Appalachian Regional Ministry Projects in Tennessee Updated: November 3, 2014 Types of Project and Mission Opportunities listed on the following pages: Variety Construction Construction-Home Repair (some projects are located in Variety) Resort Ministry (some projects are located in Variety) Miscellaneous VARIETY PROJECTS Each mission site listed has two or more mission opportunities and offers a variety of opportunities for the volunteer mission team. TN0004A – Camp Agape/ Polk County Baptist Association, Benton Evangelism –Light Construction- Prayer Ministries- Sports Camps Camp Agape, a ministry or Polk County Baptist Association, is seeking mission teams to assist with evangelism projects, light construction, prayer ministries, chain saw ministry, and sports camps in the Ocoee River region. Teams may also assist with camp operations and maintenance. Projects can be customized to the group’s talents and gifts. Cost per person includes lodging and meals, and some ministry incidentals. See website for details. Contact: Ryan Potts, ADOM Mailing address: PO Box 289 Benton, TN 37307 Physical address: 355 Camp Agape Rd Benton, TN 37307 Phone: 423-338-2749- Mon-Thurs-9AM-4PM (Polk County Baptist Association) Email: Web site: SBC Association: Polk County Baptist Association/ Ryan Potts, ADOM Housing and food preparation- Provided at Camp Agape. See web site for cost Size of teams- Camp may accommodate up to 200 Available dates for teams to come- May 1-Sept 30. Oct 1- April 30 on a limited basis. Contact DOM for scheduling Materials for ministry-Teams may provide some construction materials. Contact DOM for more details TN0005A – Ocoee Outreach, Bradley Baptist Association, Cleveland Home Repair- Block Party – Community Ministry Ocoee Outreach provides weeklong missions opportunities in beautiful Southeast Tennessee for youth groups or adult/church-wide groups to do evangelism through home repair to low income families in Southeast Cleveland, TN. Home repair involves roofing, painting, wheelchair ramps, and general carpentry work. There are also opportunities for evening evangelistic block parties in the communities where home repair is taking place, and opportunities to lead and assist in an inner city VBS and Backyard Bible Clubs... plus more. 1 Contact: Randy Bonner, Ministry Evangelism Director, Bradley County Baptist Association 2707 N Ocoee Street, Cleveland, TN 37312 Phone: 423-476-5493-best time to call- Mon-Fri- 9AM-5PM E-mail: Website: Local church affiliation: FBC Cleveland SBC Association: Bradley County Baptist Association/ Phil Taylor, ADOM Housing and food preparation- Provided in ministry package Size of teams- Variable Available dates for teams to come- Contact director Materials for ministry- Included in package TN0006A – Circle G Mountain Ministries, Vonore Home Repair – Outreach Ministries Groups will be given the opportunity to serve and minister to the needs of those in rural areas in the mountains of southeastern Tennessee. Much needed home repair will be a large part of your work projects. If your group would prefer an outreach opportunity through worship, music, drama, recreation and witnessing at area Boys and Girls Clubs and surrounding communities, we will assist you in the planning. Prepackage cost includes lodging, T-shirt, and all meals except lunch and dinner on Friday. Call for rates. A deposit of $50 per person is required. A final balance is due two weeks prior to arrival. Contact: Randy Fullbright, Director 454 Buck Hwy, Vonore, TN 37885 Phone: 423-295-2299 –best time to call –Mon-Fri- 9AM-5PM E-mail: Web site: Local church affiliation: FBC Tellico Plains SBC association: Sweetwater Baptist Association Housing and food preparation- Lodging for the week will be at God’s Mountain Retreat. Food will be included in the cost except for lunch and dinner on Friday. Size of teams- Variable Available dates for teams to come- Contact ministry Materials for ministry- Tools and building materials for construction ministries are included in cost. TN0008A – Of One Accord Ministry, Rogersville Food distribution – Home repair – Senior adult programs – Children’s events Of One Accord Ministry is a multi-faceted ministry that serves underserved families in Hawkins and Hancock Counties of Northeast Tennessee. Hancock County is the lowest income county in Tennessee and the 27th lowest in the nation. While its primary program is Emergency Food Assistance from three food pantries, it operates two thrift stores and a medical clinic. In addition to the emergency food program, the ministry operates a Meals on Wheels program, Summer Youth Feeding program, county-wide Christmas program and Home Repair programs. While men work on homes, there are plenty of mission opportunities for other team members as well. Of One Accord would also be a good mission site for young people who are in seminary wanting hands on training for ministry work. 2 Contact: Sheldon Livesay Of One Accord Ministry P.O. Box 207 Rogersville, TN 37857 Phone: 423-921-8044 (office) or 423-272-4626 (Thrift Store) –best time to call- Mon-Fri- 9AM – 5PM Email: Website: Local church affiliation: Henand Chapel Baptist Church SBC Association: Holston Valley Baptist Association Housing and food preparation- Area motels as well as a variety of churches are available. Since the service area covers two counties, some churches provide showers while the OOA shower trailer is required for some churches. All churches offer their fellowship halls and kitchens to cook and eat in. The food and meal preparation is the responsibility of each team. Size of teams – 10-35 Available dates for teams to come- Work with teams year round, but especially during June, July and August Materials for ministry- Teams provide materials for children’s events and help with building materials for home repair projects. OOA asks $100 per team member which goes towards materials. Teams which only work in the ministry centers and do children’s events (but do not do home repairs) are asked $35 per team member. TN0009 – Montgomery Village Baptist Center, Knoxville VBS – Music – Clowning – Block Parties – Youth and Children Ministry – Drama - Puppets Montgomery Village Baptist Center, Knoxville, is in a low rent housing area with lots of children. There are around 1100 residents living around the center. 50% of these residents are 18 and under. Services provided through the center include emergency food, clothing distribution, Bible studies, tutoring, Kid’s Club and teen events. Teams are requested to conduct Backyard Bible Clubs and block parties with the children as well as door to door ministry, worship and concerts with the adults. Contact: Director Tom Hodges 4601 Joe Lewis Rd Knoxville, TN 37921 Phone 865-577-6244-best time to call –Mon-Fri- 9AM-5PM E-mail: Local church affiliation: Calvary Baptist Church SBC Association: Knox Baptist Association Housing and food preparation- Housing and meals are available through Project Knox 316. For info call Kevin Isbell at Knox County Association of Baptists at 865-693-9097 Size of teams- Variable Available dates for teams to come- Scheduling for 2015 Materials- Teams will need to provide own teaching materials for children’s events TN0010 – On Mission from the Mountains, Holston Valley Baptist Association, Rogersville Home Repair – BYBC – VBS – Sports Camps – Community Ministry 3 Holston Valley Baptist Association requests mission teams for BYBCs in area multi-housing units plus VBS in local churches. There is also much need for home repair in our two counties of Hawkins and Hancock. We also have a local ministry, Of One Accord, who can always use volunteers for their food, clothing, and outreach ministries (see TN0008). Contact: Pastor Mark Roberts 430 Church Road Church Hill, TN 37642 Phone: 423-272-7318-best time to call- Mon-Thurs- 9AM- 4PM Email: Associational Website: Local church affiliation: McPheeters Bend Baptist Church SBC Association: Holston Valley Baptist Association Housing and food preparation - Lodging is available at one of our area churches which has showers or at one of our local motels. Mission teams would be responsible for meals each day. Size of teams- 10-40 persons Available dates for teams to come- Contact pastor Materials for ministry- Teams are asked to bring teaching materials for BYBC/VBS and any tools needed for home repair. Help with building materials is appreciated but not required. TN0011A – Hale Community Ministries, Elizabethton, TN Backyard Bible Clubs – Block Parties – Sports Camp – Children Events – Youth Events – Musicals- Resort Ministries Hale Community Ministries, Elizabethton, is a multifaceted outreach with three main sites in Carter and Johnson Counties. In addition to Bible studies, food and clothing ministry and backpack food program, volunteer mission teams reach out through: - Backyard Bible Clubs- at local public housing complex and other community locations - Teen Ministry- primarily targeting teens who reside in public housing communities - Block parties- outside events; teams will need to provide all food, materials and activities - Prayerwalking - Concerts - Sports camps - Minor home repair - Resort Ministry at a local campground- Includes morning Backyard Bible Clubs and evening Family night programs. Opportunity for puppets, black light, skits, talent nights, karaoke nights, and many other great ideas for building relationships - Nursing Home Ministry- visits, concerts, assisting with other activities - A variety of other service opportunities such as preparing food bags at HCM, sorting food at a local food bank, sorting clothing in our clothes closet, etc. Teams are needed during the months of June and July. A typical schedule would be to arrive on Sunday afternoon for orientation, door to door promotion and prayerwalking. Ministry activities take place Monday through Thursday. Locations include a local public housing development, HCM, senior apartments and other areas in the community. Contact: Donna Proffitt or Julie Lyons 1301 Arney St Elizabethton, TN 37643 4 Phone: 423-547-2560- best time to call- Mon and Wed- 9AM-4PM or Tues- 9AM-noon Email: Website: Local church affiliation: WBA churches SBC Association: Watauga Baptist Association Housing and food preparation- Housing is available in area churches (fee charged), area motels, and local cabin rentals. Size of teams- Variable Available dates for teams to come- Contact HCM Materials for ministry- Mission team will supply all needed materials TN0012 – Johnson City Baptist Center, Johnson City, TN Backyard Bible Clubs – Block Parties – Sports Camps – Drama – Clowning – Children Events – Community Survey –Witnessing/Evangelism – Light construction Johnson City Baptist Center is a ministry of Holston Baptist Association meeting physical and spiritual needs in an urban setting. Teams of youth and adults are needed for weekly (June and July) Backyard Bible Clubs for children, drama, clowning, block parties, games and recreational activities. Help is also needed with maintenance (painting, cleaning, cleaning gutters, yard work, trimming tree limbs, etc) at the center. Contact: Ginger Dalton 924 Hopson St. Johnson City, TN 37601 Phone: 423-929-1196- best time to call- Mon-Fri- 8:30-4:30 E-mail: or Local church affiliation: Calvary Baptist Church, Erwin SBC Association: Holston Baptist Association Housing and food preparation-Housing is available in area churches or motels Size of teams- No more than 20 Available dates for teams to come- Contact director Materials for ministry- Teams need to bring teaching materials, snacks, and sports equipment. TN00013A – Cherokee Cove (Uphill Ministries), Mountain City Construction- Food services- Landscaping- Maintenance-Outreach Cherokee Cove is a cozy mountain retreat with the purpose of elevating and renewing the family unit. This is done by strengthening family bonds, educating individuals in life application skills and training disciples, based upon the foundation of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. These things are accomplished through programming and interacting with volunteers. There is an urgent need for volunteers to clear wooded areas in the camp. Trees that are down need to be cut and split into firewood or milled for lumber. Brush needs to be hauled, chipped and relocated. This is for the purpose of ministry expansion. Contact: Samantha Stephens 290 Cove Camp Private Drive Mountain City, TN 37683 Phone: 423-727-8560 – may leave a message for quick response E-mail: Website: 5 Local church affiliation: Highland Christian Fellowship (a family integrated church), Boone, NC SBC Association: Watauga Baptist Association Housing and food preparation- Provided at Cherokee Cove- bunkroom accommodations and three meals provided at $40 per person per day Size of group- Individuals, families or small church groups preferred Available dates for teams to come- From March until late November annually Materials- Basic materials provided by Uphill Ministries. Materials for large projects need funding. See supply list on website. TN0017A- Camp Tipton, Maryville Children and Family Day Camps- Home Repair- Servant Evangelism- Resort Ministry During the last few years, Camp Tipton, the day camp ministry of the Chilhowee Baptist Association (CBA) in Blount County, Tennessee, has been meeting needs of and leading others to Christ while connecting them to local churches where they will be discipled. With the help of missionary volunteers, we provide a summer day camp, reach people through home repair ministry, and community outreach in resort and local settings, as well as by serving in Baptist Centers and at local events. Local CBA churches are partnering with Camp Tipton and mission teams in Project One Body. This is the avenue through which people are helped, Christ is shared and new believers find a local church. Project One Body mission team partners will receive training and opportunities to share their faith and serve others. Leadership for each mission project is provided. Contact: Larry Overton, Camp Director Camp Physical and Mailing address: 933 Walker School Road, Maryville, TN 37803 Phone: 865-257-2288 - best time to call- Mon- Fri- 9AM-5PM Email: Website: or SBC Association: Chilhowee Baptist Association/ Jim Snyder-ADOM Local church affiliation: CBA churches Housing and food preparation- Air-conditioned, 8- bed cabins at Camp Tipton. Meals at Camp Tipton. Cost- Meals, lodging, recreation and mission project are included in package cost. Call, email for more information and custom events Size of groups- Teams up to 60 members. Camp Tipton will work out lodging for larger groups as well. Group Demographics - Youth, Family, Collegiate, Church-wide, and Adult Available dates- May 25-August 7, 2015 for summer activities. Groups are welcome year round. Details concerning opportunities are posted at Materials- Included in cost for week TN0020A – Appalachian Outreach, Jefferson City Home Repair – Poverty Relief Ministries – Clothing/Food Ministry – Hispanic Ministry – Homeless Shelter – Children’s Ministries Appalachian Outreach began in 1984 as a home repair ministry serving indigent families. Through the years the ministry has expanded to include the following areas: • Appalachian Outreach Ministry Center provides used clothing, used furniture, food distribution, household items and a recycling program. 6 • Samaritan House Family Ministries provides shelter to families and single women experiencing a housing crisis. Residents may stay up to 45 days while receiving Christian nurture and counsel, social services and assistance in finding permanent housing. Summer mission teams are needed June 1- July 25 to work a four day work-week arriving Sun. night for orientation, working Mon.-Thurs., and leaving on Friday morning. Groups can serve with the home repair ministry, clothing/food ministry, Hispanic ministry, homeless shelter, and/or children's ministries. Individual volunteers can work with our summer program for a four day work week in June and July. Individuals and teams can also work for a weekend or at any time during the regular year. High school seniors through college can work as A.O. Summer Staff (this is a 10 week commitment for the whole summer, working May 20-Aug 3). Contact: Jean-Ann Washam, A.O. Executive Director 190 West Old Andrew Johnson Hwy., Jefferson City, TN Phone: 865-475-5611 –best time to call- 9AM to 5PM Mon-Fri E-mail: Jim Wilson, A.O. Executive Director Phone: 865-471-4743 Website: Local church affiliation: SBC Association: Jefferson County Baptist Association Housing and food preparation- Teams may be able to stay at Carson-Newman College or in local motels. Size of groups- Variable Available dates for teams to come- Contact director Materials- Team will supply own teaching materials for children’s ministry. Building materials supplied by A.O. TN0021- Western Heights Baptist Center, Knoxville VBS- Sports – Drama – Crafts – Medical – Food Distribution Western Heights is an urban ministry of the Knox Baptist Association. It is our mission to meet the needs of all people—physical needs and most importantly, spiritual needs—by offering free food and clothing and household items and by teaching God's Word and introducing people to Jesus Christ! There are many ways that you can invest in God's work being done here! Western Heights is an inner city ministry to the people of the Western Heights community. God is using this ministry to impact thousands in this community and we depend on the gracious involvement of volunteers locally as well as mission teams. Western Heights needs volunteer teams to come for a week of ministry with activities ranging from VBS, sports, drama, crafts, medical, and help serving on our food distribution market days. Contact Information: Shannon Washam 1230 West Scott Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37921 Phone: 865-525-9068 –best time to call- Mon-Fri- 9AM to 5PM Email: Website: Local church affiliation: SBC Association: Knox Baptist Association Housing and food preparation- Housing and meals are available through Project Knox 316. For info call Kevin Isbell at Knox County Association of Baptists at 865-693-9097 7 Size of groups- Variable Available dates for teams to come- Contact director Materials for ministry- Teams bring own teaching materials TN0022- Briceville Friendship Center, Briceville Children’s summer camp- Dental team Briceville Friendship Center is a ministry center that is reaching out to meet the physical and spiritual needs of those living in the Briceville area. The center is requesting mission teams to help them conduct daily summer camps for children ages 4 years- 8th grade. The camps include Bible study, crafts, recreation and lunch and are held Monday through Friday from 10AM-12N. Each camp averages 20-25 children/ day. Volunteer teams can use puppets, drama, music or sports to share the gospel in their 5 day camp program. Groups can lead a theme-oriented camp such as basketball camp, soccer camp, music camp, etc. Recreation and sports camps are held in the gym at the Briceville Elementary School located across the street from BFC. The Free Medical Clinic is a clinic established to provide medical care to people in the Briceville community who are unable to afford it. The medical clinic is requesting a dental team to help them with dental care for the community anytime during the year. Contact: Marcia Ellis for summer camps Phone: 865-274-1247- best time to call- Mon-Fri-9AM-5PM Email: Tom Byrge for dental clinic Phone: 865-457-9481 or 865-659-6115- best time to call- Mon-Fri- 9AM-5PM Email: SBC Association- Clinton Baptist Association/ Tom Byrge, ADOM PO Box 266 400 Market St Clinton, TN 37717 Housing and food preparation- Small teams (2-5 people) can stay at Briceville Friendship Center. Larger teams could have housing in 2 area churches that have shower/kitchen facilities Size of teams- 10-20 Available dates for teams to come- Summer camp dates for 2015 are June 1-July 31. Dental clinic available for volunteers anytime during the year. Materials for ministry- Dental team will need to bring all supplies. The dental clinic may be held in medical clinic building in Briceville any day but Wednesday. The clinic is owned by Clinton Baptist Association. Day camp teams will need to provide all teaching, crafts and recreation materials. Teams are requested not to use current VBS literature since children in the area often attend local SBC churches that use this literature. Past years VBS materials can be used. Teams are responsible for providing the lunches daily for the children and their team. This includes paper cups, plates and silverware. BFC has kitchen facilities stocked with cooking utensils, refrigerator, freezer, stove, microwaves and dishwasher. TN0027A- Tennessee Guest Ranch, Dunlap Cowboy Church Tennessee Guest Ranch, located in beautiful Sequatchie Valley, is an equine based ministry that uses horses as tools to teach the word of God. Through its many Christ- based horsemanship programs, the ranch serves families and children from across the US and Europe. The staff is 8 requesting youth mission teams to assist them with their Cowboy Church outreach. They would also do local mission projects in the community with house/farm repairs, painting, clean up, etc. Contact: Chris and Tammy Young 1050 Ray Hixson Rd Dunlap, TN 37327 Phone: 423-554-4677 Email: or Website: Local church affiliation: First Baptist Church of Dunlap SBC Association: Sequatchie Valley Baptist Association Housing and food preparation- Contact directors for information Size of teams- Variable Available dates for teams- Contact directors Materials for ministry- Provided by ministry TN0028- Servolution Ministries, Speedwell Food distribution- Thrift Shop Servolution Ministries is a new, multifaceted outreach serving the families of the northeast corner of Tennessee. Working from a large, former school building, they are providing a food pantry as well as a thrift shop with clothing and furniture. They also have a new medical/ dental clinic open and accepting patients. Contact: Tammy Anstett 245 Powell Valley School Lane Speedwell, TN 37870 Phone: 423-851-1086 Email: Local church affiliation: Pump Springs Baptist Church SBC Association: Cumberland Gap Baptist Association Housing and food preparation- Available in local churches. Contact director for details Size of teams- Up to 50 Available dates for teams- Schedule with director Materials for ministry- Provided by teams TN0030- Faith Fellowship Baptist Church, Johnson City Prayerwalking-Canvassing-BYBCs- Block parties Faith Fellowship Baptist Church is a growing congregation that is asking for mission partners to help them reach Johnson City for Christ during the summer of 2014. Teams are requested Sunday night through Thursday evening, leaving on Friday morning. During their week of service, they would work with church members and NAMB interns. Teams would prayerwalk, canvass the community, conduct BYBCs and block parties. Contact: Pastor Tim Jackson 819 Guaranda Drive Johnson City, TN 37604 Phone: 865-300-9021- best time to call- 9AM-5PM-Mon-Fri Email: Local church affiliation: Faith Fellowship Baptist Church 9 SBC Association: Holston Baptist Association Housing and food preparation-Teams may stay in the church with kitchen and showers available. Size of teams- 10-20 Available dates for teams- Coordinate with pastor Materials for ministry- Contact pastor CONSTRUCTION TN0024 - Women at the Well Ministries, Athens Building repairs- Resources Women at the Well is a residential, Christian discipleship program for women 18 years and older with life-controlling problems. They have need for volunteers to help with repairs such as pressure washing, replacing office flooring, landscaping, and replacing roof on educational building. Resources needed include desktop or laptop computers and printers, God’s Word translation Bibles, large clock, gift cards to Walmart or Lowes, and twin bed comforters. Clothing, shoes and household items are needed for the thrift store. Contact: Robin Nation, Executive Director 881 County Road 655 Athens, TN 37303 Phone: 423-745-0010 Fax: 423-649-3370 Email: Website: Local church affiliation: Clearwater Baptist Church SBC Association: McMinn/Meigs Baptist Association Housing and food preparation-Contact director Size of team- Up to 12 Available dates for teams- Contact director to schedule Materials for ministry- Teams are asked to provide building materials and tools TN0026 Appalachian Ministry Center, Winfield Construction- Evangelistic outreach The New River/McCreary County Baptist Association ministers to the churches and lost people of Scott County, TN and McCreary County, KY. The association has a ministry center to help meet the physical and spiritual needs of the community. Volunteers are needed to assist with community and facility construction projects. Also, teams are needed to serve in evangelistic activities in the community and at the ministry center. Contact: Contact: Jack Fletcher, Director of Missions 24577 Scott Highway Winfield, TN 37892 Phone: 423-569-4461 or 859-699-9561- best time to call- Mon-Fri- 9AM-5PM Email: SBC Church and/ or Association Affiliation: New River/McCreary County Baptist Association 10 Housing and food preparation- Contact associational office Size of groups- 40 or fewer Available dates- Coordinate with associational office Materials for ministry- Construction materials may be provided by ministry if funds available. TN00013B – Cherokee Cove (Uphill Ministries), Mountain City Construction Cherokee Cove is a cozy mountain retreat with the purpose of elevating and renewing the family unit. This is done by strengthening family bonds, educating individuals in life application skills and training disciples, based upon the foundation of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. These things are accomplished through programming and interacting with volunteers. The ministry has the following construction needs for this year: Construction of three spring houses and root cellar Family obstacle course upgrade Family duplex upgrade including new floors, bathroom upgrade Red Roof cabin expansion Rugged outdoor work Other projects including ongoing maintenance, housekeeping and landscaping Contact: Samantha Stephens 290 Cove Camp Private Drive Mountain City, TN 37683 Phone: 423-727-8560 –winter office hours- 12-4PM-Tues-Fri E-mail: Website: Local church affiliation: Highland Christian Fellowship (a family integrated church), Boone, NC SBC Association: Watauga Baptist Association Housing and food preparation- Provided at Cherokee Cove- bunkroom accommodations and three meals provided at $40 per person per day Size of group- Individuals, families or small church groups preferred Available dates for teams to come- From March until late November annually Materials- Basic materials provided by Uphill Ministries. Materials for large projects need funding. See supply list on website. TN0027B- Tennessee Guest Ranch, Dunlap Barn construction Tennessee Guest Ranch, located in beautiful Sequatchie Valley, is an equine based ministry that uses horses as tools to teach the word of God. Through its many Christ- based horsemanship programs, the ranch serves families and children from across the US and Europe. The staff is requesting assistance in construction of a barn to house their Cowboy Church as well as a missionary learning center and apartment for students. Framers, electricians, plumbers and concrete finishers are needed. Supplies such as tables and chairs, sound system, gutters, HVAC units and appliances are also needed. More info can be found on ministry website. Contact: Chris and Tammy Young 1050 Ray Hixson Rd Dunlap, TN 37327 Phone: 423-554-4677 11 Email: or Website: Local church affiliation: First Baptist Church of Dunlap SBC Association: Sequatchie Valley Baptist Association Housing and food preparation- Contact directors for information Size of teams- Variable Available dates for teams- Contact directors Materials for ministry- Teams may need to assist ministry in purchasing materials CONSTRUCTION- HOME REPAIR TN0005B – Ocoee Outreach, Bradley Baptist Association, Cleveland Home Repair Ocoee Outreach provides weeklong missions opportunities in beautiful Southeast Tennessee for youth groups or adult/church-wide groups to do evangelism through home repair to low income families in Southeast Cleveland, TN. Home repair involves roofing, painting, wheelchair ramps, and general carpentry work. There are also opportunities for evening evangelistic block parties in the communities where home repair is taking place, and opportunities to lead and assist in an inner city VBS and Backyard Bible Clubs... plus more. Contact: Randy Bonner, Ministry Evangelism Director, Bradley County Baptist Association 2707 N Ocoee Street, Cleveland, TN 37312 Phone: 423-476-5493- best time to call-Mon-Fri- 9AM- 5PM E-mail: Website: Local church affiliation: FBC Cleveland SBC Association: Bradley County Baptist Association/ Phil Taylor, ADOM Housing and food preparation- Provided in ministry package Size of teams- Variable Available dates for teams to come- Contact director Materials for ministry- Included in package TN0006B – Circle G Mountain Ministries, Vonore Home Repair Groups will be given the opportunity to serve and minister to the needs of those in rural areas in the mountains of southeastern Tennessee. Much needed home repair will be a large part of your work projects. If your group would prefer an outreach opportunity through worship, music, drama, recreation and witnessing at area Boys and Girls Clubs and surrounding communities, we will assist you in the planning. Prepackage cost includes lodging, T-shirt, and all meals except lunch and dinner on Friday. Call for rates. A deposit of $50 per person is required. A final balance is due two weeks prior to arrival. Contact: Randy Fullbright, Director 454 Buck Hwy, Vonore, TN 37885 Phone 423-295-2299 –best time to call –Mon-Fri- 9AM-5PM E-mail: Web site: 12 Local church affiliation: FBC Tellico Plains SBC association: Sweetwater Baptist Association Housing and food preparation- Lodging for the week will be at God’s Mountain Retreat. Food will be included in the cost except for lunch and dinner on Friday. Size of teams- Variable Available dates for teams to come- Contact ministry Materials for ministry- Tools and building materials for construction ministries are included in cost. TN0008B – Of One Accord Ministry, Rogersville Home repair Of One Accord Ministry is a multi-faceted ministry that serves underserved families in Hawkins and Hancock Counties of Northeast Tennessee. Hancock County is the lowest income county in Tennessee and the 27th lowest in the nation. In addition to meeting food, clothing and medical needs of families and seniors, Of One Accord coordinates home repair projects throughout the two counties. Each team is assigned a mission team staff associate which will help coordinate the home repair projects with which volunteers work. While men work on homes, there are plenty of mission opportunities for other team members as well. Contact: Sheldon Livesay Of One Accord Ministry PO Box 207 Rogersville, TN 37857 Phone: 423-921-8044 (office) or 423-272-4626 (Thrift Store) –best time to call- Mon-Fri- 9AM – 5PM Email: Website: Local church affiliation: Henand Chapel Baptist Church SBC Association: Holston Valley Baptist Association Housing and food preparation- Area motels as well as a variety of churches are available. Since the service area covers two counties, some churches provide showers while the OOA shower trailer is required for some churches. All churches offer their fellowship halls and kitchens to cook and eat in. The food and meal preparation is the responsibility of each team. Size of teams - 10-35 Available dates for teams to come- Work with teams year round, but especially during June, July and August Materials for ministry- Teams provide materials for children’s events and help with building materials for home repair projects. OOA asks $100 per team member which goes towards materials. Teams which only work in the ministry centers and do children’s events (but do not do home repairs) are asked $35 per team member TN0017B – Camp Tipton Home Repair Ministry, Maryville Home Repair This ministry of the Chilhowee Baptist Association assists low income Blount County residents, (usually widows, single parents, veterans and elderly with disabilities), who cannot afford basic maintenance to their homes. Mission teams are needed to help with light construction and 13 repair that normally includes but is not limited to siding, painting, yard work, handicap ramps, roofing, etc. Contact: Larry Overton, Camp Director Camp Physical and Mailing address: 933 Walker School Road, Maryville, TN 37803 Phone: 865-257-2288 - best time to call- Mon- Fri- 9AM-5PM Email: Website: or SBC Association: Chilhowee Baptist Association/ Jim Snyder-ADOM Local church affiliation: CBA churches Housing and food preparation- Air-conditioned, 8- bed cabins at Camp Tipton. Meals at Camp Tipton. Cost- Meals, lodging, recreation and mission project are included in package cost. Call, email for more information and custom events. Size of groups- Teams up to 60 members. Camp Tipton will work out lodging for larger groups as well. Group Demographics - Youth, Family, Collegiate, Church-wide, and Adult Available dates- May 25-August 7, 2015 for summer activities. Groups are welcome year round. Details concerning opportunities are posted at Materials- Included in cost for week TN0020B – Appalachian Outreach, Jefferson City Home Repair Appalachian Outreach began in 1984 as a home repair ministry serving indigent families. Through the years the ministry has expanded to include the following areas: • Appalachian Outreach Ministry Center provides used clothing, used furniture, food distribution, household items and a recycling program. • Samaritan House Family Ministries provides shelter to families and single women experiencing a housing crisis. Residents may stay up to 45 days while receiving Christian nurture and counsel, social services and assistance in finding permanent housing. • The Potter’s House, an educational center, for teaching and repairing computers, tutoring, and teaching English as a second language. Summer mission teams are needed June 1- July 25 to work a four day work-week arriving Sun. night for orientation, working Mon.-Thurs., and leaving on Friday morning. Groups can serve with the home repair ministry, clothing/food ministry, Hispanic ministry, homeless shelter, and/or children's ministries. Individual volunteers can work with our summer program for a four day work week in June and July. Individuals and teams can also work for a weekend or at any time during the regular year. High school seniors through college can work as A.O. Summer Staff (this is a 10 week commitment for the whole summer, working May 20-Aug 3). Contact: Jean-Ann Washam, A.O. Executive Director 190 West Old Andrew Johnson Hwy., Jefferson City, TN Phone: 865-475-5611 –best time to call- 9AM to 5PM Mon-Fri E-mail: Jim Wilson, A.O. Executive Director Phone: 865-471-4743 or Fax 865-471-4583 Website: Local church affiliation: 14 SBC Association: Jefferson County Baptist Association Housing and food preparation- Teams may be able to stay at Carson-Newman College or in local motels. Size of groups- Variable Available dates for teams to come- Contact director Materials- Building materials supplied by A.O. RESORT MINISTRY TN0015 – Smoky Mountain Resort Ministries, Gatlinburg Special Projects The purpose of Smoky Mountain Resort Ministries is to communicate the gospel to the people who live, work, and play in the resort settings of Sevier County, Tennessee. SMRM uses individuals and groups in special projects. Contact: Bill Black PO Box 114 Gatlinburg, TN 37738 Phone: 865-607-4076 –best time to call- Mon-Fri- 9AM to 5PM Email: Web address: SBC Association: Sevier County Baptist Association Available dates for teams to come- Will coordinate with directors according to need TN0016 – Chilhowee Area Ministries (CHARM), Townsend Day Camps – Campground Family Activities CHARM needs teams of six or more to conduct day camps (like Backyard Bible Clubs) and fun family activities in campgrounds near the entrance to Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Teams of adults, youth and adults, or families will serve Monday through Friday. Afternoons are free or may be spent in servant evangelism. Teams are responsible for all supplies, transportation and lodging. Ministry cost is $20 per person. Teams will work with NAMB missionaries and/or summer staff. Project dates are weekly from Memorial Day to August 1. Contact: Joe Ledford 963 Dry Valley Rd Townsend, TN 37882 Phone: 865-228-1642 –best time to call- Mon-Fri- 9AM-5PM E-mail: Website: or Local church affiliation: Pleasant Grove Baptist Church SBC Association: Chilhowee Baptist Association/ Jim Snyder, ADOM Housing and food preparation- Teams may stay in local motels, cabins or campgrounds with possible food preparation ability. Local restaurants nearby. Size of teams- Six or more Available dates for teams to come- Scheduling for 2015 Materials for ministry- Team will provide 15 TN0011B – Hale Community Ministries, Elizabethton Resort Ministry Hale Community Ministries, Elizabethton, is a multifaceted outreach to three main sites in Carter and Johnson Counties. In addition to outreach through three ministry centers, teams are needed during June and July for resort ministry at a campground located in Roan Mountain, TN. Teams will need to arrive on Sunday afternoon for orientation, publicity and prayerwalking with ministry activities taking place Monday through Thursday. Teams will provide a Backyard Bible Club for children in the mornings and family night programs each evening. Family nights can include puppets, black light, skits, talent nights, karaoke nights, picnics and many other great ideas for building relationships. Contact: Donna Proffitt or Julie Lyons 1301 Arney Street Elizabethton, TN 37643 Phone 423-547-2560 –best time to call- Mon and Wed- 9AM-4PM and Tues- 9AM-noon E-mail: Website: Local church affiliation: WBA churches SBC Association: Watauga Baptist Association Housing and food preparation- Housing is available in area churches (fee charged), area motels, and local cabin rentals. Size of teams- Variable Available dates for teams to come- Contact HCM Materials for ministry- Team will bring all needed materials TN0017C – Camp Tipton Resort Ministries, Maryville Children and Family Day Camps – Roadside Hospitality – Outreach for Bikers and Day Tourists Campground Mission teams working through Camp Tipton will minister to day and overnight campers, tourists, and bikers who frequent the scenic drive and utilize area campgrounds on or near the US Hwy 129 corridor between Maryville, TN and the North Carolina state line (The Tail of the Dragon). They will conduct children’s and family day camps and evening activities in area campgrounds, roadside hospitality ministries and outreach for bikers and day tourists. They will also participate in secular special events depending upon the schedule. Teams are needed Sunday through Friday from May 26 through August 8. Spring and Fall Break weeks are also available on an individual basis Contact: Larry Overton, Camp Director Camp Physical and Mailing address: 933 Walker School Road, Maryville, TN 37803 Phone: 865-257-2288 - best time to call- Mon- Fri- 9AM-5PM Email: Website: or SBC Association: Chilhowee Baptist Association/ Jim Snyder-ADOM Local church affiliation: CBA churches Housing and food preparation- Air-conditioned, 8- bed cabins at Camp Tipton. Meals at Camp Tipton. Cost- Meals, lodging, recreation and mission project are included in package cost. Call, email for more information and custom events. 16 Size of groups- Teams up to 60 members. Camp Tipton will work out lodging for larger groups as well. Group Demographics - Youth, Family, Collegiate, Church-wide, and Adult Available dates- May 25-August 7, 2015 for summer activities. Groups are welcome year round. Details concerning opportunities are posted at Materials- Included in cost for week MISCELLANEOUS / LONG TERM VOLUNTEERS TN0005C – Ocoee Outreach, Bradley Baptist Association, Cleveland Materials- Equipment- Supplies Ocoee Outreach provides weeklong missions opportunities in beautiful Southeast Tennessee for youth groups or adult/church-wide groups to do evangelism through home repair to low income families in Southeast Cleveland, TN. Home repair involves roofing, painting, wheelchair ramps, and general carpentry work. There are also opportunities for evening evangelistic block parties in the communities where home repair is taking place, and opportunities to lead and assist in an inner city VBS and Backyard Bible Clubs... plus more. The ministry is in need of the following: Little Debbie Snack cakes, cases of bottled water or Gatorade, paint supplies, step ladders, roofing shovels, skill saws, roofing staplers, nail magnet, air and garden hose, and roofing shingles. Contact: Randy Bonner, Ministry Evangelism Director, Bradley County Baptist Association 2707 N Ocoee Street, Cleveland, TN 37312 Phone: 423-476-5493-best time to call- Mon-Fri- 9AM-5PM E-mail: Website: Local church affiliation: FBC Cleveland SBC Association: Bradley County Baptist Association/ Phil Taylor, ADOM TN0025A Full Circle Medical Center for Women, Athens Baby supplies Full Circle Women’s Services is a ministry to women in crisis pregnancy situations who are seeking counseling and assistance. They offer free ultrasounds and pregnancy testing. The ministry is in need of baby supplies including; Diapers of all sizes from newborn to 3 Baby wipes Baby toiletries Newborn to 18 months clothes Contact: Emily Sitzler 201 N Hill St, Athens, TN 37303 Phone: 423-744-3005 or 423-507-7612- best time to call –Mon, Wed or Fri- 9AM-5PM Email: Website: SBC Association- McMinn-Meigs Baptist Association Housing and food preparation- Provide own 17 Size of team- Variable Available dates- Supplies may be delivered year round-coordinate with director Materials- Team provides TN0004B – Polk County Baptist Association, Benton Ministry Supplies Polk County Baptist Association is requesting donations of the following items to assist them in ministry in their area. 1. KJV Bibles or New Testaments 2. Salvation bead bracelets and necklaces (20 inch band) 3. Salvation dolls (Dolls on Mission) 4. Hygiene kits or individual shampoo, lotion, soap, toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorant, toothbrush, comb or hairbrush 5. Non-perishable food donations for food bank. The association distributes food to at least 300 families per month. Contact: Ryan Potts, Director of Missions Physical address: 146 E Main St, Benton, TN 37307 Mailing address: PO Box 289, Benton, TN 37307 Phone: 423-338-2749- Mon-Thurs-9AM-4PM Email: SBC Association: Polk County Baptist Association/ Ryan Potts, ADOM Housing and food preparation- Provided at Camp Agape (a ministry of Polk County Baptist Association). For info about cost see web site Available dates for supplies to be delivered- Coordinate with Director of Missions TN0025B Full Circle Medical Center for Women, Athens Ministry volunteers Full Circle Women’s Services is a ministry to women in crisis pregnancy situations who are seeking counseling and assistance. Volunteers are needed for the following ministries: Mentors for middle school and high school abstinence education programs Earn While You Learn Parenting Skills Mentor Crisis Pregnancy Counselor Event Fundraiser Volunteer Center Redecorating Project Volunteer Contact: Emily Sitzler 201 N Hill St Athens, TN 37303 Phone: 423-744-3005 or 424-507-7612- best time to call –Mon, Wed or Fri- 9AM-5PM Email: Website: SBC Association- McMinn-Meigs Baptist Association Housing and food preparation- Provide own Size of team- One volunteer for each position Available dates- Variable- coordinate with director Materials- Training and materials provided by ministry 18 TN0004C – Camp Agape/ Polk County Baptist Association, Benton Long Term Volunteers Camp Agape, a ministry or Polk County Baptist Association, is seeking long term volunteers to assist them with camp operations. They are seeking mature couples with some of the following skills: 1. Commercial food preparation 2. Housekeeping of camp facilities 3. Facility maintenance including light carpentry, electrical, plumbing, painting and HVAC 4. Landscaping, lawn care, chain saw work 5. Auto, tractor and small engine equipment maintenance Contact: Ryan Potts, DOM Phone: 423-338-2749- Mon-Thurs-9AM-4PM (Polk County Baptist Association) Email: Web site: SBC Association: Polk County Baptist Association/ Ryan Potts, ADOM Housing and food preparation- Meals will be provided at Camp Agape when camp is in session. Otherwise volunteers would provide own meals. RV hookups are available for lodging. Available dates for ministry- Last week of April through October. Other dates can be coordinated with Director of Missions. 19
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