Spooner High School Counseling Office Scholarship List www.wiredscholar.com Free Scholarship Search Engines www.scholarships.com www.finaid.org www.fastweb.com (national scholarships that you can earn – many will email you the ones you qualify for) Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction www.collegenet.com www.collegeboard.com Wisconsin Financial Aid The DPI Precollege Scholarship Program provides funds to students eligible for free/reduced lunch for the purpose of helping students to have the experience of being on a college campus and taking advantage of a variety of precollege program academic offerings in public, independent, and technical colleges. http://weop.dpi.wi.gov/weop_tipgrt **IMPORTANT FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) EVERY SENIOR PLANNING ON ATTENDING ANY POSTSECONDARY INSTITUTION (2 OR 4 YEAR) First – apply for a PIN at: https://pin.ed.gov/PINWebApp/pinindex.jsp Complete FAFSA online at www.FAFSA.gov YOU will need the following items: social security numbers, Dates: birth, death, marriage, and divorce; 2014 W2’s and tax returns; most recent bank statements; amounts of any other income; value of any other assets PLEASE SEE MRS. MEYERS with any questions or for help applying. You can also contact your college’s financial aid office The scholarship pays for the cost of registration, books, supplies, room, and board. Qualifies you for scholarships from your college, student loans, grants, work study opportunities Scholarship Opportunities – February 2015 Spooner High School LOCAL Scholarships Must be high school senior Complete “Local Scholarship Common Application” and return to Counseling office ***DEADLINE APRIL 1, 2015*** http://www.spooner.k12.wi.us/schools/high/shs_guide_paying.cfm Click on “Local Scholarship application” under “Paying for College” awards from various local agencies and people ranging from $100 $3,000 Spooner High School Counseling Office Scholarship List Bill Magnus Scholarship Fund WASBO Foundation Scholarship High School Senior Plans to attend ANY 2 year trade/technical college Application available in Counseling Office **DEADLINE APRIL 1, 2015**** High School Seniors Attending any accredited college or university (public or private) www.wasbo.com/scholarships ***DUE MARCH 2, 2015 Senior in high school Has a father, or mother, or legal guardian, or grandfather, or grandmother who is living and a current member of The American Legion, The American Legion Auxiliary or The Sons of the American Legion Has attended /participated in at least ONE of the following Legion activities: Badger Boys /Girls State, participated in Youth Government Day, competed in the American Legion High School Oratorical Contest, completed the American Legion Americanism and Government Scholarship Test, Participated in Am. Legion Band or Drum and bugle Corps; Played for an American Legion Baseball Team; Member of an American Legion sponsored Scout Troop Applications available in Counseling office or: http://wilegion.org/page/content/programs/schneideremanuel-americanlegion-scholarship The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin Schneider – Emanuel Scholarship Accelerated Genetics Scholarship $500 Awards ranging from $1000 $4000 3 - $1,000 awards ***DEADLINE March 1, 2015 **** Senior planning to enroll in 2 or 4 year college or university, majoring in agriculture Participated in FFA, 4- H, and of the various breed organizations or any agricultural organization ***DEADLINE FEBRUARY 15, 2015 *** www.accelgen.com (Click on “company” then “scholarships” $500 Spooner High School Counseling Office Scholarship List WESTconsin Credit Union Scholarship SFM Foundation Scholarship Barron Electric Scholarship WI Sheriffs and Deputy Sheriffs Association High School Senior Must be a Westconsin Credit Union member since April 30, 2013 **Due February 14, 2015** www.westconsincu.org High School Seniors who have a parent who has been disabled or fatally injured in the course of working for a MN or WI employer **DEADLINE March 31, 2015 www.sfm-foundation.org Top 6 – 25% of senior class Students must have a parent that are Barron Electric Cooperative members **DEADLINE March 1, 2015** Pick up application in Counseling OFFICE and return to Mrs. Meyers by deadline Any high school senior who is a WI resident Plans to enroll in a Criminal Justice program in a Wisconsin college or university Have a course of study leading to a criminal justice degree **DEADLINE March 1, 2015** Pick up application in the Counseling OFFICE and mail in by deadline $1,000 Up to $5,000 annually $1,000 Variety of awards up to $4000 Spooner High School Counseling Office Scholarship List NFO Steve Pavich Memorial and Farm Kids for College Scholarship Washburn County 4 H Scholarships WI Electronic Security Association Youth Scholarship Ab Nicholas Scholarship High School Senior Interested in pursuing a major in any agriculture field (biochemistry, food science, genetics, home economics, nutrition, pre-vet medicine, etc) ***DEADLINE March 5, 2015*** Pick up application in Counseling Office High School Senior Currently enrolled in the Washburn County 4-H Program **DEADLINE APRIL 1, 2015*** http://washburn.uwex.edu/4-h-youth-development/4-h-community-clubprogram/ High School Seniors Have a parent who is a member of the police or sheriff department OR Have a parent who is a member of the fire department (including volunteer member of a fire department) ***DEADLINE MARCH 20, 2015*** http://wiesa.org/about/wiesa-scholarship-information/ Participating in Boys or Girls Basketball during Senior Year Planning to attend a University of WI System School NOT participating in sports at the Division I, II or III level in college ***DEADLINE APRIL 30, 2015*** http://abnicholasscholars.org/ $750 Several awards ranging from $200 $1,000 $1,500 Annual, renewable scholarships ranging from $5,000 for 2 year programs and $10,000 for 4 year programs Spooner High School Counseling Office Scholarship List Bernick Family Scholarship Young Professionals Club of the Professional Insurance Agents of Wisconsin – (PIA W) Scholarship WI Cattlemen’s and Cattlewomen’s Scholarship Program High School Seniors Attending a 2 or 4 year college or university ***DEADLINE MARCH 1, 2015*** http://www.communitygiving.org/pages/BernickFamilyScholarshipFund/ High School Senior Planning to attend 2 or 4 year program for insurance or related field of study (finance, business, etc) ***DEADLINE FEBRUARY 15, 2015*** www.piaw.org High school senior enrolled or planning to enroll in any university, technical college, community college in the United States Must have a background in the beef, veal, or dairy industry. Applicants must be a resident of Wisconsin. Preference may be given to WCA/WCW member’s children and grandchildren and WCA/WCW junior members. Preference may be given to those majoring in an agriculture-related field. Preference may be given to those students attending a Wisconsin school. ***DEADLINE March 2, 2015*** www.wisconsincattlemen.com $500 annually for up to four years $2, 500 $500 Spooner High School Counseling Office Scholarship List Kohl’s Cares Scholarship Program Students must be ages 6 – 18 before March 14, 2015 Performed community service within the last year that impacted our community ***DEADLINE MARCH 1, 2015 https://kohls.scholarshipamerica.org/information.php Northwoods Community Credit Union Global Lift Equipment Scholarship WI State Fair Dairy Promo Board Scholarship High School Senior Applicant must be a member of NCCU (can open account to apply) www.northwoodscu.com ***DEADLINE APRIL 15, 2015*** Planning to attend a post-secondary institution in the Fall of 2015 Have a GPA of 2.5 or greater Submit a short story – detailed on application **Due June 15, 2015** http://www.usedforkliftswashington.com WI Resident High School Senior Attending a 2 or 4 year institution Pursuing a dairy – related or food science degree Submit application electronically to: katzman@idcnet.com using the subject line: Wisconsin State Fair Dairy Promotion Board Scholarship Application **DEADLINE MARCH 27, 2015*** http://wistatefair.com/competitions/dairy-promo-board/ Varies from $50 Kohls gift card up to $10,000 scholarships 2 - $1000 awards $500 2 - $1,000 Spooner High School Counseling Office Scholarship List Mosaic Telecom Scholarship High School Senior Parent/Guardian must live in Mosaic Telecom area and subscribe to one or more Mosaic Telecom Service Application available in Counseling Office **DEADLINE MARCH 13, 2015 $500
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