The Invitation of the Shared Lutheran Ministry of Fayette County your invitation to fellowship, learning, serving, and celebrating March 2015 Sharing God’s W ord by embracing and serving all as God’s faithful family. “Watchers on the Hill” is the theme for Lent 2015 Sundays in Lent will focus on the OT lesson with the theme “God’s Covenants”; we use Setting 10 of the ELW. Each Wednesday we will witness the conversation between two people who are watching the events on Golgatha when Jesus and two thieves are crucified. As we see the crucifixion through their eyes, we will also see its significance for us. Each Wednesday we will meet at 6:00 for soup; worship begins at 7:00. Here’s the rotation: March 4 - “Zadok and Judas” (Lee Fritsch and Greg Noak) – at Ellinger March 11 – “Lydia and Abigail” (Annie Mueller and Patsy Buro) - at Fayetteville March 18 – “Marius and Lucius” (Geoff Roach and Curtis Bradbury) - at Warrenton March 25 – “Nicodemus and Mary Magdalene” (Phil Oestreich and Ashlynn Wobus) - at Ellinger Our Wednesday Lenten offering is designated for CASA “Court Appointed Special Advocates” Association. They are opening a new branch office in La Grange to assist youth as they deal with domestic and family issues. Palm Sunday March 29th will be celebrated in our individual congregations at regular worship times. Procession with palms and Holy Communion. Holy Week Worship Maundy Thursday is April 2. We will hear from the disciples gathered at the Last Supper as they contemplate Jesus’ words that one of them will betray him. “Is it I, Lord?” Each one of them has reason to doubt himself. This moving drama is set within a worship service with Holy Communion – 7:00 pm in Rutersville Good Friday is April 3. The moving service of the Via Dolorosa is presented at noon in Ellinger and at 7:00 in Fayetteville. Easter Sunday is April 5. We will have festive Easter worship at all four congregations at their regular times – 8:00 Ellinger, 8:30 Warrenton, 10:00 Rutersville, 10:30 Warrenton New Members to be received Do you know anyone interested in membership at any of our SLM churches? If so, pass along their name and information to Pastor Marcia. Letters of invitation will be going out in early March. Reception of new members will be in April. First Communion for SLM youth Communion at our Shared Lutheran Ministry churches is usually offered to youth who are in 1 st grade or older, following a retreat of preparation. A retreat will be scheduled once we have a group put together. If you know of a family who would be interested in this, please pass along this information and have them register with the SLM office. T H E P A S T O R ’ S P A G E Prayer and the Space Bar "Long ago when I was learning to type, I used to delight in typing letters to my friends without pressing the space bar. Now when you don't press the space bar you've got a real mess and there is much decoding to be done. It is the spaces in between that enable us to understand the message. Life is very much the same. It is the spaces in between that help us understand life. But some of us keep forgetting to press the space bar. And why do we forget? Well, many of us have the disease that some doctors are calling hurry sickness." — Macrina Wiederkeh This is a story shared by Bishop Mike Rinehart. It’s a reminder how important it is to take a breather. IfItypedmymessagelikethisyouwouldhaveaterribletimefiguringoutwhati’mtryingtosay We need spaces in our lives, times to sit and reflect, time to be quiet. It is in the spaces that we are still enough to hear the whisper of God. This is prayer time. The Bishop is thinking a lot about Prayer this Lent. He has just published a book on prayer which is the #1 selling prayer book on Amazon. It’s called “Learning to Pray Again: Peace and Joy Through an Ancient Practice” $8.99 3Amike+rinehart+prayer Lent is set aside for this purpose: to learn to pray again, to reconnect with God, to find peace. During Lent we take time out of our “hurry sickness” for worship and Christian connections. Lent establishes a different rhythm to life. It is intended to be a slower, quieter time; it’s a time for reflection, repentance, renewal. Jen Tinker, a Lutheran deaconess doing an interim at Greenvine, is a contributor to a book of Lenten devotions entitled “Grace and Peace” published by Augsburg Fortress. These are excellent resources for finding space in your life. You can also make it a priority to come to worship on Wednesdays in Lent. Start with soup supper and connect with church family. During worship we will be listening to the conversations of people who were present at the foot of the cross. Their dialogue will stir you. We’re not much different than they are. The dialogues will focus our eyes on the cross, the place of healing, hope and reconciliation for us. There’s not much sense in living life like a spinning top – spinning wildly until your head hurts. "Learn to pause or nothing worthwhile will catch up with you," says Doug Kling. Lent is the time for pauses, for spaces. Let your soul catch up with you. Drink deeply the refreshing waters of Christ and be renewed. Take time to hit the space bar this Lent . See you in church! RUTERSVILLE MEMBERS: Beginning March 8th worship will be held in the Fellowship Hall as the sanctuary gets a fresh coat of paint! April Newsletter Deadline The deadline to submit information for the April newsletter will be March 18th . Any information received after this date is not guaranteed to be printed in the newsletter. You may email newsletter items to or drop them off at the SLM office. C H R I S T I A N C A R I N G Please remember in your thoughts and prayers our homebound and nursing home residents. At Home: Ellinger Members: Laurie Mae Heintschel Lurline Wilburn Fayetteville: Raymond Domel Burney & Irene Hartmann Gay Nell Heinsohn Rutersville Members: Ivy Vasut College Park, Schulenburg Eva Lee Tonn—Warrenton Jefferson Place: Nelda Weyand—Rutersville Jerry Sauer—Fayetteville Genell Rohde—Warrenton Monument Hill: Mae Dell Harms—Rutersville Evelyn Tietjen—Rutersville Marvin Unger—Rutersville Ralph Styers—Warrenton River Oaks, Columbus: Patsy Pflughaupt—Fayetteville Out of Town: Ellinger Members: Elwert Kansteiner—Austin Leda Muske—Katy Rutersville Members: Delta Mischer— Buda Dea Simons—Sugar Land Warrenton Member: Eric Boultinghouse—Georgetown We would like to THANK EVERYONE who supported the Krispy Kreme fundraiser by selling, purchasing, and distributing those tasty treats on Valentine's Day. This fundraiser financially supports us as we travel to Detroit, Michigan for the National Youth Gathering which will be a life-changing experience. It is your generosity, that allows us to be able to have this amazing opportunity to experience life in Chicago, Detroit and even a bit of Canada, but more importantly WORSHIPPING AND PRAISING OUR LORD AND SAVIOR with 30,000+ youth. We are so excited and thankful for this opportunity. Again, many thanks for your support. Blessings to you all- Payton, Claire, Kaylee, Kyler, Jagger, Jade, Koltin, Allison, Addysyn, and Sydny. Thanks to everyone who contributed to make the SLM Chicken and Sausage Fundraiser a success! The chicken and sausage raised $3,003 and the bake sale raised $877.80 for a total of $3,880.80 that will be applied toward February expenses for SLM. Thank you to Carol Bigott, Chip and Sheron Citzler, Laddie Michalsky and Carolyn Rotter for distributing food at the food truck for February. One hundred and twenty eight families, 338 individuals received 7,400 pounds of food. Twenty eight volunteers helped. Please continue to hold in your prayers: Andrew (Mary Bohot’s son), Mary Bohot, Burdine Divin, David Dunlap, Nicky Guzman, Sheila Hanke, Delta Mischer, Scott Moore, Ed Pietsch, Doris Pilger, Doris Polasek, Linda Smidovec, Ted Stardig, Ralph Styers, Billy Teague, Don Treybig , Ivy Vasut, Lou Ann Williams and the family and friends of Barbara Smith. We pray for the safety of all our troops and military personnel around the world. We pray for firefighters and police officers and all who work for justice, peace and understanding. Daylight Savings Time begins March 8th! Spring Forward News and Events WWW – Stewardship of Time! WWW. KeepingUsConnected in Rutersville! 5:30 – Dinner; 6:10 – Education for all ages; 7:15 – Worship Our GREAT Cross-Generational program will resume meeting April 8th in Rutersville. The 2015 World Day of Prayer service will be held Friday, March 6, 2015, at St Paul Lutheran Church in La Grange beginning at noon. St. John, Rutersville WELCA will be the host, Mt. Calvary LCMS, La Grange will be in charge of the program. Rutersville women will meet at St. Paul at 10:00 AM to prepare. ALL ARE WELCOME. Walking in the Footsteps of Martin Luther Celebrate the 499th Anniversary of the 95 Theses in GERMANY!! June 6-17, 2016 The next meeting is scheduled for Sunday April 12 at 1:30 pm in Rutersville. We’ll present the PowerPoint again. Forms for insurance, cancellation, etc. will be available. The estimated cost for the trip will be $2,200 plus air fare. A $400 deposit to hold your spot for the trip is due April 26. The deposit is non refundable. If you have questions, contact Lee Ann Hartmann or Pastor Marcia. Souper Bowl of Caring The Chefs won!! Shared Lutheran Ministry has been in partnership with Souper Bowl of Caring for 9 years now! Together we have donated over $2.6K dollars and 200 food items. For our 2015 Souper Bowl game we pitted the Chef's—Ravioli, VS the O’s— Spaghetti O's with meatballs. The results are in...Chef's 69, O's 35 and 11 odd balls (over 30lbs of food!!!) Plus, we raised $237.75, and the best part of this game day is that 100% of the food and money raised goes to our local food pantry, AMEN. Thank you to everyone that participated in this "fun"draiser! W E LC A Ne w s WELCA Bible Study and Meetings The Tuesday WELCA groups will meet on March 2 at 2:00 pm in Fayetteville. We use the Bible Study from the Gather magazine, have a light lunch and business meetings. March 15 WELCA meets in Warrenton at 3:00 pm. We’re studying women of the Bible from the book “Strong Was Her Faith”. In March we read chapter 5 The Mighty Widow. Note: Warrenton hosts the Spring Cluster meeting on Saturday April 11 at 1:00 pm. Mark your calendars! WELCA Monthly Congregational Reports Fayetteville WELCA Meeting, Fayetteville, February 3, 2015: The meeting was held at St. John Lutheran Church at 2pm, Rutersville, with four members from Fayetteville, St. Paul Lutheran Church, in attendance. A Bible study was led by Pastor Marcia, using the GATHER periodical. The Pancake Supper was discussed, and will be held at St. Paul's, Fayetteville, on February 17, 2015, from 5-7pm. All are welcome-- sausage, pancakes, and juice/ coffee will be served. Donations will be accepted. Payment for two goats for ELCA/ Good Gifts was approved. Cost had increased to $100 per goat. Motion was made and approved to donate $500 to AMEN. A card will be sent to St. John, Warrenton, thanking them for their kindness and generosity toward other churches in the SLM. The next WELCA meeting will be held in Fayetteville, on March 3, 2015. Rutersville WELCA's from Rutersville and Fayetteville met Tuesday, February 3, 2015 in the educational Building in Rutersville. Pastor Marcia led the Bible Study "Transforming Life". February birthdays include Lori Schultz 1st, Teresa Moeller 3rd, Ivy Vasut 4th, Kari Brawley 5 th, Hollie Tietjen 5th, Cheryl Otto 7th, Heather Bush 9th, Kelsie Hrbacek 10th, and Christy Noak 22nd. The minutes were approved as read and financial report was placed on file for audit. Cheer committee Darlene and Leatrice reported that cards were sent to members in nursing centers and homes. Three quilts were completed at quilting. Our next quilting will be on February 25th. At Care Inn birthday party in January approximately fifty residents received ice cream and cake. Thank you to Lorali, Leatrice, Margie, Helen, and Carolyn for helping. Since WELCA is hosting World Day of Prayer each member is asked to bake a cake and make a loaf of sandwiches. Fifty people were served for the Clara Wessels funeral luncheon by group 6. It was moved, seconded, and carried to have Easter lilies adorn the church for Easter. $14 for each plant. The soap and school kits for Lutheran World Relief project will begin now. The Christmas dinner for 2015 will be Sunday, December 13th. For Church Women United we will have the birthday party in October and will purchase gifts of residents of the two homes who do not have families. The Western Cluster Gathering will be April 11th starting at 1 pm in Warrenton. It was moved, seconded, and carried to contribute one half of the proceeds from the April bake sale to the youth who will be attending the National Gathering in Detroit. Warrenton The St. John’s Warrenton WELCA met on Sunday February 15th at 3:00 pm in Warrenton. Pastor Marcia led an interesting Bible study about Mary the Extravagant. Next Bible study will be taken from the scripture reading: Mark 12: 41-44, The Mighty Widow. A short business meeting followed: Discussed plans for April 11, 2015 WELCA Spring Gathering to be held at St. John’s Warrenton Vanities for both bathrooms and kitchen have been purchased. New entrance rugs have been installed. Voted to allocate money to purchase new lawn mower for church grounds Thanks to Katherine Cordes for crocheting prayer shawls; given to Ruth Roecker, Lou Ann Williams and Edward Pietsch. Barbecue sauce will be prepared this month. Brinda Dunlap will post date and time. Clean Food Booth March 1, 2015; Bake Sale April 4, 2015; Volunteers are needed for all the upcoming events for the Antique Fair. These are busy months ahead; let’s share our time and talents. Flowers to beautify the sanctuary Easter Sunday April 5, 2015. Have flowers at the church by noon Saturday April 4th. Closed the meeting with singing “Bind Us Together” and “Happy Birthday” to Patsy Buro. SLM News & Events FUNDRAISERS FOR THE YOUTH GATHERING IN DETROIT!! Murder Mystery Dinner in Hawaii! The ever-popular Murder Mystery is returning on Saturday March 7. This time the setting is the Hawaiian Islands. Dig out your island shirt and your muumuu and join us for an evening of fun and a great luau! The proceeds will help our youth going to the Detroit Youth Gathering. They will be your servers. There will also be a silent auction. Donations are appreciated. TICKETS: $30/couple, $20/individual, $10 child The Antique Week Bake Sale on March 28-29 For bake sale, we appreciate homemade goodies donated for us to sell. We ran out last time. There aren’t enough of us! Color Me Christian Run Saturday May 2 at Lutherhill. We will need sponsors and workers as well as runners and walkers. NEEDED ~ SPONSORS AND RUNNERS. Sponsors can be at these levels: Platinum Sponsorship - $500 (Name on T-shirt; Logo on Entry Banner; Sign @ Color Zone; 4 Free Runner Registrations) Gold Sponsorship - $250 (Name on T-shirt; Sign @ Color Zone; 2 Free Runner Registration) Silver Sponsorship - $150 (Name on T-shirt; Sign @ Color Zone; 1 Free Runner Registration). Questions or to sign up as a sponsor, please Contact Natasha Kocian, MiLisa Gaertner or Cassie Staggs. 15 20 Zumba! Looking for a fun workout? We do Zumba every Thursday at 6:00 pm at the Warrenton church. Come try it out! We use a DVD routine and each one dances to their own ability. No pressure ~ just doing something healthy! SLM and each individual church now offers electronic giving. Go to the SLM website and click on the “Donate Now’” tab to begin submitting your offering on your schedule! You can also use this tool to pay for items for Youth and Family Fundraisers by signing on through the SLM portal and creating a profile. If you have questions or need assistance, please call the office at 979-249-3155. Lutheran World Relief School Kits March 29th is the deadline. Please include the following items in each School Kit (backpack bags will be at church) Why school supplies? To the children who receive School Kits, these supplies mean the difference between getting an education or not. Public school is usually free, but in the places where LWR works, even a few required supplies, like pens and paper, may be more than many families can afford. And when parents can only afford to send one of their children to school, girls rarely get priority…yet the education level of mothers has the biggest impact on development. -Four 70-sheet notebooks of wide or college ruled paper approximately 8” x 10 1/2”; no loose-leaf paper - One 30 centimeter ruler, or a ruler with centimeters on one side and inches on the other -One pencil sharpener -One blunt scissors (safety scissors with embedded steel blades work well) -Five unsharpened #2 pencils with erasers; secure together with rubber band -Five black or blue ballpoint pens (no gel ink; secure together with rubber band) -One box of 16 or 24 crayons -One 2 1/2 inch eraser Please start bringing bars of soap for Lutheran World Relief. Soap Drive Each church will have a basket for these bars. A new bar of soap signals dignity and cleanliness! LWR will accept new bars of any brand soap in its original wrapping. Bath-size bars (4-5 oz.) are highly preferred. When you are shopping, please remember to pick up extra soap for those who desperately need it! Please give new items only, except where otherwise noted • Please do not donate items with any religious symbols, messages or your congregation’s name. • Please do not donate any items decorated with a U.S. flag, patriotic or military symbols, or references to the armed forces, including camouflage. • Do not add other items or leave out any of the items listed. All items should be new and in good condition. Remove any excess packaging, • pack all items in bag and close. Do not enclose the Kit or any of its contents in plastic bags. This summer Lutherhill will focus on discipleship. Campers will be challenged to shape their lives around what was important to Jesus. Our faith is not passive, but active. We are called to justly Act in service to our neighbors, compassionately Love, and to intentionally Walk with our God. Shared Lutheran Ministry will partner with Lutherhill for Day Camp the week of July 20-24. Early Bird Registration: When you send in the camp balance and registration before March 3, you will receive $20 off your camp fee. - High School Kids doing the LYLE program are going July 5-17 - Jr High Kids can go July 5-10, but there is a new Night Owl camp that they might want to go to (check the website for available dates). - Elementary Kids are signing up for July 12-17 or Aug. 2-7. Looking Ahead -Listening to God’s Word March 1: Mark 8:31-38 The gospel promises that following in the way of Christ offers life. During Lent, many Christians place limits on their lives—"fasting from self-indulgence" (ELW, p. 254)—as a sign of incorporation into Christ. We need to beware of counseling those who are suffering more than we are about willingly taking up their cross, by which Mark meant religious persecution. Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 The story of God's covenant with Abraham and Sarah is read this Sunday to strengthen the Lenten focus on covenant and to present examples of those who receive life from God. That the passage speaks of God's everlasting covenant with the descendants of Abraham reminds Christians of God's continuing faithfulness also to Jews and Muslims. Romans 4:13-25 In Lent we receive the grace of God, which like the surprise of a birth to a couple in old age, comes from the mercy of God rather than from our human efforts. March 8: John 2:13-22 This gospel is a primary example of John's use of narrative to proclaim Christology. Christ is the temple. Coming to church in Lent is coming to Christ, whose body is raised from death and who lives now in the community of believers. Our Passover is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Exodus 20:1-17 The Decalogue, which arose in a period of Israelite history prior to the building of the temple, is appointed for this Sunday to highlight both the similarities and the differences between the evolving biblical Judaism and the community of Christian believers. The Commandments understand all human life as conducted before God. In the New Testament itself (for example Matthew 5) we encounter the earliest of continuing Christian appropriation and reinterpretation of the Ten Commandments. Historically, attention to the Commandments has been part of baptismal catechesis. 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 This reading helps connect the Ten Commandments with Christ as the replacement of the temple: Paul contrasts the faith of the baptized with both Greek learning and Jewish signs. In Lent we affirm the gospel with its offer of the weakness of the crucified Christ. March 15: John 3:14-21 The context of the beloved John 3:16 includes reference to Israelite sin, death by poison, the darkness of this world, hatred of God, and the evil that people commit. In John, eternal life begins now, in and among the baptized. In contrast to the story from Numbers in which people die of snakebite, John describes God as choosing to save, rather than condemn. The world, which does not know God, is loved by God. Numbers 21:4-9 The narrative from Numbers provides the story to which the gospel refers. With John in mind, we can say that the Israelites "loved darkness" and are "perishing." The fiery serpent, like Christ, was "lifted up." Those dying of snakebite, like Christians, are invited to believe. Ephesians 2:1-10 This passage is a magnificent compendium of Lenten baptismal proclamation. Baptism has given us life in Christ so that by grace we will do the good works of God. March 22: John 12:20-33 As we ready for Holy Week, the archaic simile of the grain of wheat depicts God's way of bringing life from what seems death. With the Greeks, we too wish to see Jesus. To do so, we must look up, for Jesus has been lifted up on the cross in order to draw everyone to God. The "hour" of salvation is Christ's death. Jeremiah 31:31-34 Lent has provided time for us to prepare for and remember baptism. In baptism we are wed to God and we receive God's covenant of love written in our hearts. Although we have repeatedly broken the covenant, God promises to remember our sin no more. This passage was formative for the Christian language of the "new covenant" in Christ's blood. Hebrews 5:5-10 The suffering and death of Jesus are likened to the ministry of the high priest, whose prayers provided the people's access to forgiveness from God. We are comforted by the word that Christ suffered both for us and with us. March 29: Isaiah 50:4-9a Christians have seen in the Servant Songs descriptions of Jesus Christ. In Christian interpretation, the reading sounds as if Jesus is describing his own ill treatment, an important theme in Mark, although he affirms his innocence and his trust in God. Philippians 2:5-11 We join with Christians of the first century in a creedal poem: Christ humbled himself to death, and God has raised him as Lord. The ancient song is a summary, not only of our baptismal faith, but also of the Holy Week that has begun. Mark 11:1-11 Holy Week begins with a palm procession and the proclamation of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem from the Gospel of Mark. Christ enters the assembly now, just as he did then, and we praise his presence among us. "Hosanna" is now our song, pleading for salvation. St. John, Ellinger—Council Highlights—2-12-2015 Approved minutes and treasurer’s report. Bids were presented from six contractors for new roof on church. One contractor was selected and will be notified. Haworth Roofing to complete the work on the educational building roof. Half of the work has been completed. J R Koehl to mow church grounds. Details discussed. Pre-Easter Bake Sale - Lucille Koehl was asked to chair this event and has accepted the offer. Bake sale details will be discussed at next meeting. Tithe Offering - discussed - 10% from bake sale to be given to Fayette County EMS. Shared Lutheran Ministry Churches Core Values The 5 SLM church councils met in retreat with the councils of New Ulm and Frelsburg on Feb. 21. Evan Moilan led the councils in a process of identifying core values, mission and vision for their own congregation. You will be hearing more about the mission of your congregation from your council in the months ahead. Mission is based on the core values of your congregation. Core values are things that are of primary importance to your congregational leadership. This month we want to share with you the core values of each of our congregations: The Core Values of St. John Lutheran Church, Ellinger Our Lutheran heritage Our weekly worship services centered around the sacrament of Holy Communion Our flexibility in how and where we worship and praise our Lord and Savior Our openness to accept and to serve others The Core Values of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Fayetteville We value hospitality. It is important to be warm and welcoming to all who enter our church doors. We value dedication to God. Not only should we ask God for help and guidance for those for whom we pray, but we should also ask God what we can do for Him. We value serving others by not forgetting our elderly, disabled, the sick, and the less fortunate. We value "nurturing" our children so they will grow up knowing Christian beliefs and principles. We value our freedom and are thankful that we can worship God as we choose. The Core Values of St. John Lutheran church, Rutersville Following God’s word Worship with communion & other Lutheran traditions Christian fellowship Making all feel welcome Helping one another/our fellow man The Core Values of St. John’s Lutheran Church, Warrenton * * * * We We We We We value the heritage and traditions of our church. value Lutheran theology- sacraments and teachings. value service to others. value versatility and the given talents our members have. value a work ethic; a can-do attitude; the willingness to help. Shared Lutheran Ministry Calendar of Events March 2015 Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 3 4 5 6 7 2:00 PM Care 8:00 AM Worship in Ellinger Team Meeting 8:30 AM Worship in @ Fayetteville Warrenton; Sunday School following 10:00 AM Worship in Rutersville 10:30 AM Worship in Fayetteville 1:30 PM Murder Mystery Dinner Practice @ Rutersville Betty Burkland & Gene Cordes Birthday Jerry Sauer Birthday Edward Pietsch Birthday Madison Weyand Birthday 9:00 AM SLM @ Second Chance 9:00 AM SLM @ Second Chance 2:00 PM WELCA's @ Fayetteville 9:00 AM SLM @ Second Chance 6:00 PM Soup Supper @ Ellinger 7:00 PM Lenten Worship @ Ellinger 9:00 AM SLM @ Second Chance 6:00 PM Zumba @ Warrenton 9:00 AM SLM @ Second Chance 12:00 PM World Day of Prayer - St. Paul LG 3:00 PM Murder Mystery Dinner Practice @ Rutersville 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Daylight-Saving Time Begins 9:00 AM SLM @ Second Chance Sierra Schulz Birthday 6:00 PM Zumba @ Warrenton Brandon Loehr Birthday Maxine Dominey & Trevor Gaertner Birthday 15 16 17 Kyndal Brawley 10:00 AM Quilting 8:00 AM Worship in Ellinger Birthday @ Fayetteville 9:00 AM SLM @ A.M.E.N. 18 19 20 6:00 PM Soup Supper Amber Bartek & Mason Hoefelmeyer @ Warrenton Phil Oestreich Birthday & Kara Welch Birth- 6:30 PM Congregation of Councils @ 21 day 10:00 AM AMEN/ Austin Food Truck @ Waldeck 26 27 28 Doug Divin & Mim Fichtenberg Birthday Stephen Krenek Birthday Youth Bake Sale @ Warrenton 5:30 PM SLM Coun- 7:00 PM Lenten Wor- 1:00 PM SLM @ cil @ Ellinger ship @ Warrenton A.M.E.N. 6:00 PM Zumba @ Warrenton 22 23 24 8:00 AM Worship in Ellinger 8:30 AM Worship in Warrenton; Sunday School following 10:00 AM Worship in Rutersville 10:30 AM Worship in Fayetteville 3:30 PM Nursing Home Worship @ Care Inn 4:15 PM Nursing Home Worship @ Monument Hill Chuck Boenker, Darlene Strahan & James Averyt Birthday Natasha Kocian & 9:00 AM Quilting @ Wacey Buro Birthday Rutersville 29 30 31 Palm Sunday 8:00 AM Worship in Ellinger 8:30 AM Worship in Warrenton; Sunday School following 10:00 AM Worship in Rutersville 10:30 AM Worship in Fayetteville Youth Bake Sale @ Warrenton 7:00 AM Men's Breakfast @ Riverside Cafe 7:00 PM Lenten Worship @ Fayetteville Kayleigh Walcik Birthday 8:30 AM Worship in Warrenton; Sunday School following 10:00 AM Worship in Rutersville 10:30 AM Worship in Fayetteville 3:00 PM WELCA @ Warrenton Jacob Dominey Birthday 6:00 PM Soup Supper @ Fayetteville 8:00 AM Worship in Ellinger 8:30 AM Worship in Warrenton; Sunday School following 10:00 AM Worship in Rutersville 10:30 AM Worship in Fayetteville 6:30 PM Luau Murder Mystery Dinner @ Rutersville 25 6:30 PM Worship & 6:00 PM Soup Supper Music Team Meeting @ Ellinger 6:00 PM Zumba @ @ Rutersville Warrenton 7:00 PM Lenten Worship @ Ellinger 1 7:00 AM Men's Breakfast @ Riverside Cafe 2 3 Maundy Thursday 7:00 PM Maundy Thursday Worship @ Rutersville Good Friday 12:00 PM Good Friday Worship @ Ellinger 7:00 PM Good Friday Worship @ Fayetteville 4 March 2015 - Worship Leaders Ellinger 3/1/2015 3/8/2015 3/15/2015 3/22/2015 3/29/2015 Assisting Minister Gladys Koehl Carolyn Bartosh Laura Brugger Annie Mueller Carolyn Bartosh Reader Annie Mueller Martha Staley Carolyn Bartosh Marie Guzman Maxine Brugger Head Usher Allen Mueller JR Koehl Barbara Hinton Chris Brugger JR Koehl Cleaning/Altar Guild/Flowers Martha Staley Fayetteville 3/1/2015 3/8/2015 3/15/2015 3/22/2015 3/29/2015 Assisting Minister Jeanette Brown Wendy Vasut Greg & Andria Holloway Billie Adams Maurine Schley Reader Kristen Graeter Evan Holloway Jerry Brown Jeanette Brown Lisa Corn Acolyte Kolton Vasut Karson Corn Makayla Cegielski Kyler Vasut Taylor Cegielski Edgar & Marie Von Minden Greeter Flowers Billie & Keith Adams Cleaning Christine Cordes Ruth Noska Lisa Corn Maxine Dominey Carol & Fred Seymour Altar Guild Open Annette Richards Dustin & Kayleigh Walcik Rutersville 3/1/2015 3/8/2015 3/15/2015 3/22/2015 3/29/2015 Assisting Minister Laurie Karisch Phyllis Fritsch Weldon Hartmann MiLisa Gaertner Lee Fritsch Reader El Gene Weyand Joyce Wied Lee Fritsch Payton Hemmitt Greg Noak Acolyte Gavin Noak Trevor Gaertner Garrett Noak Bethany Naumann Breann Jordy Usher Mike Hensel, Curtis & Laurie Karisch Altar Guild Betty Burkland & Margie Stardig Greeter Bucky & Aileen Loehr Flowers Carol Bigott Betty Burkland Tammy Naumann Waldine Garlin OPEN 3/1/2015 3/8/2015 3/15/2015 3/22/2015 3/29/2015 Patsy Buro Megan Buro Brinda Dunlap Harry Schellberg Assisting Minister Harry Schellberg Warrenton Reader Lou Ann Williams Brinda Dunlap Dawn Moore Lou Ann Williams Brinda Dunlap Usher Frank & Lou Ann Williams Roy & Judy Pieper Edward & Betty Pietsch Orville & Jo Nell Glaesmann Megan Buro & Jeanette Boultinghouse Greeter Roy & Judy Pieper Frank & Lou Ann Williams Gerald & Joyce Gest Charles & Patsy Buro Scott & Dawn Moore Flowers OPEN Harry Schellberg Megan Buro Wacey Buro Sheila & Bob Hanke Shared Lutheran Ministry of Fayette County 4446 South State Hwy. 237 Round Top, Texas 78954 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid PERMIT No. 19 Round Top, TX 78954 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Dated Material: Please do not delay. March 2015 Sunday March 8th The Invitation from the Shared Lutheran Ministry of Fayette County March 2015 Parish Leadership Reverend Marcia Kifer, Lead Pastor Reverend Paul Bohot, Supply Pastor Aimee Elles, Office/Business Manager Brinda Dunlap, Shared Ministry Council President Parish Communications Office Hours: Mon – Thurs, 8:30 am to 3:00 pm Office Phone Number: 979-249-3155 Pastor Marcia’s Home: 979-968-3634 Fax: 979-249-3548 Email addresses: Website: The Shared Lutheran Ministry of Fayette County is a cooperative rural ministry of four congregations: St. John Lutheran in Ellinger, St. Paul Lutheran in Fayetteville, St. John Lutheran in Rutersville, and St. John’s Lutheran in Warrenton. All are member congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod. We share pastors and an office/business manager. We share whatever ministry benefits the mission of Jesus Christ.
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