ST. JOHN’S R.C. CHURCH 619 Chestnut Street Lakehurst, NJ 08733 Rev. Bernard Keigher, Pastor Msgr. Elso Introini, Weekend Assistant Rev. John Basil, Weekend Assistant Rev. Donald McLaughlin, Weekend Assistant Deacon Ronald J. Kerr, Deacon Richard Glogoza Deacon Edward Holowienka, Business Administrator Ms. MaryAnn Dempkowski, Director Religious Education Parish Office: 732-657-6347 Religious Ed Office: 732-657-2348 Fax: 732-657-8690 Parish Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday 9:00AM—3:00PM, Friday - 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Parish Website: MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Masses .......... 4:00 P.M. and 7:00 P.M. Sunday Masses ............ 9:15 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. Monday - Friday .......... 8:00 A.M. First Friday .................. 8:00 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. Adoration from 12:00 noon until 3:00P.M. in the Parish Center Chapel ... Concluding with Benediction Miraculous Medal Mondays .................. Following the 8:00 A.M. Mass Confessions - Saturdays - 11 A.M. to 12 Noon BAPTISMS Preparation for first-time parents is required. Baptisms take place on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month at 12:15 P.M. Please contact the Parish Office for arrangements. MARRIAGES Arrangements are to be made in the Parish Office at least one year in advance. PARISH MINISTRIES Parish Council .................. Victor Bala ............. 732-657-8899 R.C.I.A…………………...Joe Pittarelli ........... 732-323-8469 Rosary Altar Society…….Joan Toth ................. 732-657-4938 Prayer Group. ................... Joan Boland ........... 732-657-6347 Hospital Ministry.............. Joan Boland ........... 732-657-6347 St. Vincent’s Social Concern...Mike Brennan. . .732-657-6359 Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers..Joe Pittarelli...732-323-8469 Legion of Mary................. Carol Glogoza......... 732-657-6874 Folk/Youth Choir. ............ Joyce Sorenson ...... 732-240-4750 Emmaus Group ................. Deacon Ron Kerr ... 732-657-6347 Religious Article Store ..... Victor Bala ............. 732-657-8899 PARISH REGISTRATION - Families moving into or out of the parish are asked to call the Parish Office as soon as possible. EMMAUS, our Bereavement Group, meets the 2nd and 3rd Thursdays of the month at 10:30A.M. in the Church coffee room. GRADE SCHOOL OF RELIGION Grades K, 1 & 2 - Sat. mornings 9 - 10:15 A.M. Grades 3A & B, 4A & B, 5A, 6A & B, 7-A and Grades 3C, 4C, 5B & C, 6C & D, 7B & C, 8A, B & C - Wed. 7:15PM-8:30 P.M. C.C.F.C. I & II -Wed. 5:30P.M. - 6:45 P.M. March 1st, 2015 ST. JOHN’S PARISH CENTER Page Two March 1st, 2015 We will have STATIONS of the CROSS every Friday a er the 8:00A.M. Mass and again at 7:00P.M. LISTEN AND FOLLOW “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him.” And listen they did. From that moment on, Peter, James, and John were ardent followers, forsaking everything to follow in their Master’s footsteps. Like the psalmist crying, “O Lord, I am your servant,” the three disciples commi ed themselves to lives of incredible hardship and indescribable joy. A er that day on the mountain, they never again wavered in their chosen voca on. Though our tests may not be as severe as Abraham’s and our peak experiences not as drama c as the Transfigura on, we all face the daily challenges of walking “before the Lord in the land of the living.” As we follow our varied calls to love and serve, let’s be comforted by Paul’s reminder to the Romans: “If God is for us, who can be against us?” READINGS for SUNDAY, March 8th, 2015 First Reading — The law was given through Moses Exodus 20:1-17; Psalm — Lord, you have the words of everlas ng life Psalm 19; Second Reading — We proclaim Christ crucified; the foolishness of God is greater than human wisdom 1 Corinthians 1:22-25; Gospel — Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up John 2:13-25. WINGS AND A PRAYER, our Religious Ar cle Store, located at the front entrance to our Church, will be open March 7th/8th and 21st/22nd. Come and see all we have for Lent and Easter. EMMAUS, our Bereavement Group, will not meet during the month of March. UPDATE ON BISHOP O’CONNELL A er his surgery (amputa on of le leg below knee) and his release from the hospital, Bishop O’Connell is currently in a rehab center for several weeks. The medical people were very pleased with the Bishop’s recovery so far and said the site is healing faster than expected. The Bishop will now be making the adjustment to the prosthe c. He asked me to convey his hear elt thanks to everyone for the outpouring of love and concern he has received. Please keep him in your prayers. POPE FRANCIS As a Diocese neighboring the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, we are very excited about the news of Pope Francis’ visit during September’s World MeeƟng of Families there. The incredible worldwide popularity of the Holy Father will make his a endance and celebra on of Mass on the Parkway in Philadelphia on September 26th a big draw for Catholics and non-Catholics alike from all over our region. The Archdiocese of Philadelphia, as the host Diocese, will disseminate informa on as it becomes available. We now have boxes at the doors of the Church for you to put your old palms. MONTHLY PRAYER INTENTION Each month our shut-ins join with us to pray for an intention given by Fr. Bernie. For March the intention is: “As Our Lady of Fatima requested back in 1917, continue to pray for World Peace.” Page Three SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY This Monday, March 2nd, we will meet at the church at 10:30A.M. for recita on of the Rosary followed by Mass at 11:00A.M. A er Mass we will meet in the Church Hall for our annual St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon. The Luncheon will be catered by the Blue Fountain Restaurant, and entertainment will be provided by the “Ma nee Idles”. At the Luncheon we will start selling ckets for our Bunco Party which will be held on Wednesday, May 20th. Tickets are $5.00. We will not meet in April due to the Easter Holiday. ++++++ Our ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY is sponsoring a “Day of Recollec on” at San Alfonso Retreat House on Monday, April 20th, 2015. Cost $55.00 per person. For informa on/reserva ons, call Barbara Seele at 732-657-5512. Our 2016 MASS BOOK is now open for inten ons. We ask that you limit your inten ons to six (6) Masses and three (3) candles. PLEASE PRAY for all our parishioners and friends who are serving in the Military. We also ask for your prayers for our Police, Firemen and Firewomen, First Responders, and all who put themselves in harm’s way for our ProtecƟon. HARBOR HOUSE, an agency that helps homeless and runaway youth, invites bike riders and SAG (Support & Gear) volunteers to join the 2015 Ride for New Beginnings, a 5-day, 400 mile bike ride June 24 through 28 (3-day op on also available). The fully supported ride will go along coastal NJ to Chincoteague, VA, and back See h p:// FIRST FRIDAY, March 6th, we will have Mass at 8:00A.M. and 11:00A.M. in the main Church. At 12 Noon we will have Exposi on of the Blessed Sacrament in the Parish Center Chapel ending with Benedic on. All are invited. DIVINE MERCY, First Friday, March 6th, at 3:00P.M. we will have the Divine Mercy Novena and prayers in the Parish Center Chapel. Please join us for this beau ful devo on. OUR LADY of FATIMA Star ng this Saturday, March 7th, on the First Saturday of each month, the parish will be facilita ng a prayer me to pray for Peace in the World. In 1917, Our Lady of Fa ma appeared to three children in Portugal and requested they pray the Rosary for the Conversion of Russia and Peace in our world. We will pray the Rosary, have a medita on me, and offer confession and recep on of Holy Communion. We will meet in the Church at 10:30A.M. (Please note the change in Ɵme). Our Lady of Fa ma Prayer Cards are available at the doors of the church this weekend for people to pray at home if they can’t join us on First Saturday, March 7th, at 10:30A.M. (Please note the change in Ɵme.) All Eucharist Ministers for the homebound are asked to bring these cards to those parishioners whom they visit. ST. JOHN’S SCHOLARSHIP RAFFLE is proud to announce the February, 2015 winners: 1st Prize —$400.00— Mary Lou Zubel 2nd Prize —$300.00— Ralph Dougan 3rd Prize —$200.00— George Kurkowski 4th Prize—$100.00— Rose and Dan Spina A special THANK YOU to all who have purchased ckets to our raffle! Page Four MASSES FOR THE WEEK MONDAY, March 2nd 8:00A.M. SAM Di PIAZZA (22nd Ann. Rem.) req. wife, Antoine e HARRY MARRAZZO (Ann. Rem.) req. Louise and Bill Osberg 11:00A.M. ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY MASS SUNDAY, March 8th 9:15A.M. MARGARET McDADE req. mom CLARE LANG (3rd Ann.) req. Mary Ann Dempkowski 11:00A.M. STEPHEN A. SERIBELLITO, JR. (1st Ann.) req. Angelo and Irene MARIAN McGOUGH req. Jerry and Mary Ann Beyer TUESDAY, March 3rd 8:00A.M. CARMELLA CICCONE req. Tony Ciccone THE PEOPLE OF OUR PARISH WEDNESDAY, March 4th 8:00A.M. DOMINICK and GRAZIELLA De RASMO req. son, Leonard FRANK M. PAPALE (Birthday Rem.) req. wife, Judy THURSDAY, March 5th 8:00A.M. JOHN FINAMORE req. Joe and Angela McNeill KENNETH VALENTINO (Birthday Rem.) req. wife and children FIRST FRIDAY, March 6th 8:00A.M. MARY and MICHAEL FUCCILE req. Mike and Joan Fuccile CARMELA MORIN (Birthday Rem.) req. Mr. & Mrs. Dio Morin 11:00A.M. KATHY FIMIANI req. mom and family HERMAN PIRANEO (1st Ann.) Grace Hammeke SATURDAY, March 7th 4:00P.M. ELSIE HEMMEN and HENRY LOUSZKO req. Frank and Pat Smigielski JOHN RYNN req. sisters 7:00P.M. ROLANDO SMITH req. Mr. & Mrs. Dio Morin FRANCES GERMAINE req. son, Michael Candles March 1st—7th, 2015 SANCTUARY CANDLE In Loving Memory of Robert Durso req. Aunt Marie. SACRED HEART CANDLE In Loving Memory of John Flanagan req. grandchildren. SHRINE CANDLE In Loving Memory of Arthur Schultz req. niece, Mary Ann. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK, especially: Week 1: Ruth Nehila, Lucy DiGianni, Micki Bauwens, Jay H. Jenkins, Fran DiCaro, Catherine Byrnes, Norma Vasquez, Dick Olsen, Jerre Schalkoff, Sal Lotortaro, Ann Grecco, Gerry Altomare, Jean Ri man, Pat Keeley, Mae Cobb, Dolly Tortoriello, Gladys Russo, Dick Olsen, Bob Caputo, Martha Garbarino, Fred Rosamilia, Mar na Granger, Wanda Dempkowski Week 2: Barbara Marino, Todd Hennings, Marcia Davis, Robert Hayden, Barbara Woodruff Week 3: Antoine e DeLuccia, Ann Grecco, Walter Konieczny, Mary Ellen Seimers, Joy Mayhew, Gerry Gabriel, Hank Karlewicz, Jeane e Mohr, Eileen Dennehy, Cindy Cisco, Thomas Raymond, Joseph Infusino, Theresa Lippin, Erma and Anthony Tanfara, Salvatore Zaffero PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL OUR DECEASED, especially: George LaMorte, Connie Cogan, Edward Kinel, Nancy DeSanto
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