February 2015 Newsletter

Kawartha Lakes Haliburton 4-H
Association Newsletter
February 2015
Note the Date Change!!!
KLH Annual Meeting
Thursday, Feb 19, 2015
Riverwood Trailer Park Club House
7:00 pm – Refreshments
7:30 pm – AGM
Everyone is welcome to attend and bring forward suggestions, concerns and any new ideas
you have. This is also a great opportunity for leaders to renew their training.
If interested in joining the board of directors, please contact
David Gould goulddavid75@gmail.com
Roundup #1
Sunday, March 1, 2015
1pm – 3pm
IE Weldon Secondary, Lindsay
Everyone is welcome to attend and sign up
for the 2015 4-H clubs they wish to join as
well as pay their membership if they have
not done so. Club leaders will be present to
answer your questions.
Roundup #2
Thursday, March 26, 2015
5pm – 7:30pm
Riverwood Trailer Park Club House
2014 KLH Board of Directors
Activity Coordinator
/Newsletter Editor
Regional Rep.
Regional Rep.
Membership Clerk
Volunteer Support –
Region 3 4-H Ontario
Allan Francis
David Gould
Edna White
Abby Taylor
Diane Armstrong
Jane Durward
Suzanne Barker
Debbie Gerzymisch
Robert Batty
Michelle Hazenberg
Amanda Johnson
Craig Kennedy
Brenda Lowes
Ryan Parish
Linda Staples
Megan Burnside
1-877-4106748 Ext. 477
Reminder - 4-H Participant Forms:
According to 4-H Ontario policy, every volunteer and member is asked to fill out a Participant Agreement Form
every year. The reasons for collecting this form from volunteers are several:
 The form provides personal contact information to use in regular and emergency contact
 Health and Safety information in order to respect medical requirements and to ensure that in the case
of an emergency, the health care providers can provide adequate medical care
 Media release which enables local associations to check to see if they have permission to use pictures
of people in publications, websites, etc.
 Signed copy of the code of conduct so that all participants are clear of the expectations of behaviour in
 Waiver acknowledging the possible risks associated with involvement in 4-H activities
The Participant Agreement Form is a necessary tool all staff and volunteers use to ensure we keep each
other’s best interests and personal information in mind.
Forms can be downloaded from the 4-H Ontario website: www.4-hontario.ca/forms
Please bring your 1st meeting information to Roundup
(Mar 1st) with you.
If your training needs to be renewed, attending the AGM
(Feb 19th) is a great way to get that completed.
Please respond to the First Aid & CPR email by Feb 19th so we
know how many are willing to participate in the course.
 Each club is required to have 2 up to date screened and trained leaders or completion will
not be granted. NO exceptions!!
Region 3 New Volunteer & Youth Leader Orientation Sessions
Thursday, Feb.12, 2015.
Thursday, Mar. 12, 2015.
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Saturday, April 18, 2015.
Thursday, May 14, 2015.
Quinte Sports & Wellness Centre
Gym Meeting Room
Lindsay Exhibition Boardroom
Solina Community Hall
Baltimore United Church
Maranatha Church
265 Cannifton Road,
Belleville, ON
354 Angeline St. S.,
Lindsay, ON
9288 Burwash Road,
100 College Street West
Belleville, ON
1964 Concession Rd. 6.,
Hampton, ON
Help Wanted: Treasurer
The KLH 4-H Board of Directors is currently looking for someone to fill the position of Treasurer. This
individual would be responsible for duties such as attending KLH 4-H Association meetings, maintaining
accurate financial records in a confidential manner and in accordance with acceptable accounting practices for
the association, and preparing a printed financial summary report to be presented at the annual meeting. For
more details and duties, please contact Abby Taylor (705) 341-4067 or taylormaid64@gmail.com.
Cloverbuds is a year-long program run under the umbrella of 4H Ontario. The program is for youth ages 6 to 8 years old as of
December 31st of the previous calendar year. It is a hands-on, activity
based program covering a variety of topics including agriculture, food, crafts, life skills,
environment and science.
A Cloverbud is required to attend 4 (two-hour) meetings in one year in order to complete the program and get
their completion. Each meeting will have a different subject. For more information on the Cloverbuds
program, check out www.4-hontario.ca or contact Sue Roberts robertswoodviewfarm@lgdmail.ca A sign-up
sheet will also be available at Roundup.
We still have some 2015 Calendars ($10 each) for
sale featuring photos of KLH members and their
families from over the years in honour of 4-H
Ontario’s 100th Anniversary. Calendars will be
available to purchase at the Annual General Meeting and at Roundup.
2015 4-H Calendars
KLH 4-H may be able to help …
In addition to the KLH 4-H Association helping to subsidize members and volunteers attending
4-H events and conferences, they also want to promote and grow the 4-H program. If you
know or are an individual or family who is experiencing some financial restraints, please
contact the KLH Membership Clerk, Debbie Gerzymisch sydneys_mom@hotmail.com .
Financial requests will be discussed and honoured based on funding available.
Like us on
for upcoming details and photos from past events.
Do you enjoy writing? Would you like to learn more about
effective online writing? Kawartha Lakes Mums would like to feature
regular posts from a member of 4-H about 4-H in City of Kawartha Lakes. Your posts
will be shared with over 5, 000 readers on several social media platforms
including: Facebook, Twitter, Blog Lovin, tumblr, Pinterest, and Stumble Upon.
In addition, the writer will receive coaching in setting up their own blog and interconnected social media
Could you write 500 words a month about 4-H in City of Kawartha Lakes? Your articles each need to be at
least 500 original words, and be about 4-H in general, or 4-H in City of Kawartha Lakes. and contain one or two
original photos. You will also have a 100 word "about the author section" with a thumbnail photo. You will
copy and paste your article into a template provided by Kawartha Lakes Mums, and email it along with jpg or
png photos to Kawartha Lakes Mums.
Note: If the writer is under 18, we recommend that post be placed as written by the writer's family and the
text be about or about the writer's family or 4-H rather than the author.
This could be a great opportunity for a 4-H member who is interested in gaining useful skills to bring new
clients to their family business, while sharing useful information about 4H and the fun and learning 4H offers
youth in City of Kawartha Lakes. If you live outside City of Kawartha Lakes, and this opportunity appeals to
you, we want to hear from you too, as we are expanding our family- friendly format to more areas very soon.
Kawartha Lakes Mums is a family-friendly blog. The aim of Kawartha Lakes Mums is four-fold:
Connecting residents of City of Kawartha Lakes with family-friendly resources,
Welcoming potential visitors to City of Kawartha Lakes with family-friendly resources,
Encouraging City of Kawartha Lakes shopping, and
Presenting opportunities for residents of City of Kawartha Lakes to increase their businesses.
Kawartha Lakes Mums welcomes suggestions for improvements to make our interconnected social media
platforms more useful to our readers.
Looking forward to helping you realize your online writing goals,
Suzanne Sholer B.A. B.Ed.
Founder, Kawartha Lakes Mums
Mariah & Sophie
The Dr. Allan Dixon Memorial Scholarship is
awarded to three individuals each year. This
year two happen to be sisters. Congratulations
to Mariah and Sophie Wotten from Little
Britain, Ontario. Mariah is studying
Pharmaceutical and Sophie, Marketing. They
are both very involved in their families
Simmental operation - Elm Tree Farms and the
4-H and YCS programs.
Join us for these great events:
100th ANNIVERSARY FIRST CLUB CELEBRATION – June 20th – Steckle Heritage Homestead, Kitchener, ON
CANADA’S WONDERLAND CELEBRATION DAY – July 25th – Canada’s Wonderland, Vaughan, ON
100th ANNIVERSARY GALA DINNER – Sept 26th – Cornwall Civic Centre, Cornwall, ON
Youth Opportunities & Scholarships
(full listing in the 2015 4-H Ontario Resource Guide & at www.4-hontario.ca)
Sen$e: Dairy Sen$e
For youth ages 18–25
Gain management skills from some of the most successful dairy farmers in
Ontario. Learn the impact of management decisions on the bottom line and how to run a more profitable dairy
operation. Tour some of the top dairy farms in Ontario, find out the key elements of a succession plan and network
with other young dairy farmers. Each year brings new speakers and tours for participants, creating a unique
Maximum participants: 45
Dairy Sen$e is co-managed with the Ontario Holstein Branch.
To view a video from last year's Dairy Sen$e Conference click here.
Download and complete the 2015 Dairy Sen$e Registration Form Here
For participants from across Ontario
Application Deadline: March 26, 2015
Event Date: April 30 - May 2, 2015
University of Guelph, Guelph, ON
Cost: $146.90 incl HST (incl. accommodations, meals, tour travel and resource materials)
A maximum of 45 participants can attend. Registration is on a first come, first serve basis.
Please read the Camp, Conference, Competition & Exchange Attendance Policies
This program is managed by 4-H Ontario and Ontario Holsteins.
Ignite Leadership
For youth ages 17-21
Want to reconnect or re-kindle your leadership potential? Join us for Ignite Leadership, a
blended camp/conference program with peer speakers, facilitator-driven sessions and
guest speakers. It’s a three-night, four-day opportunity to further develop your leadership,
communication and networking skills while developing friendships and having fun.
What sets Ignite Leadership apart is that it features a significant focus on peer-led
sessions. At Ignite, you can inspire, and be inspired!
Busing options will be available to assist delegates going to camp.
For participants from across Ontario
Application Deadline: April 2, 2015
Event Date: May 7 - 10, 2015
Ganaraska Forest Centre: Campbellcroft, ON
Registration fee: $203.40 *includes HST
Maximum of 40 participants
Check out www.4-hontario.ca/ignite-leadership for more details and an application form.
Angelo and Frank Agro Undergraduate Scholarships
Deadline: April 15, 2015
For 4-H members attending post-secondary education. Seven awards of $7,000 ($1,750 annually for four
years).Applicants must be full-time students entering semester one at the University of Guelph, who have a minimum
75% admission average, having completed at least 10 4-H projects. Applicants submit a point-form listing of their 4-H
club activities and a reference letter from a 4-H club official. Scholarship recipients must maintain full time studies and a
70% program average each year for continuation of the award. More details available at www.uoguelph.ca
March Newsletter submission deadline: Feb. 20th
Send information to d.armstrong@eastlink.ca
Dates to Remember
5th – Registration deadline – New Volunteer & Youth Leader Orientation
12th – New Volunteer & Youth Leader Orientation, Belleville, ON
19th – 7:00pm – KLH AGM – Riverwood Trailer Park Club House, Lindsay, ON
19th – Deadline for volunteers to respond to the First Aid & CPR email
26th – 7:30 pm - KLH 4-H Directors Meeting
1st – 1:00pm – 3:00pm – Roundup #1 – IE Weldon Secondary, Lindsay, ON
12th – New Volunteer & Youth Leader Orientation, Lindsay, ON
26th – 5:00pm – 7:30pm - Roundup #2 – Riverwood Trailer Park Club House, Lindsay, ON
26th – Application Deadline – Dairy Sense
27th – 29th – 4-H Ontario CAM, Waterloo, ON
2nd – Application Deadline – Ignite Leadership
9th – New Volunteer & Youth Leader Orientation, Baltimore, ON
15th – Application Deadline – Angelo & Frank Agro Undergraduate Scholarship
18th – Region 3 Volunteer Symposium, Maranatha Church, Belleville, ON
If you no longer wish to receive the KLH 4-H newsletter, please notify