Sunday, January 11, 2015 “To Preserve The Flame” SAINT JOHN’S CHURCH 44 Temple St. Worcester, MA 01604 Phone: 508-756-7165 Ascension Campus Phone: 774-243-6351 MASS SCHEDULE Lord’s Day Masses Saturday Vigil: 4:15 & 7:15 pm Sunday: 8 am, 10:15 am, 12:15 pm & 7:15 pm Weekdays Monday-Friday 6:15 pm SUNDAY’S READINGS Is 42:1-4, 6-7 Acts 10:34-38 Mk 1:7-11 Worship Hymnal #1024 Mass Intentions Saturday, January 10, 2015 4:15 PM Isabel Slavinskas and Louise Dacri (Month’s Mind), r eq. by Family 7:15 PM Henry Kozlowski, req. by Family Sunday, January 11, 2015 8 AM Bob and Nancy Nelson, req. by Family; Robert and Dorothy Vaicilionis, r eq. by Daughter 10:15 AM Frank V. Wright, req. by Family 12:15 PM Deacon Paul F. Pizzarella, req. by Shirley and Jay Houle; Margaret T. “Peg” McKenna and Joan Looney, r eq. by Family 7:15 PM Scott Gow, req. by Family; Christopher Evers (9th Anniv.), r eq. by Family Monday, January 12, 2015 6:15 PM Daniel Martel, req. by Family Tuesday, January 13 2015 6:15 PM Terese Juska, req. by Olga Kersis Wednesday, January 14, 2015 6:15 PM Joseph Comeau, req. by Friends Thursday, January 15, 2015 6:15 PM Edward Kowalik, req. by Family Friday, January 16, 2015 6:15 PM James Snow (5th Anniv.), req. by Family Saturday, January 17, 2015 4:15 PM William Lavery Parker (15th Anniv.), req. by Jean Parker and Family; Catherine Gallagher (22nd Anniv.), r eq. by Family 7:15 PM Deceased Members of the Mahoney Family Sunday, January 18, 2015 8 AM Joseph Mastrovito, req. by Family; John O’Neil, r eq. by Family 10:15 AM Chandler Creedon, Esther and Barbara Sheehan, John and Agnes Bartelson, Joyce Farley, Roger Gonsalves, Sr. Dorothy Mara and Gillian Berry, r eq. by Family 12:15 PM John and Helen Rosseel, req. by Shirley Family; Francesco Luca (56th Anniv.), req. by Family 7:15 PM Francesca Grimaldi (5th Anniv.) req. by Family The Rosary is prayed each weekday beginning with the Angelus at 5:50 p.m. Dear Friends in the Lord, Some months ago, our Catholic Book Club read Cardinal Avery Dulles’ classic Models of the Church. Let me interrupt this thought by saying what a nice group has developed in the Book Club. We have a true communal experience each month. Still, we would love to see this particular community, and all communities, grow. This month’s selection is Mortal Blessings by Angela Alaimo O’Donnell. She shares the experience of her mother’s final days and passing in terms of the sacramental nature of life. Which is to say, she relates how she found the real presence of God throughout the difficult process of her mother’s illness and death. It is, of course, an experience that all of us have or will experience. O’Donnell’s ability to see that “God is with us” in every moment of our lives, especially the difficult moments, is uplifting. You would benefit from the book and, even, coming to discuss it with the book club. Back to Cardinal Dulles, his book is a study of the different aspects – or models – of the Church. For example, Church as Servant, as Herald, as Sacrament, as Mystical Communion. During our discussion, people were surprised to hear that I thought the most important model was Church as Institution. Who likes the institution?! Clearly, it is the aspect of the Church that receives the most criticism – and not without reason. Still, Peter Steinfels once wrote, “I don’t know what a non-institutional Church looks like.” This is my point exactly. Cardinal Dulles points out that it is the Church as Institution which provides Her identity. Without the institution, followers of Jesus would be a scattered, disembodied group with each of us going our own way. Today we end the Christmas Season with the celebration of the Baptism of the Lord. In so doing, of course, we recall our own baptism. It is at baptism that we are first identified as a Christian. This is not merely an individual reality. We are baptized into a mystical communion, joined with others as servants and heralds of the sacramental truth that “God is with us.” In Baptism each of us becomes something more than Irish or Filipino, Lithuanian or Kenyan; something more than Democrat or Republican, Communist or Socialist; something more than liberal or conservative; progressive or libertarian. In baptism, the institution that claims our primary allegiance is the Church. Which is to say, as our patron John reminds us in the second reading, others will know our identity as Christians by our love. In Christ’s Peace, Fr. John Madden THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD THIS WEEKEND’S HYMNS Op.: # 457 To Jordan Jesus Humbly Came Prep: # 456 When Jesus Came to Jordan Eucharistic Accs.: #353, 356, 355, 311 Sunday 7:15: 371, 372, 373, 311 Comm.: # TBA Cl.: # 458 When John Baptized by Jordan’s River ONGOING EVENTS AT ST. JOHN’S January 13– Bible Study, 7 PM in the r ector y. January 16– Contemplative Prayer Group, 7 PM, in the rectory January 17- Chr istian Coffee House, 7 PM, Ascension Campus. January 22– Separated and Divorced Support Group from 7 - 8:30 PM . All are welcome. Those interested may contact Diane at and place "Peer Ministry" in the subject line. INTERESTED IN PERFORMING WITH THE THREE PRIESTS? Any female sopr ano 15 year s old or older that is interested in performing with the famous trio is encouraged to come to an audition at the Hanover Theater on February 1 from 1-3 PM. To register or for more details please contact Melanie Donegan at 508-755-8322 or The deadline to register is January 15. HAM AND BEAN SUPPER AND TALENT SHOW will be held on Saturday, January 17 after the 4:15 PM Mass in the Xavier Center. Tickets will be on sale after the masses this weekend. THE ST RAFQA PRAYER SHAWL KNITTING MINISTRY will be meeting on Wednesday January 14 at 9:3011:00 am in the lower chapel. All knitters and crocheters are welcome! If you would like a prayer shawl or you know someone who needs one, please call Connie at 508-7555172. INTERESTED IN BECOMING A DEACON? Find out everything you want to know about the Diaconate program for the Diocese of Worcester. If you are a male, college graduate (or equivalent) and are between the ages of 31 and 60 now is your time to get some answers. Spouses are welcome and encouraged to attend. The meeting will be on Saturday, January 31 at 9 AM at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel/ St. Ann, 28 Mulberry St., Worcester. For more information please contact the office of the Diaconate at 508-929-4335. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES Grades 1-8– Sunday, January 18, 9 AM in the Church Hall. Confirmation I and II - Sunday, January 18, 11 AM in the Church Hall FIRST RECONCILIATION AND FIRST EUCHARIST CLASSES will continue this Sunday, January 11 at 9:00 AM in the St. Francis Xavier Center. Registration forms and class schedules are in the back of the church, and are available for download on the parish website. Anyone who has not signed up, please do so before the start of class. Any questions, please contact Donna at RCIA - The next meeting will be held this Monday, January 12 at 7 PM in the rectory. Anyone interested in joining the RCIA program can call the rectory. THE FILIPINO CHOIR will be at the 4:15 PM Mass Saturday, January 31. A reception will follow the Mass in the church hall. All are welcome to attend. THE DOMINICAN SISTERS BAKE SALE will take place at all the masses next weekend, January 17 and 18. They will be selling baked goods made according to the Dominican Sisters recipes. The proceeds will be used to buy medical supplies for their mission to support the lepers. EUCHARISIC MINISTER VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES– UMass Medical Center is looking for Eucharistic Ministers to give communion to Catholic patients during their hospital stays. Volunteers commitment is one day per week for 2-3 hours. Days available are Monday - Sunday with flexible hours between 9 AM and 4 PM. Please contact UMass Memorial Volunteer Services at 508-3346308 during the office house of 8 AM to 4 PM if you are interested. EILEEN GEORGE will host a teaching and healing service at St. John’s on Sunday, January 25 at 3 PM in the lower church. All are welcome to attend. In Our Catholic Community... THE CATHOLIC BOOK CLUB’S next meeting will be on Monday, January 26 at 7 PM in the rectory. The selection for January is “Mortal Blessings” by Angela Alaimo O’Donnell A MASS FOR HEALING will be held Tuesday, January 20 at 6:15 PM. After the Mass the Sacrament of the Sick will be administered. Anyone seeking the healing touch of God’s love and mercy is welcome. ASSUMPTION SCHOOL, PREK THROUGH GRADE 8, is holding an Open House on Sunday, January 25, from 12:00 to 3:00 PM. We are located at 17 Grove Street, Millbury. Please visit or call the office for more information on what Assumption School offers. VENERINI ACADEMY will host a winter open house for families of perspective students on Sunday, January 25 from 12:15-3 PM, at 27 Edwards Street in Worcester. Please call the school at 508-753-3210 or visit for more information. PRO-LIFE MASS AND MARCH FOR LIFE- All are invited to attend the Pro-Life Mass with Bishop McManus on Wednesday, Jan. 21 at 7:30 PM at St. Paul Cathedral, 19 Chatham St., Worcester. Please join us as we remember the 42nd tragic anniversary of Roe v. Wade and pray for an end to abortion and the conversion of our nation. We will also pray in a special way for all those who will be travelling to Washington, DC for the March for Life. DAILY MASS ON TV AND THE INTERNET Tune in on Monday through Friday on Charter TV3 at 9 AM for the local Daily Mass on cable celebrated by various priests from around our diocese. Also airs at 4:30 pm in Shrewsbury on Ch. 28, and 5 pm in Clinton area on Ch. 8. Financial Report Last weekend we received $6463.39. We have also received: Restoration- $455.00 Candles- $260.00 Parking- $605.00 Haitian Apostolate- $130.00 FFTP- $22,489.20 Monthly- $2026.00 Stipends– $775.00 New Years- $3741.50 After School- $100.00 Rent- $75.00 Total- $37,120.09; Unrestricted– $14,175.89; Restricted $22,944.20 FOOD FOR THE POOR: $245 IMO Richar d LiBuda; $250 IMO Justine Brennan and Jackie Walsh; $200 IHO Paul and Francine Ryan; $25 IMO James Salmon; $1000 IMO Richard Bafaro; $100 IMO Ted Coughlin; $1000 from a friend; $500 from a friend; $50 from a friend; $50 from a friend; $100 from a friend; $500 from a friend; $50 from a friend; $25 from a friend; $225 IMO Alan Jarvela; $51.79 IMO Louise Dacri and Isabel Slavinskas; $25 IMO Bryan Beardsley; $25 IMO Edward Connors; $50 in Thanksgiving; $25 Imo Clara G. Merola; $50 IMO Ben, Stella and Gayle Sabonaitis Expenses– $8716.48 Household (113.13) Ascension Alarm (93.03) Rectory Plumbing (393.90) Christmas Flowers (1015.00) Church Railings (171.87) Funerals (458.40) Schola (832.60) Administration (1665.80) Haitian Apostolate (532.00) Food for the Poor (3440.75) Our Parish Community ...Welcomes Alan Dallessandro, III who has entered the catholic community through the waters of Baptism. Word of Life “Don’t forget that He whom the whole universe cannot contain, was ‘hidden’ in the womb of the Holy Virgin for nine months. Once you realize this, you will be awe-filled for the double mystery that God has confided to you: to conceive a human being made to God’s image and likeness, and to give birth to him…” — Alice von Hildebrand
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