This Week`s Bulletin - the Sacred Heart Parish of Du

Sacred Heart of Jesus Church
100 West Main Street, Du Quoin, IL 62832
618-542-3423 fax 618-542-5061
Immaculate Conception Church
533 W. 2nd North Street, Tamaroa, IL 62888
618-496-5867; Hall Rental 618-527-1251
Rev. Joseph Oganda
HOLY MASS: See Mass Schedule
RECONCILIATION- See Mass Schedule or Anytime by Appt.
BAPTISM: During or after weekend Masses by appt. Must be a
registered member and attend baptismal preparation session.
At least six months prior notification to the pastor.
17 N WALNUT ST-DU QUOIN, IL 62832 876050
Lent is a blessing, a time to seek and find Jesus, and be transformed into His likeness, love and prayer
God is happy to reveal His Son to each one of us so that in seeing Him, in encountering Him we may be blessed by a
generous gift of God revealing to us our heart’s desire which is, to share in the life of His Son. On the Mount of transfiguration, from the cloud, the voice of God is heard. This experience on the Mountain of light, is our own experience in life
where most of the time we find ourselves at the peak of the mountain of challenges in life and feel that we are alone,
and sometimes we even become afraid and say that God has abandoned us. But the amazing thing about God is that
He is always present with us when we are at the peak of our sufferings, and all that we see before us is the cloud of fear
and doubt. When we are tempted to believe that there is no hope on the horizon, there we hear His healing and inspiring words: “This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased, listen to Him.” Who exactly is this beloved Son with
whom God is well pleased? We know that it is Jesus, but in fact, God is addressing you and me. You and I are the beloved sons and daughters with whom God is well pleased. This voice can be heard and listened to only by those who
are willing to journey with Jesus during this Lent to the mount of prayer and fasting. Lent is a journey where we seek to
renew our relationship with Jesus as He walks with us to the mount of transformation, of repentance and reconciliation
so as to meet God the Father who always comes down to meet us amidst the clouds of suffering, pain, sickness and
Lent is a time to sharpen our listening capacity, to listen with the ears of the heart. When we stay long enough in Jesus’
presence, listening to His word, we become changed, we receive a gift of new vision and when we look around, instead
of seeing many enticing and confusing things in life, we become blessed to see only one person, Jesus. This is the goal
of Lent: “To see Jesus” who dwells within our hearts and is present in each one of us.
Abraham our father in faith was abundantly blessed by God since He accepted to respond to God’s calling to take the
journey of faith. He did not know for sure where God was leading him but still he trusted in God’s protective love and
walked in faith. Because he believed God, even though the way ahead of him was completely covered in the darkness
of the cloud, and did not know where he was going, he humbly and obediently placed his life in the hands of God. Because of his act of faith, he was blessed richly by God and through him, God continues to bless you and me. Lent is a
time for each one of us to trace the footsteps of our father Abraham, the step of faith, so that we too, may be blessed by
the gift of a Son who has come to prepare us for the victory of life over death at the table of the Eucharist and more so
at the Easter celebration of joy.
Fr. Joseph
March 1, 2015
MARCH 1, 2015
Mass Intentions & Schedule
Sunday, March 1- Second Sunday of Lent
Social Justice Weekend
8:00 am Rosary - Sacred Heart
8:00 - 8:15 am Confessions –Sacred Heart
8:30 am Mass - Sacred Heart
John Balch by Ron & Jeanna Balch
Angelina Loiacono by John Alongi & Family
KC Donuts at Haffner Hall
Monday, March 2- Lenten Weekday
6:45 am No Mass-Sacred Heart
8:00 am - noon Quilting at Haffner Hall
9:00 am Rosary at Fairview Nursing & Rehab Center
Tuesday, March 3 - Lenten Weekday
8:00 am - noon Quilting at Haffner Hall
7:00 pm Choir practice
7:00 pm Knights of Columbus meeting at KC Hall
Wednesday, March 4 - Lenten Weekday
2:00 pm Rosary Du Quoin Nursing & Rehab Center
5:00 pm - Stations of the Cross
5:30 pm - No Mass - Sacred Heart
6:30 pm RCIA at St. Bruno
Thursday, March 5 -Lenten Weekday
6:45 am - No Mass Sacred Heart
Friday, March 6 - Lenten Weekday
8:00 am No Mass - Sacred Heart
4:00 pm - 7:00 pm Fish Fry at Haffner Hall
Saturday, March 7- Lenten Weekday
CSMA Commitment Weekend
4:15-4:45 pm Confessions-Sacred Heart
5:00 pm Mass -Sacred Heart
Michael Prusacki by Mike & Suzanne Majewski
Herschel Siefert by Don & Betty Siefert
Sunday, March 8- Third Sunday of Lent
Daylight Saving Light Time begins!
CSMA Commitment Sunday
8:00 am Rosary - Sacred Heart
8:00 - 8:15 am Confessions –Sacred Heart
8:30 am Mass- Sacred Heart
Parish Family
Raymond Sherman by Ron & Linda Sherman
Venita Atkins by Pamela Urban
Sacred Heart
USHERS for the Month of March:
Saturday, 5:00 PM: Allen Reaves, Jeremy Cornett,
Guy H. Alongi, Jeff Robinson
Sunday, 8:30 AM: Tony Kellerman, Joe Lane,
Jim Derby, Sam Lioacono
Wednesday, March 4, 5:30 PM - No Mass
Saturday, March 7, 5:00 PM
Gift Bearers: Youth
Servers: Ethan Shepard & Audrey Poiter
Lector: Youth
Extraordinary Ministers: Chris Kelley, Lisa Cochran,
Kristine Dale (Rex Duncan, choir)
Sunday, March 8, 8:30 AM
Gift Bearers: Alongi Family
Servers: Anthony & Katie Smith
Lector: Barbara Craft
Extraordinary Ministers: Barbara Craft, Tim Cobin,
Suzanne Majewski, (choir)
on March 4th.
Wednesday - March 25th ,
7:00 am - 8:00 pm
Congratulations and welcome to
Cruz Alexander Wilson who
was Baptized here on Saturday,
February 21st , surrounded by his
parents Derek and Salena Wilson
and his family. Please welcome him
to our Family of Faith!
Weekly Collections
February 21 & 22
Church Envelopes Church
Loose Collection
Fish Fry Week #2
Ash Wednesday - Food for Families
Black & Indian Missions
Building Fund Envelope
$ 128.00
$ 538.00
$ 462.75
$ 71.00
Thank You for Your Generosity!
Second Sunday of Lent
The Knights of Columbus will again sell Whole Hog
Sausage. The price is $4.00 per lb. Proceeds from the
sale will be used for charitable donations. Please contact:
Al Martin 542-8139, Tom Murray 542-6018, Kevin
McCrary 542-0207. Delivery date is Thursday, March
FISH FRY RAFFLES: Catholic Daughters will continue to sell raffle tickets each Friday night for weekly basket
giveaways and for our grand prize to be given away on
March 27th. Tickets are $1 each and all tickets, including
weekly winners, are eligible for the grand prize of St
Louis Cardinal Cornhole Boards, red & navy bags with
string backpack to carry them in and handles for easy
transportation. These boards were hand-crafted and donated by Steve McCrary, with a retail value of $200. All
proceeds benefit the CDA charitable donations fund within our local community, and we thank you for your support!
SILENT AUCTION ITEMS: Due to weather cancellation of the Mardi Gras potluck and silent auction, CDA is
planning to host a Spring potluck at a later date.
Nursing Home Residents: Elmer Schafer, Marcia
Stacey, Susan Farmer, Nila Martin, Irma Magnusson,
Martha Rulevish. Jo Reidelberger, Liz Wilson, Mary Powless, Geraldine Kowzan, Evelyn Bechlofft, Lynn Finn, Mary
North, Jewell Numi, Joe Wolfe, Stanley Wheatley.
Sick: Josh Ritter, Janet George, John Isom, James
Feger, Dia Rodely-Hale, Sandy Seipp, Kaitlyn Melton, Mila
Biermann, Bob Nowak, Shirley Cucchi, Lia McNulty, Larry
Sanders, Stanley Wheatley, Paisley Decker, Fr. Frank
Wagner, Judy McCurdy.
Names will remain in bulletin for 1 month.
Military Personnel: Lt. Col Aaron S. Cowley, AFC Jordan Keller, MSgt. Thomas D. Sims, Sgt. Derek S. Sims,
Sgt. Wesley Wright, PO3 John Kelley, SSgt. Patrick Kelley, SPC Mark Yanez, Air Force E3 Justin Decker, PFC
Scott Clark, PV2 Jared Albers, Major Carly Sims, Major
Cory Jones, SSgt. Caleb VanVoorhis, CPL Chase Porter.
Parish Priest and Ministers of the care visit those who
are homebound, nursing home residents and hospital
patients. If you or someone you know would like a visit
please contact the rectory 542-3423.
Thank you to everyone who is supporting the Lenten
Fish Fry at Sacred Heart! This year’s turnout has been
super! As usual - the homemade desserts are a big hit and we are always in need of more. If you can donate a
dessert, but are unable to bring it to Haffner Hall, please
call 542-2285 anytime on Friday and someone will come
and pick it up!
Spring Rummage Sale! The spring rummage sale
date has been set - it will be on May 9th at Haffner Hall.
Put this date on your calendar!! If you are able to help in
any way, please contact Joann Isom at 542-2792.
newly stocked Lenten CDs located in the main entrance
to the church. They are from Lighthouse Catholic Media
and we have provided an assortment for everyone to
choose from. “Being All In” - From NFL Playing Field to
the Mission Field by Eric Mahl; “Drawing Close: The
God Who Desires You” by David Calavitta; “My Beloved Son: Meditations for Lent” by Fr. Robert Barron;
“What’s So Great About Being Catholic?” by Jason
Evert; “ The Fourth Cup” by Dr. Scott Hahn;
“Confession” by Fr. Larry Richards; “Set All Afire: Why
the Church Still Matters” Seven Powerful Presentations
on the Catholic Faith: Featured in the 2013 Buck-A-Book
Promotion. “The Seven Pillars of Catholic Spirituality”
by Matthew Kelly. If there is a certain one that you would
like and it is not available, please contact Kelly at the rectory. Coming Soon! - “33 Days to Morning Glo-
ry” a book by Fr. Michael Gaitley who masterfully weaves
the teachings of the greatest saints of our time into a userfriendly retreat that will bless even the busiest of people.
Mark your calendars!
Lent Penance Service
Sacred Heart
March 22 - 3:00 pm.
There will be
Stations of the Cross at
5:00 pm on Wednesdays
during Lent at Sacred Heart.
Mass will follow at 5:30 pm
(*No Mass this week)
March 1, 2015
MARCH 1, 2015
Mass Intentions & Schedule
Sunday, March 1- Second Sunday of Lent
10:00 am Mass - Immaculate Conception
Vernon Heck by The Vernon Heck Family
Immaculate Conception
Sunday Mass, March 8, 10:00 AM
Extraordinary Ministers: Janet Harris, Mary Nippe,
Eileen Koenegstien
Lector: Tiffany Kujawa
Sweet Treats: Mary Nippe
Monday, March 2- Lenten Weekday
Tuesday, March 3 - Lenten Weekday
8:00 am No Mass - Immaculate Conception
Wednesday, March 4 - Lenten Weekday
Thursday, March 5 -Lenten Weekday
8:00 am No Mass - Immaculate Conception
Friday, March 6 - Lenten Weekday
Saturday, March 7- Lenten Weekday
CSMA Commitment Weekend
Sunday, March 8- Third Sunday of Lent
Daylight Saving Time begins!
CSMA Commitment Sunday
10:00 am Mass - Immaculate Conception
Bill Harris by The Harris Family
Immaculate Conception parish will again be having their
yearly Pancake, sausage and more breakfast on
Sunday, March 15th, 7:00 am to noon. Items for the raffle will be needed. More details to follow. For more information, call Kathy at 1-618-318-5946
Donations for the Sacred Heart Friday fish fry's, of desserts are greatly appreciated, so anyone from Immaculate Conception parish please feel free to contribute.
Weekly Collections
February 21 & 22
MANY THANKS to everyone for the donations for
the Paten/Chalice. They are on order and the total amount of donations is $1,850.00.
The Du Bois Knights of Columbus is holding their Annual Raffle the first Sunday of March (or until sufficient
tickets are sold) to help provide scholarships to local
students and donate to local charities ($15,000 in Prizes). Tickets are available at the KC Hall and from our
members: Bob Bronke 316-1952, Rich Bathon 3390550, Gerald Zmudzinski 534-5905, Don Pokorny 7877305, Larry Spotanski 214-3097. Price of tickets are
Church Envelopes Church
Loose Collection
Easter Flowers
Black & Indian Missions
Sweet Treat
$ 98.00
$ 55.00
$ 32.00
Thank You for Your Generosity!
Church Secretary :
Sacred Heart - Kelly Paxton
Immaculate Conception -Lorraine Sharp
Sacred Heart: Tony Kellerman
Parish Council President:
Sacred Heart:
Suzanne Majewski 496-5595
Immaculate Conception:
Janet Harris 318-1649
Second Sunday of Lent
From the Pastor’s Desk...
Next weekend, every parish in the diocese will be participating in The Catholic Service and Ministry Appeal.
This annual collection supports the ministries and agencies in our diocese whose scope of service could not be duplicated by an individual parish. Our parish participation goals for the appeal are: Sacred Heart is 97 households and Immaculate Conception is 13 households. Our financial targets are: Sacred Heart - $12,700 and Immaculate Conception
$1,650. You will have an opportunity to make your pledge or pledge at Mass next weekend. No gift is too great or too
small. If you do not receive a pledge card in the mail or forget to bring it, please use one of the in-pew envelopes that will
be available or mark any envelope with CSMA on the front and place in the collection basket.
Prayer for The Catholic Service and Ministry Appeal
Oh Lord, our God, we thank You for calling
us together as Your Church.
In You, though many, we are one.
We know that inspired and empowered
by Your Holy Spirit,
we are called to be disciples
and further Your kingdom here on earth.
Loving God, we recognize You as the source
of all that we are and have.
In Your image You created us,
out of Your mercy You redeemed us,
and in Your wisdom and love,
You have provided all we need to accomplish the work
to which You call us.
Gather us in, Lord, as we seek to meet the needs
of this local Church through
The Catholic Service and Ministry Appeal.
Help us call forth from each other the gifts
You have so generously given.
May our willingness to share those gifts be the hallmark
of our discipleship and a sign of our gratitude.
We ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the 131st
annual Black and Indian Mission Collection last
weekend. Your prayerful support enables people to
come to know Jesus Christ in African American, Native
American, and Alaska Native communities all over the
U.S.A. Spreading the Gospel couldn’t happen without
your support!
Everybody thinks of changing humanity;
nobody thinks of changing themselves.
—Leo Tolstoy
Thank You. This bulletin is furnished to our parish without charge. The ads on the back completely defray all
cost to our parish. If you would like to advertise or know
of anyone who would like to place an ad, contact the
parish office. Please patronize our sponsors.
Respect Life Corner
Begin Again – Lent is a time of cleansing, of purifying –
not in a painful sense, but in a refreshing way. The Sacrament of Reconciliation washes away the “dirt” of our sin
and opens our hearts to encounter God’s mercy so we
can start with a “clean slate.” Once you are touched by
God’s mercy, you understand how he is gentle and loving
and always calling you closer to him. Learn, Act, Connect, Pray: Participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation this Lent. Pray all people may understand that God’s
mercy is life-giving.
Today’s gospel tells of the Transfiguration of Christ;
make the time to renew and transform your relationship.
The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is on April 24 – 26. To register or for more information call 314-469-7317 or go online to