22 InterTown record – Tuesday, February 24, 2015 InterTown record – Tuesday, February 24, 2015 Classifieds NOTICE TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS If your address is changing: please call 927-4028, email: info@intertownrecord.com, or write: PO Box 162, North Sutton, NH 03260 and give us your new mailing address. Please notify us at least one week prior to your move. Thank You. You do the Math... Advertise for as little as $5.25 per week with a Line Classified • Add a border for an extra $3! Fill out the form below and send it in with a check or money order to: InterTown Record, PO Box 162, North Sutton NH 03260-0162 Name: ____________________________ Address: __________________________ The Math: City: _____________________________ $5.25 for the first 25 words State: ________ Zip: _______________ 20¢ for each additional word Classified Heading (For Sale, For Rent, etc.): _________________________________ Visit Our Website: www.lakesunapeenh.org We are here to serve you 363 days with Super Premium Ice Creams, Ice Cream Cakes,Yogurts, Sorbets, Brownies & Cookies, Gourmet Coffees & Hot Chocolates, Café au Lait, Latté, Main Street, New London Flavored & Regular, Caf & (Across from the Gazebo) Decaf, Herb & Regular 526-9477 Bigelow Teas, Espressos Sun.-Thurs. 11:30 am - at least 8 p.m. and Cappuccinos. Fri. & Sat. 11:30 am - at least 9 p.m. A guide to dining in the Kearsarge-Sunapee region Hours Tues - Fri 11am-9pm Sat 7am-9pm Sun 7am-2pm fired pizza & delicious, Wood homemade desserts Local and fresh food, from farm to table SAWMILLS from only $4397.00MAKE & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill-Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info/DVD: www.NorwoodSawmills.com 1-800578-1363 Ext.300N. To reserve your place in the advertising representative shrimp, burgers & wings Miscellaneous www.farmerstablecafe.com Dinner Hours: Tuesday thru Friday 5 - 9 pm Saturday and Sunday 4 - 9 pm Sunday Breakfast Buffet ser ved 8 am - Noon Appleseed Restaurant & Catering 938-2100 Route 103 Bradford apple se e dre s t auran t.com AKC GOLDEN RETRIEVER Pups If your task is to plan the company outing, call us If it’s your turn to host that big family event, call us WCA’s Red Barn is your function site Located at 64 Village Rd., Wilmot Our facility provides: *Seating for up to 100 people. (12) Born 11-23-14, 4 males. OFA Certified Bloodline, Vet Checked, First Shots, Microchipped, Excellent Temperament, intelligent. $1,200. LAB TESTED – Pet sitting, dog walking, dog daycare, all natural dog treats, hand-made scarves. John Schleich 603-763-0215 or schleich@myfairpoint.net. Business Services *Convenient location. *Caterer-friendly commercial kitchen. *Dance floor, sound system, piano. Thank You for reading the InterTown record and supporting our advertisers! *ATTENTION* TOWN OF SUTTON VOTERS WILMOT RESIDENTS – Important Meeting Notice The Supervisors of the Checklist will be in session at the PILLSBURY MEMORIAL HALL on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2015, from 11 to 11:30 a.m. On March 2, 2015, at 6:30 p.m. at the Wilmot Town Hall there will be a continuation of the Wilmot Planning Board to review a site plan for Huckleberry Oil to operate a fuel oil, diesel oil, and propane storage and distribution facility, truck garage, and storage company located on NH Route 11 in front of Jewell’s Storage Facility. Supervisors: Kathleen Gill; Kathleen Stowell; and Marilyn Thompson Does Wilmot want to open the door to heavy industry? *Flexible seating plans. We are: Cozy, new, clean ADA accessible KEARSARGE REGIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT FULL DAY KINDERGARTEN and FIRST GRADE ORIENTATION / REGISTRATION There will be a Full Day Kindergarten/First Grade (new to District only) Parent Registration Night at each elementary school. Please plan to attend the registration at your assigned school. Your child does not need to be present for this registration. REGISTRATION NIGHTS 3 BEES BARBARA BURNS Clothing alterations, mending, zippers, hems, and more. North Sutton: 927-4965 bbbsews@gmail.com Visit our website: wilmotcommunityassociation.org for more details about rental options. You may call us at (603) 526-7934 or e-mail wca@tds.net AA Meetings District 18 NH HOTLINE 1-800-593-3330 nhaadistrict18.net SUNDAY Andover Masonic Hall • 10-11 a.m. Cilleyville Rd., Potter Place Bradford 7:30-8:30 p.m. First Baptist Church, Main St. Sunapee Men’s meeting • 6-7 p.m. United Methodist Church Lower Main Street & Route 11 MONDAY-FRIDAY New London Lake Sunapee Bank Community Room, 116 Newport Rd. 7:30-8:30 a.m. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY New London 12:15-1:15 p.m. First Baptist Church, Main St. Please use back door THURSDAY Sunapee 12-Step Group • 8-9 p.m. United Methodist Church Lower Main Street & Route 11 SATURDAY Bradford 8:30-9:30 a.m. First Baptist Church, Main St. School Simonds (Warner) Elementary Date March 3 Registration 6-7 p.m. KRES @ New London (2 separate times) March 9 3:15 p.m.** & 6 p.m. KRES @ Bradford March 11 6 p.m. Sutton Central School March 11 6-6:30 p.m. **This time is reserved to only do the paperwork involved in registering – there will be no school tour or talk at this time. Class A Metal-bestos, Flashing, Fireplaces, Wood Stove & Pellet Stove Installations, Repairs, Liners, Caps, Inspections, Cleanings/Sweeps. To enter Kindergarten, your child must be five (5) years of age by September 30, 2015, and six (6) years by September 30, 2015, for first grade. You must bring a birth certificate for your child to verify his/her date of birth AND a current utility bill as proof of residency (driver’s licenses will not be accepted as valid proof). **Parents who are not custodial parents need to provide proof of guardianship, or at the very least, a court ordered docket number indicating guardianship is in the works** CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Insured – References Wilmot: 603-523-7806 REPAIRS – Sails or Any Canvas Work: Boat Covers, Awnings, Tents and General Sewing. Quotes on new work. Please Phone: 603-344-0014. MASSAGE – Healing Rosewood Therapeutic Bodywork – Suite #217 at “The Gallery” in New London. Diane Rosewood, Licensed Massage Therapist serving the community since 1993. 526-7217. MUSIC LESSONS – Give the gift of music to the love of your life. Private lessons with Patricia Trader MM; for general music instruction 927-4413 or email ptrader@musician.org. Business Opportunities ATTN: COMPUTER WORK. Work from anywhere 24/7. Up to $1,500 Part Time to $7,500/mo. Full Time. Training provided. www.WorkServices9.com. Home Improvement HAS YOUR BUILDING SHIFTED OR SETTLED? Contact Woodford Brothers Inc, for straightening, leveling, foundation and wood frame repairs at 1-800-OLD-BARN. www.woodfordbros.com. Will it change the character and nature of Wilmot and our “rural lifestyle”? Please come and hear the facts and voice your support or concerns. TOWN OF NEW LONDON VOTERS The Supervisors of the Checklist will hold a public session to make corrections to the checklist on Saturday, February 28, 2015, between 11 and 11:30 a.m. at the town offices before the annual meeting for election of officers. Supervisors: Celeste Cook, Arlene Marshall, Carol Fraley CHIMNEY INSTALLATIONS & MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS: FRIDAY New London 8-9:15 p.m. New London Hospital, County Rd. A variance was granted by the Zoning Board on December 2, 2014. MARCH 2015 *Audiovisual equipment. *Room-darkening blinds. 23 Legal/Public Notices Call 802-236-4753 ROOF SHOVELING, SNOW REMOVAL, What’s Cookin’ section, please call: 927-4028 to speak with an Soup, salads, sandwiches, ribs, Want a border? Add $2 Classified Ad Copy: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Total Words: _________ Border? _____ Amount Enclosed: _________ Phone Number _________________ Publish – Don’t Publish (please circle one) W hat’s Cookin’ 10N, Grantham, 249 Rt. NH Rum Brook Place 863.9355 Pets & Supplies It PAYS to Advertise in the InterTown RECORD Classifieds! Legal & Public Notices/Classifieds For your convenience, registration packets are now available at each elementary school office or may be obtained on the evening of registration. If you cannot attend the scheduled registration evening for your town, please contact the appropriate school and let them know. Thank you. **Please visit the Kearsarge Regional School District website at www.kearsarge.org to view the entire Kindergarten Registration packet. Help Wanted Lawn & Garden EARN $500 DAY – Insurance Agents Needed; Leads, No Cold Calls; Commissions Paid Daily; Lifetime Renewals; Complete Training; Health & Dental Insurance; Life License Required. Call 1-888-713-6020. PRIVACY HEDGES – SPRING Blowout SALE 6 ft Arborvitae (cedar) Regular: $129 NOW $59 Beautiful, Nursery Grown. FREE installation/FREE delivery 518-536-1367 www.lowcosttrees. com Limited Supply! HELP WANTED Vernondale Store Is looking for year-round Part-time grill cook Part-time Assistant Manager Must be reliable, responsible and outgoing Flexible schedule, mornings, nights and weekends. 18 years and older Starting pay negotiable (based on experience). Please stop in and fill out an application. H elp W anted PUBLIC NOTICE The New London Police Department is seeking to fill a part-time police officer position, New Hampshire certification is preferred. The salary range is dependent upon experience. Candidates may be required to pass an oral interview, psychological, polygraph, and medical examination, along with a background investigation. Applications may be picked up at the New London Police Department, 25 Seamans Road, by calling 526-2626 or on the town website: www.nl-nh.com. The Town of New London is an Equal Opportunity Employer. This position will remain open until a candidate has been selected. HELP WANTED Part-time (9 a.m. - 3 p.m.) receptionist wanted for professional office in New London. Knowledge of MS Word required. Duties to include, but not limited to, answering multi-line phone, greeting clients, general office duties and light typing. Candidate must be personable and be able to multi-task, attend to details and maintain confidentiality. Interested parties should email resume to: lmg@msbwnl.com McSwiney Semple Hankin-Birke & Wood, P.C. 280 Main Street, New London, NH 03257 603-526-8513 NEW LONDON POLICE DEPARTMENT Full-time Communications Specialist The New London Police Department is currently seeking to fill the position of full-time Communications Specialist. Qualified applicants must have a high school diploma or equivalent, possess excellent oral and written communication skills, have the ability to work in a fast-paced, high stress environment and the ability to multi-task. Communications Specialists work a variety of shifts including nights, weekends and holidays. Responsibilities include dispatching and relaying information to police, fire and medical personnel for emergency and non-emergency situations. An extensive background check will be required prior to hiring. Salary range: $17.25 - $21.18 per hour, with a full benefit package. Application, full job description and instructions for applying may be obtained by going to the New London Police Department, 25 Seamans Road; on-line: www.nl-nh.com or you may request by e-mail: ddavis@newlondonpd.us. The position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found. The New London Police Department is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
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