ST. ANNE'S CHURCH SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, St. Cecelia, Virgin & Martyr 4:00 PM Robert Cote, (First Anniv.) Req. by Anne Marie Maynard SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23, Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe 7:00 AM Mary Magdelene & Satyaredam Theta Req. by Eda Family 9:00 AM Bob Zona, Req. by Family 10:30 AM Teresa Scaglione (6th Anniv.) Req. by Family WEEK OF NOVEMBER 24 THRU NOVEMBER 30, 2014 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, St. Andrew Dun-Lac, Priest & Companions 9:00 AM Marion Giard, Req. by Family TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, St. Catherine of Axelandra Virgin & Martyr 9:00 AM Joseph Rosiello, Req. by Wife & Family WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26 9:00 AM For the People of St. Anne’s THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, Thanksgiving Day 9:00 ARE Michael L. Syslo (22nd Anniv.), Req. by Wife & Children FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28 9:00 AM Edmund Hebert, Req. by Family SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29 4:00 PM Robert Anderson (20th Anniv.) Req. by Family SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, First Sunday of Advent 7:00 AM Mike & Sally Vuona, Req. by Family 9:00 AM Virginia Simone (12th Anniv.)Req. by Family 10:30 AM Alma Morelly, Req. by Paul & Irene Bleau SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22 4:00 PM Eu. Min. Jerome & Kim Narolewski Peggy Olson, Kathy Slavin Lector To be determined Servers Alexandria & Vincenza Burdulis SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23 7:00 AM Eu. Min. Ben & Lynne Ticho Linda Snyder Lector C. Mayo Servers Justin Vlass 9:00 AM Eu. Min. Gail Foisy, Marion Chaput Marge Oliveri, Jo-Ann Bafaro Lector Craig Mendonca Servers Samantha Thomas, Sophia Flionis 10:30 AM Eu. Min. Paul Bleau, David Lebel Maureen Marois, Tom Schonhoff Lector Joanne Zannotti Servers Molly O’Neill, Christian Mauro SHREWSBURY, MA NOVEMBER CALENDAR Nov. 23 Kindergarten &Grade 1 8:45am-10:00am Confirmation Class 5:30pm – 7:30pm CONFIRMATION NEWS The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on Monday, May 11, 2015 at the Cathedral of St. Paul. On Sunday, May 10, 2015 we will have a Rite of Sending at the 10:30 Mass. If any “prayer partner” of a Confirmation student would like an opportunity to meet your student, this would be a perfect time. Any questions, please call Tracy Flynn at 508-752-5040. Keep praying for our class of 2015. COFFEE HOUSE Coffee House on Sunday after the 9:00 and 10:30 am Masses. Thank you for volunteering at our Sunday Coffee House! Contact Andy Cesnickas at St. Anne’s Christmas Pageant December 21, 2014 at the 9:00 am Mass Recruiting actors in Grades K-6 who would like to participate in the Christmas Pageant. Rehearsals to be held in the Church: Sundays –Nov. 30, Dec. 7 and Dec. 14 from 12:00pm – 1:00pm. If you have any questions, please contact the Religious Education Office at or 508-752-5040. Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Monday, December 8, 2014 (Holy day of obligation) Masses at 9:00 am and 6:00 pm ADVENT VESPERS Advent is a time of spiritual preparation - preparing us not only for the celebration of the nativity of Christ at Christmas, but also preparing ourselves for Jesus’ eventual return in His glory. Please join us on each of the Fridays of Advent for Eucharistic Adoration and Vespers, followed by Benediction. Adoration will begin at: 7:00 p.m. on December 5 and 19 6:30 p.m. on December 12. CHRIST THE KING Gifts for God: Parish Stewardship of Treasure DATE: Fiscal Year Sept. 1, 2014 - Aug. 31, 2015 Ordinary Weekly Budget Collections (Expenses) November 16, 2014 $7,451 Budget VS. Actual $10,137 ($2,686) Year To Date Actual Year To Date FAVORABLE/UNFAVORABLE Special Collections $91,904 $111,507 ($19,603) $111,507 $7,228 We welcome into the Catholic Community through the waters of Baptism Natalie Renee Sama Jax David Cardoza Arianna Elizabeth Mastro Savannah Alivia Scricco Maeve Ryan Tozeski Gianna Gabriela Poe Ilie Arielle Bender Aisling Grady McLaughlin Collin Jason Belanger BIBLE STUDY Come and join us in a facilitated bible study of the Gospel of Luke to be led by Bruce Andrews on six (6) Monday mornings. Sessions will be after the 9:00 mass (9:45-11:00am) in the Marian Room of the Fr. Smith Center. These sessions will consist of scripture reading, commentary, reflection and sharing. Discover your story in the Gospel of Luke. Lectors Refresher/Training Training for new and a refresher for current lectors will be held after the 10:30 Mass on Sunday November 23: Women’s Christmas Rosary Breakfast and Annual Victorian Ornament Swap COME JOIN US AS WE GATHER TOGETHER IN FAITH TO CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS December 13 – Saturday 9:00 AM – 11:30AM BEING HELD IN THE FR. SMITH CENTER Pre-Registration of $25 is required Call Marge OIiveri 508-320-3498 to register. Anna Maria College presents its Annual Christmas Concert at St. Mary’s of the Hills Catholic Church 630 Cross St. Boylston, MA Thursday, Dec. 4, 2014 @ 7:00 p.m. Happy Thanksgiving! St. Anne’s Church Fall Raffle and the winners are: Anne Marie Gates Bill Deary Norman Romano $1000 $250 $250 Congratulations! ANNUAL PIETA MASS ST. GEORGE CHURCH, BRATTLE ST, WORCESTER Monday, December 1 @ 7:00PM You are invited to attend the Pieta annual mass at St. George Church, Brattle St., Worcester to honor and remember all of our children who have died. Sponsored by Pieta Support Group for Bereaved Parents. For more information, call Terry Gentile at 508-434-0731 or Sue Stevens at 508-852-4887; or email - Adelphi Council #4181 Open House This Sunday – November 23 – 11:00am -2:00pm 206 S. Quinsigamond Ave. Old Members – New Members – Future Members ADVENT PRAYER PROGRAM Marie Anne Center St. Bernard Church, 228 Lincoln St., Worcester Tuesday Mornings, 10:00-11:30AM Dec. 2 Nancy Small, Hospice Chaplain/Spiritual Dir. “Welcoming God’s Holy Light” Dec. 9 Sr. Rose Clarisse Gadboury, ssa, Spiritual Dir./Retreat Dir “A Forgotten God” Dec. 16 Fr. Jim Hayes, sj, Campus Ministry/Holy Cross College “The Prayer of Praise” “A Ministry of the Sisters of Saint Anne” Thanksgiving Ecumenical Service This year’s Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service will be held at Mt. Olivet Lutheran Church at 7:00 P.M. All are welcome. CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL @ ST CHRISTOPHER CHURCH 950 WEST BOYLSTON ST., WORCESTER Saturday,, December 6, 2014 9:00am – 3:00pm Food, raffles, jewelry, children’s activities, crafts, flea market, model trains and a picture history of Worcester transportation, nativity displays and more! Bring along your gentlyused coats and shoes to benefit Worcester area needy. No admission fee! Retirement Fund for Religious December 6-7, 2014 Your contribution benefits frail and elderly religious NOVEMBER 23, 2014 Michael Palumbo & Family Fr. Edward Moran Richard Tula Donna Estabrook Keith Willens Richard Bertrand Melody Rose Byrne Mary Jean Capalbo Deborah W. Robin Webb Smith & Fam. Tom Garon Debbie Frost The Palayoor Family Carl Schmidt & Family Joe R. Jeanne Parke John Higgins & Family Barbara Morrissey, Jr. James Mulcahy Ron Whittle Rita Harding Jamie Mary T. Kelley Patricia LaMarche Tina Castagna Betty & Tony Mastro Louis Iovieno Steve Baldino Troy Price Nate Lane Prescott Lane Betty Ann Baldino Judy Barsamian John Minihan John Roberts Audrey Marie Malzone Jean Ricciardi Jack M. Betty McDonough Baxter A. Karli McKenna The Lanzillotti Family The Messier Family Betty McDonough Mary Beth Benison Shane Mulcahy Matthew Dumas Patricia Lemire Shirley Chenery Jillian Rollians Robert Mazzola Sr. Beverly O’Brien-Bertrand John & Pat DiPadua The Clark Family Frank & MaryLee DiPinto Tommy Batista Stephanie Quinn Kaitlyn Doorhy & Family Pauline Melbourne Paul D Sharon Yager Teddy Gulledge David Roberts Barbara Curtis Diane Toomy Amy Tozeski & Paul Ballande Claudia Durand Barbara Truelson Thomas S. Downey Jack Simone Bill McManus Kathleen Tebeau Pam Terlizzi Francis Guiliano Michael Mazzola Laney Anne Grizzle Jerry Sheehan Rocco Carlucci Paul M. Vincent Mastro Bobby Y. Tony Pignataro John Marchesseault Victor M. Monica Kim Hally Krystal, Collin & Ethen Burns Brenda Aitken Faith Lewis Heidi MacDonald Gene MacDonald Christine Mastrogiacomo Doug Dowen & Family Leo & Eileen DiPinto Pat & John Dipadua & Family Iris Grimaldi Pat Naverro Charles Smith & Family The Swalec Family The Francis Family Marlene Rodrick & Family Andy Cesnickas MaryRose Feraco Rocco Trotto Doug Carpenter Bonnie O’Brien Margarette Ovian The Vargas Family END OF BULLETIN ANY TEXT OR GRAPHICS ENTERED ON THIS PAGE WILL NOT APPEAR IN THE PRINTED BULLETIN CHURCH NAME: St. Anne's Church CHURCH CITY: Shrewsbury, MA ROUTING CODE: O RUN NUMBER: 22 FILENAME: 03-0093.52b PHONE NUMBER: 508-757-5154 FAX NUMBER: 508-797-9520 EDITOR/ CONTACT: CURRENT FORMAT:WPN Format -- 6th Column Part of Ad Grid Comments: Note to Press: This document printed at: 11/19/14 11:06 AM
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