V THE EVENING OBITIO, WASHINGTON, D. O., TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1885. TUB TAX LEGAL. nrclittnn of Jnnllrn l)K Mae rllinr on lh Tl'(:f, of the valMlif Tn f tlrt avl Tlio quisllon of Congtoss of July 10, 1ST78, mfmtnt tax oo dogs In tli District rf Cls)M, turno on far argument In tteo Crhlisl Coort tliln morulnc. Mran, WIIHtM A Cook mill An J tow A. Llpseomti ttfttwlwl ! tr4 n large number of ties; appealed from tbo Pollea Oemtt. Th dispensed with k Jury trial, st-Ii.- r Mm to Isko tlio ilcclglon of tho essrt question. Thcdrclslon of tlilf o I4J f MMlf-abl- e Importance to tlio Uietrlet. M aWl lUttrtM la D.OOO doc licenses, iKittlnc Iha lliomlKhborhootl of $10,000, are mH ansosm nually. A largo purse km years ago by dog. fanciers and others to bv tho first opfuf. l he law tested, ami thin tunlty to liavo a tlioroogli hearing;. Thla law lias boon fought ever slneo lit paeengo and lis enforcement was. suipende.! for n period by tho presiding; Jailgs at the 1'ollco Couil. It vras aflotrratdi deeMeJ that tho sixth section of tho law, having a penalty clause was acparalnand dlttlnn from tho remainder of tho law aud could be enforced. Tho prosecutions havo slnoo been brought under this stctlon. Tho counsel furthodefonso clalmoil tliaf tho 0rst section lovlcd a tax off on every dog In tho District, to bo collected ai other taxes. They Jiald that other taxes aro not collected by lino or Imprisonment. .Tho Government nlatnied that tho Information tvero filed nudor tho sixth secpenally for not liar-lution which Imposes furnished by tho Collector, tho tax-tatogether with a collar bearing tho naoio of tho owner nnd tho letters "D. C." Tbo dcfcDdauts' counsel claimed that Ibo Thoy two sections wero Inseparable, claimed that tho sixth scct&n purported to d Imposo lines for not having tho llccnso for In tho first section, and which li admitted Jo bo Inoperative They also claimed that a simple debt arlsos under tho law, and tho Information Is tlcfectlvo in that It dooa not set out that tho District performed Us duty in listing tho dogs as other taxable property. Colonel Cook stated that tho United States Attorney was not tho propor porsou toprosccuto this cafe. Ho said ''This Is n attempt to drag nil tho dogs In tho District Into the District Attorney' olllco." "Yes, and turning thorn looso on tho Criminal Conrt," loniarhcd Judgo MticArthur. Mr. Coolc claimed that tho casos should bo prrsecutcd by tho District and not by tho United S'a'c.i. Judge MaoArthur said: "This law appears to admltof a dlvorilty of views as to its applicitiou. It is pretty well established, howovcr, that dngs aro I tlilnk that Cousubject to taxation. plets, having oxcluslvo legislative power In tho District, can impose this tax and can impoio It In a manuer suitable to species of property taxed. Tho prosecution was not for tbo collection of a tax but to IIo thought ho a police regulation." would havo to overrule tho points mado for tho dog. Mr. Cook sld bo had somo other eases that ho would llko to havo regularly tried. Judgo MucArthur said, that ho would llko to havo a decision of tho General Term on tho question. Judgment was given against tho defendants. om, cllell An Almurel Clinrgn lllamlnsnil. Dctcctlvo Raff failed in tho Pollco Court Ibis morning to sustain his charge against Mr. Itobert Dobbins, tho young actor, of tho grand larceny of a gold watch from J. W. Langlcy. Mr. Langley testified that ho Ittlrtd no prosecution as ho did not think tho watch was taken with any Intern of larceny. IIo bad so Informed II ill', but ItsiT Insisted on taking tho matter into Court, Judge Sncll said that ho did not think that tho Government had a caso and dismissed tbo defendant. Hlrkvvooil Wanted to TentHy. On tho filing of on ailldavit by Mr. C. to tho C. Kltkwood, recently sentenced penitentiary for presenting falso vouchors to the Navy Department, to tho effect that ho Is desired as a witness In tho caso against Mr. J. W. Drew, and a motion by Mr. Drew requesting tbo prosenco of Mr. Kltkwood as a witness Judgo 5IacA.rthur tho warmaclo an order directing den of tbo Jail to refrain from sending Mr. Klrkwood to tho penitentiary until tho Drew caso is tried. LOCAL DniEFS. Street lamps will bo lighted at 7:30 p. in. and extinguished at 2 a. m. JosErii Matthews, colored, of 2012 Eighth streot, had a quarrtl with his wlfo last night, during which ho cut hor across the face with a knife. named Harriot A colored woman Davis biought a live colored Infant to tho which sho Seventh Precinct Statlon-IIousfound In Madison alloy. A colored man named Robert Holmes, employed on tho now eowcron 0 stroo., Btrcot, was seriously innear Twenty-fir- st jured yesterday by being struck on tho falling stone. ft head with The work of tearing up tbo rough stono pavement on Tenth street, between D and 1: streets, nroparatory to roplaclng it with a pavement uniform with adjacout pavements, was begun this morning. Susan Sledoe of 1250 Union streot that a black silk dress has boon Molcn from ber trunk, which Is worth $12. Itobert II. Harris of 2123 Eighth street that thero wero two blichlng-welght- s stolen from bis wagon last night. WillThe administrators of iam Crauo havo filed a motion in tho Probate Court for an order requiring Mr. C. E. Cicecy to surrondcr a dratc for tnonoy duo the estato of deceased under tho police-men'- a twenty percent, appropriation. The St. Aloyslus Literary Society, at its regular weekly meeting last evnnlng, elected tho following gentlomon to represent that society at tho cloventh annivor tary convention of tho Young Men'a National Cslhullo Union, to bo held In Now-ni- k on May 20 and 21; Messrs. Thomas D, Byrnes, J. J. McCarthy and M, F. Hollo-ra- Tiif. funeral of tho lato Michael Caton placo yesterday morning from St. d Patrick's Church, Rrquioru mass was by Father Walter. Tho Interment pAllboarors was mado at Mt. Ollvot. Tho vrcro Messrs, !' M. Detweller, A. T. Civis, W. M. Belt, i:. J. Clophcr, 0. I. Canflold and 0, A. It. MoMoir, aud body bearers, Messrs. II mini, Haldcman, Joyce, Bright, Woodward arid Snotlswood. tcok William II. Vanderbllt both chewed and smoked tobacco In bis younger clays. It Is rata to bn thirty years now, however, since lie used the wood in any form. Wutnkveb an internal remody can be applied, Salvation Oil wilt reach the caso, Trice its cents. DISTni:T COVBTtHMEHT Tntr Riurv-(kt)ti- ky MBWS. et naf al hat mpiainnttalbeDMrietUsmmls-- ! sataylHlM htwl nf k of lh Cnl BrWite. tthelln u. KHmWIT tft-H- i H4 tinm W. W. Ht. OoMiok Aty-ItN- tM MtwNwl to to Mw DMst! S Owritirr C M. IlHWM Hl tor tin kat wimi nr.- - at taw t la af at mil airtl MrMi iltilr-MA lstframem i tm m. (Iav.-Ksm- Mr, kaie ( siiw7 4fy M O acd llall' stMofi wrHw-KriLMUrn PxKMna. Ik htpfty live , n. efltM Wl ta IsMasttU Mm httW tt ar Hrmotsi. the dlt- - ; Ww UafmrisMtil. bw OWawfUai-n- n Mm, tbo f A4IHI, M a Iritnitxi : Amh-- Ryl, a--f tla tWee I Osaaiainloiieia t April saaii artllWHIa-- (tsti,it. A Sons a4 I rat ri tttt--r Mm A VWal ia)nl saw- - ftnisli Uss4to . -t- telMlw Vtaor Aisw-s- m to a Mtitli wt .", MrtH ismawiit. to (l.r'MUn mfeii. wh a Wtok dwelllaHt-Loui- e m O stieM. Mma Businl a.l tl,m; Tbtid Hireta, nm ttte r. dwlllM Jetin fnuax . Klahlcmib, lrMr-t-- u A and It ttrteH Mm , Willn UnMiUn, ref-aWt It strtel MtrMtar H A. Sey. monr, tn at ea FsxirMi ritt, Utnrfo t'a4ol awl A atfeeta aenlbiait, f)T,fi, ttim, teflth-rsst- tMi Et lr b two awl Pstree44 aenlbweat, 19,090 Mr M. W. BtmW, the glaatware atd a taken out a te make a hamta-m- e and costly aiUlllen le kn rrs4ileM, Ne, 1018 It slttet. The IsiawiMmt will lonslil of a tbre-itir- y to tfce front, which will Wing It ml to the building line ami will tmt HrLOOO. Tfre arrbltrct Is William M. Petsulaxter. Ilt'lLMKua Coniirmnrd. HsilMIng Inspector l.ulnlslo Ave (rant shanties at tbo eotaer of Twealy-w-eon- J and O striets, and ordered tha agent, Mr. P. II Dye, to tako down wltkla thirty days. rrrsnt, lba "lint Hjn" In Omrf. "P.c.1 Syn," tho kerb doctor, wss In the dock thla morning, charted with anaolt-Iti- g Mrs. Moaeley, a 900 paqod wlfa of Cbarlts Moteley, another dellesto at.d longhaired herb dector. Tho alli-ce- d auanll grew out ef his competition. Jin. Moteloy was also chargod with punching Ite-- 1 Jyn'a head with her parasol. Tha atssnlt took placo In tho market last Friday. "What lathe name of the defendant," nakid Ills Honor. "Krd Syn." milled ProMCUIing Attorney Thoma. "HIi Chris tlnn namo 1 want," said the Judge. "Jacob W. llohrcr." "1'hafs more llko It," reiJIcJ uis nonor. "i navo mo nreaiMi eootoaipt for humbugs." A fluo of J3 caoh wis Imposed, Itlriillflrnllon iifTliletr. Tho police think they havo Used tho robbery of Mr. Alfred Klchard oftMO at tho Citlren'a National Ilauk on thn two Philadelphia crooks arrested a fair days ago. Ditectivo Mattlngly has Juit returned from Philadelphia with siioOlocrof tbo bank who wentover to Identify Ueorga Carson and Charles Craig, Tho bank official Identified Craig as a man whom ho had seen losflngaronnd tho bank about the tlmo of tho robbery. Oilier nltncsioa will go tbcro to Identify him beforo ho Is extradited for trial hero. New IlrlnhliiR roiititnlim. Tbo regular monthly meeting of tho cxccullvo commlttco of tho Ilumano So- ciety was held yes'tcrday aftornoon, and Mr. J. B. T. Tuppcr was elected tcmnararr chairman. Tho donations of Tliomas M. Steer and Wm. U. Mohlor of $25 each toward tho erection of drinking fountains at Twcntioth and M streets northwest and P and North Capitol streets was accepted, and tbo commlttco on fountains Instructed to erect them at onco. Tho annual report shows a favorablo condition of affairs of tho society, and tho work of tho agents was tatlsfactory. Asanultcd POSTAGE-STAM- PHOTOGRAPHS. P to Mnlio Ilnnilaome or Plain Women, A Device I'or-trnti- Tbo "postage-stamphotograph" Is tho latost contribution of eclonceto vanity. Ai the peculiar merit ottheso Ilttlo pictures Is that thoy havo the property ot transforming a rather plain woman Into a "thlrjg ot beauty" en a mlcioscoplo scale, tbey aro much sought photo-- f otter by tbo gentler sex, rostage-ttamraphe aro most unconscionable flatterers. 1 bey not only give a delicacy and refinement to coarse and homely teaturos, but tony enhance tbo beauty ct a pretty face as well. As tbo nemo olgntaes those Ilttlo examples ot the photographers' art are the exact size and sbapo ot an ordinary letter postage-stimp- , Tbelr edges are perforated, tbey bave mucilage on tbelr reverse side and around too figure or bead Is an ornamental border. Tbo Idea Is said to have originated in England, vrbrro the suggestion was bad from tno bead ot tbo Queen oo the ha'penny stamps In use tbere. Like all English frivolities, tie Ilttlo pictures soon found tliolr way to tuts country, and as tbelr nattering propensities become moro widely known, doubtless tbo demand for them will Increase proportionately. When the full lenitth figure ot a woman Is contracted Into tbo limits ot a postage stamp photograph. It bi comes as tt by mtglc gracerul d ni 0 cat tlvitlr g, tbe features lose their appear delicate and peciillulr refined, Thn Hz Is also a great advantage. Tl o evdted swain can paste hta sweetheart's picture lu tbe care of hts WHtcb, where be can gazn furtively at tt every time bo pretends to ce looking at Ibn time ri'day. A letter with one rt the sender's rlctures pasted on the corner ct tbo note paper Is doubly acceptable in a menu, ami ns ran usra are eo many ro which thece pictures can bo put and as tbe cost of ttiem muet needs bo trilling, thoy will I'blUdel-pblaTlmisoon become "the rage," doub RITTFRS Combining inOS Tilth MIIK VEGETABLE VtOXICS, quickly and completely CLEANSES Oulckens ENRICHES TUB 1IL.OOD. the action or the I.iTerandKldneis. Clears the smooth. It does not Vpmpleilon, makes the sktu Biuret he tectn, cause neauaciie,urprweiue:c am OTI1KK 1U0X MKUICINUS DO. itlpatlon-A- LL Shjfefclaas and Drufguts oTerywnere reoommona . lind ( u M.. ajji "I Da, W. H llcaors, of Mulon, nluUa tonjo recommond llmvin'a Iron Bttlem fnrenrlchlnKtlia blood, nd reraOYin all Jjepcptlo riuptoius. It dueii not hurt tua tuetu." Utt. It. M, DMJttli. Itynold, Ind.. Mrs l "I of li.Te nrescrllMHl llrrom's Iron Ulttr In tynio was aniomU and blooil dUoanaii. aliu wlion noo-jeaud it ban proved tboroushly aatUfactorr." MR.V7H llviuil.ai St. Marr Bt tie Orleanl. La , aayai "llniwn'a Iron Illtteri wiloved me in a oawi of blood jrmlaonlajr. and 1 boartily commend It to thoufl neuuiug a puritler." Tha aenulua baa Trade Mark and craned red lines on wrapper. Tulle no other. Stadaonljby II1IOWN t'Hi:5IIUAI, CO., IIALTIUUIIE, Ml). tua LADlca1 IIano HOOK Qbeful and attractWe, eon taTniiiff hat of prlrea for rwipaa. Infomialion about given away by all dealer lu madicluu, or colnn. CialJud la any addrces on receipt el So. stamp, tMb. nimxiruNiWERciAii. Wnll Nlrrrl York, May A Ntnry or llnller. qulta a young lawyer, which I thill always remember, no was tolling tho court what he knew about English law, when ho was Interrupted by tbe venerabln Judgo wltb these words, delivered In a very emphatic tone and mariner! "Young man, don't you tsltc to mo about Engluti law, I knew all about It yearn and ytnra before you were born. You tako your teat, sir!" lie did. It was too much for lien's pride, nnd bn burst Into a Hood ot tears moro genuine than tbesn shed nt tho 'IVwharmry hoar-luwithout doubt, Boston Traveller, Tlio Kvoiioinlrnor IMmtrii. cheek, and some bave cheek thrust upon Ibero, but when you como tinwhole faco, It Is found In the fellow who will lot his girl go to the roller-rlnalone, pay her own admission and the rental for skates, and a halt hour latorromea up, skates all tbe evening with ber, end then takes ber bnma and wants her to kiss him at tbe gate, Ulnilrn Oazotte. Tho management of tho Baltimore & Iiallroad aro making special arrunga-incut- s to provide for tho largo travol to Baltimore during tho meeting of tho Army of tho Potomac, May (land 7. Spocial trains will bo run for tho of tho public between tho two cities at suitablo hours. Tho Washington .Light Infantry Corps, accompanied by tho Marino BauJ, wllllcavo by special traiu about 11 a. m. May 7. Tho National Kl lies, Veteran Corp3 Washingcompanies, I'mraet Guard, ton Jtiflcs, Major Fleetwood's battalion and tho companies commanded by Captains Kelly and Qray will leavo by special ttolns. Professor Sousa has arranged an elkborato programme to bo rendered by tho Marino Baud lu concort on tho aftornoon and evening of tbo Cth proximo, which will tako placo on Kutaw Placo and Wilson street. Tho ontiro nrrangemonts for tho enjoyment and comfort of visitors havo been completed by tbo commlttco in Baltimore. A pleasant tlmo Is, Ihoroforo, warranted to all who will visit our sister city on this occasion. Faro $1,50 for tho round trip, good for two days, tha Oth aud 7th. A bruise may result In an abscess It not promptly attended to. Apply Balratiou Oil. Price 20 cents, MUBUj g s TONIC 122) mar- ket opened excited and fractionally lower ttMiii last night's prices. Tboro wasa sparp selllbg f tho grangers and Vandorbtlta tluettgliout tbe morning, which wenkoned the whole lilt aud prices gradually up to neon, at which hour tbo isiigeil from t to 11 per cent. Slnco neon thete has In en n alight recovery and at tie tlmo of writing tho market Is fawnish. New Yurie fitiirli Mnrllet. Tt rollowtog bave boon furnished by r, tmnkf Mil P street. iiAiiE. 5 ttr.M. KAVf, rlTCtn- 415 Sovonth St. fl. W. Corpets, furniture and Upholstery, New, a laritn Stuck of UitbrUjr-rlagesand tbo celebrated Clinton Mnttlngp, 1 foOPYRiaHTCO JC5 JL -- -- . JtinJSrtw J-JO." SATISrAOTION GUAnANTCCD. & CO, llochester, H.Y. U. H. WAENEB H. H. WARNER & CO., Rochester, ev II.. 711t,. lu 1. yitl W. T. HUDSON of Brownovlllo, Ala., makos sftldavlttbatfoiir bottles ot Warner's tiite canoe, tbo Best, cured htm ot a caso ot blood poisoning of twenty years' standing. For Spring and Summer WEAKNESS. $1.00 A BOTTLE. Rochester, H. Y. iUX, tono et tbo syiten nnd restoration ot her strength to Warner's TirrrOANOE, tho best. Jnne.lIlA us July. ilins I112VI120 ll2'iVli:io 77V "77V1 "77 J. 077W OHO June. " flB'JV July, uno iii nh7Vl hop John (I. Coir, broker, NO Klgbth street noithwrst, has lecelvrd tho following: New Yemv, Hay 8. Field day tor tho bears, as Ibo Interest which bas so aleadllr given support to a low stocks acts as It It realised the tolly of trying to sustain tbe whole list wblle btifluc uotblng but long stock. Too will probably be continued weakness of during part ot Tuesday, Any frno selling by shorts will result In advance, for the bulla ran eailly keep and havo perfect control of tbo market. It one can get a good lino ot shorts would wltb another such drop as cover all short ateck. oil weak. Apparently tbe market Is still fed from beadiuiartcrs. II l nt-'J- Tbe following aro the closing quotations of as the Waablnalon Htork Excbanio by Messrs. Towers & ureco, bankersi IIUI. 115 Washington h Georgetown bonds Metropolitan stock HIV HIV Columbia stock North Capitol s o street tltiv 41 Wnrblogton Oily (laallgbt Oo 3-Georgetown Uaellgbt Co National Metropolitan Insuranco Co.... 03 National Union Insuranco Oo 17V , 130 Arlington Insurance Co,, KHj Columbia Insurance Oo Totomao Insurance Oo, Ill (TV, Illggs Insurance Oo 0:1 liosrd ot I'ubllo Works Oreeufis 10J MasonloIIall bonds Washington Market Oo.stocky 1HV Washington Markot Oo. bonds 102 .. m Inland and Boaooast Oo, stock (Ml Inland and HcaooMt tin. bonds ... WasblDgtnn Urlck Machine Oo. a ock,.., imv , no Hank ot Washington... , .'ill Bankot Washington loVS National MotroKlllan Dank National Bankot Ibn Re public l'armera' A Mecbanlcs' National Dank, Georgetown . 118V Cltliens' National bank lll.l Second National Sank Ill 1AK Central National Bank ,, HI Great Falls IcoOo Heal Estate Title Insurance Oo HKiV Pennsylvania Trlephonnar K7V Obeeapenke h Potomao Tel. Oo r3 Oo Light 41 U.B.Eleclrlo lion tbo Salvation Oil in and you will rub tbe pain out. Oct only tbo genuine, l'rlco 2.1 cente. OONNELL. iii:i. Oo Monday, May 6, Mrs. Ettl Connell, ceo Lane, Funeral will take placo from her lata residence, litis O street nortbwrst, on Wednesday, May 0, at 4 p. m. Friends are Invited to attend. lackinaw Straw Hats Tbo celebrated MACKINAW BTKIW HATS manufactured by DUNLAP , Now Heady, Haa! Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Weill What are you laughing at? Oar customer, did you eayl Well, to bo sure bo Isn't a dude, nor villi bis good senso allow us t make him one. But It you doubt our ability to mako a man of him, you havo llltlo knowledge ot tbo resources at band In our Immenso Clotblne Stock at prices to ssicnlshand plcaso overy one. FOR BOYS 4 TO YEARS. A beautiful lino ot Jackets and rants from 13 SHOES Ss FOR BOYS TO 13 18 YEARS, immenso Lino ot Salts 1)3 per cent, cheaper than any otbor liouso can southern tor. An THE MISFIT STORE, Oor. Tenth and F Sts., tXTMake no mlstako and como to tbo Corner. Das In stock a full lino ot Osrpetlngs, all grades Oilcloths, Cocoa nnd Straw Mattings. Also latest styles In Wall Paper, Window Shades and Ourlaln aoods. Wire Window and Door Bcrcens. TRICKS LOW. 420 NINTH STRUCT NORTHWEST. Drew's New Drug Store, NINTH AND FENN. AVE.NDE. all night. B. K. PLAIN COMMISSION & The Latest Styles, Lowest Prices. TUBMAN'S, NINTH ST. NORTHWEST. SKIN Tua-- DISEASES oiht"1 IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions and Urutltl. I 001-.7- . 751-2- 1 I. are. n. Wnarf. Oenreetown. (Oanal Iload. abovo Aquisliict Urtdjo. I j Nintb-stree- t .'1108 Water STANDARD st, W. H. YERKES, Rupt. . tlAILROADl. &0HI0 BALTIMORE THE EBMH&T0IT RAILROAD. HC1IEDCLK IN HFPK!T KUM1AY MAY 3 ' iwe, f viiTiiKu Leave Wsihltstnn irom Btatlon, enrner Mew . and unreel. none. u.ntil TYPE-WRITE- R fr Utnrinnsll. Wyckoff, Soamans & Benodict, HOLE AGENTS, MEDICAL. Norfolk Jackets E. B.BARNUM&OO.'S 931 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. B. ROBINSON & CO., The Boys' Olothiers, OVERCOATS. OVERCOATS. Bankers and Insurance, We will offer our entire stock ot Overcoats at sreatly reduced price'. 421 Boventb street, o Hall), (under M. F. EIBEMAN, Manager. no21 Excelsior Clothing House Subject to Check. SIB A.3STI3 TAILOIta AMD CLOTHIERS, SIS PKNNA, AVE., under Metropolitan Hotel. TAILORS. ' VVWW KEEN, G. T. TAILOB, 414 Potroloum, Stocks, St. Cloud Building, Ninth and FSts. DOD NE, MAN Oonstaut quotations ot tho Cblcaco and New Yorfc Uarli-from dlro.it private wires. j.oius iir.rri.i.it, TAILOR, IrEKOJEIA.lsrT BTKEET NOItTUWEBT. 1222 F CAICEE GUEED, T. A. EENDIQ Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Provisions and Petroloum. it, Vf WA8U1N0T0S, D, 0 BItANOU orriOS- -4 B. llslllday Bl, Ualllmore 1137 IT BTBEET KVluilsray ana otber Burttle bought and sold on Oommlealen only. Btec&s and bonds boutbt lor Investment or carried on mariiln. tl DENTISTS. TEETH ARTIEIOIAL WITHOUT PLATES. And TOOTH OUOWNB for roots and broken or badly decayed term. C. L In all Its branches, ANDERSON, D. D. S COl TUinTEKNTIl ST., COIl. I' Bf. "he SWIFT Brcoino 1SU CO., Drawer w. 'JM St., N. Y, tnn fl, At- no Ootisbt cbeanerattbo I'ulnt irepartmeuiot Jas. lI.Mrlllll.ilAAli.rln Nob. 003, 1110. uu and mi u lulldlrc Hie wester ee l'ntent Otllce, lm treil. tin doors mediately adJolulDK National Itlllcs' Armory, In tbeclty. li tbanalany utbereatabiUbment rruulabtobuy even Hie smallest cinaailty ot Kblle lead, nils, varnUb colors, dry or la oil. eta, end your addrisi on a postal esrd and a printed price-lis- t ol et? ry article sold In tbls department will be sent to you by return mall, reacblng von In a lew hours' time by Tnis price IUI tire tee price el balf pint, pint, quart, ssllon.aud five gallons or eacb kind ol turpenlloe liquids dryer, aod other utt. varnish oldb) measure; also, pries per quarter-iound- , balfponnd. pound, tive, ten, twenly-flvaad let iuuds ut vt b artb la iold by welabti also. Ihl articles. Tho prices and price of tuitllaut-ouare sraded McuidlDK to the quantity boitKU. larsebdarsaet very loweat prices: small buyers pay a sllsbily blaber rale. My prices are flx.d. All boxra buying tbe same quantttypay the same price. The tnrxperleuced buyer gets tbe same price as tbe oldest paluter If be buys tbe unAfeiiusnllty. send your orders er ekamlnlng my price-liby tmsepger, teUpbuneorby uifcll.mud tbey will bf tilled promptly and the bill, as per price-lint- , Uoods delivered to all colli cuilou delivery, paiisertbecltv. departments ofmy huilneas bave 'Ibeolter grew ii to satlslaiiory proportions. 1 now give my liepurtmeut, and PtttAlfcttetlen to the I'alnt br having a full supplv of Urslclus ssnel, Euidi, selllig tluui allow prces and making deliveries, to secure a liberal share ol th,,b.lc !,.. I7esl)-rl- MMK8I iMc0Itu Hulldiug U08 Huppllfs, 10, S12 tn? CREAM BALM fmtmmM the Clean 8 es I Allays Head Indammati on. Heals the sores. Restores tbe Senses ol Taste & smell. A quick & positive Cure. SAY-EEV- ER centii nt DraRirlitB. 60 cents by mall rfglaterf ed, tsend for circular. Hample by mall. He ELY BUOTUK11H. Urngif lota, Ovregu. N, Y 60 A NEW DISCOVERY. TA.SA.X.I3STE3I Immediate relief for Oold In thellead, Bore Nose, Oatarrb &c. 10c, a bos. For sale br all druggltta. Manhood Restor HKMtUYriiEB. Avictim of youthful imtimtlenca ost fftuilntr Prematura Docay, lServoul)ebiltr, iHBtinoou, ao,,ii&viiiK t.rttri In vnln every Known reinedr.haaiilBCOTereit Animpletauanso(aoircurel which he will nnl riU'll to Ms 3000. Ninth Stroot NorthweBt, lanta, Oa., or Grain, Provisions, r'ei Aiidresalj.u.ui;uvi:sli3Uuatbaamu,newaoric Cbtcairo Gorrespondentr-MILUICO. W. n.MllDB. trst 'S DBX.TT UJ? ,.,, & SONS, Draucti 0 nice National llotol. WASHINGTON, V, 0, City Iteteronces-Matlo- na! Dank ot tbe K, PLAIN. gk M yj WClSil'riSJicOWa 7TH ST. I havo bad n cancer on my face for miny years. I bave tried n great mauy remedied but nltbout relief. I almost save up hope of over IiiIdb cured. Dr. Uardwan, my sou, recommended Bum's Bpecltle, wnlcli I nave now well, tuken with crest results. My face is and It Is iinporsllile tor mo to express my tbsnks In works for nhat tuts mndlclno has Mils. OLIVE Hahdjun, done for me. Monroe, Oa., Sept. 2, 1831. Bnltt's Bpecina bas cured n cancer on my face, and bas almost mado a now man of me. T.J.'I'eate, Waclsss, 1'U. I havo bad a cancer In my right ear for three years. I tried every remedy tho pbyelcltns practiced, to no permanent good. Bwitt'a Bpe clllo has wrouptit vrunders for me, ..It Is tbe best blood puritler In tbo teorld. John B. Monnow, Florence, Ala. Hunt's Hpeclflo Is entirely vogotable, and seems to euro cancer by forcing out tho Impurities from tbe blood. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed 11. tjw V1T JUSTUS HOLLANDER, 1217 Pennsylvania Ave. 1217 WASHINGTON, D. 0. IDepoBlts A Remarkable Cure of a Horse. In tho fall ot 1883 I had n valuable horso taken wltb tbo pinkeye, resulting In blood poison. After nine montbBot dociorlog with nil tbe remedies to bu found In horse book, I deepolrcd of a cure. Ills rlgbt hind leg was as largo as n man's body, and bad on It over 40 running sores. IIo was a most pitiable-lookin- g object. At last I tbougbt of SwItt'H Hpecltlc, and coramcLced 10 uso lr. I used llttoen bottles. In AuguBt last nil symptoms ot tbo dtse-asdisappeared. Tbero bavo been no slgus ot a return, and tbo borso has dono a mule's wotk on my farm ever since. Jajifh L. FLEitl.s'a, Augusta, Ol. January (, 1885. Swlft'e Hpeclllu Is entirely vegetable. Trout-li- e on lllnod and Bkln Dlsensea rnnllnd free. Tun BwiiTBprciFioCo,, Drawer U, Atlanta On., or 150 W. 23d St., N. V. tM and SUii street, SALARY AND COMMISSION Si. rniiiiiefin t InittliieHH initnnirer Ttir (tbls) It. '. MllNi:itAI. A3 K.VtlY (controlling number ot local agencies) for eicluelre ealu of our Improved Machines, ItanK with tho Telephone, Over 7,000 in service. Indorsed by highest mercantile, corporato nnd expert authorities. Over SO agencies established paying from 60 to 1(10 percent. on Investment ovrry (90 days. Balos In New York city approximating SOU por day. Aggregate January, 1885. Applisales over f 60,000 for credentials, nud cants muet tumuli Urst-t-ladeposit from ifl.t'OO to J2,000 cash Boeurlty not bonds for goods In their possession. THE NATIONAL, G. S. CO , '21 East Fourteenth Btreet, ap NLy YORK . China-wa- anil HonsefiimisliiiiE re Goqfls, AT LOW 1'IIIOES. H. HOLLANDER, Agent 408 3KVENTII BT. N0HTinY3T. SCHLITZ'S MILWAUKEE LAGER TnE DE8T IN THE DlbTIUCT. SAMUEL C. PALMER, Aaent. 1221 TWENTY-NINT- BTIIEET NOltTHWEST WASHINGTON, OHIO & WESTEnN RAIL ROAD COMPANY. BUMMXR ARRAKUKUEXT. ALEX-ANUlttTWO TRAINS BAILY BKTWEKN AND ROUND HILL. Leave Waahlnston at .'i5 a, m. and 4.23 p. m. and Alexandria at ViSA a.m. and 4 35 p. m. Pass Leeaburg, going westward, at 11:30 a. m. and 6:18 p. ni., and arrive at Round 1IIU at 12:19 p. m, and 7.2 r. m. LeuveRonnd IIUI at:30 a, m.andt 35p.m. Pass Lcesburc, going eastward, at 6.12 a. m. and 6.17 p. m, ud arrive at Alexandria at e.OJa.m. and 7:17 p. m. and at Washington at 8.19 a. m, aad 7.1& p.m. UUNOAY TRAINS leave Round 11111 at 6:30 a m, and e.3S p. m. Arrives at Alexandria at 8.03 a, m. and 7:17 i. w. and Waablngum at s.u a. m. and 75 p. in. Leave Washington at :2i a. m ands.09 p. m., Alexandria at H.Si a. m. and 8:11 p.m. I iiiuu Lcesburg, going eutward, at 6:12 a. m. and 6:17 P. m. westward, 11:80 a, m, and ' H. M. IinoPIIY, Buperlntendtnt. STEAMBOATS. L1NET6"NORFOLK"AND FOltTRESS Monroe, bteamers Ueorgn i.eary and Excelsior, commencing May I), 1685, Onoof these popular steamers will leave Boventb-st'oet wharf DAILY, except SUNDAY, at o.tlO p. m. For particulars lnqulro at 7th Bt. whait. Telephone) No. . p. WELCH, general Agent. T OW FAIIK- KAND NORFOLK. ROUND THll'.ll US, bieamer JaNK WtisKLfcY Uonday, Wednesday and balurdai at b.dO p. m. Passage and rooms secured at Oeneral Otllce, Blxth-sliee- t Telephone call. 04. wharf. POT1MAO R1VKK LANDINOS.-Bteam- ei Monday, Wednesday and Friday at Tl 'OMI-BO7 a. m, aoll Jj - 8.30, 4.(0, .40, (140, 7. 8.21 p. For iHiluia on thePbenandoah Valley Railroad and chits Month, a. ni and ti.10 p. m. daily. u..'l u. in. train bas Pullman hleener from Orleans. A. "naiolia, 40 a. m. and 12.10 and 4.80 p. m. on'!!' tnlida. S.30 a. m 4 40 p. ni. btwen Washington4 and I. 0.40. s.u .. m.. lllo, . 7 and 11 P. in, On bundsys, m I.). :i jo, 4.40. 7 stations on llrlroimllUn ?. l?'.m' m. For daily, except Sunday, llrancli,7.rta. and p. tn, dallyi 4.4up. m dally, except Buuday, 6 30 for tirlnrlr.al stations on Metiopolllan Branch! a. ro. dally on Monday stops at all stations:8.4'Jlor Lexligicn KiaontoD and Valley Branch, 8 40 a. m, daily exeept bnndati for Frederick, e 10 a. m. 4.4op. m. dallv.exri-ntHuiidav- . ror llagerHown and Winchester 8.40 dally eicrpi hunday, and S.3U p. m. dally toa.m. Haters-towdally except Bundsy to Winchester. rirairsnrrlve from the Weal dally, ,7.20.m. irrum Annanolta. 8.30a. m. and 1.50and8.2S d. m.lfunday. 10 Mam., 0.35p.m. From Lexington, 6,top. m, dally, except Son. a. ufi. V AYENDE. .- cj IMPORTER AND TAILOR. J. VANOE LEWIS. TOWERS & GREEK, PINKEYE. ..rikt rnni. ijinltvlMa yV buo P. m.. through coaches "! aiidl'alaceHirfptiig CVri, lomih alove ptnnts ehause. .jp. m. train Is fart Iimttel iriln lollLdnnatlarid M. Lonla. arriving lu Clncln-nanext mornlrg at 7.45. nt. Louis e.J0 p. No extrn fare Is rbaigeil on tlili train for fait m. time, Hor Car. and U V.'u"? "'" o uP.r. Uev.la ,d '.? ,'id sleeping '? 'I'lsbnrahj cars to Wltshursn. aad 8.10. 6,40. 7.30. mi." Pfl'lmore) on weekdays. 5ViIm,'17l0'J'ai"'4VD11""'"'n - f ! 40. 7, S.a an d p. m. f.1'!ll,nl.0if pn Buniiars, .lo. 7.3o, 8 30 and I1!1;' ' H. D. BARR, MERCHANT Oth St., (Entrance from Hotel Lobby). lly special arrancemont with n Now York House, I can till orders lu mocks and close trades at clotlnu quotations up to 0 p. m. Office onen from 8 a, ro. to C p, m. l'8t. Unr. Htlinml WnslilnRtnnOIIIee. Of my own Importation, now received. Gentlemen, pleaso call, Inspect and leave yonr orders at K8TAULI8II TI1K LKADIHO TAILOHINO MENT OF WASHINGTON. Best Goods. Beat TrlmmlOES, None but Brst-cla- u workmen em ployed at 1111 I'KNN. AVENUK. Oil. norm. national on or OENEIlALDKNTIBTnY Eor.1, l'lmrtci, Lcieoii, sll Itchy Bklu Kroj llom. no mailer hvtt vdtisall vr tvng ilnnduy. At lienor. Ninth Street Wharr, No. . 12th Stroot and Pennsylvania Ave. N. W IHTANnirotlD'H l)ltl;0 RVOttamtiand l'stsn. w. V.1N8Y0KKLH IJItUO STOIIE, liltM And O Sts n. w. lirlfi:St- - V. Oonl Yard, U. JOHNSON'S Wood Itn st. nnd It. w PENN. AVE. I. HAMBURGER BROKERS BANKERS AND BROKERS. ROOM MOULDINGS, &c O. OA.XiL,S. . TYPE WRITERS. 1B CO., SIS WALL PAPERS F. B. Lilley & Co. Picture Rods, 61)1-2- Deiwr, U108 Water Street, OHUROH. PreB. O. B. IK) nnd Voutbs' Oorkscroff, 13 00 brown and black Youtba'and Hoys' Corkscrew (cut- 10 00 nwnj) :l 00 $3 BO OMlds' Kilt, acn 2'ij to 5 tBObllds'Kllr, ngo'iUt toD '123 O- - OFFICE--- - MAIN BOO LEADERS IN CLOTHING, or Y, B. LILLKY. WINDOW SHADES, II) K, I'UIIUIIABKU AT OFFICE. III. I' (IT AM) HTOUI'. lIOUNIlSl-- " " " OB. O J T03ST TBIjBPHONB No, rS A. SAKS & CO., FINANCIAL. B. K. PLAIN & CO., Brokers. GEO. WILLNER DrHI-irV- 000 MNNSYLVAN1A Drafts and Circular Lotlers of Credit on Europe and the East. 411 IK UlfcCOONT ON TICKETS IlltAM.'II ALMOST GIVEN AWAY. J1.B0 Mon'B and lloya' rants ,..!..$ 1 00 nil 7RoCbllds' I'onte, ago o Vi 13 B CIO $7 RO Men's Suit H 50 $12 Men's Bluo Flannel 2 to f 10. WILLETT & RUOFF'S, 003 fONBYLVANIA AVENDE. - AT Ppeclol attention given to Departmental and other Collections Buy and Hell U.S. bonds aud all District Securities, Wo Issuo Solo Agents tor Dunlap's New York llats, ICE. Our bTOIlAOHCAPAOITY on tho Kr.NNI'.nPO nlono (nearly 00,000 tons) should boa safo eiiarantrit lor nOONtiTANT HU1TI.Y OK THE IlEHr QUALITY. our faellltieK for bsmiltnit leei teeond to none. 1'rompt Uellvery and Low Bites. Wo hsvealeo n I.AIlOB Htll'l'I.Y (abnut7,"IOtons)of Oool Domostto Ico, whlcb we'offer'at Iteducril Kate In IlltKWEllH, IIUTUIIEHH, uoXFEUllliNIiHH and nlbpra In larifi amounts tiemoor llUfrEHnml IIEIOTH In or.OHOKroWN nr DEPOT, Nlntnst. wharf, AT A MnltE BONO. FOR MEN AND 'YOUTH. A splendid lino ot Oassirnoro Suits from lO.SOlip. y A full llnoot Worsted Sack, or Butts from tin up. A beautiful line ot l'rlnco Albert bults from 115 up. A magnificent line ot Odd rants from $1.50 up. A full line ot Wblto Veals from 715c up. Uest quality Ulcycle 1'atiH at :J. A lull lino of Blue riaunel Suits from $0.50 up. Pearl and Doo color, Dress and Derby hats In all shapes, ot en ICE. KEIISriKriEBIEJO IGE7 0?ercoatiD2s aM Tronscrings Transact a General Banking Business. & CO. of New York a Gcorgetown.-T3- era now prepared to orTer It to tho Cltlrens nt Washington at very moderate rates, eltner by tho Ofllef, 12th and l'enna. nve, OLOTHiiisrca- I'lilragn Marlirl. falloning summary la by 11. Mrd-M- ay. JI!? 1111 CmcAno, May B. A decresso In tho visible supply checked yesterday's break, and the markets open only a trlllo lower than yesterday's close; fairly firm at tho decline. list ll'J.'i w tt. ID. ttJLttEb, mm m mm The llprnluiC Market. lli no 1D14 ANDlniO TliNN. AVENOK ia, The K.rtsln h Co, It. Cloud building, Ninth and r streets c. u. L. u. "vVbeat-VIa- y.i 80V1 fl7 (WV Bn' fcHV 80 June. Hij 874 lifl'C tHJ tioC July. III Corn-U- ay.' sdV, 47 47 40 4 Pa 4IIW. 4IIV Jlicn. 47 4IW,' 4HV July. 47V 47V Oatf-- M '"" 81V :" a 1 3t'iil June. 81V n !T sr.s, July.' :u ni 1120 11211 till n. MAKINO ItEl'AlRS IN OUIt BTOllE WILL SELL WHILE fill re $7.50noys' (15 ll irj.yimi WahaiU....! fliV Itnek )i I ft HOEKE, ft. HC- - N. Y. - . Bodilintj, Drapery and Upholstery Warorooms, 801 MAI1KET BPAOIi, S08 ft 310 8th Wo IFOTTHSTID, Carpot, Furnlturo, "W- - BAD BLOOD, $1.00 A BOTTLE. Rev. WM. WATSON, Watsrtown, N. Y., pons Hint hhynlfe Is Indebted to a thorough 111 10 UI'Vil 211V 4 5tI. window Bcrocca and tlio Celobrnteil carpeting, Looso Covers for Furnlturo n Specialty. Wood H. H. WARNER & CO., ii or to Any Part of Washington ICE. ICE. ....tl3 00 fit 70 Dushols, Not Crushed.. 3 fiO3011UBhels,NotCrusbod.. IOE3 OO., Alaska Refrigerator. I3SrrElE,3533SriDEXTT FUl'l'LYof tbo best quality ot lUvlnif secured our usual tit Date-ma- n f?l I. Bber. 03 ANab Ul'acinc...1 471 fanr- i- .. NWMt... m fa'- Ni Cen..- - nt vi .'W'd UMAKtl' IVtiV1 tH III, h W...03Vil03' uujsu.... imrvisi uoadinc .. ! Malt.... 17 17 m'u N l' ftH ftC ' pref...J :w, mi Wl'eion liiiu, Mol'a. ... til MIKj Ills Gen III Tex Pa UreTransI lilV l.'IX. Rrln R4 -. .... iQr Delivered s For SKIN ERUPTIONS por listrnntr. Mcfhcy COMPANY. WASBINGTON GASLIGHT MO 40 Iltiibelf, Crushed. 20 Uufbcle, Crushed & o coprniiHtto, : AND (lnili. fi. rent. Exefcango quiet. Governments ( urieiiry 0, 187 hid j 4s, coupon, bid; 41s, do., 1181 bid. Tho stock ' An Incident occurred wblle I was serving on tbejury nt Concord, when the Gennral'ww J V3rEoHFE o FOR SALE UY TUB And Upliolstory Materials. 1. was a largo atteudarco of members ef tbe bar at tho meeting In tho Cir-- ii Coeilrw-- this afternoon atll n'ilo:k, to lVe nppinptUta ret Ion on tlio retirement of .Judge Wjlle from tho District Ni.w Stroot. It la Easily Ignited. It Makes a Quick, Hot Fire. It Docs Not Burn Out the Grate. It Is Economical. It Will Pay to Try It. Gcncrallnrj steam. Cooking Purposes. Heating by Furnace. Healing by Latrobo. Open Grates. For For For For For l'UMTUM Wyll"-- . WiialiliiBInn Nlocka. lu (lie Division. Williams Owons, a young colored man, while In company with a number of other colored men, at tho corner of Fourteenth and B streets northwest last night, was attacked by two other colored men named Wash Bailor and JooChlsm. In tbo Pollco Court this morning Owens testified that Bailor struck him and Chlsm shot at him. Chlsm admitted tlio shooting, saying he find tho pistol In tho air. Chlsm was lined $i0 or ninety days, and Bailor 11 nod $5 for tbo tssault. TIPPECANOE Julius Lansburgli, 316 Bovonth OOEZB. TTSIEJ CARPETS AND FURNITURE. WARNER'S Tin-i- Oo Meeting: of tlio Army ofllio I'otmnna lu Ilnltlmnre, Mny (I nutl 7. V In Ilnnni- of Jmlun - Jtts-Hta- h Borne people aro born cheeky, some achieve nowirs I'lilnlril Willi HnlnsacD, Maicus (liter, a young rlverman with a vleluns Iwlnklo In his starboard oyo, was Istinrhcd Into ibo dock nt tho Pollco Court this morning for trying to print tho town, and aim thn Inhabitants, red with molauos. Mmtls Young, a merchant of 3021 M street, (Itartctnwn, charged tho acctlied with assault. Ha told Ills Honor that tbo prisoner and another man s'opped In front of his atom yesterday with a water bucket full of mnlasMs. Thn bucket was leaking, and ho ssktil (hero to movn on nnd not smear tho sMtwslk. Tho defendant suddenly ralsod thn bucket and dashed Its enntonts over him srd hi' wife, who were standing In tho deer, and deflroylrg about $200 worth of itoik. Policeman I'lslicr testified to arrosU leg the other defendant, wbllo tho prisoner wst ra tnted by tho complainant. Tho wiener staled that Mr. Young pulled them Into the stole to sell them something, "and I was diunk." "Oh; you wero drunk, worn vanfMld IhnCiinit. "Yos and I gti03i I t nlad and flung the molancs on tho old man." "Twoiily-flv- a dollars or 00 days," aaM the Court. From Trederlckand Intermediate points. 8.24 a. I's-- tfisi la.vn llalil....... air All trains (lam VJ.)llliutn tnn . tton. except 1.29, 115 and 6.40 p. m. Jiir Initber lurormatlon apply at thn Raltlmora A Ohio ticket ofllee Wash Inglon Btatlon, SIS and 13.11 1'ennsylvaDla avenue, corner nrPouiteentb ltal.u... street.wherporderswlil betaken rorbMgageto bFclieekedancl received at any point In tnrc3iy, 11. DIW14M, (j, K.LORD. Oen. Man,, llalllmore. (I, p. A, npHK ORKAT PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE. TO T1IE50BTU, TTthT AM) SUl'THrTEST. DOUBLE TRAt.'K, SPLENDID tiCENEllY. BTaKLRAlLa.UAONIPIOKNTKQUlrjIEJT IN HFl'Mrr AI'ltIL 8. lesiT TIIAINH LKA VK WABIllrumiN liom Btatlon. corner Wxtb and 11 streets, as followi: ana me wni, Uilcago Limited iir iiiisnuig or Palaca Sleeping Kxprens Oars at 10 50 a. m. dallyi Line, 10.50 -- a. m. dally to Cincinnati W. Louis, with BleeHug Cam Irom Harxlsbnrg to Cincinnati, and lloiel Car to Bt. Louis; daily, except Batnrday, to ChtOKO, nlUlHleeidDgCar to Chicago. Chicago and Clnclunall express, 7.10 p. nj. dally, wlib Bleeping Cars Wash-loEtto Chicago aud llarrliburg to Lonlsvnlei conHectlngatllarrUburgnllli vslern Kxpri-sc- i with Ihrough Bleepera lor Cleveland, Louisville and M. Louts. I'acltloKxprtss, lotKlp m Callv. lor Pittsburg and the Weal, wltb through uleeper llarrltburg toCh'caco. 11ALT1MORK A POTOMAC RAILROAD. Tor Krle, L'anandalgua, lloclieater, JJudslo, Niagara. 10 p. m. dally, except Baturday, with Pal- Cara Washington to llochester. For Wllllamsnort, Lock Uavea and L'lmlm at 10 10 a. ro. dally, except Monday. New York and the Xast. 7.11, 8.30 and 11 a. For m., 2, 4. 10 p. m. and 12.1) night. On Hunday. 4. night. Limited Kxnre-- i ol ion in. and Pullman Parlor Cam U.4Q a. m. dally, excen Buneay. Tor Rcston without cbange, 2p.m. on every week day; on buiruay, 4 p.m. Forllrooklfn.N. Y., nil through trains connect at Jersey lliy wltb hosts of Brooklyn Annex, allordlnc direct transfer to Fulton street, avoiding double ferriage across New York city. For Philadelphia. 7.1), 8.J0 and 11 a.m., p.m. and 12 H night. On hunday, 4. 6.10 p.m. aid lil J night. Limited luxpreea V.40 a. m. dally, except Bundsy. For Ualtlmore, d.3S, 7.U, 8 30, 9.40, 10.50, 11 00 a. ro., 12.0S, 2, 4, 4 25,4 40,6.7.10. In p. m. and 1AI5 night. wuuuy,10 6O,lla. m., 4.8,7.1010 p. lu, and fill night. 1 or Pope's Creek Line. 7.15 a, m. and 4.10 p. m. dally except bunoay. For Annapuils, sts a. m , 1201 and 4.21 p.m. dally, except On Buuday, 4 p. m. Al.Ki.AKi)lttArttl-KKImUIOKhUllK- 1 J ae lilj ""' IIAtl . ANY..L?.0AA1lPAWI)HIA For Alexamlila. 0.7, 0 25. 11 01, n j) a in. 0) 4.2u,4.41,iiol.so5aiidli.J7p. m. OuBiindayat 0,0 25, i.oin.m.,aojp.m. For Illehniond end the boutli, 6and 1101a.m. ilelly, ald4.45p m. dally, exeept bunday. Trains leuve Alrxandrla for Washington, 6 0J. 8, 10, 10.10a. ro.. 1.8 05, Ml, 3.10. 7.W and ll.Sl v. m. and 12.10 m tli lata, except Monday. On Bui day al 8 and 10.10 a. m7.oi and 10.15 p. in. and 12.10 night. Tickets no inlorniatlnn'attbeoulee northeast cornroll3ih street aud iniusylvsnla avtuae. andallliestatlnn, wHt-rorders cau ha lell lor tbechtckicgbrbsggagvio detliLation from horesidences. tels and n. wood. , , CIIAB, L. PLOll, (Jeueral Maoager. j The Now Orloano Fast Lino bllENANDOAU VALLLY bOUTUERN 81'ECIAL VIA BDENANDOAII JUNO., LUIltY and ItOANOKE. TheNew ItoutPlottiH Mouth audMoutbweet. M.'JIKIIULK IN HirhOTMAHCll Id. leM. A, M , Itly, Is ew Orleans Fast Llue. For all iiolmscnlliieof Bhenamloah Valley, Nor-- f. la e Western, Ksst renneeseni, Virginia and tleoigta llallrcsds. j lianla, alaeon, Jaekson-Mil- e Cbatlknoosa, Memphis, Mobile, New Orleans anil ll eBoulh and bouthweat. Pull-ma- n I'a'scosle. pit gears between Wasblnx-tonandNeOrleans without change. al Bberaudoab Junction wlta Pullman Cars New York to Atlanta. Mlo p !.. Dally. Memphis Kx press. For all polnhi Boulh, Boulheaiit and Bouthwnt, pull-ina- u Palace Bleenlng Cars between Hon and Memphis wltbout cbanze connecilng atclexeland, 'lenn,, with Pun; man Cara to New Orleans w Ithutit cbange. Trains leave B a O. It, It. Pasienger Htailou. corier New Jersey avenue and C street, lor tickets, si. eplug car reierxallons and all Information apply at lliket oOlcea, am l'enna. avv.,i:iai l'enna. ave 1) & O. andatdei-o- t andbUlcnor the Line, tki7 Penna, ave.. wh-r-lt.lt. o p tiers will betaken lor baggage to be called for In any part ot the city, A. POl'JC. K. J. LOCKWOOH, Oen, Ast. pass, aud Ticket Agent. Pass. d. Tkt. ap7-I- CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILVAY (LKAVK B. dt P. DEPOT, SIXTH AND B ST8.1 11.15 A. M-- For all way stations, Lexington, Ky., Louisville, Cincinnati, Columbus. Bt. lWs. Dally except Bunday. 11 A. M.-- Fer Newport News, Old Point Comfort aid Norfolk. Dally except Bunday. Ihrough parlor car WasUngton to Old Point Couilort, M.-Fer Louisville, Cincinnati, Bt. Louie Silu P. and Chicago, connecting for all points West, Northwest and Boutbwest; (test express dally' Ones not stop fur lotl busluws; through poll-niaservice to !mlsvllie and Clnclnnail. Tor tickets and Information apply at C. A O, Itailwuj otitic, su Penns)lan1a aveuue, under Natlrnal Hotel; Va. Midland Hallway office, COl Penu. axruue, and 11. Jt P, Mutiou, 11. W. FULLER, Ocnerall'awengerAg.nt. C W BMITIf, '"1 Manager. FRANK Tlllf.U, N, U Passenger Agent "' EXCURHIOHS. VJT. Vi;ilNON! JIT. Vl.tl.NKWl BTEAMEU W, W, CORCORAN .&itskjXafi Leaves Ptventb-stree- l wharf dally, excrpi Bun-da- ) , for Ml. at 10 u'tlock a. m.t relnrnlna. reaches Washington about 8.80p.m. L, L, BLAKE, Captain, i ft
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