Weekly Galloway Connection Sheet

Galloway Connects through Prayer
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Love & Sympathy
To Durden Moss on the death of her father, and to Mary Ann Darsey on the death of her grandfather,
Robert Leslie Pillow on Saturday, February 21, 2015. His service was held on Wednesday, February 25
at The Church of the Nativity in Greenwood, MS.
In The Hospital
Louise Ginn
In Our Thoughts and Prayers
Continue Praying For
Paislee Noell Boykin-grandchild of Diane & Clay Rouse,
preemie baby in NICU at St. Dominic’s
Yuvette Carter-receiving home hospice care
Ruth Easley-mother of David Gant, moving to Trinity
Mission Nursing Home after a hospital stay
Emily Fenske-daughter of Carol Biedenharn, on the birth
of her son Otto Gregory Fenske on Sunday, February 22.
Sandra Grantham- receiving home hospice care
Cheryl Huntley-home following a hospital stay
Ron Martin for upcoming surgery
Kathy Morgan- daughter of Joe Hilliard, diagnosed
with stage 3 lung cancer
Paige McLendon-friend of Kathy Evans, receiving chemo
for pancreatic cancer and continuous care
Sara Roberts-undergoing chemo for breast cancer
Tim Ross-home following a hospital stay
Tiffany Renee Simmons- niece of Rita & Allan Simmons,
at UMC in Critical Care
Jean Sheriff for healing and wellness
George Sikes-advanced renal cell cancer
Lane Staines-on bed rest until the birth of her baby
Bill Tennant-home following a hospital stay
Kay Valentine-scheduled for a mastectomy on Feb. 26
Mary Frances Broome at Highland Home
Sally & Charles Carmichael-for health concerns
Jack Cooke-recovering from outpatient wrist surgery
Ralph Farr at Manhattan
Ruth Hobbs mother of Falvia Plumpp-Roberts, recovering
from a fall
Janet Jones-recovering from Carotid Artery surgery
Joy and Devereaux Jones for health concerns
Kuebler Family
Lynette Lewis-recovering from a fall
David McGee Kimberly Graham’s father, with leukemia
Mary Martin-Sherry Russum’s sister, for health concerns
Lauralee Meyer April Vestal’s mother, in palliative care
Martha Nations-for cancer reoccurrance
Family and friends of Alan Nunnelee, who died on Friday,
February 6
James Prewitt Susan Cardin’s father
Mary Price-at home, recovering from back surgery
Peggy Rogers Pam Tatnall’s cousin, with pancreatic
Ann Myers Schimmel at home, recovering from stroke
Eleanor Taylor at home recovering from a fall
Jack Wakeland for health concerns
Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know
the way I should go, for to you I lift up my
soul.—Psalm 143:8
Submit your prayer requests to Emily Sanford
at esanford@gallowayumc.org or Susan Richards
at srichards@gallowayumc.org. Concerns will
remain on the list for 3-4 weeks unless otherwise
Upcoming Weddings
Pray for Our Military
+ Ellen Sampson & Sean Saathoff
+ Kacky Cole & Chandler Mangum
+ Savannah Goodman & + Stuart Tirey
+ Kate Ridgway & Jerame Hill
+ Kimbell Bingham & Vaughan Waters
+ Mary Clair Cardin & Noel Cumbaa
+ Elizabeth Queen & Matthew Henry
Mar. 14
Mar 21
Apr. 11
June 20
June 27
Oct. 3
Nov. 14
Justin Alexander (cousin of +Corinne Sampson) in North
Carolina, serving in Army Special Forces
Jon Marchetti (friend of +Renee Jones) in basic training
in the Navy
1st Lt. Thomas Cooper (son-in-law of +Cheryl Huntley)
serving in the Mississippi Army National Guard
Christopher Daniel in the Navy, stationed at Stennis
Space Center
*David Hudson (nephew of +Ken St. John) Marines,
serving in Afghanistan
*Scott Johnson (nephew of +Judy Taylor) in the Army,
stationed in Germany
+Ismael Luna active duty in the Army National Guard
while attending MS College
Matthew Corey Mayberry (son of Carolyn & Harold
Mayberry) in the Army, based in Louisiana & Texas
+Jonathan McLeran (son of +Janet Porter & brother of
+Monte Kraus) in the Navy, based in Jacksonville, FL
Blake Rhoades (husband of +Quincey Griffith and
son-in-law of Wesley & Kat Griffith) Captain in Military
Intelligence in the Army; at Carnegie Melon in Pittsburgh
Maj. Frank Rosenblatt (son of +Lauren & Jim
Rosenblatt) in the Army, serving at Camp Smith, Hawaii
*Kyle Shelton (nephew of +Joey Shelton) in the Army,
serving his third tour in Afghanistan
Austin Snider (brother of Megan Snider) in the Marines,
in combat training school in North Carolina
Chase Sorrell (cousin of Chris Daniel) Senior Airman in the
Air Force Reserve. Deployed to Jordan in November
Carlton Wilkerson (husband of +Dabney Lipscomb
Wilkerson) serving in the Air Force, at Shaw AFB in South
*indicates currently deployed personnel
+indicates Galloway member
+Indicates Galloway member
Expecting Baby
Kyla and David Weems
Lane and Scott Staines
Leah and Tal Hendrix
Claire and Jeremy Jungling
Kate & Michael Boerner
Dabney & Carlton Wilkerson
Lauren & Wesley Clay
Victoria & Brandon Ezell
Mar. 29
Mar. 23
Apr. 2
Apr. 17
May 3
May 7
June 6
June 21
Seminary Students
Lori Galambos
Kelsey Hall
Erin Hicks
Dwight Johnson
Haley Jones
Ben Nicholson
Duke Divinity School
Candler School of Theology
Princeton Theological Seminary
Ctr for Youth Ministry Training,
Memphis Theological Seminary
Boston School of Theology
Bible College in Colorado
Pray for Our Missionaries
Hispanic Ministries
Dakin Cook
Margaret Madison
Phyllis Asher
Terry Henderson
Ludmilla Garbuzova
Paul Jeffery
Forrest, MS
Nepal (Retired)
First UMC of Moscow
Honduras/C. America
Volunteer Opportunities
Galloway’s Care-A-Van Ministry needs van drivers and
greeters. No special license required for drivers. To help
with this special ministry, please contact Susan Richards
at srichards@gallowayumc.org or 601-353-9691.
Communion Servers are needed to deliver in-home communion to Galloway’s homebound members and those
residing in senior living facilities during Holy Week, March
29-April 5. For more information, please contact Susan
Richards at srichards@gallowayumc.org or 601-353-9691.
Pray for Upcoming Events
Living into the Lectionary Bible Study each Sunday
evening at 6:00 p.m. in The Foundery led by Joey Shelton
and Emily Sanford. Snack supper 5:00-6:00 p.m. in
reception rooms A & B. No cost for the meal, but
donations are appreciated.
Communion & Contemplation-5:30-6:00 p.m. in the
Chapel each Wednesday evening
Fellowship & Acts of Service –6:00-7:00 p.m. in The
Foundery each Wednesday evening. 1-course supper for
$4.00 per plate.
Health Advocacy Training Saturday, February 28 in
Reception A & B. Community Health Advocates are lay
persons trained to assist individuals and communities in
adopting healthy behaviors. For more information,
contact Leslie Bingham or Susan Richards 601-353-9691.