2015 Exhibitor Prospectus

Register online to secure your sponsorship or exhibitor booth: www.imgma.com
2015 IMGMA Annual Conference
Sponsor and Exhibitor
September 23-25, 2015
The Riverside Hotel
Boise, ID
Sponsor Brochure Advertising Deadline: May 31st, 2015
Sponsor Signage Advertising Deadline: August 31st, 2015
Exhibitor Early Bird Deadline: February 28th, 2015
Exhibitor and Sponsor Contact:
Sara Olson | IdahoMGMA@gmail.com | 877-904-6462
Register online to secure your sponsorship or exhibitor booth: www.imgma.com
Thank you for your interest in Exhibiting or Sponsoring at
the IMGMA Annual Conference!
The 2015 Idaho MGMA Annual Meeting is an extraordinary educational and networking conference for over 120
administrators, CEOs, CFOs medical practice managers, physicians, and other healthcare practice leaders. This year’s
conference will take place at The Riverside Hotel in Boise, ID on September 23 rd-25th. Our Annual Conference is an
effective avenue for sponsors and exhibitors to showcase their companies and promote the services they can provide
to the ‘decision makers’ of several different healthcare organizations. If one of your target audiences is medical
practices, the 2015 Idaho MGMA Annual Conference should be on your calendar.
Conference Theme: This year’s conference theme is “LEAD LIKE A ROCK STAR!” This theme will be incorporated in
every aspect of the conference to help engage and entertain attendees. Exhibitors and Sponsors are also encouraged
to participate in the theme by decorating their booth or with costumes.
Thank you for taking the time to review the Sponsor and Exhibitor Prospectus and for your consideration of
collaborating with Idaho MGMA. Please contact our Executive Director, Sara Olson at 877-904-6462 or
IdahoMGMA@gmail.com if you would like additional information about available opportunities contained within this
packet or your participation at the 2015 Annual Conference.
We look forward to seeing you in Boise in September!
Brad Reynolds, MBA
Director, Ancillary Services & Physician Clinics, Burley, ID
Exhibitor and Sponsor Chair
Dates to Remember
February 28, 2015
April 30, 2015
May 31, 2015
August 31, 2015
Exhibitor Early Early Bird rate
Exhibitor Early Bird rate
Brochure Advertising
Sign Advertising Deadline
September 1, 2015
Sept. 11, 2015
Sept. 23, 2015
Sept. 24-25, 2015
Notesbook Advertising Deadline
Room block closes at The Riverside
Attendee lists available
for Sponsors
Opening Reception at
The Riverside
Exhibitor Hall open at The
Exhibitor and Sponsor Contact:
Sara Olson | IdahoMGMA@gmail.com | 877-904-6462
Register online to secure your sponsorship or exhibitor booth: www.imgma.com
Conference Sponsor Levels and Exhibitor Overview
Platinum $5,000
Gold $3,250
Thursday Evening Cocktail Hour,
Banquet & Entertainment
Silver $2,250
Thumb Drive
Printing Kiosk
Name Badge Holders
Member Profile Gathering Kiosk
Exhibitor $900 (by February 28th)
$1,000 (by April 30th)
$1,100 (after May 1st)
Keynote General Session (two available)
$500 Bingo Sponsor
Opening Night Reception at the hotel
Conference Bag
Notes Book with Conference Schedule
Bronze $1,350
Enhanced Exhibitor Package
Product Theater $2,000
30-minute presentation to attendees
Golf Tournament Sponsorships
Tournament Social Sponsor/ Goodie Bag $2,000 (one available)
Tournament Lunch Sponsor $750 (one available)
Tournament Drink Cart Sponsor $500 (one available)
Tournament Hole Sponsorship $250 (eighteen available)
In addition to their premium benefits, all sponsorship levels include the following:
Booth space in premium locations (based on sponsorship level and first-paid assigned basis).
An electronic mailing list of attendees to promote visits to your booth – a sponsor exclusive.
Print acknowledgement in the conference brochure, final e-syllabus, and attendee Notes Book.
Recognition on special event signs and displays.
Acknowledgement on the IMGMA website.
Sponsor ribbons for your company representatives
Prominent listing in the Conference Exhibitor Directory given out to attendees and available post –
conference to all association members on the website.
Exhibitor and Sponsor Contact:
Sara Olson | IdahoMGMA@gmail.com | 877-904-6462
Register online to secure your sponsorship or exhibitor booth: www.imgma.com
Sponsor Premium Descriptions
Platinum Level - $5,000
Thursday Evening Cocktail Hour, Banquet & Entertainment
An opportunity for a representative of your company to address attendees and introduce the
evening entertainment at the social hour reception and annual awards dinner. Plus …
Your company logo projected on the screen in the banquet room in the dining room and
casino night entertainment
Reserved seating for your company representatives
Distribution of your handouts to attendees during this sponsored event
Prominent inclusion on a square on the $500 Sponsor Bingo cards guaranteeing traffic to
your booth (quality of time spent with registrants is up to your company representatives and is
not guaranteed by IMGMA)
A full page color ad in the conference Notes Book – ad deadline May 31, 2015.
Six representative registrations and complimentary Thursday Night Banquet tickets
Inclusion in the IMGMA Website sponsorship listings as a premier conference sponsor
Your company logo featured on conference marketing materials – to capture the most
marketing opportunities claim this sponsorship early- Deadline to submit logo for brochure:
May 31, 2015. Deadline for logo on event signage: August 31, 2015.
Gold Level - $3,250
All Gold Sponsors receive:
 Logo included on a square in the $500 Sponsor Bingo cards guaranteeing traffic to your booth
(quality of time spent with registrants is up to your company representatives and is not
guaranteed by IMGMA)
 Five representative registrations and complimentary Thursday Night Banquet tickets
 Inclusion in the IMGMA Website sponsorship listings
 Your company logo featured on conference marketing materials – to capture the most marketing
opportunities claim this sponsorship early! Deadline to submit logo for brochure: May 31, 2015.
Deadline for logo on event signage: August 31, 2015.
 Half page ad in the conference Notes Book and Schedule distributed to all attendees (Note:
Notes Book sponsor will receive a FULL page ad). Ad deadline May 31, 2015.
Exhibitor and Sponsor Contact:
Sara Olson | IdahoMGMA@gmail.com | 877-904-6462
Register online to secure your sponsorship or exhibitor booth: www.imgma.com
Gold Sponsors Opportunities:
Conference Bag
Your company logo featured on bags handed out to all attendees plus the benefits
listed above for GOLD sponsors.
Keynote General Session (Day One or Day Two)
An opportunity for a representative of your company to address attendees and
introduce a Keynote Speaker. You receive all the GOLD sponsor benefits listed
above, plus…
Your company logo projected on screen in the room prior to the keynote address
Your opportunity to introduce your organization and products
Reserved seating at the Keynote Address
Distribution of your handouts to attendees during your sponsored event
$500 Prize Bingo Sponsor
An opportunity for all participants to stop by your booth to complete their $500 cash prize bingo
cards. Your booth will be the final stop and collection point, and your LOGO will be prominently
displayed on the card. A representative of your group will present the cash prize to the winner. Plus
the GOLD SPONSOR benefits outlined above.
Opening Night Reception
An opportunity for your representatives to interact on a
personal level during the opening night event reception! This
is the most interactive opportunity in a group setting the
conference has to offer. In addition to the GOLD Sponsor
benefits listed above, you receive…
Your company logo displayed at the event
Distribution of your handouts to attendees during your
sponsored event
Notes Book with Conference Schedule
Your logo on the cover of the handy Notes Book distributed on‐site to all attendees. This 8.5” x 11”
reference guide includes a schedule‐at‐a‐glance, meeting room locator, speaker highlights,
exhibitor list and floor plan, hotel map, plus plenty of blank pages for taking notes. Plus…
A full page color ad in the conference Notes Book – ad deadline May 31, 2015.
Exhibitor and Sponsor Contact:
Sara Olson | IdahoMGMA@gmail.com | 877-904-6462
Register online to secure your sponsorship or exhibitor booth: www.imgma.com
Silver Level - $2,250
All Silver Sponsors will receive:
Inclusion on a square in the $500 Sponsor Bingo cards guaranteeing traffic to your booth.
Four representative registrations and complimentary Thursday Night Banquet tickets
Inclusion in the IMGMA Website sponsorship listings
Sponsorship recognition in the conference Notes Book
Your company logo featured on conference marketing materials – to capture the most
marketing opportunities claim this sponsorship early- Deadline to submit logo for brochure:
May 31, 2015. Deadline for logo on event signage: August 31, 2015.
Silver Sponsor Opportunities:
Thumb Drive
Your company logo exclusively featured on thumb drives containing the e-syllabus distributed to
attendees at the conference. The e-syllabus features speaker handouts, schedules, directions, and
other must‐have information. Plus the benefits outlined for SILVER sponsors above.
Your company logo displayed on tables in the General Session and Break Out Speaker Rooms
acknowledging your company as the premier sponsor of all A/V equipment, including WiFi access,
projectors, and screens. Plus the benefits outlined for SILVER sponsors above.
Printing Kiosk
Your company logo exclusively featured at the printing kiosk provided to participants at the
conference. Additionally, your company will sponsor the online access to the program content
available to registrants prior to the conference. Plus the benefits outlined for SILVER sponsors
Name Badge Holders
An opportunity for constant recognition with your company logo on name badge holders used by
attendees throughout the conference. Plus the benefits outlined for SILVER sponsors above.
Member Profile Gathering Kiosk
Your company logo on banner signage for the Kiosk and a page in the Notes Book (distributed to all
attendees) promoting the opportunity to update their profile in the IMGMA database. Plus the benefits
outlined for SILVER sponsors above.
Bronze Level - $1350
Take advantage of the value‐added exhibitor package that includes increased exposure in a variety
of marketing opportunities.
All Bronze Sponsors receive:
Two representative registrations and complimentary Thursday Night Banquet tickets
Logo Inclusion in the IMGMA Website sponsorship listings
Logo inclusion on conference Sponsorship Signs
Your company logo featured on conference marketing materials such as conference
brochure, the e-syllabus, and Notes Book – to capture the most marketing opportunities claim
this sponsorship early! Deadline to submit logo for brochure: May 31, 2015. Deadline for
logo on event signage: August 31, 2015.
Exhibitor and Sponsor Contact:
Sara Olson | IdahoMGMA@gmail.com | 877-904-6462
Register online to secure your sponsorship or exhibitor booth: www.imgma.com
Product Theater - $2,000
An exclusive opportunity to showcase your product and expertise during a 30-minute interactive
presentation held in the Exhibit Hall during a break between educational sessions. This is your
chance to standout and share information on how you can help Idaho medical practice executives
create a “winning hand”! Only one presentation available on Thursday, September 24th and one
presentation available on Friday, September 25th.
*This exclusive opportunity is only available to companies who have also registered as a Sponsor or
Important Sponsorship Information!
All sponsors must submit their company logos to Sara Olson at idahomgma@gmail.com by May 31st,
2015 to be included in the preconference brochure. If the artwork is not received by the above deadline,
only the sponsor's name will be placed on the appropriate conference item and signage. All sponsors
must submit their company logos in vector artwork.
Last date to purchase sponsorship with guarantee of full benefits as listed - May 31st, 2015.
Sponsorships acquired after this date may not receive the full advertising benefits due to print
Sponsorships must be paid in full at the time of registration, sponsorships will not be guaranteed
without payment at the time of registration.
Sponsorship opportunities are available on a first-paid first-served basis -- register early to ensure
your preferred opportunity.
Exhibitor - $1,100 (after May 1st)
Early Early Bird - $900 (by Feb 28th)
Early Bird - $1,000 (by April 30th)
An opportunity for your company representative to come showcase your product and interact with up
to 120 medical practice managers, CEOs, CFOs, physicians, and other leadership. You will have the
opportunity to meet and network with conference attendees during meals served in the Exhibit Hall,
breaks between educational sessions, and the Opening Night Hospitality Suite. Register early to
guarantee best booth pricing and location!
Exhibitor level includes: registration for two representatives, listing in the conference promotion
materials and Exhibitor Hall signage, breakfast and lunch for representatives, participation on
the opening night boat cruise social.
Additional representative admission, tickets for the Thursday social hour, awards dinner and
entertainment as well as Golf Tournament sponsorship may be purchased separately from
IMGMA – contact Executive Director at 877-904-6462 or idahomgma@gmail.com to order.
Exhibitor and Sponsor Contact:
Sara Olson | IdahoMGMA@gmail.com | 877-904-6462
Register online to secure your sponsorship or exhibitor booth: www.imgma.com
IMGMA Golf Tournament Sponsorship
Course TBD
Add to your exhibitor or sponsorship investment
with one of our Golf Tournament Sponsorships. It
is a wonderful opportunity increase your
company’s visibility and meet with medical
practice administrators while enjoying a casual
day networking on the golf course.
*Only 2015 meeting exhibitors and sponsors may secure Golf Tournament Sponsorships.
Golf Tournament Sponsorship is required to play in the tournament.
Your Golf Tournament Sponsorship includes your green fees, golf cart, breakfast, water, and placement
on a team of IMGMA members.
Tournament Hole Sponsorship (18 available).…………………………………………………………………….…..$ 250
 Includes tournament fees for one representative
 Plus signage on one hole of the course and recognition at the awards presentation to occur
in front of all IMGMA attendees,
Drink Cart Sponsorship (1 available).………………………………………………………………..….………………….$ 500
 Includes tournament fees for one representative
 Special acknowledgement at the opening of the tournament
 Signage and recognition on the drink cart
 Plus recognition at the awards presentation to occur in front of all IMGMA attendees
Tournament Breakfast Sponsor (1 available)……………………………………………………………….….……… $ 750
 Includes tournament fees for two representatives
 Special acknowledgement at the lunch
 Plus signage in several venues; at the lunch, on the course, on the IMGMA website, at the
time of awards, and on the Golf Scramble registration materials if secured before
publication of the brochure
 Plus recognition at the awards presentation to occur in front of all IMGMA attendees
Tournament Social / Goodie Bag Sponsor (1 available) …………………….….….….…………………………$2000
 Includes tournament fees for two representatives
 Plus special acknowledgement at the lunch, as well as signage on the course.
 This provides for drink tickets for golfers, as well as snacks and golf gear for attendees on
the golf course. Can provide promotional materials for the goodie bags. Goodie Bags to be
provided by IMGMA. (Please supply a business card or small flyer for the bags.)
 Additional recognition in several venues: on the IMGMA website, marketing materials for
the conference pertaining to the tournament and on the Golf Scramble registration
materials if secured before publication of the brochure.
 Plus recognition at the awards presentation in front of all IMGMA attendees.
Exhibitor and Sponsor Contact:
Sara Olson | IdahoMGMA@gmail.com | 877-904-6462
Register online to secure your sponsorship or exhibitor booth: www.imgma.com
This year’s theme is Lead Like a Rock Star! Exhibitors are encouraged to decorate their booths in
accordance with the theme. Attendees will be provided with ballots to vote for the exhibition booths
according to Best Theme and Most Helpful.
Attendees at this conference include medical group practice managers, administrators, CEOs,
Presidents, supervisors and other management personnel representing medical group practices
throughout Idaho. Fields of expertise include: Administration, Operations, Materials Management, Clinic
Management, Human Resources and more. We expect over 120 attendees to participate at this year’s
event. Last year’s IMGMA conference attracted 70 percent private practice, 30 percent integrated care
representatives. This year we expect a broad mix of practice types to be represented.
The Riverside Hotel
2900 Chinden Blvd., Boise, ID 83714
The Riverside Hotel
2900 Chinden Blvd., Boise, ID 83714
To reserve a room, please call: 208-331-4913
IMGMA has secured a block of rooms at a group rate of $109.00 per room for King or double rooms.
Reservations must be made by September 1st, 2015 to guarantee the room rate listed above.
The hotel’s check-in time is 3:00 p.m. and the check-out time is 12:00 p.m. Early check-in is based on a
“space available” basis and will not be guaranteed. Individuals staying in their rooms beyond check-out
time will be billed one (1) additional night’s stay. Late check-out is provided based on availability, although
some charges may apply. Arrangements can be made by contacting the front desk. Luggage storage is
available either for early arrival or late departure.
IMGMA Conference Group Room Reservation link (coming soon)
For those arriving by air, the hotel offers free airport shuttle transportation, and all major auto rental
companies offer services in Boise with airport pickup.
To be picked up at the airport via the hotel shuttle, you will need to call the hotel once you arrive in Boise.
There is a bank of phones near baggage claim on the first floor of the Boise airport. Pick up the phone
and call the hotel at 208-331-4913 to let them know you would like the shuttle to pick you up. Then
proceed to the “Taxi and Bus Transportation” area outside of baggage claim. The bus will read “The
Riverside Hotel” on the side. Taxis are also available in the same area if you would prefer.
Each sponsor or exhibitor will be provided an 8’ x 8’ fully draped booth. One 6’ skirted table and two
chairs will be provided. Electrical outlets are available, however, you must provide your own extension
cords and power strips. The exhibit area affords us an opportunity to provide adequate space between
vendors for easy access to each site. Wireless internet access will be available at no additional charge.
Sponsors will have first choice in booth selection in the order their payment is received. Booth
Exhibitor and Sponsor Contact:
Sara Olson | IdahoMGMA@gmail.com | 877-904-6462
Register online to secure your sponsorship or exhibitor booth: www.imgma.com
assignments will be made by August 31st.
Exhibit hall layout will be available for review when finalized. Contact the Executive Director if you have
not received an exhibitor confirmation within 15 days of submitting your exhibitor agreement. You will be
notified of your booth assignment no later than August 31st, 2015. Assignments will be made first based
on sponsorship priority and second on a first paid basis.
All exhibitor representatives must be registered for the meeting. A standard booth includes two
meeting registrations for two exhibit representatives. If additional representatives would like to
attend, they must be registered and there will be an associated charge. See attached Exhibit Agreement
to register additional representatives.
See the conference schedule for a complete list of activities with premier opportunities to network with our
attendees, including a golf tournament, opening night hospitality suite, general sessions, cocktail hour,
awards dinner, and luncheons. Exhibitor representatives are also welcome to participate in the
conference breakout sessions. Exhibitors can purchase tickets to the Thursday evening awards dinner
and entertainment by contacting the Executive Director, at 877-904-6462 or idahomgma@gmail.com.
Thursday, September 23rd – 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Friday, September 24th – 7:00 AM – 12:30PM
Move In
Wednesday, September 23rd – TBD
Move Out
Friday, September 25th – 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM
Only sponsors are eligible to receive an electronic list of attendees prior to the conference to promote
visits to their booth. This list will be sent via email to the sponsor contacts on file on September 11th,
All exhibitors will receive a hard copy list of the attendees at the start of the meeting along with a
conference schedule. Post conference, all exhibitors will receive an electronic attendee list in an Excel
format, including telephone, fax and mailing address. Minimum sponsorships begin at $1,350.00. For
Sponsor Opportunities and availability, contact Sara Olson at 877-904-6462 or at
Exhibitors and Sponsors are encouraged to offer door prize drawings as an incentive for attendees to visit
their booth.
Attendees are told that they must be present for the door prize drawings that will be held at the end of the
conference. Exhibitors are responsible for collecting business cards at their booth throughout the show for
their drawing, and are asked to pick three cards in case a selected attendee is not present. Exhibitors
and Sponsors are also expected to attend the door prize drawing event to announce their winners
at the close of the conference. Please plan airline arrangements accordingly.
Exhibitor and Sponsor Contact:
Sara Olson | IdahoMGMA@gmail.com | 877-904-6462
Register online to secure your sponsorship or exhibitor booth: www.imgma.com
All exhibitors and sponsors will be listed on a bingo card, given to all attendees when they register, for a
cash prize drawing. Sponsor logos will be included; exhibitors will be listed by text. Attendees must get a
signature from each vendor in the exhibitor hall to submit their card for the drawing.
Prizes are awarded to the Sponsor/Exhibitor receiving the most votes from attendees for: “Best
Demonstrating Conference Theme” and “Most Helpful.”
Ship to Boise: The Riverside Hotel has limited storage space available. You can store items no sooner
than three (3) days prior to the start of conference. Outside storage is highly recommended if you expect
large shipments. To ship boxes to the hotel, mail the item(s) attention to Your Name, Care of: The
Riverside Hotel, 2900 Chinden Blvd., Boise, ID 83714. Please make a note on item(s) that you are a
vendor at the IMGMA conference.
Ship out of Boise: To ship boxes out after the conference, please prepare a UPS or FedEx shipping
label prior to the conference. Bring this label along with you to the event for shipping out the items after
the conference.
The exhibitor will forfeit space not occupied by 7:00 AM on Thursday, September 24th, 2015, unless prior
arrangements are made. Exhibitor’s space may be resold, reassigned or used by the conference
management. If you are having difficulty meeting this deadline, please call the Executive Director at 877904-6462 and discuss additional arrangements.
It is agreed that exhibitors will assume entire responsibility and hereby agree to protect, indemnify, and
defend and hold IMGMA, and The Riverside Hotel and their employees and agents harmless against all
claims, losses and damages to persons or property, government charges or fines and attorney’s fees
arising out of or caused by exhibitor’s installation, removal, maintenance, occupancy or use of exhibition
premises or any part thereof.
In addition, exhibitor acknowledges that the IMGMA and The Riverside Hotel do not maintain insurance
coverage for exhibitor’s property or injury to exhibitor or its representatives, agents, employees, licensees
or invitees. It is recommended that exhibitor obtain adequate insurance coverage, at its own expense, for
property loss or damage and liability for personal injury.
In the event the conference is postponed due to any occurrence not occasioned by the conduct of
IMGMA and The Riverside Hotel, or that such occurrence be an act of God or the result of war, riot, civil
commotion, sovereign conduct, or the act or conduct of any person or persons not party or privy to this
contract, then the performance of such parties under this contract shall be excused for such period of
time as is reasonably necessary after such occurrence to remedy the effects thereof, and in any event for
the duration of such postponement. In the event that such occurrence results in cancellation of the
conference, each party hereby releases the other from all obligations under this contract.
Any exhibitor desiring to cancel exhibit space for the conference shall notify the IMGMA Executive
Director in writing either by mail or email sent to idahomgma@gmail.com. An administrative fee of
$200.00 is withheld on all refunds. No refunds will be made on cancellations after August 1, 2015.
Exhibitor and Sponsor Contact:
Sara Olson | IdahoMGMA@gmail.com | 877-904-6462
Register online to secure your sponsorship or exhibitor booth: www.imgma.com
Exhibit Practices and Regulations
Restrictions and Use of Space
Idaho Medical Group Management Association (IMGMA), reserves the right to restrict exhibits, without
refund, that have been falsely submitted, and to terminate an agreement if payment is not received within
5 days of receipt of agreement. Payment is expected at the time of registration, sponsorship
commitments will not be guaranteed without payment within the specified time.
Distribution of literature, samples, etc. in the exhibit area by firms not participating as a registered
exhibitor is prohibited.
No exhibitor shall sublet, assign, or share any of the space allocated to him without prior consent of show
management. Exhibitor representatives must be employees or designated agents of the exhibiting
company. Exhibitor representatives may not represent other companies other than the company
contracting for the exhibit space.
Solicitations or demonstrations by exhibitors must be confined within the bounds of their own respective
Aisle space shall not be used for exhibit purposes. Display signs and displays are also prohibited in any
of the public space or elsewhere on the premises of the conference and lodging facilities. Social activities
sponsored by an exhibitor that might conflict with the conference schedule must be cleared with IMGMA.
Electronic and other apparatus must be operated so that the noise will not interfere with other exhibitors.
No musical presentations are allowed, live or mechanical, without the written authorization of IMGMA.
All display materials and decorations must comply with requirements of the local fire authorities. Display
fabrics must be nonflammable.
Care must be taken by the exhibitor not to deface or destroy any part of the exhibit area. In the event of
property damage caused by him/her, the exhibitor will be held responsible.
Use of the name “Idaho Medical Group Management Association” or that of any officer of IMGMA, in
recommendation or endorsement of a product or service, is expressly prohibited.
Animals or pets, with the exception of ADA Service Animals, are not permitted on the exhibit floor for this
Helium, or lighter than air, filled balloons are not permitted on the exhibit floor.
If tape is to be used on the exhibit floor, it must be Shur Tape or Bron Tape BT-100 or BT-105.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact:
Sara Olson | IMGMA Executive Director
1-877-904-6462 or 1-800-685-5760 (phone / fax) | idahomgma@gmail.com
Mailing Address: PO Box 7674 | Boise, ID 83707
Exhibitor and Sponsor Contact:
Sara Olson | IdahoMGMA@gmail.com | 877-904-6462
SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES (Select sponsorship level below, see Sponsorship Packet for details. Some sponsorship
opportunities are limited in number-please check availability with our Conference Director or Executive Director).
IMGMA Annual Sponsorships
IMGMA Conference Sponsorships Only
Corporate Sponsor-$7,500
Board Sponsor-$5,000
Executive Sponsor-$3,500
Manager Sponsor-$2,000
September 23rd-25th, 2015 | The Riverside Hotel, Boise, ID
Gold- $3,250
Bronze- $1,350
Includes ticket passes for two representatives
Includes ticket passes for two representatives
Includes ticket passes for two representatives
Two registrations are included with your exhibitor agreement –
$150 is required for each additional representative (3+) unless
included in a sponsorship package.
@ $900.00 EA
@ $1000.00 EA
@ $1100.00 EA
@ $ 150.00 EA
PRIMARY REPRESENTATIVE STAFFING YOUR BOOTH (This information will be published and distributed to attendees)
All exhibitor representatives must be registered. Two registrations are (2 ea.) included with your exhibitor agreement - $150 is required for each additional
representative unless included in a sponsorship package.
2) _
�AM/EX No.
Name on Card
Exp. Date
Mailing Address of Card
or FAX TO: 877-90-IMGMA (877-904-6462) VOICE/FAX
Questions? Please contact IMGMA at 877-904-6462 or
(back of card)
IMGMA 18 Hole Golf Tournament | Course: TBD
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Practice your swing and get ready for an enjoyable golf day at the 2015 IMGMA Annual
Conference in Idaho’s Treasure Valley!
Add to your exhibitor and sponsorship investment with a Golf Tournament Sponsorship-- a
wonderful opportunity to meet with medical practice administrators and enjoy a casual day
networking on the golf course. Only 2015 Annual Conference sponsors and exhibitors may
secure Golf Tournament Sponsorships. A Golf Tournament Sponsorship is required to
play in the tournament.
Your Golf Tournament Sponsorship includes your green fees, golf cart and box lunch.
Please select from the following golf sponsorships. A minimum tournament hole sponsorship is required for each
exhibiting company. Only representatives from your company may register under your company sponsorship. Additional
players not included with a company sponsorship may register for $TBD per representative.
�Tournament Hole Sponsorship (18 available) ………………………..… $ 250
Includes tournament fees for one representative, plus signage on one hole of the course.
Tournament Drink Cart Sponsor (1 available)………………………… $ 500
Includes tournament fees for one representative, special acknowledgement at the opening of tournament, plus
signage on the cart.
Tournament Lunch Sponsor (1 available)……………………………… $ 750
Includes tournament fees for two representatives, special acknowledgement at
the lunch, plus signage at the lunch and on the course.
�Tournament Social / Goodie Bag Sponsor (1 available) ………….…. $2,000
Includes tournament fees for two representatives, plus special acknowledgement
at the lunch, as well as signage on the course. You will be providing drink tickets
for attendees, as well as snacks and golf gear for attendees on the golf course.
Golf goodie bags to be provided by IMGMA. (You may supply a business card or
small flyer for the bags).
The above sponsorships will be recognized at the awards presentation to occur in front of all IMGMA attendees on Thursday 9/24
during the social hour prior to the Thursday Night Banquet and Entertainment Event.
Sponsorship Amount ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… $__________
(See sponsor info for number of complimentary players. Add’l reps may register $150 per person.)
Golfer Name _________________________________________________________Handicap _____________ $__________
Golfer Name _________________________________________________________Handicap _____________ $ __________
Golfer Name _________________________________________________________Handicap _____________ $ __________
Golfer Name _________________________________________________________Handicap _____________ $ __________
Total Amount Enclosed …………………………………………………..……………………………………………….. $ __________
Primary Contact ________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone_____________________ Fax ____________________ Email ______________________________________________
�Check Enclosed made out to IMGMA
�Credit Card Payment: �Visa �M/C �AM/EX
Credit Card No. ____________________________________________________________________ Exp. Date _____________
Name on Credit Card ________________________________________________________________________ CVV (back on card) _________
Mailing Address of Credit Card __________________________________________________________________________________________
Return this form, along with your payment to:
IMGMA, PO BOX 7674 | BOISE, ID 83704 or FAX to: 800-685-5760.
Questions? Call 877-904-6452 or email idahomgma@gmail.com.