4th March 2015 Term 1 2015 Issue 3 From The Principal NEWSLETTER ‘KNOW GOD’s LOVE’ Dear Parents, Friends and Students, At our Opening Mass earlier this term we launched our College’s new Vision and Mission Statements. As with all good documents that provide intention, direction and hope; it is short and to the point. It captures very well, I think, who we are and what we want to do. To Know God’s Love is our ultimate desire, our overarching need, our hope for a positive, prosperous future; and eternal life beyond. Our framework of Learning, Ministry and Wellbeing is captured here for us. We are children of a loving God; we look out for ourselves and others. To do this we need to have knowledge, we need to be learners and we must strive to improve all the days of our lives. Our Target Setting Day last week was a ‘Voyage of Discovery’ a ‘Quest for Knowledge’! The boys, in concert with their parents and House Group Leader, seeking to set their sights on the new academic year, sat down and recorded their targets, goals and strategies to direct their learning for the year. For many of our boys this is a brave new world. One filled with opportunity and excitement but with some uncertainty and trepidation. Research and educational literature is clear that setting goals is the best way to both focus one’s learning and to be held true to the targets set. Clear, simple strategies are designed to provide the ‘what and how’ for the students to follow. “ Personal learning goals are about improving students’ learning and achievement and building students’ capacity to learn. They are about students becoming active participants in the learning process, empowering them to become independent learners, and motivating them to achieve their full potential. Previous research into the motivation and efficiency of students has indicated that students who set their own working goals tend to achieve more than when working on goals set for them by the teacher. Students who set their own learning goals have more confidence to take on more challenging tasks, regardless of their ability. Their motivation to improve and master a task is improved and their self-esteem remains strong, even in the case of failure” (Department of Education, Victoria) The year has commenced in a most positive manner for the great majority of our students. With their learning at the forefront of our intentions, I believe the use of their goals, targets and strategies will provide these young men with the opportunity to reflect and act on the covenant they have made with themselves and their families on Target Setting Day. Onward and upward to this brave new world! With my best wishes, UPCOMING EVENTS Mr David McInnes College Principal Tonight—Parents and Friends Meeting 6.45pm Lavalla CHAMPAGNAT CATH OLIC COLLEGE PAGEWOOD 35 Donovan Avenue MAROUB RA NSW 20 35 Ph: (02) 9349 7333 Fax: (02) 9344 9883 IN THE TRADITION FROM THE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COORDINATOR The lectionary readings for last Sunday, the Second Sunday of Lent (Year B) share a common theme: that of listening to God. The Old Testament reading from Gen 22: 1-2, 9-13, 15-18 focuses on God testing Abraham and emphasises how, because Abraham listened and followed God’s instruction to sacrifice his only son Isaac, God blesses Abraham and enacts the covenant. The key theme is to listen and obey God, a theme that is revisited in Mark’s gospel for this second Sunday. Last Sunday’s Gospel was the story of the Transfiguration (Mark 9:2-10) where God reveals to three disciples that Jesus is his ‘Beloved Son’. the reading challenges us as the faithful to heed the message of the Good News and as God instructs the disciples, to ‘Listen to Him’. This Lent, we are again challenged to Listen to the message of Jesus and to obey this message as that is what true discipleship is. In the RE department: Assessments for Years 8-10 are slowly trickling in this week, and the quality to date has been of a very high standard. Students should be commended on their approach and diligence to date. Year 7 and 11 notifications will go out this week and Year 12 Studies of Religion are busily working on their research component for their exam in the Week 7 Exam block. Caritas Australia - Lenten Appeal - Project Compassion Focusing on the Lenten message of prayer, alms giving and compassion the College will be holding a Mufti day on Wednesday to raise awareness and funds for Caritas Australia’s “2015 Project Compassion” appeal. Caritas, the Catholic Church’s official agency has as its 2015 campaign the theme of ‘Food for Life’, it is fitting that in supporting this appeal that we live out and show caritas or love for our fellow humans and in essence be Jesus to each other. Ms Tina De Souza, Religious Education Coordinator YEAR 12 RETREAT Year 12 Retreat will occur in Week 9 at ‘The Hermitage’, Mittagong. Year 12 students need to ensure they have returned their permission note and have signed up for either Retreat 1 or 2. A message from the Executive Director of Catholic Schools Dear Parents/Carers Demand for places in our Catholic schools has never been greater, and it is not hard to see why. Our schools continue to provide outstanding opportunities for students in an environment where the gospel values are lived out each day. In order to meet this demand, the Catholic Education Office Sydney is growing existing schools and planning new ones; however, if it is going to be able to meet demand, more schools will need to be built in the years ahead, particularly in the inner-west and south-west regions of Sydney. To do this, we need the help of the State Government. With the NSW state election just around the corner, please keep in mind this critical issue. We are seeking a clear statement from all political parties about what support they are prepared to provide to help meet the capital cost of building new schools. I will provide more information about this issue in the coming weeks. Dr Dan White, Executive Director of Catholic Schools 2 CHAMPAGNAT CATH OLIC COLLEGE PAGEWOOD 35 Donovan Avenue MAROUB RA NSW 20 35 Ph: (02) 9349 7333 Fax: (02) 9344 9883 IN THE TRADITION YEAR 7 CHAMPAGNAT/OLSH Welcome Mass O n Tuesday, Champagnat Catholic College and Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Kensington, joined together to celebrate Mass and liturgically welcome our Year 7 cohort and their families to the College. The students of both Colleges received prayer cards of the respective founders and celebrated together the transition they have made from Primary school. 3 CHAMPAGNAT CATH OLIC COLLEGE PAGEWOOD 35 Donovan Avenue MAROUB RA NSW 20 35 Ph: (02) 9349 7333 Fax: (02) 9344 9883 IN THE TRADITION Year 11 Art Excursion: “Into the trees” CURRICULUM MATTERS ‘Spotlight on… Mana Castillo-Sioni’ House Group Leader: Ms Higgins Year 12 Hayes House Group Coordinator: Mr Sinadinos Past achievements: Becoming Hayes house captain Winning MCC rugby league under 15’s Making the MCC Rugby League under 15’s Coming 1st, 2nd or 3rd in a couple subjects since year 7 Being named crew of the first quarter two years in a row Participating in most extra curriculum activities at school Subjects this year: General Mathematics 2 Catholic Studies Standard English Geography Business Studies Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Future pathway: Once I finish school I will be completing a traineeship with my work that gives me a Certificate III in Retail Operations and allows me to become a shift supervisor. However I’d also like to go to University if my ATAR permits to study Physical Education. One day I would like to be: PE teacher or something hands on and to do with sport Likes: Sport - any kind, working, outdoor activities, hanging with mates, eating Life approach: ‘True leaders don’t create followers. They create more leaders’ (J. Sakiya Sandifer) 4 CHAMPAGNAT CATH OLIC COLLEGE PAGEWOOD 35 Donovan Avenue MAROUB RA NSW 20 35 Ph: (02) 9349 7333 Fax: (02) 9344 9883 IN THE TRADITION CURRICULUM MATTERS Learning: I would like to extend my thanks to all within the community for the tremendous response to the Target Setting Day held last week. The collaboration between parents/caregivers, teachers and students is intrinsic in goal setting and in the ability for students to attain their goals. As the primary educators of our students the role that parents/caregivers play in the development of their sons cannot be underestimated. I encourage our students to regularly re visit their goals, determine their progress and evaluate strengths and weaknesses. NSWBoSTES entries for Years 10, 11 and 12 students are nearing completion and will be complete by the March 13 th cut-off date at the Board. Changes to study patterns, courses and classes have now ceased and no further requests by students for changes will occur. All Year 11 students are currently under review and may be encouraged to change courses and/or pathways based on the demonstrated abilities during the first five weeks. All Senior School students will be issued with an NSWBoSTES confirmation of entry during the course of the week. The details on the confirmation are to be checked and validated by the students and parents/caregivers. Forms must be returned to the College in order for the enrolment to proceed. A number of assessment tasks are due for completion and/or submission during Weeks 6 and 7 across all year groups. Details regarding these tasks can be found in the relevant Assessment Booklet available on the Parent Portal and as hard copy which was distributed to all students. More comprehensive details on individual tasks are distributed to students at least two weeks prior to the due date of the task. Year 12 commence Semester 1 (Mid-Course) Exams on March 13th. I would hope that it goes without saying that our Year 12 students are prioritising their time into exam preparation and revision. Years 7 to 10 Progress Reports are now being completed by teachers. These reports are a ‘snapshot’ of each student’s class performance in areas such as attitude, behaviour and classwork and homework completion. Students who are doing what is expected of them will be validated by these reports. Conversely, performances that are not up to scratch will also be indicated. The reports will be distributed to students on Wednesday April 1 st and published to the Parent Portal at the same time. Sentral Student and Parent Portal: As mentioned in the previous Newsletter this Portal is critical to our functioning and all families should now have an account established. Bookmark the URL below and visit the site regularly for updated data and documents: https://sentral.champagnatpagewood.catholic.edu.au/ What’s ahead of us? Term 1: March 5th: Year 11 Industrial Technology Woodwork Industry visit March 6th: Year 11 Industrial Technology Graphics Industry visit; Public Speaking Zone Final March 9th: 2016 Open Evening for new enrolments March 10th: Open Day for new enrolments March 13th: Year 12 Semester One Exams commence; Year 9 History Incursion; Stage 6 Studies of Religion Incursion March 20th: Year 10 Visual Arts Excursion; Year 12 Exams conclude March 23rd: Year 12 Retreat commences March 26th: Year 11 Semester One exams commence March 27th: Year 12 Retreat concludes; Debating Round 1 April 1st: Years 7 to 10 Progress Reports distributed and published April 2nd: Year 11 Exams conclude “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take!” (Anon) Mr Mick Cameron, Administration and Curriculum Coordinator 5 CHAMPAGNAT CATH OLIC COLLEGE PAGEWOOD 35 Donovan Avenue MAROUB RA NSW 20 35 Ph: (02) 9349 7333 Fax: (02) 9344 9883 IN THE TRADITION From the Assistant Principal Dear Parents and Caregivers, Welcome to Week 6! It has been a very quick term to this point as the boys have settled into new patterns of study, new focusses and learning, and respectful and joyful participation in a range of whole-school activities. As we move to the middle point of the term, some reminders: Students are not to be in Eastgardens after school or before school. They do not need to catch a bus from there except for one service. However, if they are catching public transport, boys are expected to follow the instructions of all safety personnel and security personnel in that area – for their own safety and the safety of others. Social Media usage has been in the media gaze this last week and for all students at CCCP also. Can you please continue the conversation about social media with your boys. This is a contentious area and wise words now will prevent great embarrassment and possibly loss of work, income and respect further on down the line. The correct colour of a dress demonstrates how quickly things can move around social media; a bad reputation can just as quickly move around having far more negative consequences. Vaccinations for students are occurring soon – please have all forms back to the front office asap Sports information is readily available at the College by the boys reading the Sports Noticeboard. Information on all events and learning activities can also be seen on the multiple screens around the College. Students should be taking responsibility for checking the screens and making sure they are aware of all the information. Finally, many thanks to those of you I met at the recent Target-Setting Day – your warm welcome was typical of the hospitality I have witnessed at CCCP in my brief time here and speaks strongly of the great models beyond these walls. The Target-Setting Day itself was a great learning for me as a new Assistant Principal. I had a chance to see our boys consider, discuss and reflect on their goals for this year as we continue to highlight the learning agenda of the College. These targets are fundamental to the learning here at CCCP and I will be asking our boys to think about their learning and take responsibility for it throughout the year to further build on this. It has been a very stable and strong start to the 2015 academic year and I thank you for your very supportive role in this as well Matt Ryan, Assistant Principal CAREERS NEWS Please visit our College Careers Website and calendar for updates. Save the date: May 28th-31st- SMH Careers and HSC Expo at Moore Park Wednesday June 10th - Careers Day and Year 10 interviews Parents/Carers who have experience or skills in interviewing and who could be available to work with us on June 10th from 8.30-12.30 would be greatly appreciated. Please contact sue.mckay@syd.catholic.edu.au Suzanne Mckay, Careers and Industry Based Learning Coordinator 6 CHAMPAGNAT CATH OLIC COLLEGE PAGEWOOD 35 Donovan Avenue MAROUB RA NSW 20 35 Ph: (02) 9349 7333 Fax: (02) 9344 9883 IN THE TRADITION TARGET SETTING DAY On Tuesday the 24th of February, students and their parents/guardians met with each student’s House Group Leader (HGL) and set academic targets for the 2015 year. The process of setting goals allows students to take ownership of their educational pathway and academic achievement. Contemporary research has shown that student achievement can be maximised through the process of collaborative and critical reflection, followed by targeted goal setting based on the principles of SMART Goals. Setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time related goals allows students to focus on identified strategies for improvement. Goal setting provides students with a long-term vision, short-term motivation and academic accountability. Interviews lasted 15 minutes and reflected on each student’s academic performance in 2014. With the help of parents and guardians, students then set a range of academic goals for the 2015 year. Student goals were both extensive and diverse, ranging from specific improvement in algebra, essay writing and the development of ICT competencies, to Band 6 results in the HSC. Importantly, feedback from HGL’s has suggest that students are becoming more acutely aware of the ‘How’ in this process; that is the associated strategies needed to obtain academic goals and ensure continued growth. Student goals and their associated strategies have now been uploaded into the College’s student management system. (Sentral) These goals will form part of each student’s personal profile and can be viewed using the individual student and parent portal. Throughout 2015, students will be asked to monitor and regularly reflect on their academic achievement in relation to the personal goals they have set. In consultation with their HGL and their parents, students will have the opportunity to reconsider their personal goals and associated strategies. The first day for reflective practice will take place on Thursday the 26 th of March. The College would like to take this opportunity to thank students, parents and caregivers for the positive manner in which they responded to, and engaged in this process. We hope this initiative will continue to lay the foundations for an individual learning pathway that is tailored to meet the needs, expectations, and abilities of each boy at the College. Parents and Caregivers are welcome to provide feedback on the target setting day and a short survey will be distributed in the coming days. Chris Ferry, Senior School Learning Coordinator and Craig Bissell, Middle School Learning Coordinator COMMUNITY NOTICES 7 CHAMPAGNAT CATH OLIC COLLEGE PAGEWOOD 35 Donovan Avenue MAROUB RA NSW 20 35 Ph: (02) 9349 7333 Fax: (02) 9344 9883 MCC Finals The MCC Summer competition for 2015 came to an end a fortnight ago with one of the special days on the MCC calendar – Finals Day. Pagewood was proud to have three teams involved in the final game of the season including A Grade Basketball, A Grade Touch and Under 15 Touch. A Grade Basketball The A Grade Basketball team were up against Marist College Kogarah in their Grand Final. Having only beaten them by one point in the regular season fixture only a couple of weeks prior, both teams knew that it would be a tight affair. Kogarah started the game well scoring the first 4 points as Pagewood struggled to gain their composure, however, this did not take long as Pagewood settled into their rhythm reeling off the next 16 straight points! This lead was maintained for most of the first half as Pagewood went in at half time up 21-9. The defence was outstanding as Kogarah found it difficult to get any offence going, while Pagewood capitalised on fast-break opportunities with some good outlet passing from the guards. The forwards were also dominating the paint and the boards allowing us to score a number of second-chance points. In the second half Pagewood managed to hold onto a double-digit lead playing smart, composed basketball and with 10 minutes to go seemed destined for victory up 29-16. Kogarah to their credit however went on a 9-0 run to cut the lead to 4 as one or two Pagewood players began to lose their composure while the crowd roared. An important time out allowed the boys to regroup, and once play resumed the team was able to push the lead back out once again. Pagewood wouldn’t let Kogarah have another sniff and closed the game out by driving through the lane, drawing fouls and making enough free throws so that when the siren sounded Pagewood were victorious – 39-33!! This win was the first time in the College’s 54 year history that an A Grade Basketball team had won the championship. Prior to the game the boys were asked to give one more day of effort, and if they won they would create a legacy that would last a lifetime. With the victory the legacy had been created and from this day forward future generations will talk about this A Grade team as being “the first”. On a personal note let me say it was an absolute pleasure coaching this team. From day one the team has worked hard both on and off the court, working as a team not just individuals, with each player working towards the same goal. The players believed they could win the competition from day one and that confidence led to an undefeated premiership season which is a rarity. This team was well-rounded with depth in all positions. Davo Hickey and Ace Tubungbanua led the team well at the guard positions, while captain Josh Hickey, Most Valuable Player in the Grand Final, was an awesome presence at centre. Billy McPherson, Armand Hidajat and Eric Gunawan rotated at the forward positions combining size, strength, agility and shot-making ability to create yet another point of attack. It was this range of attacking options I believe that gave Pagewood the advantage over other teams whose attack was more one-dimensional. Mason McCarthy, Joel Gibson and Lawrence Stowers provided depth on the bench as well during the season when the starters got tired. All in all this was a team with great ability and it will be difficult to replace the likes of Year 12 students Josh, Armand and Eric who leave the College on a high note. The challenge is there to go back-to-back next season with the returning group of players needing to gel with the new crop of players coming through, but I have no doubt Pagewood will face that challenge head on and aim to keep the trophy at Maroubra. CHAMPAGNAT CATH OLIC COLLEGE PAGEWOOD 35 Donovan Avenue MAROUB RA NSW 20 35 Ph: (02) 9349 7333 Fax: (02) 9344 9883 IN THE TRADITION A Grade Touch The A Grade Touch team took on Holy Cross College Ryde in their Grand Final. The appearance of this team in the biggest game of the season was significant for a number of reasons. Firstly, it was the first time in ten years that an A Grade football team from Pagewood, of any code, had reached a Grand Final. Secondly, and thirdly, Pagewood defeated Marcellin College Randwick twice (5 tries to 3 in the round games and 7 tries to 5 in the semi-final), thus eliminating them from the competition. Three pretty good reasons to look back on the season with a smile and some satisfaction. In the Grand Final against the undefeated Ryde team Pagewood put up a gallant effort, however, with their team boasting a number of representative players we were simply outplayed by a better team on the day. The match did not start well for Pagewood as Ryde scored in the first set. The boys to their credit did not give up and scores were level after a great ball from William Last to Bailey Fitzgerald sent the latter away as he kept good shape to score out wide. Unfortunately, a number of calls went against us and with them, the momentum. Ryde scored three quick tries to secure a handy lead at the break. At halftime the team talked about the importance of driving with the ball and ‘squeezing’ in defence. Again, Pagewood tried very hard, however, were unable to contain Ryde’s speed out of dummy half which saw the final score blow out somewhat. The boys never gave in though and were able to score another three tries against a very good Touch team. The team was ably led by Dylan O’Connor, with the boys from Year 12 - William Last, Jack Hawkins and Liam Burgess - enjoying their last Touch Football competition for the College. The bulk of the squad including Alex Spooner, Patrick Pellegrini, Dean Hawkins, Bailey Fitzgerald, Tazmann Empacher, Ayden Eather, Stephan Blair and Jake Kambos will all be back next season - faster, stronger and wiser in what is an exciting prospect for the sport at the College. Based on this year’s performance it would be a brave person to bet against Pagewood making it all the way to the big dance again in 2016, except that next time the team will go one better. Coach Mr BisselI was very proud of the boys at all times throughout the season and wishes to thank them for representing Champagnat Catholic College Pagewood with such distinction. Representative Golf Congratulations to Year 12 student Daniel Kolar who was selected recently to represent NSW Boys at the 2015 Interstate Series, the premier team golf Championships in Australia. Daniel will be involved in matches held from the 13th to the 16th of April at Links Lady Bay Golf Club in South Australia. On top of this Daniel will also compete at the Australian Junior Championships to be played at Kooyonga Golf Club from the 8th to the 10th of April. Busy times ahead for Daniel whose prowess on the golf course has been well documented, and the College wishes him all the best for success in both tournaments. Before that however we look forward to seeing Daniel represent Pagewood at the MCC Golf Championships at Bexley next week! 9 CHAMPAGNAT CATH OLIC COLLEGE PAGEWOOD 35 Donovan Avenue MAROUB RA NSW 20 35 Ph: (02) 9349 7333 Fax: (02) 9344 9883 IN THE TRADITION Under 15 Touch The Under 15 Touch team had a great preparation for their Grand Final match against Marcellin College Randwick. Training on the Tuesday beforehand was very positive. The team trained solidly and the plays looked sharp. On match day again the team was able to "switch on" and prepared well. The start of the game saw some nerves and Marcellin quickly took advantage of this scoring once. The team then settled into its rhythm and hit back with a great passage of play that led to the equaliser. Randwick's ability to get a quick roll on was hard to defend against and they were able to score two more tries before half time. We hit back again in the second half to make the score 3-2 again with some great set play. Fatigue and panic set in for the last 15 minutes of the game and this allowed Marcellin to dominate and they were able to score 2 more tries. The end result does not reflect the gap in ability between the 2 teams and our team should be extremely proud to have made a Grind Final and been very competitive in the high standard of MCC Touch Football. The Under 15 Touch team only suffered one defeat during the season and it was in the final game. The players should hold their heads high after what has been a wonderful season. The College is proud of their achievements and looks forward to next season when many of these boys will be playing in the Opens where hopefully they will be able to build upon what has been a great summer season. Representative OzTag will be bolstered even further by the presence of Pagewood swimming legend Jaiden Basalo (Year 12 2013) who will attend Congratulations to Ned Hicks, Zac Kambos and Dillan Oates training over coming weeks to pass on his expertise to our on their selection in the NSW Under 13 OzTag team to play swimmers. Thank you Jaiden! Representatives and their parents Queensland on the Sunshine Coast on the 3rd May. A wonderful are reminded that the MCC Swimming Championships will take achievement on the back of their recent stunning performances place at the Olympic Aquatic Centre (Homebush) on Thursday at the Junior State Cup OzTag Championships held at Coffs 19th March, beginning at 4.00pm and concluding at 7.00pm. Harbour. Well done and best of luck against the Maroons! MCC Swimming As this newsletter goes to print our swim team have just come off their first representation for the College competing at the North Shore Invitational swimming carnival held at North Sydney Pool. More details about their performance here will be included in the next newsletter, however, it has been wonderful to see over 20 students turning up to each of our early morning training sessions at Heffron Pool as they prepare for the MCC Championships. A number of other swim squad members have been carrying out their own training as the excitement builds to what is shaping up to be a big performance from Pagewood at Homebush. The coaching team of Mr Carestia and Mr Paterson MCC Golf and Tennis Best of luck to our MCC Golf and Tennis teams competing in their respective Championships next Thursday 12th March. Team members should have received a note with details regarding the day (these can also be found on the College website) and are reminded to return the permission slips prior to competition day. All representatives have been training well over the last couple of weeks in what is always a hurried preparation for the one-day events, and the College is certain these boys will represent admirably and play to the best of their ability on the day. Details of their performances will be published in the next newsletter. 10 CHAMPAGNAT CATH OLIC COLLEGE PAGEWOOD 35 Donovan Avenue MAROUB RA NSW 20 35 Ph: (02) 9349 7333 Fax: (02) 9344 9883 IN THE TRADITION MCC Cross Country House and Free Choice Sport Trials for the Pagewood Cross Country team have been going on in earnest over recent weeks as Mr Williams continues to put our boys through their paces. This year rather than running locally Mr Williams has taken interested students to Centennial Park to run a circuit there in what has been a move well received by all involved. A wealth of talent has been uncovered as a result of the new selection venue, and the team has been coming together well. Over coming weeks the team will train on Wednesday mornings as they prepare for their own MCC Championships to take place at King George Park, Rozelle on Thursday 26th March (week 9). Well done to all our students who have been involved in House and Free Choice activities since the start of the term. Apart from one or two minor incidents the feedback from staff has been great, especially in regards to Year 7 who have really settled in well to Thursday sport. It is wonderful to see the array of colour in the Donovan Yard at the start of sport as the students dress in their House shirts and their behaviour to, from and at the venue has been exemplary. Students are asked to keep bringing their House shirts and get involved as much as they can. Year 8 and 9 are also reminded to keep checking the summer sport program on the sports notice board as Botany Aquatic Centre becomes available once again with swimmers and towel essential if they expect to use the pool and waterslides. MCC Winter trials Trials for Rugby League and Soccer will commence this Thursday during sport time. The response from students on Tuesday at registration was phenomenal as a record number of students put their names down for the 13 teams (7 in Rugby League and 6 in Soccer) that the College will field this winter season. All students are encouraged to try out regardless of ability, and are also reminded to bring the proper protective equipment for both sports as well as their boots. Regular updates on team selections will be placed on the sports notice board, therefore students are asked to visit it often to ensure they are kept up to date regarding their place in the team. Our one and only trial match will take place on Thursday 23rd April against Marist College North Shore with the season proper kicking off the following week against Lewisham. Let us know! If you have news of sporting success achieved by any of our students outside of the College’s own sport program please do not hesitate to email this information to myself at michael.menniti@syd.catholic.edu.au. A lot of achievements by our boys go unnoticed when they deserve to be made aware to the College community. Please send any articles or photos through and I will endeavour to include them in the newsletter. FISHING OUR fishing boys with their “catch of the day!” 11 CHAMPAGNAT CATH OLIC COLLEGE PAGEWOOD 35 Donovan Avenue MAROUB RA NSW 20 35 Ph: (02) 9349 7333 Fax: (02) 9344 9883
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