Sunday, November 9, 2014 “To Preserve The Flame” SAINT JOHN’S CHURCH 44 Temple St. Worcester, MA 01604 Phone: 508-756-7165 Ascension Campus Phone: 774-243-6351 MASS SCHEDULE Lord’s Day Masses Saturday Vigil: 4:15 & 7:15 pm Sunday: 8 am, 10:15 am, 12:15 pm & 7:15 pm Weekdays Monday-Friday 6:15 pm SUNDAY’S READINGS Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17 Jn 2:13-22 Worship Hymnal #1227 Sunday, November 16, 2014 8 AM Fr. Joe Coonan, req. by Al and Sue Johnson; Eleanor Prevoski, r eq. by Ann and J oe Sar asin 10:15 AM Eleanor Holland (1st Anniv.), req. by Family; Juozas and Janina Miliauskas, r eq. by Family 12:15 PM Annie Dolan (6 Mo. Anniv.), req. by Rosemary Foley 7:15 PM Dennis Cashman, req. by Family Dear Friends in the Lord, From the first days of the Church, Sunday has been known as “the Lord’s Day.” It is the Christian Sabbath day. Therefore it is very rare that another feast day would supersede the celebration of the Sunday feast. Yet, today marks the third time this has happened in a relatively short period of time. In September, we celebrated The Feast of the Triumph of the Cross. Last week we celebrated the Feast of All Souls. Today we celebrate the Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome, dedicated to St. John the Baptist. Most people would think that St. Peter’s Basilica is the Pope’s main church, but they are wrong. The Pope as the Bishop of Rome claims St. John Lateran as the Cathedral of his diocese. The dedication of a church is a feast for all its parishioners. The Lateran is, in a sense, the parish church of all Catholics. Beneath its high altar rests the remains of a small wooden table on which, according to tradition, St. Peter celebrated Mass. We know something about a “Mother Church” here at St. John’s. Though the Lateran is even older than our parish! The original structure was built in the fourth century. The present structure in 1646. It has suffered fires, earthquakes, and the ravages of war, but continues to stand and remains the Mother of the Universal Church. In today’s Gospel passage Jesus refers to the destruction of the temple. In the second reading Paul reminds us: “You are God’s building.” At our Bible Study session this week, one participant made an insightful connection to the closing of churches that we have experienced here as have as others throughout the diocese and country. On the one hand, buildings like the Lateran, St. John’s and so many churches are beautiful. On the other hand, they are just that, buildings, and we, the people, are the Church. Still, the building itself contains something. The real presence of the Lord, of course, as well as spiritual and emotional, familial and ethnic significance. There is a reason why we celebrate the Lateran building today. As it is important that we continue to care for and maintain our building here on Temple Street. Because they are vehicles of God’s grace. It is by coming together, especially on the Lord’s Day, that: “You form a building which rises on the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Christ Jesus himself as the capstone. Through him the whole structure is fitted together and takes shape as a holy temple in the Lord, in him you are being built into this temple, to become a dwelling place for God in the Spirit.” (Ephesians 2, 20-21) The Rosary is prayed each weekday beginning with the Angelus at 5:50 p.m. In Christ’s Peace, Fr. John Madden Mass Intentions Saturday, November 8, 2014 4:15 PM Julia and Joseph Dacri, Nancy Agbay, req. by Family; All Souls in Purgatory and Deceased Members of F.O.S.S. 7:15 PM Walter G. O’Connor, Jr., Harriet McKenzie and Henry Rivard (20th Anniv.), r eq. by Family Sunday, November 9, 2014 8 AM Patrick Gannon Johnson, req. by Family; Carol Santa Maria, r eq. by Family 10:15 AM Rita Spooner and Joseph Dickson, req. by Family; Harvey Ball, req. by Family 12:15 PM Herbert Seymour, Jr., req. by Family; Francis P. Carr, r eq. by wife Cecile 7:15 PM Judith Patnod (4th Anniv,), req. by Family; Joseph Pezzella, r eq. by Family Monday, November 10. 2014 6:15 PM Frank V. Wright, req. by Family Tuesday, November 11, 2014 6:15 PM Robert Evers (3rd Anniv.), req. by Family Wednesday, November 12, 2014 6:15 PM Dan Martel, req. by Family Thursday, November 13, 2014 6:15 PM Marianne Minns, req. by Family Friday, November 14, 2014 6:15 PM Kevin Kirk, req. by Family and Friends Saturday, November 15, 2014 4:15 PM Michael Delman, req. by Albert and Esther Bachant 7:15 PM Edward Kowalik (Month’s Mind), req. by Family; Living and Deceased Members of the Mahoney Family THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA THIS WEEKEND’S HYMNS Op.: # 839 Only-Begotten, Word of God Eternal Ps. 46: # 1227 Prep.: # 732 Christ is Made the Sure Foundation Acclamations: # 353, 356, 355, 311 Sunday 7:15: # 371, 372, 373, 311 Comm.: # 923 I Receive the Living God Cl.: # 614 Holy God, We Praise Thy Name THANKSGIVING BASKET AND CHRISTMAS TOYS SIGN-UPS will continue until Wednesday, November 12 from 8-11 AM. Sign-ups will only be done over the phone by talking to Jimmy. We are only servicing those that fall within our parish boundaries in the zip codes of 01604 or the Vernon Hill neighborhood of 01610. Anyone willing to donate a basket, please contact the rectory. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES Parish Council’s next meeting will be this Monday, November 10, 7 PM in the rectory. ONGOING EVENTS AT ST. JOHN’S November 11– Bible Study, 7 PM in the r ector y. November 15- Chr istian Coffee House, 7 PM, Ascension Campus. November 20- Peer Ministry for Separated and Divorced Catholics, 7 PM in the rectory. Non Catholics welcome. The group offers hope and mutual understanding in a confidential and non-judgmental setting. Those interested may contact Diane at and place "Peer Ministry" in the subject line. November 21–The Contemplative Prayer Group at 7 PM in the church hall. OUR PARISH MISSION TRIP TO HAITI is scheduled for May 2-9, 2015. On Monday, November 17 we will have an information session for anyone interested in making the trip or learning more about our Haitian Apostolate. The meeting will be held in the St. Francis Xavier Center at 7 PM. WE WELCOME OUR FRIEND MAYSOON BACK TO ST. JOHN’S at all Masses next weekend on behalf of the School of Joy in Bethlehem. Maysoon brings beautiful olive wood religious items that will be for sale. The proceeds help support the School of Joy in the place of Jesus’ birth. THE ST. JOHN’S CHOIR is well under way, but there are still openings for new singers! With Christmas coming, now is the perfect time to join us as we look toward the "most wonderful time of the year"! Parish Choir rehearses at 7 PM on Wednesdays, and Children's Choir practices at 4:30 on Fridays in the choir loft. Come sing with us! - Sean Redrow Grades 1-8– Sunday, November 16, 9 AM in the Church Hall. Confirmation I (gr ade 9)- Sunday, November 16, 11:15 AM in the Church Hall. Confirmation II (gr ade 10 and up)- Sunday, November 16, 11:15 AM in the Church Hall. RCIA - The next inquiry session for those considering the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults will be held Monday, November 17 at 7:15 PM in the rectory. Any adult interested in receiving the sacrament of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation is encouraged to attend. Please call the rectory with any questions. THE ST. RAFQA PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY will be meeting this Wednesday, November 12 from 9:30 - 11:00 AM in the lower chapel. All knitters and crocheters are welcome to come. If anyone would like a prayer shawl for someone for any reason, please call Connie at 508-755-5172. THE ST. JOHN’S/ASCENSION CLOTHING CENTER is in need of men’s, childr en’s and toddler girl’s winter clothing, blankets, sheets, towels and any household items. With the winter months upon us, it is imperative to have warm winter clothes available for our guests. Please make sure all items have been laundered. As always, thank you for your generosity to this wonderful mission. DAILY MASS ON TV AND THE INTERNET Tune in on Monday through Friday on Charter TV3 at 9 AM for the local Daily Mass on cable celebrated by various priests from around our diocese. Also airs at 4:30 pm in Shrewsbury on Ch. 28, and 5 pm in Clinton area on Ch. 8. Financial Report In Our Catholic Community... THE CATHOLIC BOOK CLUB’S next meeting will be Monday, November 24 at 7 PM in the rectory. The selection for November is “The One Thing is Three” by Michael Gaitley. A MASS FOR HEALING will be held Tuesday, November 18 at 6:15 PM. After the Mass the Sacrament of the Sick will be administered. Anyone seeking the healing touch of God’s love and mercy is welcome. KNIGHTS OF LITHUANIA– This Tuesday, November 11, at 1:30 PM, the Knights of Lithuania will hold their meeting at Maironis Park, 52 South Quinsigamond Ave, Shrewsbury. Members are asked to contribute to the annual fund and canned good drive for the Pernet Family Services Holiday Food Baskets. Attorney Vincent Vilkas will be the guest speaker. Please plan on attending for a very informative afternoon. Last weekend we received $6884.32. We have also received: Restoration- $380.00 Candles- $186.00 Parking- $105.00 All Souls- $663.00 Monthly- $2363.00 Stipends– $425.00 All Saints- $599.00 Total- $11,865.32; Unrestricted– $11,185.32; Restricted $680.00 FOOD FOR THE POOR: $100 IMO Daniel McCar thy; $25 IMO Barbara Luca; $50 from a friend; $50 from a friend; $200 from a friend; $25 from a friend; $20 from a friend; $50 from a friend; $100 from a friend; $150 IMO Marlene Moynagh; $100 IHO Parent’s Anniversarry Expenses– $12,966.29 THE 8TH ANNUAL SHAMROCK AND HOLLY FAIR will be held at the Wor cester Hiber nian Cultural Centre on Saturday, November 22 from 10 AM – 4 PM. There will be handcrafted items, Irish clothing and gifts, raffles, tea table and wonderful Christmas gifts. Donations at the door will benefit “Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc.”, a non profit organization that supports fellow members, sons, daughters and other family members that are serving and have served in the past as well as families of our fallen heroes. All are welcome to attend. ANNUAL CHRISTMAS FAIR at St. Peter ’s Central Catholic Elementary, 865 Main St., Worcester, will be held on Saturday, November 22 from 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM in the school gym. Food, crafts, baskets, raffles and more will be available. All are welcome. Clergy Benefit Plan (2825.00) Household (366.75) Altar Supplies (305.00) Ascension Alarm (88.63) Office of the Diaconate (700.00) Cat Vet Bill (74.91) Maintenance (244.03) Lithuanian Reception (152.92) Schola (646.52) Administration (2106.77) Food for the Poor (5455.76) Our Parish Community ...Offers prayers and condolences to the families of Lori Nelson, Robert Girard, Eileen Desroches, M. Elaine Fleming, Robert Sardnola , Isabel Slavinskas and Donald Mahoney who have been born into eternal life. ...Welcomes Declan Lyons who has entered the Catholic community through the waters of Baptism. Word of Life “Show, by your life, that it is worth giving your time and talents in order to attain high ideals, it is worth recognizing the dignity of each human person, and it is worth taking risks for Christ and his Gospel. It is he that we have come to seek because he first sought us.” ~ Pope Francis
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