FAQs - Saving Lives at Birth

Saving Lives at Birth Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is a BAA and Addendum? How does it differ from a RFA?
A Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) is a competitive approach to consider
proposals that harness scientific research and innovation to help prevent and
manage critical development challenges, allowing USAID and other funding
Partners to:
1. Reach out to potential partners with recognized expertise in relevant
areas, and
2. Co-create, co-design, co-invest, and collaborate with partners.
The mechanism gives the Agency a great flexibility in crafting the final relationship
with the partner, i.e. the instrument or relationship type does not have to be
determined until the solutions are fully
understood. The Accelerator may result in a contract, cooperative agreement,
grant, public-private partnership, Global Development Alliance, Development
Innovation Agreement, Inter Agency Agreement, Government to Government
agreement, Donor to Donor agreement, Memorandum of Understanding, or a
myriad of other highly customized relationships with the route to each type of
relationship following its own unique path.
Awards under the Accelerator BAA are based on individual addenda, which
potential partners will respond to. Each individual BAA Addendum will specify the
criteria for selection. On behalf of the Saving Lives at Birth Partners, USAID issued
Round 5 of the Saving Lives at Birth Grand Challenge as the first Addendum under
the “Global Health Development Innovation Accelerator BAA.” More details on the
program, including the criteria, what the Partners are looking for, and how to apply,
are described in the Addendum.
2. What types of organizations are eligible to apply to this BAA Addendum?
We welcome and encourage applications from all types of organizations including
foreign and domestic for-profit companies, non-profit organizations, faith-based
organizations, foundations, academic institutions, civic groups, regional
organizations, and public international organizations. Awardees must be legally
recognized organizational entities under applicable law and be able to provide
documentation as such. Individuals are not eligible to apply. Innovators new to
Grand Challenges competitions, including non-development experts and
applicants from low- and middle-income countries are particularly encouraged to
We also encourage partnerships that bring together diverse expertise and
geographic position. Many applicants in the first four rounds included leadership
from partners in low- and middle-income countries. Where joint partnerships include
innovators from low-and middle-income countries, we encourage the partnership to
designate the low- or middle-income country partner as the Project Manager/
Principle Investigator (PI). Such a designation should constitute a meaningful effort
to foster the leadership of the low- or middle-income country partners and should
not be pro forma.
Applicants from organizations based in, or applications with an operational focus in,
the following countries are not eligible: Cuba, Iran, North Korea and Syria.
3. What countries are eligible to apply to this BAA Addendum?
The Saving Lives at Birth Challenge seeks applications that have an operational
focus in low-income countries, as defined by the World Bank
(http://data.worldbank.org/about/country-classifications/country-and-lendinggroups). Proposals with an operational focus in lower-middle and upper-middle
income countries will also be considered. Only applicants from organizations based
in, or applications with an operational focus in, the following countries are not
eligible: Cuba, Iran, North Korea, and Syria.
3. How many proposals can an organization submit? Will Saving Lives at Birth award
more than one project per organization?
Multiple submissions from an institution/organization are allowed. We seek groundbreaking prevention and treatment solutions that leap-frog conventional
approaches. These solutions may come from the same organization. We
encourage institutions to submit their best idea(s).
4. How many proposals can one individual be the Project Manager/Principal
Investigator for?
An individual can be a Project Manager/Principal Investigator on multiple proposals
for different ideas.
5. Should we submit proposals in partnership with other organizations?
We encourage, but do not require, collaboration. Multidisciplinary/cross-sector
teams are encouraged, where necessary, to ensure relevant scientific, social, and
business expertise as important domains on the path to sustained impact.
6. Can one organization be a participant of more than one consortium?
Yes, multiple submissions from an institution are allowed. We encourage institutions
to submit their best idea(s).
7. We are a newly registered organization with no prior record of field and financial
experience to show, but we have bold ideas and the ability to execute. Are we
eligible to apply?
Yes, new innovators with bold ideas are eligible and encouraged to apply. If
successful, the funding organization will conduct due diligence to ensure suitable
financial systems are in place prior to granting the award.
8. We are a current Saving Lives at Birth grantee. Are we eligible to apply for another
award for the same project?
Yes, current grantees are eligible to apply for another seed, validation, or transition
award. As per the Submission Instructions, current grantees seeking follow-on
funding under this Addendum for the same Saving Lives at Birth project will need to
describe how the project continuation builds upon the work, achievements, and
lessons learned from the previous grant on their path to sustained impact. They will
need to explain why continued investment is warranted. The Submission Instructions
can be found at www.savinglivesatbirth.net/apply.
Submitting Applications
9. How do I submit my application?
Applications should be submitted via the online platform during the open
application period from February 16, 2015 through March 27, 2015 2:00 pm ET.
During this time period, a link to the application intake platform will be available at
http://www.savinglivesatbirth.net/apply. Application guidelines can also be found
on the website.
10. Is it possible to get an extension on the March 27th deadline?
No, it is not possible to get an extension. All applications are due by March 27th at
2:00 ET.
11. What needs to be included in my application?
As part of their initial Expression of Interest package, applicants should submit their
expression of interest, biographical descriptions, and any letter(s) of support. More
guidance on submissions can be found in the Submission Instructions posted at
www.savinglivesatbirth.net/apply. Please note only applications received through
the online application platform will be considered.
12. Is the expression of interest limited to 3 pages, or can one submit attachments with
figures, tables, drawings, etc.? Are references included in the page limit?
The expression of interest is limited to three pages. Figures, tables, drawings, etc.
should be included in the 3-page expression of interest. References are not included
in the page limit.
13. Is this the only chance to apply for this program?
No, the Saving Lives at Birth Partners anticipate future rounds of funding under this
14. What is the difference between seed, validation, and transition funds?
Seed funds are provided to develop and assess the feasibility of innovative ideas.
Validation funds are meant to introduce and validate the effectiveness of
innovations to reach proof-of-concept. Proof-of-concept is defined as strong
evidence in a controlled or limited setting of promising health outcome(s) and/or
the reduction of significant barrier(s) to health and demand for the solution.
Transition Funds will support the transition of innovations with demonstrated proof-ofconcept
toward scale up.
Applicants may apply directly for any stage of funding; previous funding is not
Funding levels will correspond to the scope and scale of the innovation but will
generally be $250,000 USD per seed project, $250,000 USD per validation project,
and $2,000,000 USD for transition awards. Seed and validation projects will be
funded up to two years and transition to scale projects will be funded up to four
15. Is my idea within the scope of Saving Lives at Birth?
We encourage you to read the BAA Addendum for more information, specifically
Section A: Program Description – “Objectives,” “What We Are Looking For,” Strong
Areas of Interest,” and “Innovation Pipeline.” Each application is expected to justify
the potential impact of the proposed intervention on reductions in maternal and
neonatal mortality.
16. Is there anyone I can contact to discuss my application prior to submission?
No, team members are not available to discuss applications prior to submission.
Please see #15 for additional guidance on relevant ideas.
17. If my application is successful, when are we expected to start the work?
You can start implementing the work proposed in your application after your award
is finalized. We anticipate awards will be finalized between September-December
Other questions? Please email savinglivesatbirth@usaid.gov