H E A D T E A C H E R’ S W E E K LY U P DAT E CHRISHALL NEWS Thursday 26th February 2015 s e t a d p U Reminders Parent consultation meetings will be taking place next Wednesday after school and Thursday evening. Technical Blog Although in its early stages, we have set up a ‘Technical Blog’. Useful apps, guides and children’s work will be added to the blog. Please click on the link below to view it. ) at C an a (J oh n 2: 1- 12 T he m ar ri a ge fe a st chrishalltechnology.wordpress.com In assemblies this week, we have explored one of the key messages that Jesus gave: ‘Do it to others and you are doing it to me’. So many of the things that he did for people were to help them and to make their lives better. ‘The marriage feast at Cana’ (John 2:1-12) gospel story was used to convey the message. Lif e a t ch r is h a l l t h i s w e e k .. . We have had a great first week back at school with lots of exciting activities taking place throughout the school. On Monday, children in class Woodlouse had an informative visit from the Fire Service, on Tuesday we celebrated Chinese New Year, on Wednesday children from Grasshopper class attended a hockey festival at JFAN, today our new chickens will be arriving and tomorrow Praying Mantis and Caterpillar classes will be visiting the Arts Centre in Dunmow for a creative, dinosaur themed arts day. Do take a look at the class blogs for further information. I would like to welcome Mrs Denny to Mond ay 2 nd Marc h our school. On Monday, Mrs Denny joined class Grasshopper as a new Teaching Assistant. I hope she has enjoyed her first week at Chrishall. Congratulations to Ethan, Frankie, Grace, Harriet S, Haydn C, Hetty L, Kamile and Harry who are our ‘Spiritual Garden’ winners. They were presented with their prizes in yesterday’s assembly. Everybody who submitted a design should be very proud as the standard of designs and level of creativity were very high. I am looking forward to moving forward with the garden this term. Earlier in the week, we had our first planning meeting for the garden. Many thanks to the parents who were able to come along. Lights Over the half-term, we were able to have all the lights in the classrooms and corridors replaced. Everywhere looks great - really bright and fresh! Red Nose Day We will be taking part in Red Nose Day on March 13th and will be adopting the ‘Make your face funny for money’ theme. Further details will follow next week. World Book Day Tu esdAY 3rd March Wednesday 4th March Thursday 5th march Class Grasshopper Swimming: Football league away Sharing Assembly: match at Manuden Woodlouse trip to Fitzwilliam Museum Reception, years 1, 2 and 5 Parents’ Evening Parents’ Evening Friday 6th march
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