March - Christus Victor Lutheran Church

Christus Victor Lutheran Church
March 2015
of Christus Victor Lutheran Church (CVLC)
Volume 180
( since 2000 )
Table of Contents
on page 2
From the Senior Pastor
24 Hours that Changed the World…
by Stefan Potuznik
…is the book title for our Lenten Study. The author is Pastor Adam Hamilton who leads the United Methodist Church
of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas, one of the fastest growing churches in America.
He writes in his introduction that Jesus lived approximately 12,000 days. The Gospel writers devoted most of their work
to just 1,100 or so of those days, the last 3 years of his life. They believed that the last 24 hours of Jesus’ life changed the
world. During our Lenten season, we’re going to take a close look at what happened during those 24 hours in his life and
how this applies to the lives we live today.
The study will not only be historical but also very relevant for us today because what happened in Jesus’ life - when he
suffered and went to the cross - shows us how great his love is for us and what it means when we go through suffering in
our own lives.
Each Wednesday evening during Lent, you are invited to share a meal
with family and friends at church (6:00pm) and to participate in a Holden
Evening Lenten service (7:00pm). During this service, you will hear
speakers who will share personal stories about significant life changes and
how they saw God in this. Following each service we offer our Lenten
Study, 24 Hours That Changed the World.
If Wednesday doesn’t work for you, you have the option to join a
daytime group (11:15am) and two evening groups (7:00pm) on Mondays.
I believe this study will help all of us to grow in our faith and to learn how
to live with changes that life brings. I am learning to embrace every change
that life brings to see God in it. Looking back, I can say that significant
changes in my life, such as the birth of each of our sons, helped me to grow
in my faith and trust in God.
Indeed we often hear it, “we live in a changing world,” and we
experience that not every change is good and helpful. But Jesus did not
exclude himself from the tough and painful changes that life brings. In the
way how Jesus dealt with the last 24 hours in his life, we are not alone in
1045 S Arlington Heights Rd; Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007-3703
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Christus Victor Lutheran Church
March 2015
the “changes” of our lives. May this Lenten Study prepare us for the most important change which the world ever
encountered which is the change from death to life, called Resurrection. Frederick Buechner captured this change well with
these words, “Resurrection means the worst thing is never the last thing.”
May we all embrace and worship this God who is in the changes of life and delivers his unconditional love each day.
I am looking forward to experiencing this Lenten Season with you.
Deacons’ Bench
Alpha Marriage Course
by Parish Deacon Jan Spees
The Alpha Marriage Course is coming to Christus Victor! This course is for married couples or couples who are living
together in a committed relationship. Any couple that wants to strengthen their relationship is invited to attend.
Most couples come into marriage with big expectations. As they leave their wedding, through a shower of confetti, and
meander off into the beginning of their lives together, they cannot imagine ever NOT wanting to be together. Nicky and
Sila Lee agree that the long-term reality is different but potentially far better! The Marriage Course, developed by Nicky
and Sila Lee, is held over seven sessions.
It offers any couple the tools to build a strong and healthy relationship that lasts a lifetime. During each evening, couples
talk about important issues that can get swept under the carpet in the rush of daily life. While the course is based on Christian
principles, it is designed for couples with or without a church background. The talks are by Nicky and Sila Lee and include
clips from other couples and breaks for practical exercises and discussion times as a couple. The evening topics include:
1 - Building Strong Foundations
2 - The Art of Communication
3 - Resolving Conflict
4 - The Power of Forgiveness
5 - The Impact of Family - Past and Present
6 - Good Sex
7 - Love in Action
Each evening begins with fellowship, dessert, and announcements, followed by DVD instruction, and time for couples
to talk with each other and discuss questions in the guest manual.
It’s important to know that there are no group discussions. Couples will only be sharing their thoughts with each other.
The Alpha Marriage Course will be presented at Christus Victor for seven weeks from Thursday, April 9th, thru May
21st, from 6:45-9:00pm in the Fellowship Hall.
In This Edition
Deacons’ Bench / Jan Spees
Evelyn’s 2¢
Pastor Stefan
A Caring Place
Kids Hope USA
Property = Spring Cleaning
2nd Graders’ Bibles
Making Christ Known
Christian Education
Easter Egg Hunt
First Communion
Lenten Study
Vacation Bible School
4 Social Ministry
Collection Connection
P4P / CVLC Donation
News & Notes
7 Birthdays / March
Contact Info
Deadlines, Hours
8 e-Contacts
8 Prayer List
Volunteers to Serve
Worship Times
Insert: March Calendar
1045 S Arlington Heights Rd; Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007-3703
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Christus Victor Lutheran Church
March 2015
Evelyn’s 2¢
Rough Times?
by Evelyn Sikma
A few years ago, I presented a study to some CVLC groups about “Man as a Trinity.” We discussed, among other
things, that each of us has three parts just as God has three parts – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We have a body, soul, and
spirit. Each of those aspects has five senses. Body: sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. Soul: conscience, affections,
memory, imagination, and reason.
“Then the Lord God formed Man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and Man
became a living being.” (Genesis 2:7) “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which
you have from God?” (1 Corinthians 6:19a) Placed in us by God, the Spirit has these five senses: reverence (a feeling or
attitude of deep respect), fear (awe – a mixed feeling of reverence, fear, and wonder), love, hope, and faith.
Evil attacks a person from the outside through our bodily senses and tries to get past the senses of the Soul in order to
conquer the senses of the Spirit. But God knows how to fight! He starts with the senses of the Spirit and helps us from the
inside out! Like the mustard seed (Luke 13:18-29), our reverence, fear, love, hope, and faith all start small. God gives us
the perfect example of how He works – He started small, too, as a baby in a Manger. But that baby grew into a movement
that changed history and our relationship with God. Our Spiritual senses can grow into a formidable force that wins over
evil (or crisis)!
Hope. Please believe me when I say that I had a period of time in my
life when it felt like hope was all I had. Reverence, fear, love, and faith
were going down like the Titanic. Hope was the last life boat. (Not even a
diagnosis of cancer brought me as low as that time in my life!)
Spiritual hope is much, much more than the I-hope-I win-the-PowerBall hope. Spiritual hope is the uncompromising attitude that every promise
of God is true – all 7,487 promises in the Bible! Promises such as being a
child of God, being more valuable than the birds of the air, being the crown
of creation, and having a Resurrection like His [Jesus’]. (1 John 3:2-3;
Matthew 6:26; Psalm 8:3-8, Romans 6:5, respectively)
Also like the mustard seed, our Spiritual hope needs our participation –
we need to treat it like any living thing. Nourish it by reading the Bible,
attending worship (to feel the strength and spirit of the community of God), praying (even if you have a bone to pick with
God!), and by surrendering to the will of God. I believe the promises of the Bible, therefore, I am in good hands with God
– He always sees me, He willingly sent Jesus to the cross, Jesus surrendered His will into the hands of the Father, and the
Holy Spirit is ever present to call, strengthen, and enlighten me.
Going through a crisis? “More than that [rejoicing in our hope of sharing the glory of God], we rejoice in our sufferings,
knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does
not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to
us.” (Romans 5:3-5)
1045 S Arlington Heights Rd; Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007-3703
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Christus Victor Lutheran Church
March 2015
Christian Education / Sunday School
2nd graders receive Bibles
by Laura Vitols, Melanie Tomaso
It was a very blessed day on Sunday, February 15th, as the following 12 children received their
Bibles in Church: Bradley Biedke, Jack Bise, Libby Brondsema, Samantha Dailey, Natalie Faulkner, Lia Franklin,
Logan Franklin, Aria Mazza, Ryan Much, Talia Ramirez, Addison Runge, and Faith Satzke. In addition, each child
was given a beautifully embroidered, personalized Christian bookmark made by Jodi Winslow, who has been providing
these meaningful keepsakes for many years. Thank you to our 2nd grade teachers, Laura Vitols and Serena Briggs, for
conducting this annual parent/child Bible class. Congratulations to all of the recipients! May they all read their Bibles often
and experience the joy of being in God's Word!!
Making Christ
Christian Education / Sunday School
Easter Egg Hunt
by Melanie Tomaso
On Easter Sunday, April 5, all children grades Pre-K thru 5th
are invited to join in CVLC's Annual Egg Hunt to be held in the
church courtyard - weather permitting – following each service.
Meet by the courtyard door opposite the Youth Room.
Bring your own Easter basket or paper bags will be provided.
Christian Education / Sunday School
First Communion
by Pastor Art Puotinen
In March, several exciting events occur at Christus Victor Lutheran Church for fourth-graders and their families as we
prepare for their First Communion experience on Maundy Thursday, April 2nd. Here is a preview.
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Christus Victor Lutheran Church
March 2015
A new experience for students will be making their own communion chalice to use on
Maundy Thursday. On March 7th, our CVLC group will go to Thrown Elements Pottery at 260
N. Evergreen Avenue in Arlington Heights for a two-hour hand-building process with clay to
create an individual chalice. Their staff will guide each student and then take their chalices
and place them in a kiln for a two-week completion process in time for April 2nd.
On March 8th, the First Communion Family Seder Meal and Potluck takes place at
Christus Victor at 5:00pm. Passover is the oldest and most important religious festival in
Judaism. It commemorates God's deliverance of the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt and God’s
creation of the Israelite people. The focal point of Passover is a communal meal called the
Seder that celebrates the freedom for the Hebrews that God accomplished in the Exodus. The Seder meal helps us
understand its connections to our Christian Holy Communion established by Jesus Christ.
On March 12th and 19th, First Communion Instruction by Pastor Art for students and parents occurs at 6:30pm.
Participants receive a Fed and Forgiven Communion Handbook with activities to do and watch a DVD about the meaning
of Holy Communion. The second class session includes a brief practice in the Sanctuary about the worship service
procedures for First Communion.
Martin Luther was asked about the best way to prepare for the Lord's Meal. He said it was most important to believe
in Christ's word, "This is my body and my blood given for YOU for the forgiveness of your sins."
Christian Education / Adults
Lenten Study
by Parish Deacon Jan Spees
24 Hours That Changed The World by Adam Hamilton
No single event in human history has received more attention than the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth.
In this heartbreaking, inspiring book, Adam Hamilton guides us, step by step, through the last 24 hours of Jesus’ life.
Each chapter is designed to help you experience and understand the significance of Jesus’ suffering and death in a way
you never have before. Whether you are a long time Christian or simply curious about the story of Christ’s crucifixion, you
are invited to join us on this inspiring journey. Each chapter of the book also has a 10 minute DVD where Adam Hamilton
takes us back to the Holy Land to see the places where Jesus spent his last 24 hours on Earth.
Books cost $6 each. But you don’t have to purchase a book. Even though classes have started, walk-ins are always
Please join us on this special journey!
Mondays: 11:15am @ CVLC
7:00pm @ CVLC
7:00pm @ Gentes’ home
Wednesdays: 8:00pm @ CVLC (join us for dinner @ 6:00pm, worship @ 7:00pm!)
Guidance from God’s Little Instruction Book:
People know what you are by what they see, not by what they hear. Matthew 5:16
Quite often when a man thinks his mind is getting broader, it’s only his conscience stretching.
Titus 1:15
Our days are identical suitcases – all the same size – but some people can pack more into them than others.
Ephesians 5:15, 16
Living would be easier if men showed as much patience at home as they do when they’re fishing.
1 Peter 3:7b
1045 S Arlington Heights Rd; Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007-3703
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Christus Victor Lutheran Church
March 2015
Christian Education / Vacation Bible School
July 2015
by Melanie Tomaso
JULY 12 - 17
For all kids age 3 - entering 6th grade fall 2015
Sunday thru Thursday - 5:15 to 8:00pm
Friday – 6:00 to 8:00pm
Volunteer sign up has begun!
Registration begins soon!
Join us for the next planning meeting on Sunday, March 8 at 10:30am
Outreach / Community Respite Care Program
aka A Caring Place
by Marge Hart
Forty-two million family caregivers across the country provide the invaluable resource
of caring for an older loved one. Many are on-call 24 hours a day - just like a superhero.
They serve many roles to help their aging loved one live independently at home. Every
day, these caregivers do remarkable things - but their labor of love is not without
challenges. Family caregivers often put aside their own needs. One in six family
caregivers report that their own health worsened during the time they were caring for a
loved one. While they do it willingly, caregiving is a big job and, once in a while,
caregivers need a break. After all, even superheroes need a break!
That’s why Respite Care, like adult day services, is so important. Did you know that Elk Grove has such a service
available? Caregivers can bring their loved one to A Caring Place, located in Christus Victor Lutheran Church at 1045 S.
Arlington Hts. Road. This program is available on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 9:30am until 3:00pm for
just $20 per day. The program consists of games and activities that promote socialization and stimulation while giving the
caregiver a day to himself or herself.
One of the goals of this program is to keep the cost affordable. We are able to keep the cost down to $20 per day
because of the generosity of volunteers. These people enjoy playing games and providing assistance to the participants.
If this program is of interest to you as a volunteer or as a participant, please call Marge Hart at 847.890.5334 or Geri
Allaire at 847.287.6693. We look forward to hearing from you!
1045 S Arlington Heights Rd; Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007-3703
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Christus Victor Lutheran Church
March 2015
Outreach / Kids Hope USA
Making a Difference in Someone’s Life
by Sandy Mueller
Have you ever wondered what you could do to make a difference in someone's life
and have it take only one hour a week to do it?? Well, get prepared! We have room for a few more Mentors and Prayer
Please e-mail Sandy Mueller at for an overview of the Kids Hope program. Kids Hope
USA is an organization that matches an "at risk" elementary school-aged child with a Mentor. The child and Mentor meet
one hour a week during the school year. If you are not able to go to the child's school, we are also in need for "Prayer
Partners." A Prayer Partner can be done without leaving your home and you simply pray for the Mentor and child at the
time of their meeting. Couldn't be easier!
If you have an internet connection and would like to get more information, I have included a YouTube video below.
Don't forget…this is a proven way (with very little effort on your part) that you can make a tremendous difference in
someone's life!
Time for a good Spring Cleaning!
by Nancy Pfannkuche
Tired of the clutter?
Stressed by the chaos?
Want the floor to see daylight again?
Well, we can’t help you with your garage, basement, or teenager’s room. BUT, we
sure could use a couple of hours of your time in May!!
There is a need to clean out our garage to get it ready for summer. So be on the lookout for a
Cleaning Date. I need volunteers to help. Help decide what to keep and what to get rid of - yes, we
do need to discard items! Our garage has become a collection place for those items the church can
no longer use or items people anonymously donated because they don’t throw anything away (and
the items are of no use to the church).
Please decide to help this coming May! Thanks!!
1045 S Arlington Heights Rd; Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007-3703
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Christus Victor Lutheran Church
March 2015
Social Ministry
Items that are needed (why):
1) Aluminum cans (fund landscaping projects)
2) Aluminum pull tops (Ronald McDonald House)
3) Baby/Maternity items (for Preservation of Human Dignity organization)
4) “Care” items for military list on Social Ministry table (we care about them)
5) Flat sheets not "fitted," new/gently used (by Quilters, backing or pieces)
6) Greeting cards, ONLY birthday & get well (for sending to CVLC members)
7) JoAnn Fabrics gift cards (for Social Ministry to get quilting supplies)
8) Labels/box tops General Mills, Betty Crocker, Campbell Soup (benefit EGV schools)
9) Non-perishable food items (a year-round need of EGV Food Pantry)
10) Shoes new/used (fund well-drilling in Africa)
11) Small electronics to recycle (Music Ministries Fund)
12) Soap unopened, new (LWR)
13) Teddy Bears medium-size/new (children in distress)
14) Yarn brand = Homespun, 3 skeins (Prayer Shawls)
Volunteers that are needed to (why/contact):
Join Altar Guild for 9:15 service (short-handed / Betty Jensen)
Collators: Communicator – monthly – 9:00am – on a designated Wednesday (short-handed / Evelyn Sikma)
Collators: Bulletins – weekly – 8:30am – every Thursday (short-handed / Evelyn Sikma)
Make Prayer Shawls, knit or crochet (many needs / Jan Dunteman)
Welcome Center Greeters, before/after Worship (help people / Carol Rechtoris)
Sew quilt top pieces at home; (LWR / Darlene Greaves)
Social Ministry / Packages-4-Patriots
by Pastor Marcia Strahl
Contributions made by CVLC members and friends to the January 20th packing for shipping:
- A shopping bag full of snacks and drinks
- 1 bag of coffee
- 8 containers of cookies
- 30 magazines
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Christus Victor Lutheran Church
March 2015
March Volunteers to Serve
5:00pm Saturday
Eternal Light
( 1 donor per week @ $3.50 )
Mar 7 – Ian Much
Mar 1 – Will Halloran
Mar 14 – Jack Connelly
Mar 8 – [ open ]
Mar 21 – Megan Mueller
Mar 15 – [ open ]
Mar 28 – Sean Casey
Mar 22 – [ open ]
9:15am Sunday
Mar 1 – Ryan Kirby
Mar 8 – Danielle Smith
Mar 15 – Charlie Dayment
Mar 22 – Lexi Nelson
Mar 29 – Kaitlyn Ingebrigtsen
10:45am Sunday
Mar 1 – Matthew Mortell
Mar 8 – Ryanne Barker
Mar 15 – Alex Jansen
Mar 22 – Richard Schaller
Mar 29 – [ open ]
Altar Flowers
(2 donors/week @ $15.00 each)
Mar 1 – Will Halloran
Kathy Kelly
Mar 8 – Beverly Davis
[ open ]
Mar 15 – Mary Jane Lind
Sarah Zipse
Mar 22 – Nancy Pfannkuche
[ open ]
Mar 29 – [ open ]
[ open ]
Mar 29 – Ethan Serna
7:00pm Wednesday
Mar 4 – 7 grade Confirmation
Mar 11 – 8th grade Confirmation
Mar 18 – 6th grade Confirmation
Mar 25 – 7 grade Confirmation
Confirmation “Ways to Serve”:
Maundy Thursday, April 2
7:00pm / First Communion
Good Friday, April 3
6:00pm / Modern Worship
7:30pm / Cantata
9:15am Sunday
Mar 1 – Colleen Brondsema
Lynette Cressler
Mar 8 – Weiland
Melanie Potuznik
Mar 15 – Justine Schlenbecker
[ open ]
Mar 22 – Cathy Braude
Lynette Cressler
Mar 29 – Lisa Kasabian
Farrah Soppe
Easter Sunday, April 5
7:00am / Sunrise Worship
9:15am / Modern Worship
10:45am / Traditional Worship
1045 S Arlington Heights Rd; Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007-3703
Fellowship Hour
Mar 1 – [ open ]
[ open ]
Mar 8 – Dave/Judy Voypick
[ open ]
Mar 15 – [ open ]
[ open ]
Mar 22 – [ open ]
[ open ]
Mar 29 – [ open ]
[ open ]
Prayer Stations
Everyone is welcomed to come
forward to share a joy, concern, pain, or
sorrow with a prayer partner. You do
not have to reveal names. Anything
mentioned will be kept confidential.
Your prayer partner will listen to your
prayer request and then pray for that
request and for you.
5:00pm Saturday
Mar 7 – Hank Kwiatkowski
Mar 14 – Sue Terlecki
Mar 21 – Evelyn Sikma
Mar 28 – Hank Kwiatkowski
9:15am Sunday
Mar 1 – Angela Yamashita
Mar 8 – Jan Frystak
Mar 15 – Renee Weiland
Mar 22 – Annette Hernandez
Mar 29 – Debra Roth
10:45am Sunday
Mar 1 – Carol Nordtvedt
Mar 8 – Alice Dabelow
Mar 15 – Patrick Briggs
Mar 22 – Cathy Bishop
Mar 29 – Jan Spees
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Christus Victor Lutheran Church
03/01 Peter Phillips
Jack Bise
Eric Sikma
03/02 Lauren Mortell
03/03 Rick Wrzala
Robert Hult
03/04 Jan Jansen
Edi Setterstrom
Kiersten Mitchell
Dan Baratta
03/05 Kathy Parks
Anne Kivikko
Mari-Ann Pollu-Murray
Kelly DeStefano
Trevor Gatwood
Matt Steinbuck
03/06 Rob McCracken
Janeen Wojcik
Zach Daniels
03/07 Leanne Sterzel
Brian Joda
Krissy Cassidy
03/08 Jerry Briggs
Jackie Satzke
Dylan Ingebrigtsen
Trey Watson
03/09 Doris Schulze
Dave Malloy
03/10 Susan Medema
Victoria Knez
Madyson Biedke
03/11 Megan Gatwood
Caroline Huddleston
03/12 Robert Dowler
Linda Zimmerman
March 2015
03/12 Craig Anderson
Nick Roback
Kaira Klingler
03/13 Alice Louko
Karen Setterstrom
Lori Panfil
Alison Woytus
P.J. Ruch
Natalie Faulkner
03/14 Evelyn Wizniak
Penny Gatwood
Mark Sellers
Jenn Kirby
Matthew Wenzel
Bryan Skwirut
03/15 Alice Fleck
Brett Puppilo
Ryan Kirby
03/16 Herb Joseph
Fern Lendy
Julia Fox
Farrah Soppe
Peter Kinsella
Sophia Yamashita
03/17 Jack Schroeder
Beverly O'Hara
03/18 Janet Stasewich
Olivia Banach
03/19 Karen Prondzinski
Renate Miller
Michelle Hinojosa
Nicole Hecker
Daniel Setterstrom
03/20 Karen Eberspacher
Jeff Serna
Cheri Sutton
03/20 Carrie Blanding
03/21 Beckie Ambroson
Rich Knez
Tom Wekony
David Keyes
Laurie Coleman
Kenneth Ohlson
03/22 Jeanette Stanton
Alexandria Paladino
Shannon Taucher
Evan Smith
03/23 Lori Cassara
03/24 Kaity Ingebrigtsen
03/25 Georgette Frank
Pat Baiocchi
Carole Briggs
Melissa Paladino
Brian Faulkner
03/26 Herb Dabelow
Steve Trudan
Sarah Starzynski
Riley DeVoss
03/27 Jill Nelson
Bob Lange
Laura Vitols
Lindsay Schroeder
03/28 Timothy Hastings
Tyrus Kato
03/29 Jennifer Thiede
03/30 Nancy Andrews
Curtis Smith
Matt Tomlinson
03/31 Linda Zenger
Steven Sloan
If we’ve missed your birthday – call the Office and let us know!
It means we don’t have a month/day of birth!!!
(Not that we’ve intentionally omitted your birthday!)
1045 S Arlington Heights Rd; Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007-3703
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Christus Victor Lutheran Church
March 2015
Sunday, April 5
Jesus is risen! He has risen indeed!
Easter Egg Hunt after ALL services.
6:00am – end of Prayer Vigil
7:00am – Sunrise Worship
8:00am – Breakfast starts / benefit Mission Trip 2015
9:15am – Modern Worship
10:45am – Traditional Worship
Noon – Easter Breakfast ends
Note: Food options may not exactly match pictures shown here!
1045 S Arlington Heights Rd; Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007-3703
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Christus Victor Lutheran Church
1045 S Arlington Heights Rd; Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007-3703
March 2015
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Christus Victor Lutheran Church
March 2015
News &
Council Members with Title and/or Liaison Area
Stefan Potuznik -------------------- / 847.436.2614 ------------------------------------------ Senior Pastor
Jerry Briggs ------------------------- / 224.234.6236---------------------- President / Parish Growth & Life
Jeff Dale ----------------------------- / 708.638.8968 ------------------------- Vice-President / Property
Kathy Kelly------------------------- / 224.612.0925 --------------------------------------------Secretary / Finance
John Laugesen --------------------- / 847.524.1682 ------------------------------------------------ Treasurer
Ethel Colletti ----------------------- / 847.875.3352 ----------------------------------- Social Ministry
Jan Dunteman ---------------------- / 630.543.4024------------------------------------- Worship & Music
Michelle Faasse-Phillips --------- / 972.533.1022 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Youth
Ron Mrofcza ----------------------- / 630.776.8651 ---------------------------------------------- Communications
Frank Preo -------------------------- / 847.593.0754 ---------------------------------------------------- Youth
Alison Woytus --------------------- / 847.923.0243 --------------------------------- Christian Education
Pastors / Deacons
Senior Pastor Stefan Potuznik -------------------------------------------------------------- / 847.436.2614
Interim Associate Pastor Art Puotinen ------------------------------------------------------------ / 847.717.0835
Senior Parish Deacon Patrick Briggs ----------------------------------------------------------- / 847.437.3116
Parish Deacon Hank Kwiatkowski-------------------------------------------------------------- / 847.533.4868
Parish Deacon Jan Spees ------------------------------------------------------------------------- / 847.370.0889
Office Staff
Chuck Crabtree -------------------- / 847.630.6848 ------------------------------------------ Custodian
Jill Nelson--------------------------- / 847.471.9003 --------------------------- Administrative Assistant
Maria Pignato ---------------------- / 847.275.0856 -------------------------- Co-Office Administrator
Evelyn Sikma ---------------------- / 630.287.1396 ------------------------------- Co-Office Administrator
Mary Jo Slifka --------------------- / 847.439.1327 ------------------------------------- Business Coordinator
Music Directors
Gary Dowty ------------------------ / 847.702.5222 -----------------------Revelation Brass Manager
George Gentes --------------------- / 847.826.9575 ------ Chancel Choir Director (High School and up)
Kathleen Gentes ------------------- / 847.826.9576 --------------- Organist / Chancel Choir Accompanist
Julie Glesne------------------------- / 847.584.3790 ---------------------------- Pianist (Saturday 5:00pm)
Anne Kivikko ---------------------- / 312.969.5211-------------------------------------------- Handbell Director
Jenni Vinyard -------------------- / 847.431.4599 --------- 9:15am Modern Service Worship Leader
1045 S Arlington Heights Rd; Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007-3703
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Christus Victor Lutheran Church
March 2015
Program Staff
Leigh Batts, Youth Director ----------------------------------------------------------------------- / 847.437.2666
George Gentes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- / 847.826.9575
Kathleen Gentes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / 847.826.9576
Melanie Tomaso, Children’s Ministry Coordinator --------------------------------------------------
Jenni Vinyard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / 847.431.4599
Street address: 1045 S Arlington Heights Road
Telephone: 847.437.2666
Fax: 847.437.2687
Palm weekend = March 28, 29
1045 S Arlington Heights Rd; Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007-3703
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Christus Victor Lutheran Church
March 2015
Remember in Prayer
Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know
how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with
sighs too deep for words.
Romans 8:26
The following people and petitions were on our Prayer List from Jan 15th to Feb 15th.
Betty Aikens
Joy Anderson
Ray Bebe
Ruth Benson
Tony Bertucci
Roger Bise
Mary Bitsiaras
Cathy Brand
Joyce C
Clarke Family
Linda Crabtree
Katie Dailey
Dennis Dziubla
Kevin Gallagher & Family
Jerry Gentes
Jeannie Green
George Hanner
Jackie & George
Keith & Betty Jensen
Baby Luke
David Messmer
Julie Michalik
Ken Nelson
David Pidgeon
Roberto Pineda
Dawn Roucka
Jan S
John S
Evelyn Sikma
Bea White
Special Individuals that Need Your Prayers
Any of these Americans could be any place in the world, possibly facing danger, in service to our country.
Sgt. 1 Class Nathan Bontrager, Colonel Rob Carlson, Staff Sergeant Steven Dlugosz, Captain Andre Hernandez, Chief
Petty Officer Patrick Medema, Private Doug Noss, Logan Ripplinger, Corporal Joseph Rodriguez, Captain Kristin
Santroch, Captain Eric Santroch, Major John M Schmitt, Richard St. Clair, Major Greg Wyant, and Colton Zumach.
We ask, Father, that our men and women in uniform will feel your presence. Please reunite them with their families
Please guide our Call Committee as they search for a new Associate Pastor. Grant us peace and patience during this
We thank and praise you, Father, for the birth of Thomas Wekony III, son of Tom and Marcelle, grandson of Tom and
Lord, we ask for your comfort and strength to surround the family and friends of
o Patricia Huebner, as they mourn her death.
o Becca Mueller, as they mourn her death.
Do you have a prayer request? In order for Christus Victor to publicly pray for individuals, we need to have
their permission to speak their name out loud. This is necessary to protect their privacy.
If you are requesting prayers for a specific individual, you will need to sign your name to the Request. We will
consider your signature as confirmation that the person listed knows about and agrees to a public reading of their name.
Prayer Requests that list specific names without an authorizing signature will NOT be printed in the bulletin and
will NOT be spoken in public. Everyone is still able to fill out a Prayer Request for a specific person and post it
themselves on the Prayer Wall without providing an authorizing signature.
1045 S Arlington Heights Rd; Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007-3703
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Christus Victor Lutheran Church
March 2015
For questions, comments, concerns ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
To reserve a room ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
To submit Communicator articles
To publicize CVLC events & programs --------------------------------------------------------------------------
To contact the Sunday School--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sign up NOW!!
CVLC Prayer Vigil
9:00pm Friday, April 3rd, thru 6:00am Sunday, April 5th
Reserve your favorite time during the Easter Prayer Vigil!
A time for meditation, prayer, song, praise to God.
Come alone or with friends.
A great opportunity for quality time together as a family!
May 17
Sign-up wheel on the table under Narthex monitor.
15 of each month – deadline for submitting articles for following month’s Communicator.
Tuesday noon of each week – deadline for submitting articles for weekly Bulletin Announcement insert page.
Wednesday noon of each week – deadline for submitting requests for additional insert page for the weekly
Staff Hours
Chuck Crabtree
Jill Nelson
Administrative Assistant:
9:00pm to 4:00pm - Tuesdays
1:00pm to 4:00pm - Wednesdays
9:00am to 3:00pm - Fridays
Maria Pignato
Evelyn Sikma
Co-Office Administrator:
Co-Office Administrator:
9:00am to 4:00pm - Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays
as able for Communicator, Special Projects
9:00am to 2:00pm - Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays
1:00pm to 6:00pm - Wednesdays, Thursdays
Office Hours
9:00am to 4:00pm - Mondays through Thursdays
9:00am to 3:00pm - Fridays
CLOSED - Saturdays, Sundays
1045 S Arlington Heights Rd; Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007-3703
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Christus Victor Lutheran Church
March 2015
Note: Each month, Worship Times will be listed here. In months with special or extra services, those
dates and times will also be included.
Common Weekend Schedule:
Saturdays @ 5:00pm:
Modern/Traditional Communion Worship
casual worship, "Traditional-lite"
Sundays @ 9:15am:
Modern Communion Worship
led by RiZen Praise Band
children start here, dismissed for Sunday School @ 9:30am
Sundays @ 10:45am:
Traditional Communion Worship
Chancel Choir sings almost every Sunday during School Year
Revelation Brass, Joy Bells also add to worship atmosphere
Special Worship Events in March:
Wednesday, March 4,
Wednesday, March 11,
Wednesday, March 18, and
Wednesday, March 25
Lenten evenings for fellowship and Evening Prayer.
6:00pm Lenten Dinner
All are welcomed!
Free-will offering.
7:00pm Lenten Worship
An Evening Prayer service with readings, singing, and a short
Active involvement by our Confirmation youth.
All are welcomed!
Sat/Sun, March 28/29
Start Holy Week with the joyful arrival of Jesus into Jerusalem!
Modern/Traditional Communion Worship
Modern Communion Worship
Traditional Communion Worship
Easter, April 5
7:00am (Sunrise)
9:15am (Modern)
10:45am (Traditional)
April 2, 7:00pm
Good Friday, April 3
6:00pm (Modern)
7:30pm (Cantata)
1045 S Arlington Heights Rd; Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007-3703
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