S OULBURY N EWSLETTER N UMBER 451 - M ARCH 2015 CHURCH NEWS - Philip’s Message (closing date for next edition - 18th March) CRICKET CLUB NEWS - This coming season the Club is re-joining the Morrant Four Counties Cricket League Here goes March! Lent is not exactly on the tip of everyone's in Division 6 with some younger players joining Captain Nick tongue these days! However, it's still good to at least think Mead, Vice-Captain Dave Chamberlain and other regulars. about periods of time set aside for reflection and maybe prepLeague matches are played on Saturdays with friendly matches aration for something important---in this case, Easter. As Advent has been subsumed into the 'greater Christmas thing' so, I against local villages on Sundays. This is great news for the Club, and Nick Mead would be pleased to hear from any other guess, has Lent been enveloped in Easter. After all, we can buy Hot Cross Buns all through the year and I guess soon East- potential players interested in either league or friendly matches. Contact Nick on 07771 738546. er eggs will gradually colonise the whole year. Why not Christmas carols in August? It's all part of the loss of a definite feel for certain seasons and celebrations throughout the year--a bit like all-year-round exotic fruit and veg., irrespective of when they are really 'appropriate'. Obviously, this will mean a lot more work for our small team of volunteers to keep the ground up to scratch, and so our annual fund raising Race Night is even more important this year. So please support the Race Night on Saturday 28th We need to return to a more focussed celebration of our festi- March in Soulbury Parish Hall. Cost £10, which includes a hot supper. Please purchase your horses in advance at £5 each – vals otherwise it might just as well 'be Christmas every day' with nothing special about the actual day itself. Lent is a peri- you choose the name. Even if you cannot come, please think about buying a horse, and you may even win £10! Contact od of reflection, potentially readjustment of life and maybe sorting out charitable giving for those less fortunate than our- Chris Bryant to book your place on 01525 270607, or email racenight@soulbury.org, a booking form will be available on selves of whom there are many hundreds of thousands in the the village website www.soulbury.org UK, as well as tens of millions worldwide. Lent should focus our minds on the journey that Jesus made in obedience to His heavenly Father: a journey which was full of happenings and encounters as well as the cost of the cross on Good Friday, but which led to the great joyous victory of Easter Day when He rose from the dead. Many seek to dismiss all this as some myth but as St. Paul wrote to the Church at Corinth without Jesus' rising from the dead your faith is in vain. Just another folk tale given faint inspiration and hope based on dodgy foundations. We may be called to be 'fools for Christ' but not stupid.............. I pray you have a fruitful Lent. SOULBURY MILLENNIUM GREEN BAKE DAY: ON SATURDAY MARCH 14TH in the Village Hall the Millennium Green Trust is holding another BAKE DAY FROM 9AM TILL 1PM, thanks to Mrs Liz Miller who will be demonstrating how to make your own bread. If you would like to make a loaf of bread, come along and try your hand at being a baker! Flour and yeast is provided as are implements, though you could bring along a loaf tin to put your bread in. Beginners and experts both equally welcome. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be on sale. If you cannot come to the event, then it is possible to order a loaf in advance and the following cakes can also be preordered by phoning Liz Miller on 376198, Christine on 270377 or Elizabeth on 270838. WHITE, WHOLEMEAL OR GRANARY LOAF £2.50 VICTORIA, COFFEE OR LEMON SPONGE £4.00 AND CHOCOLATE CAKE £4.50 Cakes and loaves will be delivered to your home if you cannot pick them up. Come along and have some cheerful company and take home something delicious to eat!! W.I. NEWS After a Members of Soulbury WI were welcomed to the February meeting by the President, Jean Housley. After the singing of Jerusalem, business was discussed and various events were brought to the attention of members. As 2015 marks the 100th Anniversary of the National Federation of Women's Institutes, there are several occasions to mark the event. These include a garden party at Waddeston Manor, a centenary baton which will be arriving in the locality on its journey round the country, a celebration lunch and a flower festival. It was then time for our speaker for the evening, Terry Perry (not Terry Payne as I incorrectly said last month) whose topic was "The Secret History of Nursery Rhymes". Who would have thought that the innocent rhymes that we learnt as a child had, in some cases, quite macabre backgrounds? "Mary, Mary quite contrary" is thought to refer to the reign of Queen Mary when torture and decapitation was rife. Others were a way of ridiculing important people without fear of retribution. Mr Perry was thanked by Mrs. Chris Bryant, for a most enlightening talk after which delicious refreshments were served. Our next meeting is on Tuesday 10th March when the speaker will be Sheila Phillips and the topic will be Canine Partners. NEWSLETTER FUNDS The newsletter is looking for sponsors. If you would like to help in this way, or get together with a friend/neighbour to share the cost of £57 for one month, please contact Mrs.P.Norman on 01525 270483 or email soulburynews@btinternet.com TEA AND CAKES: Come to the church on SATURDAY MARCH 7TH FROM 2PM TILL 4PM for tea and cakes and to discuss any ideas people might have for events to fund raise for the church. The more the merrier. Do please come along and help support your church. PARISH COUNCIL NEWS The Parish Council meeting took place on Monday 16th February, where we welcomed several members of the public. The next Parish Council meeting will take place on Monday 16th March at 19:30 in the Parish Hall. All are welcome. County Council: Investigation is taking place on the By-pass due to the large amount of potholes that are appearing on a regular basis. Core samples are being taken to find out the cause. After this has been looked into, they are hoping the problem can be solved. District Council: Our District Councillor, Neil Blake, confirmed that District Council will not be supporting the development of Valley Farm on the Soulbury/West Linslade border. AVDC are freezing council tax for next year and advise that there will be no major cuts in services that residents receive. Neil explained that District Council are aiming for a Unitary Authority, which means that County and District will combine as a one level Authority and all services in the area will be under the control of AVDC. This will result in significant savings. Millennium Green: The community services people have been helping on the Millennium Green on a regular weekly basis for a while now and are doing a very good job. The MG committee and helpers have planned some forthcoming events – Bake Day, Race Night, Soulfest and BBQ. Please try to support these events and look out for dates under separate cover. Parish Hall: The Parish Hall committee are doing well and the hall is in regular use. It seems especially popular with children’s parties. Parish Council Elections: Elections for parish councillors are due in May. If you are interested in becoming a parish councillor, please collect an application pack. When these become available, information and notices for the election will be displayed on the Parish Council noticeboard. Litter Pick: We are aiming to organise a litter pick for Saturday 11th April. More details in April Newsletter. It usually takes about an hour if there are enough people. Picking implements and sacks are provided. Please come and help. Merkan CIA Transport: Merkan employees noticed litter on their route from the By-pass to their depot in Stewkley Road and offered to do a litter pick. We would like to thank Carlos Marques and his team for doing this several Sundays ago and to say that this was an appreciated gesture. Thank you. Parish Council contact numbers: Chairman - Victor Wright 270537; Vice Chairman - Maurice Cross 270503; Councillors - Alan Stevens 270213; Margaret Rowe 270355; Ian Culley 07787 784750; Valerie Redbart 270246 Soulbury Millennium Green Race Night 9th May 2015 Ever been to a race night? No? You don’t know what you’re missing. Lots of fun, laughter, shouting and cheering and a hot supper included!! The chance to win money too. All of this for only ten pounds a ticket. Place a bet and maybe double your money! You can even become a racehorse owner for the evening and reap the rewards if your horse wins. Winning owners get an extra bonus. Why not sponsor a race and get your advert on our race card? I will be looking for sponsors! All this fun and excitement takes place in the Parish hall, so space is limited. Don’t miss out on the fun and help us to raise some funds for the Millennium Green Trust. For more information or to book your place call Alan on 270213 More dates for SMG Events Bake Day : 14th March Schools music festival, 10th June Soulfest on 20th June Independence Day BBQ on 4th July A Foot note we are still looking for a few more people to make up our 100 club. We have made the first draw so subscriptions will be relevant to the number of months you will be included from now on. Our first draw being made in January. Chelmscote Construction Services Ltd. TGR Electrical The Ridgeway, Chelmscote, Nr Leighton Buzzard Beds LU7 0DT ELECSA approved Electrician Telephone: 01525 270115 Mobile: 07547 918887 Fuse Boards, Sockets, Lights etc. chelmscote.cs@gmail.com 01525 240498 / 07840 100501 Based in Stewkley, Free Quotes Specialists of all aspects in the repair and refurbishment of listed and historic buildings Oak frame repair-replacement, Traditional lime plasters, Joinery, Roof repairs-reroofs, Extensions/renovation, All ground works/ landscaping Exquisite Cleaning And of course all other building projects big or small. Clients include The National Trust and County Councils. Fully insured with over 25 years experience . For a free quotation or help and advice please do not hesitate to contact us. Carpet Cleaning We take pride in your home. Domestic Cleaning Upholstery Cleaning Fully Insured, Police Checked & Certified Cleaning Technician Telephone Chris 01525 240512 / 07850 540393 Or Email Malcolm & Judith Day 01525 372393 chris@exquisitecleaning.co.uk Bug-A-Off Pest Control Any pest related problem...SOLVED All domestic plumbing Bathroom Suites 19 Bideford Court, Linslade 07958 360464 Gas Safe Registered Installer : 522192 Mount Pleasant Farm, Stewkley, LU7 0LU Price on Application, Contact Nigel Bliss 01525 240619 / 07767 864698 Tel/Fax 01525 240163 www.bug-a-offpestcontrol.yolasite.com J & J Luxford Ltd. Jenny Franchi (City & Guilds Trained) Boiler replacement and servicing. The Complete Picture Framing Service All methods used, including live removal Professional Dog Groomer Plumbing & Heating Engineer Country Frame Immediate Response All pests considered Dog’s Body Steven Mitchell Stewkley based builders Cleaner required for Soulbury family For all your building needs project managed from design to completion 5 hours per week: For testimonials and information visit 4 x hours on Thursday plus 1 x hour Monday www.luxfordbuilders.co.uk References Required Julian Luxford James Luxford Telephone: 07850 903819 07885 455203 07860 726741 Denne Country Stores The Warren, Grove Farm Church Road, Stoke Hammond Bucks, MK17 9BP Perfect venue for children’s parties and small social events. Tel : 01525 270277 / 07780 675379 For details and to book please email soulburyparishhall@gmail.com Soulbury Parish Hall Pet Food & Supplies, Equestrian Specialist Clothing & Foot Wear DIY, Fencing & Farm Supplies DOLLAR FARM Tel: 01525 270211 Open 6.5 days www.dennecountry.co.uk A LL S AINTS ’ C HURCH S ERVICES Team Rector : Rev. Philip Derbyshire, The Vicarage, Stewkley. Tel 240287 Team Vicar Wing & Wingrave : Rev. Helen Barnes Team Vicar Cheddington with Mentmore : Rev. Gill Rowell Sun. 1st Mar - 11:00am FAMILY WORSHIP 11am for refreshments Sun. 8th Mar - 11:30am Parish Communion Rev. Philip Derbyshire Sun. 15th Mar - 11:30am Parish Communion Rev. Roger Hale Sun. 22nd Mar - 11:30am Parish Communion Rev. Philip Derbyshire Sun. 29th Mar - 11:30am Parish Communion PALM SUNDAY Rev. Philip Derbyshire Rev. Philip Derbyshire Are you looking for a baby sitter? Call Emily 01525 279552 or Emily Stevens 01525 270514 DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Tuesdays 10th & 24th Food Bin & Recycling (Blue Lid) Tuesdays 3rd & 17th Food Bin & General Waste (Green Lid) Mondays 2nd & 16th Garden Waste (Brown Bin) Saturday 7th Tuesday 10th Saturday 14th Monday 16th 7:30pm Parish Council Meeting Sunday 22nd March 9:30am Soulbury Breakfast 2pm Tea & Cakes in the Church 7:30pm W.I. “Canine Partners” BURGINS TAXIS 9am-1pm SMG Bake Day - Parish Hall Established 1946, well maintained modern fleet of 4 to 8 seater vehicles, very competitive rates for local, long distance and airport transfers. Simply the best taxi service in the area. 01525 372131 mail@burginstaxis.co.uk This month’s newsletter is paid for from funds. If you would like to sponsor an issue, or submit items for publication please contact: Mrs. Norman 270483 soulburynews@btinternet.com
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