Pray Like You`ve Never Prayed Before

Gene/Ramona Burbidge- 20 Scott/Stacie Shappard- 26
Erica Jones- 2
Jan Skidmore- 4
John Bird- 7
Jimmy Wiggins- 11
Tommy Taylor- 13
Christina Watts- 14
Stevie Hodgkinson- 16
Boise Church of Christ
2000 Eldorado Street
Boise, ID 83704
(208) 375-3300
March 1, 2015
Ephesians 3:14-21
MARCH MEMORY VERSE (ages 3 years - 8th grade)
So the king gave the order, and they brought Daniel and threw him
into the lions’ den. The king said to Daniel, “May your God, whom
you serve continually, rescue you!” Daniel 6:16
The Skidmore’s have created a place where everyone can follow
Jan’s progress:
Volunteer sign-up sheets are on clipboards, hanging on the wall,
next to the refreshment tables.
Where Church is Family
Pray Like You’ve Never
Prayed Before
Peyton Ultis- 16
Kristy Bird- 17
David Wiggins- 26
Lisa Meissner- 27
Jennifer Smyth- 30
Jesse James- 31
Care of communion (Lord's Supper)
Bible class teachers, assistants and/or helpers
Bible Hour helper
LAST WEEK – February 22, 2014
ATTENDANCE: Bible Classes – 111, Worship – 171
WEEKLY BUDGET: $3,236.00
Volume 58, No. 9
Written by Terry Scheuffele
The Enemy Within
There was a man who was always chewing on a toothpick. Every time you saw
him he had one of those little pieces of wood in his mouth. One day as he was
chewing on part of a toothpick, he accidentally swallowed it. He was surprised
but didn’t think much of it.
A couple of days later he found himself in the emergency room with all sorts
of problems. After an extensive series of tests, the doctors found that the
toothpick had managed to puncture his intestine and had led to bleeding,
infection, etc. The man could have died if it had not been discovered and
treated. This toothpick - a small tool designed to promote good health - had
wreaked havoc on this man’s body.
Two weeks ago during the Youth Rally, Ryan delivered a message on Sunday
morning about Reinforcements. During this message, he described one kind
of attack formation that had been used successfully in many battles. The
formation consisted of the entire front line standing united, toe to toe, shield
to shield, and advancing together. He pointed out the danger and the
destruction that could happen if one the enemy was able to penetrate this
front line and attack the unprotected side from behind the line.
How much more dangerous would it be if the enemy went undetected
because he looked like one of us? How much more dangerous would it be if
his destructiveness was underestimated - like the toothpick?
James describes our tongues as a fire that can destroy a great forest. Too
often the things we say, the things we post, the things we text, the things we
tweet, the things we write, the things we whisper - too often we act as the
enemy behind the lines and we let our words attack each other instead of
reinforcing one another.
Proverbs 12:18 says: “The words of the reckless pierce like swords,
but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”
My prayer is that we would be better healers than swordsman.
March 2 (Monday): The Library Book Club will be
meeting at 6pm to discuss Daughter of the Loom by
Tracie Peterson and Judith Pella.
 March 7 (Saturday): 54th Annual Idaho State Prayer
Breakfast. For more information, call 994-3456.
 March 14 (Saturday): The Johnson’s Adoption
Fundraiser here at BCOC. Spaghetti dinner, auction
items, and photo booth. Starting time is 5:30pm.
 March 20 (Friday): Our Annual Sweetheart Social
here at BCOC from 6:30-9:00pm. More details to
 April 18 (Saturday): Our Annual Camp Ivydale
Dinner and Auction Fundraiser. More details to
 May 16 (Saturday): Camp Ivydale workday.
Additional workdays TBA.
Do you have information to share for the bulletin?
Please submit all bulletin updates to the office by
Tuesday at 1:00 p.m.