looking into. How do we get our younger troops involved? Family! If it has to do with the family then it is the right thing to do. Ask them what is important to them. You must get them involved now to have them ready to go into battle at a moment’s notice to help keep the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States alive. Each of us know what the right thing to do is and we did it so very long ago, and we can do it again. Remember, do you want your post to be known as the great last frontier, or do you want it to be where no man has ever gone before? Remember, you are not giving up the ship, you are just helping keep it afloat. As, I have traveled the state, I have seen Posts from one extreme to the other. If it’s in the by-laws to do it a certain way then that is the way for it to be done. Rules and regulations were created for a reason and we must follow those rules. If you need permission to use the Cross of Malta, get the permission that you need so we are doing things legally. Meetings and Membership By the time you read this newsletter, Christmas will have come and gone. I hope that all of you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. It is that time of year once again to pay tribute to our Voice of Democracy winners. I look forward to their RICHARD speeches each year, and with HALVORSON each new year the speeches seem to get better. I am sure that this year will be as good as last year. This year is half over and we still have a lot of work to do. We need to go out and talk to our members and make sure that they have their dues up to date for the year. We should also ask if they would like upgrade to be a Life Member. Life Membership is much easier now that we can pay monthly and use a credit card. We need to make sure that our members know that we are thinking of them all year long and that we need them at the Post, with their ideas and their help. We need to let them know that they are welcome and needed. Winter Districts meetings are coming up soon. I hope that you will take the time to attend. This is the time when all the posts in each of the Districts get together and look at what they have done so far this year and what they still have to do before State Convention. This is to make sure that all reports are being made on time and how other Posts are doing. It always helps if Posts work together and make their District number one in the state. I would like to see all of you at our Mid-Winter Conference, but if you can’t make it I hope to see you some time before State Convention. Be safe and go out and recruit some new members — the more the merrier — and invite them to your next meeting. Rich Halverson I may not be in the Junior Vice Position any longer but, I am still your Community Service Report Chairman. All reports will still come to me for processing. Again, I challenge each of you to get your reports into me. It’s much harder to remember all the things we did when we need to report them a year later. Do it monthly or quarterly. I know most of you are doing things in the community but, are not reporting them. It’s pretty easy. Forms are both in PDF and Excel format are available at the Department website, . Go to Community Service Forms on the left side and download the form in the Excel format, enable editing and fill out, then email or mail to me. Print a copy for your records and you are done. It’s that simple. 70th Anniversary of the End of World War II 1945-2015 Iwo Jima Flagraising Ceremony If you need help I am always available for service, please give me a call at (503) 882-1091. Assemby Time 9:30 am Again, thank you all for your support and I will see you around campus! Linda Kelly The Canby-Aurora VFW 6057 Post/Auxiliary Cordially Invites you to the 70th Anniversary of the of the Iwo Jima Flagriaisng Ceremony at the Canby Adult Center, 1250 S. Ivy Saturday, February 21, 2015, 10 am All Veteran groups and Service Organizations are invited to bring their colors and be part of the ceremony Breakfast will be served by the Canby Adult Center immediately following the ceremony. Adults: $8.00, Children (10 YEARS AND UNDER): $5.00 For more information, please call 503-266-4527 Oregon has a busy membership schedule this spring with booths at festivals and events. If you have an event in your area and need some help or have questions please contact the state headquarters so we can assist as possible. National Military Service which covers Adopta-Unit, MAP grants, Unmet needs, phone cards are all important programs and required for the All State criteria. Adopted units require a yearly report to maintain your adopted status so if you’re working with your unit you’ll need to get reporting completed and turned in. Your NMS contributions will need to be made through the state office, if you have questions please contact state. Congratulations to District 13, Redmond, Sisters, Oregon City, Lake Oswego for completing your yearly NMS requirements. Stay active, have some fun and recruit or retain some members. Hope to see you all at Mid-Winter. Ken Kraft continued in next column JUDGE ADVOCATE January - February 2015 VFW NEWS 3 Updates Donation Needs for Veterans’ Home Veterans’ benefits are threatened… The battle is underway. We are fighting a fierce battle in Congress to protect the entitlements veterans have earned through the generations. Donate to VFW to fight for your rights and support VFW programs right here in our state. ® Share your news Submissions for 2015 Mar-April VFW News due by Feb 25, 2014 VFW prefers to receive photos and articles by e-mail. Text should be unformatted and attached in a Word document; digital photos or scans of conventional photos (resolution of 300 dpi if possible) should be sent separately as jpeg attachments. Original photos yield better output than photocopies of photos. Please avoid pdfs for text. Please send your submissions to: THE OREGON VFW Published in July, Sept, Nov, Jan, March and May Official Publication,Veterans of Foreign Wars of Oregon Office of Publication: Department of Oregon, VFW, 12440 N.E. Halsey Portland, Oregon 97230 Phone (503) 255-5808 Commander: Richard Eubank Sr. Vice Commander: Juan Palacios Jr. Vice Commander: Linda Kelly Adjutant/Quartermaster: Cheryl Campos EDITORIAL POLICY: All official expressions herein will be in conformity with the mandates of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. Signed contributions from units within the Department of Oregon are invited. The Department of Oregon reserves the right to revise or reject any material submitted considered not in line with good business. Submissions are subject to priority considerations and space limitations. The deadline for receipt of copy and photographs for the March-April issue is Feb. 25. Editorial Contact: Phone 503-255-5808 Email: CIRCULATION: 15,000 in Oregon ADDRESS CHANGE Name _ ________________________________________ Old Address ____________________________________ City ___________________State________ Zip________ New Address ___________________________________ City ___________________State _________ Zip________ Send address changes to Circulation Department, VFW Magazine, Broadway at 34th St., Kansas City, MO 64111. Donations to the Home in Lebanon will be used to support our Veteran residents or augment the many programs we will have. Donations are used to enhance the quality of life for veterans through activities, events, and equipment. Great consideration is taken to use the gifts to improve the quality of life for our honored Veterans to enjoy. We reserve the right to carefully select what donations are accepted and prefer each donation to be in good to best condition for the honor of our Veteran residents. We anticipate need/use of the following items: • • • • • • • • • • • • • DVD/Blu-Ray players Wireless headsets CD Players/Radios (portable) Board/ card games (dominoes, cribbage, pinochle, Euchre) Music CDs Poker table and poker chips Indoor horseshoe kit Fall and Christmas decorations Birthday supplies (balloons, string, signs) 3D Puzzles Nerf guns (bullets, targets) Karaoke machine Woodworking, fishing, gardening supplies (paint and brushes) • Sports supplies (balls, gloves, racquets, nets, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • horseshoes) Science for seniors projects Puzzle books (trivia, word search, crossword) Safe dart board (darts) Custom sewing (catheter bag covers, bed skirts) Chips, crackers, and cookies (individually packaged) Soft boxed snacks (i.e. Little Debbies) Microwave popcorn Bottled water Non-alcoholic beer (O’Doul’s, Coors Cutter, etc.) Soda pop (regular and diet) Flavored creamers (individually packaged) Candy (regular and sugar free) Electric razors (Norelco, Remington, etc.) Remote control cars Documentaries (DVD/Blu-Ray) Movies (DVD/Blu-Ray) Poligrip, Polident, toothpaste “Forever” postage stamps Gold Bond Ultimate Healing Skin Therapy Lotion Megan Eddy, Recreation Director 600 N 5th St. Lebanon, Oregon 97355 541-497-7265 4 VFW NEWS January - February 2015 News Leave your mark for the future — become a Legacy Life Member What is a Legacy Life Member?? Being a Legacy Life member is another level of the VFW Life Membership program. It is intended to give our life members a way to leave a lasting legacy to the VFW. Future generations will know you, not only for the sacrifices you made as a veteran, but for the contribution you made as a member. That’s a legacy to be proud of. When you become a Legacy Life Member, you are helping us strengthen the VFW where NO ONE DOES MORE FOR VETERANS. VFW Store 1-Stop Shopping There are three levels of Legacy Life Membership available: Gold, Silver or Bronze. Each level offers generous benefits reserved exclusively for Legacy Life Members. Once your Legacy Life Membership begins, an annual endowment in your name will be made to your Post, Department and the organization. You can feel confident knowing your contributions to our organization are helping not only today’s veterans, but the veterans of tomorrow. The best thing is that you will always be a member of your Post — even after you’re gone. * U.S. Flags * Ladies Auxiliary * Patriotic items * Military medals * Custom orders * Apparel * And much more! Now Legacy Life memberships can be purchased for deceased life members. This is a great way to honor our past life members and keep them on the rolls of your Post. This program is also offered in a payment plan as well. If you are a Life Member and are interested in this program, simply fill out the form on page 8 of this publication. Contact Department Headquarters with questions 503-255-5808 Your purchase supports veterans, military service members and their families. KEEP OREGON STRONG BECOME A LEGACY LIFE MEMBER TODAY! * VFW items | 1-800-821-2606 2 Columns x 5 inches Legacy Life Members in Oregon as of 8 January 2015 Last Name First Name Post Legacy Level Last Name First Name Post Legacy Level Gill Scott 180 Gold Morell Jr. John S 1324 Bronze Chapman Mark D 293 Gold Ruger D J. 1324 Bronze Wymetalek Kerry A 661 Gold Yaden Boyd C 1324 Bronze Halverson Richard E 922 Gold Reijonen Albert A 1442 Bronze Hand * James F 922 Gold Doyle Ernie 2666 Bronze Kraft Kenneth L 1324 Gold Ruck Rex L 3232 Gold McDonald James G 1324 Gold Howard Lawrence J 3452 Bronze Ballard Ronald E 1383 Gold Mauer Arthur V 3452 Bronze Wakefield * Daniel W 1442 Gold Matthews James E 3965 Bronze Ege Roger A 1909 Gold Dorsett *** Roscoe V 3973 Bronze Kolbeck Frederick T 3232 Gold Winterton Ernest H 3973 Bronze Gargis Paul L 3232 Gold Hendrick David W 4039 Bronze Smith Kenneth E 3232 Gold Leppin Richard A 4039 Bronze Alexander Lawrence R 3957 Gold Northcutt Melvin L 4039 Bronze Boosinger Steven M 3965 Gold Watson Bryce L 4039 Bronze Eubank Richard L 3965 Gold Lazette Thomas A 4116 Bronze Johann John C 3965 Gold Poling James M 4116 Bronze Manson James E 3965 Gold Mc Neal * Thomas R 4248 Bronze Stanks John P 3965 Gold Anderson Robert L 4273 Bronze Wise Jr Jess M 3965 Gold Reed Donald L 4273 Bronze Carroll Jason 3973 Gold Sigleer Robert G 6057 Bronze Griswold Jason F 3973 Gold Henshen Norman M 7384 Bronze Jagodnik Ronald W 3973 Gold Palacios Juan M 10626 Bronze Davidson * Harold G 4108 Gold Drais Gregory L 4248 Gold Sopher * Deets Donald C Maurice A MAL 1324 Bronze Bronze Guldenzopf Dale N 4248 Gold Jenkinson Michael J 1324 Bronze Key Bert W 4273 Gold Johnson Karen H 1383 Bronze Roger A 1383 Gold Miller William H 4273 Gold Pattee Knight Jeffrey D 3973 Gold Swant Jim W 3232 Bronze Pitman Gary D 922 Silver Tureck Dan S 4108 Gold Van Kirk Nicholas R 922 Silver Kelly Linda K 1909 Silver Pitcher Harvey A 3452 Silver Carroll George E 3973 Silver Wymore Rodney W 3973 Silver Beard Vernon A 4039 Silver Higgins Rick L 4039 Silver Prudhon Charles A 4116 Silver Laing Thomas G 9448 Silver Wrinkle John R 4108 Silver Boyer Terry E 4273 Silver Marriott Tyler E 180 Bronze Shaull Val G 180 Bronze Willis James M 584 Bronze Birch Neil E 1324 Bronze Bragg Robert M 1324 Bronze Kidd David M 1324 Bronze Miller Dale K 1324 Bronze Bronze Silver Gold Total 30 12 30 72 * Deceased Member *** In Memorium Member January - February 2015 VFW NEWS 5 Special Events 2015 Convention Meal Program The Mill Casino and Hotel Oregon, 4, 5, 6 June 2015 Lunches: Thursday – Meat Lasagna Friday – BBQ Beef Sandwich Saturday – Chicken Pot Pie Friday Night Banquet: Breast of Chicken or Slow roasted New York Strip Individual prices for meals will be Lunch $17.50 and Banquet $29. On site the meals will be $18 and $30 PDC/PDP Breakfast: $12.00 The above prices includes the 18% gratuity charged by The Mill DEADLINE FOR ORDERING BY MAIL IS MAY 22nd, 2015. No tickets will be sold via mail after this date. If you are on a special diet, please let Norman Henshen know so we can notify banquet services. If you plan to sit as a group at the Banquet, all monies and names must be sent in together. cut here>>>>_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SEND THIS PORTION WITH YOUR CHECK OR MONEY ORDER Indicate how many: Banquet: New York Strip_____ Chicken ______ *Lunch_____ (Meal Package $81.50) *40&Over________ (Auxiliary members who have been members for 40 years or more) (40/Over Lunch is one of the three lunches) PDC/PDP Breakfast _________Enclosed: $_____________ NAME: _____________________________PHONE#____________________ ADDRESS________________________________________________________ 2015 Convention Booklet Ads 2015 will find us in North Bend at the Mill Casino and Hotel. We have been here before so is not a new experience. We are offering the same price as in previous years: Full Page: $100.00 Half Page: 60.00 Quarter Page: 35.00 Honorable Mention: 15.00 (Several of you wanted an avenue to show your support so we developed this category, gives you a one or two liner in the book) We would like to see all Districts to submit an ad in 2015. Post/Auxiliary support was good last year, but we hope for more input in 2015. We thank all for their support because this allows us to do more for you. At your next Post/Auxiliary/District meeting, vote to send in an advertisement and support the program. Advertisements in the Convention Booklet are an excellent way to tell everyone where you are and what you do, so be creative, tell us about your Post/Auxiliary. Please, do not wait until the 1 May 2015 deadline to send in your ads. Make checks payable to VFW Convention and forward to: VFW, Department of Oregon 12440 N.E. Halsey Street Portland, OR 97230-1927 Thank you, Norman M Henshen Convention Chairmen Email: 541-726-6686 or cell: 541-953-7874 CITY___________________________STATE____________ZIP CODE_______ ADDITIONAL NAMES_____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ DISTRICT#__________ POST/AUX#___________ MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO VFW CONVENTIONS and send to: VFW Department of Oregon 12240 N.E. Halsey Street Portland, OR 97230-1927 If any questions please call Norman M. Henshen at 541-726-6686 or cell: 541-953-7874 E-Mail: HOW TO PRINT A HARD COPY OF THIS ISSUE To print one or more pages of this edition of Oregon VFW News, open the pdf in Adobe Acrobat and, in the Print dialogue box, specify which page(s) to print. The default size is 11”x17” paper. To print on 8.5”x11” paper, choose “Shrink to printable area,” or “Scale to fit.” 6 VFW NEWS January - February 2015 Statistics Department of Oregon Membership 2014 - 2015 as of 1/8/2015 Department Total 2014 15,520 2014 2015 Department Percentage 2014 2015 101.44% 89.58% 13,903 2015 ISTRICT #2 D 1440 St. Helens 57 49 1909 Rainier 100* 75 2848 Bay City 119 115 2994 Clatskanie 46* 34 4362 Scappoose 65* 64 10580 Warrenton 61* 46 12123 Seaside 51* 30 499* 413 DISTRICT #3 907 World War 30 28 1325 Peninsula/Pep 162* 132 1442 Jasper C Lent 205* 162 4053 Gen Geo A White 75 71 4248 Sellwood Brk. 703* 484 1175* 877 DISTRICT #4 965 Coquille 26* 22 966 Brookings 97 87 2928 Myrtle Point 54* 50 3182 North Bend 95 85 3440 Bandon 195* 184 4439 Gold Beach 50* 46 6102 Powers 43 35 5559* 513 DISTRICT #5 1383 Klamath Falls 803 760 4070 Lakeview 78 70 6147 Malin 16* 15 897 845 2014 2014 2015 DISTRICT #6 2990 La Grande 72* 3048 Baker City 174 3749 Huntington 27 4060 Union 127 4307 Enterprise 187 5452 Ontario 156 7847 Halfway 81* 824 64 164 25 126 171 148 73 771 DISTRICT #7 353 Ashland 27* 26 1833 Medford 406* 347 2302 Grants Pass 126* 144* 4116 Rogue River 293* 264 6184 Eagle Point 54 45 6881 Shady Cove 30* 30* 9670 Jacksonville 17* 18* 953* 874 DISTRICT #8 922 Pendleton 318 286 2471 The Dalles 87* 72 3597 John Day 39* 35 567 Milton Freewater 44* 39 4750 Hermiston 198 198* 4943 Echo 25 25* 711 655 2015 ISTRICT #9 D 732 Siletz 27* 28* 2624 Newport 77 77* 3156 Waldport 39* 38 3232 Florence 208* 209* 3594 Reedsport 49* 59* 4227 Toledo 32 26 5653 Lincoln City 61 56 493 493 DISTRICT #10 1412 Prineville 145 127 1643 Bend 326 307 4108 Redmond 616 592 4217 Warm Springs 47* 33 7242 La Pine 58 58* 8138 Sisters 41 42* 12141 Madras 0 59 1233 1218 DISTRICT #12 2468 Roseburg 309* 282 3970 Sutherlin 187 189* 7752 Myrtle Creek 141 127 9745 Winston 219 197 856 795 DISTRICT #13 293 3473 3965 4039 4166 7384 9448 10639 121337 Eugene Cottage Grove Springfield Creswell Marcola Coburg Veneta Junction City Eugene 330* 138* 656* 168* 27* 54* 115* 38* 36 1562* 303 143* 591 252* 30* 91* 144* 31 39* 1624* 2014 2015 DISTRICT #14 584 Albany 388 352 661 Salem 337* 442* 2105 Harrisburg 37* 40* 3203 Dallas 91* 94* 3437 Sweet Home 297* 238 3957 Monroe 45* 38 4065 Jefferson 44 37 5638 Stayton 78 77 1317* 1318* DISTRICT #15 180 Gresham 271* 199 1324 Oregon City 417* 219 3973 Molalla 423* 277 4273 Sandy 526 352 6047 Canby 86 76 12140 Lake Oswego 0 120 1821* 1243 DISTRICT #16 2666 Hillsboro 250* 256* 3452 Tualatin 171* 153 4015 Newberg 233 191 4211 Willamina 91 79 4617 Beaverton 106* 85 10626 Dayton 219* 150 1070 914 MEMBERS AT LARGE 1550* 1350 *100% POSTS VFW TAPS DIST/POST/CITY 15 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 8 8 8 8 8 8 15 15 5 5 10 10 3 3 3 10 10 7 7 7 7 7 12 12 12 180 293 293 293 584 661 661 661 661 661 661 922 922 922 922 922 922 1324 1324 1383 1383 1412 1412 1442 1442 1442 1643 1643 1833 1833 1833 2302 2302 2468 2468 2468 Gresham Eugene Eugene Eugene Albany Salem Salem Salem Salem Salem Salem Pendleton Pendleton Pendleton Pendleton Pendleton Pendleton Oregon City Oregon City Klamath Falls Klamath Falls Prineville Prineville Portland Portland Portland Bend Bend Medford Medford Medford Grants Pass Grants Pass Roseburg Roseburg Roseburg NAME Adrian O Kramer Robert E Hayden William D Radloff Ronald D Sandford Thomas A Patterson Lorin H Atkins William A Bentson Charles K Crane Robert M Ehly Joseph J Gadach Richard Ward Carl Duchek Jame H Mathews Jack L Mc Pherson Robert G Mooers Sr Donald F Peck Walter J Reiman David A Hamer Leo G Wade Gordon E Davis Ernie D Wiggins Robert W Ervin Leonard R Kopcinski Sr Harry M Clark Alvin R Maddin Glenn J Schantz Duane G Anderson Franklin D Lee Jerome Baird Robert H Hall Clyde C Matthews Arlie G Hogue Burr G Hood George L Fain Wayne R Miller Herman E Oberholzer DIST/POST/CITY 12 9 9 9 9 2 4 6 6 9 14 14 14 14 9 9 9 13 13 13 13 9 9 8 8 6 13 13 13 12 15 15 15 16 13 14 2468 2624 2624 2624 2624 2848 2928 2990 3048 3156 3203 3203 3203 3203 3232 3232 3232 3473 3473 3473 3473 3594 3594 3597 3597 3749 3965 3965 3965 3970 3973 3973 3973 4015 4039 4065 Roseburg Newport Newport Newport Newport Bay City Myrtle Point La Grande Baker City Waldport Dallas Dallas Dallas Dallas Florence Florence Florence Cottage Grove Cottage Grove Cottage Grove Cottage Grove Reedsport Reedsport John Day John Day Huntington Springfield Springfield Springfield Sutherlin Molalla Molalla Molalla Newberg Creswell Jefferson NAME John H Stenbeck Cameron Applegate Richard J Engstrom Gary L Frederic Everett S Lawrence Curtis B Asher Donald C Johnson Robert K Frash Jay W Heaton John R Klotzbach RayC Erkson Steve G Fink William J LaRoche Clinton A Lukins Thomas V Book Jerry J Copeland Millard L Taylor James W Brooke Colette E Hoeller Sims Mc Fall RayPeckenpaugh Marion D Mc Wherter Wilbur H Smith George W Carr Robert T Wright Elton G Griffith Boyce G Bates Meldon V Roseberry Lawrence R Weiss Jon D Bounds Fred L Fruhwirth Harald Soule John Trierweiler Clayton W Foss Stanley E Caton Le Roy H Fery DIST/POST/CITY 14 10 10 10 7 16 16 3 3 3 3 3 15 6 8 16 16 8 8 6 6 6 14 15 15 5 12 16 16 99 99 99 99 99 99 NAME 4065 Jefferson Marvin L Trefethen 4108 Redmond Walter E Bidwell 4108 Redmond Jorgen C Due 4108 Redmond Walter M Grimm 4116 Rogue River Dean E Durst 4211 Willamina Robert S Fraser 4211 Willamina William D Latvala 4248 Portland Andrew A Delgado 4248 Portland Eldon L Graham 4248 Portland Thomas R Mc Neal 4248 Portland Matthew Vander Kaay 4248 Portland Howard A Ward 4273 Sandy James A Keehnen 4307 Enterprise Jay C Graham 4567 Milton FreewaterJames O Cline 4617 Beaverton Marv Doty 4617 Beaverton Osten M Olsen 4750 Hermiston William J Kenny 4750 Hermiston Donald K Peck 5452 Ontario James N Elledge 5452 Ontario William C Schuldt 5452 Ontario Miles R Webster 5638 Stayton PaulB Reddington 6057 Canby John R Lance 6057 Canby Robert E Myers 6147 Malin Richard W Clark 9744 Myrtle Creek Philip J Murphy 10626 McMinnville Derwood R Gibson 10626 McMinnville Kenneth E Harmes 15038 Mmbr-at-Large Herbert Berman 15038 Mmbr-at-Large Gerald GBryant 15038 Mmbe-at-Large Javier F Granados 15038 Mmbr-at-Large Dominic J Mc Mahon 15038 Mmbr-at-Large Clarence Olmstead 15038 Mmbr-at-Large Wilbur D Rankin Jr January - February 2015 VFW NEWS 7 Meetings, Statisticsetc. Recruiters Dist 15 as of 5 January 2015 Post# Recruiter 12140 Kenneth L. Kraft 13 4039 NATIONAL COUNCIL OF ADMINISTRATION A s your National Council of Administration representative from Oregon, it is my duty and privilege to report on pertinent activities of your national organization. This month I will provide some basic information about National finances and how they affect the Department of Oregon and us as individual members. Members 262 Our 2013-14 budget came out $3.5 million in the black. This was primarily due to a slight improvement in the interest received on your investments and sizable bequests. Yes, all of the life membership dues that have been paid over many years are securely invested. These investments are what make the annual payouts to the Departments and Posts possible. The 2014-15 budget was passed at the Council meeting last August in Kansas City. At $93.2 million it represents a $3 million increase over the 2013-14 budget. Rick L. Higgins 115 No Recruiter 96 10 4108 Judith A. Burger 78 10 4108 John R. Wrinkle 75 15 3973 George E. Carroll 42 15 3973 Jason Carroll 41 15 3973 Ronald W. Jagodnik 32 14 3203 Dennis R. Pratt 21 13 3965 Richard L. Eubank 17 5 1383 Duane G. Whitehead 14 13 7384 Norman M. Henshen 13 13 9448 Thomas G. Laing 11 10 4108 Dennis G. Guthrie 10 13 293 Arnold B. Christensen 10 13 3473 Kenneth E. Hunt 10 15 4273 Bert W. Key 10 15 12140 Donald L. Reed 9 16 10626 Juan M. Palacios 9 10 4108 Daniel Ackerman 8 15 3973 Rodney W. Wymore 8 9 3232 Jim W. Swant 7 Thank you for allowing me to represent you as your National Councilman. It is my honor to serve the veterans of the great state of Oregon. Please contact me any time you have questions of/for me. 14 661 Kerry A. Wymetalek 7 Bert Key, National Council Member, Oregon 15 1324 Larry W. Moseley 7 7 4116 Charles A. Prudhon 6 8 922 Gary D. Pitman 6 10 1643 Robert W. Cusick 6 12 3970 James E. Horton 6 13 3965 James E. Manson 6 4 966 Frederick L. Bremer 5 8 922 Richard E. Halverson 5 13 3965 James E. Matthews 5 15 180 Franklin R. West 5 16 2666 Daniel F. Fink 5 16 2666 Ernie Doyle 5 6 3048 Jerry R. Shaw Jr 7 2302 Charles E. Delore 4 7 2302 Glenn D. German 4 8 922 Clifford R. Smith 4 9 3232 David R. Snyder 4 10 1643 Robert W. Ruby 4 10 4108 Dan S. Tureck 4 10 7242 Wayne Barth 4 13 3965 Daniel C. Dorman 4 14 661 Wesley J. Larson 4 15 1324 Maurice A. Deets 4 2 1909 William L. Ryan 3 7 9670 William G. Travis Jr 9 3232 Paul L. Gargis 3 10 1412 David Schwab 3 10 12141 Floyd W. Leach 3 10 12141 Leonard L. Parsons 3 12 9744 Robert E. Williams 3 12 9745 Wayne Spier 3 13 293 Kenneth W. Howard 3 14 584 Edward A. Rose 3 14 4065 Tom Nollen 3 15 180 Joshua R. Ray 3 4 3 Bert Key It is most interesting where this money comes from. Twenty years ago our entire budget came from within the organization such as dues, insurance sales, investments and Quartermaster supply. This year, only $8 million of the $92.3 million will come from membership dues. The rest primarily comes from solicitations (mailings) to non-members and, of course, to some members and from corporate America as well as from many Veterans and their families who give large bequests to us. We are aware that solicitations are declining for all organizations and other revenue sources will need to be found. The $10.00 per annual member dues increase that went into effect 1 January 2014 is now flowing to the places specified in the resolution that was passed. One dollar is going directly back to the states; seven dollars are going to fund our National Service Office. Oregon is seeing an increase in the amount received, and the remaining two dollars are going to our National Military Assistance programs. What do we do with the general budget money? First, we administer the national organization. Of course this includes a couple of hundred line items of details. Payroll is a major expense. We have an authorized work force of 207 employees, of which 188 of these positions are presently filled. We have recently experienced a reduction of 15 employees as we have gone to more online and automated dues processing. During recent years, VFW national has provided ever-increasing financial assistance to all of our Departments in response to their requests. We have considerable ability to solicit revenue and hence share it with Departments. Oregon received our share during the last full year of payments, 2013. This is a good percentage of the Department’s budget. The remaining money is funneled into all of our programs. These large amounts put added meaning into our tag line “NO ONE DOES MORE FOR VETERANS.” MID-WINTER MEETINGS DIST.DATE TIME LOCATION OFFICERS 2 17-Jan 1PM Post 1909 Rainer, Sr Center 48 W 7th St Richard Eubank 3 18-Jan 1Pm Post 1442, 3405 SE 87th Ave Portland Bert Key REMARKS Potluck Noon None 4 18-Jan 1pm Post 966 Brookings, 507 Pacific Ave Tom Laing Potluck 5 21-Feb 1Pm Post 4070 Lakeview, community Center Linda Kelly Noon 6 11-Jan 1PM Canceled due to Weather Rich Halverson Noon Potluck 7 21-Feb 11am Post 2302 Grants Pass, 1830 Redwood Ave Richard Eubank Potluck 8 10-Jan 11am Post 2471 The Dalles, 700 Veterans Dr Merle Jackson Noon 9 17-Jan 1PM Post 732 Siletz, 145 SE Egbert Tom Laing Potluck 10 10-Jan 1PM Post 1643 Bend, 1503 NE 4th St Richard Eubank Noon 12 11-Jan 2PM Post 9744 Myrtle Creek Richard Eubank Noon 123 Parkside, Riddle 13 17-Jan 1PM Post 293 Eugene, 1626 Willamettee St Ken Kraft VOD Dinner 14 18-Jan 2PM Post 661 Salem, 630 Hood St NE Richard Eubank 11:30 Potluck 4 PM Potluck Potluck 1PM 15 23-May1pm Post 6057 Canby/Aurora NO WINTER MEETING 16 10-Jan 1Pm Post 2666 Hillsboro, 310 SW Walnut Linda Kelly Potluck Noon 8 VFW NEWS January - February 2015 January - February 2015 VFW NEWS 9 VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS EDWIN J. MC GLOTHIN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Background: Edwin J. Mc Glothin was a Life member of the Oregon Department of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 81 Portland, Oregon, with long time service as a Post and Department Quartermaster. Amount: Up to Five [5] $1,000 Scholarships Eligibility & Criteria for Selection: Applicant must be a 2015 high school graduating student who is a Child, Grandchild or Great-Grandchild of a Department of Oregon VFW member who is presently, or was at the time of their death, a member in good standing. Applicant must have applied or been accepted to a 2 year Community College or Vocational School, or a 4 year College or University in the United States. Applicant must be actively involved in Community Service activities in either school, community, or both. Applicant must have an accumulative 2.5 GPA or above Applicant must submit with application a 300 word neatly typed essay on the theme: “Why Veterans are Important to our Nation’s History and Future” Applicant must provide copy of School Transcripts with application. Scholarship Use: The Scholarship will be paid directly to the school of choice, once attendance as a full time student is confirmed by the school, and must be used within one [1] year of High School Graduation. Due: Must be submitted in person NLT 4:00 PM, or by U. S. Mail, post marked NLT February 17, 2015 To: Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of Oregon 12440 NE Halsey Street, Portland, Oregon 97230. Get your applications online at: or call 503-255-5808 and an application can be mailed to you. VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS EDWIN J. MCGLOTHIN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION NAME: __________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________ CITY: ________________________STATE_______________ZIP___________________ PHONE: ____________________ ALTERNATE: ________________________________ GRADE POINT AVERAGE (Cumulative): _____________ RANK (in class): ________OF________ seniors. College or school you are planning to attend: ____________________________________ Major Field of study: _______________________________________________________ SAT or ACT Scores (If available) SAT: CR________ M ________ WR ________ ACT: Composite ________ FATHER’S NAME: _________________________________________________ MOTHER’S NAME (Maiden name) ____________________________________ Name of parent or grandparent who is/was a member of the Department of Oregon Veterans of Foreign Wars: ____________________________________________________ Membership Number: _____________ VFW Post Number: _______________________ 1. Please attach a neatly typed 300 word essay on the theme: “Why Veterans are Important to our Nation’s History and Future” 2. Submit a Letter of Recommendation from at least one teacher or administrator focusing on your classroom work, as well as your community service. 3. Please include a COPY of your official grade transcripts. 4. This scholarship must be used between September 2015 and June 2016. 5. Deadline: Must be submitted in person NLT 4:00 PM, or by U. S. Mail, postmarked NLT February 17, 2015. To: Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of Oregon 12440 NE Halsey Street Portland, Oregon 97230 10 VFW NEWS January - February 2015 Roster Changes As of 1 October 2014: Page 7 District 7 ADJ Email: Page 8 Post 922 QM Dennis “Ray” Vickere Email: Page 9 Post 3437 QM Stanley Gray Email: Post 10 Post 4248 QM/ADJ Richard Standow Post 4307 QM Email: Post 12 District 2 CMD Phone: 503-717-0153 District 3 SO Michael Rivard (1325) 4605 N Stafford St Portland 97203 Phone: 503-286-8878 District 7 ADJ Michael Genske (4116) 15060 Horerster Ln Rogue River 97537 Phone: 541-499-9385 Page 13 District 10 SO: Dan Ackerman (4108) 2030 SW 28th Court Redmond 97756 Phone: 253-590-6410 District 13 CMD Phone: 541-359-7781 Deputy Chief of Staff District 7 Michael Genske (4116) 15060 Horerster Ln Rogue River 97537 Phone: 541-499-9385 Page 20 Post 353 QM Address: PO Box 381 Page 21 Post 907 Post Mail: Mail to QM Post 922 CMD Address: 325 W VanBuren Athena 97813 Post 922 QM: Dennis “Ray” Vickere 1615 SW Frazer Ave Pendleton 97801 Phone: 541-377-3707 Page 38 Post 7384 QM: Nicholas Lindley 6467 “D” St Springfield 97478 Phone: 541-744-1156 Page 39 Post 9448 Meeting Place: Veneta Com Center 25192 E Broadway Ave Post 9670 Post Mailing: Mail to QM Post 3473 ADJ Jonathan Landon Email: Page 42 Post 12141 QM: Leonard Parsons 380 SW 5th St PMB 458 Madras 97741 Phone: 541-460-5046 Post 12141 CHAP: Thomas Waterman 2965 SE James Dr Madras 97741 Phone: 503-333-8364 As of 7 October 2014: Page 10 Post 5638 QM Email: As of 9 October 2014: Page 29 Post 3594 QM Phone: 541-999-0523 As of 20 October 2014 Page 25 Post 2624 JR Vice: Robert Fitzsimmons 267 SE 143rd St South Beach 97366 Phone: 702-347-8932 Page 39 Post 7847 CMD Phone: 541-403-4332 As of 23 October 2014: Page 7 Post 584 CMD Email: Page 10 Post 5638 QM John Wilson Email: Page 28 Post 3203 Post Address: PO Box 384 Post 3232 Jr Vice: Kenneth Smith 59616 Ben Bunch Rd Florence 97439 Phone: 541-997-8231 Post 3232 QM Address: 151 42nd Way Post 3437 QM: Stanley Gray PO Box 493 Sweet Home 97386 Phone: 541-405-0206 As of 28 October 2014: Page 29 Post 3597 SR Vice: James Jerome Jr PO Box 905 Stevenson 98648 As of 6 November 2014: Page 35 Post 4439 Mailing Address: PO Box 24 As of 17 November 2014: Page 32 Post 4108 ADJ: John Wrinkle 3855 NW Montgomery Ave Redmond 97756 Phone: 541-678-3895 As of 19 November 2014: Page 33 Post 4116 CMD Phone: 541-441-2446 Page 9 Post 4211 ADJ Michael Nolen Email: Page 34 Post 4248 QM: Richard Standow 4048 N Attu St Portland 97203 Phone: 503-619-5734 Page 33 Post 4211 ADJ: Michael L Nolen 18661 SW Willamina Creek Rd Willamina 97396 Phone: 503-883-1797 Page 36 Post 5638 QM: John Wilson 1255 Kent Ct Stayton 97383 Phone: 503-769-5195 Post 5638 ADJ: Kelly Hafer PO Box 647 Aumsville 97325 Phone: 503-587-9245 Page 40 Post 9745 CDR Phone: 541-670-4000 Post 6147 CMD: Steve McKinley PO Box 50 Malin 97632 Phone: 541-723-2078 Post 6147 SR Vice: Joseph Victorine 5885 N Co Rd 111 Tulelake, CA 96134 Phone: 541-723-3995 Page 6 District 2 CMD Claude Miller Email: Page 41 Post 12140 Mailing Address: PO Box 22394 Lake Oswego 97269 Page 27 Post 3182 Meeting Time: 3PM Page 37 Post 6057 CMD: Michael Landreville PO Box 370 Canby 97013 Phone: 503-263-2552 Post 6057 SR Vice: Danny Hatcher 2754 Beaver Ct Hubbard 97032 As of 26 November 2014: As of 8 December 2014: Page 9 Post 4108 ADJ Email: Page 32 Post 4108 ADJ: John Wrinkle 3855 NW Montgomery Ave Redmond 97756 Phone: 541-678-3895 Page 10 Post 4248 QM Harold Moats Page 40 Post 9745 Meeting Day and Time: Tuesday 6PM Page 22 Post 1325 Meeting Day and Time: Tuesday 7PM Page 29 Post 3594 Post Mailing Address: PO Box 583 As of 21 November 2014: As of 20 November 2014: Page 8 Post 2468 CMD Nicholas Clyde Email: Page 25 Post 2302 Meeting Time: 9AM Post 2468 CMD: Nicholas Clyde 620 NW Wide Ave Roseburg 97471 Phone: 541-378-1450 Post 2468 SR Vice: Kirkland Conner 2041 Old Garden Valley Rd Roseburg 97471 Phone: 541-784-7984 Post 2468 JR Vice: Chester Johnson 701 S Westgrove Rd Virginia Beach 23455 Phone: 541-378-1471 Post 2468 Dues changed from $36 to $30 Page 9 Page 29 Post 3473 ADJ: Jonathan Landon 32684 Taylor Butte Rd Cottage Grove 97424 Phone: 253-682-9734 As of 11 December 2014: Page 10 Post 4273 CMD Casey Wood Email: Post 4273 ADJ Robert Gibler Email: Post 4439 Gold Beach ADJ Michael McNutt Email: Page 34 Post 4248 QM: Harold Moats 7241 SE Ogden St Portland 97206 Phone: 503-774-8402 Post 4273 CMD: Casey Wood 42010 SE Luzon Ln #2 Sandy 97055 Phone: 360-977-4924 Post 4273 ADJ: Robert Gibler 38020 Meeker St Sandy 97055 Phone: 503-267-6045 Post 4273 SO: Melissa Samels 38478 Limerick St. Sandy 97055 Phone: 503-668-4849 As of 15 December 2014: Page 7 District 15 CMD Franklin West Email: As of 17 December 2014: Page 28 Post 3203 QM Address: 226 S Main St Ste F Page 10 Post 4217 CMD Tamera Calhoun Email: Page 33 Post 4217 CMD: Tamera Calhoun PO Box 1436 Warm Springs 97761 Phone: 541-993-5389 Post 4217 SR Vice: Austin Smith PO Box 689 Warm Springs 97761 Phone: 541-604-0135 Post 4217 QM/ADJ: Gerald Danzuka PO Box 4 Warm Springs 97761 Phone: 541-460-1038 Post 4217 SO: Tamera Calhoun PO Box 1436 Warm Springs 97761 Phone: 541-993-5389 As of 19 December 2014: Page 36 Post 4750 CMD Address: PO Box 629 Page 1 Department Officer QM/ADJ: Cheryl E Campos (Post 10626) Office Assistant: Nicholas Curry (Post 12140) Page 6 Department Officer QM/ADJ Email: As of 22 December 2014: Page 7 District 15 CMD Franklin West Email:
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