e Church of Our Lady of Lourdes 2222 Genesee Street, Utica, NY 13502 February 28 & March 1, 2015 The Mission of Our Lady of Lourdes Roman Catholic Parish is to Reveal the Compassionate Face of God. Eucharistic Celebrations Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:00 pm Sunday Masses: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:15 am & 5:00 pm Daily Mass - Monday thru Friday: 8:00 am Reconciliation: following the Saturday Vigil Mass Parish Office & Rectory: (315) 724-3155 Fax: (315) 732-3770 Intercessory Prayer Ministry: (315) 733-0616 Notre Dame Elementary School Office: (315) 732-4374 e-mail: llourdes@dreamscape.com web site: ourladyoflourdesutica.org Faith Formation Social Media: Website - www.lourdesff.com (grades preK-6) and www.lourdesteens.com (grades 6-10) Facebook - Grades 6-10: Our Lady of Lourdes Teens Twitter - Grades 6-10: @LourdesTeens Facebook - Young Adult Ministry: Our Lady of Lourdes Young Adult Ministry CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF LOURDES, UTICA, N.Y. page 2 Prayer Remembrances for the week of February 28th through March 6th Sunday, March 1, 2015 The Second Sunday of Lent Brothers and sisters: If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son but handed him over for us all, how will he not also give us everything else along with him? We pray for all members of the parish living and deceased, but especially Living: Requested by: Camille Caulkins Laurie Hotaling Teresa Bushinger & Pat Murphy Mom & Dad Deceased: Requested by: William Gorton Anniv. Wife, Alice Matthew Ogonowski, Jr. OLOL Parish Thomas E. Flahery-B’day Mary Alice Hebert Joseph Cody John & Mary Polera Raymond Baretta Patricia Durante Grace Hartnett Patricia Murphy Carmen Guarnieri Bill & Mora Milham Anne D. Keeler Husband, Bill Jennie McArthur 16th Anniv. Marilyn & Robert Brooks Thomas Demone Sister Georgette & Robert Taft Mary Rose Cahalan Brian Finnerty 1st Anniv. Wife, Johanna Finnerty Thomas Robert Hughes Stephen Zielinski Frank Deneen Emma, Joe & Bonnie Smith Helena Flanders & Michelle Frank Galime Helen Galime Donald Mulvihill Family The Word of the Lord Readings for Sunday, March 1st Genesis 22:1-2,9a,10-13,15-18 Psalm 116:10,15, 16-17, 18-19 Romans 8:31b-34 Mark 9:2-10 Readings for Sunday, March 8th Exodus 20:1-17 Psalm 19:8, 9, 10, 11 1 Corinthians 1:22-25 John 2:13-25 LOURDES CALENDAR Unless otherwise indicated, events take place in the dePaul Room of the Seton Center. 6:00 pm 7:30 pm 4:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 11:30 am 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:30 pm Monday, March 2 ACOA ~ Lawler Hall A.A. ~ Lawler Hall Wednesday, March 4 Mohawk Valley Breastfeeding Café Eternal Father Rosary Group ~ Seton Chapel Thursday, March 5 Adult Choir Friday, March 6 Comhaltas Saturday, March 7 A.A. Monday, March 9 ACOA ~ Lawler Hall LAOH A.A. ~ Lawler Hall Adult Education Course-Liberalism Classical to Modern at OLOL The Alexander Hamilton Institute will hold a free class on Wednesdays Beginning March 4th to June 3rd in the DePaul Room of the Seton Center Instructor David Frisk, a Resident Fellow at the AHI, holds a Ph.D. in political science and teaches its adult education Courses. For more information: dfrisk@theahi.org or call 381-3335 or Prof. Robert Paquette bob@theahi.org ……………………………………………………… Monthly Memorials March The gift of bread has been given in memory of Deceased Member of the Moylan Family by Family The gift of wine has been given in memory of Rosa & Augusto Cecilia By Daughter Maria Parisi & Family ……………………………………………………… We commend to God those who have recently passed on to their eternal reward. Robert E. Imer Priscilla Langdon John Murphy Mary DeTraglia Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. page 3 CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF LOURDES, UTICA, N.Y. We encourage you to participate in daily Mass during Lent. 6:45 am ~ St. John’s in New Hartford 7:30 am ~ Our Lady of the Rosary 8:00 am ~ Our Lady of Lourdes 9:00 am ~ St. John’s in New Hartford Keep It Simple To keep it simple this Lent, try the 1~1~1 Plan: one sin ~ one add-in ~ one give-up. 1. Concentrate or focus on one sin or fault that is getting in the way of your relationship with God and with others. 2. Add one positive activity that will deepen your prayer and spiritual life (especially if you think you are too busy to put anything more into an impossibly busy schedule!). 3. Deny yourself something that you really like or are attached to. Lenten Lunches Join Christians from other denominations for soup, sandwiches & conversation. Listen to an ecumenical discussion related to the meaning of Lent. The next lunch will take place from Noon until 1:00pm on Wednesday, March 4th at Westminster Moriah Olivet Presbyterian Church (714 Washington Street) ….. ….. ….. ….. Participating Churches: Westminster Moriah Olivet Presbyterian Church, Our Lady of Lourdes, First Presbyterian, Grace Episcopal, Tabernacle Baptist & Historic Old St. John’s YOUNG ADULT GATHERING Our next scheduled event will be Tuesday, March 10th at 6:30pm at the F.X. Matt Brewery's 1888 Tavern. There will be free food, drinks, and the opportunity to network with other young adults from the Mohawk Valley. A special guest speaker will lead us in a discussion about faith issues pertaining to the lives of young adults. This event is sponsored by the Roman Catholic parishes of the Mohawk Valley. Stations of the Cross Friday, March 6th ~ 7:00 pm Our Lady of the Rosary Friday, March 13th ~ 7:00 pm Our Lady of Lourdes Led by the students of Notre Dame Junior/Senior High School Operation Rice Bowl Hungering for the Journey Join our parish community - and more than 13,000 Catholic communities across the United States - in a life-changing Lenten journey with CRS Rice Bowl. Pick up your family’s rice bowl at each entrance of the church and don’t forget to download the CRS Rice Bowl app! Remember, your Lenten sacrifices change lives. Hungering for a Bountiful Earth This week CRS Rice Bowl takes us to the coffee highlands of Nicaragua, where we’re called to protect both the goodness of creation and the livelihoods of struggling families. How will this week’s fast remind us of the sacredness of God’s creation and our duty to protect it? Fr. Joe will be away from the parish March 1st thru March 15th. Fr. Lukasz will remain available For your spiritual needs. For all of your spiritual needs. WEEKLY COLLECTION The collection for the week of February 21 & 22 313 Envelopes….………………. $8,589.00 Electronic Giving….………………. $737.00 Plate…………………………… $1,772.75 Total……………………………… $11,098.75 Thank you for your continued support and generosity. PRAY THE ROSARY Daily Rosary is recited following the 8:00 am Mass in the Seton Center Chapel. Please join us. page 4 CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF LOURDES, UTICA, N.Y. FAITH FORMATION & LIFETEEN NEWS The next faith formation classes for grades PreK-8 are Sunday, March 15th & Sunday, March 29th from 10:00am-11:00am. And Life Teen, for grades 9 and 10, will be Sunday, March 15th & Sunday, March 29th at 5:00pm in the Seton Center. For the Families of First Communion Candidates: As we prepare your child for this Sacrament we invite you to attend our 9:00 Mass on Sunday mornings. These Children’s Masses will re-enforce our teachings in preparation for the Eucharist and will help the children realize that they belong to the Christian community. The theme for Sunday, March 15th will be Making Peace DON’T TAKE A VACATION FROM CHURCH One number you will want to remember when planning a vacation or on the road is 1-858-207-6277 or www.masstimes.org. By using the zip code of the city you are visiting, you will get the name, address and Mass times of the nearest Catholic Church. MEATBALL MADNESS Abraham House Annual Meatball Madness on Sunday March 1st at Hotel Utica from noon - 3:00 pm. A fun filled community event. Taste the areas best meatballs from restaurants throughout the Mohawk Valley. Cast your vote along with a meatball eating contest. Adults are $8, children 6-12 are $5, children 5 & under, senior citizens and military personnel are free. INTRODUCTION TO CENTERING PRAYER “I get so distracted, my mind wanders so much. How can I focus my prayer?” If you are ready to move deeper in your relationship with God, this is your next step. Learn how to free yourself from distraction and add depth of meaning to all prayer. Join an Introduction to Centering Prayer onSaturday, April 11th, from 9:00am until 2:00pm, at The Good News Center. The cost is $15.00 per person which includes lunch and optional follow-up sessions.For more information contact Tanya at 315-735-6210, tanya@TheGoodNewsCenter.org, or visit us on our website, www.TheGoodNewsCenter.org. MOVING? Please notify the parish office if you have a change of phone number or address. It is important for us to keep our records as up to date as possible. Liturgical Assignments for March 7 & 8, 2015 Altar Servers Chalice Eucharistic Ministers Bread Eucharistic Ministers Lectors 4:00 pm See Sacistan Diane Fiore Paul O’Hara Helen O’Hara Carol Polito Dan Boyle Mary Alice Hebert Lindsey Jones Jim Neary Kay Noon Shirley Hilts-Adams Ann Meyer Kevin Coates Shirley Hilts-Adams 7:30 am See Sacristan Nancy Kneller Vincent Looney Joan McGuire Charles Brown Jim Noyes Colleen Scharf See Sacristan Pete Anderson Suzanne Appleton Aurelia Greco Patricia Rosato Tom Connors Austin Eddy Tom Forsythe Richard Reister Herman VanHattan Melinda Thomas Christine Eddy Laura O’Shaughnessy Aurelia Greco See Sacristan Lucia Borrometti Dave Dwyer Mike Fanelli Kathy Quigley Gerald Sullivan Ray Toukatly JP Gilroy Gloria Joaquin Donna Kistler David Scharf Cheri VanEtten Tanya Gomez Sr. Lois Pacielio Brice Kristler See Sacristan Sheila Ambrose Doug Ambrose Kim Conoley Colleen Miccoli Chris Potocki Roger White Roger Potocki Jackie Santoro Mass 9:00 am 11:15 am 5:00 pm Gina Burke Tom Luley Greeters Marie Morosco Mary Ellen VanAllen Peter Deep Bill McLaughlin Maria Burynski Ray Burynski Office Volunteer Mary Holmes Sheri VanEtten page 5 CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF LOURDES, UTICA, N.Y. BAPTISMS: We joyfully welcome all into our Church family through this sacrament. For couples expecting a child, we encourage preparation to begin during pregnancy. Please contact parish offices to make arrangements as soon as possible. MARRIAGES: Couples seeking to be joined in the Sacrament of matrimony are asked to make arrangements with our Pastor at least six months in advance of the celebration. R.C.I.A.: Our church welcomes new members through a process called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and Children. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a Catholic or completing their entrance into our church through Confirmation or Holy Eucharist, please call the parish office. NEW PARISHIONERS: A thousand welcomes! We are happy that you are joining our faith community! Please enroll at parish office. HOSPITAL VISITS: When entering a hospital or nursing home, please inform its staff that you are a parishioner of Our Lady of Lourdes Church so that we may be properly notified. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Chapel located in Seton Center. Every Monday thru Thursday ~ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Friday ~ 9:00 am - noon (closed on holidays) Mass is a time of prayer and reflection. Out of respect to our clergy & parishioners, please turn your cell phones off during Mass. If it is necessary to leave your phone on due to your profession or a family emergency, please switch your phone to the ‘vibrate’ mode. PASTORAL STAFF Pastor: Rev. Joseph A. Salerno Parochial Vicar: Rev. Lukasz Kozlowski Deacon: Rev. Mr. William Hotaling Parish Minister: Sr. Lois Mary Paciello Outreach Ministries: Larry Hagan Youth Ministry & Faith Formation 6-10: Mark Ranieri ~ phone:765-1030 Faith Formation K-5: Nina Ranieri ~ phone: 534-3830 Music Director: Randy Davis Folk Group: Michael DeSantis Sunday Evening Liturgical Coordinator: Chris Bord Sunday Evening Music: Irena Lingley ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Business Administrator: Marie Morosco Receptionist/Bookkeeper: Paula Loin Administrative Assistant: Jim Powers Communications Specialist: Elyssa Arnone - Earl Summer Fun Program Director: Janis Farley FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE STAFF Facilities Manager: Joe Poupart Maintenance Assistant: Anthony Joaquin Housekeeper: Laurie Pensero We are equipped with a hearing assistance system. Please go to the sacristy before Mass. Father will assist you. Child Church is available for your convenience behind the Sacristy. A restroom and baby changing table are available in the room. Transmittal page CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF LOURDES, UTICA, NEW YORK Our Lady of Lourdes, Utica NY DuC 06-0146. Week #14 sent on February 25, 2015.
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