Newsletter - Warren Consolidated Schools

Robert D. Livernois, Ph.D., Superintendent
Joe Konal, Chief Academic Officer
Michael Schulte, Principal
Kelly Raeside, Secretary
Sharon Piotrowski, Clerk
The mission of the Wilkerson school community is to ensure that all children will learn. We will develop socially responsible
lifelong learners by providing a safe and positive environment that celebrates the individual successes of all children. We
will challenge, guide, motivate and nurture every child to achieve their personal best and to be a meaningful contributor to
our community. We will respond to the diverse needs of each child through best practices and collaboration among all
MARCH 2015
Office Phone: 586-825-2550
Absence Line: 586-825-2550 #2
8:17 AM – Entry Bell
8:22 AM – 3:29 PM
Office Hours: 8:00 – 4:00
Latch Key:
Before School Begins – 6:45 am
After School Ends – 6:00 pm
Hot Lunch
$ 1.25
Wilkerson Elementary
12100 Masonic Blvd., Warren, MI 48093
Phone: (586) 825-2550 Fax: (586) 698-4385
During the month of March we
celebrate reading.
frequently want to know how
they can help their child at
home. The following suggestions
have been used with positive results. Make
your house a house of books; if you are a TV
bug rather than a reader, your child is likely
to be one too. Start with books that center
around your child’s interests. Introduce
your child to the library. Get free library
books on your I-Pad. Give books as gifts for
birthdays and Christmas. Find a place in
your home your child can keep their books.
Encourage your child to tell you about what
they have read. Find time to discuss stories
with your child. Tell them about the books
you are reading. Praise your child for their
efforts. Compliment them on the progress
made in school and at home. Encourage your
child to share his/her knowledge of reading
with a younger child. Children love being the
teacher. Read with your child every night.
Subscribe to children’s magazines. There
are many good ones available today. Your
child will look forward to their own mail and
reading materials. Enjoy the time you are
able to spend with your child, they will be
excited if you get excited about reading and
demonstrate that on a daily basis.
There is a 24-hour turn around on homework
requests. If a child is out for one day, they can
get their work the day they return. Policy is that
for every day absent there is a day for make-up.
Please request homework in the morning in order
for the teacher to have enough time to prepare.
Children who are five years of age on or
before September 1, 2015, are eligible to
attend Kindergarten in the fall of 2015.
Kindergarten registration for Wilkerson will
be held at the WCS Administration Building
on March 2nd from 9:00-3:30 and March 4th
from 10:30-6:30pm.
Beginning Monday,
March 30 , ALL elementary Schools will be
able to register at the WCS Administration
Building on Monday through Thursday from
At the time of registration, please bring
with you the student’s original Birth
Certificate, his/her Immunization Record,
and the following two proofs of residency:
mortgage document or rental agreement and
a utility or credit card bill showing your
name and address. If you are not the
homeowner or signer of the lease, a
notarized statement of residency is needed
from the taxpayer and the taxpayer’s proof
of residency.
For children of divorced parents, please
bring court papers indicating who has
physical custody.
If you missed the parent meeting (February
10), we have registration packets here at
Wilkerson. We can also send them home
with your older child or you can make
arrangements to pick it up at the office.
Please call and let us know how to get this
important information to you.
Parent-Teacher Conferences for Kdg.
through 5th grade will be held on Thursday,
March 12, in the afternoon and evening.
This will be a half day of school.
Students will be dismissed at 11:33
It is the responsibility of the
parent to notify the school
when their child is absent.
Absences may be reported 24 hours a day
by calling our main number, 825-2550 and
pressing #2. Please call before 10:30. If
we do not hear from you, the home is
contacted to make sure everything is okay.
If a child is out due to illness, a call is not
made each day, an assumption being made
that the child is still ill. If we cannot reach
the parent, we will attempt to contact you at
work and continue on to emergency numbers
in order to make certain our students are
safe. Thank you for your cooperation in
calling when your children are out.
We consistently have between 25-40 students
tardy every day. It is not the best way to
start the day.
The students are rushed,
they miss bell work and most importantly we
want them to get into good habits and being
prompt is an important Lifeskill. Our lunch
counts are affected as well and we don’t want
to be short lunches on any day. We ask that
you leave a bit earlier if possible, especially
if traffic gets bottled up due to snow or ice.
Parents have control over getting their
students to school on time, we ask that
everyone is courteous and safe during the
beginning and dismissal from school. Please
stay off your phone when driving in the
parking lot.
Signing your child out early: We continue to
have parents call and request that we have
their child ready minutes before the bell
This has proven very difficult to
manage the office and ensure the students
get home safely. We ask that you only sign
We have had many parents in the office at
the end of the day. We missed important
instructions to a crisis because of parents and
students talking. If you are waiting for your
child please wait in your car until the 1st bell.
If you are picking up your child early and
waiting in office, please be courteous to our
office staff.
We have had several students
picked up late from the office.
staff has to leave at 4:00PM.
students that are still here after
be sent to latchkey.
Latchkey fees will apply.
daily being
The office
4:00PM will
note that
MARCH 31, 2015
Please follow all traffic rules in the parking
lot. We have had several reported near
To ensure safety and ensure
everyone gets to school on time and home,
we ask that you be patient and consider our
students safety.
While dropping off your child you can help
move the line along by pulling your car up as
far as you can. This will allow more vehicles
to enter the drop off area and therefore
speed things along. Please have your child
ready. Students have been searching for
homework, gathering items, brushing hair to
name a few. This causes the line to back up
even more. Please don’t use the lane north
of the drop off lane to drop off your child.
There is a sign posted “No drop off”. If
continued to use a drop off I will have no
option but to block off that lane in the
Some parents have been using the small lot
to drop off students and it has created an
unsafe situation with the buses. We need to
reserve that area for the bus drop off only.
4th Grade will be
Strollin’ the
Streets of Frankenmuth
May 6-7 2015
Come one come all! The
fourth graders will be
taking an overnight field
trip to Michigan’s Little
Bavaria. During this educational opportunity
our students will get to visit multiple
businesses and see how they began and what
they have done to be successful through the
years. This economics-based field trip,
which is facilitated by our Fourth Grade
team of teachers, will allow our students to
see real life application of the concepts that
we will engage in during mini-society. They
will get to interact with business owners, ask
them questions, and hear speaker’s present
real life business history and business plans.
This is a memorable experience that our
students are fortunate to have the
opportunity to be a part of. Our evening will
be spent at Zehnder’s Splash Village and
doing some leisurely shopping.
We are
looking forward to a terrific trip!
Wilkerson is in need of lunch supervisors.
Work school days from 11:10 to 1:10 and
earn $8.47/hour.
If interested, please apply on-line at:
Apply now – we’re in
need of people to fill supervisor
positions. Please inform the office once
you’ve applied so we can monitor the
application process.
On March 23, 2015, 1 student per grade will be recognized for their writing ability at a
celebration at Warren Mott High School.
Kdg – Donovan Rhodes, 1st Grade – Ava Brunning, 2nd Grade – Ava Demo, 3rd Grade – Kevin
Lenz, 4th Grade – Gabrielle Giametta and 5th Grade – Dominic Ragona
A special congratulations to Dominic Ragona for being chosen to read his essay at the Award
3rd grade
1st - Soil Erosion -- Adam DeMonaco. (Zimmer)
2nd- Water World---- Justin Lifshay & Niko Demopolis (Puffer)
3rd - Which is the Strongest ---- J'Von Mason - (Puffer)
4th grade
1st - Popcorn ----- Joe Tanner ( Puffer)
2nd - Can you guess it? --- Sophia Fantin & Cameron Carrier (Puffer)
3rd - Popcorn Popcorn ---- Tyler Cooper (Newell)
5th grade
1st - Shining Brighter Than the Rest -- Jacob Lifshay & Christopher Marsack ( Newell)
2nd - What Dissolves in Water - Angela Christy & Madisyn Ellis ( Mulka)
3rd - Plop Plop Fizz Fast - Alyssa Gallagher (Mulka)
Wilkerson has been collecting Capri Sun pouches and Elmer’s glue since 2013. We then send
them to TerraCycle to earn money toward our school in going GREEN. TerraCycle’s purpose is
to eliminate the idea of waste. They do this by creating national recycling systems for
previously non-recyclable or hard-to-recycle waste.
TerraCycle then converts the collected waste into a wide variety of products and materials. With more than
20 million people collecting waste in over 20 countries TerraCycle has diverted billions of units of waste and
used them to create over 1,500 different products available at major retailers ranging from Walmart to
Whole Foods Market.
If you would like to collect Capri Sun pouches and glue sticks/bottles at home you can then send them in with
your student(s) for them to go into the collection. To date, we have collected 71,000 points which converts
to $710 for just saving the capri suns during lunch periods and class parties. Here is a break down for our
Drink Pouch collected – 32,404. Total Points earned – 68,541. Cash Value - $685.41
Elmer’s container collected – 2,167. Total Points earned – 3,278. Cash Value - $32.78
If you have any questions please contact Michelle Graczyk at
information on TerraCycle check out their website at
For more
March 5th is our next PTO meeting.
Please note that this is not our normal date due to conferences. Please join us in the
café at 7:00pm for refreshments and snacks.
Topics to be discussed are Nominations, Skating Party, and Talent show.
Nominations for the 2015/2016 PTO Board
Thank you everyone who took the time to put in nominations for upcoming PTO board
for 2015/2016. All nominations will be announced at March’s PTO Meeting.
If needed, we will have a run-off that will take place in April. There is still time to
nominate yourself or someone at our March 5th meeting. If you choose to nominate
someone, that person must be at the meeting to accept. Nominations will be closed at
the end of our meeting.
Wilkerson Family Skate Party March 26th
All of Wilkerson is invited to join us for a family fun filled night at Skate
World of Troy. The PTO will pay for your admission! Skate rental is
available for an additional charge. This year we will be selling raffle tickets
for 6 different themed baskets that we generously donated by each grade
level! You must be present to win.
Here are some spring updates so mark your calendars!!
Wilkerson’s Got Talent ~April 23rd
We are excited that Wilkerson’s Got Talent is here! Students will have
the opportunity to showcase their special talents in front of the
Wilkerson Community. Hopefully your child turned in their permission
slips stating what talent they are going to show off. Auditions will be held on March
23rd and 24th. More information will be sent home when the date gets closer. If you
have any questions please contact Michele Monacelli ~ 586 215-7407.
Dicky’s BBQ PTO Family Dinner Night
Join us on March 16th for a fundraiser night at Dicky’s BBQ located
at 41700 Garfield, in Clinton Township. Wilkerson will receive 10% of
the evening’s sales.
A flier will be coming home.
Box Tops ~
Please keep clipping and sending them in! We are doing really well this year and every
little bit helps. The class that collects the most Box Tops each month is rewarded with
a prize and as a class they pick out a book to be donated to our library.
Campbell soup labels ~
Please keep sending those in also.
Kroger Community Rewards ~
If you have not already done so we encourage you to register your Kroger discount card
at Follow the easy instructions to get your card
linked to Wilkerson elementary and start earning money for our school just by shopping
at your local Kroger.
Thank you for your continued support!!
2nd Trimester 2014 - 15
Criteria for Honor Roll Students: The 4th & 5th grade teachers and the principal developed standard criteria for the
Wilkerson Honor Roll. It is as follows: 1. Students must have an A or B in every subject (except handwriting).
One, and only one, C is allowed if there is an academic A to balance it. We wish to honor all those students who put
forth that extra effort. We know that not all students are able to make the Honor Roll so we will have a "Bug List"
(Bringing Up Grades) for the second period. At Wilkerson we want ALL students to do their best and encourage them
to do so.
Mr. Gruca's Class
Mrs. Haddad's Class
Mrs. Newell's Class
Mrs. Puffer's Class
Serenity Detgen
Cameron DeVito
Jessica Falbo
Leilani Jurilla
Alyssa Lee
Rico Seatts
Angela Sinani
Hala Baiz
Casey Burge
Amber Dickson
Gabrielle Giametta
Cameron Kozich
Isabella Monacelli
Ryan Mondello
Lucien Skarb
McKenna Tourangeau
Liliana Wright
Frankie Aguinaga
Taylor Cleary
Tyler Cooper
Amelia Ellul
Lily Holden
Christian McGinnis
Morgan Petroff
Anthony Pietrantoni
Christian Purchase-Ofoeme
Brendan Smith
Kayden Wieczorek
Medina Alili
Cameron Carrier
Mason Collins**
Sophia Fantin
Angelina Grabowski
Brianna Grabowski
Haylee Hollenbeck
Owen Kelly**
Alex Selitaj
Joe Tanner**
Austin Walker
Santino Williams
Gianna Williamson
**Denotes All A's
2nd Trimester Card Marking 2014-15
Criteria for Honor Roll Students: The 4th & 5th grade teachers and the principal developed standard criteria for the
Wilkerson Honor Roll. It is as follows: 1. Students must have an A or B in every subject (except handwriting). One,
and only one, C is allowed if there is an academic A to balance it. We wish to honor all those students who put forth that
extra effort. We know that not all students are able to make the Honor Roll so we will have a "Bug List" (Bringing Up
Grades) for the second period. At Wilkerson we want ALL students to do their best and encourage them to do so.
Mrs. Mulka's Class
Mrs. Newell's Class
Mrs. Scholz's Class
Mrs. Witt's Class
Mason Adams**
Audrey Babinski
Marcus Blankenship
Hannah Bonkowski
Brianna Carbary
Angela Christy**
Madisyn Ellis**
Silwan Haddad
Rachel Jenny
Jaymi Korzinski
Garrett Kozak**
Joseph Messina
Bejamin Patterson
Samantha Percha
Arlend Tota
Landi Waleed
Donavin Young
Dominic Badia
Joey Frishcosy**
Simon Hanna
Rania Korkees
Jacob Lifshay**
Christopher Marsack**
Mark Meyerhoff**
David Sprague-Ferns
Billy Taylor
Maxwell Vorgitch
Jack Adams**
David Baker**
Zoey Brookbanks**
Joshua Davey
Dominic DelPapa
Madison Gilmore
Hailey Grant
Brianna Hafner
Rachel Hillock**
Hope Jackson
Adam Kramer
Lauren Palencik
Kathryn Pelshaw
Aleksandar Stankovski
Lara Tobya
Connor Whedon
Griffin Farris
Alyssa Fontaine
Christopher Ghersi
Kelly Graczyk**
Kayla Helgren**
Chase Hyatt
Christopher Jones
Donovan Kelley**
Christopher Kiewicz
Sydney Markey
Stephanie McGinnis
Leah Mosier**
Riley Newell**
Klay O'Connell**
Milena Pukalo**
Dominic Ragona**
Savannah Schwindt
Michael Walczak**
Matthew White**
**Denotes All A's
MARCH, 2015
PTO Meeting
7:00 pm
Orders Due!!
½ Day of School
– 11:33 am
Afternoon and
Area Band Concert
7:30 pm
Growth & Develop.
Parent Meeting
Talent Show
Talent Show
Spring Picture
Market Day
Roller Skating
½ Day of
Dismissal at
11:33 am
Under Federal law, you as parents may request the following specific information about the
professional qualifications of your children’s teachers:
1. Whether the teacher has met the state qualifications/licensing for their grade
2. Whether the teacher is on a temporary permit or waiver.
3. The teacher’s majors, graduate certificates/degrees, and discipline fields.
4. Paraprofessional services and qualifications
For further information, please call: (586) 825-2550.
Occasionally your child(ren) may be videotaped/photographed throughout the school year at various
school activities. This video may be replayed on the school channel - Channel 9 in Warren. Pictures
may also be put in local newspapers. Please indicate in writing to Mr. Schulte if you do not want
your child viewed on our educational channels or their picture put in newsletters.
Warren Consolidated Schools is committed to the concept of equal employment opportunity as a
necessary element in its personnel program. It is the policy of the district to prohibit
discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, height, weight, marital
status, handicap or other characteristic in accordance with the law. Compliance inquiries should be
addressed to the Chief Human Resources Officer, 31300 Anita, Warren, MI 48093, (586-6984099).
31300 Anita | Warren, Michigan 48093 | 1-888-4WCS-KIDS |
Student Achievement
A focus on measurable student achievement in
our Professional Learning Communities.
2015 Board of Education
Susan G. Trombley, President
Megan E. Papasian-Broadwell, Vice President
I.Susan Kattula, Secretary
Brian White, Treasurer
Benjamin I. Lazarus, Trustee
Elaine G. Martin, Trustee
Kaitlynn Schwab, Trustee
Dr. Robert D. Livernois, Superintendent
High Expectations
stakeholder, including students, staff
and parents.
Strong Relationships
Strong relationships among all stakeholders, including:
teacher-student, parent-teacher, principal-teacher, and
superintendent-board member.
In compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the
Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of
1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, the Americans with Disability Act
of 1990, and the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act of 1977, it is the policy of the
Warren Consolidated Schools that no person shall, on the basis of race, color,
religion, national origin or ancestry, gender, age, disability, height, weight, or
marital status be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or
be subjected to, discrimination during any program, activity, service or in
employment. Inquiries should be addressed to the Chief Human Resource
Officer, 31300 Anita, Warren, Michigan 48093, (586) 825-2400, ext 63110.