1st Congress of the Turkic World Transplantation Society

20-22 May, 2015 Astana, Kazakhstan
1st Congress of the
Turkic World
Transplantation Society
conjoined with the
III International
Kazakh-Turkish Nephrology Congress
20-22 May, 2015
Rixos President Astana Hotel
Astana, Kazakhstan
T r a n s p l a n t a s yo
Türk D
Announcement & Call for Abstracts
ic W
d Tr
1st Congress of the Turkic World Transplantation Society
20-22 May, 2015 Astana, Kazakhstan
Welcome to the First TDTD Congress
Dear Colleagues,
It is my great honor and pleasure to welcome you to Astana for
the 1st Congress of the Turkic World Transplantation Society to be
held in Astana on 20-22 May, 2015.
Officially registered in Turkey on December 15, 2014, our new
society was formed to create an arena of communication and collaboration in the field of
organ transplantation among the Turkic States of the world. Inclusive of Turkey, Azerbaijan,
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, the society already has
almost 500 members from all member countries, and this number continues to grow every
The main topic of the congress will be “Organ Donation, Preservation and Legislation in
Transplantation,” although the scientific program will cover several different aspects in
various areas of transplantation. In addition to Invited Speakers from all around the world,
we will be holding workshops and hearing about the experiences in transplantation of our
fellow colleagues from the region.
The meeting, conjoined with the III International Kazakh-Turkish Nephrology Congress, will
be an exciting opportunity for transplant professionals to share their expertise as well as their
concerns regarding the development of the field in their own countries. The interdisciplinary
nature of organ transplantation will mean that physicians and practitioners from all related
fields will also have the opportunity to share and learn from each other.
Both the local organizing committee and the Program committee, comprised of international
leaders in transplantation, have been committed to providing a program that reflects current
problems and represents a collection of scientific, educational, and practical information. Of
course, in addition to the scientific events, an enjoyable social program awaits our guests in
the up-and-coming, culturally diverse and exciting capital city of Kazakhstan – Astana.
We look forward to seeing you in Astana in May, for what I am sure will be a successful
beginning to the scientific activities of the TDTD.
Mehmet Haberal, MD, FACS (Hon), FICS (Hon), FASA (Hon)
Founder and President, Turkic World Transplantation Society
Chair, 1st Congress of the Turkic World Transplantation Society
1st Congress of the Turkic World Transplantation Society
Welcome to Kazakhstan
Let me express my sincerest welcome to participants of the 1st
Congress of the Turkic World Transplantation Society!
The main directions of the results of clinical and scientific activity,
presented in the work of the Congress, reflect fruitful joint efforts of
our colleagues. Leading scholars of different countries becoming true
friends; these efforts allow the realization and implementation of the
best achievements in medicine.
We shall discuss the most important problems of Organ Transplantation in Turkic Countries.
The congress will allow a wide circle of physicians and scholars to get acquainted with the
latest achievements of organ transplantation in the World.
Our guests will spend these days in a warm environment of mutual cooperation and
communication, and will see the special sights of our remarkable new capital of Kazakhstan.
I express a special appreciation to our partners and leading pharmaceutical companies, due to
our joint creative union in educational and scientific activity.
I sincerely wish all participants of the congress fruitful work and new creative achievements!
Abay K. Baygenzhin, MD
General Director of JSC National Scientific Medical Research Center,
Co-Chair, 1st Congress of the Turkic World Transplantation Society
20-22 May, 2015 Astana, Kazakhstan
Supported by
 Başkent University
 Haberal Education Foundation (HEV)
 International Haberal Transplantation and Education Foundation (IHTEF)
 Turkish Transplantation Society (TOND)
 Turkish Transplantation and Burn Treatment Foundation
 Başkent University Improvement Foundation (BÜGEV)
 World Academy of Medical, Biomedical and Ethical Sciences (WAMBES)
 National Coordinating Centre for Transplantation (Kazakhstan)
Society of Nephrologists, Dialysis and Transplant Physicians of Kazakhstan
 Kazakhstan Nephrology Association
1st Congress of the Turkic World Transplantation Society
Executive Committee of
the Turkic World Transplantation Society
Mehmet Haberal
Founder and President
Gülnaz Arslan
Vice President
Gökhan Moray
Fatih Boyvat
Haldun Selçuk
Fariz Babayev
Hikmet Ismailov
Abay K. Baigenzhin
Jaksılık Doskaliyev
Mira Isaeva
Kamchibek A. Uzakbaev
Saidmahmud Ismoilov
Bayriyev Vepa
Yuldasheav Ulugbeg Karimovic
20-22 May, 2015 Astana, Kazakhstan
Local Organizing Committee
Mehmet Haberal Turkey
Abay K. Baigenzhin Kazakhstan
Gülnaz Arslan Turkey
Fariz Babayev Azerbaijan
Fatih Boyvat Turkey
Jaksılık Doskaliyev Kazakhstan
Mira Isaeva Kyrgyzstan
Hikmet Ismailov Azerbaijan
Saidmahmud Ismoilov Tajikistan
Yuldasheav Ulugbeg Karimovic Uzbekistan
Gökhan Moray Turkey
Haldun Selçuk Turkey
Kamchibek A. Uzakbaev Kyrgyzstan
Bayriyev Vepa Turkmenistan
1st Congress of the Turkic World Transplantation Society
Preliminary Guest Speakers
 Mustafa Al-Mousawi Kuwait
 Abdel-Hadi Breizat Jordan
 Nadey Hakim UK
 Refaat Kamel Egypt
 Seyed Ali Malek-Hosseini Iran
 Marwan Masri Lebanon
 Anwar Naqvi Pakistan
 Saman Nikeghbalian Iran
 Philip O'Connell Australia
 Adibul Rizvi Pakistan
 Faissal Shaheen Saudi Arabia
20-22 May, 2015 Astana, Kazakhstan
Congress Theme
Organ Donation, Preservation and Legislation in Transplantation
Main Topics
I. Ethics and Legislation
II. Organ Donation, Coordination, and Organization
a. Experiences in Kidney Transplantation
b. Experiences in Liver Transplantation
c. Experiences in Heart and Lung Transplantation
ii. Pancreas, Islet, Intestine
iii.Bone Marrow/Stem Cell
IV. Immunology and Immunosuppression
a. HLA Tissue Typing
V. Pre- and Post-Transplant Management
1st Congress of the Turkic World Transplantation Society
General Information
Congress Dates
May 20-22, 2015
Congress Venue
Rixos President Astana
7 D. Kunayev Street
Astana, 010000
Tel: +7 7172 24 50 50 Fax: +7 7172 24 27 60 E-mail: astana@rixos.com
Congress Web Site
The official web site of the congress is www.tdtd2015.com. For updated
information and other details related to the congress please visit the site.
Important Dates and Deadlines
Abstracts Submission Opens February 25, 2015
Abstracts Submission Closes March 25, 2015
Notification of Abstract Results April 5, 2015
Congress Begins
May 20, 2015
Congress Language
The language of the congress will be English, with simultaneous Russian
Abstracts accepted for presentation at the congress shall be published in the
journal, “Experimental and Clinical Transplantation” and a future supplement of
the journal will publish manuscripts of proceedings from the congress.
“Experimental and Clinical Transplantation” is distributed to a wide audience on
an international scale and as such the publication language is in English; for this
reason we request that all abstract and subsequent manuscript submissions are
made in English.
20-22 May, 2015 Astana, Kazakhstan
Abstract Submission
We are pleased to invite you to present your work at the 1st Congress of the Turkic World
Transplantation Society conjoined with the III International Kazakh-Turkish Nephrology
Congress, which will be held 20-22 May, 2015, in Astana, Kazakhstan
Abstract submission will commence on February 25, 2015 and close on March 25, 2015.
Abstracts shall be accepted by email. Please visit www.tdtd2015.com for detailed
instructions on abstract submission and to download an abstract submission form. Please
note that abstracts sent by fax or regular mail will not be accepted. Abstracts submitted
after the closing date will not be considered.
Submission Guidelines
 All abstracts must be submitted electronically by email to abstracts@tdtd2015.com
 Abstracts will be accepted in English only.
 Abstracts should not exceed 500 words in length.
 Tables and graphs/photos may be submitted; each will count as 100 words.
 There will be no limitations on the number of abstracts that may be submitted by each
author and no fees associated with submission of an abstract.
 A preference for Poster or Oral Presentation must be indicated at the time of
submission. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to accept abstracts as either
oral or poster presentations, regardless of the preference indicated by the authors at
the time of submission.
 Abstracts should contain sufficient data to represent the proposed presentation and
fall within the scope of the congress topics. Abstracts that do not conform to the
submission guidelines or that do not fall within the scope of the congress may be
 Abstract notifications will be sent out by April 5, 2015. If you have not received
a notification letter regarding your submitted abstract by that date, please contact
 The Scientific Committee reserves the right to allocate abstracts to sessions as they see
fit in accordance with the overall program objectives.
 Accepted abstracts will be published in the Congress Supplement of Experimental and
Clinical Transplantation.
 Presenting authors of accepted abstracts must be registered for the congress and
must confirm their attendance after acceptance of their abstract by April 10, 2015,
otherwise the abstract will not be included in the scientific program or abstract book.
 Please check the website at regular intervals for updates and further details on oral and
poster presentations.
1st Congress of the Turkic World Transplantation Society
Registration for the congress can be completed online via the congress website (www.
tdtd2015.com), or alternatively you may fill in the enclosed registration form and return to
the Congress Secretariat at info@tdtd2015.com On-Site registration will also be available
May 20-22, from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Please note that registration is mandatory – even in categories where no charges apply.
The registration fee for the delegates includes:
Access to the scientific sessions and the exhibition area
Congress badge
Conference bag (containing a copy of the final program and the abstract book)
Invitation to the welcome reception
Lunch vouchers
Coffee breaks
Ticket to the Gala Dinner
The registration fee for the accompanying person includes:
 Invitation to the welcome reception
 Ticket to the Gala Dinner
Registration Table
Members of TDTD (Turkic World Transplantation Society)
€ 100.00
€ 50.00
€ 100.00
Accompanying Persons
Please note that registration is mandatory – even in categories where no charges apply.
*Students must provide a valid student ID in order to register without charge.
Only delegates with conference badges shall be allowed to attend the scientific sessions.
Certificate Of Attendance A Certificate of Attendance will be provided at the registration desk at the close of the
20-22 May, 2015 Astana, Kazakhstan
The Congress Secretariat is the official housing bureau for the Congress and will offer
assistance with the housing requirements of all delegates. Hotel accommodation bookings
can be made at the time of registration via the online or print form.
Airport Transfer Services
Airport transfer will be available free of charge to all participants of the congress, and can
be arranged via the registration form.
Social Program
In addition to the Gala Dinner, which is included in the registration fees of all registered
delegates and accompanying persons, various social and cultural events and sightseeing
tours will be made available to the attendees.
1st Congress of the Turkic World Transplantation Society
The Republic of Kazakhstan is situated at the heart of Eurasia and is the world’s 9th largest
country. When Kazakhstan became independent in the unstable days of December 1991,
few people thought the country would achieve as much as it did in its first 24 years.
Capital: Astana
Largest cities: Almaty, Karagandy (Karaganda), Astana
Languages: Kazakh and Russian are spoken by the local population; English is usually
used by staff of major tourism companies and hotels.
Currency: The national currency is Tenge (KZT); US Dollars, Euro and other currencies
can be easily exchanged in banks and exchange bureaus.
Weather: The best season to travel to Kazakhstan is from March to November, since
winter in Kazakhstan is usually cold; however snowy winters might be perfect for winter
sports. Temperature in summer can reach up to +40’C and more in some regions. More on
weather and climate of Kazakhstan
Population: There are few countries in the world today with such a variety of ethnic and
religious groups as Kazakhstan. The total population of Kazakhstan, where hospitality
is a national character trait, makes up more than 17 million people. It is a home for over
120 ethnic groups: Kazakhs, Russians, Ukrainians, Uzbeks, Germans, Koreans, Poles,
Greeks, Tatars, Turks and many other nationalities. Both national and religious freedom
20-22 May, 2015 Astana, Kazakhstan
and tolerance are the hallmark of this country where east and west meet to build a happy
multinational home in today’s world. The tolerance and peaceful cooperation can serve as
an example to other nations of our planet.
Food: Kazakh cuisine, Central Asian, Russian cuisines, as well as Italian, Turkish, Korean
restaurants are popular in Kazakhstan. Organic and naturally grown ingredients are
usually used to prepare meals, which give them an exceptionally rich taste.
Spanning two time zones, this country situated in the heart of Eurasia is rich in landscape
with native zones varying from true deserts, steppes, savannas, wild forests, pristine lakes
and rivers, mountains and glaciers. With two thirds of the country given to steppes and
deserts it is a place to enjoy the freedom and happiness of the ancient nomads. Untouched
mountain nature and glaciers up to 7,000 in the Tien Shan are a natural paradise within a
half an hour from the largest of Kazakhstan’s cities, Almaty.
Beautiful rivers flow through the lands of Kazakhstan, steppe and mountain rivers, both
providing possibilities for recreation and tourism. The scenery is made complete by
fresh waterfalls. Nature generously gave us gorgeous lakes in picturesque surroundings
(Balkhash Lake, Alakol Lake, Big Almaty Lake, Kaindy Lake, Kolsay Lakes, Shalkar Lake
and many more).
1st Congress of the Turkic World Transplantation Society
Today Kazakhstan focuses all efforts at joining the world’s 50 most competitive countries.
In this regard Kazakhstan works strenuously at enhancing potential of local industry and
exceeding opportunities for small business, improving life conditions of vulnerable groups
of society, developing health service and educational system, and providing opportunities
for realization for all people, despite gender, race, and religion accessories. Visiting Astana
Astana is the youngest capital of the world with a deep history. Founded in 1997 today
Astana is an important political center of Kazakhstan and a growing tourist attraction.
When you are in Astana, the city’s architecture is the first thing to catch your eye, as skyline
created by talented architects combines modern design with a traditional feel of the Orient.
The first thing to see is The Palace of Peace and Reconciliation. The 250-foot pyramidal
structure was inaugurated in 2006 as a host to The Congress of Leaders of World and
Traditional Religions, and the five-story structure is an important landmark of Astana.
Anyone looking for urban entertainment should consider a trip to Duman, a lively
complex comprising a 4D theater, oceanarium, cafes, and souvenir shops. Travelers with
children should not miss the oceanarium because of its vibrant sea life and educational
events. There are more than 100 species of sea creatures collected from different parts
of the world, and special shows such as Feeding of the Sharks guarantee entertaining
moments. The special 4D Motion Theater provides another visual treat as visitors can
make an underwater trip that transports them back to the age of the dinosaurs.
We can’t skip over the symbol not only of Astana, but of Kazakhstan, the Baiterek. The
Baiterek Tower is considered Astana’s most famous architectural landmark. This 345foot observation tower provides unparalleled views of the city and its attractions, and
the building also includes an excellent museum, a restaurant, and an art gallery. The
highest sphere has a unique golden palm print on which travelers can put their own hands
and make a wish. Don’t forget to take your camera to capture both the awe-inspiring
architecture of the Baiterek Tower and the views from its highest point.
Landmarks and Museums
Besides modern landmarks, Astana also has several museums that exhibit historical
artwork, relics, and books. Notable museums include the Atameken Map of Kazakhstan
and the President’s Museum. The outdoor museum at Atameken has a beautiful replica of
Kazakhstan, which includes more than 200 miniature representations of Kazakh towns,
natural features, and historic monuments. Travelers can take photographs, but doing so
20-22 May, 2015 Astana, Kazakhstan
requires paying an extra fee at the front ticket office. There are also English-language tours
available for travelers who don’t speak Kazakh or Russian and are interested in learning
more about the country’s history through these models.
Housed in the former presidential palace, this museum is an intriguing peep into the pomp
and circumstance surrounding the country’s leader. A succession of lavish galleries and
halls, including the old presidential office itself, is decked with beautiful gifts to President
Nazarbaev from foreign governments and suitably grateful citizens. Staff will lend you an
English-language booklet to help you understand what’s what. The museum entrance is on
Abay dangyly.
Getting Around
Street taxis: Stand at the side of any road and thumb down a passing car, within 3 minutes
you should have had a string of them. They are much cheaper than official taxis. Tell
them your destination and they will either drive off or gesture you in. It is useful to know
numbers so you can set a price for the journey before starting. Always ask how much
the driver wants to charge before you get in. However, don’t accept more than KZT600 if
you’re on the same side of the river or KZT900 if you’re crossing the river. Some drivers
will practice their English on you, others will race around the streets like a maniac, slowing
down for the obvious speed cameras (or police officers standing on the side of the street).
Taxis at the malls or places like Artem or Shanghai (local bazaars) will charge more; so,
avoid them. Walk up or down the street from these places and catch a taxi there.
The public buses cost KZT90. Get on the bus and a conductor will come and ask for your
fare and give you a ticket. Given the simplicity of the process, you don’t need to speak the
language to be able to do this. The buses are efficient and comfortable, but they are often
full. Buses have been renewed since the last 2-10 years and match modern city requisitions
in terms of quality.
With the online bus routes map, you can either select the bus route in the top left, or you
can click the ruler in the top left of the map, then the first double-click will represent
departure and the second double-click will represent destination. You can even move
the markers. Buses (or combinations) will appear in the left column. Once you’re on the
bus, there is a route map, so it’s worth taking a photo of that on your phone for later trips
around the city! When you get on a bus tell the conductor your destination and they will
either tell you when to get off or gesture you to get on another bus.
1st Congress of the Turkic World Transplantation Society
The number 12 bus does a nice loop around the new part of the city with the palace etc., so
this is a nice one for a tour. There is also a red double-decker Astana tour bus that is geton-get off. You can usually find it at places like Baiterek when the weather is warmer.
Travelling to Astana
Astana’s most extraordinary building (so far), the Khan Shatyr is a 150m-high, translucent,
tent-like structure made of ethylene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE), a heat-absorbing material
that produces summer temperatures inside even when it’s -30°C outside. Touted as a
‘lifestyle centre with world-class shopping’, from outside it resembles nothing so much as a
drunkenly leaning circus tent, while the multilevel interior contains yet another shopping
mall and food court but also several other attractions for children and adults.
These include a drop tower, flume ride and 500m-long monorail (admission for all three:
1500T) and, on the top level, the Sky Beach Club with a big swimming pool, sandy beach,
palm trees and water slide, where those who can afford it can imagine they’re on a tropical
coast in the middle of the Eurasian steppe. Opened in 2010, the Khan Shatyr was designed
by celebrated British architect Norman Foster and marks, for the moment, the western end
of the main axis of new Astana.
20-22 May, 2015 Astana, Kazakhstan
A block south of the western part of Nurzhol bulvar stands the beautiful four-minaret
Nur Astana mosque, opened in 2005. Its prayer hall (for men only – women use the upper
gallery) is an exquisite multidomed space with inscriptions and geometrical patterning in
blue, white, gold and red.
Astana’s most extraordinary building (so far), the Khan Shatyr is a 150m-high, translucent,
tent-like structure made of ethylene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE), a heat-absorbing material
that produces summer temperatures inside even when it’s -30°C outside. Touted as a
‘lifestyle centre with world-class shopping’, from outside it resembles nothing so much as a
drunkenly leaning circus tent, while the multilevel interior contains yet another shopping
mall and food court but also several other attractions for children and adults.
These include a drop tower, flume ride and 500m-long monorail (admission for all three:
1500T) and, on the top level, the Sky Beach Club with a big swimming pool, sandy beach,
palm trees and water slide, where those who can afford it can imagine they’re on a tropical
coast in the middle of the Eurasian steppe. Opened in 2010, the Khan Shatyr was designed
by celebrated British architect Norman Foster and marks, for the moment, the western end
of the main axis of new Astana.
1st Congress of the Turkic World Transplantation Society
A block south of the western part of Nurzhol bulvar stands the beautiful four-minaret
Nur Astana mosque, opened in 2005. Its prayer hall (for men only – women use the upper
gallery) is an exquisite multidomed space with inscriptions and geometrical patterning in
blue, white, gold and red.
Astana Airport The airport offers different VIP lounges and rooms that serve different purposes. There are
three mother and baby rooms and also three prayer rooms. There are also smoking rooms
located in the departure halls. Aside from different rooms and VIP lounges, there are also
postal services, ATM machines and money exchange booths inside Astana Airport. The
second floor of the terminal is where cash desks of different airlines are located.
Visa Requirements
Nationals of countries requiring a visa for entry to Kazakhstan are advised to make their
application in their country of residence at least four weeks prior to their intended date of
Letters of Invitation
The Congress Secretariat will send Letters of Invitation to those delegates for the purpose
of visa applications and other official procedures. The purpose of the invitation letters
is to facilitate participation in the congress for the delegates and does not imply any
commitment on the part of organizers to provide any financial support. Invitation Letters
will be provided only for those who have registered and paid the full registration fee
Congress Secretariat
Address: Taskent Cad. No: 77,
Bahcelievler, Ankara - TURKEY
Tel: +90 312 212 7393
Fax: +90 312 215 0835
E-mail: info@tdtd2015.com