Friday Newsletter Goulburn Valley Grammar School From the Principal Term 1, Week 3, 27 February 2015 Around the School Concert Under the Stars The Concert Under the Stars is one of the great cultural institutions at GVGS. It was originally the brainchild of Year 12 students in 2002 and has become a firm tradition since. The aim of the event is for the Year 12 cohort to work together in presenting an evening of entertainment for the School community in order to raise money for the Leavers Fund. The event of course, achieves many other things such as bringing the School community together enabling the Year 12 cohort to demonstrate their skills and talents. Over the years, the evenings have displayed a wide range of entertainment including some memorable musical and cultural performances of very high standard. It is also somewhat of an “under the stars” tradition that the event includes some performances which may focus more on enthusiasm and entertainment than technical quality. The event requires considerable planning and effort from our Year 12 students who have already completed a successful Valentine’s Day. The evening commences at 7.30pm in Telly Tubby and entrance is $5 per head. Students and families from all year levels are very welcome. In addition, the Year 12 students will be selling food and drinks including BBQ and cakes. Tickets are available on the night outside the Tuckshop area. All funds raised will go towards the Leavers Fund for 2015. The Leavers Fund is used to support a range of charities and to provide a gift to the School. The Year 5s spending time with their Year 9 ‘Buddies’ Fairley reigns in Dunlop at House Swimming The 2015 House Swimming Carnival was an historic occasion with Fairley House bringing to an end the five years of dominance by Dunlop House. The event was highly competitive with the margin between fourth and first being halved. The day was a great success overall with strong levels of participation from students of all year levels. As usual, families eagerly supported the event with many parents and relatives attending and cheering on competitors. The very warm conditions were a welcome change from last year’s chilly weather. Congratulations to all our students on their positive approach in both swimming and supporting their peers. Thank you also to the wonderful work of our staff who ensured the day ran smoothly. Year 8 Camp The Year 8 Camp was held at Merricks this week. Our intrepid campers had a wonderful time sharing many memorable experiences. Staff commented on the very positive and supportive nature of the Year 8 students, particularly how they approached the activities in a most enthusiastic manner. Special thanks to the Year 8 Tutors and teachers, trainees and Mr Harrison for leading the programme. Friday Assembly At today’s assembly, we will have the first of our Prefect Speeches for 2015. The Prefect Speeches are the inspirational pinnacle of each assembly and represent a wonderful tradition of the School. The Prefect Speeches are a formal method through which the School culture is expressed and celebrated. Each Prefect is allocated one of the values of caring, respecting, learning, accepting responsibility and seeking excellence. The Prefects then carefully create and prepare their speech and present it to the School at Friday Assembly. Assemblies are held on the majority of Fridays throughout the year. Most assemblies also feature a Prefect Speech. It is a long-standing tradition that parents, family and friends are always welcome to attend Friday Assembly. There is no need to book, simply be seated in the front rows near the doors or as directed by staff or Year 12 students. If you have, any questions about assembly simply ring Reception. Mr Greg Reynoldsons’ PE class take a paddle on Kings Lake 6th March Assembly Programme: Middle Year Leaders Induction Semper Ulterius Mr Mark Torriero Principal Prefect Speech: Sophie Worsfold Ph: (03) 5821 8155 If you would like to receive your Friday Newsletter via email please contact GVGS Student News Dates for your Diary Monitoring Academic Achievement via the Portal At the Year 5, 7 and 12 welcome and information nights, families have been reminded about the portal and its value in the educational partnership between school and families. Along with phone calls from tutors to introduce themselves, the portal can be used in the early stages of the year, as a form of contact with teachers and a means to determine whether any further contact is warranted. Parent teacher interviews will also occur early in Term 2. The portal is a vehicle through which parents can gain some information about how a student is progressing academically. Teachers have been asked to lodge accurate and honest assessments of student achievement and any comments that may help students to improve their performance. Often, the early entries in the portal are based on diagnostic testing, early observations and results from formative assessments. For senior students, the gathering of results for outcomes and SACs commences quite early. Feedback on preparation work for SACs is also lodged. Parents can also ask students to see any feedback comments that teachers may have written on the hard copy of work returned to students. If parents are at all concerned about any comments or results, please feel free to contact teachers for further advice. Teachers will welcome any assistance they can access from families in helping students to progress. If parents are unclear about comments, then please contact teachers for clarification. For any further enquiries about assessments and the portal in general, please feel free to contact me at the school on 58218155. Mrs Debbie Moore, Director of Teaching and Learning Year 10 News The Year 10 Students have a busy few weeks coming up. It would be a good idea to check that your child is using their diary to manage commitments and homework. Tuesday 3rd March – Keys Please Students will be attending this information session from 1.50pm – 3.00pm in Founders Hall. It is presented by Vic Roads in partnership with the Victorian Police and the TAC. Tuesday 10th March - Study Skills for Success Students will have a session presented by an engaging and energetic speaker, Darren Pereira, which will focus their attention on:Motivation Managing distractions Homework and study planning Habit forming behaviour Time management Study skills The session will run from 9:15am until 11:45am with no breaks. Wednesday 11th March – OEG Student Session and Parent Information Session. Students will meet with Jo Brockwell from OEG and Mr Shane McDonald to work through some menu planning ideas, as well as get a general overview about the upcoming camp. This will be conducted during period 5 and 6. That evening at 7.30pm parents are invited to attend an Information Session regarding the OEG camp. Jo Brockwell will be in attendance to outline specifics about the camp and answer any questions you may have. Mrs Nicole Bensch, Year 10 Coordinator Immunisations for all Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 Students 4 Mar 5 Mar 9 Mar 11 Mar 11 Mar 13 Mar 15 Mar 15-20 Mar Production Rehearsal 3.30-5.00pm ICCES Swimming Carnival Labour Day holiday Immunisations - Years 7-10 Production Rehearsal 3.30-5.00pm Open Day (No Assembly) Production Rehearsal 10.00am-2.00pm Indonesian student visit (Bintang Mulia and Krista Mitra) 17 Mar Friends of Music meeting, at 2.00pm in the Founder Hall Foyer 18 Mar Production Rehearsal 3.30-5.00pm 19 Mar House Athletics Carnival 21 Mar Scholarship Testing 20-25 Mar Indonesian student visit (Muhammadiyah) 22 Mar Production Rehearsal 10.00am-2.00pm 25 Mar Production Rehearsal 3.30-5.00pm 24-26 Mar Year 5 Camp - Sovereign Hill 24-27 Mar Year 6 Camp - Narmbool 27 Mar Easter Service (No Assembly) 8 May Years 5 and 6 Mother’s Day Picnic 21-23 May Senior Production (The King and I) Regional Visits 21 April 27 April 12 May 19 May 26 May 16 June 28 July Due Dates Please note that the following deadlines may not include ALL due dates for subject work. They are indicative only and may also change due to special circumstances. 2 Mar 2 Mar 2 Mar 2 Mar 4 Mar 5 Mar 5 Mar 10 Mar 11 Mar The Council’s immunisation team will visit GVGS on Wednesday 11th March. This year, Year 7 students will receive HPV, Chickenpox and Boostrix. Years 8 – 10 will only receive Boostrix. If you have not returned your immunisation cards it’s not too late. 11 Mar Year 12 Free Flu vaccination Offer 16 Mar GVGS is offering Year 12 students free Flu vaccination on Tuesday 17th March. Vaccination forms have been distributed during the week and require a parent signature. Completed forms are to be returned to Student Services by Tuesday 10th March. Mrs Susanne Bennett and Mr Bryant Ruska School Nurses GVGS Friday Newsletter, 27 February 2015 Page 2 Yarrawonga Region, The Lake Café, Corner Belmore Street & Irvine Parade, Yarrawonga. Echuca Region, Coriander Functions, Northern Highway, Echuca. Euroa Region, Alberts Café, 44 Binney Street, Euroa. Kyabram Region, Morocco Café, 165 Allen Street, Kyabram. Cobram, Tocumwal, Finley Region, Cobram Hotel, Crn Station & Main Street, Cobram. Benalla Region, North Eastern Hotel, 1-3 Nunn Street, Benalla. Nagambie, Seymour, Murchison Region, venue to be confirmed. Yr 11 History Outcome 1 .......................... HLG Unit 3 PE Outcome 1 Case Study ............ CRP Unit 3 Economics SAC 1.2 .......................... JKG Yr 10 Humanities Outcome 1 ................... JKG Unit 3 PE Outcome 1 Test ......................... CRP Unit 1 PE Body Systems Test OutcomeMLH Yr 9 Linear Algebra Test ..................................... ....................................JAC, DKB, GTT/SDM, MAM Yr 12 History SAC 1.1 .................................. DVG Unit 3 English Language SAC 1a Informal Language– Short answer test ...................... SFT Unit 3 Indonesian Outcome 1 Imaginative and personal writing ........................................RD Unit 3 Software Development SAC 1 ... NFB Parent and Friends Bulb Fundraiser Parents and Friends invite you to take part in our first fundraiser for 2015. Tesselaar allow us to keep 40% of money raised in bulb sales for fundraising. Please refer to attached order form. If you would like to order some bulbs please fill out and return with payment to Mrs Pam Pogue by Friday 13th March so that orders can be filled and returned to you before Easter. Mrs Louise Brown Parents and Friends President From March 15th to March 20th we will be hosting 5 students from Krista Mitra (Semarang) and 17 students from another of our sister schools in Indonesia; Bintang Mulia (Bandung). The visit to GVGS by students from these two schools is an annual event and provides a wonderful opportunity for the students from the three schools to interact. On March 20th we have an additional ten students from a Muslim school in Surabaya staying with us from March 20th to March 26th. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8.30 am -11.30am 1pm - 4pm 1pm - 4pm 1pm - 5pm Closed Winter Uniform In accordance with the Uniform Policy, Winter Uniform is compulsory in Term 2, after ANZAC DAY. As our trading hours will be limited over the school holiday break, we encourage all new students to visit the shop before the end of this term for their winter uniform fitting. Individual appointments are not required and students are able to visit the shop during recess on Monday and during lunchtime Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday as well as after school. Payment is accepted by cash, cheque (payable to Noone Imagewear) EFTPOS or credit card. Should students require payment to be made by credit card we encourage the use of our order form on which credit card details may be authorised. Parents are also welcome to accompany their child at any time during our trading hours. For our GVGS students the additional benefit is to begin to develop a context for developing their Bahasa Indonesian language skills. If families are in a position to have 1 or 2 students from our Indonesian sister schools stay for the week in March then please contact Mr Leon McLeod (Deputy Principal) either by phone on 58218155 or email: Applying wax in the Batik process Our regular Pelican Shoppe trading hours are: The trading hours, Uniform Policy, Price List and Order Form are available from the Goulburn Valley Grammar School website via the Uniform Tab. Visiting Students from Indonesia Mr Leon McLeod Deputy Principal Pelican Shoppe News Please note that the shop will be closed on Labour Day, Monday March 9th. If you have any queries regarding the purchase of uniform or the sale of second hand uniform please contact us by email or phone on 5821 9959. Mrs Sally Young, Ms Kerrie Sweeney, Mrs Rika Beeton Pelican Shoppe Tuckshop News Monday 2 Mar Tuesday 3 Mar Wednesday 4 Mar Thursday 5 Mar Friday 6 Mar Rice harvesting. International Exchange Programme 2015 Year 10 students have the opportunity to apply for a place in the International Student Exchange Programme with schools in Scotland, England, Italy, USA and Canada. The students who are successful in their application are able to spend approximately 4 weeks at one of our partner schools from mid-November . This will mean they will be away from school during our ECP Programme and will need to be prepared to complete any missed work either during their time away or when they return to Australia. The students who are selected to participate in this programme are likely to be required to host their partner for a similar 4 weeks in either July/August this year or February next year. The estimated cost of the progamme is $5000 although this is influenced by the value of the Australian Dollar and airfares. Interested families are invited to attend an information session in the GVGS Library on Tuesday March 3rd commencing at 7.30pm. Leon McLeod, Deputy Principal GVGS Friday Newsletter, 27 February 2015 Alana Kimberlin Terri Cowley Di Brock Jenni Sorraghan Donna Ford Melinda Fitzsimmons Jodie Fleming Cathy O’Brien Help needed x3 With the warm weather more students will be bringing food from home. If you have a salad you would like put in the fridge remember to drop it into the tuck shop when you arrive at School. It must be in a plastic container, with your name on it, and NO glass please. Also remember all foods requiring heating need to be left at the Tuckshop before School or at recess. No glass please. The Tuckshop is open from 8am every morning. Students are welcome to come in and purchase drinks, toasted sandwich or fruit and can order their lunch. If you’re not already a Tuckshop volunteer and would like to join the wonderful team of helpers, please give me a call. We would love to see some new faces. Please contact me on my mobile number 0403473448 or ring the school on 58 21 8155. Mrs Marlene Rutherford Tuck shop Manager Page 3 Community News Health News Shepparton Motor Show Volunteers Preparing Your Child for Sport Days Saturday 14th March. The organisers are seeking around 7 volunteers to assist their team. So if you are interested in engines and revved-up cars, this may be for you. An opportunity for Community Service. If interested, see Mr McDonald for contact details. Could you be a permanent care parent? There are a number of children supported by the Department of Health & Human Services who require a family for life as they are unable to live with their birth families. We are seeking committed and motivated people who would be interested in learning more about providing a permanent family for a child. Assistance payments are made to the Permanent Care family to assist with the day to day expenses of caring for a child/young person. Assistance payments are considered to be a reimbursement for expenses and not an earned income. We are also keen to speak with families who are particularly interested in caring for children up to the age of 10 years. Information sessions are being held on: 3th March at 6:00pm-Department of Human Services, 43-47 Rowan St, Wangaratta 5th March at 6:00pm - Department of Human Services, 163-167 Welsford St, Shepparton For further information: Adoption & Permanent Care Program 5832 1559 or 5832 1713. Exercise is a trigger for over 50% of people with asthma, so asthma exacerbations are common on sports days and carnivals. Parents can take several steps to help manage their child’s asthma, and to prevent them from having a serious asthma attack. Ensure the school has an updated Asthma Action Plan Teach your child to recognise early asthma symptoms, and help them to feel confident to selfadminister reliever medication using a spacer Encourage your child to notify staff if they experience asthma symptoms, even if they selfadminister reliever medication and feel comfortable returning to activity Be aware that if your child is unwell or has poorly managed asthma, they are more likely to experience Introduction to Broadcasting ONE FM Workshop 2015 Be Heard Programme Are you a student in Years 9-11? Do you like Music? Are you able to commit to a weekend workshop to find out how a Radio Station operates? Would you like to : Learn about Music as a medium symptoms during exercise. For further information, please contact the Asthma Foundation of Victoria on 1800 645 130 or email Meet like minded young people Contribute to your local community Learn how to present your own program live to air? Date: Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th April Time: 10:00am to 4:00pm Where: ONE FM Studio 47 Parkside Drive Shepparton Contact: 5831 3131 Virtual Forest A free community art event facilitated by Splinter Contemporary Artists in conjunction with the Shepparton Festival. Date: Saturday 7th March 2015 Time: 9am – 5pm Where: Maude Street Mall, Shepparton Splinter Contemporary Artists will work with the community to create a temporary art installation in the Maude Street Mall. This will be a celebration of the forested river country of the Goulburn Valley. Splinter Artists will bring to the Mall approximately 200 tree-shaped branches. Each ‘tree’ will be placed in a ball of clay to keep it upright. People are invited to paint or wrap a tree, using biodegradable paints and recycled fabric. Each one will be placed in the centre of the Mall. These will, over the day grow into a ‘virtual forest.’ All materials and equipment supplied. Everyone welcome to participate. For more information, please contact Kaye Poulton 0437 254 112. Overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation causes wrinkles, skin and eye damage, ultimately leading to skin cancer. UV cannot be seen or felt. It is not like the sun’s light which we see, or the sun’s warmth (infrared radiation) which we feel. Our senses cannot detect UV so it can be damaging without us knowing. There is a huge variation in UV levels across Australia. The UV level is affected by a number of factors including the time of day, time of year, cloud cover, altitude, proximity to the equator, scattering and reflection. The SunSmart app for iPhone, iPad and Android enables daily checks for your location. The app lets you know when you do and don't need sun protection, making it easier than ever to be smart about your sun exposure all year. GVGS Friday Newsletter, 27 February 2015 SunSmart IPhone, IPad and Android App Page 4 Celebrate Sustainability at Play in the Plaza Library Bytes Date: Saturday 28th February 2015 Time: 10am onwards Where: Stuart Mock Place—Tatura Book Review for Year 8 and above The Maze Runner by James Dashner The Sustainable Living Festival aims to inspire and empower people to accelerate the uptake of sustainable living. The Festival raises awareness and provides tools for change by showcasing leading solutions to the ecological and social challenges we face. Many local sustainability groups will be at the event, including Shepparton-based group Beneath the Wisteria, Dhurringile Landcare Group with a local critter display, GV Community Energy, and the Tatura Anglican Church with an Easter Community paintings display. A ‘Been there, done that’ stall for sustainable buildings and renovating projects will also be at the event. Energy will be a big talking point for the day, and GV Community Energy will have an information table highlighting outcomes of the Tatura Energy Opportunity Study which has just been completed, while Transition Tatura will have an Energy Descent Action Plan stand. Both groups will have representatives on hand to discuss energy and the way forward for Tatura. So bring along your games (no batteries or electricity), join in the Veggie and Produce Swap, browse the sustainable living displays and stalls, and check-out the creatures we share our environment with. For more information on Transition Tatura, visit Facebook (Transition Towns Tatura) or call Ross Musolino on 0407 845 247. For those who like their dystopian fiction this first novel in the Maze Runner series is a real page turner. The main protagonist, Thomas, awakens in The Glade, a huge stone walled open expanse. He has no memory and does not know why he is here. But he is not alone. As he discovers there are others in The Glade, all with the same experience, no memory of their past or how they got there. Every day the stone doors are opened, every night they are closed and every thirty days a new boy enters The Glade. Outside the stone walls is an ever changing maze- impenetrable and inescapable. After thirty days a new person is sent into The Glade, for the first time a girl, and with her an ominous and terrifying warning… The Maze Runner has been made into a movie, released in 2014, with more to follow. The series is a captivating read and keep your eyes open for the latest in the series, The Fever Code, which will be released in 2016. Reviewed by Mrs Jodie Keady New Books FORSYTH, Kate – Book 2 and 3 in the Impossible Quest series. Danger surrounds and after escaping the bog-men, the four unlikely heroes, Sebastian, Quinn, Elanor and Tom once more battle the hideous beasts that lie in wait. CONNELLY, Michael – The Black Box. Harry Bosch is a homicide detective who is determined to solve a cold crime that was committed 20 years before. FORKAN, Rob and Paul – Tsuanami Kids: the Gandy brothers. This is the true story of two Brothers who lost their parents in the Tsunami that devastated Sri Lanka and their trek to find out what happened. Ms Janette Burns Library Coordinator GVGS Friday Newsletter, 27 February 2015 Page 5
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