Resume - Tyler Edward Lloyd

Tyler Edward Lloyd !
School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA), Indiana University (Expected May 2015)
Dual Master of Public Affairs & Master of Science in Environmental Science
Masters International, Peace Corps Burkina Faso (June 2012 - July 2014)
Concentrations: Environmental Policy and Natural Resource Management, Energy
University of Louisville (May 2010)
Bachelor of Science, Honors Scholar
Major: Biology, concentration in Evolutionary Ecology
James Cook University, Cairns, QLD, Australia (February - June 2009)
Study Abroad Program, concentration in Rainforest Conservation and Ecology
Hoosier Environmental Council
Bloomington, IN
Project Manager, State Sustainability Index Capstone
August 2014 - December 2014
• Managed diverse team of 10 multidisciplinary peers to develop a metric framework to gauge a state’s
sustainability across all levels, sectors, and environmental media, focusing principally on agricultural
sustainability metrics with regards to water quality and quantity concerns for the first iteration of index
• Communicated regularly with the client and managed client expectations by ensuring the delivery of
the highest quality final product, facilitated by weekly update memos and progress reports
• Designed interactive website to host the final report and findings of the first State Sustainability Index
United States Peace Corps
Burkina Faso, West Africa
Community Economic Development (CED) Agent
June 2012 - July 2014
• Developed a 21-week garden education program to teach 25 community members best agricultural
practices and basic business skills, which led to the formation of a local community garden cooperative
• Taught computer skills and consulted on data management, quality control, and marketing for an
association of 450 community women who process 500 tons of rice yearly for the commercial market
• Redesigned the CED sector’s project goals, timelines, output and outcome indicators, monitoring and
evaluation tools, and training packages as a member of the CED Design Committee
• Directed the production of more than 20 informational and educational videos and 30 radio broadcasts,
as the Multimedia Advisor for the Information Communication & Technology committee
School of Public and Environmental Affairs
Bloomington, IN
Graduate Assistant for “Human Behavior & Energy Consumption”
January 2012 - May 2012
• Aided 40 students, divided into 6 groups, with final multimedia group projects, developing group goals
and timelines, and assisting with production and editing of video presentations
• Reorganized lecture readings and presentations to better focus course goals and outcomes for
subsequent class semesters, post-semester
Kentucky BioProcessing
Owensboro, KY
Downstream Processing Scientist
January 2011- August 2011
• Assisted in the initial development of the extraction process for ZMapp, an anti-Ebola serum
• Worked on a team of scientists to complete accelerated contracts of experimental projects for U.S.
government agencies, foreign governments, biotech firms, and research institutions
• Developed extraction processes and manufacturing procedures for recombinant subunit vaccines,
monoclonal antibodies, and enzymes using high-performance liquid chromatography
• Trained in current Good Manufacturing Practices in accordance with FDA regulations
University of Louisville- Honors Department
Louisville, KY
Graduate Assistant for “Urban Waterways”
August 2010 - December 2010
• Taught science portion of interdisciplinary class on urban waterways for 18 undergraduate students
• Instructed on analytical testing methods and concepts of watershed science and management
• Created materials and coursework based on EPA’s Watershed Academy
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Tyler Edward Lloyd
Blueberries of Daviess County
Owensboro, KY
Manager, Retail Associate, and Field Hand
Summers 2004 - 2006, and 2010
• Served as field manager and lead retailer both on-site and at local farmers’ markets
• Supervised teams of fieldworkers in pruning, mulching, fertilizing, hanging bird netting, and harvesting
University of Louisville - Student Government Association
Louisville, KY
Director of Green Initiatives
April 2008 - May 2009
• Petitioned for and gained position that founded campus’s first student environmental group, Group
Recycling and Sustainable Solutions (GRASS) where I served as Vice President and advisor
• Worked with students, faculty, and staff to further sustainability on campus
• Key initiatives included dining facility recycling, student involvement, and environmental education
Alcoa Aluminum Inc.
Warrick, IN
Summer Heat Relief Student Worker
Summers 2007 and 2008
• Performed common factory managerial, cleaning, and Factory Scheduled Maintenance duties in order
to relieve fulltime factory workers from dangerously high summer temperatures
• Trained on general OSHA factory safety and lockout-tag-out procedures
Energy Leaders Student Association
December 2011 - Present
• Founder and Vice President (2012), wrote group’s bylaws, organized networking and professional
development events, hosted educational programs, and planned community service projects
• Contributed to SPEA’s 2012 review and structuring of the MPA/MSES Energy concentration
Sustainability Council
Fall 2008 - Fall 2010
• First student member of Provost’s council to further sustainability at the University of Louisville
• Worked as a member of the main board during the first year and later as a member of the Educational
Subcommittee, working to develop and standardize “green” curriculum
Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity
Fall 2006 - Spring 2010
• Worked to grow university chapter size from 15 members to 90 members and transformed a $15,000
debt into a $30,000 surplus; In summer of 2009, chapter named most improved chapter in the nation
• Attended 5 Leadership Institutes and received Gold Level Certification and National Recognition
• Served as Vice President, Secretary, Campus Involvement Chair, and Pledge Class Vice President
Honors Program
Fall 2006 - Spring 2010
• Traveled to China and Taiwan at the end of the spring 2010 as part of the Honors International Travel
Seminar: Global Environmental Issues
• Traveled to the Everglades for a weeklong study of waterway ecology, as part of the Honors National
Travel Seminar: Urban Waters
Presentation: "Environmental Education in U.S. National Parks," National Taiwan Normal University,
Taipei, Taiwan, Summer 2010
Published Research: "Study of UofL Dining Services", "Sustain", Magazine, Issue 18 Spring 2008
Published Photography: "Torch: U.S.", Magazine, All Issues 2006-2011
"University of Louisville Greek Guide", Promotional Material, 2007-2010
• Graduate courses in environmental management, international environmental policy, environmental
law, behavioral and micro- economics, cost-benefit analysis, energy economics, and energy policy
• Proficient computer skills with background in Microsoft Office Suite, all Mac OS programs with strong
knowledge of audio/visual production, and practical application of S.A.S. statistical software package
• Conversant in French, testing at Intermediate High on the ACTFL Proficiency Guideline
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