Spiritual Development Communique

Nova Scotia Provincial Council
Catholic Women’s League of Canada
Spiritual Development Communique # 3
One Heart, One Voice, One Mission
Diocesan Counterparts (For distribution to all parish councils)
Toosje Van de Sande, Nova Scotia Provincial Spiritual Development Chairperson
February 24, 2015
Provincial President, Joan Bona and Executive (for information)
National Chairperson, Ann M Gorman (for information)
(Together We Serve)
Lenten Journey
Lent calls us to prayer, fasting and almsgiving. These three disciplines for Lent correct three areas of
our lives which most often distract us from spiritual growth; food, money and laziness in the life of the
Spirit. You could say that practicing these disciplines will affect our prayer book, our pocketbook and
our cookbook. Maybe we should ask ourselves these questions: How can I change my lifestyle so I can
persevere in prayer? How can I fast from selfishness in order to give myself more fully, to others? How
can I share my resources and time with others; the elderly, the lonely, the hungry, the less fortunate,
and my own family? Lent is the time to draw closer to God. It is my hope that your walk with Jesus in
His passion, death and resurrection will bring you to a new life in Christ, this Easter season.
National Communiques
Since my September communiqué, I have received two Communiques from my National counterpart,
for Spiritual Development, one in November, 2014, and one in January, 2015.
I want to call your attention to the paragraph on deceased members, in Ann Gorman’s November
Communique. It reads: “It is very important to report the names of deceased members from your parish
council as they occur. When this notice is not taken care of immediately, the family of the deceased
continues to receive the deceased member’s magazine. National office has received telephone calls
from family members concerned that the CWL has not noticed that a member has passed or “cared
enough” to ensure that her death notice has been communicated. Let’s not leave the family with that
Sending in the names of the deceased in January is too late to get them into the National Book of Life
for the previous year. Please submit in a timely fashion. All the National Communiques are available at:
national@cwl.ca Please take time to read them. They contain a wealth of information, as well as,
contacts where you can get additional resources. You are not expected to use all the resources. Select
what you can use in your council.
Prayer Partners
National has brought back the prayer partner program for members with the hope of forming friendships
with our League Sisters. You will find your prayer partner in the center of the Winter edition of the
League magazine. Make time to lift up your new-found companion in prayer and intentional
consideration. You will be blessed.
Rosary for Peace
Last October, National initiated a Rosary for Peace in the world. Friday has been designated as the day
that Quebec and Atlantic Canada make a special effort to pray. Please begin with St. Francis prayer for
peace; say the Rosary; and end with the Memorare. We will continue to pray the Rosary, asking our
lady to intercede for us, so that there may be peace among nations.
Pope’s Prayer intentions for Evangelization
Monthly prayer intentions of the pope can be found on: Holy Father Prayer Intentions
March: That the unique contribution of women to the life of the Church may be recognized
That persecuted Christians may feel the consoling presence of the Risen Lord and the
solidarity of all the Church
That Mary’s intercession may help Christians in secularized cultures be ready to
proclaim Jesus.
That the personal encounter with Jesus may arouse in many young people the desire
to offer their own lives in priesthood or consecrated life.
Provincial Website
Don’t forget to check the provincial website, http://cwl.ns.ca/spiritual-development at the beginning of
every month, for a prayer or reflection for use at your council meetings. Hope you have found this
“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying: “Whom shall I send?” Isaiah 6:8
“Here I Am Lord”