February 25, 2015 Volume 16, Number 8 Mattawa, WA 99349 Donating to the cause MAN THE Wednesday MATTAWA AREA NEWS Sven Leland relaxes while he gets ready to donate blood at a blood drive in Desert Aire last Saturday. When asked how many times he has donated, Sven said he thinks eight times. He said he started donating blood as soon as he was old enough, so he’s not sure of the exact count. He said he does it because he wants to help. The American Red Cross blood drive at the Desert Aire Clubhouse was in honor of Laurie Sundesten, a homeowner in Desert Aire for over 15 years, who has needed blood. Organizer Page Patterson said that the goal was to reach 30 donors. “…and we almost met it with 28. The American Red Cross will be holding future blood drives in Mattawa. Thank you to all that donated, you are saving lives,” she said. joyce edie photo Getting river ready for summer Diana Ochoa fundraiser basketball this Friday, Feb. 27 See page 7 for details Construction dates: January 2015 - Project completion: May 2015 Cost: $1,133,333 (Based on Contract Award, Tommer Construction Co. Inc.) Just across the Columbia at Vantage is a popular boat launch near Interstate 90. Work plan: Dredged navigation channel, renovated and extended boat launch ramp, ADA boarding float, five picnic tables, improved site access, Kiosk and signs, parking area, restroom, pedestrian path connecting all site amenities. Construction dates: Phase I Construction complete (Channel dredging, boat launch and float installation) Phase II Construction started December 2014. Project completion: May 2015 Cost: Phase I - $600,603 Contract Award West Company Phase II - $651,263 (Based on Contract Award KRCI, Inc.) Upgrades to the areas are part of the requirements that will allow Grant PUD to remain compliant with the FERC license to operate Priest Rapids and Wanapum dams. pud photo Work is well underway at the Sand Hollow site at the north end of SR 243. New recreation updates are expected to be completed in May For those wanting to recreate on the Columbia River in Grant County, this summer should be a lot more welcoming than last year. From early March in 2014 the Columbia River behind Wanapum Dam was lowered by the Grant County Public Utility District by almost 30 feet due to a crack found in a monolith at Wanapum. The water has since been raised back up to almost normal, but while it was down, work has been going on at various recreation sites along the Columbia. Work is still going on, with most expected to be completed in time for the 2015 summer season. At the intersection of State Route 243 and State Route 26 the Sand Hollow area is undergoing a complete rebuild. PUD officials gave the specifics on what all is happening at the day-use and overnight camping area. Work plan: Day-use picnic area, 10 primitive walk-in camping sites, 30 semi-primitive vehicle access camping sites, gravel access roads, four double vault toilets, parking area, Kiosk and signs, swimming beach area with barrier protection, protection and enhancement of vegetation. New picnic tables sit in the sun at the Vantage Boat Launch in neighboring Kittitas County. joyce edie photo Letter to the Editor - Commissioners we want drop box Page 2, Mattawa Area News, Feb. 25, 2015 Strictly Joyce By Joyce Edie Too often I don’t think I listen. Life goes careening around, and too often we just let it whiz past us, hearing the roar and not the whisper. We had g-kids over this weekend. I had bought a little, cheap guitar for no reason other than I like to strum it. Don’t know a dang thing about it, but I can strum. Konner, the seven-year-old, picked it up and started strumming. His sister Kassy plays the guitar (quite well) so he knows how to hold it and strum. As he strummed, he started singing. He sang Silent Night in the sweetest, gentle child-voice you can imagine. Konner is seven and I’ve known him all this time. I didn’t know he could sing. I didn’t know he knew the words to Silent Night. I didn’t know he likes to strum guitars. Too often I am caught up with what all I know, or think I know, and don’t listen. I wonder what else I am missing, always charging around like a buffalo at a tea party? Slow down and listen. That’s something I’m going to make a real effort to do. I don’t want to miss another Silent Night. Dear Commissioners, On behalf of the residents of Desert Aire, we are asking you not to close this site. Many of our residents not only use this as a convenient location to take trash that will not fit into their normal bin that is dedicated for weekly pick up by Waste Management, but they also use it for recycling of bottles, aluminum cans, newspapers and cardboard. It is also used for disposal of old appliances, scrap metal, automobile batteries, used motor oil and antifreeze. Closure of this site may force disposal of these items with normal trash, and defeats the purpose of recycling that most people participate in. Our environment suffers enough already without putting this added burden on it. This is the only Drop Box Site in South Grant County and having to drive an hour each way to use the County Landfill in Ephrata is not only a hardship on the taxpaying residents of Desert Aire and Mattawa, but also an added cost to many revenue producing and taxpaying orchardists, vintners and farmers in this area. Putting additional vehicles on the road to make the drive to the Ephrata site also adds to the pollution of our environment. It is our belief that the closing of this site will cause increased dumping alongside Municipal and County roadsides. Mattawa is a very fast growing city and there is a lot of trash that will find its way elsewhere. With Mattawa City at 7,000 and Desert Aire at 2,000 plus residents, there could be a lot of trash that won’t make it all the way to Ephrata. In addition, many outside the city will illegally burn their trash, weeds and etc. adding to local air pollution and additional County expense to monitor and control such activity. We also feel that because we live in South Grant County, Contact Dana Fox or Mayra Contreras our location is underserved for many of the county services at 932.4499 for an appointment. that we pay for with our tax dollars. It is not unreasonable to Cholinesterase levels reflect the activity of the expect our proportionate share enzyme responsible for breaking down acetylwhich should include a reasoncholine, a chemical at the ends of nerves which able location for a Drop Box Site in our area. is involved in muscular contraction. It is affected Please reconsider the closure by genetic factors and poisoning with of this site currently scheduled organophosphate insecticides. for July 1, 2015. If some costs need to be trimmed to fit the Open for all your medical County budget, then perhaps needs 9 am to 6 pm. a nominal raise in fees and/or Saturdays 10am to 2pm. reducing the opening of the Abierto para todas sus necesisite to one or two days a week dades médicas. 9 am a 6 pm. (Wednesday and/or Saturday) Ahora abierto durante la hora would work for everyone. de lonche. Abierto Sabado Thank you for your consid10ama 2pm. 210 Gov. Road, Mattawa eration. Respectfully submitted by the Board of Directors, Desert This community message brought Aire Owner’s Association. to you by Larry Couch Eckenberg Farms, Inc. President, Desert Aire OwnCelebrating over 50 years, er’s Association Cholinesterase testing Easter Services starting Lenten soup supper will be held each Wednesday during Lent at 6 pm with worship service at 7 pm. Lenten services will be held at Riverside Community Church beginning this Wed., Feb. 25 through March 25. The community is invited to attend one or all of the services in preparation of Easter Sunday, when Christians celebrate Jesus Christ rising from the dead. Easter is April 5 this year. Lions pizza night March 5 Do you know what a Lion is? Not the four-legged kind, but the kind who work for the local community, making plenty of good activities possible. The Mattawa Desert Aire Lions Club is actively seeking more members since numbers are dropping and there are lots of projects going on. Projects like the Easter Egg Hunt, sight and hearing testing, the March 21 crab feed, Hot Desert Nights in August, and college scholarships, to name a few. A membership promotional pizza party will be held next Thursday, March 5 at 6 pm at Tiddaly Diddalys. The event is informal and just a way to meet local Lions and find out some of the things Lions do. There is no cost and no pressure, just a desire to find out if the local Lions club is something you would enjoy. For more information call president Bob Adler at 4390250, member Lars Larson at 439-9422 or treasurer Lars Leland at 831-5971. Where Quality Counts. Mattawa Area News 509.932.4602 AmericA on WednesdAys At ephrAtA, WA. Deadline is Monday at noon. is published in Saturdays at Riverside Presbyterian EMAIL: theman@smwireless.net JOYCE EDIE, PUBLISHER, 22939 ROAD T SW, MATTAWA, WA 99349 www.mattawaareanews.com member WnpA Saddle Mountain Bible Church 509 E 2nd St. Mattawa 10 a.m. Worship and Sunday School Mid-Week Bible Study 509.727.2333 or 509.643.4503 Riverside Church of Community Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Church in Desert Aire Worship 10 am 932-4651 Childcare provided 9am Sunday Servicios en Espanol Church 932-4068 Bishop Kip Calaway Seventh-Day Adventist Church Grace Lutheran Church Highway 243 Worship 10 am 932-4797 Rev. Dale Larson Spanish Branch 509 E. Second Ave. Mattawa Our Lady of the Desert Catholic Church Saturday 6 pm SpaniSh Sunday 9 am EngliSh Sun. 12 & 6pm SpaniSh ConfESSionS: TuES-fri. 4-6 p.m. faThEr JorgE granadoS 932-5424 Iglesia Apostólica Pastor Eleuterio Prieto 9:30 a.m. to Noon. Kids Programs 932.3178-932.5205 cell 509.366.6531. English Ward Pres. Vladimir Cruz Iglesia Roca de La Salvacion 509.830.2896 Servicios: Domingo 5 p.m. Jueves 7 p.m. IGLESIA DE DIOS DE SCHAWANA SCHAWANA: Domingos 5:30 PM, Miércoles 7pm, Jueves Servicio de Jóvenes 7pm, Viernes Club Awana 7pm. ROYAL CITY: Sábados 7pm en Church of the Nazarene MATTAWA: Martes 6:30pm llame para la localidad Pastor Alfredo Gutiérrez 932-6405 o 830-3458 Gutiministry@smwireless.net En el Edificio de la Riverside Community Church Presbyterian Church Servicios: Dom 3:00pm Pastor: Benjamín Mora 509 833 4830/ 932 6416 Royal City United Methodist Church 305 Royal Rd. NW Royal City 932.0670 9 a.m. worship Desert Rentals about to celebrate one year Wed., Feb. 25, 2015, Mattawa Area News, Page 3 about the change? We love it, Greg said. And the couple act like they love it, providing a friendly, downhome atmosphere for customers. “We love the fact that the community has embraced us. The people we have met here have all been friendly. We have already made many good friendships. The only adjustment we have had to understand is the harvest schedules,” Candice explained. You will find Desert Rentals at 23912 Rd T.2 SW, the roadway just past the Port of Mattawa building. The office number is 932-3101 and Miguel’s cell phone is (509) 8304756.They are open Monday through Friday 7:30 to 5 pm and Saturday 8 to 2 pm. They are closed on Sundays. SPECIAL OPEN ENROLLMENT PERIOD Did you forget, miss out, or have problems enrolling for health coverage? If so you can apply for health coverage during the Special Enrollment Period February 17 to April 17, 2015 Greg and Candice Mead have had their doors open for almost a year now at Desert Rentals. They have all kinds of equipment for rent and now provide small engine repair. joyce edie photo Our certified In-Person Assisters can help with all your health care questions & needs: Greg and Candice Mead are about to celebrate their first anniversary. First anniversary of being the owners of the local rental business, Desert Rentals, LLC. The Meads aren’t new to business, they owned Pacific Concrete Services in Kent for almost 20 years. In June of this year the couple will have lived in Desert Aire for two years, opening Desert Rentals in April of last year. “We moved to Eastern Washington for a change of pace and less rain,” said Candice, and they are enjoying both. If you have ever needed to rent something for an hour or a day, but dreaded the thought of the trip to “town” to get it and take it back, you’ll appreciate the Meads. “We offer equipment from carpet cleaning, yard maintenance, construction and agricultural,” Candice explained. And they are constantly updating their equipment list to serve the needs of the area. From tractors to generators, the store can provide those items that you need to use once or twice a year, but don’t need to own. Speaking of adding services for the community, they now have small engine repair available and bi-lingual Spanish help. Miguel Filomeno, a resident of the area for 12 years, can work on most small engines. He said he has never been schooled in the craft, but learned it hands-on working on tractors in the local area. “I started working on big engines. It’s not that hard. I got knowledge by practicing,” he said. So from lawnmowers to dirt bikes to most any small engine, Miguel can probably help you out. “I enjoy it. It’s always something different. I don’t get bored,” he grinned. “And I meet new people every day.” Miguel is the husband of Catalina Tapia. So from Kent to Mattawa, what does the couple think Check list: What to ask when choosing health insurance Huntwork Serving the entire BaSin Refrigeration and Heating Repair Enterprise $68 - Heating & Air Conditioning 10 essential benefits Health care visits and prescriptions; Premiums; Deductibles; Co-pays Co-insurance; Out of pocket expense; Medicaid & Medicare If you delay you pay $325/adult or 2% of your household income + fee for uninsured children Penalty fee is for 2015 Contact: Wendy Lopez or Cristina Garduño: 509.932.5373 215 1st Street Mattawa WA, 99349 215 1st Street, Mattawa, WA 99349 Curt Connor storage & service Hwy 243, Mattawa, WA 509.932.0085 curt@sandbarmarine.com www.sandbarmarine.com Just 13 miles south of Vantage towards Desert Aire. B i n g o! Every Tuesday, 7 pm Senior Center, DA $500 Blackout Jackpot. All ages welcome 932-4725 Judi Do won vel th $500 e jackpot !! Residential Service Special: t$PNQMFUFTZTUFNDMFBOJOH tQPVOEPG'SFPO tTFOJPSDJUJ[FOEJTDPVOU BOEJOTQFDUJPO “THE COMFORT STANDARD” For commercial please call and confirm Sam Huntworkpricing Espanol: 509.855.2861 855-2865 509.855.2865 Emergencies: 509.770.0293 (509) www.huntworkenterprise.com #HUNTWE*904JG Investment and Retirement Planning Retirement Solutions Jason J. Dudum Commercial & Residential Repair & Installation Chris E. Dorow D.D.S 509.488.5216 1355 E. Hemlock Street, Othello 401 (K) & IRA Rollover Specialist Toll Free: 1.888.339.2496 FAX: 925.284.9910 Investment Advisor Representative 3505 Mt. Diablo Blvd Lafeyette, CA 94549 jason@dudumfinancial.com Investment Advisory Representative with and securities and investment advisory services offered through Transamerica Financial Advisors, Inc. Member FINRA & SIPC and Registered Investment Advisor Make the short drive to Othello for great family dental care. Wright Feed & Grain! Red Apple Market 932.4646 Oli’s Deli is here to serve you. Give Friendly Atmosphere, Great Food. e Take a break while shopping lmer aat home! call at Mattawa Red Apple Market. 830.1522 to pick up your Grain and animal Give elmer a call 830.1522 feed at your animals the WriGht Way. Wright Feed & Grain! Tiddaly Diddalys 932-5020 Now serving: Chicken wings w/ dippingelcsauce ome es whoney mustard). g a (Ranch, BBQ, All 725 32-4 9 Single scoop ice Every Tuesday cream, regular 7 pm Senior Center, cone, $1all day Desert Aire. Sat. Bing o! Winter hours. M-TH 8-4, Fr. 8-6, Sat. 10-4 Congratulations Judi Dovel for the $500 932-4143win! Davis Automotive and Welding We’ve been here for over three decades providing friendly, reasonable, & professional service. From the largest to the smallest tow, we can answer your call. The Davis Boys “The People You Know.” Page 4, Wed., Feb. 25, 2015, Mattawa Area News Sweep the Slope Switch and get THE BEST PLAN in wireless. March 16 The third annual spring garbage cleanup, Sweep the Slope, will be March 16. The Wahluke Enrichment Organization is in charge of the event and Seth Weeks asks for the community’s help. “Please come help clean up our beautiful land. We need adult supervision and trucks and trailers,” he said. Anyone wanting to help out can contact Seth at 830.7438 and keep watching the MAN for updates. A burglary and vehicle prowls were reported at 7:02 a.m. Saturday in the 11000 block of Road 27-SW, near Mattawa. Oscar Javier Rodriguez told authorities that a .22-caliber rifle and a box of ammunition were stolen from one vehicle. Entry was gained by breaking out a window. The loss and damage were estimated at $545. At the same location, unknown suspects entered an unlocked semi tractor and stole a stereo player and CB valued at $750. A shop was also broken into. Miscellaneous tools and a deejay system sound mixer were stolen. Those losses were estimated at $1,500. JAIL BOOKINGS Monday, Feb. 16 Eric Perez Garcia, 23, Mattawa, arrested by Mattawa police for reckless driving, driving while license suspended, district court warrant for failure to comply. MARRIAGE LICENSES Antonio Cruz Gonzalez, 22, and Brenda Hernandez Rosas, 18, both of Mattawa. DIVORCES GRANTED Florentina Macias and Jose Macias Farias, married Jan. 5, 2012 at Beverly. The petitioner’s name was changed to Florentina Hernandez. Got news? Submit information to theman@ smwireless.net Connect with the fastest* internet in the nation. Get 4 lines and 10GB for only $130 a month. Plus we’ll pay o your old contract. Choose your service provider and get connected. 0 $ down grantpud.org 888-254-1899 New Retail Installment Contract and Shared Connect Plan required. 0% APR; 20 monthly payments of $33. * Grant PUD has the fastest download speed in the nation according to Gizmodo.com Mattawa Mart Desert Aire 509 Main St., 509-932-5066 932-4404 2 Large Regular Crust Pepperoni Pizzas & 8 hot wings $29.99 Take a break & order dinner here! OPEN 5 am to 9:30 pm 7 days a week to serve you! Kitchen closes at 7 p.m. CALL FOR STORE HOURS. Things we want you to know: New Retail Installment Contracts and Shared Connect Plan required. Credit approval required. Regulatory Cost Recovery Fee applies (currently $1.82/line/month); this is not a tax or gvmt. required charge. Add. fees, taxes and terms apply and vary by svc. and eqmt. Offers valid in-store at participating locations only, may be fulfilled through direct fulfillment and cannot be combined. See store or uscellular.com for details. $130 Price Plan based on $90/mo., 10GB Shared Connect Plan plus 4 lines with discounted $10 Device Connection Charges each. Retail Installment Contract required to receive discounts; otherwise, regular Device Connection Charges apply. Other discounts available for additional Shared Connect Plans. Limited-time offer. Contract Payoff Promo: Offer valid on up to 6 consumer lines or 25 business lines. Must port in current number to U.S. Cellular and purchase new Smartphone or tablet through a Retail Installment Contract on a Shared Connect Plan with Device Protection+. Enrollment in Device Protection+ required in all markets except North Carolina. The monthly charge for Device Protection+ is $8.99 for Smartphones. A deductible per approved claim applies. You may cancel Device Protection+ anytime. Federal Warranty Service Corporation is the Provider of the Device Protection+ ESC benefits, except in CA and OK. Submit final bill identifying early termination fee (ETF) charged by carrier within 60 days of activation date to www.uscellular.com/contractpayoff or via mail to U.S. Cellular® Contract Payoff Program 5591-61; PO Box 752257; El Paso, TX 88575-2257. Customer will be reimbursed for the ETF reflected on final bill up to $350/line. Reimbursement in form of a U.S. Cellular Prepaid Card is issued by MetaBank,® Member FDIC; additional offers are not sponsored or endorsed by MetaBank. This card does not have cash access and can be used at any merchant location that accepts MasterCard® Debit Cards within the U.S. only. Card valid through expiration date shown on front of card. Allow 12–14 weeks for processing. To be eligible, customer must register for My Account. Retail Installment Contract: Retail Installment Contract (Contract) and monthly payments according to the Payment Schedule in the Contract required. If you are in default or terminate your Contract, we may require you to immediately pay the entire unpaid Amount Financed as well as our collection costs, attorneys’ fees and court costs related to enforcing your obligations under the Contract. Upgrade your handset after 12 consecutive payments made on the Contract. Kansas Customers: In areas in which U.S. Cellular receives support from the Federal Universal Service Fund, all reasonable requests for service must be met. Unresolved questions concerning services availability can be directed to the Kansas Corporation Commission Office of Public Affairs and Consumer Protection at 1-800-662-0027. Limited-time offer. Trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners. Additional terms apply. See store or uscellular.com for details. © 2015 U.S. Cellular Promo_1A_GS5_Print_DI_7_5x16 483593 Public Records Two Lady Warriors wrestled at state Page 5, Mattawa Area News, Wed., Feb. 25, 2015 Victoria Gaytan and Eva Herrera wrestled as Warriors last weekend at the Mat Classic and didn’t come away with medals, but came away with a lot of good experience. Coach Carolina Miramontes said the girls could have wrestled better at state, but the event was a bit overwhelming and luck didn’t turn their way. “In state they had really tough matches. Some of those matches are going to bother me for the rest of my life because I know they could’ve won, but overall they did a really good job. Both of them are juniors and I’m looking forward to next year to go back and get a place in state. I know that these girls are capable of that and more. They are better than most of the girls at state, they were just a little too afraid to wrestle,” she said. Miramontes said overall the first Lady Warriors wrestling team had a great season. “We learned a lot. I want to give an invitation to more girls to come and try out. I personally want to build a huge, and strong team, together we can do it,” she said. Miramontes said she is thankful for assistant coach Jerry Yorgesen for everything he did for the girls and to Jennifer Harris for volunteering her time. She added that the school, community, and athletic director Cody Marlow were all part of what made it possible to have a team and she is grateful. joyce edie photo Gracias a nuestra comunidad por el apoyo que nos an brindado durante toda la temporada de Wrestling, aprecio mucho su colaboración y su asistencia a nuestros dual meets y torneos, espero poder contar con el mismo y mas apoyo los años que vienen. Tambien me gustaria hacerles una invitacion a todas aquellas jóvenes que están en High School que vengan y participen en el deporte de Wrestling para asi poder hacer un equipo grande y fuerte. Carolina Miramontes. Father and son make dream come true Seth Weeks had a dream come true on Sunday thanks to his son Ernie and lots of hard work. Seth and Ernie wrestled in the Chuck Bullard Memorial Folkstyle State Championships in Tacoma on Sunday and came away with medals. Seth wrestled in the senior open class at 189 pounds and Ernie wrestled in the peewee class at 49-50 pounds. Seth took first place and Ernie took second. “It was a great day for us as a family,” said wife and mother Hollie Weeks. Father and son pose for a photo following their wrestling wins as they wait for their first and second place medals. Seth and Ernie Weeks wrestled at the Chuck Bullard Memorial Folkstyle State Championships last Sunday, Feb. 22. photo supplied Last weekend for Beauty and the Beast Quincy Valley Allied Arts version of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast is wrapping up its show this weekend. Locals Matt and Marie Jamison play Belle and Gaston in the production held at the Quincy High School performing arts center. The curtain goes up this Friday and Saturday at 7:30. The final show is Sunday, Feb. 28 at 2 pm. Tickets, all $12 each, can be purchased at the door or reserved by calling ahead at (509) 787-3571. Warrior wrestlers who headed to the Mat Classic wrestling tournament in Tacoma last Thursday are left to right: Fatima Romero, Victoria Gaytan, Eva Herrera and Rebekah Barajas. Assistant coach Jerry Yorgesen is driving and coach Carolina Miramontes is the passenger. Heroes recognized Page 6, Mattawa Area News, Wed., Feb. 25, 2015 UK soccer discount ends today The UK International soccer camp is coming to Mattawa again this summer. Parents who want to enroll their children have until today, Feb. 25 to register and save $25. Soccer Camp will be held June 8 through 12 at the high school football field. Minicamp runs from 10 am to noon and costs $79. The UK Classic will be from 10 am to 2pm and costs $109. Go online at www.uksoccer.com for all the details. For local information contact Maggie Celaya. FEBRUARY BARGAINS of the MONTH HOT DEAL! 249 YOUR CHOICE 50-Oz. Concentrated Liquid Laundry Detergent W 845 014 B6 While supplies last. 20-Ct. Toss-In Pre-Measured Detergent Packets W 182 988 B4 While supplies last. 1 SAVE 33% 99 Gal. Regular-Scent Bleach W 185 095 F6 While supplies last. 399 -$1 sale price 299 mail-in rebate* FINAL PRICE 8-Qt. Potting Mix L 462 606 F6 While supplies last. *$1 mail-in rebate. Limit 2 rebates. Consumer responsible for taxes and fees. ® Morris Schott Elementary Heroes of the Month for February pose for a picture after they received their certificates. They are, not in order, Jovani Quintero, Sergio Pina, Emily Garcia, Cindy Alzate, John Salinas, Jazmin Martinez, Diego Perez, Osvaldo Rangel, Danna Medina, Bellen Tellez, Angela Santiago, Yaneli Quiroz, Humberto Sanchez, Ethan Gonzalez, Kimberly Rosales. Principal Karl Edie said, “At MSE our mission is to create a community of H.E.R.O.es – Healthy, Educated, Respectful, Goal Oriented – all of our February Heroes of the Month embody these qualities. We are proud of our students and want to celebrate all the hard work they are doing every day! Great Job!” photo supplied WEO rides off with first place. Again. The Wahluke Enrichment Organization team of Adam Heslop, Seth Weeks, Joe Crain, Carson Shearer, Andy Arnold and Chip Dobson showed they could ride their donkeys better than the rest and once again took first place at the Wahluke FFA Donkey Basketball game last Friday. The boys have won several times. MARTY'S HARDWARE 932.4555 1ST & WILLIAMS, MATTAWA OPEN MON. - FRI. 8 TO 6; SAT. 9 TO 6 CLOSED SUNDAYS Sale ends 2/28/2015 ©2015 True Value® Company. All rights reserved. FREE Shipping to our store on your TrueValue.com orders. Sometimes in a small town, you don’t even have to take new pictures every year. The WEO won once again at the FFA donkey basketball game and since no photo was available, here’s a rerun from last year. Only change, everyone is a year older and Chip Dobson isn’t pictured here. Sorry Chip. The evening was a success, but advisor Rebecca Carollo said proceeds were down about $1,000. Samantha Briceno enjoys a turn around the gym at halftime of the donkey basketball game sponsored last Friday by the Wahluke Chapter of the FFA. During the break kids were invited to the floor to visit with and ride the donkeys. Samantha, 7 almost 8, is the daughter of Elizabeth De La Rosa and granddaughter of Dan and Malisa Fox. Malisa Fox wa S a h t t a M 932-4327 ell We have hot food, cold drinks and friendly service! Stop in today! photo *Gas *Propane *Groceries Great Food including * Oriental Menu * Pizza * Hamburgers *Warm Inside Seating *Laundromat OPEN 5 am to 10 pm EVERY DAY Public Notice Wahluke School District #73 The Wahluke School District Board of Directors has cancelled the February 26, and March 12, 2015 board meetings. The next regularly scheduled meeting is March 26, 2015 at 9:00AM. Board meetings are held in the administration office Board Room. help wanted Full-time medical assistant/certified preferred (MA/CMA) Education Requirements: High school diploma or GED; MA/CMA Certifications Qualifications: Maintain CONFIDENTIALITY of all pertinent patient information, measures patient vital signs, manages rooming and patient flow, informs provider of schedule changes that impact patient flow, prepping exam rooms, stocking and cleaning, blood draws and injections, gathering information on new patients, performs clerical duties to maintain effective office operations, provide support to the provider by anticipating provider needs, and returns phone calls and fields messages. Also able to evaluate health records and record statistical data accurately, knowledge of federal and state regulations that apply HIPPA Skills: Excellent communication skills, projects a pleasant and professional image, and likes to be busy with a variety of duties and responsibilities. Multi-tasking, flexibility, telephone skills, customer service, time management, organization, prioritize workload, attention to detail, Word Processing, computer skills, and professionalism. Bilingual preferred. Submit your application at 210 Government Road, Mattawa, WA 99349, MondayFriday 9am-6 pm or Saturday 10am-2pm. For more information, contact Dana Fox or Mayra Contreras. 509-932-4499. “Mattawa Community Medical Clinic is an equal opportunity provider and employer.” real estate NEW LISTINGS: Cox Landing, 2 acres with 3 bdrm, 3 Bath , 2296 sq. ft. Modular Home. 4 car Garage/Shop, In- ground Pool, Beautiful Landscaping. View of Lake. $309,900 Sunshine Circle , Desert Aire, 3 bdrm./ 2 Bath , Site Built, Stucco, completely remodeled $194,000 97.7 Acres , Beverly, Well & Power, 4,000 feet of waterfront on Crab Creek MLS # 666708 $600,000 Home Site Lots starting at $18,000 DesertAireProperty.com Keller Williams Realty Call Dick Skogerson 425-822-9600 HAVE CASH BUT NEED TO REPAIR YOUR CREDIT? CALL DICK FOR OWNER FINANCED HOMES! HAVE NEW LISTINGS THAT OWNER WILL CARRY CONTRACT WITH 20%-30% DOWN. 10 ACRE mini farm, 2 acres in cherries and apricots, pigeons for export. Includes 2000 sf home, garage and all equipment, JD diesel, feed augers, smudge pots-the works. Move fast to get this year’s crop. Suitable U-pick business. Call Bill at John L Scott Desert Aire, 206-719-1515. Free Junk Removal CAN TURN YOUR OLD CIRCLE INTO CASH FOR YOU!!! Free junk vehicle and appliance removal. May buy some heavy metals for scrape. Call Jerry Redwine at 509.643.2856. Enjoy your new MAN! Page 7, Mattawa Area News, Wed., Feb. 25, 2015 WNPA STATEWIDE CLASSIFIEDS This newspaper participates in a statewide classified ad program sponsored by the Washington Newspaper Publishers Association, a statewide association of weekly newspapers. The program allows classified advertisers MOSES LAKE SENIOR CENTER to submit ads for publication in participating weeklies throughout the state in comREGISTER TODAY AT: pliance with the following rules. You may submit an ad for the statewide program through this newspaper or in person to the WNPA ofAdmin@Carryanddefend.com fice. The rate is $275 for up to 25 words, plus $10 per word over 25 words. WNPA reserves the right to edit all ad copy submitted and to refuse to accept any ad submitted for the statewide program. WNPA, therefore, does not guarantee that every ad will be run in every newspaper. WNPA will, on request, for a fee of $40, provide information on which newspapers run a particular ad within a 30 day period. Substantive typographical error (wrong address, telephone number, name Everybody deserves a shot. or price) will result in a “make good”, in which a corrected ad will be run the following week. WNPA incurs no other liability for errors in publication. SAT MAR 7th 12:00-4:30 PM CarryAndDefend.com 208-215-5661 EVENTS-FESTIVALS PROMOTE YOUR REGIONAL EVENT for only pennies. Reach 2.7 million readers in newspapers statewide for $275 classified or $1,350 display ad. Call this newspaper or (360) 515-0974 for details. HELP WANTED MEDICAL BILLING TRAINEES NEEDED! Train at home to process Medical Billing & Insurance Claims! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! Online training at Bryan University!! HS Diploma/GED & Computer/Internet needed! 1-877-259-3880 HELP WANTED RN’s up to $45/hr; LPN’s up to $37.50/hr; CNA’s up to $22.50/hr; Free gas/weekly pay, $2,000 bonus, AACO Nursing Agency, 800-656-4414 HELP WANTED THE NAVY IS HIRING Top-notch training, medical/dental, 30 days’ vacation/yr, $$ for school. HS grads ages 17-34. Call Mon-Fri (877) 475-6289, or jobs_seattle@navy.mil HELP WANTED =HIGH-TECH CAREER with U.S. Navy. Elite tech training w/great pay, benefits, vacation, $ for school. HS grads ages 17-34. Call Mon-Fri (877) 475-6289, or jobs_seattle@navy.mil HELP WANTED HANDS-ON EXPERIENCE Paid training with U.S. Navy. Good pay, medical/dental, vacation, great career. HS grads ages 17-34. Call Mon-Fri (877) 475 6289, or jobs_seattle@navy.mil HELP WANTED NAVY RESERVE Serve part-time. No military exp needed. Paid training & potential sign-on bonus. Great benefits. Retirement. Call Mon-Fri (800) 8870952, or jobs_seattle@navy.mil HELP WANTED NAVY RESERVE HIRING in all fields. Serve parttime. Paid training & potential sign-on bonus. Great benefits. $ for school. Call Mon-Fri (800) 887-0952, or jobs_seattle@navy.mil LEGAL SERVICES DIVORCE $155. $175 with children. No court appearances. Complete preparation. Includes custody, support, property division and bills. BBB member. (503) 772-5295. www.paralegalalternatives. com legalalt@msn.com Fundraising Exhibition Basketball for Diana Ochoa What: WSD Staff basketball When: Friday, Feb. 27 Where: Wahluke Junior High Time: 3:30 to 9:30-ish Diana, the daughter of Jose and Guillermina Ochoa, is a seventh grader at Wahluke Junior High, but has been in Seattle receiving cancer treatment since last fall. The Wahluke School District is holding a fundraiser to help with all the expenses associated with an extended medical problem. Entry is by donation. Carne asada and cheese pizza are on the menu. There will be halftime events, food and family fun. The community is encouraged to attend to help this local family. Mattawa Youth Baseball News Parents, your elementary students were given signup sheets this week to take home. Please sign and return them ASAP so your child is signed up for baseball. Money will not be needed until the first practice on March 23. Thank you! Page 8, Wed., Feb. 25, 2015, Mattawa Area News J. Curtis & Associates, Inc. LAND SURVEYORS PO Box 956 MATTAWA, WA 99349 509-932-4479 Jeff Curtis pls JC BEES Your local pollination services 509.831.4088 valdovinosjuan17@yahoo.com 7978 Wahluke Rd. SW, Mattawa, WA 99349 Juan C. Valdovinos - Owner No job too small, prices starting at $40
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