Parish News March 2015 - Our Lady of Lourdes Church

Parish News March 2015
As I write this in February it is snowing. As you read
this in March, I know spring is not that far
away. While there is beauty in the winter months, I
always prefer spring and summer.
This month we are in the midst of our Lenten season. We are aware that none of us are perfect. That is
why Christ came, to live, to suffer, to die and to rise so
we could have life with Him now and for all eternity. We are aware that our sinfulness offends the goodness of God, so we use
this time, but should always do penance and make amends to how good God
is to us. He is always willing to offer us forgiveness. March 3 the Archdiocese will celebrate "The Light is On For You" . Every parish in the Archdiocese will be open for the sacrament of Reconciliation from 7-9 p.m. We will
have those hours as well as 3:30-4:30 p.m. in case someone does not want to
come after dark. The parish will also hold a penance service on March 16,
at 7:00 p.m. We have confessions every Saturday from 2-3:30 p.m. If you
haven't been to confession for some time, if there is something standing in
the way between you and Jesus, now is the time. Don't let embarrassment
or fear stand in the way. Come to the Lord. Just say what you need to say
and let the Lord fill you with His peace and mercy and love. He wants to do
that for you. That is why He came, so He could save us from our sins. Let
this Lent be the one that becomes better between you and the Lord.
There are a variety of activities in March for Lent. Please check them out
and come to join us for these spiritual events.
March 13 and 14 is our weekend of Eucharistic Adoration. Drop by and
spend some time with the Lord.
My thanks to our LourdesAPalooza committee: Bill Maly, Joe Lovell, Jim
Zeller, Mark Telles, Mike Mattingly, Carmine DiLonardo, Dale Davidson, Roger Adams, Jeff Rinear, Mark Boyers, Joe Kyle, Pat Morgan, Sue Broerman,
Melissa Flohre, Mary James, Pattie Bauer, Carrie Priestle, and Mary Guidugli
who organized our event. It was an outstanding night last month. The reverse raffle came down to 3 of our parishioner families, The Broermans’,
The Wellbrocks’, and Stephanie and Tim Dinkelacker, who decided to split
the $20,000 three ways. Congratulations to them. We sold 453 out of the
500 tickets. My thanks to all who helped make this such a success and a fun
Easter is the 5 of April so you will see our Holy Week Mass schedule elsewhere for you convenience.
Happy St. Patrick's Day, the 17th and Happy St. Joseph's
Day. the 19th. Hang in there. Spring is coming. Have a
blessed Lent.
1. Priest gives a blessing or
2. Make the Sign of the Cross
and say “Bless me Father, for I
have sinned. My last confession was..” (give weeks,
months, or years.)
3. Confess all of your sins to the
priest. (if you are unsure or
uneasy, tell him and ask for
4. Say, “I am sorry for these and
all of my sins.”
5. The priest assigns a penance
and offers advice to help you
be a better Catholic.
6. Say an Act of Contrition, expressing your sorrow for your
sins. The priest, acting in the
person of Christ, then absolves you from your sins.
Act of Contrition
God, I am heartily sorry for having offended you, and I detest all
my sins because I dread the loss
of heaven and the pains of hell;
but most of all because they offend you, my God, who are all
good and deserving of all my
love. I firmly resolve with the
helpof your grace to confess my
sins, do penance, and to amemend my life. Amen.
The Synod and the Sensus Fidei
As Father Dave noted in his bulletin letter for Sunday, February 15th, the Vatican has asked for input from clergy and
laity alike in preparation for the 2015 Ordinary Synod on
“The Vocation and Mission of the Family in the Church and
Contemporary World.”
The current consultative process, which includes 46 questions for reflection and response, is not entirely unprecedented. Before the promulgation of the definition of the Immaculate Conception, Pope Pius IX asked the bishops
of the world to report to him in writing concerning the devotion of the clergy and
faithful to the conception of the Immaculate Virgin. In his apostolic constitution defining the Immaculate Conception, Ineffabilis Deus (1854), Pius IX noted that the
remarkable agreement of the Catholic bishops and faithful regarding the doctrine witnessed to the truth of the doctrine.
Likewise in 1946, Pope Pius XII wrote to the bishops of the world asking them to inform him ‘about the devotion of your clergy and people (taking account of their faith
and piety) toward the Assumption of the most Blessed Virgin Mary.” In his apostolic
constitution, Munificentissimus Deus (1950), Pius XII reported “the almost unanimous response” affirming the Assumption “thoroughly rooted in the minds of
the faithful.”
Developments also occur in the Church’s moral teaching. Over the centuries, as monetary exchange became more integral to economies, the Church’s teaching on receiving interest on a loan also changed. As early as the Council of Elvira (c. 306) clerics
and lay people were forbidden to receive interest. In the 1800’s the Church admitted
receiving appropriate interest on loans as admissible due to changing economic realities which Christians were experiencing.
So why would the Church consult the laity on matters of faith, morals, and pastoral
practice? It is a matter of what we call the sensus fidei. The sensus fidei is that supernatural instinct for the truth of the gospel which enables the baptized to recognize
and endorse authentic Christian doctrine and practice, and to reject what is
false. This is possible because at baptism we all receive the gift of the Holy Spirit,
which allows us to participate in the prophetic office of Jesus Christ, “the faithful and
true witness” (Rev. 3:14). For the individual Christian to participate in the sensus
fidei assumes that he/she participates in the faith and life of the Church, especially
regular participation in the Eucharist. The sensus fidei is not the sum of “man-in-the
-street” interviews.
Pope John Paul II wrote in Familiaris Consortio (1981) that the sensus fidei “does not
consist solely or necessarily in the consensus of the faithful.” Pastors need to
“promote the sense of the faith in all the faithful, examine and authoritatively
judge the genuineness of its expression, and educate the faithful in an ever more
mature evangelical discernment.”
Church leaders not only work for the increase of faith in others, they know their own
faith to be strengthened in a dialogue of faith. Paul wrote to the Romans that “we
may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and
mine” (Romans1:17).
Last June the International Theological Commission, which advises the Vatican on
various matters of faith and morals, published their study, “The Sensus Fidei in the
Life of the Church.” This article is dependent upon that document in many
Let’s Meet at my Place on
Sunday…Love, God
If you don’t go to Mass each weekend,
do you wonder why people bother to
go? What they “get out of it?” OLL parishioners are sharing their inspirational
thoughts about attending Mass and we
are publishing them on a periodic basis.
By this
time, we
are a few
weeks into
the beautiful 40 days of Lent and are preparing for
the central feast of our faith, Easter.
Hopefully we are attending holy Mass
more often during these weeks.
St. Pope John Paul II called Sunday “…
the heart of the Christian life” and the
Eucharist is the heart of Sunday. We celebrate the body of Christ becoming visible, nourishing us and enabling us to become bread that is give up (broken) for
When I take the time before Sunday
Mass to focus and reflect on the Sunday
scriptures, Sunday Mass takes on a much
deeper relevance. For example, in
the March 22 gospel, Jesus tells us,
“Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will preserve it for eternal life.” This reminds me
that I must develop an indifference to the
things of this world and focus on the eternity to come. What a gift this is to help me
through the tough times!
Also, we have two special feasts in
March: March 17 is St. Patrick and March
19 is St. Joseph. Pray to St. Patrick for
your family members who need to come
back to the Catholic faith. Ask St. Joseph
for the grace of a happy death, that he
and his family - Jesus and Mary- will escort us into heaven.
The Lord waits for us at Sunday Mass,
and I hope never to disappoint Him.
God really wants you at His place on
Sundays. We miss you. Think about it.
As our Year of the Mass prayer says,
“Become a sign of God's love to the
Fridays during Lent: Stations of the Cross 1:45 and 7 p.m. in church (except March 6th and March
Fish Fry every Friday in the School Cafeteria from 5-7:30 p.m. (senior discount 5 – 6 p.m.)
March 3, Tuesday, The Light is On! 3:30-4:30 p.m. and 7–9 p.m. at Our Lady of Lourdes.
Priests will be available to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation.
March 4, Wednesday Robert Barron: Priest, Prophet, King (video). 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Trinity
Hall. Facilitated by Parish Staff
March 6
Friday Come Watch with Me: The Perfect Storm. Prayer, meditation, and music with
Mike Davis as you walk the Via Dolorosa/Way of the Cross. 7 p.m. in OLL Church.
March 10 Tuesday, Confirmation, 7 – 9 p.m.
March 16, Monday Parish Reconciliation Service in Church, 7 – 8 p.m.
March 18, Wednesday, Lenten Simple Meal at 6 p.m. in the School Cafeteria
Supper will be a variety of soups, bread and beverages.
The evening is free, but there will be a basket for an optional offering for the poor .
March 25, Wednesday
Robert Barron: Priest, Prophet, King (video). 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Trini ty Hall
March 27, Friday. Taize Prayer Around the Cross. 7 p.m. in the OLL Church. This service fea
tures music, readings, reflection and silence in the style of the ecumenical
monastic community of Taize, France.
Palm Sunday -March 29, regular Mass schedule. Please bring your old
palm from last year. It will be used to light the Easter Vigil fire.
Holy Tuesday- Chrism Mass at the Cathedral with the Archbishop
at 7:00 p.m. He will bless all the Holy Oils for the Archdiocese.
For the next three days, no regular Communion services, morning Masses, Saturday adoration or confessions.
Holy Thursday- Mass of the Lord's Supper 7 p.m. Adoration until 11p.m.
Good Friday - Church will open at 10 a.m. Rosary at 12:30. Stations of the Cross at 1:00 p.m. Liturgy of
the Lord's Passion at 1:30. Church will remain open till 4:30 p.m. for prayer and private devotion.
Holy Saturday— Easter Vigil 9 p.m. Doors will open at 8 p.m.
Easter Sunday— Regular Sunday Mass schedule 8:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m.
Our second grade children in the school and religious education program have
been preparing for their First Communion. On March 23, 24, and 26 the children will
have the opportunity to make bread and learn more about the reason Jesus chose bread
as a way to share his life with us. The children will learn that the bread they make is physical food but
the bread that Jesus gives is very different – it is the Bread of Life. Parents will be helping the children
make the bread and joining their children for a prayer service that includes sharing the bread. Please
keep our second grade children and their families in your prayers.
The following students will receive the Sacrament of
Confirmation on March 10, 2015.
Our parish congratulates them!
Julie Beamer
Kerry Healey
Nadia Rangel
Caitlin Sheridan
Mackenzie Beiser
Elizabeth Huhn
Liz Reddington
Jack Souders
Cassie Bruning
Bradley James
Sarah Reddington
Brody Tebbe
Emily Burwinkel
Julia Kirby
Chase Rice
Mary Tepe
Olivia Buschle
Joey Kroger
Emily Ridder
Ava Uchtman
Peter Chin
Emma Masla
Katie Rieth
Ronald Wainscott
Matthew Comarata
Luke Masminster
Leah Rudemiller
Gunnar Wall
Casey Dirr
Sean O’Conner
Sarah Schultz
Joseph Ward
Delaney Dirr
Mary Peters
Autumn Sheaf
Ben Young
Natalie Zeller
As we practice prayer, fasting, and almsgiving during Lent, let us keep in mind the unborn, the aged, the infirm, and the
physically and mentally challenged. Here is a prayer from Priests for Life to be prayed throughout Lent:
Lenten Pro-life Prayer
Father of all mercy,
We thank you for this season of grace and light.
We know that sin has blinded us.
Draw us ever closer to you, in prayer and penance.
Since you, O God, are light itself,
Give all your people a clearer understanding
Of what is sin, and what is virtue.
Grant in particular that we may see, as never before,
The profound dignity of every human life,
Including the vulnerable unborn children.
Give us grace to defend
Our brothers and sisters in the womb
By our prayers, our words,
And our self-sacrificing actions.
We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Pregnancy Center West and Right to Life are always in need of donations and volunteers. And 40 Days for Life is a good
way to offer prayer and sacrifice in the cause of life. Call Barb at 720-0871 to sign up or to get more info.
Come Watch With Me:
The Perfect Storm
Special Lenten Concert: with Mike Davis
Join popular singer, religious educator and Christian,
Mike Davis as he presents "Come Watch With Me: The
It's Ok if it's been so long that you are embarrassed, and
Walk tHIS Way, the Light is ON for You
that you might not remember how. It is hard to think
about your failures. It is risky sharing it out loud - what if
you leave feeling guilty or judged. It is inconvenient, and
you already pray directly to God.
If you are searching for direction and practical advice to
move forward in your life; are you ready to take that next
step? Do you want to feel God’s love and compassion in a
very tangible way? Do you crave a real experience with
Jesus? Join us Tuesday, March 3 from 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.
each Catholic parish will be open for quiet prayer and
Confession. OLL will also offer it from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30
p.m. Learn more at and follow
#WalktHISway on Facebook and Twitter.
Priest, Prophet and King.
In a video presentation, Father Robert
Barron leads us to a
better understanding
of Jesus as the ultimate priest, prophet
and king foreshadowed in the Hebrew
Scriptures. We are
empowered to realize our own priestly, prophetic and
kingly mission which we received when we were baptized into Christ.
Wednesdays Feb. 25th, March 4th and March 25th.
10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Trinity Hall.
Facilitated by Parish Staff
Perfect Storm", on Friday evening March 6th, 2015
at Our Lady of Lourdes, This will be an incredible evening of prayer, meditation, and music with Mike Davis as
you walk the Via Dolorosa/Way of the Cross focusing on
the life, death, and ultimate resurrection of our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ. Mike's music and voice is sure to
touch the soul this Lent as we strive to turn our lives
over to the Lord as we walk our Lenten journeys
. The
concert begins at 7:00 pm in the Church No charge.
Free will donation. Come and rest in the Lord during
the storms of life this Lenten season
Taize Prayer Around the Cross
...a simple, yet profound communal worship experience offered to deepen communion with God.
Service will include scripture, meditative singing,
reflections and brief moments
of silence in a candle lit setting.
Our Lady of Lourdes, Friday March 27,
7 PM
We invite you to pray with us.
Music by the joint choirs of St. Jude, St Smon
and Our Lady of Lourdes..
Our Lady of Lourdes Boy Scout Troop 471 Annual Fish Fry!
Join us for dinner on Fridays during Lent! Eat in the cafeteria or carry out from 5:00 to
7:30 p.m. Senior Citizen Discount from 5 to 6 p.m.! Check out the flyer on OLL website, for menu and other information. Thanks for your support of our troop!
Lourdes-a-Palooza Update
This year’s Lourdes-a-Palooza was an unqualified success—the best ever. The
weather was great, Father Rudy’s gym was beautifully decorated, the crowd was
huge, entertainment was wonderful, and everyone seemed to have a grand time.
All told, we netted over $40,000 in profit for Our Lady of Lourdes School.
We raffled off over 40 gift baskets, awarded multiple silent auction items, and
sold 453 tickets for this year’s reverse raffle. The reverse raffle came down to three of our parishioner
families who decided to split the $20,000 Grand prize. The winners were the Broermans, the Wellbrocks, and Stephanie and Tim Dinkelacker. Congratulations to them all! Thanks to everyone who attended and sponsored the event and to all our volunteers who worked so hard to make it so successful.
New Car Game was a Hit!
Some of our Supportive
Our Awesome
Gift Basket Workers!
Reverse Raffle Winners
LourdesAPalooza Committee
Heads/Tails Game led by Mark
Telles is always a hit!
We have begun installation of the new security cameras in
the school annex and will begin shortly in Church. We hope
to complete trenching for the lighting in the parking lot as
weather permits. New motion lights and other safety
measures are being carried out throughout the campus.
Thank you to all for your support and making our dreams a
reality. Our plans are to complete this phase by spring!
Mr. C’s Newsletter
Keeping connected to all of the happenings at Our Lady of Lourdes.
March Important Dates
3/4 National Tornado Drill Day
3/8 Daylight Savings
3/10 Confirmation Night
3/17 St. Patrick’s Day
Catholic Schools Week and all of the fun activities have concluded.
The highlight of the week is the all school Mass at the cathedral. It is a
sight to see banners and representative from every Catholic school in
the Archdiocese in one place. We are accepting potential students for
next year. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please have
them contact the school for more information.
Save Your Labels for OLL
Drop off your labels in
the box in back of
church ... we need the entire UPC label. This program now supplies Visa
cash cards to the school.
Also , Kroger loyalty cards
can be registered online at to give money
to the school.
Pioneer Day Field Trip for 2nd graders
Games with our Buddies during Catholic
Schools Week
(Cheerleading, Football and Soccer) Registration period
is MARCH 1 - APRIL 26. (Cheerleading
will stay open until July 1st.)Please sign
up to play online at
Our parish family is a Christ
centered community.
We proclaim the mystery of Christ
by Praying -Teaching - Serving
all God’s people.
We are a visible sign of the
Living God’s presence.
Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.
Parish Mission Statement
Pentecost May 30, 1993
Our Lady of Lourdes Church
2832 Rosebud Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45238
Facebook: Our Lady of Lourdes
Cincinnati, Ohio
Permit No. 1975
more photos on
OLL website &
facebook page
1st and 2nd grade Girl Scouts made
Valentine crafts with the Sisters of Charity
Congratulations to our 8th grade Scholarship
All School assembly wished Fr.
Dave a happy birthday!
100 days of School Celebration!
The O.L.L. Top Scorer
Emily Burwinkel in Power
of the Pen area contest.
She scored in the top 10%
(14th out of 135 eighth
graders !