NOW WRA A HIGH H SCHO C OOL L YEAR R8 ASS SESS SME EN NT BOO OK KLE ET 20 01 15 WISDOM TH HROUGH KNOWLEDG K GE RES SPECT RES SPONSIIBILITY SAFETY A LEA ARNING Nowrra Hig N gh Scchool A Asses ssme ent Bo ookle et Subject Assessm ment Sched dules Informattion for Sttudents A What must A. m I do to o satisfacto orily complete a subje ect? B So whaat does thiss actually mean? B. m C What do I do if I am C. a sick on the day an n assessm ment task iss due or is to be eted? comple Informattion for Stu udents D What iff I am attennding a scchool eventt, or am innvolved in other D. o scho ool related activitie es? E What iff there is soome other good reasson I am abbsent? E. F What iff I need an extension? F. G What iff I am susppended at the G. t time an n Assessm ment Task is due? Informattion for Stu udents H Is it OK H. K to be abssent on the e day a taskk is due if I still hand it in on the e day? I What happens I. h if I do not co omplete a task or ha and in an assessmen a nt late and do not have a valid reason? ? J Do Asssessment Tasks J. T conttribute towa ards my re eports? K How much warninng should I be given about an upcoming K. u task? t L What should L. s happen if th he booklett says a task t is du ue, but we e haven’t receive ed it? M What should I do if I feel thee assessm M. ment task should s be reviewed r a after it has m been marked? Nowra Highh School – 20015 Year 8 Assessment A Booklet B English Mathematics HSIE - History and Geography LOTE – German Science PD/H/PE TAS – Technology Mandatory CAPA – Music and Visual Arts Appendix 1 Assessment Notification Marking Guidelines Appendix 2 Assessment Missed Due to Illness/Misadventure Appendix 3 Assessment To Be Missed Due To School/Other Business Appendix 4 Application for Assessment Extension Appendix 5 Assessment Appeal Personal Timetable Of Assessment Tasks Nowra High School – 2015 Year 8 Assessment Booklet A. What must I do to satisfactorily complete a subject? The Board of Studies says that to satisfactorily complete a subject you must have: (a) followed the course developed or endorsed by the Board; AND (b) applied yourself with diligence and sustained effort to the set tasks and experiences provided in the course by the school; AND (c) achieved some or all of the course outcomes. B. So what does this actually mean? This means, you must do the following things in each of your subjects to receive a pass at the end of 2013: (d) Make a genuine attempt at assessment tasks. (e) Attend classes to a satisfactory level in each subject. (f) Attempt all classwork and homework to a satisfactory level. C. What do I do if I am sick on the day an assessment task is due or is to be completed? If you are sick on the day an assessment task is due, you must: Complete a copy of the form ‘Assessment Missed Due to Illness/Misadventure’. You can obtain one of these from Head Teachers. A copy is also found at the back of this booklet or on the school website ( Hand the ‘Assessment Missed due to Illness/Misadventure’ form to the Head Teacher of the subject from which the assessment task was missed as soon as you return to school – even if you don’t have that particular subject on the day you return. If the task was one completed at home, you must also hand in the completed task on the day you return. If the task was an in-class assessment (for example, a test), you will be required to sit the task, or a substitute task, at the soonest possible date as arranged by you and the Head Teacher (this could be a lunch time). Depending on circumstances, you may receive an estimated mark. D. What if I will be attending a school event or am involved in other school related activities? Before the scheduled assessment task is due complete a copy of the form ‘Assessment To Be Missed Due To School/Other Business’. You can obtain one of these from Head Teachers. A copy is also found at the back of this booklet or on the school website ( Hand the ‘Assessment To Be Missed Due To School/Other Business’ form to the Head Teacher of the subject from which the assessment task will be missed before the scheduled assessment task is due. You will be required to sit the task, or a substitute task, at the soonest possible date as arranged by you and the Head Teacher (this could be a lunch time). E. What if there is some other good reason I am absent? There are very few other valid reasons that will be accepted for missing a task. If however you feel you do have a good reason, you must do the following: Complete a copy of the form ‘Assessment To Be Missed Due To School/Other Business’ before the due date, clearly stating the reason for your absence. Nowra High School – 2015 Year 8 Assessment Booklet Hand the form to the relevant Head Teacher. A decision will then be made as to whether you should be able to attempt the original task or a substitute task. Depending on circumstances, you may receive an estimated mark. NOTE: Computer or printing problems are NOT considered valid reasons for failure to hand in an assessment task on the due date. Where practical, tasks completed at home could be emailed to your teacher. F. What if I need an extension? There may be occasions when you have a very valid reason for requiring an extension. In order to apply for an extension you must apply AT LEAST 24 HOURS prior to the due date. To apply for an extension, you must complete an ‘Application for Assessment Extension’ form which can be obtained from all Faculty Staffrooms. The Head Teacher of the faculty will then decide if you are to be granted an extension. Your application must be signed by your parent/guardian and you must provide supporting documentation if applicable. G. What if I am suspended at the time an Assessment Task is due? If you are suspended at the time an Assessment Task is due, you are still required to submit the task on the due date. You can do this by: 1. Handing the task in at Front Office – do not hand it in to your teacher or the faculty. 2. Contacting the School to find out the best way to submit your task. 3. If an in-class assessment has been missed then you will be required to complete this as soon as possible on your return to school. Depending on circumstances, you may receive an estimated mark. H. Is it OK to be absent on the day a task is due if I still hand it in on the day? It is not acceptable to miss classes on the day an Assessment Task is due in order to complete the Assessment Task. If you are absent on the day of an Assessment Task, you must still complete a ‘Task Missed Due to Illness/Misadventure’ form – even if you come up to the school and submit the task. It is unfair to other students if you miss classes in order to complete an assessment task and you risk receiving a zero mark. I. What happens if I do not complete a task or hand in an assessment late and do not have a valid reason? Depending on the subject: You will receive a mark of ZERO and Letter of Concern will be sent home. The task will still need to be completed. OR You will lose 25% per day of the total assessment mark for each day you fail to hand in your assessment. If the assessment task is still not completed or presented after one week a Letter of Concern will be sent home. You will still be required to complete the Assessment task. J. Do Assessment Tasks contribute towards my reports? YES! School-based assessment, as indicated in your assessment booklet, is used throughout the year to allocate a mark and grade for your report. K. How much warning should I be given about an upcoming task? The School policy says that you should be given a minimum of at least 5 school days. L. What should happen if the booklet says a task is due, but we haven’t received it? Your classroom teacher is to give you a note if the due date for an assessment tasks changes. If you realise you have not received a task notification, ask your teacher about it immediately. Nowra High School – 2015 Year 8 Assessment Booklet M. What should I do if I feel the assessment task should be reviewed after it has been marked? Any review undertaken of a specific assessment task will NOT look at marks awarded. Rather, the review will consider if the assessment task and processes were appropriate for the stage of the course being assessed. Complete a copy of the form ‘Assessment Appeal’ and return it to the Deputy Principal. You can obtain one of these from the Deputy Principal. A copy is also found at the back of this booklet. Nowra High School – 2015 Year 8 Assessment Booklet English Year 8 Course Assessment Assessment Schedule Assessment Task & Name Description of Task Term Week Asian Voices – Survival 1 8 20% Task 1 Area of Study – Environmental Issues 2 4 30% Task 2 Speak Out – What matters to me 3 8 20% Task 3 Task 4 Yearly Examination 4 4 30% Due Task Value Mathematics Year 8 Course Assessment Assessment Schedule Assessment Task & Name Due Task Value Component Term Week Task 1 Term 1 Test 1 8 15% Task 2 Half Yearly 2 4 25% Task 3 Term 3 Test 3 5 20% Task 4 Yearly Exam 4 4 40% Nowra High School – 2015 Year 8 Assessment Booklet Geography Year 8 Course Assessment Assessment Schedule Assessment Task and Name Due Task Value Component Term Week Task 1 Written Research Task Research Skills and Written Communication 1 or 3 9 40% Task 2 End of Course Exam Knowledge and Understanding (includes Geography Skills) Written Communication 2 or 4 4 60% Nowra High School – 2015 Year 8 Assessment Booklet History- Year 8 Course Assessment Semester One Assessment Schedule Assessment Task and Name Research End of Course Exam Component Research (20 Marks) Knowledge and Understanding (20 Marks) Source Analysis (30 Marks) Written Communication (30 Marks) Due Task Value Term Week 1 9 40% 2 4 60% Semester Two Assessment Schedule Assessment Task and Name Research End of Course Exam Component Research (20 Marks) Knowledge and Understanding (20 Marks) Source Analysis (30 Marks) Written Communication (30 Marks) Nowra High School – 2015 Year 8 Assessment Booklet Due Task Value Term Week 3 9 40% 4 4 60% Science Year 8 Course Assessment Assessment Schedule Assessment Task & Name Description of Task Outcomes Assessed Term Due Week Task Value 1 6 15% 1 10 15% 2 3 20% 3 8 20% 4 4 30% Semester 1 1 Practical Research Task 2 Problem Solving Research Task 3 Half Yearly Test 4 Practical Skills Task 5 Yearly exam Construction of a 3D molecular model of an element or compound. Problem solving and communicating scientifically Students are to conduct independent research on a natural landform. Students are to use their research findings to answer questions in class. Students are to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of concepts learnt in the topics – ‘Little Bit of This and That’; ‘Earth’s Changing Face’ and ‘Ocean Creatures’ Knowledge and Understanding; communicating scientifically In class and at home assessment testing students understanding of planning, conducting and researching scientific investigations. Multiple choice and written responses to questions assessing your knowledge and understanding of Semester 2 topics, and your ability to plan and conduct investigations, solve problems and communicate scientifically. Knowledge and Understanding; problem solving; planning and conducting investigations and communicating scientifically. Semester 2 Knowledge and understanding; problem solving and communicating scientifically Knowledge and Understanding; problem solving; planning and conducting investigations and communicating scientifically. Nowra High School – 2015 Year 8 Assessment Booklet Personal Health, Development, Physical Education Year 8 Course Assessment Assessment Components and Weightings Components Theory Practical Weighting 50% 50% Total: 100% Assessment Schedule Assessment Task & Name Task 1 Positive Relationships Task 2 Athletics Task 3 Adolescence Can Be a Risky Business Task 4 Net/Court/ Invasion Games Component Due Task Value Term Week Theory 1 10 25% Practical 2 5 25% Theory 3 6 25% Practical 3 10 25% Nowra High School – 2015 Year 8 Assessment Booklet Technology (MANDATORY) Year 8 Course Assessment Assessment Schedule Task & Name Component Due Term 1. Folio work – Design brief analysis, design factors, design development. 2. Assessment Task 1: Ethical, Social & Environmental Issues 3. Design Brief 1 Testing of design solutions and final design production: Metal or textile technologies 4. Playing Around Design Task 5. Playing Around Survey development & analysis 6. Folio work - Design brief analysis, design development, design management and evaluation 7. Assessment Task 2 Innovation & Emerging Technologies 6 - Design Brief 2 Testing of design solutions and final design production: Model making Information & Communication Products Design project Design related content Information & Communication Design project Design related content Products Design project Design related content Technology-specific content Design related content Design related content Information and Communication Built Environment Design project Design related content Information & Communication Design project Technology-specific content Built Environment Design project Design related content Technology-specific content Nowra High School – 2015 Year 8 Assessment Booklet Task Value Week Ongoing through Term 1 and 2 1 8 Ongoing through Term 1 and 2 10% 20% 20% 3 4 5% 3 6 5% Ongoing through Term 3 and 4 3 8 Ongoing through Term 3 and 4 10% 10% 20% Drama Year 8 Course Assessment Assessment Schedule Assessment Task & Name Due Description of Task Task Value Term Week Performance and Appreciation 1 or 3 6&7 80% Appreciation Exam 2 or 4 2&3 20% Task 1 Task 2 Music Year 8 Course Assessment Assessment Schedule Assessment Task & Name Description of Task Due Task Value Term Week Task 1 Musicology 1 7 25% Task 2 Performance 2 4 25% Task 3 Composition 3 6 25% Task 4 Aural Exam 4 3 25% Nowra High School – 2015 Year 8 Assessment Booklet Visual Arts Year 8 Course Assessment Assessment Schedule Assessment Task & Name Description of Task Term Week Task 1 Historical / critical 1 10 30% Task 2 Art Making Body of Work 2 10 35% 3 9 35% Task 3 Due Art Making Body of Work Task Value Dance Year 8 Course Assessment Assessment Schedule Assessment Task & Name Description of Task Term Week Hip Hop Performance and Appreciation 1 or 3 6 and 7 80% Task 1 Task 2 Appreciation 2 or 4 2 and 3 20% Due Nowra High School – 2015 Year 8 Assessment Booklet Task Value S Sample MARKIN NG GUIDE ELINES to t be pro ovided with w tasks s FACULTY:: SUB BJECT: ASSESSM MENT TASK NO: YEA AR: DATE GIVEN: DAT TE DUE: Marking g Guideline es BAND 6 5 4 3 2 1 STU UDENT RECEIPT (Itt is your resp ponsibility to ensure this is i filled in and kept as pro oof of handin ng in this task.) ASSESSMENT TASK NO: N DATE TAS SK HANDED TO TEACHE ER: TEACHERS NAME RE ECEIVING TA ASK: TEACHER SIGNATUR RE: Nowra Highh School – 20015 Year 8 Assessment A Booklet B Append dix 2 Ass sessment Missed d Due to Illness/M Misadven nture Student Name: Course N Name: Class Te eacher: Task De etails Task Num mber: Title e: Weightin ng: Original Due Date: D Details of Illnes ss/Misadv venture/A Absence e Date/s off Absence es: ………… …………… ……… to ………… ………………… Reason ffor Absen nce: ………………………………… …………………… …………………… ……….………… …………………… ….……………… ………….................................. …………………… …………………… …………………………………… …………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… …………………… …………………… …………………………………… …………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… Doctor’s Certificate Attached? ? ntation documen Ye es No Othe er Student Signature e: Date: Parent S Signature: Date: Reply to Request to t hand in n/perform missed ta ask Teacher Recommendation: New Date e: Head Tea acher Reco ommendattion: Mark awarded No mark awarded Reason: Head Tea acher Sign nature: Da ate: Head Tea acher Nam me: DP P: Student copy Faculty copy c Nowra Highh School – 20015 Year 8 Assessment A Booklet B Office coopy Letter off concern Appendix 3 Ass sessmen nt To Be Missed Due to School/O S ther ness Busin R Reschedulin ng Tasks due to Absenc ce Name:……………… …………… ……………… ……… Datte/s of Abs sences: …… … …… …………. Reason ffor Absen nce: ………………………………… …………………… …………………… …………………………………… …………………… ………………………………… Evidence provided …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………………………… …………………… ………………. escheduled d Task Re Origin nal Date Hea ad Teache er Ne ew date, tim me and pllace Su ubmitted (DP P to sign an nd date) hat it is my respons sibility to complete c each task k as alloca ated I agree th …………… ……………… ………… Signature: S ……………………… Date: D ……//……/...... Name: … Nowra Highh School – 20015 Year 8 Assessment A Booklet B Ap ppendix 4 Applica ation forr Assessment Extension Student Name: Course N Name: Class Te eacher: Task De etails Task Num mber: Title e: Weightin ng: Due Date: Reason n for App plication for Extension Reason ffor Applic cation: ………………………………… …………………… …….……………….……………… ……………….… …………………… …………………… ……………… …………………… …………………… …………………………………… …………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… …………………… …………………… …………………………………… …………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… Doctor’s Certificate Attached? ? Student Signature e: Parent S Signature: Ye es No Othe er documen ntation ……………… …………………… ………………………………….. Date: …… …………………… ……………… ………………… …………………… …………………………………… … Date: …… …………………… ……………… ………… …………… …………… …………………… …………… …………… …………… ………… Reply to Request for f Applica ation for Extension E Teacher Recommendation: No Yes Reason: …………… ………………… ……………… ……………………………… ……………… ……………………………… …………… Head Tea acher Reco ommendattion: Yes Y No o New Date: …………… …………………… ………….. Reason:… …………………… ………………… …………………… …………………… …………………………………… …………..……………………… Head Tea acher Nam me: …………… …………………… ………………………… Head Tea acher Sign nature: ……… …………………………………… …….. Date e: .……………… …………………… ….….. Class Tea acher: …… ………………… ……………… … Class Tea acher Sign nature: …… ……………………………… …….. Date e: .……………… …………………… …. Nowra Highh School – 20015 Year 8 Assessment A Booklet B Appendix 5 Asse essment Appeal Student Name: Course N Name: Class Te eacher: Task De etails Task Num mber: Title e: Weightin ng: Due Date: Reason n(s) for Appeal A Any review w undertake en will NOT T look at ma arks awarde ed for speciffic assessm ment tasks. Rather, the review w will consid der if the asssessment ta asks and prrocesses we ere approprriate for the e stage of the course e being assessed. Briefly, ou utline yourr reasons fo or lodging an appeal for this tas sk ………………………………… …………………… …………………… …………………………………… …………………… ………………………………… …………………… …………………… …………………………………… …………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… …………………… …………………… …………………………………… …………………… ………………………………… …………………… …………………… …………………………………… …………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… …………………… …………………… …………………………………… …………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… Student Signature e: Parent S Signature: ……………… …………………… ………………………………….. Date: …… …………………… ……………… ………………… …………………… …………………………………… … Date: …… …………………… ……………… ………… …………… …………… …………………… …………… …………… …………… ………… App peal Decis sion Deputy Principal P Re ecommend dation: Granted Refused Reason:… …………………… ………………… …………………… …………………… …………………………………… …………..……………………… ………………………………… …………………… …………………… …………………………………… …………………… ………………………………… Head Tea acher Sign nature: Head Tea acher Nam me: ……… …………………………………… ……… Date: .………………… …………………………….….. …………… …………………… ………………………… Deputy Nowra Highh School – 20015 Year 8 Assessment A Booklet B Principa al: ………… ……………
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