March 01, 2015 | Second Sunday of Lent CHURCH PHYSICAL ADDRESS 5225 Golden Gate Parkway Naples, Florida 34116 MAILING ADDRESS & OFFICE LOCATION 5260 28th Avenue SW Naples, FL 34116 PASTOR Rev. Dennis J. Harten, O.S.A. SPANISH MINISTRY Father Luis H. Pacheco MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil ..................... 3:00 pm & 4:30pm Saturday Vigil Mass in Spanish ........6:30pm Sunday Liturgies ................... 7:30am, 9:00am & 10:30am Daily Liturgy (Monday-Saturday) ..... 8:00am RECONCILIATION SATURDAY CONTACT US E-MAIL Marrie McLaughlin, Principal (239) 455-2262 WEBSITE: KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Telephone.............................. (239) 455-3900 Fax ............................................ (239) 455-6895 Prayer Line ................................. extension 301 DIRECTOR OF PASTORAL MINISTRY Joan Hayden ......................... extension 203 BUSINESS MANAGER David Mowery....................... extension 202 OFFICE MANAGER Denine Cascio-Snyder ...... extension 201 SPANISH MINISTRY Christian Davis (239) 370.1408 The General Meeting is the first Monday of the month at 7:30pm. The KOC Hall is located at 6120 Golden Gate Parkway. MARRIAGES Arrangements must be made six months in advance by calling the Parish Office. BAPTISM Baptism classes for parents who are registered participating members of the Parish will be held once a month. Please call the Parish Office for further information. Father Luis H. Pacheco ..... extension 207 English .................................................. 4:00pm Spanish................................................. 6:00pm MUSIC MINISTRY PARISH OFFICE HOURS FAITH FORMATION FACILITATOR Monday - Friday ............. 8:30am - 4:00pm ST. ELIZABETH SETON SCHOOL Carl Granieri........................... extension 204 Susan Reagan ...................... extension 208 The Safe Environment Program As part of the Safe Environment Program, the Diocese of Venice requires that all employees and those volunteers who work with children and/or vulnerable adults be fingerprinted and trained in Safe environment. For further information, visit the Diocesan website at march 2015 at a glance... DATE Saturday February 28 MASS INTENTIONS EVENTS 8:00 am For the Nieces & Nephews of the Comito Family 3:00 pm Leo Fitzsimmons 4:30 pm The Yuhasz Family Sunday March 01 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am Monday March 02 8:00 am Ernie Lesson Tuesday March 03 8:00 am For the people Wednesday March 04 8:00 am Thursday March 05 St. Vincent de Paul Van Pickup Claire Poole Alvera & Richard Martin Alice & Mike Clifford 8:45 5:00 5:00 6:00 am pm pm pm St. Vincent de Paul Van Pickup Blestways - School Eucharist Series - PC Faithways - PH Discipleways - PH 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm RCIA/Confirmation - MR English Prayer Group - CC Emmaus Men - PH Phyllis Murphy 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm Emmaus Women - CC Welcome Committee - MR Spanish Choir - C 8:00 am Frances Denkovich 4:00 6:30 6:30 7:00 Music Ministry - C Sp. Prayer Group - PH Christian Service Committee - MR Eng. Choir - C Friday March 06 8:00 am Stefanski - Pospeck Families 5:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:15 pm Saturday March 07 8:00 am Thomas, Dolores & Tommy Shea 3:00 pm Josephine & Anthony Balio & Son 4:30 pm Altagrace Aime Sunday March 08 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am Monday March 09 8:00 am Fitzgerald & Coyle Families Tuesday March 10 8:00 am For the people Wednesday March 11 8:00 am Bozewicz Family Thursday March 12 8:00 am Friday March 13 8:00 am Saturday March 14 8:00 am Diane Gulley 3:00 pm John Balio 4:30 pm Caroline Andretta Sunday March 15 Building Codes: 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am Pat Lynch Betty Smith Irene Yonfrieda pm pm pm pm Fish Fry - PH Stations of the Cross Eng. - C Stations of the Cross Sp. - C St. Vincent de Paul Van Pickup 8:45 5:00 5:00 6:00 am pm pm pm St. Vincent de Paul Van Pickup Blestways - School Eucharist Series - PC Faithways - PH Discipleways - PH 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm RCIA/Confirmation - MR English Prayer Group - CC Emmaus Men - PH John Peterson 4:00 6:30 6:30 7:00 Music Ministry - C Sp. Prayer Group - PH Admin. & Finance Committee - MR Eng. Choir - C Michael DeMarco 5:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:15 pm Rev. James Chaseley Irene Kovach Ann & Walter Fitzgerald C -Church PH– Parish Hall CC -Children’s Chapel PC - Parish Center pm pm pm pm 5:00 pm Fish Fry Stations of the Cross Eng. - C Stations of the Cross Sp. - C No Faith Formation Eucharist Series - PC G- Gymnasium MR –Meeting Room S/C—Sacristy in Church O– Office Probably I have told you this story before, but it bears on Sunday’s readings. The incident occurred a long time ago, just before I was ordained. For some reason which I cannot remember I had been chosen to give the Easter Vigil homily at the hugely packed College Church at Saint Louis University. There was a complication, of course. I was scheduled to be on my ordination retreat at the very same time. No problem. I rode with four other Jesuits from the retreat place, way out in the countryside, into the city, into the church, into the sacristy, into an alb, out to the altar. Need I say that I was very nervous, since I had only given a few homilies before in my life. It happened that a huge thunderstorm had struck just the night before. I had watched it from the six foot high plate glass doors of the retreat house. If you are not from the Midwestern part of the United States you may not know the beauty of our rain storms. Dark rain pouring down, unexpected volcanic lightning flashes blistering forth in naked power. Every single smallest detail of the landscape is visible for seconds, as if twenty thousand florescent lights had suddenly flashed on and then off again. The tremendous power humbled me. This kind of lightning-burst reminded me of what God told the prophet: “Do not look at me directly as I pass by; the sight is too much for your eyes”. We are too small, in other words, for this brilliance. I welcomed Easter Vigil’s much more humane version of light. The Easter Candle of course was lighted from the fire at the back and the large assembly lit their small tapers gradually from the one Easter flame. Because I was in the sanctuary I could witness for the first time this soft light spreading forth from the countless miniature candles, combining the crowd into a gentle oneness, a hearth of human faces. Wrinkles forgiven, this comforting glow made each face a vessel which held deep inside itself the quiet being of the person and of the Lord. Such a contrast: thunderous power followed so quickly by warmth, love, small light. It enacted the true contrast between God’s transcendent greatness—too much for human eyes—and Jesus’ quiet love. Jesus absolved wrinkles and crippled legs and unseeing eyes. He is our glimpse of the awe-filled intensity of God-the-infinite through our tiny, finite eyes. Jesus is God, and also one of us. He is lightning turned into candle glow. Alright, you say, that is very interesting, but what about this week’s Gospel? Well, in the Transfiguration, Jesus, who was the small light, reversed himself and showed up as God the infinite fire. My mere encounter with lightning was nothing compared to this. Why did such a frightening transformation take place? One appealing speculation would be that Jesus needed to show them (and us) the true connection of light with light. At the very center of each bolt of lightning is the same stuff that gently caresses our faulty faces and makes them glow. God cannot put out the light that he is. But he can filter it and offer it to anyone who will look … … and occasionally show through, so we don’t forget what we are seeing. ~ John Foley S. J. For daily reading visit Are you a registered Parishioner? 239.455.3900 extension 301 24 hours | 7 days a week Do not take for granted that you are registered in the Parish just because you attend Mass. It could be quite embarrassing to us, you and your family when someone wants to make wedding plans, have a baby baptized, attend Faith Formation, or if you are asked to be a Sponsor for Baptism or Confirmation requiring a note of Catholicity from us. If we have no record of membership, we cannot provide these services for you. The Parish Office is open for registration Monday through Friday between 8:30 am and 3:00 pm. Or register on-line at Friday, March 6th at 6:30 pm second sunday of lent... Light from light Sunday, March 1st, 2015 Parish Center | 5:00 pm The offertory collection totals for the weekend of February 22, 2015 Current Year: $22,408 # of Envelopes: 1,035 Previous Year: $23,304 Debt Reduction Report January 31, 2015 December Principal Reduction : $10,100 Principal Balance : $519,819 THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT OF OUR PARISH COMMUNITY The Story of the Eucharist Brought to the Parish Community by our Education Committee Potluck dinner included Please share your favorite dish In this beautiful season of Lent, what a JOY it is to welcome the Graces of God that allow us to grow in freedom from attachment to the things of this world, and help us to grow in closeness to Our Lord Jesus! With hearts excited to Praise God, let us sing joyfully on the journey and continue to fill our church with the sound of our voices as we prepare our hearts for Easter! Join the choir or music ministry! We want you! Call Carl at 609-287-4268 Our Faith Formation Congratulations to our 83 Blestways students who were joyful to receive Reconciliation for the first time!. They are now ensured lifelong forgiveness. PARISH COMMITTEE CONTACTS ADMINISTRATION/FINANCE COMMITTEE Victoria Koga ......................................... 239.860.8497 Walter Morrissey .................................. 239.352.1754 CHRISTIAN SERVICE COMMITTEE Amala Rawat ......................................... 239.513.0696 Kathy Clifford ......................................... 239.207.7204 EDUCATION COMMITTEE Andrea Marsh FAMILY LIFE COMMITTEE Patrica & Orlando Tamayo .............. 239.304.1332 LITURGY COMMITTEE Marilyn Malio .........................................239-331-8493 Sharon Kaylor .......................................239-877-9186 WELCOME COMMITTEE Becky DeCourcey ............ Joanne Raley ......................................... 239.250.5910 If you are interested in finding out what will be happening - please feel free to come to any of the scheduled meetings which are held at 6:30pm in the Meeting Room located in the Church: March 4th Welcome Committee March 5th Christian Service Committee March 12th Admin. & Finance Committee Faithways and Discipleways students are invited to join the journey our Parishioners are embarking on to Wauchula, Florida by bus to watch the amazing play “The Story of Jesus”. The performance is Friday, March 27th. Please RSVP no later than March 8 to the Parish Office, 239.455.3900 extension 208. Our youth will need a permission slip which can be picked up when your ticket is purchased. Permission slips need to be completed and returned by March 15th. Lenten Regulations for Fasting & Abstinence FASTING is to be observed by all Catholics between the ages of 18 years and 59 years (inclusive). On a fast day, one full meal is allowed. Two smaller meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may to taken according to each one’s needs, but together they should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted, but liquids are allowed. ABSTINENCE from meat is observed by all Catholics who are 14 years of age and older. NOTE: If a person is unable to observe the above regulations due to ill health or other serious reasons, they should practice other forms of self denial that are suitable to their condition. Are you looking for a deeper relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ? Then come on Monday evenings from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm and experience an awakening of the gifts that were freely given to you by the Holy Spirit. We gather together in the Children’s Chapel of the Church for an hour of prayer, praise, music and healing. All are welcome, it may just change your life. T HE S TORY OF J ESUS The Parish has purchased tickets to see THE STORY OF JESUS in Wauchula, FL on March 27, 2015. We will be chartering a bus. A pre-show event beginning at 7:00 pm is new this year, Pictures of Freedom. The show begins at 7:30 pm and is a 3 hour production. We will be leaving the parking lot at 4:30 pm and will return around 11:30 pm-midnight. THE STORY OF JESUS has captured the hearts of thousands for more than two decades. Visually dazzling and action packed, this three hour epic production tells the timeless story of Christ with remarkable new life. The blend of Biblical accuracy, Judean flavor, contemporary special effects, and unique staging make it one of the most popular passion plays of our time. The monstrous 250-foot set teems with life as a cast of 150 animals and 225 people ignite on the stage. The images and words of Jesus become a never to be forgotten reality. Casted by volunteers of all ages, from nearly 40 different churches, this live reenactment rivals professional Broadway shows while carefully preserving the sacredness of the story. THE STORY OF JESUS is truly a life changing experience. In order to ensure we have enough tickets, please RSVP to 455-3900 ext. 201 by March 13, 2015 SAVE THE DATE: SUNDAY, MARCH 28TH 6:30 pm in the Saint Elizabeth Seton Gymnasium An unforgettable experience presented by The Franciscan Mystery Players The Way of the Cross is a dramatic multi-media presentation of the Passion and Death of the Lord. It calls for no speaking parts. Through the use of special lighting, inspirational music, drama and soul searching meditations, a person is able to get in touch with themselves: their goodness and their struggles. Then, in a very unique way it becomes a prayerful vehicle for the Lord’s spirit to forgive, heal and renew. This moving dramatic meditation promises to be a high point in our Parish Lenten Journey. A LL A RE I NVITED ST. ELIZABETH SETON SCHOOL | 239.455.2262 Enriching minds and empowering souls for over 30 years TO A TTEND Now enrolling for 2015-2016! Schedule a tour today to learn how your family can become a part of our Seton Family bienvenido a nuestra iglesia ... Formación en la Fe ESTA SEMANA EN LA IGLESIA Lunes, 02 de Marcha 7:00 pm Emaús Hombres Miércoles, 04 de Marcha 6:30 pm Emaús Mujeres 6:30 pm Español Coro Felicitaciones a nuestros 83 Blestways estudiantes que eran alegres de recibir la Reconciliación por primera vez !. Ahora están garantizadas perdón de toda la vida. PH CC Jueves, 05 de Marcha 6:30 pm Grupo de Oración Español PH Viernes, 06 de Marcha 7:15 pm Estaciones de la Cruz C G O PH S/C Iglesia Gimnasio Oficina Salón Parroquial Sacristía en Iglesia CC MR PC S C Capilla de Niños Cuarto de Conferencia Centro Parroquial Escuela Se invita a Faithways y estudiantes Discipleways unirse a la expedición nuestros feligreses están embarcando en a Wauchula, Florida en autobús para ver la increíble obra de teatro "La Historia de Jesús". El rendimiento es el viernes, 27 de marzo. Por favor confirmar su asistencia a más tardar el 08 de marzo a la Oficina Parroquial, 239.455.3900 extensión 208. Nuestros jóvenes necesitan un permiso que puede ser captada cuando se compra su billete. Las hojas de permiso necesitan ser completado y enviado el 15 de marzo. HORARIO DE MISAS Misas en Inglés Lunes a Sábado ......................................... 8:00 am Sábado ..................................... 3:00 pm y 4:30 pm Domingo ................ 7:30 am, 9:00 am y 10:30 am Misa en español Sábado ............................ 6:30pm Padre Luis H. Pacheco: 455-3900 ext. 207 Horas de Oficinas: Martes y Miércoles Llamados a Servir Donde puedas invertir tus dones, hazlo y ganarás un tesoro en el Cielo. Si quieres estar más cerca de Dios, aquí tienes los diferentes ministerios donde puedes invertir tus talentos, tus dones y tu tiempo. Coordinador General de la Comunidad Hispana Padre Luis H. Pacheco ............ 239-455-3900 ext. 207 Ministros Extraodinarios de la Eucaristía Jesús Delgado ............................................239-784-5503 Ministerio de Música Marisol Blanco ............................................239-961-0752 Ministerio de Ujieres Miguel Martínez ..........................................239-821-5891 Ministerio del Rosario Vicente Saavedra .......................................239-348-3693 Leonel Torres ...............................................239-293-1482 Ministerio del Grupo de Oración Elio Gorrostieta ...........................................239-404-9195 Ministerio de Emaús Hombres Ernesto Rubio ..............................................239-290-0213 Ministerio de Emaús Mujeres Ana María Andrade ...................................239-537-6792 Viernes, 06 de marzo a las 7:15 pm SUNDAY, MARCH 8TH Provide Help & Hope to the Needy of Collier County Catholic Charities presents Help Jesus in disguise The envelopes at the end of the pews are for our support of the Catholic Relief Services. This collection supports six Catholic agencies that touch more than 100 million lives around the world. The funds from this collection help provide food to the hungry, support to displace refuges, and Christ’s love and respect to all people. Next week, please use the envelopes to make your gift to the Catholic Relief Services. Safe Environment- As a part of the Safe Environment Program, the Diocese of Venice requires all volunteers who work with children a n d / o r vu l n e ra b l e a d u l t s b e fingerprinted by their home parish and trained in Safe Environment. For further information, visit the Diocese website at Safe Environment Class Schedule Saint Finbarr - English March 5th March 7th The Ritz-Carlton Beach Resort Cocktails | Exciting Auction Dinner | Dancing | Black Tie Tickets: $300/person Call Star at 455.2655 Funds support Catholic Charities Programs Have you ridden on the Seton Express? Hop on and take a trip over after Mass Browse through all the wonderful items the Friary has to offer 6:00 - 8:00pm 9:30 - 11:30am
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