Sunday, December 21, 2014 “To Preserve The Flame” SAINT JOHN’S CHURCH 44 Temple St. Worcester, MA 01604 Phone: 508-756-7165 Ascension Campus Phone: 774-243-6351 MASS SCHEDULE Lord’s Day Masses Saturday Vigil: 4:15 & 7:15 pm Sunday: 8 am, 10:15 am, 12:15 pm & 7:15 pm Weekdays Monday-Friday 6:15 pm SUNDAY’S READINGS 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16 Rom 16:25-27 Lk 1:26-38 Worship Hymnal #1011 Mass Intentions Saturday, December 20, 2014 4:15 PM Peter and Raminta Molis, req. by Danute Miner; Eileen DesRosiers, r eq. by Dan and Mar y O’Connor 7:15 PM Joseph P. O’Coin, req. by Family Sunday, December 21, 2014 8 AM Al Johnson, Sr., req. by Family; Deceased Members of the Eisner and Caola Families, r eq. by J ohn Eisner and Chr istine Caola 10:15 AM Marianne Minns, req. by Family; Adele Zemaitis, req. by Granddaughter 12:15 PM Ronald “Bud”, Catherine and Brian Tormey, Raymond and Rita Berthiaume, r eq. by Family 7:15 PM Scott Gow, req. by Family Monday, December 22. 2014 6:15 PM Victor Rivera, req. by Family; Thomas Delphine, Roger and Peter Gauvin, r eq. by Family Tuesday, December 23, 2014 6:15 PM Donald Mahoney, req. by Barbara Bernier; John F. Healy, r eq. by Sister Wednesday, December 24, 2014 - Christmas Eve 4:15 PM FOR THE PEOPLE OF ST. JOHN’S 10:15 PM FOR THE PEOPLE OF ST. JOHN’S Thursday, December 25, 2014 - Christmas Day 8:00 AM FOR THE PEOPLE OF ST. JOHN’S 10:15 AM FOR THE PEOPLE OF ST. JOHN’S 12:15 PM FOR THE PEOPLE OF ST. JOHN’S Friday, December 26, 2014 6:15 PM Joseph and Benedicta Myefsky, req. by Family; Ruth Shepard, r eq. by Pat Healy Saturday, December 27, 2014 4:15 PM Mary and Joseph Paskavitz, req. by Family; Casimir and Adele Zemaitis, r eq. by gr anddaughter Danute Miner 7:15 PM Susan Marie Brigham, req. by Alex and Alexis Montalvo; Paul Barry (1st Anniv.), req. by Family Sunday, December 28, 2014 8 AM Edith Boudas (6th Anniv.), req. by Family; Deceased Members of the Quinlivan Family, r eq. by Family 10:15 AM Judith Patnod, req. by Family; Dale Adamiak (6th Aninv.), r eq. by Family 12:15 PM Carmela Rose Luca and Richard Burgio, req. by Family; Deceased Members of the Uffelmann and Boucher Families 7:15 PM L. Frank DesRosiers and M. Ruth Shea (3rd Anniv’s), req. by Family The Rosary is prayed each weekday beginning with the Angelus at 5:50 p.m. My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, During this season of joy, our hearts are stirred by the beauty, depth and constancy of God’s love for each one of us. Truly, God so loved the world that He sent His Son as our Savior (Jn 3: 16). As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, our Christmas Mass, together with our family gatherings and customs, draws us together in the renewal of that comforting realization. Whether it be the words of the Christmas Gospel, the sight of a lowly manger, the sounds of a cherished carol or, above all, our receiving in Holy Communion the same Savior who was born at Bethlehem, we are deeply moved by the wonder, awe and reassurance that our good God has drawn close to us. In that spirit, families gather to share their joy and love for God and one another. Pope Francis reminds us that the family is a “‘center of love’ where the law of respect and communion reigns and …no one is set apart” and that “the family continues to be a school unparalleled in humanity, an indispensible contribution to a just and supportive society.” As we reflect on the beauty and meaning of Christmas and as the Church prepares for next Fall’s Synod on the Family, the Holy Family is an inspiration and example for us. However, we cannot forget that the Holy Family knew their trials, crises, disappointments and disruptions. From the news of an unplanned pregnancy, to Joseph’s initial thought of quietly divorcing Mary, to their separation from family and friends to travel to Bethlehem, to their escape from Herod and flight into Egypt, the Holy Family faced severe challenges. But through it all, they knew that Jesus was with them, and that, by doing God’s will as best they could, all would be well. Like Mary, we face our personal challenges. Like the Holy Family, we face family challenges. We too, at times, may be greatly troubled and ask, “How can this be?” In those times, let us remember the enduring meaning of Christmas. God is with us. He loves us. His grace will sustain us if we, like Mary and Joseph, strive to do God’s will in our lives for “nothing is impossible for God.” May the peace of Christmas always be your blessing and may the consolation of God’s presence to you be your strength in times of trial. With every prayerful best wish I remain, Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend Robert J. McManus Bishop of Worcester FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT THIS WEEKEND’S HYMNS Op.: # 876 Praise We the Lord this Day Prep: # 875 The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came Eucharistic Accs.: # 304, 306, 307, 311 Comm.: # 438 Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming Cl.: # 447 The God Whom Earth and Sea and Sky Dec. 24 – 25 Christmas Op.: # 426 O Come, All Ye Faithful Prep: # 417 Angels We Have Heard on High Eucharistic Accs.: TBD Comm.: # 415 Of the Father’s Love Begotten, # 413 Silent Night Cl.: # 4114 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing THE SEASON OF ADVENT Sunday, December 21, Lessons and Carols at 4 PM in the church. Leave the hustle and bustle and join us for an afternoon of seasonal readings, beloved Christmas Carols, and choral works by Howells, Ord, Parsons, Manz, Sweelinck, Rutter, and others. This traditional Christmas program will be presented by our Music Ministry. All are invited to attend. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES Grades 1-8– Sunday, December 21, 9 AM in the Church Hall. Confirmation I and II - Sunday, December 21, 11 AM in the Church Hall ONGOING EVENTS AT ST. JOHN’S December 23– Bible Study, 7 PM in the r ector y. January 8– Separated and Divorced Support Group from 7 8:30 PM . All are welcome. Those interested may contact Diane at and place "Peer Ministry" in the subject line. January 17- Chr istian Coffee House, 7 PM, Ascension Campus. CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE Wednesday, December 24– Christmas Eve 4:15 PM– Filipino Choir 10:15 PM– Schola Cantorum Thursday, December 25– Christmas Day 8:00 AM Cantor 10:15 AM– Lithuanian Choir– Pre-Mass Hymns at 10 AM 12:15 PM– Parish Choir NEW YEAR’S MASS SCHEDULE Wednesday, December 31– New Year’s Eve 6:15 PM Thursday, January 1– New Year’s Day 12:15 and 6:15 PM There will be NO 7:15 PM Mass on Christmas Day THE THREE PRIESTS will give a per for mance to benefit our Food for the Poor at the Hanover Theatre on Friday, March 27 at 7 pm. If you would like to help promote this event, please call the rectory. For tickets, please contact the Hanover. Thank you. FIRST RECONCILIATION AND FIRST EUCHARIST CLASSES will begin Sunday, January 4 at 9:00 AM in the St. Francis Xavier Center. Registration forms and class schedules are in the back of the church, and are available for download on the parish website. Any questions, please contact Donna at THE ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PAGENT will be held on Sunday, December 28 at 9:30 AM in the church. A pot-luck lunch will follow the 10:15 AM Mass in the church hall. All are welcome. Please bring a dish. RCIA - The next meeting will be held Monday, January 12 at 7 PM in the rectory. Anyone interested in joining the RCIA program can call the rectory. EVERYONE NEEDS A 2015 CALENDAR! Please consider buying yours here and support St. John’s covenant with St. Francoise d’Assise parish in Grand Goave, Haiti. The cost is $10 each, which is a bargain as in it you will find great pictures of Fr. Madden, Darwens (the BLB child our parish sponsors) and our parish group’s first trip to Haiti. Calendars are available after Mass and 100% of the proceeds will go to St. Francoise. Thank you! HAM AND BEAN SUPPER AND TALENT SHOW will be held on Satur day, J anuar y 17 after the 4:15 PM Mass in the Xavier Center. Tickets will be on sale after the masses this weekend. Financial Report In Our Catholic Community... THE CATHOLIC BOOK CLUB’S next meeting will be on Monday, December 29 at 7 PM in the rectory. The selection for December is “Grace Notes” by Brian Doyle. A MASS FOR HEALING will be held Tuesday, January 20 at 6:15 PM. After the Mass the Sacrament of the Sick will be administered. Anyone seeking the healing touch of God’s love and mercy is welcome. THE FILIPINO CHOIR will be at the 4:15 PM Mass Saturday, December 27. A reception will follow the Mass. All are welcome to attend. ST. MARY'S SCHOOLS OPEN HOUSE/ SHADOW DAY will be held on Wednesday, January 7th 2015 at 8:00AM for all those who are interested in St. Mary’s Schools. Students can be dropped off at 8:00AM and parents have the option of joining their child at 1:15 for the parent portion of the program to be concluded at 2:00. Parents of Pre-K, K and grade 1 students have the option of staying for the day or a portion of the day with their child. THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ALHAMBRA COUNCIL #8 will be hosting a New Year ’s Eve celebration in honor of their 120 years of service to the community. Festivities will begin with a cocktail hour at 7 PM followed by a roast beef and chicken buffet with saladm potatoes, rolls, coffe, dessert, party favors and champagne. Reservatiosn are due by December 27, tickets are $30 per person. Contact John Miley at 508-752-2475 for tickets. A limo service has been hired for transportation at a first come first serve basis. Contact John Reed at 508-799-5189 for more information. Last weekend we received $7645.22. We have also received: Restoration- $97.00 Monthly- $210.00 Candles- $212.00 Stipends– $541.00 Parking- $35.00 After School- $250.00 Ret. Religious- $3699.00 Haitian Apostolate- $195.00 Immac. Conc.- $1430.03 Christmas Flowers- $125.00 Food for the Poor- $42,018.04 Total- $56,457.29; Unrestricted– $10,643.25; Restricted $45,814.04 FOOD FOR THE POOR: $1000 IMO Mar y Hehir Car lin; $1500 from a friend; $100 from a friend; $25 from a friend; $300 from a friend; $25 from a friend; $20 from a friend; $125 from a friend; $200 from a friend; $500 from a friend; $45 IMO Edward Connors; $175 IMO Louise Dacri; $225 IMO Elaine Fleming; $100 IHO Joanne Josefowski; $250 From Teamsters Local 127; $100 IMO Cirilo and Matilde Varias; $370 IMO John Frohock; $50 IMO Stephanie Leblanc; $5000 from Mass Bankers Assoc. Charitable Foundation; $500 IMO Helen Glodas; $50 IMO Murphy and Migliorelli Families; $50 for a favor received; $50 IMO Barry and Eileen Woodward; $50 IMO Deacon Paul Pizzarella Expenses– $28,417.56 Church Speakers (75.00) Copier (584.51) Altar (1285.70) Alarm (71.86) Church Electric (1306.73) Rectory Electric (993.87) December Diocesan Budget Bill (6782.00) Funerals (152.80) Schola (843.12) Administration (4937.51) Retired Religious (3699.00) FFTP (7685.46) Our Parish Community ...Offers prayers and condolences to the families of Michael Burke, Jessica Scott, Liam Farrington, Douglas Iacovone and Jospeh Comeau who have been born into eternal life. ...Welcomes Brendan Leong and Ethan Campanale who have entered the Catholic Community through the waters of Baptism. Word of Life “With those for whom there is no room, Christ is present in this world. He is mysteriously present in those for whom there seems to be nothing but the world at its worst.” - Thomas Merton
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