ST. ANNE'S CHURCH SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, St Peter Damian, Bishop & Dr. of the Church 4:00 PM Daniel Roberts, Req. by Sister SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, First Sunday of Lent 7:00 AM Anna Mastro, Req. by Family 9:00 AM Jean Zona, (17th Anniv.), Req. by Family 10:30 AM William Grosse Jr. & Esther Casasanto (25th Anniv.) Req. by Family WEEK OF FEBRUARY 23 THRU MARCH 1, 2015 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, St. Polycarp, Bishop & Martyr Orthodox Lent Begins 9:00 AM Charles P. Gruszka, (Birthday Remem.) Req. by Family TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 9:00 AM Raffaele D’Andrea, Req. by Family WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25 9:00 AM For the People of St. Anne’s THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26 9:00 AM FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27 9:00 AM SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 4:00 PM Irene Poore, Req. by the Dintino Family SUNDAY, MARCH 1, SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT 7:00 AM Walter Josti, Req. by Wife, Linda 9:00 AM Russell Wall, Req. by Family 10:30 AM Walter Josti, (1st Anniv.) Req. by Family SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 4:00 PM Eu. Min. Rosemarie Dency, Mary Marcinkus Peggy Mattero, Kim Narolewski Lector Jerome Narolewski Servers Nevin Thinagar, Melanie Cheever SUNDAY, MARCH 1 7:00 AM Eu. Min. Jim Mulcunry, Lynne Ticho Anthony Vincequere Lector Ben Ticho Servers Justin Vlass 9:00 AM Eu. Min. Jean & Ed Maynard Sheryl Goodart, Barbara Lee Lector Katelyn Smith Servers Michael & Rebecca Lee, Matthew Frost 10:30 AM Eu. Min. Jeanne Ricciardi, Florence Bergquist Mary McNiffe-Camp, William Parenteau Lector Mary Courtemanche Servers Anna & Allison Courtemanche SHREWSBURY, MA FEBRUARY CALENDAR February 16-20 - School Vacation Feb.23rd Grades 5 & 6 4:30 – 5:45 pm Grades 9 & 10 6:30 – 8:00 pm Feb.24th Grades 7 & 8 6:30 – 8:00 pm Feb.28th First Eucharist 10:00 – 12:00 pm Sunday, March 1stConfirmation Class 5:30 – 7:30 pm COFFEE HOUSE This Sunday COFFEE HOUSE ON SUNDAY IS SPONSORED BY THE CONFIRMATION CLASS OF 2015 Contact Andy Cesnickas at Communion Visits We are updating our list of Communion visits to those who are homebound or in care facilities. If you visit anyone and/or bring Communion, please let Ellie know by emailing her at or calling her at 508-757-5154 ext.12. Provide your name, the name of the person you visit, and how often you visit. Thank you! ~~~~~~~ If you or anyone you know have family members or loved ones in nursing homes who would like a visit by a priest, deacon or Eucharistic minister, please call Ellie at (508) 757-5154 LENTEN SCHEDULE Daily Mass Monday through Friday at 9:00am Confessions Saturday 3:00 pm &Tuesday Evenings - 7:00 pm Stations of the Cross followed by Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction on Friday evenings at 7:00 pm. Come and pray for marriages, the unborn, families, forgiveness for yourself and others. LENTEN REGULATIONS All Fridays in Lent are days of abstinence for all who have completed their 14th year. On weekdays of Lent there is no obligation to fast. However, voluntary acts of self-denial are recommended. Voluntary self-denial may include, in addition to fasting daily Mass, Spiritual Studies, Lenten Devotions, Stations of the Cross, saying the Rosary, deeds of kindness and mercy. Good Friday is a day of fast and abstinence. Limit one full meal for all who have completed their 18 th year and have not reached their 60th year. In Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting the message of reconciliation to us. LORD JESUS, help me to recognize my sins and to ask for forgiveness. FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT * Gifts for God: Parish Stewardship of Treasure DATE: Fiscal Year Sept. 1, 2014 - Aug. 31, 2015 Ordinary Weekly Budget Collections (Expenses) February 1, 2015 $9,821 Budget VS. Actual 2/1-($316)) Year To Date Actual Year To Date FAVORABLE/UNFAVORABLE 2/1-$190,611 $223,014 2/1-($32,403) $223,014 Special Collections,YTD $39,603 ENVELOPES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE PEWS FOR DONATIONS TO HELP DEFRAY THE COST OF SNOW REMOVAL. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY CONTRIBUTED, WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY. All Are Welcome No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church, no matter what your current family and marital situation, no matter what your personal history, age, background, race, etc., no matter what your own self image; you are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and respected here MORNING BIBLE STUDY Morning Bible Study is cancelled on Monday, February 23rd.Sessions will resume on March 2nd. Come and join us in this facilitated study led by Bruce Andrews. Sessions are on Mondays after the 9:00 am mass (9:45-11:00 am) in the Marian Room of the Fr. Smith Center. These sessions will consist of scripture reading, commentary, reflection and sharing. Coffee and refreshments are available before we begin. Fifteenth Annual Diocesan Catholic Men’s Conference All men are invited to this important Conference, scheduled for Worcester’s DCU Center, Saturday. March 21, 2015. Hear dynamic talks from outstanding Catholic leaders: Dynamic Catholic Institute’s Allen Hunt, Arise Ministries’ Dominick Albano, Blessed2Play’s Ron Meyer, and ‘Catholic Answers’ host Patrick Coffin. Father Michael Gaitley will offer a special presentation on divine mercy, the role of the Blessed Mother and the importance of receiving mercy through confession. Bishops and diocesan and religious priests will hear confessions. Bishop McManus will offer Mass. For a Conference brochure, further information, or registration, call 508-929-4345. Visit our website – – for information and ticket purchases. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY The Prayer Shawl Ministry of St. Mary Parish offers you a source of comfort and God’s love. If you or someone you know would like to receive a shawl, please contact Deborah at 508-842-8653 and she will make arrangements to deliver a “hug from God.” Cluster Lenten Mission 2015 Monday, March 9, 7:00 PM – St. Anne Fr. Manuel Clavijo – Discipleship w/focus on the poor Tuesday, March 10, 7:00 PM – St. Mary Speaker to be determined Wednesday, March 11, 7:00 PM – St. Mary of the Hills Fr. Steven LaBaire – Discipleship w/focus on the liturgy HAVE YOU THOUGHT OF A VOCATION TO THE PRIESTHOOD? Come and learn more about the life of a priest at a 24 hour retreat directed by Bishop Robert McManus. This retreat is held on Friday, March 27 & Saturday, March 28, 6pm to 6pm, at the Immaculate Conception Retreat Center, Putnam, CT (30 minutes from Worcester). Carpooling is available. This retreat is for men high school age, college age, and for men in the working world. Go to for more information or email or call Fr. Jim Mazzone @ jmazzone or 508-340-5788 to register. Registration is free. Winners of the St. Anne’s CSA Super Bowl pool: Quarter 1 – Emily Ryan $75.00 Quarters 2 & 3 – Nolan Flynn $175.00 Final Score – Johnny Mastro $250.00 $500.00 was deposited to the Christian Service Awards account. The committee thanks you! The Dominican Sisters will be at St. Anne’s on February 28 and March 1 with their delicious baked goods. The proceeds from the sale will be used to buy medical supplies for their mission to support the lepers. LENTEN FISH FRY St. Mary Parish, Parish Hall, 20 Summer St., Shrewsbury March 7, 4:00 – 8:30 PM Featuring fish & chips, coleslaw, soft drink or water, dessert buffet table and coffee Children will be served two slices of pizza, a soft drink or water and dessert $10 ADULTS - $5 CHILDREN Tickets will be available at the door but may be purchased in advance by calling Kerry Martineau at 508-8445-6341. Reservations will not be necessary. “The 7 Myths of Porn” will be presented by international author & speaker Matt Fradd on Monday, Feb. 23 from 7-8:15 pm at St. Joan of Arc Church, Worcester. Sponsored by New Evangelization Worcester for Youth & Young Adults. Cost is $5 for teens 14+ and college students. $10 for adults. Priests and pastoral staff are free. Contact to reserve a seat or take your chances at the door. FEBRUARY 22, 2015 Noah Black & Family Michael Palumbo & Family Fr. Edward Moran Richard Tula Donna Estabrook Keith Willens Richard Bertrand Melody Rose Byrne Mary Jean Capalbo Deborah W. Robin Webb Smith & Fam. Tom Garon Debbie Frost The Palayoor Family Carl Schmidt & Family Joe R. Jeanne Parke John Higgins & Family Barbara Morrissey, Jr. James Mulcahy Ron Whittle Rita Harding Jamie Mary T. Kelley Patricia LaMarche Tina Castagna Betty & Tony Mastro Louis Iovieno Steve Baldino Troy Price Nate Lane Prescott Lane Betty Ann Baldino Judy Barsamian John Minihan John Roberts Audrey Marie Malzone Jeanne Ricciardi Jack M. Betty McDonough Baxter A. Karli McKenna The Lanzillotti Family The Messier Family Betty McDonough Mary Beth Benison Shane Mulcahy Matthew Dumas Patricia Lemire Shirley Chenery Jillian Rollians Robert Mazzola Sr. Beverly O’Brien-Bertrand John & Pat DiPadua The Clark Family Frank & MaryLee DiPinto Tommy Batista Stephanie Quinn Kaitlyn Doorhy & Family Pauline Melbourne Paul D Sharon Yager Teddy Gulledge David Roberts Barbara Curtis Diane Toomy Amy Tozeski & Paul Ballande Claudia Durand Barbara Truelson Thomas S. Downey Jack Simone Bill McManus Kathleen Tebeau Pam Terlizzi Joyce Matlock Michael Mazzola Laney Anne Grizzle Jerry Sheehan Rocco Carlucci Paul M. Vincent Mastro John Ducimo Bobby Y Bob LaBonte. David Lebel Tony Pignataro Dorothy Tantillo Judi Leone John Marchesseault Andy McLean Victor M. Baby Jaxson Mark Tonelli Monica Dr. Edward Amaral James Carr Kim Hally David Dipersia Krystal, Collin & Ethen Burns Arlene, Marjorie & Suzanne Brenda Aitken John M. Robert Tebeau Faith Lewis Paul F. Hea;y, Jr. Rose Daigle Heidi MacDonald Matthew Lavoie, Jr. Gene MacDonald Christine Mastrogiacomo Doug Dowen & Family Leo & Eileen DiPinto Pat & John Dipadua & Family Iris Grimaldi Pat Naverro Charles Smith & Family The Swalec Family The Francis Family Marlene Rodrick & Family Andy Cesnickas MaryRose Feraco Rocco Trotto Doug Carpenter Bonnie O’Brien Margarette Ovian The Vargas Family END OF BULLETIN ANY TEXT OR GRAPHICS ENTERED ON THIS PAGE WILL NOT APPEAR IN THE PRINTED BULLETIN CHURCH NAME: St. Anne's Church CHURCH CITY: Shrewsbury, MA ROUTING CODE: O RUN NUMBER: 22 FILENAME: 03-0093.12b PHONE NUMBER: 508-757-5154 FAX NUMBER: 508-797-9520 EDITOR/ CONTACT: CURRENT FORMAT:WPN Format -- 6th Column Part of Ad Grid Comments: Note to Press: This document printed at: 2/18/15 11:47 AM
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