University College of Business Studies Donostia-San Sebastian EMAN-EU 2015 Conference SUSTAINABILITY ACCOUNTING FOR INNOVATION MANAGEMENT INFORMATION FOR CONFERENCE PARTICIPANTS University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) University College of Business Studies of Donostia - San Sebastián Dr. I. Alvarez Plaza de Oñati, 1 20018 Donostia-San Sebastián Phone: +34 943 015771 Fax: +34 943018360 E-Mail: EMAN-EU 2015 conference on Sustainability Accounting for Innovation Management Information for Conference Participants Welcome to San Sebastian-Donostia and to the EMAN-EU Conference! The University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) welcomes you to the conference of the Environmental and Sustainability Management Accounting Network 2015. This information package contains detailed information about the conference, proceedings and facilities. Additionally, we propose instructions to get to the conference locations of interest. Please feel free to contact the conference organizers if some information is still missing. Wishing you to have a great conference, Igor Alvarez (Conference Chair) & EMAN 2015 Conference Team Contact to the Conference Manager: Dr. Igor Alvarez E-Mail: Tel.: +34 943 015771 Conference Homepage: Key Address for the Conference: University College of Business Studies of Donostia - San Sebastián Work Room--Sala de Trabajo (1st Floor) Plaza de Oñati, 1 20018 Donostia-San Sebastián Fax: +49 (0) 351 463-37764 2 EMAN-EU 2015 conference on Sustainability Accounting for Innovation Management Information for Conference Participants TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome to the EMAN-EU conference 2015................................................................. 4 1. Conference Participant Checklist................................................................................ 5 2. Conference Schedule.................................................................................................. 6 2.1. Conference Overview........................................................................ 7 2.2. Plenary Sessions................................................................................. 8 2.3. Parallel Sessions................................................................................. 9 3. Conference Activities and how to get there............................................................. 13 3.1. City Overview .................................................................................. 13 3.2. Conference Overview...................................................................... 14 3.3. Conference Location / Registration................................................. 15 3.4. Early Bird City Tour and Get-Together drink.................................... 17 3.5. Conference Dinner at Antiguoko Club............................................. 18 3.6. Social Programme, Aquarium of San Sebastian-Donostia............... 19 4. Other Information................................................................................................... 21 4.1. Attending members of the EMAN Steering Committee .................. 21 4.2. Key Note Speaker............................................................................. 21 3 EMAN-EU 2015 conference on Sustainability Accounting for Innovation Management Information for Conference Participants WELCOME TO THE EMAN-EU CONFERENCE 2015 Innovative measurement methods and measures of corporate sustainability are approaches to support the activities aiming at sustainability improvements of organisations. Accountants, among other professionals, can play an important role in extending performance measurement beyond the established externally oriented corporate social and environmental accountability and reporting activities. This conference aims at extending the current knowledge on sustainability measurement and accounting approaches. The conference addresses issues related to the innovation of sustainability performance measurement, strategy, management control, measurement tools and reporting. In order to motivate research on this topic the conference theme of The Environmental and Sustainability Management Accounting Network in 2015 hosted by the University College of Business Studies of Donostia - San Sebastián in Spain is “Sustainability Accounting for Innovation Management”. We are happy to welcome scholars from all over the world, e.g. Canada, Japan and Malaysia, and a variety of European countries. Most of the contributions are dedicated to our conference theme and thus analyse sustainability accounting from different angles such as Corporate social innovation and sustainability performance, Sustainability performance and innovation strategies, Sustainability measurement tools for management control, sustainability disclosures and integrated sustainability reporting, sustainability management in local governments and sustainability performance. The scientific research results are embedded in presentations by practitioners both from companies and professional organizations: Stefan Schaltegger (Head of the Centre for Sustainability Management at Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany): Development, Innovation and Future Avenues for Sustainability Accounting Research. What can we learn from the Philosophy of Pragmatism? Ramón Villacampa (BSH España, Corporate Responsibility Coordinator): Energy efficiency Management in BSH Appliances Spain, SA Francisco Javier Garayoa (Spain Social Investment Forum, General Director): Spainsif, an initiative to improve the Social Responsible Investment José Esteban Rodriguez (IHG-Intercontinental Hotels Group): We are looking forward to interesting discussions and impulses for further research! Dr. Igor Alvarez Conference Chair 4 EMAN-EU 2015 conference on Sustainability Accounting for Innovation Management Information for Conference Participants 1. CONFERENCE PARTICIPANT CHECKLIST • The latest information regarding the conference is available at the information and registration desk at the conference venue. Please register as soon as possible on site for the conference. You can register at the conference office in Work Room-Sala de Trabajo (1st Floor) at the following times: o Wednesday 25th of March 2015 from 15.30 – 18.00 o’clock o Thursday 26th of March 2015 from 08.30 – 9.00 o’clock • You will receive a Welcome Package during registration containing: o Practical information package o Conference programme o Conference Proceedings on a USB flash drive o Password for Wireless-LAN in conference area for the time of the conference o List of participants o Pen, notepad and folder o City map of San Sebastian-Donostia • The conference organizers provide a guarded cloakroom in case you wish to leave your jackets or suitcases/luggage outside the rooms for the conference sessions. • A wireless Internet connection is available at the conference venue. Please ask for temporary passwords at the conference information desk. • Please note that only cash is accepted at the conference in case you still need to make some payments. • In case of last minute cancellations, please inform the organizers promptly. • All the conference facilities are non-smoking areas • Please be advised to be on time at all the conference events and activities: • Conference activities on Wednesday 25 March: o 16.30-18.00 Early Bird City Tour: Miramar Palace, from University College of Business Studies. o 18.00-20.00 Get-together drink at Miramar Palace • Conference activities on Thursday 26 March: o 20.30-23.30 Conference Dinner, from University College of Business Studies. • Conference activities on Friday 27 March: o 16.30-18.30 Voluntary Social Programme (Aquarium), from University College of Business Studies. 5 EMAN-EU 2015 conference on Sustainability Accounting for Innovation Management Information for Conference Participants 2. CONFERENCE SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY 25TH OF MARCH 2015 16.30 – 18.00 Early Bird City Tour: Miramar Palace 15.30 – 18.00 Registration 18.00 – 20.00 Get-Together Drink: Miramar Palace THURSDAY 26TH OF MARCH 2015 08.30 – 09.00 Morning Coffee and Registration 09.00 – 09.30 Conference Opening Session Plenary 09.30 – 10.30 Plenary Session I 10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break 11.00 – 13.00 Parallel Session I 13.00 – 14.15 Lunch 14.15 – 15.30 Plenary Session II 15.30 – 17.00 Parallel Session II 17.00 – 17.30 Coffee break 17.30 – 18.45 Plenary Session III 20.30 – 23.30 Conference Dinner FRIDAY 27TH OF MARCH 2015 09.00 – 10.30 Parallel Session III 10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break 11.00 – 12.30 Parallel Session IV 12.30 – 13.00 News from the EMAN Board and Closing Session 13.30 – 14.30 Lunch 16.30 – 18.30 Voluntary Social Programme (Aquarium) 6 EMAN-EU 2015 conference on Sustainability Accounting for Innovation Management Information for Conference Participants 1. CONFERENCE OVERVIEW WEDNESDAY 25TH OF MARCH 2015 16.30 – 18.00 Early Bird City Tour Miramar Palace 15.30 – 18.00 Registration Register for the conference 18.00 – 20.00 Get-Together Drink Miramar Palace Paseo de Miraconcha 20008 Donosti-San Sebastian Work Room--Sala de Trabajo (1st Floor) Paseo de Miraconcha 20008 Donosti-San Sebastian THURSDAY 26TH OF MARCH 2015 08.30 – 09.00 Register for the conference 09.30 – 10.30 Morning Coffee and Registration Conference Opening Session Plenary Plenary Session I 10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break 11.00 – 13.00 13.00 – 14.15 Parallel Session I Lunch See Parallel Session I 14.15 – 15.30 Plenary Session II R. Burritt & R. Villacampa 15.30 – 17.00 17.00 – 17.30 Parallel Session II Coffee break See Parallel Session II 17.30 – 18.45 Plenary Session III C. Larrinaga & F.J. Garayoa 20.30 – 23.30 Conference Dinner ANTIGUOKO CLUB 09.00 – 09.30 I. Alvarez, UPV/EHU & S. Schaltegger S. Schaltegger & J.E. Rodriguez Work Room--Sala de Trabajo (1st Floor) Meeting Hall—Salón de Actos (Ground Floor) Meeting Hall—Salón de Actos (Ground Floor) Work Room--Sala de Trabajo (1st Floor) Different rooms Work Room--Sala de Trabajo (1st Floor) Meeting Hall—Salón de Actos (Ground Floor) Different rooms Work Room--Sala de Trabajo (1st Floor) Meeting Hall—Salón de Actos (Ground Floor) De Errotatxo Plazatxoa 20008 Donosti-San Sebastian FRIDAY 27TH OF MARCH 2015 See Parallel Session III 09.00 – 10.30 10.30 – 11.00 Parallel Session III Coffee break 11.00 – 12.30 12.30 – 13.00 See Parallel Session IV Parallel Session IV News from the EMAN Board and Closing Session Lunch 13.30 – 14.30 16.30 – 18.30 Voluntary Social Programme Aquarium of San Sebastian-Donostia 7 Different rooms Work Room--Sala de Trabajo (1st Floor) Different rooms Meeting Hall—Salón de Actos (Ground Floor) Work Room--Sala de Trabajo (1st Floor) Plaza de Carlos Blasco lmaz,1 20003 Donosti-San Sebastian EMAN-EU 2015 conference on Sustainability Accounting for Innovation Management Information for Conference Participants 2. PLENARY SESSIONS Plenary Sessions in Work Room—Salón de Actos (Ground Floor) Conference Opening Session Igor Alvarez (Conference Chair) Representatives of UPV/EHU Stefan Schaltegger (EMAN Chair) Plenary Session I - Innovative sustainable management/strategy Chair: Professor José Marino Moneva Stefan Schaltegger (Leuphana University Lueneburg, Centre for Sustainability Management) Development, Innovation and Future Avenues for Sustainability Accounting Research- What Can we learn from the Philosophy of Pragmatism? analysis José Esteban Rodriguez (InterContinental Hotels Group) Will be announced soon Plenary Session II - Innovative control tools for ecoeficiency Chair: Professor Nakajima Michiyasu Roger Burritt (Macquarie University Sydney, Australia) Radical environmental management accounting for economic and environmental trade-offs Ramon Villacampa (BSH España) Energy efficiency Management in BSH Appliances Spain, SA Plenary Session III - Innovative sustainability accounting/reporting Chair: Professor Iñaki Heras Carlos Larrinaga (Burgos University, Spain) Accounting and sustainable development Francisco Javier Garayoa (Spainsif, Spain Social Investment Forum) Spainsif, an initiative to improve the Social Responsible Investment 8 EMAN-EU 2015 conference on Sustainability Accounting for Innovation Management Information for Conference Participants 3. PARALELL SESSIONS THURSDAY, 26 MARCH 2015 11.00 -13.00. Parallel Session I ROOM 0.4.: SUSTAINABILITY DISCLOSURE CHAIR: Camelia Radu ; Claude Francoeur Atsuki Ueda; K. Ogata; S. Inoue; H. Yagi What Really Drives Environmental Disclosure? How have the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) actually divided their roles in the field of sustainability reporting? ROOM 0.4.A : SUSTAINABILITY MANAGENENT CHAIR: Asako Kimura Miguel Marco-Fondevilla; J M. Moneva; Sabina Scarpellini Accountability and Green Sector: Correlation Analysis from a Stakeholders Perspective. Bernabe Escobar-Perez; María del Mar Miras Nathalie Crutzen; Hussain G. Rammal; Roger Burritt Eurydice Blend Izaskun Larrieta; Eva Velasco; Sara Fernández de Bobadilla Developing a gender approach to external Corporate Social Responsibility practices: an innovative management tool for sustainability Angelica Peña; Camila Mateluna Identification of environmental costs in mine closure Internal information flows, innovation and investments in sustainability Eirik Hamre Korsen Patrick Ilg; Jan Niklas Rotzek; Edeltraud Guenther Innovation in infrastructure – How sustainable is fiberreinforced concrete? Christine Jasch Determinants of CSR disclosure practices in emerging countries Mapping the factors which conditioned the adoption of sustainable policies by French and Spanish local authorities. ROOM 0.3. : SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE AND INNOVATION STRATEGIES CHAIR: Karen Maas Beyond Budgeting and the implementation of sustainability strategies Practical implementation of integrated sustainability reporting and impact assessment approaches? Austrian case studies Miroslav Hajek; Lubomír Petruzela Jaroslava Hyrslová Sustainable management and innovation of operators which provide public water supply and sewerage systems ROOM Batzarre-aretoa/Sala de Juntas: SUSTAINABILITY MANAGENENT CONTROL CHAIR: J.M. Moneva Marcela EspinosaPike; Itsaso Barrainkua Budget constraints in small and medium sized Spanish audit firms Iolanda Saviuc; Stefan Schaltegger Norio Sawabe; Stephen Jollands; Chris Akroyd Business Model Assessment from a Stakeholder Perspective Investigating the role of stand-alone sustainability reports 9 EMAN-EU 2015 conference on Sustainability Accounting for Innovation Management Information for Conference Participants THURSDAY, 26 MARCH 2015 15.30 -17.00. Parallel Session II ROOM 0.4.A : SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE CHAIR: Stefan Schaltegger Anne Bergmann; Jan JM. Moneva; MJ. Bonilla; JM. Rivera; María Muñoz; Niklas Rotzek; Martina Eduardo Ortas J M. Moneva Kumm; Edeltraud Guenther Energy efficiency in the Revisiting the influence of The corporate stakeholder manufacturing industry: Corporate Social, commitment and social Does it pay off or is it just Environmental and and financial performance a case of greening? Governance on Firms’ revisited. Financial Performance in the Tourism Industry ROOM 0.3. : SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT IN LOCAL GOVERNMENTS CHAIR: Edeltraud Guenther María Isabel Sánchez Nathalie Crutzen Gisele; Mendy Bilek; Hernández Nathalie Touratier Modeling Social The development of mobility The impact of Mandatory Responsibility in city-halls controls by local Disclosure for CO2 governments in Belgium: An emissions on practices institutional perspective and behaviors on supply chain : the case study of French regulation in Transport sector ROOM 0.4. : SUSTAINABILITY/MATERIAL FLOW CHAIR: Roger Burritt Konstantinos Kana Okada Asako Kimura; Michiyasu Papaspyropoulos; Nakajima Dimitrios Karamanolis Applying Material Flow Impact of Introducing Material Flow Cost Cost Accounting in natural Material Flow Cost Accounting for Christmas trees Accounting: A Comparative Management Control to production in Greece: Review of Supply Chains and Contribute on Process challenges and Individual Companies Innovation for implications Sustainability 10 EMAN-EU 2015 conference on Sustainability Accounting for Innovation Management Information for Conference Participants FRIDAY, 27 MARCH 2015 9.00 -10.30. Parallel Session III ROOM 0.4 : SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE CHAIR: Igor Álvarez Stefan Schaltegger; Elena Escrig Olmedo; MJ. Florian Lüdeke-Freund; Muñoz Torres; María Ángeles Marten Stock; Iolanda Fernández Izquierdo; JM Saviuc Rivera Lirio Assessing the Stakeholder methodological sustainability approach to measure performance of Business corporate sustainability Models. Usefulness and performance using Fuzzy applicability of the GRI multi-criteria decision framework method ROOM 0.4.A : SUSTAINABILITY DISCLOSURE CHAIR: Christine Jasch ML Pajuelo; Dolores MJ Muñoz Torres; MÁ Gallardo Sánchez; MI Fernández Izquierdo; JM Sánchez Hernández Rivera Lirio; Raúl León Soriano; Elena Escrig Olmedo; Idoya Ferrero Ferrero Corporate sustainability Materiality Analysis of reporting into the Environmental Aspects: A legitimacy framework: proposal for Wearing Apparel empirical evidence from Industry Spain ROOM 0.3. : SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE CHAIR: Stefan Schaltegger María Isabel Sánchez Karen Maas Hernández; Dolores Gallardo Sánchez; JM.Moneva Corporate social Do Corporate Social responsibility as a Performance Targets in strategic opportunity in a Executive Compensation context of economic and Contribute to Corporate values crisis Social Performance Results? 11 Indarawati Tarmuji; Ruhanita Maelah; Amizawati Mohd Amir; Mohd RizalPalil Eco-Control and Islamic Business Values of Environmental and Organizational Performance in Environmentally Sensitive Industries Joensuu Kristiina; Koskela Marileena; OnkilaTiina Principles for legitimate sustainability reporting Maider Aldaz; Den Patten; Igor Alvarez Does anticorruption disclosure reflect real anticorruption performance? A study of European companies. EMAN-EU 2015 conference on Sustainability Accounting for Innovation Management Information for Conference Participants FRIDAY, 27 MARCH 2015 11.00 -12.30. Parallel sessions IV ROOM 0.4.: SUSTAINABILITY & GOVERNANCE CHAIR: Carlos Larrinaga Eugenio Zubelzu Paulina Arroyo; Hassan Jorge Tejedor El Ibrami Corporate social Examining the What do we know about the responsibility and relationship between Environmental and financial Corporate Governance environmental and performance relationship? A elements converging in social corporate meta-analytical approach ethics applied to governance, businesses. organizational innovation, and performance ROOM 0.4.A: AGRICULTURAL SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT CHAIR: Karen Maas Yulia Altukhova Wahl Nepomuk; Robert Bailis; Teddy MarquesFarias; Mirco Plath The IDEA method as a tool Amending the business of agricultural case for sustainability sustainability concept using the performance Sustainable Livelihoods measurement Framework ROOM 0.3. : SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT IN LOCAL GOVERNMENTS CHAIR: Edeltraud Guenther David García Castro; Jan Noemi Peña Miguel; Kazak; Tong Wang; Joseba Iñaki De la Peña Szymon Szewranski; Pawel Decewicz; Iwona Kaczmarek; Malgorzata Swiader Spatial decision support New information system as social systems for enhancing innovation tool in city the control and management transparency in public management 12 EMAN-EU 2015 conference on Sustainability Accounting for Innovation Management Information for Conference Participants 3. CONFERENCE ACTIVITIES AND HOW TO GET THERE 3.1. CITY OVERVIEW 13 EMAN-EU 2015 conference on Sustainability Accounting for Innovation Management Information for Conference Participants 3.2. CONFERENCE OVERVIEW 14 EMAN-EU 2015 conference on Sustainability Accounting for Innovation Management Information for Conference Participants 3.3. CONFERENCE LOCATION / REGISTRATION When? Wednesday 15.30-18.00 or Thursday Morning up from 8.30 Where? University College of Business Studies - San Sebastian-Donostia, Work Room-Sala de Trabajo (1st Floor) Address of the Conference Location: University College of Business Studies of Donostia - San Sebastián Plaza de Oñati, 1 20018 Donostia-San Sebastián The conference office will be located in Work Room--Sala de Trabajo (1st Floor). From 25th to 27th of March the registration, all conference lectures, lunch and coffee breaks will take place in the University College of Business Studies Route from accommodation: Both the 'NH Aranzazu Hotel' and the University Halls of Residence are within walking distance to the University College of Business Studies Route from Stations: The Central Coach Station in San Sebastian-Donostia is less than a 10 minute car ride to the Aranzazu Hotel or the University's Halls of Residence. A ten minute taxi ride costs approximately 8 Euros. From the Coach Station you can also take the city bus number 27 in direction 'Unibertsitatea' (instead of a taxi). The bus journey should take between 15 to 20 minutes. Please be aware that this bus travels two different routes: one goes to 'Larratxo III' and the other goes to 'Unibertsitatea'. Be sure to take the bus with the 'Unibertsitatea' destination (check on the front of the bus). You will need to cross the road to the other side of the roundabout (where the coach station is situated) in order to catch the Number 27 bus. Get off the bus at the stop 'Antiguoko Anbulatoria'. Both the 'NH Aranzazu Hotel' and the University Halls of Residence are within walking distance from this bus stop. A single bus journey costs around 1.80 Euros per person, so if you happen to be travelling in the company of two or more persons, the taxi may be a good option. From Amara train station you can walk to 'Pio XII' (there is also a taxi stand) and catch Bus Numbers 24 or 27 to the Hotel or the University Halls of Residence. 15 EMAN-EU 2015 conference on Sustainability Accounting for Innovation Management Information for Conference Participants 16 EMAN-EU 2015 conference on Sustainability Accounting for Innovation Management Information for Conference Participants 3.4. EARLY BIRD CITY TOUR AND GET-TOGETHER DRINK When? Wednesday 16.30-20.00 Where? MIRAMAR PALACE, Miraconcha Pasalekua 20008 Donostia-San Sebastian Route from Conference / Accommodation: Both Accommodation and Conference Venue are close to the Miramar Palace. From both you can take the city bus number 5 in direction 'Boulevard' (instead of a taxi). The bus journey should take between 5 and 7 minutes. Be sure to take the bus with the 'Boulevard' destination (check on the front of the bus). You will need to cross the 'Tolosoa Hiribidea' street in order to catch the Number 5 bus at 'Magisteritza Av. Tolosa, 21' bus stop. Get off the bus at the stop 'Ondarreta'. 'Miraconcha Pasalekua' is within walking distance from this bus stop. A single bus journey costs around 1.80 Euros per person. The timetables of the bus lines are available in DBUS: Public Transport inside the city. 17 EMAN-EU 2015 conference on Sustainability Accounting for Innovation Management Information for Conference Participants 3.5. CONFERENCE DINNER AT ANTIGUOKO CLUB When? Thursday 20.30-23.30 Where? ANTIGUOKO CLUB, De Errotatxo Plazatxoa 20008 Donostia-San Sebastián Route from Conference / Accommodation: Both Accommodation and Conference Venue are close to the Conference Dinner. From both you can take the city bus number 33 in direction 'Gros - Intxaurrondo Larratx' (instead of a taxi). The bus journey should take between 3 and 5 minutes. Be sure to take the bus with the 'Gros - Intxaurrondo - Larratx' destination (check on the front of the bus). You will need to cross the 'Tolosa Hiribidea' street in order to catch the Number 33 bus at 'Magisteritza Av. Tolosa, 21' bus stop. Get off the bus at the stop 'Esklabak'. 'De Errotatxo Plazatxoa' is within walking distance from this bus stop. A single bus journey costs around 1.80 Euros per person. The timetables of the bus lines are available in DBUS: Public Transport inside the city. 18 EMAN-EU 2015 conference on Sustainability Accounting for Innovation Management Information for Conference Participants 3.6. SOCIAL PROGRAMME, AQUARIUM OF SAN SEBASTIAN-DONOSTI When? Friday 16.30-18.30 Where? AQUARIUM, Plaza de Carlos Blasco lmaz, 1 20003 Donostia-San Sebastián Route from Conference / Accommodation: From both you can take the city bus number 5 in direction 'Boulevard' (instead of a taxi). The bus journey should take between 15 and 17 minutes. Be sure to take the bus with the 'Boulevard' destination (check on the front of the bus). You will need to cross the 'Tolosoa Hiribidea' street in order to catch the Number 5 bus at 'Magisteritza Av. Tolosa, 21' bus stop. Get off the bus at the stop 'Boulevard 17'. 'Plaza de Carlos Blasco lmaz, 1' is within walking distance from this bus stop (SEE MAP 1). A single bus journey costs around 1.80 Euros per person. The timetables of the bus lines are available in DBUS: Public Transport inside the city. 19 EMAN-EU 2015 conference on Sustainability Accounting for Innovation Management Information for Conference Participants MAP 1 20 EMAN-EU 2015 conference on Sustainability Accounting for Innovation Management Information for Conference Participants 4. OTHER INFORMATION 4.1. ATTENDING MEMBERS OF THE EMAN STEERING COMMITTEE • Nathalie Crutzen, HEC-Management School of the University of Liege, Belgium • Igor Alvarez Etxeberria, University of Basque Country, Spain • Edeltraud Günther, Technical University Dresden, Germany • Christine Jasch, Institute for Environmental Economics Vienna, Austria • Karen Maas, Department of Business Economics Erasmus School of Economics Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands • Stefan Schaltegger, Chairman, Centre for Sustainability Management, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany 4.2. KEY NOTE SPEAKER • Dr. Stefan Schaltegger - Head of the Centre for Sustainability Management at Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany. • José Esteban Rodriguez – IHG-Intercontinental Hotels Group • Roger Burritt - Professor of Accounting and Sustainability at Macquarie University Sydney, Australia. • Ramón Villacampa - BSH España - Corporate Responsibility Coordinator • Carlos Larrinaga - Professor of accounting at Burgos University, Spain. • Francisco Javier Garayoa - Spainsif, Spain Social Investment Forum - General Director 21
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