The Mendota Messenger First United Methodist Church, Mendota, Illinois - March 2015 Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors. The people of the United Methodist Church. Following my message on Sunday, February 15th entitled “Will You Also Be My Witness?” in which I talked about our responsibility to take the message – the Good News of Jesus Christ – into the world and invite others to experience that Good News in worship each week, I received this email via JoAnne Riley. It’s a daily devotional that she receives each morning from the pastor of the church her daughter and son-in-law attend. To emphasize my message, I wanted you to hear much the same words through another voice: “Today's encouragement comes from Luke 2:49, where we read these words (of Christ): ‘And [Jesus] said to them [Mary and Joseph], 'Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?'’ On all Sundays, we who claim to belong to God, ought to be easy to find. Anyone looking for us should be able to immediately discern that we would be in our Father's house, being about His “business” – just like Jesus was. Nothing trumps this, for the true believer. Mary and Joseph apparently looked all over the place for the young Messiah, but, had they immediately gone to the temple, they would have found Him right away. May we be just like our Savior, in this particular (at least): that we put Christ's church and His business before everything else. We are sinners; Christ is holy, but in this one regard we may match Him almost step-by-step. [From: Mark Joseph Henninger; Mon., 2/16/15 Devotion (Lk. 2:49)] Mary and Joseph hunted high and low for their son Jesus for three days, but if they had spent a few moments in prayer rather than panic, they would have found their son precisely in His Father’s presence doing and being what He had be sent into the world to do and to be. On each and every Sunday morning, each of us also should be easy to be found – “being about our Father’s business.” But here in is the wrinkle and our tie now to Lent: We are all too entangled in the world to be even bothered by God, even occasionally! Ouch???!!! Let me give you a personal example. On the second Sunday of our vacation, Peggy and I were scheduled to drive from Sebring, Florida to Naples, Florida to visit with two of her sisters who live there. We could have gone to the 8:30 AM worship service in Sebring that morning, but decided instead to begin our 2 ½ hour journey a little earlier so we would arrive in time to do some more visiting. But a funny thing happened: when we arrived an hour before expected, we were asked to wait for an hour because they weren’t expecting us that early. Bottom line: the hour we thought we were saving was wasted; what we had claimed for ourselves, God took for himself. Let me give you another example: Years ago when Peggy and I were farming and it was the “busy season,” I would at time, “skip church” to work in the field – seemingly no big deal. But almost every time I did skip church to accomplish something, on Monday morning something would break down and I’d spend part if not all the day repairing it. So the question arises, in my ignoring the Sabbath, did the Lord then take that next day from me? I’ll not answer that because I sense that you know my response. But I’ll ask you to reflect on times in your life when you’ve “stole from God” only to “come up short” soon thereafter. I wrote to you last month and I spoke on it at our Community Ash Wednesday service that Lent is a time of personal reflection. It’s a particular 40 day journey to look within ourselves for the SIN within us. Once we recognize that SIN – or more appropriately said, once the Holy Spirit reveals the SIN within us – we then have a responsibility to confess that SIN and then to turn from that SIN – which in the church, we call repentance. SIN is a “naughty word these days because it calls us to account for our deeds, and we don’t want to be held accountable. Want it or not, YOU must, or God will!! Judgment from God is real! That’s why many don’t like reading the Old Testament – too much “judgment.” I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news, but as the commercial once stated, “You can pay me now, or you can pay me later.” Now is the time! On your knees anywhere is the way and the place. I hope God will see you in church this and every Sunday. Pastor Mike A Request from Our Garage Sale Workers Dates for the Spring Garage Sale have been set. Workdays will begin Tuesday, April 7 and will be held each Tuesday and Thursday morning from 8:30 until 11 AM until the time of the sale which will be Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, May 14, 15, and 16. We really appreciate everyone’s donations—we couldn’t have our sale without them—but we request that everyone please call ahead before you bring any large furniture items for donation. We don’t always have the man-power available to move large items. Thanks for your help in making our past sales so successful! Men’s Breakfast at Ziggies’ – Saturday, March 21 at 7:30 AM Men’s Lenten Dinner – 6 PM Thursday, March 12th here at Mendota 1st This year’s Men’s Lenten Dinner promises to be enlightening and filling. Kevin Goy is going to be serving up a dinner of smoked pork loin, mashed potatoes and gravy, a vegetable or two and bread, plus, of course, pie for dessert. We will need some pies for our silent auction, so you’ll have something sweet to take home with you. Then following the meal, a retired Navy Seal will speak of some of his experiences and how his Christian faith was lived out in those experiences. Look for the fliers to come out soon and plan to attend. And while you’re at it, bring a friend! Lent—A Time of Reflection and Preparation Each Wednesday 6 AM - 6 PM Open Communion in the sanctuary 9:30 AM Mendota Church Women Lenten Worship at St. John’s 6:30 PM Lenten Discussion and Gathering in Welker Hall (not on 3/11) March 29 9 & 10:30 AM Palm Sunday Worship services April 2 7 PM Maundy Thursday Worship service here April 3 12 noon prayer vigil begins in the sanctuary 7 PM Good Friday Worship service at Zion United Methodist Church April 4 12 noon prayer vigil concludes in the sanctuary April 5 6:30 AM Easter Sunrise Worship in the sanctuary Church website: First United Methodist Church 100 East 6th Street Mendota, Illinois 61342 815-538-5587 Office 815-539-6234 Parsonage Rev. Mike Morrell, Pastor Pastor Mike’s office hours: Monday Off Tuesday - Thursday 8 AM until noon (appointments suggested, but walk-ins welcome) Pastor’s cell phone: 815-751-1923 Pastor’s e-mail: Church office is open Monday—Friday 8 AM until noon website: The Mendota Messenger Published monthly at 1st United Methodist Church 100 East 6th Street Mendota, Illinois 61342 Issue #53 March 2015 Sandra Smith, Youth Pastor Barb Buck, Choir Director Keith Collings, Sound System Jeri Atherton, Lay Leader Kim Van Rheenen, secretary ( Tony Escatel, Pianist Please always call to notify us of someone being hospitalized or having any other emergency. Better 10 phone calls than none! We want to be there for you, so you have to call and let us know if you need a pastoral visit. Mendota Church Women Series Continues The Mendota Church Women will continue to hold their Lenten Worship Services each Wednesday at 9:30 AM at St. John’s Lutheran Church, which is located at 607 10th Avenue in Mendota. The theme of this year’s service is “24 Hours That Changed the World”, based on a book by the same name and authored by Adam Hamilton. This service is open to all community members. St. John’s Lutheran Church is handicapped accessible. Each Wednesday morning during Lent, the women of a different area church will host the study with a continental breakfast to follow at St. John’s Lutheran Church. From the Office of the Bishop February 2015 Dear Friends and members of Mendota: First United Methodist Church; On behalf of the United Methodist Church and all its ministries and mission locally and around the world, I want to thank you for your faithful 100% participation in the payment of apportionments. A sign of health and vitality in a congregation is the eagerness to reach our beyond its own walls and serve others in your community and beyond. Your 100% payment is one sign of that vitality. Sincerely, Sally Dyck AHA – Awakening, Honesty, Action – by Kyle Idleman – A New book study beginning Saturday, April 25th If you attended the Community Ash Wednesday service, you heard me mention a book that I’d recently been given entitled AHA written by the same author who wrote the book Not A Fan. I found the book intriguing and I’d like to share that experience with you. I’ve tentatively scheduled this study for Saturday mornings at 9:00 beginning on April 25 th. There’ll be more information about this study in the April Messenger and on the bulletin board in the church narthex. Signup will begin shortly after Easter. “Never stop praying. No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 Military personnel Holly Full Rosalie Russell Norma Fitch Mendota 1st Presby. Steven Botts Mendota 1st UMC Bishop Sally Dyck Millie Truckenbrod Amy Atherton Delbert Spitz D.S.Young-Mee Park Barbara Weiser Nancy Peach Donna Howdeshell Lorene Kreiling Jill Rister St. John’s Lutheran Margaret Davis Fred Akre Jim Pierce Florine Fischer Art Dalton Jessie Reutner Bob Setchell Minerva Crow Harriett Selders Viletta Heiden Jenny Wise O’Dowd Alice Baughman Bob & Vera Godfrey Beth & Charlie Dana Irma Lu Madden Dorothy Cole Mildred Ulmer Susan May Lola Burkardt Randy Clark Zelma Simpson Melissa Wallace Matthew Rubio Michelle Barker George & Betty McMahon Rich Stevenson Geneva Knowlton Del Knowlton Gina Ganschow Ava Denault Wendy Klatt Kim Meyer Sandy Stevenson Calvin & Bev Faber Family of Jill Abbott Kessel Donna Witt Verna Gordon Keith Collings Lloyd Howdeshell Lynda Kwiatkowski Christina McGovan Family of Don Marschang Lola Dewey Elliott Tony Escatel Cong Church Wells Bonnie Rick Matthew Janet Reck February Mission Offerings Mendota Area Christian Food Pantry $147 Reynoldswood Renovation $ Henderson Mission Project $ Klatt Family $ Thank you for answering God’s call for generosity and cheerful giving as you donate to our various missions appeals. Lenten Mission Emphasis I don’t need to write to you to tell you of Heifer Project International. You’ve bought everything from water buffalos to chickens and from milking goats to hives of bees. This is a “self-help ministry” that just keeps on giving. The first female progeny from these animals is passed on to others who in turn are asked to pass their firstborn female from their animal to help another, and so on and so on and so on. Help us get that snowball rolling this Lenten Season! Start a challenge among friends to raise the funds for that first heifer or goat or flock of chickens. Let’s have fun with this and help others at the same time. Trivia Night to Benefit Henderson Team - Saturday, March 21 The Henderson Mission Team will host another of their popular Trivia Night fundraisers. Get a team together and come enjoy the food, competition and learning as you help the team raise funds for this year’s mission trip. Saturday, March 21 here at the church. Doors open at 5:30 PM and play begins at 6:30 PM. See Cathy Burke or call the church to sign-up Wendy Klatt Benefit - Saturday, March 28 4:00 PM - 11:00 PM - Mendota Elks Club A benefit is being held to help Wendy Klatt and her family as they battle together for a healthy outcome. Show your support and help raise some funds to help with the many expenses. The night of the benefit: Hog Roast Dinner - 50/50 drawing Bake Sale by 1st Methodist Church Auction of donated items Dancing - - Live Music by Second Chance Band Fun for all! - Tickets on sale at 1st State Bank, from benefit committee members, and at Sullivan’s Grocery store. Pre-benefit fundraisers include: T-shirts with logo at right on the front—at Sports N Stuff—$20 for short-sleeved, $25 for long-sleeved Cooking for A Cure cookbook sales Wishes for Wendy bracelets - $1 each One Great Hour of Sharing – Sunday, March 15th One Great Hour of Sharing is what allows UMCOR to act as the arms and legs of Christ's church, moving toward the most vulnerable in their darkest days. Your gift toward this 2 nd of six Special Offering Sundays will allow 100% of our Heifer International Lenten offering to go to those who need it most. Said another way, OGHS pays for the administrative costs of meeting the needs of “the most vulnerable in their darkest days.” Please support this offering and make a difference in the life of someone else! A message from UMCOR: “When disaster strikes around the globe—Haiti’s 2010 earthquake or Hurricane Sandy of 2012—so many watching the drama unfold on our living room televisions feel entirely helpless. How could any one person make a difference in the wake of such widespread devastation? As responders around the globe scramble to help survivors, the United Methodist Committee on Relief, UMCOR, is prepared to act. The response of UMCOR isn’t something “they” do, it’s something “we” do. When You Give You Equip Christ’s Body to Serve in His Name.” SAINTS IN ACTION READERS March 1 Susan Hoffman March 8 Cathy Burke March 15 Hailey Myers March 22 Diane McCully March 29 Rachel Kennedy USHERS March 1 GREETERS March 1 March 8 March 15 March 15 March 22 March 29 March 8 Scott & Sue Seng Becky Deming Ellen Stuber Ken & Barbi Purvis Bret Kelly Don Kelly Mike & Kathy Pierce March 22 March 29 Sandy Stevenson Karen & Garry White Gary Wulf Bret Kelly Don Kelly Madison Myers Patrick Myers Diane Archer Charlie & Gerri Smith Kim Smith Charles Fahler Karen & Garry White Jerry & Diane Denault Jean Kelly Shirley Morris Daylight Savings Time Begins Sunday March 8 at 2 AM—set your clocks forward 1 hour before retiring Saturday the 7th. Lay Servant Academy – March 14th & 21st at Dixon 1st UMC This Spring’s Lay Servant Academy will feature some intriguing classes and some basic spiritual discipline classes. The Basic Course in preaching and the advanced course, You Can Preach, will be offered as will the United Methodist Heritage class. The two new classes are Growing Spiritually Through Daily Discipline led by the Rev. Paul Judd and Transforming Outreach led by DeKalb District Lay Leader, Jim Miller. The registration cost for these two weekends (which includes lunch and study materials) is $50, but upon completion of the coursework, this church will reimburse in full any member who attends this training. There are fliers on the bulletin board in the church narthex. Registrations need to be received by Sunday, March 8th. ----------------------------------------------------------------Easter Flowers Order Form Placed by ___________________________________________________________ In memory of _______________________________________________________ In honor of __________________________________________________________ Easter Lily (s) ______________ $10 each Spring Plant (s) ______________ Please make check payable to “Jerry’s Flower Barn” ----------------------------------------------------------------- March 26, 27, & 28 —A Friend In Need FREE Children’s Clothing Swap - Memorial Building 10 AM to 2 PM each day—bring your children’s clean, outgrown and swap them for clothes that fit. Thank you to Elaine Setchell for sponsoring this month’s Mendota Messenger newsletter in honor of Floyd’s 90th birthday March 4th. Happy Birthday, Floyd! March 2015
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