DECEMBER 21, 2014 FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2014 4:00 Hank Martyn SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 8:00 William Brown – req. by the Family 10:00 Rose & Angelo Perrone – req. by Thomas Perrone 11:45 John Rossi & Joseph Mingo – req. by the Family 5:00 Donato & Maria Monaco – req. by the Monaco Family MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2014 7:00 Joseph Gora – req., by Monica Mills 8:00 Joseph McGoff – req. by Fran Martyn 12:05 The Serra Family – req. by the Family 6:00 Vespers TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2014 7:00 Ray J. Michaelis – req. by the Michaelis Family 8:00 Robert Carmine & Luigi & Flaminia Ficocelli – req. by Nancy Ficocelli 12:05 Antonio, Stella & Agatha Pizzoferrato – req. by the Family WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24 2014 4:00 ) 5:30 ) FOR PARISHIONERS 7:00 ) Mid-Night) THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2014 8:00 ) 10:00 ) FOR PARISHIONERS 11:45 ) 5:00 ) FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 2014 12:05 John Walsh - req. by his Family SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 2014 4:00 Edward & Anna Alexis – req. by Joe DiStefano SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2014 8:00 Robert Donnelly – req. by Pat, Kathy, Marianne & Sharon 10:00 Linda Jorgensen – req. by Jack & Helen Martins 11:45 Guiseppe LaRosa & Louis Massaro – req. by LaRosa & Pappalardo Families 5:00 Jim Stamler – req. by Becky Webber SANCTUARY LAMPS – WEEK OF DECEMBER 21, 2014 In loving memory of Matthew Kilgariff – req. by Betty Russell. In loving memory of Itai Bachar – req. by Anita Ellis. Please Remember The Sick In Your Prayers: Roger Eddy; Rene Fleming Please Remember The Deceased In Your Prayers: Robert Christie; Josephine Nagele MASS SCHEDULE & CHURH OFFICE CLOSINGS Please note that on Friday, December 26, there will be one Mass for the day at 12:05 p.m. The parish office will be closed on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday, December 24, 25, 26 & 27. For pastoral emergencies only, please call 860-2497754. SISTER PARISH UPDATE A Note from Fr. Phillipe on Behalf of St. Genevieve Parishioners: Dear Brothers and Sisters of St. Patrick-St. Anthony, At the second week of Advent, I am pleased to send you some words of encouragement in your spiritual preparation for Christmas. Jesus, the Messiah of the human race came as a baby. He will come again as a Judge. Let us welcome him into our lives, in words and deeds. Despite all chaos and distress in our world, Jesus is still alive. Today with his arms opened, he is inviting us to follow him on the way of justice and peace. Here at Ste. Genevieve in Zoranje, we have a big joy seeing the works for the construction of our new church going on. Every day we pass by, in a way to offer our help to the workers if needed. By the end of this month, we will see more work done. Christmas for us will bring more joy, more hope. We wish you the same in whatever situation you may be. By summer 2015, we expect that many of you will gladly join us in the mountains for the inauguration of our new church. Let us pray for one another for our families, and for the whole world. Happy Advent for a Christmas filled with peace and love. Peace and All Good. Today We Prayed For: all members of our worship ministries who are part of the festivities and special services for this season. These ministries include Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Altar Servers, Ushers, Liturgical Dancers, Church Décor Team and our four choirs, the Gallery Choir, the Treble Clef Choir, the Bass Clef Choir the Bass Clef Choir and the Christmas Children’s Chorale. HEALTH MINISTRY PRAYER INTENTION BOOK You can find our Prayer Intention Book in church to the left of the sanctuary, near the Baptismal font. Please feel free to write in any requests for prayers. These intentions will be remembered by the faith community once a month at our weekend Masses. Dear Parishioners and Friends at St. Patrick-St. Anthony and St. Genevieve, May the Lord give you peace. I hope that you were able to share in the experience of Lessons and Carols last Sunday. It was a wonderful opportunity to pray and be moved by the lessons and the beautiful music. I am grateful to our lectors for the wonderful job of presenting the lessons in word and our musicians for presenting our lessons in song. This wonderful evening may soon be available on DVD for your reflection at home. I thank those who were able to join us. I also thank our Open Hearts Ministry for a wonderful reception following the Celebration of Lessons and Carols. It was an evening of prayer and community. We are richly blessed in the shared gifts of our community. This weekend’s special collection is for Retired Religious women and men. This is our opportunity to thank the sisters and brothers who have ministered through education, health care, and most especially presence in our lives. Communities of Sisters and Brothers served with little compensation and no 401K! I realize that we often ask for your financial assistance and am always reluctant to ask for more. However, please do what you are able to do to care for those women and men who committed themselves to the Gospel life and service. Last weekend at all the Masses we tolled our bells and had a table of lighted candles in memory of the deaths at Sandy Hook. We were shocked this week to learn of the hostages and deaths in Sydney, Australia and then of the 148 children and adults killed in a school in Pakistan. At times the level of pain in our world is overwhelming. It was into just such a world that the love of God was enfleshed in Jesus. The love that is God is born in human flesh in Jesus and through the Spirit in each of us. We need to celebrate this Christmas as a time of great grace in the midst of a broken and fragile world. Let our lives reflect our hope and the greatness of the love that we have come to know in Jesus. This is a love that transcends all divisions and breaks open our hardened hearts. Let no one be estranged from the gift that God offers in the embodying of the Gospel. I encourage you to invite your friends, family and especially those who feel abandoned by the church to join us even for the one day of the Christmas celebration. In the midst of conflict and division, we are called to communion with one another and with the experience of God. Jesus is for us communion. We pray for those mourning in Pakistan and Australia, for those recovering from injuries, and for those whose injuries cut deeply into their spirit. We remember the Holy Innocents who continue to speak to our hearts. After our vesper service on Monday we will toll our bells in prayer with the people of Pakistan and Australia as well as those whose convictions lead them to bring suffering to others. May our celebration of the love of God in the birth of Jesus bring us healing and peace. ● Matt Beard, Director of Operations at The House of Bread, is still seeking help picking up items on Saturday and Sunday at Trader Joes. Strength for carrying pallets of food is required for this job. Please contact Matt at 860278-3561. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION In the first reading, God promised King David that his house and his kingdom will endure forever. It is through Mary’s “Yes” – “I am the handmaid of the Lord. Let it be done to me as you say” – that the promise finds fulfillment. LIVING STEWARDSHIP We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who have the courage, like Mary, to listen to God’s voice in their own hearts and conscientiously pursue the tasks – whatever they are – to which they have been called. CATHERINE’S PLACE AT THE FRANCISCAN CENTER FOR URBAN MINISTRY IN COLLABORATION WITH MERCY HOUSING AND SHELTER CORPORATION WE CONTINUE TO NEED ITEMS FOR CATHERINE’S PLACE: Coffee…Butter…Juice…Cereal…Bread (wheat) Paper Towels…Toilet Paper…Sugar 1 gallon ziplock bags Please bring your donations to the plastic bin marked “Catherine’s Place” at the back of the church. Thank you for your generosity! ABC’s OF ANNULMENT On Friday, January 9, 2015 from 7-9 p.m., Brother Larry Lussier, CSC Pastoral Associate of St. Gabriel, Milford will present “The ABC’s of Annulment” at Holy Infant School Library, 450 Racebrook Road, Orange, CT. The program is open to all. There is no need to register. A small donation to help with the cost of materials is expected. For further information or inclemency call Br. Larry at 203-937-7040. READINGS – DECEMBER 22-28, 2014 Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sun. 1 Sm 1:24-28; Lk 1:46-56 Mal 3:1-4, 23-24; Lk 1:57-66 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Lk 1:67-79 Vigil: Is 62:1-5; Acts 13:16-17, 22-25; Mt 1:1-25 –Nite: Is 9:1-6; Ti 2:11-14; Lk 2:1-14 – Day: Is 52:7-10; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18 Acts 6:8-10, 7:54-59; Mt 10:17-22 Gn 15:1-6, 21:1-3; Heb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19; Lk 2:22-40 NOVEL IDEA: FICTION DISCUSSION GROUP A group of parishioners and friends gather once a month at the Urban Ministry Center to discuss works of fiction with a wide appeal. We invite and welcome new participants. Feel free to join us when the book announced in the bulletin is of interest to you or become a regular participant and help us choose the selections. For more information, contact Marybeth Walsh (860523-7034) or Sara Zagorski (860-721-1814). Upcoming Selections: Jan. 15 The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin Feb. 19 The Blue Star by Tony Earley Date/Time: Thurs., Jan. 15 – 7 to 8:30 p.m. Place: Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry OPEN HEARTS GAY & LESBIAN MINISTRY Next meeting: January 11, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. Families & Friends of the Gay & Lesbian Community Next Meeting: TBA Sr. Ginny and individual parents are available for oneon-one visits. Please call the church office for further information. The Secular Franciscan Order Meeting Is God calling you to walk in the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi? Join us for our meeting in the lower level of the parish center on December 21 to discern the call. We will pray the rosary at 1:30, followed by our meeting at 2:00. This month we will be having a Christmas crib devotion. We will also be discussing the Franciscan rule related to family life, a pertinent topic for this season celebrating the birth of the Christ child. Spiritual Direction Formation Program Fairfield University offers a certificate program in spiritual direction designed for adults who sense a call to serve in this ministry and whose schedules won’t accommodate attendance at daytime, evening weekend classes or extended residency periods. Next program is June 1420, 2015 at St. Francis Springs Prayer Center, Stoneville, NY. Application deadline: March 15, 2015. Space is limited. For more information or to apply visit or contact Maria M. Decsy, HOUSE OF BREAD Kids Café…It’s hard to study when you’re hungry! Help feed over 450 kids a day with cooking oil and addition to canned vegetables, past, tuna, powdered milk, yummy spices of taco seasoning, adobo, sofrito…or help with plastic wrap, aluminum foil, bleach, dish detergent, paper towels/napkins/cups. Thank you for all you do! than just soup! CHRISTMAS THANK YOU FROM SISTERS MAUREEN & THERESA On. Dec. 18, 1994, the House of Bread and the St. Patrick-St. Anthony Parish community joined in a partnership to expand and enrich our ministries to the needy in Hartford. We celebrate together this wonderful partnership and THANK YOU for your continued support and involvement. Also at this time, we express our heartfelt gratitude to all for sharing so generously with the poor by participating in the Giving Tree Tradition. On behalf of the men, women and children who benefit from your kindness again we Thank You!! Wishing you all the many Blessings of the Holy and Joyous Season and may you know goodness and kindness throughout 2015. COLLECTION AMOUNTS Weekly – Dec. 13/14 On-line Giving – Dec. 10-16 2014 Appeal Goal 2014 Appeal Pledges a/o Dec. 17 $ 15,852.00 $ 1,125.00 $115,000.00 $117,055.00 To register for Online Giving, please visit our website: WWW.SPSACT.ORG Thank you for your generosity and support. ST. ANTHONY'S BREAD FOR THE POOR Financial gifts to St. Anthony's Bread For The Poor help to support our Weekend Meal Program and Sandwich Distribution Program that takes place 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. Name: _________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________ SECOND COLLECTION – DECEMBER 20/21, 2014 Give thanks for religious. “Your generous contribution helps us to care for our retired sisters and enables our younger sisters to continue in active ministry,” writes a religious sister. Your gift to today’s collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious provides vital support for the retirement needs of senior sisters, brothers, and religious order priests. It also helps ensure that younger members can continue the good works of their elders! _______________________________________________ Please return this coupon with your donation to St. Patrick-St. Anthony Church, 285 Church St., Hartford, CT 06103 (all checks made payable to: (Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry). D 24 ~ C ’ L , 4:00 5:30 The 4:00 pm and 5:30 pm Masses on Christmas Eve will focus on the children gathered. The 4:00 pm Mass will feature youth Liturgical Dancers and the 5:30 pm Mass will feature the Christmas Kids’ Chorale. ALL should bring bells to ring at appointed times during the Mass. Also bring the baby Jesus from your crèche for a special blessing. C E M , 7:00 The organist and cantor will be joined by a small ensemble of voices and instruments to serve as our music ministers for the 7:00 pm Mass on Christmas Eve. Their anthems will reflect the peace, mystery and joy of the birth of Jesus. M M , 11:30 As has been our tradition over the past several years, the Midnight Mass will feature prelude music at 11:30 pm. This year Benjamin Bri en’s A CEREMONY OF CAROLS featuring harpist Susan Knapp Thomas and the Treble Clef Choir will be presented. The Church will be open at 11:00 pm and prelude music will begin at 11:30 pm. D 25 ~ 8:00 , 10:00 , 11:45 , 5:00 The Music Ministers for the Masses include organist, soloists and instruments. Their anthems will celebrate the joy of the birth of Jesus. Jody Forever homes needed for rescued and abandoned kittens and adult cats. Please adopt a rescue animal Animal Friends of CT, Inc. 860-827-0381 T & J Auto Body 36 Jencks Street · East Hartford 860-528-9337 CESAR'S FOREIGN & DOMESTIC ~ Specializing In European Cars ~ 128 Park Street · Hartford, CT 06106 CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES 860-727-9512 Hartford Orthopedic Surgeons, P.C. John J. O'Brien, M.D. John J. Mara, M.D. Robert W. McAllister, M.D. 1000 Asylum Avenue Hartford, CT 06105 For appointments, please call 525-4469 906 Farmington Avenue West Hartford, Connecticut 06119 INNOVATIVE INVESTIGATORS ~ Steven Chipman ~ 860-796-6114 The School For Young Children Where Nurture Meets Nature Enrolling Now! 238 Steele Road · West Hartford, CT 06117 · 860-231-5560 - Catering Available - (860) 899-1350 100 Trumbull St. · Hartford Open After the Theatre 50% Off Validated Parking Advertise Your Business Here 232-1322 GRANTS Farley-Sullivan Sunday Brunch Sundays 10am-3pm 34 Beaver Road · Wethersfield 50 Naubuc Avenue · Glastonbury RESTAURANT and BAR Funeral Homes 860-563-9999 977 Farmington Ave. • West Hartford (860) 236-1930 Also...Sunday Brunch at Bricco Trattoria 860-659-0220 Robert J. Koury, CPA Law Office of Tina A. LoCasto Estate Planning and Elder Law Accounting and Tax Services For Businesses and Individuals Wills • Trusts • Medicaid • Planning • Probate 855-562-2786 - Tina A. 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Prescriptions • Diabetes • Ostomy • Medical Aids “FREE DELIVERY” "Hartford's Only Drive Thru Pharmacy" 3 Convenient Hartford Locations: 500 Farmington Avenue 100 Woodland Street 860-522-9289 Lobby of St. Francis Hospital 800-523-4454860-527-2800 860-286-2766 • 131 Coventry Street 056A (EM) St. Patrick-St. Anthony, Hartford, CT Wethersfield East Hartford 563-6117 For Advertising Information Call: (800) 364-0684 Bon Venture Services, LLC • PO Box 850, Flanders, NJ 07836
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