OUR LADY OF LOURDES PARISH NEWSLETTER 36, UTTOXETER ROAD, MICKLEOVER, DERBY. DE3 9GE Tel: 514107 Www.ourladyoflourdesparish.co.uk E.mail: frpaulchipchase@gmail.com Parish Priest: Fr Paul Chipchase 1st March 2015 Second Sunday in lent Saturday SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 6.30 pm 8.00 am 10.00 am 5.30 pm Lenten Feria 7.00 pm 7.30 pm Stations of the Cross Michael & Katie Cafferky RIP Lenten Feria 9.30 am Peter Bocij RIP WEDNESDAY Lenten Feria 9.10 am 9.30 am 6.30 pm THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY ` David MacCready RIP (O’Connor) Michael Hindle RIP People of the Parish Stations of the Cross St John’s Group - prayers for the bereaved Bob Neville ROP (Oldfield) Reception of the body of Brian Stephenson RIP into church Lenten Feria 9.30 am Funeral Mass for Brian Stephenson RIP Lenten Feria 12.00 noon Ita Scaman RIP (O’Hara) Lenten Feria 11.30 am Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (Renewal Day) Third Sunday of Lent 6.30 pm Philip Maguire RIP 8.00 am Monica Thompson RIP (Gallear) 10.00 am People of the Parish 6.30 pm Stations of the Cross DIARY FOR THIS WEEK Sunday: Under 7’s Liturgy 10.00 am Mass. Sunday School 11.15 am. Stations of the Cross 5.30 pm. CTG Lent Talk in All Saints at 6.30 pm. Tuesday: Co-workers of Blessed Mother Teresa meeting in the back room of the Parish Centre at 7.30 pm. All welcome. Wednesday: Coffee after Mass. All welcome. First Holy Communion parents meeting in the back room of the Parish Centre at 8.00 pm. Thursday: Finance meeting in the back room of the Parish Centre. 7.30 pm Friday: Lenten Frugal Lunch will be served in the Parish Centre following Mass at noon. All welcome. Saturday: Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (Derbyshire) Renewal Day - Mass at 11.30 am. Next Sunday: Sunday School 11.15 am. Coffee after Mass. All welcome Stations of the Cross at 6.30 pm. followed by the CTG Lent Talk by Revd Maureen Priddon. Anniversaries: Thomas Winandy, Anne McCormack, Michael Hindle Adam Pietrasik, Jim Ruth, Emily Byrne, Joseph Scanlon Eugenie Wright, Pat Dolman, Thomas Mahon, Sheila Howard ROTAS Readers: Sat. 6.30 pm. 8.00 am. 10.00 am. This week: J. Wickerson M. & J. Neville G. von Fragstein Next week: J. Keily K. Connolly A. & C. Lillie Counters: This week: Mrs Fazekas & Mr Derry Next week: Mr & Mrs Brayshaw Offertory Sat. Mass: This week: Collectors Next week: Connolly family Offertory Sun. Mass: This week: Under 7’s Liturgy Next week: Lowrie family Cleaners: (5) Ann Barlow, Gilly Camp, William & Marika Dimech Coffee after Mass: This week: Outreach Next week: Volunteers please NEWS AND EVENTS This Lent we will be supporting CAFOD's ‘One Climate, One World campaign’, which will focus on tackling the effects of extreme weather by helping people to cope with the aftermath of storms, floods and droughts. There are brown envelopes, marked "CUT IT OUT" for your Lenten almsgiving. THIS YEAR, the government will match your donations £ for £ so let's see how we can double our money and collect a huge amount this Lent! Bacon Butties will be on sale after 10.00 am Mass today 1st March in aid of the Zambian Orphanage. African Sung Mass by Africans in Derbyshire St. George's Church, today Sunday 1st March 2015. at 2pm prompt. All welcome. Stations of the Cross this service will begin at 5.30pm today Sunday 1st March followed by the Churches Together Lent talk in All Saints at 6.30 pm. Food Bank Collection There is no official collection this weekend due to the recent ‘Sleepover’, however, any donations received will be passed onto the food bank. The next collection will be over the weekend of 29th/30th March. Pope Francis has requested we join him in prayer by remembering all Christian suffering persecution for their faith this Tuesday (3rd March) at 1.00 pm. Stations of the Cross in Our Lady of Lourdes next Sunday 8th March. This service will begin at 6.30pm followed by the Churches Together Lent talk by Revd Maureen Priddon. You are invited to join this year’s Lent TalksThe theme running through the four talks will be on the poor and disadvantaged people. 1st March 6.30 pm in All Saints - Modern Slavery in the UK and our response, speaker Archdeacon Christine Wilson: 8th March 6.30 pm our church, City of Sanctuary – The plight of Asylum Seekers, Revd Maureen Priddin: 15th March 6.30 pm the Methodist Church, The Derby Churches Night Shelter – our response to the poor on our streets, speaker Rev Ally Kay. 22nd March at 6.30 pm in St John’s. Environmental Change and its effect on the poor across the world, speaker Claire Bampton. These talks are organised by Churches Together in Mickleover (CTOG) which is why they are based at the different churches in Mickleover. Your support will be greatly appreciated. Women's World Day of Prayer There will be no service in Mickleover this year. you wish to attend a service on Friday, 6th March, there will be one in Derby Cathedral at 2pm or Littleover Methodist Church at 2.15pm. “Born for This” by CJM Music - Students and Staff of Saint Benedict Catholic Academy present their interpretation of the Passion of Jesus. Wednesday 18th March 7.30pm here in our church. – Admission Free. A voluntary collection will be taken after each performance in aid of CAFOD. See poster for more details. YMCA Derbyshire’s 2015 Sleep Easy event is taking place on Friday 6th March Derbyshire County Cricket Club. 7pm-7am Will you sleep rough again so that other’s don’t have to? All the money raised goes directly to YMCA Derbyshire projects, impacting your community and helping disadvantaged young and vulnerable people in Derby and Derbyshire to build a future. To sponsor Gillian Sewell, CEO at YMCA Derbyshire please visit: https://secure.artezglobal.com/registrant/FundraisingPage.aspx?registrationID=470139&langPref=enCA&Referrer=%26Referrer%3ddirect%252fnone for further information see poster. Derby Irish Festival 7-17th March. Please see info. in the Gathering Area. General Election 2015 The Bishops have written a joint Letter to all Catholics in England and Wales encouraging us to participate and vote in the election and offering some key issues and questions for reflection on where candidates stand. Copies will be available on Sunday 1st March and can be obtained with other information, at that time, from the Bishops' Conference website www.catholicnews.org.uk. Please read the Letter and encourage others to do the same. Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster. Justice & Peace A list of forthcoming meetings & events is on the Outreach notice board. Church Security - our church continues to be targeted by those who mistakenly believe that there is money or items of value which can be stolen. It is therefore necessary to remove, or seal all money boxes, including the one on the votive candle stand. Please make your contribution for candles via the envelopes provided into the Sunday collection but DO NOT leave money or valuables in church. Pope Francis has asked that all churches should be open for people to pray before the blessed Sacrament. Our church will not be locked against those who come here with proper intentions! YMCA – Gillian a huge thank you for the CTU sleep easy event. Thanks to both CTU and the parish a staggering £646.95 was raised on the night with a further £222.00 in pledges. With gift aid this should reach a £1K. If you still have to meet your pledge, these can be left at the Presbytery. Please put in an envelope and mark it clearly as a pledge. Thank you so very much it means a lot to me personally and a difference to the kids we serve. Health & Safety: All users of the Parish Centre To protect young people from risk the door to the bar area is now locked. The key is hanging on the right hand side of the door frame, please ensure the door is locked and the key replaced after use. DO NOT allow any young people beyond this door. Under H & S it is a requirement that all hazardous materials (i.e. cleaning items) are to be locked away and as glasses also pose a risk the decision was taken to lock the outer door. Please help us to keep our young people safe. Thank you Burton on Trent & Swadlincote Following a period of deteriorating health Fr Richard Hardstaff has resigned from his ministry to these parishes. Mgr. Tom McGovern has appointed myself as Pastoral Administrator to the two parishes (in addition to my existing responsibilities). Fr John Paul will celebrate Mass and the sacraments in these parishes for the foreseeable future and will respond to pastoral needs. Please keep all concerned in your prayers. Fr Paul. Gwen Pedroza RIP Please pray for the repose of her soul and for her family who grieve. May she rest in peace.
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