Term 1 2015 Issue 2 18th February 2015 From The Principal Dear Parents, Friends and Students, NEWSLETTER Today, Ash Wednesday, marks the beginning of the Church Season of Lent. It is a season of penance, reflection, and fasting which prepares us for Christ's Resurrection on Easter Sunday, through which we attain redemption. In this time of preparation for Easter, we are called to ‘contemplate the face of Christ.’ We are encouraged to see Jesus and his teaching, and indeed his suffering, in those around us. As we meet the call of our Church to pray, reflect and make our own small sacrifices at this time, how do we respond to ‘seeing the face of Christ in others?’ Our boys here at Pagewood are asked to watch out for each other. To help where they can. A smile, a helping hand, a word of encouragement; particularly to those who are not in their immediate friendship group. How can we make a small difference in the lives of others? As our Saviour and role model, Jesus shows us the way to make a difference in the lives of others as we live out our baptismal call. Almighty and ever loving God. You have given us Jesus Christ our Savior as a model of humility. He fulfilled Your Will by becoming Man and giving His life on the Cross. Help us to bear witness to You by following His example of suffering and make us worthy to share in His Resurrection. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen. At our Opening Mass this week the students joined together to pray to God to guide our work this year as well as celebrating the achievements of our Year 12 2014 HSC class. In the presence of many guests including Mr. Matthew Thistlethwaite, Honorable member for Kingsford Smith and College Captain 1990, Marist Brothers, Catholic Education Office representatives and parents, the boys were challenged to work together to optimise their performances this year. In all they do, the very familiar analogy of our bundle of sticks is paramount; that when we are isolated or working on our own we can be vulnerable, but there is great strength and solidarity in working together. May we all contribute to the strength of this great College. With my best wishes, Mr David McInnes College Principal CHAMPAGNAT CATH OLIC COLLEGE PAGEWOOD 35 Donovan Avenue MAROUB RA NSW 20 35 Ph: (02) 9349 7333 Fax: (02) 9344 9883 IN THE TRADITION HSC 2014 High Achievers First Place in Subject Ancient History Biology Business Studies Chemistry Construction Economics English Standard English Advanced English Extension 1 Geography Hospitality Italian Beginners Industrial Technology Industrial Technology Information, Processes and Technology Mathematics General Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Extension 1 Mathematics Extension 2 Music Personal Development, Health, and Physical Education Physics Studies of Religion 1 Visual Arts Visual Arts Dylan Memmolo Cooper Walters Kelvin Zhu Cooper Walters Liam Churchill Geoffrey Gu Barish Kumar Cory Donohue Eamon Darragh Liam Grouse Riley Temple Adriano Carvalho-Mora Dorian Perez Liam Churchill Geoffrey Gu Geoffrey Gu Cory Donohue Cooper Walters Dennis Bunadi Dennis Bunadi Dylan Kim Cory Donohue Barish Kumar Cory Donohue Luke Squadrito Riley Temple BAND 6 in Subject Business Studies Business Studies Business Studies Business Studies English Advanced General Mathematics Mathematics 2 Unit Mathematics 2 Unit Mathematics Extension 2 Music Music Music Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Studies of Religion 1 Studies of Religion 1 Eamon Darragh Nick Gannon Geoffrey Gu Kelvin Zhu Cory Donohue Geoffrey Gu Cory Donohue Cooper Walters Dennis Bunadi Dennis Bunadi Kaulana Te Rata Dylan Kim Cory Donohue Cooper Walters Cory Donohue Eamon Darragh Recognition of Outstanding Vocational Education and Training Cameron Hines Corey Neville Costa Kafandaris Apprentice Chef Carpentry Cabinetmaking DUX 2014 Cory Donohue 2 CHAMPAGNAT CATH OLIC COLLEGE PAGEWOOD 35 Donovan Avenue MAROUB RA NSW 20 35 Ph: (02) 9349 7333 Fax: (02) 9344 9883 IN THE TRADITION College Opening Mass 2015 3 CHAMPAGNAT CATH OLIC COLLEGE PAGEWOOD 35 Donovan Avenue MAROUB RA NSW 20 35 Ph: (02) 9349 7333 Fax: (02) 9344 9883 IN THE TRADITION FROM THE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COORDINATOR Week 4 is a very busy week in the life of our College and in our Church. On Tuesday we celebrated our Opening School Mass and had out Year 12 Investiture. Today we celebrate Ash Wednesday, a day of fasting and the beginning of our journey to the Cross and the resulting in the joy of Easter Sunday. Tuesday’s Opening Mass was particularly significant as Father John Hayes (Parish Priest of OLA) blessed our new revised Mission and Vision Statement. Our mission, “Know God’s Love” is especially relevant as it synthesises all that we do at Champaganat Catholic College. Ash Wednesday is an obligatory day of abstinence and fasting and it reminds us of the sacrifice that Jesus makes for us, through his death on Good Friday. The ashes the students received on their forehead is shaped in the sign of a cross and serves as an outward sign of our sinfulness and need for penance. The ashes also symbolize our mortality, a reminder that one day we will die and our bodies will return to dust. As we begin this journey with Christ, we are encouraged to focus on prayer, give to others as well as reflect and repent. Today, we also launched our Project Compassion campaign, supporting the work of the Catholic Church’s main aid agency Caritas. The $2 donation asked of each student and staff member and the money raised throughout Lent will go to marginalised communities in Australia and around the world especially in terms of food aid. In the RE Department Students in RE should have received or be receiving their first Assessment Tasks, with most Year groups having their assessment task due in Week 6. These Tasks allow students to show their understanding, engage in reflection of key issues as well as research to gain a more in-depth understanding of particular concepts. Year 7 Being Catholic Research Task due in Wk 8 Year 11 SOR (has not been handed out yet) Nature of Religion & Christianity In-Class Responses in the Wk 9-10 Exam block Year 8 Teachings of Jesus Video/ Multimedia Presentation DUE on Wed 4 March - Wk 6 Year 12 SOR Research on Christian Sexual Ethics + InClass responses during the Mid-Course Exam block Year 9 Key Catholic Beliefs Radio presentation due in Wk 6 Year 11 Catholic Studies Being Catholic: Stations of the Cross Presentation due on Holy Thursday (Wk 10) Year 10 Synoptic Gospel Comparison Scaffold + Plan Due Wk 5 In- Class Essay Due Wk 6 Year 12 Catholic Studies Research Essay on the Church in Australia Due Wk 6 All students should have also received an email with the login and password details to the two RE Texts used this year. Details are as follows: 1. To Know Worship Love URL: http://dps.cam.org.au/webview/ Username: student school email address Password: CCCP2015 2. Understanding Faith URL: https://secondary.understandingfaith.edu.au/log-in Username: CCC.page.nsw Password: CCCPnsw2035 4 CHAMPAGNAT CATH OLIC COLLEGE PAGEWOOD 35 Donovan Avenue MAROUB RA NSW 20 35 Ph: (02) 9349 7333 Fax: (02) 9344 9883 IN THE TRADITION 5 CHAMPAGNAT CATH OLIC COLLEGE PAGEWOOD 35 Donovan Avenue MAROUB RA NSW 20 35 Ph: (02) 9349 7333 Fax: (02) 9344 9883 IN THE TRADITION FROM THE ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL Greetings all, I hope that this finds you well and safe as we continue through a new year with your good men at CCCP. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here so far and continue to be impressed by the great work of the staff in improving learning at the College, by the young men in our care who want to be better learners in class and in life, and the broader community who support this wonderful College. This Bulletin article, like others to follow from me, will largely be a series of reminders and upcoming events. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. Driving to school – a reminder that Year 11 students are not to drive to school. However, Year 12 may drive. A letter will be given to Year 12 indicating information required by the school if they are driving to the College. College Photos – these will happen on Friday, 20th February, in the Hermitage. This is a very important event and requires the boys to be groomed very well, in the correct uniform. As well as a Year 12 group photo, there will be House Group photos with time at the end of the day for photos of siblings and sons of ex-students. Envelopes will be issued. Shopping Centres – a reminder that students should be coming to school and leaving school and not walking through any of the local shopping centres. The College provides a healthy morning breakfast alternative. Students in these shopping centres will be asked to leave and will have a consequence at the College the next day. Open Evening and Open Day – a reminder to our community that this is coming up and provides a great opportunity for our current students to showcase their College and prospective families to see what makes CCCP so special and so unique in its learning culture and the opportunities it affords young men. Mobile Phones at School Parents are encouraged to ensure any contact with their sons is through the front office, not through mobile phones directly. This disrupts teaching and learning and boys will have their phones confiscated. Matt Ryan, Assistant Principal MATHEMATICS NEWS Year 8, 9, 10 and several 11 General classes have commenced their mathletics weekly study tasks which go towards their Semester 1 Report mark. Please encourage your son/s to do this when they come home and complete it while having afternoon tea. Remember this is purely revision work and is separate to their homework. For most students it is approx. 5-10 minutes. Year 7 start their points process from week 5 to enable all students to receive their CENET passwords. HSC students need to be revising now for their half yearly exams in week 8. Any parents thinking their son is getting stressed re workload please ring Mr. Regler so alternate arrangements or study sessions to build confidence can be put in place sooner rather then later. Morning classes have started and take place every Tuesday-Friday inclusive 7.45 am -approx. 8.30 am. All year groups are welcome each day with initial time given to Year 9 Tuesday, Year 7/8 Wednesday, Year 12 General Thursday and Year 10 Friday. Any parents wanting to know/learn how the Mathletics programs works I am happy to run a workshop or give a presentation if required. Calculators are required for all students doing Maths and Year 7's are receiving theirs at present. Year 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12 students Calculators can be obtained through Mr. Regler or the front office for $25. Phones cannot be used for calculators as this is unacceptable in all exams. Wishing you and your son/s an enterprising and industrious maths year Mr Glyn Regler, Mathematics Coordinator From the Finance Department Change in Fee Billing System All families will be receiving a letter from the College regarding the change to the fee billing system for all Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Sydney. There will now be an option of 4 payment plans - annually, in three term instalments, monthly or fortnightly. Families who are already on a payment plan need to contact the College to confirm if they will change their arrangements or stay on the same plan. Families are asked to complete the form and return it to the school as soon as possible. Parents wishing to discuss payment structures are welcome to contact the College Bursar, Mrs Marie Moroney on 9349 7333. Most families will find this letter in their email, but if you have not provided us with your email details it will be posted out with your fee statement in the next week. Ideally, all families should have one email address through which the College can forward important notices effectively and quickly. Please contact the Business Manager, Bruce Hibbard, on: bruce.hibbard@syd.catholic.edu.au to provide us with a valid email address if we don’t have one in our system for your family. 6 CHAMPAGNAT CATH OLIC COLLEGE PAGEWOOD 35 Donovan Avenue MAROUB RA NSW 20 35 Ph: (02) 9349 7333 Fax: (02) 9344 9883 IN THE TRADITION CURRICULUM MATTERS Learning: I would like to extend my thanks to all within the community for getting the year under way so successfully. It has been a frenetic start to the year and students should now be settling back into their studies. I strongly urge all students, in collaboration with parents/caregivers and teachers, to create and document a weekly time management chart. This can be done effectively by allocating the ‘non-negotiable’ activities to time slots and looking for opportunities within the weekly time frame to log times for study, revision, and homework or assessment completion. More efficient time management may well be a SMART goal for discussion at the Target Setting Day to be held next week. Homework Club is under way every Wednesday afternoon in the Library until 5pm. This is a great opportunity for students to complete homework and assessments under the supervision of teachers. Assessment Booklets have now been distributed to all students. These documents are also available electronically under the Documents section in the Parent and Student Portal. Sentral Student and Parent Portal: As mentioned in the previous Newsletter this Portal is critical to our functioning and all families should now have an account established. Bookmark the URL below and visit the site regularly for updated data and documents: https://sentral.champagnatpagewood.catholic.edu.au/ If you are experiencing problems accessing the Parent Portal or setting up a new account please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Cathy Deguara by phoning the College on 9349 7333 or email to the address given below: catherine.deguara@syd.catholic.edu.au Target Setting Day Tuesday February 24th: All students in Years 7 to 11 are required to attend a 15 minute interview with their parents/caregivers to set and document goals for the year. This day was very well received last year and establishes a critical starting point and focus for the academic year. Interview bookings are to be made via the Sentral Parent Portal. Bookings have been open since Monday February 9th. Please note that the requirement is to book one 15 minute interview for each student. A post interview process will involve entering goals into the student portal which will take a further 15 minutes. Parents/caregivers please allow approximately 45 minutes for the entire process. This is NOT a full set of interviews with class teachers as these will occur later in the year following the publishing of reports. Other than this interview it is a pupil free day. Further details and requirements for the day are available from our Learning Coordinators, Mr Ferry for Senior School and Mr Bissell for Middle School. What’s ahead of us? Term 1: February 19th: MCC Summer Finals February 20th: College photos day February 23rd: Year 8 English Monologues February 24th: Years 7 to 11 Target Setting Day February 25th: Year 8TECH 2, 3, 4 Skate Park Site Survey; Years 11 and 12 Visual Arts Excursion February 27th: Year 10 History Incursion, Public Speaking Round 1 Mr Mick Cameron, Administration and Curriculum Coordinator 7 CHAMPAGNAT CATH OLIC COLLEGE PAGEWOOD 35 Donovan Avenue MAROUB RA NSW 20 35 Ph: (02) 9349 7333 Fax: (02) 9344 9883 IN THE TRADITION CURRICULUM MATTERS ‘Spotlight on… Stephen Lewis Year 9 Aitken House Group Leader: Mrs Major House CoordinatorMr Williams Past achievements: receiving my junior black belt and winning a State shooting competition twice in a row; 2014 CSDA public speaking zone finalist Subjects this year: English Maths Religious Education Science PDHPE Commerce History Engineering Geography Future pathway: I hope to do an ATAR pathway in the future One day I would like to be: I would like to be in the military Likes: Swimming, Rugby League, Shooting, Martial Arts, Geography and Basketball. “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take!” (Anon) TAS Industrial Technology Major Works HSC Industrial Technology students have begun their Major projects. The students are able to work Wednesday afternoon from 3:15 until 7pm. This block of time allows the students time and space to set up large projects. It is efficient when we do not have to work around the short lesson times. The production of the projects leaps forward with the extended work time. The workshop access complements the Senior Study program and Homework club on Wednesdays. Grant Dooner, TAS Coordinator Marist Youth Connect Last Wednesday evening, six of our Year 12 leaders gathered at Marcellin College Randwick for the first "Marist Connect" event of 2015. These events bring together senior students from Marist schools who share a geographic region, and so also included students from Randwick and Marist North Shore. The students engaged with the team from Marist Youth Services, as well as a number of Marist Brothers who were on hand to work through the concept of what it means to be a Marist man today. Future events look to include more schools. For information about upcoming events, senior students can approach Mr Carestia. 8 CHAMPAGNAT CATH OLIC COLLEGE PAGEWOOD 35 Donovan Avenue MAROUB RA NSW 20 35 Ph: (02) 9349 7333 Fax: (02) 9344 9883 IN THE TRADITION ANZAC DAY 2015—Camp Gallipoli An invitation to a special commemorative ceremony ANZAC Day 2015 marks the centenary since the landing at Gallipoli on the 25th of April. It is of utmost importance that we as a community commemorate this significant date in our nation’s history. Students in Year 9-12 at Champagnat Catholic College Pagewood will be given a once in a lifetime opportunity to participate in a significant event to mark this occasion. The event is an overnight event known as Camp Gallipoli. Camp Gallipoli aims to educate young people on the sacrifice of the 11,000 Australian and New Zealand soldiers who were lost in battles at ANZAC Cove in 1915. This event provides a unique opportunity for our youth to participate and engage in the centenary commemorations of ANZAC Day actively, rather than as bystanders. They will be given an experience similar to the ANZAC soldiers, when thousands of our nation’s youngest and bravest would have gathered at similar campsites before embarking on their long journey to fight for Australia. The event is being held at Centennial Park, Moore Park, from April 24th until April 25th. Students and teachers will be sleeping under the stars and experiencing what life was like for the soldiers during World War One. This experience will include a Light Horse Procession, live entertainment, and presentations from dignitaries. Saturday morning will begin with our young men being woken by the bugle at dawn followed by an Official Dawn Service and breakfast. We are asking that you discuss this event with your sons and discern whether they would like to partake in this opportunity. There are limited numbers available. There will be a cost per student (which includes meals and all services and amenities) of approximately $120. From a learning point of view, this event further strengthens learning done by students in Year 9 History and will aid those going onto Senior History in the HSC years as they empathise with, and gain insight into the ANZAC tradition, Australia’s wartime participation, and the broader issue of conflict among nations. For more information on the event please see the Camp Gallipoli website: https:// www.campgallipoli.com.au/ or contact Ms Adams at the College. Further information will be made available to students expressing an interest in this event. If students do wish to attend, there will be an information session in Week 5 at the College explaining the event in more detail. An expression of interest doesn’t require a financial payment. The College reserves the right to discern the final numbers and selection of boys for this event. CAREERS Want to know what the biggest employment growth industries are or which university graduates are earning the most? Click onto this Link to look at recent reviews. A reminder that students in Years 8-12 should be registered for https://jobjump.com.au/myCareer (Password 'crocodiles') If your son has been absent from school and missed the group registration in Week 2 please remind him to register. All Year 10 boys have received emails with a link to Work Experience options and suggestions. Our Careers Program for Year 10 begins in earnest in Term 2 but those seeking high demand placements have been advised to act now. UNSW now offers Saturday morning university tours and talks. There are lots of options for students and their parents in regards to university engagement and we are flexible at CCC in allowing the boys to participate. The COLLEGE CAREERS CALENDAR is the best place to find Careers Events and opportunities. Students and parents can register for events but must have approval (myself or House Coordinators) if they wish to attend an event during school hours. Details and links to information about UTS, USyd, Defence Forces, Police and Gap Year options have now been added to our Careers Site; https://sites.google.com/a/syd.catholic.edu.au/careers-and-vet-at-marist-pagewood/home Suzanne Mckay, Careers and Industry Based Learning Coordinator 9 CHAMPAGNAT CATH OLIC COLLEGE PAGEWOOD 35 Donovan Avenue MAROUB RA NSW 20 35 Ph: (02) 9349 7333 Fax: (02) 9344 9883 IN THE TRADITION A reminder that Target Setting Day is on Tuesday 24th of February The Target Setting Day has been designed for parents, guardians, students and House Group Leaders to collaboratively formalise student learning goals for the 2015 academic year. TARGET SETTING DAY Tuesday February 24th 2015 The process requires one 15 minute interview for each student with the student’s House Group Leader negotiate and enter goals for the year ahead. Interview times will run in 15-minute intervals from 8.45 – 4.15 that day. Entry to the College for parents and students is via Donovan Avenue and families will exit via the Year 12 yard once student data has been entered in the Hermitage. Essential Preparation: Prior to the Target Setting Interview, it is expected that Parents and students read through the Target Setting Information Booklet together and complete the preparation activities. This information booklet can be accessed via the Parent Portal. Alternatively, a copy of this handout can be obtained from the office. https:// sentral.champagnatpagewood.catholic.edu.au/ portal/login If you are having trouble accessing the parent portal please contact Mrs Deguara at the College for assistance. College Expectations: It is the expectation that all students attend these interviews. If parents are not in a position to attend the 15 -minute interview then an alternative arrangement will need to be made by contacting the House Group Leader. Immediately following the interview, students will be required to move to the Hermitage to enter their targets into the Portal. Student goals will then be available using the student and parent portal. What to Bring: Students are required to bring the following equipment with them to their Target-Setting Interview: Draft Target Setting Template. This is the draft that students completed in HG during week 4. Pen Diary Individual Career Pathway booklet Laptop (Please ensure this is charged.) If you have any questions relating to the Target Setting Day please do not hesitate to contact either Mr Ferry or Mr Bissell at the College. Mr Chris Ferry, School Learning Coordinator and Mr Craig Bissell, Middle School Learning Coordinator 10 CHAMPAGNAT CATH OLIC COLLEGE PAGEWOOD 35 Donovan Avenue MAROUB RA NSW 20 35 Ph: (02) 9349 7333 Fax: (02) 9344 9883 IN THE TRADITION Year 7 JAMBEROO 2015 11 CHAMPAGNAT CATH OLIC COLLEGE PAGEWOOD 35 Donovan Avenue MAROUB RA NSW 20 35 Ph: (02) 9349 7333 Fax: (02) 9344 9883 The regular season of the summer MCC competition wrapped up two weeks ago with games against Marist College Kogarah. With all teams not having played for a couple of months it was clear from some of the scorelines that some of the cobwebs were still being dusted off, but that didn’t stop 8 of our 12 teams from booking a spot in the semi-finals. All 4 of our Touch teams made it through to the knockout phase with both our Opens teams recording draws to secure their spots in the top 4. The Under 15’s kept their undefeated record for the season intact with a win by the narrowest of margins while our Under 14’s needed a big win and other results to go their way to advance. Thankfully the planets aligned perfectly for the team as Pagewood stormed to a huge win while others faltered, opening up a path for the black and gold to sneak into fourth spot. In Basketball 3 of our 4 teams advanced with A Grade finishing the season undefeated also. Going into the game against Kogarah both teams knew the winner would finish in top spot and in what was an epic, yet lowscoring affair, it was Pagewood who had enough in the end winning by a solitary point. B Grade claimed third spot with a solid victory while the Under 15’s, despite suffering a narrow 2 point loss, also managed to finish in third following their strong start to the season. The Under 14’s unfortunately just missed out. Needing a win in their final game Kogarah proved just a little too strong on the day meaning that Pagewood finished in fifth. Our A Grade cricket team provided one of the highlights of the final round winning on the very last ball of the game as Anthony Huxtable hit the winning runs. Scenes of jubilation followed as it meant that our A Grade team had recorded two wins for the season – a feat not achieved at Pagewood for a number of years! Our Under 16’s played very well managing to score over 100 runs, however Kogarah managed to score just a few more. Our Under 14’s battled hard and managed to take 7 Kogarah wickets, but in the end couldn’t match it with their opposition. Despite none of our Cricket teams making it through I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our students who represented the College in this sport on a weekly basis. While admittedly not being one of the high-profile sports at Pagewood the College takes great pride in fielding teams in all age groups in all sports, so a sincere thanks to all players and coaches involved. Finally a big congratulations to our Squash team who, knowing they needed 400 points to make it through to the semi-finals, did so with interest as they piled on 838 points to defeat Kogarah by a small margin and wrap up fourth spot. This is a wonderful achievement for a team with so many junior students who on a weekly basis are matched up against students much older than them, and to see them progress is a great reward for their tenacity and enthusiasm. A full summary of Round 7 results against Kogarah can be seen in the table below. Round 7 vs Kogarah Sport Grade Result vs Kogarah Basketball A B U/15 U/14 A U/16 W 27-26 W 26-22 L 26-28 L 25-43 W 7/89 vs 7/88 L 5/132 vs 5/111 U/14 L 8/43 vs 7/71 Opens A B U/15 U/14 W 838-811 D 2-2 D 3-3 W 3-2 W 14-0 Cricket Squash Touch Football CHAMPAGNAT CATH OLIC COLLEGE PAGEWOOD 35 Donovan Avenue MAROUB RA NSW 20 35 Ph: (02) 9349 7333 Fax: (02) 9344 9883 IN THE TRADITION SPORT (continued) Last Thursday eight of our summer teams took to the fields and courts as Pagewood looked to feature heavily in the grand final fixture list for this week. Our A Grade Touch team were involved in a cat-and-mouse affair against Randwick. As one team scored the other would respond immediately in what was a game of high excitement. Teams went to the break locked at 3-3 and things didn’t look good when Randwick were the first to score in the second half. Our boys regrouped however and hit straight back, not only levelling the scores but going past Randwick to lead by a couple of tries. In the end Pagewood were too good winning 7-5, showing great football expertise, a willingness to work hard for each other and great communication skills to earn themselves a grand final spot. Certainly a landmark occasion in the sport of Touch in the College’s history. B Grade unfortunately had a disappointing finish to what was a positive season. Against Lewisham our boys found themselves behind from the get-go going two tries down early in the game. Pagewood fought back well in the first half and only found themselves down by one at half-time. Sadly a couple of decisions went against the team in the second half, most notably a controversial “no touch” call which resulted in a Lewisham try. In saying this Lewisham proved too good on the day as they went on to win comfortably, but full credit to our boys who fought hard throughout. The Under 15’s were our second team to go through to grand final after a see-sawing affair against Lewisham. Pagewood flew out of the blocks to lead 3-0 and were seemingly cruising. To Lewisham’s credit however they fought back as the momentum swung, managing to square the ledger at 3-3. Tries to both teams in the second half led to a tense finish, and it was Josh Fong who put on the afterburners to race away for what was ultimately the winning try and a 5-4 victory to Pagewood. This team still has not tasted defeat this season and here’s hoping they can keep it this way for just one more week and cap what has been a wonderful season for the boys. Finally in Touch our Under 14’s, who were struggling to put together a team prior to the game due to the State Cup Oztag tournament, managed to rally together to give table-topping Lewisham one hell of a fright in their semi. The game started with Lewisham scoring first before Peter Mamouzelos dummied and scored to level the scores. Lewisham then gained the ascendancy scoring twice more in the first half to lead 3-1 at the break. A beautiful set play involving Logan Aldridge and Peter send Ned Hicks through a yawning gap to score to bring it back to 3-2. Lewisham scored again and with the Pagewood bench depleted and fatigue setting in our boys found a second wind to stay in it at 4-3. Pagewood looked to storm home but a few disallowed tries and another Lewisham try led to heartbreak as the hooter sounded with Pagewood going down. The boys however won on spirit, determination and most importantly played for each other leaving their coach very proud. To Basketball and our A Grade team became the third side to reach the grand final next week. Up against Lewisham it wasn’t a great start to the game as the team were told they would have to play first instead of second due to a broken down bus belonging to one of the other semi-final teams. 13 Not an ideal way to begin as the team had limited time to dress and warm up. Point guard Ace Tubungbanua was also feeling the effects of flu but fought that off to play. Pagewood overcame the adversity to fly to a 7-0 lead before Lewisham came back. The remainder of the first half was a tight affair as Lewisham took it to the undefeated and table-topping Pagewood team. At half-time our boys were only up by 3 but then the second half was all one-way traffic as, led by Davo Hickey, Pagewood poured on the points and tightened their defence suffocating the Lewisham offence. When the hooter sounded Pagewood had won 51-27, leading from start to finish. It was a great result given the circumstances as all our players had to step up, and was yet another example of how this team has worked hard together to achieve wonderful results. The team now looks forward to a rematch against Kogarah for the title of champions and, like Touch, a slice of history at Pagewood. B Grade went up against North Shore in what was a heated affair with neither team giving an inch. The game remained scoreless for the first 6 minutes with both teams defending furiously. The lead kept switching between Pagewood and North Shore as the score was kept within a margin of 2 points throughout the match. With 3 minutes to go, the scores were locked at 19-19. North Shore managed to sink two 3-pointers to break away from Pagewood, and with 30 seconds to go in the match the score was 25-21. Pagewood was running out of time and had to make an offensive move so attempted to press North Shore which exposed us defensively. The match unfortunately ended up 30-21 to North Shore but there was no doubt that Pagewood had played with heart and should be proud of their efforts during the season and in the finals. The Under 15’s were our other Basketball team to feature in the semi’s and they came up against Ashfield. Ashfield came out all guns blazing in the first half and Pagewood did well to stay with them, defending for their lives and remaining within reach. A fortunate 3-pointer by Ashfield put them up by 5 points at half-time. In the second half it seemed the wind had been taken out of the Pagewood sails as Ashfield began to dominate and unlike the first half our boys couldn’t manage to keep up with them. As Pagewood dealt with exhaustion, a depleted bench and injuries the score continued to tick over with Ashfield eventually winning comfortably by 25 points. Despite the abrupt end to the season the team played very well and deserved their spot in the semi’s, and the College looks forward to many of these boys representing in the Opens next season. Our 8th and final team to play in the semi-finals were our Squash boys who, as a result of finishing fourth, were faced with the unenviable task of facing North Shore whose team is chock full of representative players at both a state and national level. In summary our Pagewood team improved over 50% on their performance against North Shore in the regular season, this time scoring 439 points compared to 280 last time. Mitchell Spiteri became the first Pagewood player to record a win against a North Shore opponent winning 37-24, while Rhys Fernandes led for most of his match but ultimately had to settle for a 38-all draw against his opponent. Despite the lopsided scoreline in North Shore’s favour at the end the Pagewood team surpassed all expectations for the season with 12 of the 18 team members in Years 7-9, leaving the coach extremely proud. CHAMPAGNAT CATH OLIC COLLEGE PAGEWOOD 35 Donovan Avenue MAROUB RA NSW 20 35 Ph: (02) 9349 7333 Fax: (02) 9344 9883 IN THE TRADITION A full summary of semi-final results from last week can be seen in the table below. Sport Basketball Squash Touch Football Grade A B U/15 Opens A B U/15 U/14 Opponent Lewisham North Shore Ashfield North Shore Randwick Lewisham Lewisham Lewisham Result W 51-27 L 21-30 L 20-45 L 439-1100 W 7-5 L 1-6 W 5-4 L 3-5 Best of luck to the three teams involved in grand final matches this Thursday. All three teams have had magnificent seasons and will go into their games full of confidence. Each team will be well supported through the large presence of students and staff who will be cheering the black and gold on until the final siren. Details of times and venues are in the table below. Families and friends of players involved are more than welcome to come along and cheer our boys on to victory on what is always a wonderful day for the College. Sport Grade Opponent Venue Time Touch A Grade Under 15 Ryde Randwick Tempe Velodrome Tempe Velodrome 11.00 1.00 Basketball A Grade Kogarah Alexandria Basketball Stadium 1.00 14 CHAMPAGNAT CATH OLIC COLLEGE PAGEWOOD 35 Donovan Avenue MAROUB RA NSW 20 35 Ph: (02) 9349 7333 Fax: (02) 9344 9883 IN THE TRADITION College Swimming Carnival Overcast and rainy skies all week gave way to a cloudy but warm day as the annual College swimming carnival for 2015 took place at the Des Renford Aquatic Centre. Yet again it was wonderful to see the stands littered with colour and atmosphere as staff and students got into the vibe of the day, arriving at the venue well ahead of the scheduled starting time to put up posters, streamers and flags adorned with the College House colours. On the previous day during House group meetings each House could be heard practicing their chants as voices echoed through the playground and corridors as the excitement reached fever pitch. The participation levels of the students on the day was terrific to say the least. Our elite swimmers swum hard as they competed for the title of Age Champion and a spot in the MCC Swimming team, while those not so strong swum in lower divisions knowing that even entering a race would earn valuable points for their House. There were plenty of impressive performances on the day particularly in the Juveniles with Cooper Stokes and Zane Hayes proving very difficult to beat, while the likes of Rhys Jones and Kade Hayes dominated the Junior and Open age groups. The theme of the day however is always participation and it was a delight to see so many of our self-proclaimed non-swimmers jump in the pool to compete in the 25m races. They did this in the knowledge that they were not only competing just like their peers were, but also contributing to their House’s points tally. The noise from the stands was deafening as students cheered each other on as Mr Regler kept the crowd entertained with his race commentary during the day. As always the Year 12 cohort left their mark on the event with a feature race involving a number of water toys and props to add some frivolity to the occasion. The day as always concluded with our relay events allowing our boys to represent their House in a teams format with extra points up for grabs. The Juvenile relay was won by Aitken, with Madigan taking out the Junior relay and Houston the Opens event. This was followed by the exhibition race between staff and students. Having lost last year by a fraction of a second the staff were hell bent on revenge, and I am happy to report that revenge was taken as Mr Paterson flew home over the final 50m to bring victory to the teachers and bragging rights for the next 12 months! Once the scores had been collated and students settled in the stands it was time to announce the winners. For the second year running it was Madigan who took the honours (see standings below), with Aitken improving remarkably from their last placing last year to take second spot. Houston finished in third with Hayes rounding out the placings. The celebrations from Madigan were a little more tame than in 2014 as House Coordinator Miss Daley and House Captain Julian Stevens managed to stay dry this time, yet they still accepted the trophy with great pride and accomplishment. Place House Final Points 1st Madigan (Gold) 843 2nd Aitken (Green) 648 3rd Houston (Red) 591 4th Hayes (Blue) 413 Following the announcement of the House winners it was time to award the top three place-getters in each age group including our Age Champions. Principal Mr McInnes and Sports Captain Dylan O’Connor were on hand to hand out the awards to the following boys. Congratulations to them on their achievement. Age Group Age Champion 2nd Place 3rd Place U/12 Cooper Stokes William Kypreos Finnbar Heslop U/13 Zane Hayes Joshua Pitt Lachlan Anderson U/14 Hayden Smart Todd Sly Mitchell Spiteri U/15 Reihana Leui’i Coen Ilott Mitchell Pitscheider U/16 Opens Rhys Jones Kade Hayes Lachlan Smart Istvan Kovacs Joel Lyons & Harry Radley Mitchell Horrey All these boys, and others selected in the Swimming team (please see the sports notice board to check if you have been selected) are reminded that unless they are carrying out their own training, they are required to attend the College swim training sessions at the Des Renford pool. These are held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 7.00-8.00am with breakfast provided back at school afterwards. This training will commence next week in preparation for the two carnivals the College participates in – the North Shore Invitational held at North Sydney Olympic Pool on Tuesday 3 rd March, and the MCC Swimming Championships at Homebush on Thursday 19th March. Further details regarding these carnivals will be distributed to students shortly. 15 CHAMPAGNAT CATH OLIC COLLEGE PAGEWOOD 35 Donovan Avenue MAROUB RA NSW 20 35 Ph: (02) 9349 7333 Fax: (02) 9344 9883 IN THE TRADITION All in all it was another very successful swimming carnival for the College and I would personally like to thank all the students for their participation and enthusiasm on the day. I would also like to thank all the staff for their cooperation and assistance which allowed the day to run so smoothly. Finally to all the parents and guardians who came out and supported their boys, thank you. Golf, Tennis and Cross Country trials Students, parents and guardians are advised that trials for Golf and Tennis have been put back a week due to the many activities going on at school this week and the climax of the summer season. Trials will now take place next Wednesday 25th February after school. Students will receive information on these trials before the end of the week and it is important that they attend to give themselves the best possible opportunity to make the teams. Cross Country trials will also commence next week. These one-day events are set to take place soon with Golf and Tennis both in Week 7, followed by Cross Country later in the term in week 9. Winter sport trials A number of students have been asking about the commencement of trials for MCC winter sports. It is wonderful to see our boys enquiring so early about the trials even though competition is not until term two. Their enthusiasm is encouraging and leaves me in no doubt that once again we will be able to field strong teams in all age groups across both codes. Trials are set to commence in week 7 and continue until the end of the term. It might be worth making a note of this date in your diaries to ensure students are well prepared for these trials particularly in terms of equipment. Internal and Free Choice Sport It has been a terrific start for the House and Free Choice sport programs for our non-MCC representatives. The feedback from staff about Year 7 has been very positive with their behaviour, ability to follow instructions and enthusiasm leading to a couple of very enjoyable afternoons so far. Years 8 & 9 continue to enjoy their summer program even despite the inability to access the Botany Aquatic Centre due to swimming carnivals being held there this month. Finally our Year 10 and 11 students have dived right into their free choice sports as once again they appreciate the facilities on offer in the local community and even on the College grounds. All students are reminded that proper behaviour is expected at all times and any negative incident reports will be followed up. Correct uniform is also imperative with checks continuing to occur at assembly, while Years 7, 8 and 9 are reminded to continue bringing their House shirts to assist with the running of House sport 16 CHAMPAGNAT CATH OLIC COLLEGE PAGEWOOD 35 Donovan Avenue MAROUB RA NSW 20 35 Ph: (02) 9349 7333 Fax: (02) 9344 9883
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