Pierre Coubertin Awards Pierre dede Coubertin Awards rre de Coubertin Awards ...blending sport withculture cult ure and ion... ... sport with andeducat education ...blending...blending sport with culture and education ... Dear Principal, Dear PrincipalDear Principal On behalf of the Queensland Olympic Council we invite your school to participate in the 2015 Pierre de On of the Queensland Olympic Council we invite your school to participate in the 2014 On behalf ofCoubertin the behalf Queensland Awards. Olympic Council we invite your school to participate in the 2014 Pierre de Coubertin Awards. Pierre de Coubertin Awards. This year there are 2 options to nominate your student, online or by completing the enclosed nomination and the future of Olympism in world. a digital world. The 2014 theme and is Youth the future of register Olympism a digital The 2014 form. theme is Youth To access the online nomination tool please at theinOlympic Education website, education.olympics.com.au. Once registered, youmodern will be able to nominate your student using the The Awards, named after of the founder of Olympic the Olympic Games, theonline importance The Awards, named after the founder the modern Games, promote the promote importance Pierre de Coubertin nomination form. of participation sport and physical Theystudents recognise who demonstrate of participation in sport andin physical activity. Theyactivity. recognise whostudents demonstrate initiative,sportsmanship teamwork, sportsmanship fair play through participation in sports, a variety of sports, initiative, teamwork, and fair playand through participation in a variety of The Awards, named the founder ofwith, the modern Olympic Games, the importance of qualities we after are very and are consistent withpromote the fundamental qualities which we arewhich very familiar with, familiar and are consistent with the fundamental aims of the aims of the participation in sport and physical activity. They recognise students who demonstrate initiative, teamwork, Olympic movement. Olympic movement. sportsmanship and fair play through participation in a variety of sports, qualities which we are very Sport with, participation continues to play anpart important part in Olympic our and has assisted us to familiar and are with the fundamental aims of the movement. Sport participation continues toconsistent play an important in our lives and haslives assisted us to develop a whole range of life-long skills. Our successes, both on the international beach develop a whole range of life-long skills. Our successes, both on the international beach Sport participation continues to play an important part in our lives and has assisted us to develop a whole volleyball circuit and in the pool, are testament to the value and importance of these skills. volleyball circuit and in the pool, are testament to the value and importance of these skills. range of life-long skills. Our successes, both on the international beach volleyball circuit and in the pool, We invite tostudent select one student asofyour school's Pierre de Coubertin Award We invite you to selectyou one as your school's Pierre de Coubertin Award recipient for recipient for are testament to the value and importance these skills. 2014. The student may be from Year 10, 11 or 12 and must meet the awards' criteria. The com2014. The student may be from Year 10, 11 or 12 and must meet the awards' criteria. The completed Recipient Nomination Form must be received at the Queensland Olympic Council by We invite you to select one student as your school’s Pierre de Coubertin Award recipient for 2015. The pleted Recipient Nomination Form must be received at the Queensland Olympic Council by Friday 16 May 2014. Friday 16 May 2014.may be from Year 10, 11 or 12 and must meet the awards’ criteria. The completed Recipient student Nomination Form must be received at the Queensland Olympic Council by Friday 15 May 2015. Having met your the criteria, your Pierre de Coubertin doubt berole a valuable role Having met the criteria, Pierre de Coubertin recipient will recipient no doubtwill beno a valuable model for the entire school community. The Award provides an ideal opportunity for you model for the entire community. The de Award provides an ideal for you role to model Having metschool the criteria, your Pierre Coubertin recipient will noopportunity doubt be a valuable for to the acknowledge them. acknowledgeentire them.school community. The Award provides an ideal opportunity for you to acknowledge them. Award recipients each receive a certificate by Mr Coates John Coates AC, President of the Award recipients will each receive a certificate signed bysigned Mrsigned John Coates AC, President of the Award recipients willwill each receive a certificate by Mr John AC, President of the Australian Australian Olympic Committee, and will be invited to receive their award at the official Australian Olympic Committee,and andwillwill be invited to receive their award at presentation the official ceremony to be Olympic Committee, be invited to receive their award at the official presentation be heldon in Saturday Brisbane 12th on Saturday 12thPrior July, to 2014. Prior to the Cerepresentation ceremony to ceremony be held intoBrisbane July, 2014. the Cereheld in Brisbane on Saturday 11will Julyhave 2015.thePrior to theopportunity Ceremony each award recipient have the mony each award recipient unique to participate in thewillLeadership mony each award recipient will have the unique opportunity to participate in the Leadership unique opportunity to participate in the Leadership Program. Program. Program. For information about the awards, please contact Lisa Zoomers, Queensland Olympic Olympic Council Forfurther further information about the awards, please contact Lisa Zoomers, Queensland For further information about the awards, please contact Lisa Zoomers, Queensland Olympic by email at telephone (07) 3121 6428, visit website online at Council byqoc@olympics.com.au email at qoc@olympics.com.au or on telephone (07)or 6428, or visit the awards Council by email at qoc@olympics.com.au ororonontelephone (07) 3121 6428, or3121 visitthe theawards awards education.olympics.com.au for more information. website online at www.olympics.com.au/qld for more information. website online at www.olympics.com.au/qld for more information. Yours Yourssincerely, sincerely, Yours sincerely, COOK OAM OAM NATALIE NATALIE OAM COOK NATALIE COOK Olympian—1996, 2000,2004, 2004,2008, 2008,2012 2012 Olympian—1996, Olympian—1996, 2000, 2004, 2000, 2008, 2012 President—Queensland OlympicCouncil Council President—Queensland Olympic President—Queensland Olympic Council Olympic Goldand and Bronze Medallist Olympic Gold Bronze Medallist Beach Olympic Gold and Bronze Medallist Beach Volleyball Volleyball Beach Volleyball LARA DAVENPORT OAM LARA DAVENPORT OAM LARA DAVENPORT OAM Olympian—2008 Olympian—2008 Olympian—2008 Chair—Education Commission Qld Chair—Education Commission Qld Qld Medallist Olympic Medallist Swimming Olympic Gold GoldOlympic MedallistGold Swimming Swimming About the Awards The acknowledged founder of the modern Olympics, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, was convinced that participation in physical activity played a significant role in developing the individual. The Awards are designed to recognise students who demonstrate initiative, teamwork, sportsmanship and fair play through participation in a variety of sports in the competitive arena. These qualities are consistent with the fundamental aims of the Olympic Movement. The Awards provide your school with the opportunity to acknowledge your Award recipient. The Pierre de Coubertin Awards strongly support physical education and sport in schools and promote a commitment to positive values. They aim to recognise good sportsmanship and not just elite performance. Eligibility Students eligible for the Award must: • NOT have received the Pierre de Coubertin Award on a previous occasion; • be enrolled in either year 10, 11 or 12 in 2015; and • meet the criteria for the Award. Blood Red Tar John-Ryan Davis The Southport School, 2013 Recipient Inspired by Derek Redmond’s race at the Barcelona 1992 Olympics A faltering stride, a break in his movement, The rumbling crowd silenced, ever so prudent. A stumble, jitter and a spin, No chance of gold, no hope to win. A father leaps from the bustling stands, To help a son, hunched on both hands. Palms scared from the blood red tar, Healed by a whisper, “c’mon son, it’s not that far”. Excellence, friendship, the Olympic Spirit, A journey incomplete, was there need to fear it? Growing in strength, hope and determination, This is the day he rises for his nation. Faces streaming with tears of pride, The emotions of the moment too overwhelming to hide. Step by step, no matter how deep the pain, He won’t run on this track, not ever again. His father’s arms held him tight, The strength to move, the end in sight. Together they would walk the track, A committed vow to not look back. Green coats attempt to stop their quest, This father knows what is best. He brushes them off with dominate gestures, An act of kindness though contentious. These heroic events stand as an Olympic Movement, That makes people reflect and look for self-improvement. Many personal bests and world-records were set. Derek Redmond however, we will never forget. Criteria Sport Participation At some stage during years 7-12, the Award recipient must have represented the school, district or region as a participant in at least three sports in the competitive arena, demonstrating initiative, teamwork, sportsmanship and fair play. One of those sports must be on the current Olympic program. Literary or Artistic Work The Award recipient must submit an original piece of literary OR artistic work, which illustrates their appreciation of the Olympic Movement. Literary or Artistic works can include, but are not limited to, songs, poems, paintings or video footage of creative presentations. Literary works should be a maximum of 2 typed A4 size pages. Artistic works should be a maximum A2 size or equivalent in a 3D context. Alicia Kirk, Burdekin Catholic HS, 2014 Recipient Encourage your nominee to be creative with their submission. Artworks will be displayed and exceptional presentations, literary works and musical performances will be incorporated into the Presentation Ceremony on 11 July 2015 in Brisbane. Awards Ceremony and Leadership Program FAQ Certificates recognising Award recipients will be presented at the official 2015 Pierre de Coubertin Awards Ceremony in Brisbane on Saturday 11 July 2015. Prior to the Ceremony each award recipient will have the unique opportunity to participate in the Leadership Program. Is the Pierre de Coubertin Award for elite sportspeople only? No. The Pierre de Coubertin Award aims to recognise good sportsmanship and not just elite performance. Following the nomination closing date, all nominees and their schools will be notified by email on the outcome of their nomination. Successful nominees will also be forwarded details of the ceremony. The certificates of students unable to attend will be mailed to their school for presentation at an appropriate occasion such as a school assembly or Awards night. Nomination Closing Date The Queensland Olympic Council must receive completed Award recipient information and literary or artistic works by Friday 15 May 2015. Recipient Nomination Forms and supporting works must be sent to: Queensland Olympic Council 69 Hale Street Brisbane Qld 4000 OR qoc@olympics.com.au Nomination Checklist • Nomination form completed and signed by the Principal? • Literary / artistic work completed and attached? • Entry submitted no later than Friday 15 May 2015? “The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.” Baron Pierre de Coubertin Is there just one overall winner of the Award? No. Every student who is nominated and fulfils the criteria receives the Award from the Australian Olympic Committee. Do the three sports have to be Olympic Sports? Only one sport needs to be an Olympic sport. The other two sports can be any competitive sport. They can be, but are not limited to, swimming, athletics, cross country, hockey, tennis, soccer, rugby union, rugby league, AFL, archery, baseball, netball, basketball, rowing, fencing, diving etc. For a list of all sports on the current Olympic Program go to www.olympic.org/en/content/sports. Can I nominate more than one student? No. Only one student per school can be nominated for the Award each year. How do I complete the Nominee’s Sporting Achievements section on the Recipient Nomination Form? Please limit response to the space provided and tick the relevant box. Space has also been provided for one concise sentence about the nominee’s sporting highlight to date. Please discuss this with the nominee. If they are successful, the information in this sentence will be read by the Master of Ceremonies during the official Awards Presentation Ceremony as the recipient receives their Award on stage. Why do I need to provide an email address for the student? All nominees are sent an email from the Queensland Olympic Council to notify them of the result of their nomination. If they are successful, the email will include a personal invitation to attend the official Awards Presentation Ceremony. PLEASE NOTE The President of the Australian Olympic Committee has indicated that any marketing initiative which would allow a commercial organisation to associate itself with the Pierre de Coubertin Awards would be against the spirit of the Awards and the commercial interests of the Australian Olympic Committee. The Australian Olympic Committee will retain the marketing and licensing rights to their protected words, symbols and other properties. The Pierre de Coubertin Awards are proudly presented by: The Queensland Olympic Council ...school honour Pierre de Coubertin Awards ...school honour board initiative board initiative The Queensland Olympic Council (QOC) is pleased to offer the Pierre de Coubertin Awards Honour Board Program again in 2014. Many schools have taken up this opportunity and now provide a perma- nent display in recognition of those outstanding students who have been worthy of the honour of this prestigious Award. The Queensland Olympic Council (QOC) is pleased to offer the Pierre de Coubertin Awards Honour Boardhas Program in 2015. Many schoolsrange have taken up this opportunity now providetoa purchase. The The QOC againagain commissioned a special of Honour Boards forand your school permanent display in recognition of those outstanding students who have been worthy of the honour of designs have been approved for use by the Australian Olympic Committee and feature the Olympic this prestigious Award. Crest and Rings logo. The QOC has again commissioned a special range of Honour Boards for your school to purchase. The designs have been approved for use by the Australian Olympic Committee and feature the Olympic Crest If you like to order one of these Boards, including engraving of all your past Award andwould Rings logo. recipients, or for like more information please contact us viaengraving qoc@olympics.com.au or phone 07 3121 6428. If you would to order one of these Boards, including of all your past Award recipients, or for more information please contact us via qoc@olympics.com.au or phone 07 3121 6428. Option A $415 (plus delivery) Option A $415 (plus delivery) Dimensions areDimensions 600mm x 600mm holds up to 44 Award winners. areand 600mm x 600mm and holds up to 44 Award winners. Option B $460 (plus delivery) Option B $460 (plus delivery) Dimensions are 600mm x 600mm holds xup600mm to 40 Award winners. Dimensions are and 600mm and holds up to 40 Award winners. Delivery charges as follows (includes packaging and freight insurance): Brisbane/Gold Coast: $37 Sunshine Coast/Ipswich: $41 Qld Country South: $45 Qld Country North: $53 Delivery charges as follows (includes packaging and freight insurance): Brisbane/Gold Coast: $37, Sunshine Coast/Ipswich: $41, Qld Country South: $45, Qld Country North: $53
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